The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 19, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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"ZuBSEAY. AUGUST 19, 1920
Finikin FHifsrsi)irifinrnitinif
vct' ilia b9 iuv u xixl U
jj j Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Fred Nutzman of near Xehawka. Charles Hathaway was a visitor
vas a visitor in Union lact week, in Nebraska City for a short time
oming ever to look after some busi- last Saturday.
ess matters. W. II. Porter assisted in the sale
Taul Swan was an early visitor at of a ear of peaches last Saturday and
j ie live stock market last Mondav the first of the week.
ith a load of hoes which he took ! Leslie Kverett is looking after the
5 own in their truck. 1 place of Geo. Rhoades of Howe,
josepn reizer 01 i idii.-mtui n as n nr me iaucr is vitmng in lowa.
visitor in Union for over Sunday Miss Alma Krell, who has been vis-
eing the guest at the home of his iting at Greenwood, Iowa, for sev-
aughter. Mrs. J. M. Patterson. eral weeks returned home last Sun-
C. W. Clarke was a visitor with day.
is family in Plattsmouth and re- I W. B. Banning was a visitor at
irned via Hock R'luffs. where the; home for a short time last Sundav.
oent a short time with their friends,
tark White and wife.
We are keeping in line with the
ecrease in the prices of lumber,
ee W. B. Banning at Union for fib
res and estimates of costs o." ouili
lg. Eannirg & Nickles.
James H. Stephens of Fort D.idge,
owa. has been visiting at tin home
f James Roddy and family.. Mr.
tephtns being the brother cf Mrs.
Dorothy and Louise Foster, daugh
ers of Mr. and Mrs. It. K. Foster, are
returning to his work in Lincoln last
Mr. W. H. Porter who has some
wheat in Colorado, was a passenger
for Straton. where he was looking
after the harvesting cf the crop.
Martin Nelson and O. T. Davis
were visiting in Omaha last Sunday
for a short time while the business,
cf Mr. Nelson was looked after by
A. L. Becker, with the assistance
of the McMaken trucks, delivered his
wheat at Plattsmouth last Tuesday,
ii-iting for a few days at the home irou wmen point lie shipped it to
f t!:eir grand parents. Mr. and Mrs. ()l"a?ia-
G. Larson of Plattsmouth. Wayne Lewis and wife visitfd at
James Fairhead and family of'the home, of Eari Merritt and also
"airburv, where he is engaged in the ' with hls Parents. J. D. Lewis and
anking business, have been fishing ' Wlfe,- northeast of town for over
ear the home of Gtorge Everett, the , Suntia'-
wo gentlemen being bov chums to- I J- U Ta'lor and .wife of Milford.
aether years ago. were visiting for a few days at the
Daniel Lvnn and Fred and Glenn ' llollie of relatives in Union, being
line were over in Iowa last Weines- the Buests a the home of Rev. W.
lay looking after some Uusfne-s and j A- Ta-v,or-
isiteJ Waubausee Lake, where there Mearle -Sickles has accepted a posi
s always hunting in hunting season. 1 Uon ith the Willis garage and went
jut tht-v were not 1-M.kfni for or,..' to worn last Monday. Mr. Nickels
B. B. Everett and family, who were
.isiting for a few days t the home
ur thanks for same. Mr. Everett
Everest and wife of r.tar Walthill.
returned home last Monday after
noon. They made the trip both wavs
in their car.
C. 11. Taylor and family and J. B.
N'ichols of Omaha, were in
!T1TiT1 t "i f" o 4w.r tw. 1.,.- C , . .1 . . - .
whose home is at Dunnegan. Mo., has
been employed near Weeping Water
for some time.
J. T. Reynolds has purchased him
self a new Veile automobile, which
he thinks and rightly at that, is the
best ear in the country. He had an
Oakland which he disposed of in the
purchase of the new car.
The Missouri Pacific station is ret
rying the guests at the homp of Mr tins: a r?w roof an(1 when completed
Barbara Tavlor and her danht..r will make a great improvement to the
V i
companied buildings here. They
painted the building a short time
ago and with the new roof will make
it nice indeeJ.
