The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 19, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 10. 1920.
PAGE rous. ok UKAitixc;
Cbc plattemoutb lournal
Kiittol at rsttlTice, 1 'luttsmouth. Neb., as second-class tn;iil rnattt-r
lies. Now lurk oriel.
R . A. BATES, Publisher
I'clilloii for Appointment of
State of Nebraska, Cass coun-
It is wonderful how every t li ins
seems to have Rune up i:ice the fall
in prices began.
Straus show which way 1 he vinil
blows these days, even if the fctraws
are woven into hats. g v
: (.
With the Chinese republic Rett ins
together and Mexico showing sign-8
of ret urn ins quiet, there is hope ev
en for Europe.
Hut probably it will turn out that
the reason Russia is starving is be
cause the capitalists bastly neglected
to keep the grocery stores .stocked up
in condition to be looted.
Secretary of treasury, bavins de
cided to have a new ikvign fur c"1"
ren y. we respectfully hasten tnsiis
gest something symbolic something
with winss. let ts say.
: o :
Charles Ponzi says he'll .have to
stop and take a rest. "My nerves
can't last forever." he says. That
ouuht to clear him of those , profi
le ring charges. A re:tl profiteer's
nerve. Lists forever, and then some.
1 lardins'-"
accept :ns
nomination leaves
party with-a candidate as vasue
iion committal in regard t:
1-.I--U.. of nation-' as its platform.
contains nine mil piaiimue:
flimsy verbal balancing intended to
saii-fy the standpatter of the inner
tircle arid perhaps t o beguile the
proi;ri'S'-io who remains in doubt at
a distance.
- o : o
fates se 111 to have divided ;e
Hardins and fox on a "0-."0
Hardins has the luck; he can anv where and pick a
t w on
stoi p
tour a f clover
tt h r day by d
; iioio. r tells
i 'o's eb-rt ion
restrained by the limitations on seal
killins at the breeding srouuds be
gan to hunt and kill the seals while
on this winter nn'sration. The
slausliter was indiscriniinate'aud 1111
liiiiited. In 1 !t 1- it was estinr.ited
that the i-eal herd had shrunk about
l'0.00t. Its extinction was in
In that ve-ar arrangements were
nf'iil.i hv- which ilm other coi; ti t rir-s !
I secured a portion 01 ttie sains lroiu
the seals taken on the Pribiloil' is
lands and this open sea huntins of
the seal ceased. The United States
was siven the privilege of slopping
killins altogether by payins a small
indemnity to each of the other
countries to the agreement. After
the agreement of seal huntins
was stopped entirely for live years.
In that period the number of seals
more than doubled. A small amount
of killins i-J now permuted, yet the
herd is back to more than nair a
million members. At the rate of
sain of the '.ast eight years, the. seals
will be about back to their old num
ber in a dozen years, and a sealskin
supply be permanently assured.
ty, ss:
In the County Court.
In the matter of the estate of A'Jam
K.i tlVn herder, deceased.
On read in xr and tiling the petition
of Minnie Kafl enb-rger, praying tluit
inlni inis t ra t ion of said estate may he
granted to her as Administratrix;
Orderi-d. That Sentemher 11th. A 1)
lt'1'0. at 10:(0 o'eloek a. in., is assign
ed lor hearing said petition, when all
persons interested in said matter may
appear at a. County Court to be held
in and for said county, and show
cause why the prayer of the petitioner
should not lie granted; and that notice
of the pcuieney of said petition and
the hearing thereof he given to all
persons interested in said matter by
a eopy ot this order in the
.He., 'ml to steal the automobile of ' IMattsmonth Journal, a semi-weekly
- ..c 11.., newspaper i
Heal rice. Neb., Aug. If,. Billy
Hot 1 lev, 21 years old. claiming, Lin
coln as -bis birthplace, is in a hos-'
nital here with three bullet wounds
I in his body, following il scrap with
ji Police Officers Acton, J tide Wallace,
i''l,. II. Stevens and Frank I-enhart,
I 'clerk f tlie district court early Mon-
11 f"
dav morning east of the city. lne
il'rav came close on the heels of hjs publishing
M. T. Murray, representative ol tlie
Nebraska I'arret company.
