The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 26, 1920, Image 1

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csl Society
vol. xxxm.
KO. 19
Ur earthed in Cave at Rear of TTavis
Home Owner Arraigned in Court
and Fined $200 and Costs
From Morday's Pally.
I,a.-t evening shortly after " o'clock,
one of the most extensive raids on
the illicit licjuor traffic made in this
part of the county occurred when
Sheriff Quinton visited the residence
of James Travis, a short distance
.-outh of the ferry landing along the
Missouri river and made a haul that
totaled over 100 gallons of corn mash
in various stages of fermentation as
well as securing the still that had ev
idently been used in the completion
of the extract of corn juice.
The .-till and mash were discovered
in a large cave located in the bluff
at the rear of the house and entrance
to which was i-ecured through the
kitchen of the home. The entrance
of the cave was very cleverly con
cealed, the door having been boarded
up and only a small place left
through which a person could crawl
into the cave. In addition to the
boarded up door a cupboard was
placed attaint the door and it would
be easily pa.-v.--il by but the eagle eye
of the sheriff detected the camo
fiaiiged door and the result was the
capture of the booze as well as the
The sheriff on reaching the cave
discovered that the plant was operat
ing iti wholesale style and the sup
ply on hand would have furnished
many a sad and disagreeable feeling
the morning after if it had reached
the ultimate consumer. The still
seized was made of a large copper
iafh boiler and with a worm lead
ing to the coils where the white whis
ky was conveyed to the bottles.
There were six or seven large bar
rels standing around in the cellar
and which were discovered to con
tain corn mash in the various stages
of working and v.-hi h were from all
outward evidence rarin' to be made
into the fragrant corn juice.
The still and the barrels of mash
as well as several gallons of the fin
ished product that were found in
jug:-- in the cave were loaded in a wa
gon and brought on up to the court
house and stored in the basement of
the jail where they are still working
and making a decided strong odor.
The owner of the place. James
Travis wa- brought before County
Judge A. J. IJeeson this morning to
answer to the complaint tiled by
County Attorney Cole that charged
him with both the manufacture and
possesion of intoxicating liquor and
to which charce he was found guilty
and a line of $200 and ents assessed
against him by the court.
Whether or n t the matter will be
acted tin by the federal authorities
is not known but the large amount
on hand makes it a case in which
the federal enforcement ehe-ers
would be greatly interested.
Will Pu tAndy Schmarder on Their
Card Against Terry O'Kellar of
Dayton, Ohio.
From Monday's Daily.
The Omaha American
post j
arranged to bring together
ring. Andv Schniarder. the
1 11 i u
ix-navy man or ioiusvine ana no
has just won from Ralph
ivAuuuri , I
and Terry O'Kellar. the Dayton
he-avl weight, who claims a victory
over Jack Dempsey. The two pit gi
will meet at Fort Omaha Labor Day
in a ten round engagement, 'n
speaking of the match the sporting
department of the Bee has the fol
lowing: It was at first planned to have
I'.eorge Lamson. the battling Indian,
appear, but a suitable opponent could
not be found. Lamson. who just re
ently recovered from sickness, was
i.ot prepared to meet any of the high
er class of heavies. The winner of
the O Kellar-Schmarder mill will be
niatchel to fight the Indian in Omaha
this fall if the latter will consent to
a match.
Rob Ferguson, the service cham
pion, will probably fight Kddie Hart
of Chicago in a semi-windup. Jack
Ryan, the South Side heavyweight,
is another probable attraction.
Schmader is heavyweight cham
pion of the navy. His decisive de
feat of Ralph Alexander at Louisville
last week has brought him ivto
preater prominence here. Alexander
is the only man who ever scored a
knockout over George Lamson."" The
Indian says he evened the count with
Alexander ly knocking the Waterloo
boy fiut in France in two rounds.
Alexander denies that he ever fought
Lamson after he defeated the Indian
on the Mexicon border.
O'Kellar claims victories over Jack
Deinpsey and Hauling- Levinsky. He
fought Hart Cain here last month
and knocked the Omaha boy out in
five rounds.
From Tuesday's ra!ly.
