The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 23, 1920, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Hirtorf.
cal Society
vol. xxx vn.
NO. 18
Mounting Expenses Have Forced Ne
braska Gas & Electric Co. to
Ask for New Light Rate.
From Frldny's Tallv.
The contract between the city of
Plattsmouth and the Nebraska Gas
Electric company is soon To expire,
as the date of September 13th marks
the close of the present agreement,
ar.d the company and city are faced
with the necessity of a raise in rates
that will average twenty per cent.
The lighting company is prepar
ing ordinances covering the increas
ed costs of the production of elec
tricity and gas. which they will sub
mit to the city council and which
provide for an increase of some 20
per cent in the rates to both the city
and the private consumer, and which
will be at the disposal of the city
government to decide upon
The rate experts employed by the
lighting company have been making
an inventory of the various plants
owned by this company and includ
ing the one in this city and the re
sult of their figures demonstrated
that if the plant is to be operated on
a paying basis, a raise in the rates
is necessary.
In conversation with Manager
James Kuykendall of the lighting
company he states that while the
company has been compelled to make
large outlays for materials and the
necessities such as coal and oil to
operate the light and gas plants they
now face the increase in freight
rates that will add $2 to every ton of
coal used in the plant and which
will make their coal cost for a single
month over $600. Oil that previous
ly cost $2.r.O per car now costs $800
and to these items have been added
the necessity of providing a just and
enuitable wage for the employes of
the company that will give them
wages in conformity with those paid
in other lines of the same work.
In order to meet these expenses
and to furnish the kind of service
to which the people of this city are
entitled, it has become necessary to
Ht-k the city government to permit
the raising of rates to a point where
the plant can be properly operated.
It is the desire cf the lighting
company that all fair minded citi
zens and the patrons of the company
discuss the matter with their coun
cilman and try and arrive at some
agreement that will give a readjust
ing of th rates which will be satis
factory to all parties, but the com
pany feels that the raise of 20 per
cent is the most logical rate that can
be agreed upon and permit them to
realize a just profit on their tervice.
Mr. Kuykendall states that under
the increase in gas rates allowed by
the city council, the plant has lacked
$100 of paying its operating expense
during the past month and the in
creasing prices of all material used
will make the expenses greater each
month that the plant is operated.
First Contingent of Men Killed m
Active Service to Arrive Tomor
row Each to IIave Escort.
From Friday's Daily
The bodies of eight Nebraska and
and Iowa soldiers who were killed in
battle during the late war arrive in
Omaha some time today, instead of
yesterday a3 was previously given
out by Colonel George Penrose, de
pot quartermaster. This is the first
consignment to reach Nebraska cf
men who were killed in hostilities
according: to Colonel Penrose. None
of the dead were Omahans. r
Captain P. S. Gunion. of the local
army headquarters, will be in charge
of a special escort of soldiers from
Fort Crook to meet the train bearing
the bodies and to transfer the cos
kets to the trains which will convey
them to their home towns. One sol
dier will accompany each body.
Following ar the names of the
dead, their organization, next of !:in,
and escort:
Private Irvia E. Bilile, Ambulant
Company No. 340 of Sanitary Train
No. 313. to Fred Bilile. Cere co.
Neb. Escort, Private Samuel D.
Private George H. Broughtcu.
Company E. Thirteenth Infantry, to
F. M. Broughton. Modale, Ia. TLseovt.
Pirvate John F. Kieth.
Private Clarence L. Debore. Com
pany F, One Hundred and Sixth In
fantry, to Ralph Debore. Ashton. la.
Escort. Private James E. Trackwoll.
Private Carl Koester. Battery S,
Three Hundred and Fourth Artillery,
to Henry Koester. Paullina. Ia. Es
cort. Private Walter Pengel.
PrivatesErnet Kent. Company F.
Three Hundred and Thirty-first In
fantry, to M. L. Kent. Baird. Xeb.
Escort. Private Q. Thompson.
Private Herman Ix-sline. Company
F, Three Hundred and Thirtieth In
fantry, to Charles J. Lesline, Logan,
Ia. , Escort. Private Adolph Duba
nowski. Private Grover C. McCarthy. Com
pany E. Three Hundred and Thirty
first Infantry, to Pat II. McCarthy,
925 Sixth street. Rapid City. S. I).
Escort. Private Ralph Koch.