.Lenhart heard Hettley cutting In
wire fence. He suminoned aid and
overt 10 k Hettley a mile and a half
from the fence.
Jumping from his machine the
youthful bandit advanced on the
men, gun in hand, and commanded
I them to throw up their hands. He
then man lied them back three blocks.
A curt order, throw down your guns.
Peine next. All complied but Acton,
who continued to hold his weapon
above his bead. Hettley joked his
revolver in Acton's ribs, only to have
the officer make a grab for it. In
the scuffle the would be thief re
ceived three bullets from the officer's '
gun. J
Hettley says he was never i :i j
Beatrice before, while Acton declares!
ip.iper printed in said county, for
three successive weeks, prior to said
On-, of hearing.
I'ated August 17th 19 JO.
allien j. beesox.
al'.t-.'Jw. County Judge.
1.1:4; i. otk t:
To Vera MeC.nver. Defendant:
You are hereby notified. That on the
tifth day of March. 13J0. Robert Jlc
I'arvor." I'laintilT. filed his petition ami
eommeiie, d an action against you In
the District Court of Cass county. Ne
braska, tli.- object ntnf prayer of which
is to obtain an absolute divorce from
you on tiie tfroiinds of desertion, mis
conduct ami incompatibility, without
cause or fault of the plaintiff.
Von are reinired to answer said pe
tition on or before the 2Uh day of
September, A'. D. Hi 20.
a!2-4w. Plaintiff.
he has teen him on several occasions, j
an 1 he proved it the
ins it- But then an
us that .stars foretell
and his re-election in
m can
1'.''4 into the bargain. So
t:tk- umr choice, as the ouij::
has not spoken yet.
What the American Legion wants
i -.1 military policy that will pre
t. nt ii- from , being thrown into a
tui moil of haos and confu--iori of
our national should again
ii thrown into the balance as it wa
in I '.'IT. The Legion believes thai
.-.lcli a policy will greatly lessen the it y of war; and it war comes
in-ital-ly that it will lessen the
h.tid-hips of service and the horrors
of battle. .
:o: 1
T!ie case of the passenger pigeon
h:- created doubt in many people's
minds of the possibility of bringing
1 :n k to pros'-erity a decadent spe
cies. Not that any effective effort
v. as made to save the pig-on. But
ti;e fact that, when once scattered
by the slaui;hterors. the piireo-is did
jo.: recover their numbers tliouL.Ii the
r b -ntlevs hunt ceased, has given rise
! an itupre-duii that in some tny.-,-terious
way a species may be so
wounded that as a species it dies.
Slo-rily after our purchase of
Al.ika an agent of the government
t-timaled that the breeding place
f the seals on the PrihilofT i-bintls
contained over three million seals.
The government adopted a policy of
limiting the killing of these seals to
loo. noil males a year. Pnrler tiiat
policy the herd maintained its num
bers. But o'her pi oph-s wanted their
chance at the seals.. Our seals herd
fui n i tied a government revenue, al
so an opportunity for profit for Amer
ican scalers. Th seals which bfi-e.l
on the islands in summer take a long
annual trip to the south in
tlie inet Canadian. Ameri.:ir.
ad Japanese seal hunters who were
i dress
O M E u omen
Lr(, lnnrnoil
that there are two
ways to care for
clothes. They are
!earniti to take
t are of them.
It is quite a, mannerly thin to take
care of yourclDthes iuvestniCiit and
protect it uj to the limit. Having
your clothes carefully dry cleaned
I will improve their wearar:d help to
prolong- the life of their st j hah lines.
Getting" acquainted with our work
means getting" in touch with a real
money saving-service. "
Gooct3 Called for and Delivered
rr?-OPP05I T C
In spite of the fact that the one
great purpose of the league of na
tions is to prevent war. all republi
can factions are now shouting In uni
son the untruth that it i? certain to
result in aggression and strife. When
falsehood is applied to matters of
such moment as this the people are
entitled in common fairr. 'ss to ask
for reasons.