This morning .Mr. and Mrs. L. W.
Whitaere departed for their future
home at Canton. Ohio, after an over
night visit here with friends and us
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
K. H. YVe.cott. .Mr. Whitaere is to
take up his duties as instructor in
the commercial department of the
Canton high school at once.
Mrs. Whitaere. formerly Miss
Florence Uute. was instructor iti the
riattsmouth high school for several
terms, being in charge of the com
mercial department and during
their short itav here enjoyed a plea
sant visit with many of her former
school associates.
Number of Applicants Make Declara
tions of Intention and File lor
Their Final Citizenship Papers
From Tuesday's Dally
Yesterday was a very busy time
in the office of the Clerk of the Dis
trict Court James M. Robei'.son.
when a number of the residents f
the county appeared to take up the
matter of securing their citizenship
papers. Two parties tiled their dec
laration of intention and two made
application for their final papers.
Alfred Johnson of near South Lena,
a former resident of Sweden and who
arrived in the United States on June
15. 1S:. filed his declaration as did
Frank Svoboda. of this city, a former
subject of P.ohemia and who has re
sided in the United States since Ap
ril 2i. 1903.
Henry James Lambert of Nehaw
ka. formerly owing allegiance- o
George V. King of England, mad?
application for his final citizenship,
and was accompanied by Francis A.
Hansen and K. J. Han.-en as witue.s
fes. He has resided here since Ju:i"
14. 1SS4. Hans Hansen of near Un
ion, accompanied by Hans ChrJsten
sen and James T. Reynolds, also ap
peared and requested his second pa
pers. Mr. Hansen is a native of Den
mark and has resided in the United
States since January 1. !.-,.
Home of Mr. and Mrs. Georg-e Snyder
Scene of Gathering in Honor
of Son and Wife.
Fr"m Tuesdays Iiaily
Last evening the pleasant country
home of Mr. and Mrs. George W.
Snyder near Mynard was the scene
of a very pleasant gathering when a
number of the young friends of their
son. William Hryan Snyder and bride
gathered to give the young people a
welcome to the old home.
There were some fifty in the party
of young folks giving the charivari
and tiiey proceeded to shower the
bride and groom with their well
wishes. During the evening dainty
refreshments and smokes were dis
tributed to the members of the party,
which were much enjoyed.
The marriage of Miss Amo Hay,
of Imperial. Nebraska, and Mr. Wil
liam Rryan Snyder. occurred at
Peoria. Illinois, on Monday, August
l'ith. at the home of the mother of
the bride, and is the culmination of
a friendship of several years, since
the time the groom has been engaged
i nthe management of the extensive
' Snyder land interests near Imperial.
The newly weds, arrived Saturdav
pvpn1ne -t h'nm f th r.-rr,ts
nf t lie rrnnm for :i liriof vicit onl
. . - . . . . ........ . . . u ' . . . . M VI
I will rlpnart thw pi-pTiini' fnr lmrkuriol
where they expect to make their
home in the future on the farm of
the groom.
The members of the Red Sox base
ball team that journeyed to Thur
man Sunday to play ball, were minus
the services of their keystone sacker.
, William
Patrick O'Donnell. and all
; on account oi me iact mat uiii in
jthe excitement of departure had for
gotten his shoes.
I While it is the common custom of
the residents of the Iowa bottoms to
appear in the footgear of nature,
William declined to do the Ruth
Denise act on the first base and as
no Fhoes large enough couM be found ' A ,az' liver Ieads to chronic dys
in 4hat portion of Iowa he was not ' rpsia and constipation weakens the
in the game. "Kentucky" Fenwick. 'oIe system. Doan's Regulets (30c
who has no scruples about bis feet, ' Per box) act mildly on the liver and
was used on the initial sack instead . bowe,s- At a11 dru& stores,
and the members of the ball team arej
having more or less fun with their' Ybie line of stationery and cor-
tenderfoot" member. respondence paper at the Journal
Residents of Near Alvo Have Case
This Morning Before Judge Beeson
in Which Much Feeling- is Shown
From Monday's riariy
This morning a greattr part of the
time of Judge Jieeson was occupied
in county court in hearing a com
plaint against Robert Johnson, a res
ident of near Alvo charged with strik
ing a young man named Fred Hoff
man, one day last week.