The superintendent of the state
AssmbIv durins is ion Vh siened his position and departed for
r , a,. i . th WPtern unrtinn rf C r rr i A r
p miis tnjui eu me occasion verv inucll . . i.w.v.,.,
' and were very glad to eet heme af- .'vvnt're h wl niake his home on
ter the ten davs' stav there soe ianu wjucn ne nas in that por
Miss Elsie. They drove down
. Ir Tavlnr'c Mr
ju iiiiiu was a visitor in Lin-
ff coin last Friday, poing to brine Mrs.
I K'Todd and Miss Alice home, w ho have , i ne superintendent of the si
1 Kbeen in attendance at the Epworth faim- lr- G- H- Ferguson, has
7 g'Assmblv during is 'icn Th plEntd his position and departed
J. O. Sr.aveley and sen who have
tion of the countrv.
Union Versus Rock Eluffs. J fill to attempt to- influence or impede!
Last Sunday at Union was pulled a witness or the due administration'
off a game which for pure sport was ' justice to seek to get a statement!
one which could not well be par- ' what he believes to be the facts,
alleled. Rumors said that the score Such an effort is not regarded with
was IS to 97. but on investigation it favor. Judge Munger says, because of;
was found that it was 11 for the the temptation to influence the wit-:
visitnro anA 1Q fnr- ha h nm a neSS Undlllv. hilt t h C mprp TC-nupt fnr
Larsh home last Tuesday where they This team is called the second team a statement believed to be true does
enjoyei an outing from two o'clock ; but the way they made scores, it not offend because it is not corrupt'
until six m ine evening, uooa eats . would be well to "dub" them the.conauct
ts me oraer ior wun plenty or f,rst team. W. L. Stine said thnt I
substantial and fried chicken and When Alex Eaton " wacked the ball flAVIQ Tfl Dill C UUCDC
ice cream to put a zest in the oc- for a home run that all of the Eainn, Vl 10 IU OULC linLnC
casion. all enjoyed it very much. ,?ame in. Later Charles Eaton said
Conveyances were furnished for all. i that there were forty-four of the
Eatdns. Now there you are, does
v. Has a Convenient Home. that correspond with the first report
We visited the home of Mr. and of 97 scores
Lincoln. Neb.. Aue. lfi. TIip onec-1
Still the game Was a tinn of whPthr ttie tnv r,n 9.-.K r. i '.
-ns. uturge rvereii, souineasi oi gooa one as everyDoay says who was i fn personal property left in Furnas
Union one day last week and found there. It is too much for us Le-'countv bv the latp-" Robert AlOnil-
gentleman with his cause we cannot tell
that worthy
wife 'and daughter busily making
their winter's supply of kraut and
Mr. Everett placed a quantity'of cab
bage and a box of honey in our car
as we were leaving. Please accept
our thanks for same. Mr. Everrett
who has his own electric light plant,
pumps his water and does the wash
ing with electricity. He has a very
convenient and comfortable home.
Next Sundays Game.
The game which has been
county by the late"" Robert, McQuil- 1
ken, wlio died March 30, 1918, in An-1
trim, Ireland, should be payable in :
Furnas county or in Douglas county, I
where the administrator lives, was
Hugh Warden Buys a Farm.
Hugh Warden a few days ago. pur
chased a farm of eighty acres a few
miles northwest of Union of J. L.
Hanna of Eugene. Oregon, it being
known as the Hattie Shryder place
and is described as the north one
half of the southeast quarter of sec
tion ten. township ten and range
thirteen, being an excellent piece of
Will Hold Regular Services
At the Methodist church next Sun
day there will be all the regular
services beginning with the Sabbath
school in the morning, followed by
ranged between the Union team and passed to the office of Attorney-Gen-i
the Cudahy Puritans of South Oma-; eral Clarence A. Davis by the state
ha, will be called at three o'clock. ! board of equalization, after a hear
The team from Omaha are coal i ing Monday morning,
blacks and have the name of beine Unless the statutes of the state
"very fast blacks" at that. We can- make specific provision for cases
not help but think that the Union falling' in this class, the Nebraska1
team will be the winners, though I supreme court has held that the
they may have a hard tini in doing board of equalization can make a
rule that has the full force of a stat
ute, according to Assistant-Attorney- :
General Cecil Lavtrty. j
Matthew A. Hall. British consul in
Omaha, who is administrator of the
estate of virtue of his ofhee, has
asked the board to pass on the question.