There is hardly a leader of the re
publican party, aside from tlie Hiram
Johnsons. La Toilettes and Borahs,
who has not at one time or another
indorsed I he principle of the league.
Most of the great churches, the fac
ulties and students of the principal
universities, the American 1'eie ;a
tiou of Labor, many literary scien
tific and educational societies, sever
al organizations of farmers and so:m
of the leading nor. political commer
cial bodies of the country have ap
proved the league of reslution or pe
titioned the senate in its favor. Out
side of a few racial groups and. the
politicians who cultivate them the
support of the proposition has been
all but unanimous.
We are r.ot to furgit, however,
that the republican party is the party
of big business. A powerful element
in business has been in partnership
with the standpat rcpui)liv-;tn inan
ag ment-for more than a generation.
From that source the party's c:.m
paign chest has been filled. In re
turn for the millions thus contribut
ed republican congresses and presi
dents have dutifii'Ty regi-tercd in
their financial, tat ff and subsidy
laws-and will of tl o interests that
have sought to make mouy the con
trolling power in gi.vern aie n .
If that portion of big business
which is knee deep in corrupt politics
were convinced that the league of
nations meant and a continua
tion of pres'-rit conditions the cove
nan' would have no more en thusi;e- -tic
advocate. It would have forced
Ihe ratification of t lie t reaiy long ago.
Kvery pit fitecr iu A:iu rica is infat
uated with war. Extravagance, in
flation, uncertaintv, di-ordcr in
create his gambling gt-'ns. To hi d
tlieh ramisti. e was a calamity. In Ilie
delay of peace and in the prospect
of i wars, which the league of na
tions, properly functioning, would
f-uestail, the profit -er has reaped a
ri'-h harvest already and sees abund
ance in the future.
This is why the old guard i ( pub!i
enn leaders, rallying to their side
all who can be influenced by the
meanest partisanship and subordinat
ing' patriotism' and humanity to the
one idea of regaining control of af
have refused to share responsibility
in the ptace and by abandoning our
associates in war have placed an ev
erlasting stigma upon American hon
or. Iturthermoro, this is why the re
publican party's stodgy candidate for
the presidency faces both ways cn
the most important -quos ion ' before
mankind and by misrepresenting the
attitude of his own government and
the governments of. nearly all other
civilized nations plays into the hands
of the" professional war-makers and
their understudies, the professional
Let nobody mistake the reason for
the attitude of this section of big
business. It is opposed to a guaran
teed peace. It prefers war, commer
cial and military. It knows the
league of nations is not going to in
volve us in strife. What it fears is
that the league o fnations will pro
mote not only peace but political and
economic justice, which would be fa
tal to vast expenditures for armament
i'and sure death to cut-throat tariffs
and other trade discriminations. The
oitliKK ok ilt-.lti;
nnl Notice of I'roliHlo of Will
Iii the 'utility Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska.
State of Nebraska, County of Cass.
To all persons interested in the es
tate of William Jfeil, deceased:
4 m leading the petition of Kather
!ne Ileil praying that the instrument
hid in this'court on the lot 1 1 day of
.uirust. pij'i, and purporting to be the
last will and testament of tlie said de
ceased, may be proved and allowed,
and recorde.l as the last will and tes
tament of William Ileil. deceased; that
said instrument be admitted to pro
h:ite. and the admin ist ra t ion of said
.-slate be grai.ted to Katherine 1 f oil.
a s c. ecu t r i :
II js hereby ordered that you. and
all persons interested in said matter,
nay. and do. appear at the County
"'nit to be held in and for said coun
ty, on the lili day of September, A. D.
!'i-'". iit lo o'i lock a. in., to show cause,
ii" anv there be. why the p raver of
tiie petitioner should not be grantf-d.
J a ml that notice of the pendency of
saio petition anu mat tne bearing
thereof be hi-n to till persons in
itntl in .:ii.l matter hv on bl ikIi i ty e-
U:st tall Upon the floor of tlie an-a copy of this tinier in the l'latts
iiual Internal ional Typographical ! !i:,,l,t 11 semi-weekly news-
Colon e.ov-entbo, o.-it-L-.i.l thn b . i ! ':1 1 '' ' P'Uite, la sal. I county, lor till
Belt key was removed to the police
station and later to Falls sanitarium.
