The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 12, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    THURSDAY, AUGUST 12. 1920.
Cbe plattsmoutb lournal
KntfMi-il at l'ostofTho, 1'hiltMiiouth, Neb., as second-class mail matter
R. A. BATES, Publisher
Neither candidate ha.s vet ilc-.larcu j marks that
for a pool 5 rent ( iar.
: o :
I-nt anybody K'i'i li K'-'l cr Hi
fir killing that I'hicasy inilliunairc
diamond import?
We Mipp'iM' it's all rihl. for 'a
nicrcliant to refer to his own "ridicu
lous" low price sale.
- : o :
.Must of the "deciiTio" in meat
jiires we read aboiie are vvlun t h o
retailer "declines" to confirm the
After all. there's .- inethin nn'ie
dangerous than war. Thousands of
per.-Tis are ri.-'kiiiR their lives drink-
ins home brews.
I Here is no suici le anions the ani
mals in Yellowstone ptrk, we read.
and tliere seems to ne none anions
th hiRhwayinen in that section
There still is in New York a soo'I
deal of talk about prohibition, main
ly anions the anxious citizens wh:i
wonder when it is poins into effect.
So far this siyumer, a properly
fctased ice famine would hardly have
paid expenses, but coal famine stem
to draw pretty
the year round.
Another of our sreater misfor
tunes is that none of our statesmen
seem to know as mneh about iiis
world as Sir Oliver Lodue knows
about the next.
. : o :
"I'hicaso cannot afford to ;;;rmit
confidence men to rob its visiters."
-ays the Chicaso Daily News.
Kishto! Tliey should confine the
robberies exclusively to home folks.
i woman is as obi "as she
! looks at von". At any rale, neoole
apparently are living longer as well
as faster thati they did a half cen
tury ago. .Many men and women
Have lived to he a centurv old and
if the past is any indication of the
future a greater number will reaeh
that ase in coming years.
Age is more or less relative, de
pending upon the maturity of those
who discuss it. Youth js likely to
look upon thirty as old ape, but the
person ot tinrty regards tilth an age
as a mere beginning. You in turn.
regard forty as near the dead line of
usef ulness's, while forty realizes that
real maturity is .still ahead. News-
papers have spoken of the vouth of
national candidates tins campaign.
Franklin 1. Roosevelt, at thirty-
eight, is sp. ken of as a mere boy
(jovernor t ox is tittv and Senator
Harding is fifty-five, yet nobody of
mature age regards either of the
presidential candidates as an old
Nobotiy, so far, has found a rea
sunsimne lor youth, although some
surgical experiments pre asserted to
nae oeen suecessiui m restoring vi
tality and youthful spirits. Youth.
after all, is a state of mind as well
as a span of years. .Men and women
are not old at sixty; iluv are not
old at seventy and when eishtv is
reached many of them refuse 'to be
shelved. One's outlook upon life is
likely to determine whether one is
to continue real living or go t.o
seed. Years ago men retired at forty
or fifty and were not worth much t:
their communities after that. Now
a man stays in the harness, altei nat
j ing wffjk and play. So. in reality, lu
j never grows old in spirit, regardless
From Monday's Daily.
Yesterday two auto loads of l'latts-
I mouth people, composed of J. Ij. Bur
rows and wife. Mrs. Mary Burrows,
.Mrs. Mat tie Johnson and daugiiierjj
of Republic. Missouri
at the Burrows home and J. A. Bur-
t X- .1.- 1-..
rows and lamiiy, visneu .m'hium.i
City, where they were guests at .He
home of Mr. and Mrs. Karl Dickson
for the day. Mrs. Dickson is a
(laughter of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Bur
rows and the time was pleasantly
snent hi our lieinhborinir city, the
members ol t:ie
home last evening
The ladies aid so.?iety of the Luth
eran ehureh w ill give an ice ci cam
social on Wednesday evening, Au-
m . a T
gust 1Mb at the home ot .Mrs. a. a.