Sergeant Clayton V. Posey, Com
pany 8. Camp Pike. Ark., to H. H.
Posey, 1309 West Fourteenth street.
Sioux City. Ia. Escort, Private Ar
nold R. Morse. World-Herald.
During Storm Yesterday Afternoon!
Julius Neilson Has Close Call From
1 Being Struck by Lightning.
From Friday's Dally.
The severe electrical disturbance
yesterday afternoon that preceded the
heavy rain storm resulted in the
lightning striking the garage at the
heme of Julius Neilson. and Mr
Neilson himself had a close call from
being a victim of the lightning bolt.
As the storm came up Mr. Neilson
was in the house and recollected that
he had neglected to close up the door
cf the garage and as the storm clouds
were fast approaching he hastened
out to fasten up the building. He
had just completed this work and w-a3
standing on the porch oT the house,
a short distance from the garage,
when a lightning bolt traveling in on
the wires, struck the door of the
garage that had just been closed by
Mr. Neilson. Had he been two min
utes later he would have received the J
full effects of the bolt when it. struck. J
The door frame was somewhat
splintered by the effects of the bolt
and a nail that had been protruding
from the door frame was driven deep
into the wood by. the force of the
Mr. Neilson is feelrng very thank
ful for his narrow escape and be
lieves that his luck is still with him.
The building was not greatly dam
aged by the effects of the lightning
and fortunately was not caught on i
While on Visit to Old Home, Gsorge
W. Harshman. Pioneer of Aovca,
is Married to Kansas Lady.
Krorn Kridav'n tallv.
George V. Harshman. well known
resident of this county for a long
period of years, but who has been
living in Kansas for some time, has
decided to embark upon the sea of
matrimony and during his recent vis
it to the eld home was married at
Council Bluffs. In speaking of the
marriage the Nebraska City News
"George Harshman. aged 71. well
known in this city and Mrs. Cordelia
Carter, 41. of Hutchinson. Kan., were
married in Council Bluffs, Ia.. last
Fridav. The groom is a pioneer res
ident of Cass county, living near
Avoca. Mrs. Harshman has lived in
Hutchinson for several years. They
expect to make their home in Kan
sas where the groom owns a large
tract of land. Mr. Harshman is one
of the pioneers of Cass county and
years ago was one of the best wres
tlers in the west. He and family
were all wrestlers and he seemed to
take a delight in such pastime. Hi-i
sons and daughters were taught to
wrestle and take part in other ath
letic exercises. Mr. Harshman and
sons have wrestled here- often and
for a sroodly sized stake, using the
old. old theater building on First
corso. between Sixth and Seventh
street. which was reconstructed by
the Eagles for their home. These
exhibitions were before the time of
"Farmer" Burns and his followers.
The Harshmans had matches in near
ly all of the towns in this part of the
state and Mrs. Harshman in her
younger days was anthlete and was
able to handle any of her sons or her
husband in a bout. This family were
among the first wrestlers that were
developed in this section of the
From Friday's Dally
This afternoon Clarence L. Beal
returned from Omaha where for the
past three weeks he has been at the
Immanuel hospital, recovering from
the effecte of the accident that re
sulted in the loss of his right foot
Clarence has stood the long period of
suffering in splendid shape and bis
courage and hopefulness has greatly
assisted him in the bearing of his
misfortune. This young man enjoyes
the friendship of a host of residents
of the city and county and that he
is back home is a great pleasure to
these as well as the members of his
In Eight Round Open Air Boxing Ex
hibition Interesting Baseball
Game in Afternoon.
From Th'irsda's Dally.
Louisville, like Plattsmouth, ap
pears to be in disfavor with the
weather man. when it comes to put
ting on a community celebration, 1
and yesterday the registered trap
shoot, ball game, boxing exhibition,
dance, etc., were all seriously handi
capped by the intermittent visits of
old man J. Pluvious.
Louisville people had anticipated
a large crowd of visitors at their
gala day events and had arranged to
accommodate them in excellent man
ner, but they failed to reckon with
the serious effect rain would have on
the program.