The two leg wounds will probably
cause no trouble, but the seriousness
of the abdominal one has not been'
The boy later confessed that he
was known as Clifford Onken and
that he had lived and worked i:i
Beatrice for a number of years. He
wa a waif and his foster parents,
Mr. and Mrs. (J. (). Onken, K51 Court
strict, took him from an Of.iahu'
for Highest Possible Quality at Lowest Possible Price
Albany. X. y., Aug. An nr.-
succes.-iui attempt to I :ing the ls-sue
of the New York printers' "vacation"
on convention marked tlie clos-J
ing hours of the convent io last
Leon Htiuse. president of No"."
York Typographical , Union No. :.
however, advised a meeting U" print
ers on the subject in another hall
following the adjournment of the
convent ion.
In ihe closing hours the conven
tion ratified the 44-hour negotiation;
of tlie executive council and the
t'nit.'d Typothetat? 4-f America at
C lii-is-. wherby ii was agreed all
publishers under the jurisdiction of
the Typothetae and all printers tin-d'-r
tiie jurisdiction 4f the Interna
tional Typogra pli ical union enter ne
gotiations to establish the 4 4-hour
week withtuit decrease in v.ages.
The old ago pension limit, was
reduced to HO years and a guarantto
made of a pension of $S ;i week to all
printers reaching that age after
years of continuous service. The
convention opposed granting card
'o disabled veterans trained in gov
ernment printing schools.
l-Mward Spacy was given a line of
l ami costs amount ii.g to in
the court of Judge Archer this morn
ing. The young man was charged
with hasing speeded his auto Sunday
afit-rnoon along the avenues of the
city at a rate tf speed greater tha.i
that allowed by the i'ty ordinances
and was aeconiingly fiiu-d for the of
fo;ie and ihe amount settled for.
sin 4-cssi ve
court this
1 a Jo.
all all'-:
wii ks prior to said lay of
i'iv hand, seal of said
Hull day of August, A. I .
a i.i.i tN .1. jw-;i:s i.v.
County Judge.
"Li-due, Alta., Camilla. Dec. 27,
ltHO: Triner's American Llisir of
I'.i.iK-r Wine has helped many farm-e-s
in this neighborhood. Mr. (Jeo.
Sticum." "Dak drove. La., June
IDl'O: Triner's American Kli,.xir
of Bitter Wine is an excellent rem
edy. Mr. Tony Prsle." "Oowamla,
N. Y., JiTIy 7. 1!1'0: The way your
Bitter Winehelped my mother and
no; was great. Mrs. Frances Belec."
"Kedlands, CaliL. July 10, llll'O:
Triner's Hitter Wine is an excellent
thing; everjbody should have it at
hand; T. I). Hrdlicka." So, north,
south, east and west agree upon the
pcerlessncss of Triner's American
Klixir tif Bitter Wine, the best rem
edy for constipation, headaches and
other stomach disorders. Your drinr-
ist or dealer in medicines litis also
other excellent Triner's remedies in
stock: Triner's AntiDtitriii is a high
ly efficient gargle for throat in
Ilanuition as well as a reliable mouth
wash for sore gums; Triner's Cough
Sedative gives oiiick relief in slim
mer colds and coughs, etc. Joseph
inner i ompany. S. Ashland
Ave., Chicago, 111.
Vti i; op iu:ahi.;
on I'clilioM for lletrrmiiint Ion
of llcirHlii.
Instate No. of Annie I,. Daley-
l-'ikcnbary. ilcceas-d. in the County
4'mirt of i 'ass cininty, Nebraska.
The Stale of Nebraska, To all per
sons interested in said i-state. credi
tors and heirs bike notice, that Sallie
Ijcouanl. the owner tif the hereinaf
ter described real estate and interested
in su -h. lias lihd hei' petition alleg
ing that At tiie I.. Da le v-Iti ken ba r y
died intestate in Cnion, Cass county.