Kngelkemeier. Kveryone invited.
Township twelve (12); North TIanjro
thirteen i:i , all cast ot'.tlip 6th I". M
in tlii- i'ounty r (ass, Nebraska; ami
all persons having or claiming any
iinei'csi or any kmui in saia real es
tate or anv parts thereof:
Von and each of yon are hereby not!
floil that Casli 1 Y lies and Thomas
iles. Jr as plaintitis tiled a petition
ami imiin-n( an action in t lie Ids
Mel ClUirl ill (aSS COllntV Whpneb
WHO are guesoion tiie llh day ot August. 1 !!;. apainst
; you nn.i each oi you, me onjeet, pur
j pose ami prayer of winch is to olitain
i ileoree ot eonrt, quieting title t( the
north half (N'a of the north half
,(.'0 of the north half (N'-i) of tin
southeast inart-r (SK'il of Section
four HI. Township twelve (12), North
Kan- thirteen ( 1 3 1 1 and the north
hall (N1-, ,,f the southeast Uitrl
if-l'.'il of Sim t ion fourteen (It). Town
'ship twelve (!. North llnnw thirteen
(i::i:.:iinl the north half I N o; of th
northeast iiiarter ( N r; ',t ) of the south
r,wist !iarie (S ot .Section four
teen H, Township twelve (1), North
entire thirteen (l.ii. all in the County
of Cass, Nebraska; 1 he south half (S'
of the north. ;ist ouarter iM'Mii
jeeiion lour (i). lownship twolvt
(I.I, North i:.ume thirteen ( 1 :: ; ;U1,
; tin- south half (S'-l ot the north half
I ( N f the north half Ni) of the
sout ln-ast ouarler (Sl-.'4 of Seeti(Oi
; four ( ! ). Township twelve '( 12), North
,!.anpe liuittiu (!.;: and the sontl
can i i oi iiio soiiineasr (iiiarter
ji.-K , of s'eetioii fourteen (It). Town
ship twelve ill'). North Kanire thir-
'leeii (l::; and the south half Si of
party relurnin;
1 h.
northeast ti:irtr oS'HiJ
From the number of slackeis and
dislo alists the war department has
turned loose with a pat on the buck,
perhaps it's just as well the secretary
of war didn't catch the kaiser after
oi an accumulation oi manv years
when birthdays come. ()!d age i
y enough to acquire it one seeks
but if youth is desired one mav
have it. and forget about the birthdays.
In view of the fact that the in
cr'a.-eil rail rates probably will be
come effective by September 1. it is
expected there soon will be a rush
to purchase the winter's supply of
We're rather glad we'je nonliving
on that new comet just discovered,
for it is likely to enter the path of
our cost of living just at its peak,
and we doubt whether that atmos
ph er is inhabitable unless reached
by degrees.
:o: '
A story from Seward county to
the effect that there Ls a citizen of
that county who has reached the age
of J no years, serves to recall that
while the attainment of such an age
is not common it (Iocs not excite the
interest formerly taken in those who
round out a century of human life.
Due authority says a man is as oh!
as he feels and a paragrapher re-
1 h
M 11 wtniien
ave learned
that there are two
ways to care for
clothes. They are
leaniing to take
care of them.
It is quite a mannerly thing to take
care of your clothes investment and
protect it up to the limit. Having
your clothes carefully dry cleaned
will improve their wear and help to
prolong the life of their stylish lines.
Getting" acquainted with our work
means getting in touch with a real
money saving service.
Goods Called for and Delivered
From Wednesday's Daily.
During the pa-st several weeks the
police of the city have received more
or less complaints in regard to the
habit of youngsters riding on the
sidewalks with their bicycles, and
which has proven a great annoyance
to those who have been compelled to
travel these walks that have been
adopted as a speedway by th younp-;-ters.
On Monday one of the aged
residents in the sor h portion of the
city had a very do e call from in
jury as the result of one of these
t yea lists.