Although the sky was heavily
overcast from dawn, many took a
chance on the elements and by noon
our "neighboring town on the Platte
was fairly well filled with people
from over the county.
One of the events of the afternoon
was a ball game between Louisville
and Springfield, arch enemies for
championship honors. The game was
played between frequent light show
ers, until the last half of the ninth,
when, with the score 4 to 2 in favor
or Springfield, the bases filled with
Louisvillites and two down, a sudden
downpour made further play out of
the question. Andy Graves, of Omaha,
was on the mound for Louisville in
the opening innings, but it wasn't
Andy's kind of a day and the visitors
scored their four runs all off the
veteran Armour pitcher. Later a
young Louisville lad took the rubber
and pitched air-tight ball, while the
Louisville boys annexed their two
scores and came dangerously close to
spilling the beans.
The next big event of the day
was the scheduled eight-round box
ing exhibition between Andy Sch
mader, of Louisville, ex-heavyweight
champion of the navy and Alexan
der, of Iowa. who has twice, met
Lamson. The rain kept hiindreds
.-way who would have driven many
miles to witness .this event, and it
was only through a temporary lull
in the downpour that it was possible
to. hold it in the open air pavillion
at all.
The uncertainty of the weather
made necessary the holding of the
main bout first, and in this Schmader
acquitted himself most credibly, as
his friends felt sure he would. The
Iowan was outpointed in each of the
eight rounds, and although there
was no knockout. Andy floored the
long-armed boy three times, once in
the first round, when he caught him
with a sharp blow on the nose,
breaking the bone. Seeing himself
outpointed. Alexander depended on
clinches to tide him over the eight
rounds, and in this was successful,
although Referee Fitzgerald kept
them fighting in the open consider
able of the time.
Before, the bout Lamson and his
manager stepped upon the platform
and issued a public challenge to the
winner, which means that Schmader
and the Indian will probably be
matched for labor day at 1-ort
Following the main bout, a six
round preliminary between Frank
Schmader and Frank Blotzer was in
order. Although Blotzer didn't take
the count the referee halted the
fight by the middle of the first round
when Schmader was reigning blows
repeatedly upon his opponent.
The Americnn Legion post of this
city sponsored the fight and sent a
number of its members to assist in
the work of ushering, ticket taking, j
etc. The receipts, while .very good
considering the night, will scarcely
osv the promotion expense, leaving
little or nothing for Schmader, his
manager or the Legion. Had the
weather been good, the story might
have been much different.
A number of those from Platts
mouth remained In Louisville over
night, while those who attempted lo
drive home found themselves in for
a long hard siege on the road.
The musicians for the base ball
boys' dance drove in from Omaha
about 10 o'clock, and although the
dance was proceeded with, little if
any more than enough to pay for
the lights was realized.
The boxing exhibition proved sat
isfactory to the majority of the
spectators, although there was some
little "honoring" against the clinch
ing tactics of Alexander. This was
no fault of Schmader's however, as
he would have welcomed more open
fighting than was done. The crowd
was very patient during: a rather
long wait for Alexander to appear on
the platform and while scattering
raindrops were warning them that
more might be expected at any mo
ment: Altogether it was a very good
exhibition and one well worth seeing.
From Friday' IailF.
The Columbian school in the south
part of the city which lias been in
very poor condition for some time is
being repaired by the hoard of edu
cation and placed in condition so that
the building will be in proper shape
for the opening of school on Septem
ber 7th. Several of the rooms will
have to be replastercd as the plas
tering has fallen or" and been de
faced by the pupils cf the lat few
years. All of the ward buildings are in
need of repairing or in fact being
replaced with new structures that are
adequate for the use of the schools
but owing to the scarcity of funds
the board isu nable to make these
badly needed improvements much as
thev might desire.
W. E. Rosencrans and Party Find
Conditions There of the Bsst and
Crops Bringing Great Results
From Thursday's Dailj.
This morning W. K. Hosenci -an.-
and party returned from a trip of
three days out in the wheat field
Chase county where they were view
ing the great wheat crops of that
locality and the general conversation
of the party was of the wonderful
crops that they had viewed during
tbeir stay in the western portion jf
the state.