Nebraska, on. or about October, lNtd.
b ing a resident and inhabitant of
I'nioii, 4'as-j' eounty, Nebraska., and t ho of the following descrihtd real
state, lo-ii: Lot six ( ) in Block
1 hi 1 1 -n i rt- ::: in the City 4if Univer
sity I'lio-e. Lancaster county. Nebraska,
bavintr as 1 er sole and only heirs tit
taw the following named persons, to
wit: Mary L. 'a tinoti. her mother, and
IIm i t I:. 1 akenb.-iry, her widower:
that said dei ilent died intestate: that
no ii ppl i a 1 inn for administration has
been made aid tlie estate of said de
cedent has "not been, administered in
the State of Nebraska, and that the
Court determine who are the heirs of
said deeens. ,;, their degree of kin
Hop and the right of descent in the
real property of which the deceased
died seized, which has b en set for
h-aritig n tl.. sth day of September,
A. I . I'.IJO. at l'l o'clock a. In.
Dated at l'hittsmoutli, Nebraska.
I his :;id .lav of August. A. D. 1!L0.
Seal) a Comity Judge. op iic.iti:
and ti-e of lrolne f Will
In the Coiiiilv Court of Cass county,
State of Nebraska. County of . Cass,
estate of Jo-
"VO'IMK '' lit I'l ) II 41 Ii S
The State of Nebraska, Cass
' s .
In the 'ounty Court.
i :i lne matter of the
i'h Xitka. deceased
To the creditors of said estate:
are hereby notified. That I will
t at Ue County Court room in flnlts-
tao::tli in .said omntv .. i,r ,.i,.v,.ii,
day or Scpt.mi,.-,-. Be.-r.. nd o'n. the
t'.n li i-ntii day of December A 1 11M
o'elo.-k ;i. m., of eacii day. "to
and I'siimini" nil
sH-d ei.tnte. with a view- to their ad-
! '-:i .wilt I IOW;i Tie' Tlx.
for tlie present a t inn .f el-.o.w
r.Z. .. s,i,t i;i tl.r.-e months
V . 'r,1"'0"11' ,iav ,f September.
. I. IS JO. and the time limited for
payment of debts i: one e.- r.,.
leventll -da v of Sler.i.'
AVitriess my hand and ib .'.r
mi . otrt. tins elev-enll. ln,r
County Judge.
at t--n
a a ii
A. I
p. I VN
.aid 4.'
of August,
The.smoney you spcn.l in a con
slstent -newspaper advertising cam
ralgn will cotiie back to you trippled
In a very short time.
ya sale at the Journal office.
all persons interested in the
tal" of Jacob l:. Vallery, deocased:
4 n reading the petition of tlrace
Vallc-y praving "that the Instrument
lihd in this court on tlie Jnd ttay of
August. I'.f'e. and purporting to be
the last will and testauwnt of the paid
deceased, ma v he proved and allowed,
and recorded as the last will and tes
tament of Jacob i:. Vallery. deceased;
that said instrument be admitted f
probate, and the administration of said
estate be granted to John S. Vallery
and Mary 1 :i uabi tli Vallery, as exe
colors: It is hereby ordered that you. and
all iM-rsons interested in said matter,
inav, and do, appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said 4-oim-tv,
on the 1st dav of September. A.
D. li'O. at ten o'clock a. in., to show
cause, if anv there be, why the prayer
of the petitioner should not be grant
ed, and that notice of the pendency of
said petition and the hearing thereof
be given to till persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
this Order in the lUattsmouth Journal,
a s mi-wecklv newspaper prmieo in
said comity, for three consecutive
weeks prior to said 'ay of bearing.
"Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, thi.-t nd day of August, A. D-lK.'iJ.
(Sealj a5-oW County
OTI( i: OP M IT TO U ll'.T TITI.K.
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty, Nebraska.
Billiard lirassmnn, I'laintilT. , vs. Lu
cinda Hritton tt al. Defendants.
