The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 19, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    THURSDAY. AUGUST 19. 1920.
I Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
If toy of the rearters of th
Journal kDor of may social
event or Ileal of Interest In
this vicinity, and 'will mall
s to this office, it will ap
pear under this headintr. W
want all news lte ma Editor
flppSFf EMM Sait !
ViJ.1 vi?
I ill i
lit 1 '
money maKes money is
proverb that is old and true.
Big opportunities often come
to folks with a little ready cash.
5y starting a savings account
with us now, you soon will have
sufficient savings to enable you
to take advantage of some worth
while bargain.
be too late
wait may
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four per ceut interest oil time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Harry Smith of l'lattsmouth was a
buMne-s visitor in Murray last Tues
,day. driving down in his "Universal
V.. I). Ppansler and family drove
out to South IJend la-t Sunday and
Mrs. Addie Stokes of southwe'st of
town was the truest of her friend.
Mrs. Sadie Oldham... hist Tuesday.
Mrs. J. I). Huchanan departed for
her home In Monmoth. 111., after hav
ing1 visited her son. Kev. Limhanan
.-pent the day at the State Fisheries. 1 of this place for a number of weeks,
where they enjoyed the time greatly. ; Little Kiizabeth Mct'racken made
Mesdames Mont Robh and KJeanor ' a very nleasins presentation when
Carpenter, who is the guest of Mrs. i f ne wlrtstled and sans at the en
Kol b at 1'nion. were in attendance at j tcrtainment af the church lawn last
the ci.mmunitv meetintr at Murrav j Saturday and pleased all the peonle.
W. (J. Itedeker and family, while
on their way to tne we-t. stopped for
two days ami visited with Dr. (iil-
more at his farm near Overton nnu
then continued their trip to Kstes
last Saturdav.--
(Irovir Iloback and Frank Massey
and wives. drose through Murray last
I U'ila v uioi nmir enroute for Omaha.
where they were loth visiting and
looking after some business matters
for the day.
H. C. Lore cb parteda few days
a::o frr Ilendley. wliere he will look
after the Threshing of this years Kop
of v.ii;:t. which he has on his land
there. He has a few thousand bush-
Is als'i of lat years crop yet to mar
ket j.inl will look after the sale of
b-th crops while there.
We are keeping In line with ail
decreases in the prices of lumber.
See t;-orge Sit kles at .Murray, for
litriiic-i and estimates of costs. ,
Always Ready for Sale
Datesfar ornczr.
TeUpLone 1511 Mnmxy Exa iacire
Park. Colorado.
Dr. (. II. Gilmore and family who
have been on thiir farm at Overton
for the past two weels. where they
have been assisting in the work of
the farm returned home last "Sunday
having enjoyed a very pleasant out
ing while there.
O. A. Dnvis ami wife are spending
some time at Kstes Park. Colorado,
and on their return will stop at Ster
ling and brine Mrs. A. J. Davis, his
mother, with them, who has been
vicitiiiK at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
K:iy Davis.
A. Gansmcr and wife and son Leon,
with -Dr. I!. F. Prendel, were pas
sengers to Omaha ftist Monday, where
the little fellow, Leon Gansmer, un
derwent an operation for the re
moval of his toncils which had l;-er,
giving him much trouble. Since'the
operation Leon has" been getting
along nicely and an early and per
manent recovery is anticipated.
When wanting prices on lura'.cr
and building materials, remember wc
are keeping in line with all reduc
tions in materials. Estimates and
prices" cheerfully furnished. See
George Nickles at Murray.
Jess Chambers has been
painting an automobile at the
garage for Harry Wright.
Mesduues V. A. Kennedy and E.
S. Tutt, spent last Wednesday at
the home and cs the guests of Mr.
Harry Creamer.
- W. 11. Puis and Joe Marasek were
looking inter some business mattfrs
at Omaba ami Council I5IuI':'.s last
Tuesday nf!orneon.
I rr:;r.ts t tarK ana t lair r arris
were visiting with their chum. Mr.
Sanford Homan at the hospital at
Omaha last Sunday.
Mrs. J. II. liurton who has ben
visiting for some time at the home
of per daughter,. Mrs. John t'o ;k
of Haler. returned heme last Sat
urday ee!iir.g.
Ernest "iney of Colerige. who l!T:s
he?n visiting with the family of his
brother A. G. Cisney, living between
here and Nehawka. dt parted for his
home last Tuesday.
John Farris and family and A. G.
Ior.g j;:;d family were spending Sun
day at Krugs park, driving up in
their cars and enjoying the occasion
greatly, returning heme in the even
ing. Itt;y Herger of Nthrnska City was
a visitor in Murray . last Tuesday,
coming up to look after some lmc:
mss matters and while here visited
at the home of his grandparents, J.