The case was quite complicated, as
the evidence offered eemed to show
that it had originally arisen over a
dispute as to the rights of drivers of
teams to come up to the separator in
the harvest field with their load. It
was stated by one of the witnesses
that it was a rule of the threshing
outfit working there that the first
wagon there should have the choice
of sides of the separator for the day
and from this arose the dispute that
; led to th efiling of the charge against
i Mr.. Johnson. It was charged and
'several witnesses testified that Mr.
Johnson had slapped the young man.
Fred Hoffman, following a general
I mix up between Mr. Johnson and the
two Hoffman brothers arising from
the fact that it was claimed Mr.
Johnson had driven up to the wrong
side of the separator.
The court in its finding stated that
while the Question of fault for the
quarrel was badly mixed and seemed
divided fully as equally on one side
ys the other, the fact tht the de
fendant had slapped Fred Hoffman,
had been testified too and he accord
ingly placed a small fine on the de
fendant of S5 and costs.
A great deal of feeling was shown
in the court room by the one of the
interested parties against the defend
ant. Mr. Johnson, although Mr. John
son and the two Hoffman brothers
j on the advice or county Attorney
! Cole agreed to do any further discus
sion of the matter and to try and
j abide together in peace in their com
imunity. This seems the best r-dilu
tion of the dispute and one that
should be adhered to by all the par
ties concerned.
Number of Costly Errors in Eighth
and Ninth Inning Gives Iowa
Team the Victory by 9 to 2.
Prom Monday's Iiaily.
Yesterday afternoon the Red Sox
journeyed over to Thurman. Iowa,
to do battle with the Boosters of that
place, and for eight innings it was
some fine exhibition of the art of
base ball but in that fatal stanza the
locals were unable to field the ball
and several errors gave the victory
to Thurman by the score of II to '2.
Up to the eighth the locals were
going at top speed with everyone
fielding in machine like regularity
and Connors working the old pill so
that the Iowa batters were unable to
successfully get away with anything.
The lonesome bingle secured off of
Connors in the eighh was the only
hit registered and the score up to
the eighth was 2 to 1 in favor of
riattsmouth. During that inning six
runs were tallied and none of the
balls were hit out of the infield. The
final score was secured by Thurman
in the 9th inning.
The members of the team motored
to Thurman and were accompanied
by a number of the fans to witness
the game. The visitors at Thurman
report a large and very enthusiastic
crowd and the Sox while losing the
ramp received a verv nice niece of
money for their efforts in their share
of the gate receipts.
The Thurman team has been
strengthened since their appearance
here and a number of the important
places on the team has been filled
with new and faster players.
From Monday's ally.
The ladies of the American Legion
Auxiliary were most delightfully
entertained on Friday afternoon at
the home of Mrs. Mart Buttery by
(Mrs. Buttery. Mrs. Elwood Buttery
and Mrs. James Rebal.
j Despite the unfavorable weather
conditions there w ere a goodly num
ber of ladies present and the after
noon passed all too swiftly in the
pleasant gathering where the ladies
with their work and delightful so
cial conversation whiled away the
hours. During the afternoon dainty
refreshments were served that prov
I ed a pleasant feature of the occasion
and the members departed for their
homes feeling that they had enjoyed
to the utmost the delightful hospi
tality afforded them by the hostesses.
frorn .Monday's Hallv
The Omaha lodge .
are busy in an in;
that is to bring an
bership to the order
dining the first lap
members were
goal of r.0 0 that the
f il.- H. 1'. O. K.,
tisive campaign
increased mem
i n t h at o i t y a n u
u' the campaign
secured for the
lodge is expect-
nig to secure.
On September 17th. a special ini
tiation program will be given for the
candidates, to be followed by a din
ner una entertainment program at
which members of the Klks from
Council liluft's. Line .in. I'lattsmouth
and Hastings will be preset,!. The
Omaha lodge is assisting in the na
tional movement for additional mem
bers and a drive for 1 etoi will be
made in the fall after wliw-h the
plans f;.r the ne'v 1 niiding will he
carrii u out. The m v. building is to
contain rooms for D'j resident mem
bers, office quarters and a roof gar
d"U in addition to the regular club
rooms and lodge hall.