To the liefendants: The unknown
heirs, deyj.sees legatees, personal rep
resentatives and all other persons in
terested in the' estate of John MeConk
ey. deceased: llliza McConkey; the
unknown heirs, devisees, legatees, per
sonal representatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of
Warren MrConki-v, deceased; Nora Mc
Conkey; the unknown heirs, devisees,
legatees, personal representatives and
al! other persons interested in .the
estate of t born" McConkey. deceased:
the unknown if. irs. devisees, legatees,
personal ntatives and all other
persons interested in the estate of Llla
.M-Conkey;- deceased; Boy PigoU:
Jessio ii. Hasjcn (nee Piggott): red
M. Ilagen; Kl.cla JefTers; Charles Jef
fers; John I"i"gott; Benjamin Piggott;
Mrs. Beniimiti Piggott, real name un
knnwn; Bessi rigsott Doe, real name
unknown: John Dte. real njnj" tin
known; Bose West fall: Daniel S. AVest
fnll: Celia l;-.p Charles l- Rapp:;Mil
da Berger Bansiiner; William S. Ban-,
striier; and Lots two (2) and three (.5)
in Block three (.1) in Donelan's Addi
tion to the City of Plattsmouth. in
t. 'ass count v, Nebraska; and all persons
claiming anv interest of any kind in
said real estate or any part thereor:
You and each of vou are hereby noti
fied that on the 02nd day of July. I9,-"-the
Plaintiff in tho foregoing entitled
cause mod his petition In the District
Court of Cass county, Nebraska, where-
YES SIR, ybiTlf find Spurs were btiilt1 fori
topnotch popularity. Blended in a new .
way from American and Oriental tobaccos,
to bring out that good tobacco taste. You 11
thoroughly enjoy it.
Crimped, not pasted,' making a slower'burn'
ing, easier'drawing cigarette. Satiny imported
paper. In a smart brown and 'silver package,
threefold, to preserve Spurs taste and fra'
grance. Spur Cigarettes were made and pricetl
to be the public choice. Try Spur. n
Liggett 6? Myers Tobacco Co.
i g
Cigarettes '
in each and all of you are made par
ties defendant, the object, purpose and
prayer 4f which said petition is to
obtain a decree from said court re
moving clouds from and quieting the
record title to tho following - describ
ed real estate in the Plaintiff, Billiard
ilrassman, to-wit: Ltits two (a) and
three CD in Block tlireo (3) In Done
lan's Addition to the City of Platts
mouth. in Cass county. Nebraska, as
against you and eacii of you and to
exclude anil enjoin you and each and
all of you from ever asserting or
claiming any estate, right, title or in
terest therein adverse to Plaintiff by
reason of Plaintiff's adverse possession
of said premises by himself and bis
grantors for more than ten years prior
to th. commencement of said suit, and
for such other and further relief as
inav be just and equitable.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the H!i day of
September. 19J0, or your default will
be duly entered therein and a decree
entered as praved for In said petition.
Dated, July 30th. 1920.
By JOHN M. LRl'DA,-a2-4w.
His Attorney.
In the District Court of the
of Cass. Nebraska.
Casli K "Wiles and Thomas Wiles,
Jr., i'lalntitTs. vs. Mrs. Jane A. Harper
et "al. Defendants.
To the ilefend;i)ts, Mrs. Jane A.
Harper: Joseph Harper; Robert V .
Dotinell: Mrs. Robert W. Donnell, first
real name unknown; A. .M. Saxton.
first real name unknown: Mrs. A. M.
-'axton, first real name unknown;
North & Scott, a co-partnersnip com
poseo OI
unknown, and
name unknown:
name unknown
North, first real name
Scott, nrst real
North, first real
Mrs. North,
first real name unknown; bcott,
e. ...... name unknown: Mrs.
s:,..t first real name unknown: Mar
tlo. L. Harper; Harper.
- - . -v r
J'.. II.
first real
I.- Ilrut vnnl
name unKnown j. "w". .
naPnS unknown: Mrs. K. H Katon. first
real name unknown: the unknown
heirs devisees, legatees, personal rep-
'',-. nnd all other persons in-
telested in the QStntes of Mrs Jane A
Ilarner: Joseph Harper,
Bonnell: Mrs. Bobert
real name unknown:
ii rsf real name
Robert W.
V. Donnell, first
A. M. Saxton,
unknown; Mrs. A. M.