Chief of Police Manspeaker stated
to the Journal that any further vio
lation of the ordinances in regard to
riding on the walks with bicycles,
would bring trouble to the parties
doing it and any cases reported to
him would be taken up and handled
in the proper manner.
If ycur Ford need.s attention, bring
It to our shop and ask
Our Shop Foreman
for the cost of the necessary repairs.
He will give you honest, reliable
advise and a careful estimate of the
expense required.
We have trained and efficient Ford
mechanics 100'
will like our work and Ford prices.
Stop at our
Filling Station
Cash Only!
T. II.
1 Phono No. 1
Sleep is the condition of rest of
the nervous sAstem during which
there is a renewal of the energy that
has been expended in the hours of
wakefulness. A sleepless night is
... 1 1
one of the worst tortures, especially,
in summer. Fortunately no matter
how bad the day may have been.
von will sleep quietly, it you taKOj
friner's American Klixir of Hitter.'
Wine at bedtime. This remedy cleans!
nit the bowel-, stops the formation
ot gases, aids digestion and when ; '
you get up in the morning you are!
full of new energy. Iut be sure to!
et the right remedy! Our trade
mark "Triner'sAiuericaii Klixir of
Hitter Wine- Horke Vine," was reg
istered in the l S. Patent Office.
Washington, D. ('., on January '2,
t ! 0 1. or more than fourteen vears
igo. and the remedy itself, a pio
neer in its branch, was brought to
the American market :0 years ago.
It is today just as peerless as it had
been in the- first (lavs, and therefore
nsist upon Triner's! Ask your drng-
it or dealer in medicines also about
other Triner's remedies, he will glad
ly inform you. Joseph Triner Com
pany, l::J3-4a S. Ashland Ave., Chi
(igo. 111.
1 t OI II
.southwest iu:irter (i- '4 ) of Section
I'tuirteen (1(1. 'I'ownsh i i twelve (K'.
N-nili liiine thirteen (.i:;i, east of
ti.e Mh I . St., m the oiinty ,,t" Cass
.Nehl-iisk.-l. ns .-mxilist you and caeh of
viu an. I lor sueh other relief as mav
he .lust ainl uuita I'le.
Vin and eaih of yoti are furtlu
i, ...ii, i.i iii.ii nil -are reqniieii in an
swer sai.l h'tithm mi or hel'ore Mon
day the L'Tlh day of Seitcmher, l'.ii'H,
or the alienations therein contain.',
will he taken as true and a deerct
will he i-emlered ill favor of the j. lain
tills and arainst you and each of you
aeeordinp to the prayer of raid ncti.
1 ated
this llh day of August, lL't)
CASH lj. AVII.KS and
Plain tiffs
W. A. i;oi?KltTS( X.
Atty. for l'ltfs
es -
All the popular copyright books
on sale at the Journal office.
i.i:i;m, m i i r.
Mm MeCarver. defendant:
Yon are heretiv notitOMl. That on the
tiftli !ae of March, lii.'i' Kohert Me-
arver. I'laintilT, tiled his I t it i n and
iimieiiei ii an aetion against you in
the lustriet I'nlll I of ('a.-.s eountv. Ne-
raska. t he, nh.ieet and ju a i r of whieh
is to oi'taiu an absolute divorce from
hi n the grounds of ih sert ion. inis-
i.lint arol i neom pa t i h: I i t v. witlum'
tn-e or tault ol Ihe OIiiMitiT.
'U ale reiiiired to answer .said pe
tition on or in fore the :.'ith dav i f
Sepleiuher, A. I . l!eM).
i: iu:i:t m i:vi-:ir.
il-'-lw. i'lainti'T.
tiiiu.u nr ii i it -
ami Noiie- on 1' lilion for --ll'lii-ii
of Account.
In the t'ountv Court of Cass cnui
ty. .. hraska.
Stale of Nebraska. Ca.-s eunt v. s-.