Frank Vallery of This City With
George Hild and W. R. Young: Have
Unique Trip Up Pike's Peak.
'ruin Monday's laily.
Frank Vallery or th: ci:
a number of years has t o'
owner, has just returm-il
west where he. in company
v w
or. I
a I
i von
wit h
M. Hild and Rex Young, spi nt lime
time looking over the coutrtiy and
enjoying a short outing. The trip
was made in the universal cur of Mr.
Vallery and tluy good tim- go
ing out through Nebraska, stopping
for a week at Grant and looking ov r
the land in Peikir.s county in which
they are interested and found that it
:s shewing crops that are the best
ever in the history of that country.
From t!.tr- the party took a -pin into
C 1 H'ado and wound up at Denver
where ihey spe .: a few days, going
from there to Colorado Springs,
where thev viited the mountain re-
sorts, including
Peak, probably tl:
the famous
e best known
of tho
ueaks of tre Colore Jlockies-. Mr.
Vallery while
would make
there, decided
the ascension
that he
cf the
mountain with his
with all the campi:
the party and the
The trip was made
the event attracted
attent'on from the
engaged in the trai
trusty Ford and
.g equipment of
two passengers.
successfully and
a gr-at deal of
people who are
importation busi-
ness u;i' tl
it wast he
e mountain, as they stated
fir.-t time that a Frt load
ed as the
had made
'ars have
but ihcy
without th
car ot ;.
the trip
made tit
have he
: load
!r. Vallery was.
to the summit,
trip freqti. ntiy
n tripped ard
v a- carried by
t of the pariy
enjoy- .1
dav on
lee; of
The m-unf....
their dinner a week ago Sun
the mountain top in sever.'.!
snow and kept warm with
the thoughts of
heating down on
t lie
! he!
warm sunshine
- homes bad; ir.
Services at Presbyterian Church at
Murray Are Largely Attended by
the Many Friends of This lady
From Monday's Daily.
The funeral servi.-es of Mrs. Mosts
Hiatt were held Saturday j-fternoon
at 1 : :i 0 from the Pre.-byterian church
at Murray and wire conducted by
Hcv. J. D. Buchanan, pastor of the
c hurch, assisted by Kev. A. V. Hunter
of the First Methodist church of i
I'lattsmouth and who had been M:ej
spiritual advisor of the departed lady
in her last days of irih and tlie i
Fermon was given by Kev. Hunter
who had as his text the Second Cor-1
enthians, a-l. Ir. his sermon the
minister paid a tribute to the memof
of the good woman t-alWl to her
last long rest and her years of faith
ful service in the work of the Chris
tian faith. Kev. Buchanan read the
biography, covering the eighty-two
yeais of life of the departed.
There were a la rg number from
Plattmotith and Murray pres'-iit to
pay their last tributes of respect to
the memory of Mrs.. Hiatt and the
manv floral remembrances attested
and feeling of love in which she had
been held by the large circle of old
Among those attending the funeral
from Plattsmouth were: Mrs. Fred
Heinrich. Sr.. Mrs. William Heinrich,
tMrs. E. P. Lutz. Mrs. II. A. Bates.
Mrs. Charles Hiatt. Mrs. A. D. Cald
well and Mrs. F. H. Gobelman,
riattsmouth. and Mrs Fred Heinrich,
Jr.. of Havelock.
Frnni Tuesday's Daily.
Two suits to quiet title have been
filed in the office of the clerk of the
district court entitled the Livingston
Loan & Building association vs O. H.
Irish, et al and in which title to lot
7 in block 3. Fitzgerald's addition to
Plattsmouth is asked by the plain
tiff. The second case is that Robert
Klotz vs S. N. Marriam, et al. cov
enng land in tne northwestern por
tion of the count-.
Candidate to Speak in Three Dou2ia3 ;
County Towns Aunv!
in Omaha.