Saxton. first. real name unknown;
-ii, r, rtt real name unknown:
' xorth, first real name unknown:
Scott first real name unknown;
vt.. Scott, first real name un-
-1J S. . . ' . , r XlnwrmV
Irtinun: . .Marina t-t. '""i'"'
H K-iton first real name unknown and
Mrs -E H. Katon. first real name un
ki own; Mary Harper and Luke Wiles,
deceaseu. imc
ltees ana assigns ui .-.wh.ii
.nartnersliiD; the north.half
us. s ran tees
fSUS- of" B.Pea north 'half iW .o the
oCarter SE T " of Section'" four f 4.
rZtiir, twelve (12). North Range
Township twelve -' ,. . ,f (Si.
of the" Southeast quarter (SEW) of Sec
tion- fourteen (i. aowusuiy
(12), North Range thirteen (13: and
the north half (N1) of the northeast
quarter (NK!i) of the southwest quar
ter (SV!4) of Section fourteen (ID,
Township twelve North Range
thirteen, all in the County of Cass,
Nebraska; The south half (S1) of the
northeast quarter (Xi;'() of Se-tion
four (4). Tow nship twelve" (12). North
Range thirteen (13): and the south
half S) of the north .half (NVi) 4f
the north half (N's) of the southeast
quarter CsK',.,) of Section four (t).
Township twelve (12), North Rantre
thirteen (13: and the south half (SVi
of the southeast itiarter (SK'J) 4f
Section fourteen (H. Township twelve
(12). North Range thirteen (13): and
the south half (S4) of the northeast
quarter (NK4) of the southwest quar
ter tSV4) of Section fourteen (14).
Township twelve (12); North Range
thirteen (13), all east of the 6th I. M.,
in the County of Cass, Nebraska; ami
all persons having or claiming any
interest of any kind in said real es
tat? or anv parts thereof:
You and eacb'of you are hereby noti
fied that Cash L. Wiles and Thomas
Wiles. Jr., as plaintilfs filetl a petition
and commenced an action in the Dis
trict Court of Cass county. Nebraska,
on tlie 4th day of August, 1920. against
you and each of you, the object, pur
pose and prayer of which is to obtafn
a decree of court, quieting title to the
north half (N) oT the north half
(N) of the north half (N) of the
southeast quarter (SK'i) of Section
four (41. Township twelve (12), North
Range thirteen (13); and the north
half (NVi of the southeast quarter
(SEVi) of Section fourteen (14), Town
ship twelve (t2. North Range thirteen
(l.ti: and the north half ( N -i of the
nortlu'ast quarter (XK'i) of the south
west quarter ISW of Section four
teen 4 14), Township twelve (121. North
Range thirteen (l:t). all in the fount y
or Cass, Nebraska; Tlie south half (S'2
of the northeast quarter (XK'J) of
Section four (4), Township twelve
(12. North Range thirteen ( 1 ,1 : and
the south half fS'.-i), of the north half
(N'3l of the north half (N'i of the
southeast quarter (SE'4) of Section
four (4. Township twelve (12, North
Range thirteen 413): and the south
half (S'2) of the southeast quarter
SKU ef Section fourteen (11), Town
ship twelve (12), North Range thir
teen (13); and the south half (S'4) ef
the northeast quarter (NE1;) of (Iwa
southwest quarter (SW'i of Section
fourteen (11). Township twelve (12,
North Kange thirteen (13). all east of
the fith P. M.t in the County of Cans.
Nebraska, as against you and each of
you and for such other relief as may
be just and equitable.
You and each of you are further
notified that you are requited to an
swer said petition on or before Mon
day the 27th day of September, 1920,
or the allegations therein contained
will be taken as true and a decree
will be rendered in favor of rW plain
tiffs and against you and inch of you.
according to the prayer of said peti
tion. Dated this 41 h day of August, 1920
a9-4w. Atty. for Pltfs.
We carry a full and complete line of the reliable
John Deere farm machinery, and are ready to fill your
order for anything in our line. Plows and corn farming
implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest
ing machinery. Also threshers' necessities.
r v ware rooms on soimir.
r r . SiXtH STREET y ;
PLATTSMOUTH -:- ' ".:. NF.rraqva .