To a'l pervons i n t e res t e.i in the es
tate of Charles ( '. i lenniiiKs. dei-eased:
n i t a.ltfitr tl..- petition of ChaVh s
II. Iiehiiiim; praying a titiai ettle
noiit' and allowaijie ef his aieoiint
lih d in tl is Court on the Till dav ot
i t. 1 : ;
It is hei. hv oiih rid that -ou and a'l!
p is.. ns iiMer. sted in said matter mav.
and d. appear at Ihe Coiniiy Court to
he hold in and for said eountv. on
day of
k a in .
the 1 1 1
PI nVlo,
I here he,
tinner s 1 1
in I ! i ee of
ami the 1 1 ea ri n
p.-rsons ii.ieie
pe. hi is Jj j e- a ,.
Xiiu'iii, A. l. ll'JO. a!
to show eaii-e. if a n v-
whv the piaer of the peti-
iihl not he granted, and that
the ienih liey of :ai. petition
; thereof he nivcn to all
ted in sai.l matter l.v
PV of this order in t! e
I i.ittsm.itni, .lournal, a a in i -wiel; 1 y
newspaper piint.-d in said eountv. er
u.e week prior to said .lav of hearing.
In witness whereof. 1 have hereunto
set hiVvhand and the seal ef said
C'oiit this Tlh dav of Auuiist. A I'.
I .
(Seal! ,
Al.I.KN .1.
im:i:s i
Ulll .1 lilt 1.
In tin
of Cass,
M IT '! ( l 1 1
I 'i 1 1 I Court of the
'ass, Nebraska.
sh I.. Wiles and Tl.oinas Yi
fiamiius. vs. Mrs. .Jane H
1. I e fen. la n t s.
TIT 1. 1'.,
Con ii t v
a rp r
To th.
1 f -i rper:
I "oihi II :
Mai n - II I
defendants. Mrs. .lane .
Joseph Harper; Ih.hert W.
Airs. W. lioimell fn-vt
unknown: . M . Savtm.
hi si real niui- unknown; Airs. A Al'
Sat.,n. Ii l-.-1 real nanu- u n'k no'w'n ;
.North Seott. a eo-pa it n. fs h i p eom-
p..sed ot Noun, lirst r.-.-il nam.-
iiriknown. and S.oif first reil
name unknown : North, fust real
name unknown: Mrs. North
:ii-st real name unknown; Seott'
first real name unknown: Mrs 1
Seott. first name unknown: Mar
tha I.. Harper: Harper, lirst real
name unknown: I-:. II. Knton. first real
name unknown: .Mrs. II I'-.i,... .....
name unknown: the unknown
ile v i-i es, .;nt( es. i,..t-....i ......
resenta fives arid all other persons in
i reste.l in th. esOMes oi Mrs. .la,,,. .
.,.,.s...,, narper: Kol.eii v
m il; Al. s. ;., I, ei I w. Io.,n ll, l,,st
name hiikiiown: A. Al. Saxton
real name unknown- M.s
SaMon, first real name unknown" ! 1 1
North, first real name unknown:' Mrs
North, first real name unknown-
isv'ii, nrst reat name
Mrs. Seott. first- real
known: Martha I.. Harner, first rtal name iinL-r,r.,.- -
first real name unknown and
... oi. iiist real name n...
llarp. i- and I.uke Wili s,
I II. e unknown xueees-.'
; itm:it up m:iti;
lllol i.(i-- on I'elilloii fr
tleineiil aif Aeeniilll.
In the County Court of Cass
ty. Nebraska.