Presence Nat
man W. H. T:io;n;
land in Omaha yes'.
on a!
on of
on. i:: ; c-e
Grand 1
ts markec
by om pie: i . -n i f a i
th- vi-i: "i Fr;::,K';
democratic nomi.u -:lent.
:o N-bj.rsk;-.
County Chain:, a. i
hud c.i'kd a me. ; i::
democratic vo.r.r I
aents 1. 1
. t . I.-1 v oi f
;:. D.
for '.
!;. i.
; i J T
r th-'
in : !i
:n t i
the "ox-Roos. vt !" nr;
jnd when he heatd i f .Mi
presence in Omaha. ;.:'. :'
t e n d .
Mr. Thompson had
i f Mr. Rooscv. 1: t !i n-:i
a nd h- gave 1 1 i - t .
h ich ij nick ly a e. i".
' ". ei ved
i.-e -tate
::it et iii
i ec ept ion
Mr. Koo.-eveit w : :
Ncbra.-ka. AuguM
North Platte at i- a.
Democratic Ohairm.
w ill join t he Koese .
c :i:pi i.- ini, t hirie-:!
i-omp.any i he i-i'
At Grand I-land
made and .Mr. Tho
! 1
- N
1 ii.
ra v, 1
a i'i
Kt iti
p ir;
t h rough
viiiK at
re S:ate
N e V i i 1 -
v. which
1 !
rt rough
. peec'l will be
p.-on will join
east .
e Omaha Cox--t
t he pa it y at
Koo-evell will
i I t ;'. .ie start -
the party
A dt le
Koo.' t it
d. liver a
ing on a:
on its trip
Ui'.ion of th
dub will n. e
where Mr.
si'.oi t sp. eel
l au;o trip through Valley,
ana Klkhorn to Omaha. It
N t ht- i xpectat inn he
v ill make brief
.p-eche- at each town
Mayor Smith will be hot
visitor at dinner at the Ath!
to tin
;c c : . I i
before the evening meeting.
Committeeman Thompson will
sidt at the meeting at the Audi;o,
iiini and speeches will be made by
Sta'e Chairman Neville and by Mayo.
S:::ith. State calidMat-s will b- seat-
d -Ti th- stage and especial invita
t ion is xtencied to wcimen to att-na.
The meeting for completing rr
ranue'io tits yesterday was thorough
ly repre-'en'at ive. Among those .vlto
attended l e-id-s the of'icers w cr :
Mavor Smith. .1. H. Mithen. J. ii.
Hanley. J. 11. Hopkins. T. J. O'Hara,
H. L. Mossman. Dr. Doyle of Ketir
tiey. A. K. Age-. John Moriarty. ( .
F. lSossie and J. H. Pulver.
Election Held on Saturday in Dis
trict Rezults in ?. Majority of 33
Tor Consolidation of Schools.
rn Tuesday's Paliy
Another consolidated school
trict was added to Cass county
urday when the voters in the
prop. wed consolidated district
e w
YVaba-di. known as C-la voted to ac
cept the school consolidation and to
take t'p the active work of the or
ganisation of tlie district.
Fifty per c nt of tlie vote rs had filed
with Mis Alpha Pet rsen. county
: uperin'encier.i their petition asking
for the calling of ih" election which
v as made iti ke--ping with the lrw
atnl the result was that by a vote of
the ptoposit'on carried,
uxt step iti the mi'ter will
be t ?i calli'iK of tlie otli.-ial met ting
cf liie new I ist ritt when the voters
vi!i st led tlo ir ( llicial school board
an 1 be ail ready to proceed with the
'.v.rk of
tlie tif'h
c on a t v.
the n-w district. This is
consolidated district in the
Alvo. Nehawka, Eagle and
The it
!e will i
lioii-e ti:
few mat;
already organized their dis-
-ilisf rict ing school commit
tedd a meeting at the court
is afternoon to consider a
ers relative to the new dis-
trict j'i-' created
After Having Failed to Scale Grand
Hotel Front. He Then Tried
Ft fro Tuesday's Daily.