For the past few years Mr. Rosen-!
crans has been interested in the lam!
in Chase county and ttie splendid re- j
suits secured by the purchasers f
the land there many of whom lir:
secured their farms through him. Is
very gratifying to this gentleman.
The party occupied their own Pull - s
man out of Omaha and at Imperial
the car was switched on the siding
and there they made their hoadquar- j
ters during their stay, enjoying auto-
mobile trips out over.the great wheat !
fields whose yield this year are mak
ing many or the land owners inde
pendent in the one year's crop. In
one instance a farm in that country
has given a yield of wheat that lias
made $SO.0S per acre and has more
than paid the price cf the land in 1
the year. There are many former
residents of this portion of the state ,
that have purchased land at $G0 per j
acre that are today realizing from
thirty to forty buhels of wheat per j
acre on their farms and the result
will more than pay f ir the price of
the land.
This speaks well f r that portion
of the state and the wonderful crop
is not alone confined to the wheat
crop but the corn through that por
tion of the state is booming and pro
mises a crop almost great as that
of the wheat and which will help
swell the production of that portion
of the state into one of the record
breaking crops of years.
While at Imperial Mr. Rosencrans
met Charle? Shopp who is now hand
ling 1.000 acres of land the greater
part of which is in wlieat atid which,
is showing wonderful crops in both
the wheat and corn. Mrs. Shopp.
who has been in poor health for
some time is reported as showing
but little improvement so Mr. Rosen -
crans lniorms a journal representa
tive. The trip to the west has been a
revelation to the members of the
party who were from eastern Nebras
ka and western Iowa and among
whom were a number from Cass coun
ty and they have all returned more
than pleased with what they have
seen of ihe great country.
Amendment to Section 2140 Prevei.t.3
Candidates at Primajies From
Running by Petition.
From Friday's Dallv.
The friends of Clarence L. Heal,
who have been circulating petitions
for his nomination for the office of
clerk of the district court by peti
tion, have been meeting with much
success in the securing of signatuics
but the fact of the primary electi-m
law seems to bar the filing of tha
petition or the acceptance of the
nomination by the popular young
man who has been urged by his
friends to accept the nomination.
The 1915 session of the Nebraska
legislature passed an amendment to
section 2140 of the revised statutes
of Nebraska that seems to dispose
of the matter as this portion of the
law says: "Provided no person who
has been a candidate for any office
at a primary shall be a candidate by
petition or certificate of nomination
to the office for which ne was de
feated." This has been very disappointing
to the many friends of Mr. Beal
throughout the county who hava
been very desirous of his making the
race this fall.
Edward Rummell and wife were in
the city today, driving in to attend
to some trading with the merchants
Report of Year's Business
Those Institutions in State
Hade Great Record.
From Friday's Iallv.
Nebraska building, savings and
loan associations increased their as
sets by $ 1 L'.ooo.OOO. made loans for
the building of 24S new dwelling
and financed the purchase of 4S88
dwellings already bnilt. during the
fiscal vt-ar ending June :') Ir.t.
I These are
; statement
the striking features of n
made puhlii bv T. .1. Fitz-
morris. secretary of, the Nebraska
League of Savings and Loan asso
ciations. The statement contains official re
ports from 4" leading associations of
the state, covering their business
operations during the twelve months.
Their assets total $72. 171. SI 1, an in-
lease of 010.994.794. or IS per cent.
The twenty-eight esociations not re
porting had in 1919 assets totaling
o".002.G70. Should these associa
tions show the same percentage of
growth reported by the leaders the
total of all associations of the state
will amount to 777.924.481. an in
crease of $12,"o:;.907 "ver the fiscal
year of 1919.