This is a strong, conservative institu
tion, and we have a.i earnest desire to
serve you.
Call on us at any time with your financial
problems, and it will be a pleasure to try
and help you solve them.
A Friendly, Serviceable Bank
S3 rJC jfjsr
r n
Organized Gang Credited With
Thefts of Nearly Half Million
at Council Bluffs.
Los Angeles, Cal., Aug. 17. While
detectives were attempting to find out
how robbers last night gained access
to a safe in one of the superior court
ber. officials believe reduction of the
public debt may be somewhat cur
tailed, although reductions will con
tinue, it was emphasized.
We can furnish you tiank books
of all kinds. The Journal.
Council Bluffs, la., Aug. 15. One rooms here and escaned with S22. 000.
the morniTie- nrearhino- 9nH :n ,v, unareu special agents oi me seven the treneral Dublic was wondering
afternoon and evening the young ,trunk .line railroads running through . why the robbers did not take $20,000
peoples societies and the concluding ! M13 citJ" working under the direc-jmore which was there. Earlier re-
non oi men rrom me main oinces oi i ports nau credited tne roboers wun
the roads, are at work here trying obtaining $23. 000.
to locate the thieves who have robbed The money was packed Into bun
the roads, it is said, of nearly 5500,- Idles of $1,000 each and represented
nZT ti.SSTary ?e?er-j months. Some of the boldest rob-! sons. The robbers apparently gained !
,peai. a,..!Lk .llJhe ?m f,Jhl! ISeries of merchandise ever known ! entrance to the court room "through !
Mrs. M. Whvthe of Omaha who h.:-be.-:i
visiting in the vicinity of Il.if -mouth
for the itV.t IV w i!:iv-, c!(.i:t
"1 this afternoon for her in u . ai. 1
v x- accompanied by Klii a: 1
drcd Fhiiiir.i'. u ho .viil i;; G;oi-
ha for, a tin:".
services in the evening.
Had an Excellent Time,
The campfire girls in charge of
of the
is lm-
ll i r
l.P'i visirtnc fny ; : .1., Joe Bauer, the carDentor. who is
east, being at West Virginia, their ? Al ; L. C rawford. injured his Mildred Clarke. Ina LaRue. Ethel
oia home, where thev were al-o look- ' A ua-s dB :me ensageu
ing after some business matters re- j 111 doing Pome terete work and
ii 'iiipeiu-a 10 lay on ior a snore
turend heme arriving in Union last
Sunday morning, after having had an
excellent time while gone.
Mrs. C. F. Harris and daughter.
Miss Verna. departed last Mondav
morning for Marshall Mo., where thev
w ill visit w ith relatives for some
time. Thev will li tiio pnoctc at
the home of Mrs Kli7Mhf.t, un ! spend the week with friends and at
tune. As that broke the combination
Mr. Crawford also took a few davs
Mrs. Mary Taylor and daughter.
Miss Rachel, who have been making
their home at University Place, ar
rived in Union last Mondav and will
SI,! nf r!rlo? T, Dd a , , have been reported. Within the J adjoining -offices .using pass
m.t in hV. ,1 , A LVL ' 8lT Past week a ?Pecial agent of one road and opened the safe bv means
out in tue open and enjoyed the out- ,, w-B sitting r,nn n t.;,rri f i. Lm)li,i
'1 . ,,i , Trne:cohol on the loading platform at the mediatelv above detective headquar-i
c-fmn. out .Z llaCVfreiRht de"ot- He left the place for iters, where men were on dutv all'
hv f ,rH i ?I i f a few mi"tes to summon another night. The robberv was discoierod
:, , .1 , ,n,li l . man and whtn he returned the barrel when court was opened this morning.
MH- the best of fishing. The ; tlf aIcohol was KOne and not a trace Beside tfae buadles pf currencv.