Jack Williams, claiming to be a
"human fly", tried to do a stunt Sat
urday night whereby he could raise
a little easy money. He raised the
money but failed to do the fly act.
but did as he did in Omaha, where
the News of that city told of disap
pointing the crowd when he climbed
from window to window and after
going three stories went in through
a window. Jack was Roing to climb
the front of the Frontier hotel, but
owing to a small crowd being there
and not enough silver dropping into
the hat he went up to the Grand;
hotel, where he announced to the J
crowd that for $25 he would climb
the front. The hat was passed and
jurt how much he realized was not
given out, but then he took a step
ladder and went up to the second
story window and walked across the
cornice, but was unable to climb any
further, fo he stalled around there
and then informed the crowd that
he would climb the Frontier. Part
of the crowd went down there and
he made the climb. One man stand
ing in the crowd said: '1 have
seen "Rrick" Dunn do a better job
of climbing than that and he did
not iik for $2a." Those who donat
ed for the exhibition were not highly
pleased, because there were few who
have net witnessed better exhibitions
ban thi.9 one. Nebraska Citv News.
Fr'.tii Monday'? taily.
Frc-d Hose, one of the Burlington
operators in Pacific Junction and well
known in this city, is taking an en
forced vacation as the result of an
auto accident of last Friday. Fred driving alitg the road in hi
e but
f:iver and desired to pi-s a car a he.
and did it in first class shape
am his machine turned around th" car
in front ir came head onto another
car traveling in the opposite direc
tion. Fred was quite badly cut by
glass from the wind shield and oth
erwise bruised and injured but noth
ing dangerous.
Dvv-iglit Propst Falls Victim to ihe
Omaha Auto Thieves and ii
Shv One Ford Car.
From MonJay'p Il!
The long lUt of auto thefts in
Omaha is being constantly added to
and th- latest victim of ihe adroit
gentlemen who operate in the metro
polis is Dwitiht Propst, von of H. L.
I 'ropst of ih is city.
Mr. Propst had vi-ited the metro
polis and left the car standing on tl.e
street for a few minutes while he wa
engaged in looking after some busi
ness matters and on his return the
car was m isuii;. So far no trace of
the Fold has been discovered by t he
authorities and it se t ins as though
the machine was destined to have
vanished as far as the late ovn-r is
concerned. The car was lining driv
en unde r dealers No. 17:1". at the time
of the disappearance.
From Tu -! a y Pally.
Last t veiling "Sunnyside". the
home of Mr. and Mrs. E. H. Wesctt
was- the m:chp of a very pleasant
gathering when a number of the
friends of Mr. and Mrs. E. C. Hill of
iiffiuer. Nth., and Mr. ami Mr.;. L.
V. Whitaere of Canton. Ohio, gath
ered to spend a frw hours at the in
formal "at home". During the res
idence of the Hill family in this ity
they were very active in social cir
cles as well as in the work of their
church and made a world of warm
friends who were delighted t i enjoy
the opportunity of meeting them
once more. Mrs. Whitaere was for
merly one of lite efficient as weil as
popular teachers of the hiah school
and her brief visit here afforded the
chance to many of the former stu
dents and friends to visit with her.
The evening was spent in visiting
and enjoying a few musi -al numbers
given informally by members of
the party. During the e vening licht
refreshments were served that added
to t'ne p'e'isantncsi of the occasion.
j Ed. H. Tritseh, who was taken to
; Omaha a few days ago to undergo
j;.n op'vation for a c-;cse cjf acute a p
I pendicitis. has been operated on at
'the Immanuel hospital and his host
c f friends throughout the county will
h- delighted to know that he is now
doing just as well as could possibly
I.e expected and his early recovery
is 1: i ked forward to by his attending
physicians. Mr. Tritseh has had
more than his share of illness in the
past year as he was stricken with
pneumonia last winter that confined
him to his home for several weeks
and now the attack of appendicitis
coming on has made his ca.ce quite
Read the Journal want-ads.
Store Your Grain Money Here
Railroads Find Eqlupment Inade
quate to Handle Large
From Tuesday's Iiailv.
A Nebraska railroad man is won
dering how it is going to dni;-.