W. IJerger and wife.
The next meeting of the commun
ity association will be held on Au
gust 2Sih. at which time it is tliouah
that the theme for discussion will
be the one of consolidation of schools.
Competent speakers will be secured
to haudk? the proposition.
A. 1. Fisher of San Antonio, ar
rived in Murray a few days ago and
is visiting with his friends, the
JJfinklows. on the farm east of Mur
ray. Mr. Fisher will remain for s me
time and enjoy a. vacation, not hav
ing had one for many years.
C. H. Warner and wife were visit
ing in Murray at the home of Koy
Howan? and Fred Warner, bringing
down W. V. Warga and wife and
little daughter to sjrf'iid some time
during the vacation of "Mr. Warga
vrho is a foreman at the Burlington
E. W. Vallery and family. A. W.
Wheeler and family and Owen Willi.;
and wife of near Nehawka. and C.
A. Vallery ana wife of near Louis
ville, spent last Sunday at Krugs
nark, where thev all enjoved a dinue.
taken with them and eaten in the
shade of tiie trees.
Dr. E. J. Larson, who has been in
Murray for some time past attending
to the practice during the absence of
Dr. G. i. ' Gflmdre ' who has been in
the west, returned to" his home in
Omaha la-t Sundav and left behind
with her piano solo. Rosemary and
Richard Friedrich in their duet,
struck the responsive chord in the
appreciation of the crowd. With
Miss Margey Walker at the piano
and Miss Helen Todd as the singer,
the flute oblogato of Miss Olga Min
ford. were numbers which were en
joyed by all.
Pioneer Passes Away.
Ann Jane Lloyd was born in Il
linois, to Mr nnrt Mm William T.lnvrl
place. The bride is a graduate of the in 1S53. and in 1861. with her par
conservatory of music of Lincoln and j ents removed to Nebraska, where she
lived her entire life, marrying Clif-
i nas neiu me position ot instructor in
'music at Laramie, Wyoming, where
the me; and became acquainted with
Mr. Smith who was then cashier of a
local bank at that place. The groom
is a high school graduate of Vunia.
Colorado, and also of the Normal and
business college of Grand Island. The
Journal with their many friends ex
tends congratulations and best wishes
for a long happy and prosperous life.
Community Meeting Last Saturday.
The crowd was the largest and
most appreciative ot all which has
..t-fu prfwui me introduction husband, Clifton
01 me nieeiuiKs nu me speaners : wif
winch were to have been here and
were prevented from coming, places
were filled by three speakers who
were traveling in the interest of the
Armenian Relief. The first speaker
whose name was ' Mandalain, urged
the young people to employ all the
advantages for an education and also
brought prominently before the peo
ple the situation in Armenia. He
was a graduate of the state univer
sity. He was followed by Varjabel
ian. who is also an Armenian, spoke
in manner of his friend and demon
strated what a determination to se
cure an education could do.' He re
rcceived his education at Robert col
lege. Mr. Kathering Reynolds Mc
Vormick, a national speaker for the
Red Cross, was also present and spoke
for the Red Cross and Armeian Re
lief. Arrangements were made for
the collecting of funds for that pur
nose which are to he paid to Rev. A.
V. Hunter of Plattsmouth. who is
county president for the Armenian
Relief of this county.
ton Totten. February 20. 1S9C. and
departed this life August 10. 1920.
aged 67 years, one month and 26
Mrs. Jane Totten has been sick
at the home of her brother. George
Lloyd, southwest of Mynard for sev
eral months past and while she has
suffered much has borne her illness
with commendable grace and liar
been very thankful for the kindly
ministrations of her relatives and
friends, who have endeavored to make
her last days pleasant ones. Iler
Totten. preceded bis
ife to the other world by some
! eight years, passing away September,
1912. Mrs. Totten united with the
United Brethren church some thirty
five years ago and has lived a con
sistent Christian life, being obedient
to the will of the Father. As the
end approached she being conscious
of the nearing departure for the other
world, gave instructions regarding
her. burial and made request that
Rev. W. A. Taylor conduct the fun
eral services. Aunt Jane named the
text from which she desired the ser
mon preached, it being in the book
of Revelations. The remains rest in
the cemetery near where her active
life was spent for those whom she
lived in this life.
him the
will of a
E. A.
forn.t rly
who are
Fair bury.
friendly feelings and gioa
host of friends made while
Many Enjoyed Picnic.
The picnic of the two Sunday
schools and ladies societies of the
churches, which was held at the home
of Mr. and Mrs. I). A. Young last Fri
day afternoon, was greatly enjoyed
:) a large, crowd of children
older people who were in attendance, j
The time was spent in competitive
games in which all participated from :
the toddling youngsters to the mature
matrons and men. There were good i
eats and the ripening of the snrin
i chickens on the different farms t
j brought generous offerings of the d if- j
1 ferent types of the festive bird. A ;
j nail driving contest between Mrs.'
uananci 1 nson ana .Mrs. a. a. loung
as wfm ny me iornier ana t-he was
awarded a rolling pin and .the con
solation prize was a cooking fork
which went to Mrs. A. A. Young.