Secretary Hart of the State liureau
of Banking said in his report for
1 t 1 ' thsit th n'lsnria t inn s "trans-
j in their history, "showing an in-j
j crease of OS. 6 16. 51 3. SO or 15 peri
. cent in twelve months. The report'
itor l')2 will distance that gam by
about $::.r,
A substantial contribution for Hi'?
relief of the homing -situation was
made bv associations throughout the
j'-tate. Returns frni 4." ass-x iations
show a total of 240S loans for new
homes ar.d 4SSS loans on dwellings
already built. Lans for new home
. average around $2."00. which means
a direct investment of $.000.000 in
' Nebraska homes and the addition of
that sum to the taxable wealth of
; the state.
i Omaha holds first place in the de
; velcpment cf these mutual institu
' tions. Complete reports from its
, nine . associations show assets total
ling $48,72.214 or ft 2 ' per cent of
the stage's total. Lincoln, Beatrice.
Fremont. North Platte. Columbus.
' and Grand Island are up in the mil
lions and going strong. Norfolk
'joined the million class during the
Mirs Frances Martin Entertains
Honor of Miss Edith Ramge Last
Evening at Her Home.
From Friday's Dallv
I The conditions yesterday were very
i favorable for "showers" and a most
I delightful kitchen shower was given
j at the home of Miss Frances Martin
'Inst evening complimentry to Miss
Edith Ramgo. one of the forthcoming
; fall brides. The color scheme of the
! home was in yellow and white,
j streamers of the white ribbon being
I used profusely while yellow and
! while chrvsanthums were very ef-
j fctivey employed in the decorative
The bride-to-be received a large
number xf very attractive and uselui
presents from the members of the
party and the young ladies were en
tertained most charmingly at a four
course luncheon. The table was ar
ranged in the yellow and white decor
tions. yellow candles sheding their
pleasant glow over the scene while
yel'ow and white Moral decorations
added their beauty to the fceno. The
place cards were very artistic in the
form of tiny ciipia ana made a pret-
addition to the decorations of the
table. The hostess was assisted in
serving by her sisters. Mrs. Edward
Lgenberger and Mrs. Ralph Wiles.
Following the dinner the members
of the party enjoyed the evening in
music, both instrumental and danc
ing. Those in attendance were: Mis
ses Adelia Sayles, Hermie SpitH, Rose
Mae Creamer, Agnes Uajeck. Norine
Schulhof. Lura Meisinger. Florence
and Mary Egenberger. Mrs. Marie
Spies ("line of Havelock and Mrs.
Alvin Ramge.
Plattsmouth Society of Temperance
Organization to Be Hostesses to
State Meet September 16.
The state convention of the W. C.
T. .17. of Nebraska, is to be held in
Plattsmouth this year and the date
set is September 16th. The ladies
of the local organization at their
meeting this week made a part of the
plans for the gathering that will be
attended by the representatives from
all over the state to participate in
the meeting.
The occasion of the meeting of the
ladies of the temperance organization
should be recognized with the co
operation of the citizens in seeing
that the visitors are properly enter-
tained during their stay in the city.
The meetings will be held at one
1 cf the local churches, either the Pres
byterian or Methodist, both of which
have large and well arranged audi
toriums that will be ample to care
, for the delegates from the various
Tli is is the first time in a long
period of years that the state meet
ing of the W. C. T. I". has been held
fin this city and its coming here is a
recognition of the splendid local or
ganization of the Plattsmouth ladies
From Thursday's Daily.
Joseph Sme'ana. one of the young
men of this city is the possessor of a
line new Ford touring car that he
has secured from the T. H. Pollock
company of this city and Joe is en
joying many fine trips iu the new
car that is of the latest type of the
Universal car. Manager Lynn Minor
of the Pollock company is kept busy
supplying them and for Fords and
the list of the Cass county people
buying the-e cars is constantly grow
noon at 1:15 at the Home of
Her Son, L. D. Hiatt. at Murray
The many friends in this city of
Mrs. Moses Hiatt. for many years a
resident of Plattsmouth. will regret
to hear that this estimable lady has
passed to her final reward, her death
occurring this afternoon at 1:15 at
the home of her son L. I). Hiatt. at
Murray. Mrs. Hiatt has for several
months been very poorly owing to net
advanced age and her condition has
been such that her recovery was al
most impossible.
No arrangements have been made
as to the funeral at the time of going
to pres: and a 'more extended notice
of this estimable lady's life will be
given later.
Driveway Along Missouri River Bluffs
One of the Favorite Spots of
Plattsmouth People.