It's a bit; jab. He recalls that in
i.'i u .M'uiaM ii a u a i a i r crop o i
j probably not us b:g a crop as tl
.state is producing this ear. Son
lUl'j Nebraska hail a fair croii but
of tlie crop is still on hand and
the railroads h.'iVe had to start mov
ing the new crop before the old crop
was out of the way. Early in t lie
shipping .-ea;in the call for cars from
elevator owners who can buy tto morn
because they have no more storage
em coming in. Market condi
tions and farm work have snt-rl'ered
with farmers attempting to market
as rapidly as they have Mime-times
done, but at that -ome (-levator
have become full to overflowing and
car to empty them have not arrived
Barring an oe.-aional charge of
favoritism, or what aiiiout.ts to the
sau.e tiiing. inequitable car distri
h'liK.n. com plain t are riot d-irecr. d
at Nebraska railroad men. Most
pop;-- !--!:yw that cars are ir.suih
ciei.t to handle the lui-ir,..- tlie
couritiv ovt and that when ,;utri-
button is
cality ,i!:ii
ness offen
c essa l i 1 v
uia.'.e that
.'I t tiout h
d that tl."
V I es
ofie b.-o-
is l.c
tlcr lo
t hat.
a I i t ies.
Traia meti and ftirrio-rs ro,tll
in the e.ood old cias before t i i
and go vern m en t nvv ii..r-l, ,i
a a t
erambliug of railroad prnp-t'
i e
w i; a t i i
a rs
were found to iti.
True, there was ii '.
diortage. bu' r..rel
con; witi t !. e
ca-ional ar
this sl.ottag.
ning of the
d; i
tirain slitppiti;;
l ,!Vi'
lie .d-
v a : 1 1 to
in irk t
1 (ie-s : t
ra pi.;!
v. on 1.1
It usually c-atue later o:i w,,
specially attractive ?:4;t k '
oped to make the fartite;
iiish ail their holdings to
and to make the elevat :r ma
to turn his money or tnnie
linn t ratis -porta t iuti means
permit. Hnilroads providi.t
the eji
ly rush by piac tt'.i
sidetracks ir. the
rain cai-
lill COIItl-
on Ihe side-tracks ir. the r r
try about the time thre-hiug began
so that early offerings coub! be h.irn1-b-d
and the- cars iiot'e n back into
the grain territory before tlo- real
rush began. There we re chari'e- i f
discrimination in those day-., ai d the
charges lre-jui ntl- we re id.h'.c that
Nebraska rail officials had i i r i n ; : -tiated
asraiust certain main (balers.
These complaint.s found Their w a
into b-f isla t ion desigtn-.i r . preit.t
Mich d is t iminat ih.
Now th troubb- is lack of equip
ment. The railroad turn ar- hope
ful. They figure with tlie new rates
and government aid in loans to b
made that a va t 'amount of equip-
meiit can be provided and the road
ways improve-. 1 so that a greatly in
creased tonnage can be handled.
That will take time, however, and
the Ne braska and Kansas and low a
and Missouri crops are ready to move
The whole country is calling for coal
and business is lagging b. cau-e if
inadequate transportation Railroad
men say it is one of the ec-ts of war.
this situation. For four years the
roads did little buying and practi
cally no building. No more re
building, improvement, or de-velop-ment
of faclities was carried on than
the requirements of the moment
made necessary. Even Miinf of th"
necessities were gone without.
Years will be required to do the
building necessary, to increase road
bed, terminal and equipment facili
ties to match the volume of business
the country is now producing. The
country has grown, expanded and
gone ahead in the years of the war.
The railroads have not done so.
State Journal.
Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch! scratch!
The more you scratch, the wor.-e the
itch. Try' Doan's Oointbent. For
eczema, any .'kin itching. a box.
Keep your grain money in a fire
proof, leak-proof bank account. Hold
it until money regains normal value;
until each dollar attains higher pur
chasing power. .
To get increased yield, put your
surplus harvest funds in a. Certificate of
Deposit for six months at 4'. interest.
The safety and service of this bank
are ready to help in your financial har