PhnTt- n Jrt h,,. TJliM ! ';f il or the thieves could be secured, there was a considerable amount of
? b V-1 U, Not long ago sixteen barrels of alco- loose silver in the safe, court at
tend no gra hairs were noticed ;1 were stolen from one road. One 1 taches said. The silver was not
though they all had creepy fe.elr.igs : of the barrels was recovered In the ! touched. Detectives declared the
, VV, V , ?,"ra'-. 1 """ v.-eeds near the citv limits and it is safe bore a number of linger prints.
v?n? T 71- ,aS,n and:Mi"-ed the other fifteen barrels Thev are bending their first energies finrtna t H r t a--.n i "
X , ... -Vt . A r . . t rt thrown off and picked up. Em-
r:UtQihaTnJmPfi N.E ! Pyes of the roads are charged with
-;"Y ",.r'. ' -responsibility for the looting, it is
Becker, irpnia Harris. Alma Frans said. Some of the stt.alIngf ,t ,s
Luelah Niday. Buelah Bell, Rachel . , 5s r,nT1 riiPprtiv v.. tb(1
mgton noes:
I have a Fine Lm of Wcllfnrjton Pipes
Come in and Look Them Over
UNION -:- -:- -:. NEDRASKA
i Vera Upton.
by an out
side gang who are tipped off to the
contents of the cars.
A half car load of silk was stolen
from the Great We-tern railroad.
wno is an aunt oi Mrs. Harris and
whom she ha not seen for 35 years.
While at Nebraska City last Sat
urday evening V. A. Taylor had a
"vrry exciting experience which gave
iiim a pinch on his finger which
caused a little pain. lie and Dan
Lynn had gone to Nebraska City and
their being a large crowd in starting
home, it was found that the enr in
which they were and the one adjoin
ing were locked with their fenders.
Mr. Taylor, in endeavoring to dis
tngage them received a pinch on his
feaa I
CI We have a full line of Ladies,
Children's and Men's white shoes
(Keds) which vv'e are selling very
reasonable. Come in and examine
We are selling nothing but
the very best quality of shoes.
CjjAmonia or '-Barnyard Proof"
shoes for men. Try them.
terd the Old Settlers picnic, which
will b? held here on Friday and
Saturday of this week.
George Eaton and wife returned
from the south last week, returning
on account of the ill health of the
latter. While there Mr. Eaton ex
tended the lease of his silver mine
far a year and expects to push the
matter cf opening up the mine and
making the investment pay.
John Frans purchased a new car
last week and his selection alighted
cn a Ford Coupe, which is a fine car
and will give him excellent service.
The purchase was made through the
T. II. Pollock Auto company, who
are the representatives of that ex
cellent car in this portion of the
Mrs. Harry Graves who has teen
visit Ins: in Union for some time and
was si?k at the home of her parents,
W. H. Marks and wife and also at
the home of her uncle and aunt, Mr.
and Mrs. Gregg, was taken to a hos
pital at Omaha last week for treat
ment and later on she was taken to
her home at Central City.
F. H. Deickman, who has just re
ceived his dicharge from the navy.
was a short visitor in Union last
Monday while on his way to Elra
wcod. wbere he went to visit at the
home of David Bogenrief. His home
is at Sioux Center, lowa. and with
his parents some years ago. made
their home in Elmwood.
Undeibent an Operation.
Mrs. A. Dereig cf Lincoln, daugh
ter of Attorney C. L. Graves was Less than $5,000 worth of plunder
taken with a severe attack of appendi-; has been recovered. The Illinois
citis and was compelled to undergo J Central lost 1.000 pourds of flour
an operation for relief. Mr. Dereig with much other propertv. The Un
telephoned Mr. Graves and later , ion Pacific and Northwestern have
wrote that her condition was very 1 1 een the heavy losers, while the Bur
satisfactory and that she was doing j lington has lost $10,000 worth of
nicely. 'clothing and other wearing apparel.!
ii- iujinauiiix auu uujmi urti also
towar dascertaiuing how the robbers
happened to have the safe combina
tion and why there was so much;
money in the, safe. The court's
books were balanced last night and
the clerk. Clyde Johnson, said he
had intended to deposit the money to
Below Whslesale Prices!
