ill 1 PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEXLT JOURNAL PAGE FIVE. THURSDAY. AUGUST 12. 1920. f ' k - 4. it i i - I:: r I '4 S v Murray Department Prepared in tbe Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding: Vicinity Especially (or the Jouraal Readers 1 If tny of the reader of the Journal knoT- of .ny social frent or Item of Interest in this vicinity, and will mall I ime to this office, it will ap pear under this heading. We want all news Items Editod I i mi m i i .toe 1, M Ray MsMaken was down ! Plattsmouth assisting with his j iu hauling wheat to market from the threshing machine, r A. L. Baker, the .salesman at the Gansemer General store, was a visit or at Lake Manawa last Sunday, i where ho f-pent the day witlr friends 'and seeing the sights. i Mrs. John Hendricks and son Verne, returned home Monday from .Grand Island, where they have been visiting Mro. Hendricks' brother, W. F. Chalfont and wife. Mrs. T. S. Harrows was a passenger lat Tuesday morning for Omaha, where she was visiting for the day with friends and looking after some business matters as well. A card from Glen P.oedakcr who is in the wist" tells of the two hundred acres of wheat which he. lias in the west of making a yield of on the average of thirty bushels to the acre. I Mrs. J. H. IJutsor departed a few days ago for Hadar. wliioli is in the northern part of Nebraska, where A. fn m which is conducted by A. Gansemer tnuk I and Will Seyboldt. has just about wound up their work for the season. The yhad all tut one setting done w hen, for some unaccountable rea son the engine gave out and had to be repaired. They were to have threshed at the home of Win. Sporrer last Tuesday, but on account of the accident the finishing of the cam paign had to be postponed for a day. t MS. 'W .a. a r f n Business men know the ad vantages of a savings account with a good reliable institution like this one. They know that systematic saving promotes prosperity. And they know that money deposited in this bank has sound protection. If you haven't opened an ac count with us yet, do it now, before you forget. Are Touring the West. Dr. J. V. Iirendel and wife with their son Richard, and T. J. Iirendel and wife, departed last Saturday for the west and drove toward the set ting sun the first day 225 miles, and the following days were ap proaching the limit of where the mountains could he seen. They ar rived at Denver the first of the week and have been enjoying the cool breezes of Colorado during the boat ed portion cf the past week here. They will put in about two weeks in the west and enjoy what nature his in s;ore in the west at this time of I year. Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow Four pit ceat interest on time deposits. Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAFaK AH business transactions held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. she is visiting at the home of he daughter, Mrs. John Cook, for fome i time. T.att S:ititnlpv .W Scott and J W. lierger. were in Plat j Very LlOSe tO an ACCiaeilt wlu re they secured a load of ice for; A short time ago as the little the use of the two firms, the hotel daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Morton and store which is conducted by Mr. p.artlett, the'harber of Murray, was Seott. playing along the walk and had Ralph Kennedy and J. A. Scotten. stepped "into the street, an automo the carpenters, have been kept pretty bile came along at such a rate of busy in the threshing season, the speed, that before the lit tie one could former as tender of the separator ' get out of the way the car was al while the latter has been the en- ; most on her and missed the little gineer. ' I one less than a foot. At the rate Mrs. J. W. lierger and daughter, ! of spted which it was reported the Mrs. J. II. Drown, and her twoje-ar was traveling, had it struck the daughters, were spending tome time 'child, the result would have been with friends in Omaha List Saturday the loss of her young life. Many where they also looked after some 1 people think' the strets and roads business matters as well. They re- j sre only for the purpose of trying turned home via I'latismout n ia-:i cut t lie speeu 01 men it-imine did not come and the program was shortened to that extent. The Rev. E. H. Pontius of the United Brethern church of Mynard was present. The meeting which has been arranged for the coming Saturday is replet in good numbers, there being plent of music and songs.' Come and lis ten to the numbers of good musical songs and also to the discussion of the question of the consolidated school, as it will be spoken to from all angles and is a very live subject. The county superintendent will be present and explain the workings of the plan to all who would like to know more about the matter. Pro cessor Clark of Dincoln. will also be present and make the principal ad- j drses. The program for Saturday rs as fellows: Address by Professor Clark. Flute solo by Miss Olga Minford. Vocal duet by Misses Neva Latta and Helen Todd. Whistling solo by Miss Elizabeth McCracken. Vocal solo by Miss Helen Todd, which will he accompanied by a flute obligato. Piano solo by Mrs. Hoy Cole. Trio by Mrs. Pitman. Misses Datta and Todd. Vocal solo by Miss Neva Latta. Good Truck Record. Earl Lancaster has been making an extra good record with his' big Keo truck for the nast few days in deliv ering wheat to the Plattsmouth mar ket from near Murray. One day last week he hauled seven loads in one day averaging 63 bushels to each load, and on each round trip covering a distance of twenty-eight miles which we would consider a pretty good days work. Earl is well pleased with the Heo in the handling of his farm work and heavy hauling. Ve are keeping In line with ail decrea.