Bud March won a race. A girls race
was won by Miss Dee Garrison, while
Mic? Helen Todd came in second and
Also received a priz. In the little
girls race Miss Helen Leyda won first
In deference to the Old Settlers
society, who have for the past thirty
two Avars maintained their annual
meetings and which this year comes
on Friday and Saturday 'of this -week,
there will be no meeting of the com
munity club this week, but an extra
fine program will be presented at the
usual place the coming Saturday ev
ening to which all the community
and others are invited to attend.
Selling Some CarE Now.
The Puis garage, owned by L. H.
during the past week
famed Veile "sixes'", one
. H. Puis, who knows the
car and has Ii3d a num-
' hi Vuls, has sold
two of th?
going to W
value of a
A Complete
Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of
Family will be Found at Our Store
'work shirts' $
broad, long work"
union suits
union suits
Hatch One-Button
Hatch One-Button
fhirts 'i
union suits dt
union Miits ut
-"i"c and
.?l.t'U and
Also Local Agent for the Famous Singer
Sewing Machines.
The Service Store
Keeping in Line in Prices!
To all w ho are interested in building we would have on know
wc are keeping in line with the market redficlions on lumber.
Come to us for estimates and tig. ires. We will furnish you the
best of goods and at the lowest possible prices. Here you will al
ways get the benefit of reductions as they occur.
See H. P.. Banning at Union or George Nickels, at Murray.
Banning & Nickels,
Lumber Dealers - - Murray, Ncbr.
making their
wife, the latter
ide Rusterholtz.
honiv" near
thev are engageti
in farming have been visiting with
the ni'.t'ier of 'Mrs. Oaks. Mrs. Levi
Rusterholtz for the pat few day.
and with other friends and acquaint
ances. Mrs. Clayton Corey of Wer.dt. S.
1).. who has been visiting in Mur
ray f;ir some time the guest of her
parents. T. S. Barrows and family.
"departed last "Monday for her home
in 'lie north. Mrs. t'nrcy. or belter
known as Jessie Harrows, enjoyed the
vi.--it here greatly where she has so
many friends.
Wm. March, the man'oi" many du
ties at the Puis garage, has pur
chase.! himself a Universal car, get
ting the f;mie fr:m L. II. Puis of
the garage. MV. March will iind
much use for the car ::nd will also
lind that it is a. source -of pleasure
during his hours of recreation. Mr.
M::rc!i and Mr.Lee Kniss tried out
the wagon in a trip to Plattsmouth
last Monday earning.
Jtdin Dnrtiian is to the ro-iaie in
shoeing a horse for J. B. Seyboldt.
which he wanted to ue on th-c road.
Mr. Durnuni is an expert shoer and
has had much experience in that line.'
Mr. Rys was so busy with other work
that he could not get to the job at
that time. Mr. Rys is one- of the bsf
workman en plows and it has been
the good fortune of Murray to have
him. as" he is an excellent all around
her and in selecting the Veile "six"
has showed the geiod judgment de
rived from experience and speaks well
of the car. The other one for this
week's sale went to J. II. Brown, wh o
with the family are trying out the
boat in a trip to lake Okiboji, where
they will spend some time on an editing.
Will Give Ladies Aid Benefit.
The membership e.f the Otterl.eie.
church which' is located southwest
of Murray, will on August 23th. at
the home of John Davis, give an ice
cream supper and entertainment,
where all the peoplp of this and the
surrounding communities are cordi
ally invited to come anel enjoy a
pleasant evening and in so doing as-
sist in the work of the Ladies Aid
!of the Otterbein church work. A mc5st
pleasant time is assured.
Representing Kirschbraun & Sons
Highest Market Price
and Meet All Competition!
No Long Waits for Your Check!
Hiatt . 'Tutt
MURRAY, : : , :
! Features cf the Community Meetinar.
The ringing of the children was
one of the pleasing features of the
community meeting last Saturday ev
ening. Miss Elizabeth McCraCkcn in
her rede as whistling entertainer, was
at her best. Mrs. Roy Cole or My
nard. greatly pleased the assemblage
Dick Pitman and wife were visitors
in Omaha last Sunday calling on
their friend Sanford Homan. who is
recovering in the hospital from an
injury received some time ago here.
Mr. Homan is making rapid advance
ment towards recoverv.
Poland China male pigs.
3S03. P. P.- Holmes and Sons.
To Clean Cp Cemetery
Wanked: A man to clean up the
cemetery at the Lewiston church,
southeast of Murray. Will pay good
wages. Call phone No. 111, Mur
ray, Nebr. Miss Etta Nickels.