From Thursday's Dally.
The surroundings along Rocky
Point and below the ferry landing
seems to be tne lavorite spot oi ir.e
Mattsmouth people for their recrea
ions and promenades, especially on
(Sunday, when the number of people
(viciting there is quite large and the)
beauty and rest fulness of this pretty ,
spot seems to appeal strongly to the .
lovers of nature among the young
and old alike.
( The lofty bluffs that frown down
ion the river drive, covered with their i
: wealth of green foliage and trees
makes a restful sight for the eye
while tl'.eir shadows make a grateful
shade from the heat of the summer
sun in the afternoon and along the
banks of the river in the evenings
or on the Sunday afternoon many
parties may be found enjoying a rest
and the delights of a picnic. The
great river flowing peacefully along
the side of the banks also makes a
i part in the symphony of nature that
lis found in this picturesque portion
, of Nebraska.
Gents purse, containing two checks,
one for $609.00, made in favor of
John Becker and signed by A. L.
Pecker, and one for $35.00 signed by
James A. Wilson, also some small
change. Lost either in Plattsmouth
or on road between Plattsmouth and
Union. Finder please leave same at
the Journal office, or notify John
Becker, Union, for reward. d&w.
Ready to Serve You---
fVhen a bank serves a
successfully for 49 years,
fidently assure customers
experienced co-operation.
Neighboring Country is Soaked in
Storm Which Was General Over
Eastern Portion of the State
From Friday's Dallj,
Yesterday afternoon and early lai-t
evening this community was vi-itel
by one of the heaviest rains of the
summer and which was preceded by
a severe electrical disturbance that
did more or less damage to property
over the city.
The humid atmosphere gave warn
ing of the approaching storm and
the clouds banking in the north an"
weft about three o'clock foretold tli
coming of the summer storm and aJ
4 o'clock the opening of the storiu
came with very severe lightning tlia:
tilled the heavens with its keen Hash
es and a number of place- over thr
city were struck by the lightning
bolts. At the Central s-chool build
ing the tower was struck and a par'
of the corner of the tower a-' badly
splintered and will take some time
to repair the damage. The arag
of Julius .Wilson was also struc.
by the lightning but the clanug was
Following Hie electrical slurni the
rain came down in sheets and con
tinued tor almost an hour and the
Main Mreet was well filled will; s;--eral
inches of water. The st-cond
storm tollowing close vi the fir.-t
brought another violent downpour
and two indies of rain was regis
tered as the result. The Washing-
! ton avenue sewer that had been lille.l
lo its capacity by the flr-t down
pour was overflowed and at :30 a
great stream of water was sweeping
down Washington avenue into Main
street and while not reaching any
dangerous stage Sixth street was fill
ed from curb to curb with the flood
water and those who found i' neces
sary to crosi the street were com
pelled to wade knee deep in the wa
ter or wait for some friendly driver
of a truck or wagon to ferry them
across the street.
The nearby towns suffered a much
heavier rainfall (ban this city an.
at Nebraska City the storm approacn
ed the violence of a cloudburst wi'Ti
: four inches of water falling and a
j terrific electric storm accompanying
the storm. Greenwood was also vis
ited by the storm and some time
inches of rain reported there as well
as the heavy electrical disturbances
that characterized the storm through
out the state.
While the storm was not so se
vere at Lincoln where only .1.1 inch
of rain fell the lightning was
more severe and caused the death of
one man who was struck while land
ing on his porch watching the storm
FromFrlday'8 Dally.
Yesterday afternoon at the court
houes occurred the marriage of Miss
Fanchion Rousome and Mr. Chester
A. Stalcup. both of Omaha. The
young people were united in wed
lock by Judge Beeson am', the crc
monv witnessed by Miss Melba Pten
ner "and Mr. C. H. Blaze, who ac
companied the young people from
the metropolis. After the weddit.s
the bridal party returned to their;
home in Omaha.
it can con
of helpful,
q Since 1871 THE FIRST NATION-
AL BANK has made good service its
fundamental policy. As a result, busi
ness and friendly relations with our
patrons continue year after year.
tf A bank of dependable and satisfac
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