-es 1n the prices of lumber. See c.enrpe Nickles at Murray, for figure-; and estimates of cost.s. PANNING & NICKELS Mr. Kelly Khoden. who was kicked some time ago and from w.nich he rcv-eived some severe injuries, is mak ing gotwl progress and while :i:ie w'nat sore yet, he is able to ge! around. Frank Marasek went to Omaha last Monday evening to bring W, H. Honi.iTi home', where he had gone with his son. S.mford. who was in-jun-d by having fallen on a pitch fork tlitt a f i ( r:i oti. Charles C. Carroll and wife were the guests last Sunday at the home of hi son Earl Carroll and family near 1'nion. driving down and spend ivir the day in an outing, returning home in the evening. Allert Young completed his threshing last Tuesday morning and fet l like he has a load off his shoul ders. He had some forty five acre1 of oats and when the returns were in. found that they yielded just 2.24 busluls and :'.'. pounds. which is just two pounds less than fifty-five bush- Is to i lie acre. W. R. Y9UMG AUCTIONEER Always Ready for Sale Dates far or near. KATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR HO PAY! REVERSB ALL CAliLS Telephone 1511 Mnrr.iy Ex range Mrs. Phillip Lambert was a vi wit htrienns in Omaha last Saturday. The little son of Mr. and Mrs. John Earris was reported as being on the sick li.t last week. (Iny H. Wiles complete. 1 the threshing of his grain last Tuesday and like all the others, is well pleased with the results and that the job is completed. Geo. H. Decker of Plattsmouth. the representative of the Standard Oi! company, was a business visitor in Murray la-t Tuesday, bring a load of oil and gasoline for their' custom ers here. J. 11. Drown, and family. Walter Sans and family and Roy Henry and family, are having in contemplation the making of a merry party, who will take a two week souting at lake Okoboji, Iowa. Miss P.lancho Scotten. who has been visiting at Elm wood for some time at the hom of her friend Miss Lyle. returned the latter portion of the week and is again at her place as saleslady in the Murray drug store. The parents and brother of Mr. Morton Dartlett of Imoget.e. Iowa, were the guests at the home of their son and family last Sunday, driving over with their car and h-ivinc an excellent time while there, and re turning in the evening. David K. Kbersole of Plattsmouth. was a visitor in Murray for a short time coming down to meet and t;:ke to Plattsmouth a traveling man who is selling goods which is handled in Murray and Plattsmouth by W. H. Puis and I). II. Ebersole. When want fug prices on lumber and building nyiterials, remember we are keeping in line with all reduc tions in materials. Estimates and prices cheerfully furnished. Sec George Nickles at Murray. PANNING & NICKELS Saturday evening. Oliver Davis and family been making their home ness room o:i West Main street, 1 ave moved to the residence which wat recently purchased by Mrs. J. W. lierger of' Mr J. Baxter, prior to her departure for the west. Mr. Da is who is employed with the Missouri (Pacific railway, will, by this move. be mu?h handier to his wor.. Mr. and Mrs. Joe Woodard. Misses Mai le and Dorothy Johnson, all of Omaha, and Glen Johnson of 1'res cott, Arizona, were visiting for the past ft-w days at the home of their sister. Mrs. Phil Lambert, and her estimable husband. While here they all took their dinners and went to i'orj.i, w.kuIs where thev enjoyed the day by having a picnic. They parted for their home in Omaha Tuesday afternoon. j Hut when they shall have struck and , who have 'killed some one they will look after i-i a h'.i-i- 1 t be matter nerhaps in a. more sane light. 