Cross Boy Out West.
Not that he is ill-natured, but his
name is Cross and that he is the son
of Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cross, who last
spring moved to Colorado, where they
are now making their home. Mrs.
J. D. Cross has just returned from
their home and reports every body
feeling the best and that the crops
are all one could wish. J. D. Cross.
who is a real foxy grandpa, is feeling
heavy losers.
less Than One Per Cent of 24.CO0,COO
Registered Under Draft Dur
ing War.
Omaha. Aug. 16. Michael F. Har
rington, prominent Nebraska attor-
pretty well thank you and the smile, ney. has won a reversal of the con-
well we wish there were more happy viction In the federal court for so ith-
grandpas for the world would be
better off.
Hdd Sunday School Picnic.
The Methodist Sunday school held
their annual picnic at the John
Another American Arrived.
This time it was at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Merrit Pollard and the
young man and his mother are doing
nicely. The father, mother and all
with the grand parents are very
happy over the advent of the arrival
cf Mr. Pollard. Jr. Even Harry
Frans, the grandfather on the moth
er's side, eyes sparkle with happi
ness and when he whistles a merry
tune the lips will not refrain from
the wonted smile long enough to al
low the. tune to be completed.
Comes but two days in the year.
We are here every day in the
year and anxious to supply lour needs
in our line.
Xow is the time to start your fall
building and repairing. Remember,
delay, may be expensive.
The railroads are going to Increase
freight rates soon, which will natur
ally raise the price of all commodi
ties. Let us figure your bills. We ap
preciate your patronage.
Are Viewing the West.
Last Saturday afternoon Orville
McQuinn, Dean Austin, Elmer With
row and R. E. Foster, departed for
Omaha, where they left their car and
took the Rock Island for Arriba,
Colorado, where they have gone to
see the countrv as well as with a
( view of purchasing some land as
veil. Mr. McQuinn is selling land
here and at this time they are grow
ing excellent crops, which are being
harvested. Mr. Foster has land there
and is looking after that as well.
roSi Lumber Go,
Union, Nebraska
I Played an Excellent Game
I The Union ball team went to Jui
ian last Sunday, where they had one
of the best games of the season with
the team of that place. The game
was one of the best contested games
that has been played in these parts
for a long time. For the first five
, innings on either side there was no
.run made and in the sixth inning the
Julian team succeeded in making
three runs, but that was the last for
them during the game. The seventh
and eighth inning showed no change
and with the conclusion of the ninth
inning the Union team made a run
and this placed the final result &s
Julian 3 and Union 1. While the
boys from here were defeated, no one
can help but say that they made a
good showing, when the other team
was shut out for six Inning3.
The line up for Union was: R
Davis cf, JEarl Wolfe ?,b, Dave Eaton
lb. Bob Eaton p. Glen Kline c,
Bruce Wolfe ss. Fred Kline 2b, John
Pearsley If. Derwood Lynde rf.
The Julian line ud was: J. Col
lins ss. H. Lovgne If. R. Hodgins 3b.
L. Graham rf. J. Tyson c. H. John
son 2b. C. Wilberger cf. C. Stucken
holtz p, H.' Stuckenholtz lb.
em Iowa, cm a charge of conspiring
to defeat the ends of justice by run
ning off a witness in a criminal case
in that court. Judge T. C. Munger
of Lincoln, acting as a judge of the
court of appeals, wrote the reversal.
Under it Harrington is practiecllv
acquitted, and all defendants get
new trial ordered.
The case was a sensational one,
largely because of the prominence
of Harrington." The charge was that
Harrington, his son Gerald, Arthur
W. Scattergood, Mrs. Frances Murphy
and Leonard Camp assisted in trying
to break down a white slave charge
against Charles T. Anderson, a sli
cnt of Scattergood. Gerald Harring
ton was acquitted, but the others
were convicted. It was charged that
they had secured written statements
from the girl in the case, Mary Pitt
man, which would be contradictory
of testimony given by her before the
grand jury, and then planned to have
her sent to Canada or concealed so
that she could not be subpoenaed as
a witness.