Eoad District Number Ten
All who reside in road district
number ten. will take notice to cut
the weeds and grasses growing along
your lands before August lath.
Anyone who fails to do so, the weeds
will be cut and the expense thereof
assessed against the property abut
Roael Overseer.
Entertained Isst Wednesday.
Mesdames W. A. Brown anel daugh
ters. Harry Teid.l and John Yantine,
ente rtniiH-d at the home of Mrs. W.
A. Brown, their friends in and near
Murrav. the occasion being the pass
ing of the 71st birthday of Mrs. j
Brown. The day was spent with the
friends in social conversation and a
general good time was had. A tie- .
lightful dinner was served by the la- '
dies and all extended to the genial ,
hostess best wishes for a large num
ber of additional such pleasant oc
casions. - - j
: i
Married at Grand Island Saturday
Miss Mae Fern Loughrige of Mur
ray, who with the tamily of Dr. G. H.
Gilmore. have been spending the past
few weeks at the farm of Mr. Gil
more; near Overton, was united inV
marriage with Mr. Clayton Smith of
Grand Island at the parsonage of the
pas-tor of the .Methodist church at
Grand Island last Saturday afternoon
in the presence of Dr. Gilmore and
family, who were returning from a
visit in the west. - After the cero
mony which was performed by the
Rev. Stite of the M. E. church of
that place, the young people remain
ed at Grand Island, where they will !
make their homein the future, until i
Monday, when they departed for the j
west where ttfey w ill spend some tihie !
in Colorado and.later return to make !
their home in Grand Island, where
the groom is a proffessor in the Nor- !
mal and Business collegs of that
Free Specials This Week!
The only way we can get you to realize what a
wonderful difference there is between the "GOLDEN
THROATED" Claxtonola and other makes o'f "talk
ing" machines is for you to come in and hear it play.
It is in a class by itself, but you will never know its real
excellence until you hear it with your own ears.
See our Oil Stoves for This Hot Weather
witl say
a year.
so your
Come in
Our cream .separators are the best, and von
when yon see how much they will save in
see us wnen you want one.
Our line of shelf and, heavy hardware if replete with your
every day wants. The tock contains all that any good hardware
store should carry.
and "Waterloo Boy" Tractors and
All Kinds of Gang Plows '
tek JSC
, o ... 1 - i U. -i -
-4S-va- i -
lesfrioity on the Farm!
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild syntpm of treatment that curt-s Piles.
Kismla and other ' Kectal Iiixase3 In a short
time, withont a severe siirarieal operation. No
Chloroform. Ether or other general anaesthetic
used. A cure cuarnnteed In every case accepted for treatment, and no money to be
paid until cured. Write for t.ook on I-taI Direase. with nanus and testimonial
or more than l.onn nrnn-inenr rv.-rn-.lo i. k a h.... rmonp.iN.- inrc.l
TA1SKV. luitoHntn. Teter Tnit Rtdr. 1W II dc). OMAIIA. EB.
lr. K. S. JnlniKtun, Medical Iircctor. x
lIi. K. K.
R" The largest nnd bei;t equippcei denial office-, in Omaha. Exports
m cnarce ot a:i vork. Lad' attendant. MGDEI?ATi PRICES.
ITie United Stales covcrnment ic advocating
use of electricity more extensively on the fartas. It is
pointed out that where electricity is usel laborious farm
work is reduced and better results are obtained. Many
things can be done on a farm with electricity, such as
churning, grinding grain for live stock, food for poultry,
washing dishes, lighting the buildings and other neces
sary tasks that now require brctwn and sap vitality.
Farm life should be made as pleasant and easy as
possible, to increase its popularity. The work of the
women folk on the farm would be much less arduous
with the installation of electrical appliances, say the
government hiveStigators, for on their shoulders falls
much of the most trying work on the farm. The aver
age farm woman works a few minutes more than thir
teen out of twenty-four hours during summer, and her
daily average for the year is eleven hours and eighteen
minutes. Half of the women on farms, say the gov
ernment reports, are at work at 5 a. m. and get prac
tically no rest until they retire at night. Of every 100
women on farms thirty-six of them help wilh the milk
ing, while seventy-nine of them trim and fill lamps,
and all but four do the family washing.
As a labor-saver electricity, says the government,
has no equal, while the saving of vitality to both man
and woman is astonishing where it hs been tried out.
Many farmers of Nebraska and Iowa have installed f
electricity and few of them -would do without it now
Porce'.ain fillings just like tooth. Instrzrr
2232ssT!!ir.9 haxkv. mx.
r.t i t
3 11
r2Jt latitat'
Therei are many gcod makes of farm light pkin!:.
the market now that will speed up machinery and
illuminate the buildings by the simple touch of a button.
E. E. SOWERS Slate Agent
L. H. PULS. Local Agent
v : a