13etter be a ful now and save ture. little more care- trouble in the fu- de-last W. G. acreage port ion IL Representing Kirschbraun & Sons Highest Market Price and Meet All Competition! Ho Long Waits for Your Check! ACURATE TESTS GUARANTEED! Hiatt MURRAY, : -1 i I UII, NEBRASKA Tourine the West. P.oedeger who has a large of wheat in the wtvtern of -the state, being located near' Grant in Perkins county, de parted with his family in their Hud son Speedster car for the west last week and after looking after some business matters regarding to har vesting of the wheat, departed for the mountains where they will spend some time at the famous sum mer resorts of the we-t. They vis ited at Estcs park, and from there wil! visit at Denver and Colorado Springs and other points in the west andvwill enjoy an extended visit. Visiters Return Home. Miss Etta Nickels was a visitor in Plattsmouth and Omfha last Tuesday driving there in her car. At both places she was looking after some business matters and also accompan ied her sister. Mrs. J. D. .Worthman and husband and their son of Leigh, who have been spending some time in Murray auH vicinity. They trav eled in their car and have in Murrav for a week. Business Coming His Way At the garage of L. H. Puis we noticed a half dozen excellent ma- hanics busily engaged in doing the Urge amount of repair work which lias come to the business place of Mr. Puis. Nothing short of the best ser vice lias been the plan of this firm and by always furnishing the best materials obtainable and requiring the best work be done Mr. Puis has enjoyed an excellent quality and quantity of auto repair work. Being a capable mechanic himself, places Mr. Puis in a position to know what should be done, how to do it and how much -a man should reasonably do. There are besides himself, the following mechanics: Amos Wright r.nd brother, Harry Wright, both good workmen, K. L. Kniss. George llrinklow and Frank Marasek. all capable workmen, while W. Marsh is the man of all work and has heen a faithful worker while employed here. Gees West for Horses. S. L. Wimmer. who came here from I iii home in Virginia to attend the ' 84th tirth anniversary of I'ncle 3eo. , Shrader last Sunday, departed Mon ! day in company with Homer Shra, j der. for Riverside. Oregon, where i they will load a couple of cars ot horses, that will be shipped to this i county some time about the firet of August. The horses will be sold here at a sale, the date of which will be announced within a couple of weeks. Mr. Wimmer is a nephew cf Uncle George Shrader. and lias at tended several of the birthday cele brations of this excellent old gentleman. Entertained Friends Last Sunday Last Sunday at the hf;me of Mr. and Mrs. II. C. long. they with Geo. Nickels and wife, entertained for the day and at dinner." a number ot friends and relatives. Those present were V'm. Nickels, father of George Nickels, Lee and Etta Nickels, a br ther and sister, all from east of Murray. Mr. and .A?rs. J. 1). Worth man and their son Trafford, of Leigh, the former beingETAOL!IT Ieigh. the latter bring a sister of Mr. Nickels, are visiting for a short time in Murray. Will Hold Picnic Saturday. The two Sunday schools of Mur ray, the Ladies Aid society of the Christian church and the Ladies Missionary society of the Presbyter ian church have perfected arrange ments for the holding of the picnic at the hotne of D. A. Young and wife northeast of Murray. They wil! meet at the Presbyterian and Chris tian church at 11 o'clock in the morning and will then he conveyed to the grove at the farm of Mr. Young where they will have a solid day of enjoyment. Let every one come pre pared to enjoy the day to the limit. Community Meetings Popular The community meetings which have been held at the lawn of the Presbyterian church for several weeks past, have grown in popular ity very rapidly. At the last meet ing which was held last Saturday at Murray, there were seme eight hun dred interested people in attendance A portion of those on the program Befith of Mrs. Jane Lloyd Totten Tuesday evening at the home of her brother, George Lloyd, southwest, of Murray, occurred the death of Mrc. Jane Lloyd Ttvtten. one of the old and highly respected residents of the county. Mrs. Totten was seventy years of age and has been in very poor .health for some time suffering from a eomnlication of diseases that has made her recovery a matter of crave doubt. The deceased lady leaves rthree brothers. Joe Lloyd of Plattsmouth, George of near Nehaw- and John who resides in Nehawka. Two brothers. Stephen and David, have preceded the sister in eieatn. Mrs. Totten was the widow of Clifton Totten. a former well known farmer of near Murray, and since the death of the husband thirteen years ago. she has been making her home witn the brpthers. The funeral of Mrs. Totton was held this morning at the Presbyter ian church. Rev. Iiuchanan in charge and the interment made in the Mur rav cenie4ery. Owing to poor heatlh Joseph Lloyd of riattsmouth. was unable to be present at the funeral as he is not in the best of health at the Masonic home. To Clean Up Cemetery Wanted: A man to clean up the cemetery at the Lcwiston church, southeast of Murray. Will pay good wages. Call phone No. 1S11, Mur rav, Nebr. Miss Etta Nickels. Road District Number Ten All who reside in road district number ten, will take notice to cut the weeds and grasses growing along your lands before August loth. Anyone who fails to do so, the weeds will be cut and the expense thereof assessed against the property abut ting. HENRY CREAMER. Road Overseer. Enjoyed Picnic Sunday. A. Gansemer and family, W. H. Puis and family. Fred Lutz and fam- ilv. Herman Gansemer and family. loaded wilh .good tilings to eat. made a trip in their ears to th? home of George Hanson, near Nehawka. where in the shade of a friendly grove, they picnicked during the dav, enjoying the occasion greatly and after the heated portion of the j day had passed returned home ill ti. cool of the evening. Is Selling Many Cars. L. H. Puis a id wife. w. II. Puis were visitors in Omaha last Tuesday, going with a traveling man'who pass eul through Murray and bring back with them a number of cars which L. H. Puis has for sale at his garage. Mr. Puis has just' dispose.;! of two excellent cars, one being a Yeile. go ing to a party near Union, while the other was a Hudson was sold to George Wiles of near Murray. They were both delivered last week. Mr. Iils is known far and wide for the excellent cars which ho handles and for the fair and cotirte-nus treat ment which he gives his customers. Free Specials This IVeek! The only way we can get you to realize what a wonderful difference there is between the "GOLDEN THROATED" Claxtonola and other makes of "talk ing" machines, is for you to come in and hear it play. It is in a class by itself r but you will never know its real excellence until you hear it with your own ears. See our Oil Stoves for This Hot Weather Our cream separators are the besK and you will say so your self when you see how much they will save in,-a year. Come in and see us when you want one. Our line of shelf and heavy hardware if replete with your every day wants. The stock contains all that any good hardware store should carry. 'Titan'' and "Waterloo Boy" Tractors and All Kinds of Gang Plows MURRAY W- H- POL 39 NEBRASKA 1 F.conOmy Threshing- I-Ia chine Co. The Economy Threshing company of near Murray, which has been doiryr a lot of threshing; ( this seas:n and 3S 0 W Fist u la-Pay When Cured 1R. A curs until cur rr thfoi K. tai:y k Complete me Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of the Family will be Found at Our Store Hoys' worJv shirts Men's bread, long work shirts 6i Poys' union suits Men's union suits -- Men's Hatch One-Cuttoii union suits C,i Lovs' Hatch One-Iluttou union suits Oi ?1.1"') jiic aiol up $1.00 and up $2.00 l.:::. Also Local Agent for the Famous Singer Sewing Machines. The Service Store ALFRED GANSEMER, Proprietor Keeping in Line in Prices! To all who are interested in building we would have you know we are keeping in line with the market reductions on lumber. Come to us for estimates and figure's. We will furnish you t lie best of goods and at the lowest possible prices. Here you will al ways get the benefit of reductions as they occur. See H. P.. Panning at Union or Ceorgo Nickels, at Murray. Banning Sk Nickels, Lumber Dealers - - Murray, Nebr. ex: -Vm ;,-;'i! Mv Mil ! 55 " I'',,. ...... 'T-1--J VAX- -7-:S T II i : - - A mild svetem of treatment that cures Ptlea, Fistula and other Rectal L'lfenxea In a h"r Hm nirhmit n tn-frp vurzical operation. T-.o Chloroform. Kther or other general cuaran-eed In everv cao accented for treatment, and ed Write for l.-ook on Ilectal L'iseaes, wan nanus 1 ono irn:i:inem neonle wiin have been erm;' Sint.ilorttim. reter Trut lUilr. ( Ke 11 l)r. H. S. Jvlinstun, Medical Iirector. anaesthetic no money to be and testimonial t Tired. ,lS.). OMAHA, tU. Eieciriciiy on the Farm! The United States government is advocating the use of electricity more extensively on -the farMs. It is pointed out that where electricity is usel laborious farm work is reduced andjjetter results are obtained. Many things can be done on a farm with electricity, such as churning, grinding grain for live stock, food for poultry, washing' dishes, lighting the buildings and other neces sary tasks that now require brawn and sap vitality. Farm life should be made as pleasant and easy as possible, to increase its popularity. The work of the women folk on the farm would be much less arduous with the installation of electrical appliances, say the government investigators, fcr on their shoulders falls much of the most trying work on the farm. 'I he aver age farm woman works a few minutes more than thir teen out of twenty-four hours during summer, and her daily average for the year is eleven hours and eighteen minutes. Half of the women on farms, say the gov ernment reports, are at work at 5 a. m. and get prac tically no rest until they retire at night. Of every 100 women on farms thirty-six'of them help with the milk ing, while seventy-nine of them trim and fill lamps, arid all but four do the family washing. As a labor-saver electricity, says the government, has no equal, while the saving of vitality to both man and woman is astonishing where it has been tried out. Many farmers of Nebraska and Iowa have installed electricity and few of them would do without it now. FARM ELECTRIC POYER AND UttHT PLAtiZ Theie are many good makes of farm light plants on the market now that will speed up machincryand illuminate the buildings by the simple touch of a button. E. E. SOWERS '. . , - State Agent ASHLAND, NEBRASKA L. H. P.ULS Local Agent MURRAY, NEBRASKA (r p-.--