Scattergood is also a Nebraska at-!
torney. The circuit court judge says
that the charge In the third count.
vpon which a conviction was had.
charge3 a conspiracy in the southern
division cf the Iowa district, when
there is no testimony that Anderson.
Harrington or Mrs. Murphy entered
into any conspiracy in that division.
either with each other or with Scat
tergood or Camp, and a verdict of ac-
rjuittal should have been directed in
their favor on that count.
The court says there was testi
mony to show that Scattergood called
on Mrs. Pittman at Creston, Iowa,
and endeavored to get from her a
statement in contradiction of her tes
timony before the grand jury, but
that Scattergood was privileged to
Washington. Aug. 16. Less than
1 per cent of more than 24,000.000
men registered under the draft dur
ing the war have been found charge
able with wilful insertion, the war
department announced today. The
total against whom desertion charges
have been recorded is 1.S11, rep
resenting, the statement says, "a tre
mendous improvement over the Iraft
record of the civil war." The de
partment will soon announce
branded as .deserters and the state-:
ment adds that the government "de- j
sires to obtain co-operation of state
and local officials, patriotic societies I
and other agencies including the de-
their apprehension."
Pending the publication, the state
ment continues, any man charged
with desertion may avoid arrest by
surrendering at an army post. If i
his record is cleared his name will be !
omitted from the deserter list. Those
in doubt as to their status are urged '
to inquire of the adjutant general. I
The list was compiled after local '
boards had been instructed to send
in records of all men classed as draft
draft deserters during the war. A
total of 4S9.033 records were for
warded, but on examination it was
shown 16,000 dealt with cases dis
pose dof. They included registrants
who enlisted voluntarily and failed to
notify their draft board; men who
failed to report when drafted and
who reported at the camps; few men
discharged as physically unfit and
some convicted of desertion during
the war and regisirants who died.
The records in 151,000 other cases
also showed wilful desertion co;ld
not be charged and they were eliminated.
The statement says that because
of th eexpense which would be in
curred, payment of the $50 reward
for apprehension of draft deserters
has been temporarily suspended.
We have decided to seii our entire stock of goods
at and even below wholesale prices. As ether business
is calling for our attention and demanding our time, we
will close out our entire stock cf goos at a sacrifice.
The early purchaser will have the best of the se
lection, and at a price which is surely worth while.
Remember, the entire stock goes! Nothing will hs
reserved or held back! This includes clothing, hard
ware and groceries. Now is your time to cave some
money and get some genuine bargains.
30,000. Acres
Washington, D. C, Aug. 16.
Government expenditures during
We are harvesting an excellent crop of wheat in
Lincoln County, Colorado, at this time. Come, see
land, where in many instances one crop will pay for
the land. We are making trips every Saturday. Call
and see L. R. Upton for arrangements and particulars.
The best land and at a price where any one can pur
chase and at prices where ane one can pay.
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
disbelieve her . and to, believe what j September probably will jump nearly
Anderton had said. It is not unlaw-
Vienna. Aug. 16. The govern
ment has notified the reparations
commission that it was unable to ful
fill the treaty stipulations regarding
the delivery of livestock and furni
ture to Italy, Rumania and Juglo-S'avia.
Advertising: is the most effective
method of "dramming up" trade.
Popular copyrights, Journal office.
5900,000,000, it was estimated by
treasury officials, nearly two-thirds
of this sum representing payments
to railroads.
The roads will have computed
amounts due them under the govern
ment's guarantee against loss for
the six months ending September 1,
by the middle of the month, it was
said. The Interstate Commerce com
mission has estimated the total guar
antee to be paid will run between
$500,000,000 and $600,000,000.
A heavy drain also is expected on
the $300.000.000 -revolving: fund bv
the transportation act for new equip- I
ment. With this outflow in Septem-j
"That Baby Overland"
We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the
"iJaby Overland," which you must see and ride in to appreciate.
We also, carry Oldsomobile Cars and Trucks, and Reo Cars u:.d
Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work
that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full ttock
of tires nnd accesories for all makes of cars. te us f.r cars or
repair work.
UNION -:- -:- -:- NEERASKA