Slate of Nebraska. Cass county
To all persons interested in th
tate ot Ma.- K. (toodman, dee-aseil:
(n reading flu- pi tition of Men.iaiiiin
!'. (oiodinan. ad m i n isl ra t or, prayinir a
linal settlement and allowance of his
aieoiint filed in this court on the !M h
.'ay of August. 1H''. and for assiiin
ment of said estate and the discharge
of said admi'iistrator;
It is hereby ordered that you and
all persons interested in said matter
may. and do. appear at the Cnuntv
Court to ho h. hl in and for said coun
ty on the LVird day of August, A. I
!.'. mi o noeiv a. m.. In show cause
it any there be. why the pravcr of
the petitioner should not he granted.
ami mat notice ot trie pendency of .said
petition and the hearing thereof hi
ifivcn to all persons interested in said
matter bv pn hi ish i n a copv of tlii
oi.ler in tie I'lattsmout h .lournal.
sel-U-Weel.l , , e w S pa I e r printed j tl said
county lor one week prior to said
dav ot lit. arms;.
in witness whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and the seal of said court
this yth dav of Auuust. .. I pr'il ,i i:i:i:si n.
(Seal) County Judge.
UnMA awattQ. nmic
for Highest Possible Quality at
Lowest Possible Price
iiin:it nr lie. kim;
mill Noliee -r Proliale of Will
In the c-untv (.'nirt of o'ass coun
ty. Nt l.rask .
Stale of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of William Jl-il. deceased:
Ui leading the petition of Kather
ino lleil pr.i.virii; that the instrument
tiled in tl court on the 1Uh day of
Aumist. l!''i), and pu rporl i n K to he the
last wiil and testament of the said de
niased. mav he proved and allowed,
and re or. led as the last will and tes
tament of William lleil, deceased; that
said instrument he admitted to prn
ha.te, and the administration of said
estate he i: ranted to Katheline lleil,
lis execut ri :
It is hereby ordered that yon. and
all persons interested in said matter,
may, and do. appear at thu County
'oiirt to be h. hl in and for said -county,
on the Ith day of Sept em her, A. I .
!'". at Hi ..'i I... It a. m., to show cause,
.i anv there he. why the prayer of
the petitioner should not be Kranted.
and that notice of tin- pendency of
i-aiil petition and that the liearint;
thereof he c.iell to all persons ill
icit ste.l in said matter by publishing
a copy (,f this ( nder ill Ihe I'latts
mout h .(.mi mil, a semi-weeUIy news
paper printed jM said county, for three
sue.-essi e weeks prior to -said day of
hen t in ir.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
eonrt this pith dav of August, A. t .
J:e''J. j. i:i:i:s( in".
(Seal i al.'-:;w. County Jude.
mh in: or in: i:ij
il "flit ion
INI ate No. .
Ki k-n ha i v. dei
i "ouli t ot "l
for l-crniiiinliii
II rirlii.
. .-. of Annie ,. laley
ased. in the County
u nly, Nebraska.
: I
i rs
u nk no wn :
name nu
ll. Katon
Mrs. :. H
Known: Alary,
each deceased
'-Ii aii'.ees and nssi-ns of North
Scott, a cn-partn. rship: the north half
(.Si., i of the north half (ii,i or the
nm-Ui half iNi.) of t!(e southeast
naite,- (SKi..,) of. Section four ( I ,
Township twtlve Mji, North ltan-e
thirteen ( 1 ) ; and the north half x i
ef the southeast 'uartr (Sl-;i, ) of "s-7-tion
fourteen (II). Townshii. t,-.-'..i,
thirteen (IP. ); and
) of the northeast
SOllthwesI mn...
(SW'i) of Section fourteen nil
. North i;aill;,.
County of Cass
(S'.-ii of tire
Hi'!. North Kan
the north half (N
o ua it er (NK1, i of t h
ter (SW'i) of
Township twelve ( 1
thirteen, nil in the
Nebraska: The south half
noil lie. .si iniarier l.-,', nf S-'octjfii
four (I). Township twelve (li) North
i:amre thfrteen li::i: and the south
half (SV.i of the north half tXU.) f
the north h.alf (N'i of tlie soutTioast
Uiiarter iSK'p of Section four (4
Torvnship twelve ( U' i. North 11,,,!
ii:.): and the south half (S2
suiiilifasi uuauer (SKI. I
t hirteen
r f t:, ....... 2
Section fourteen 1 4 . Township twelve
I12i, Nortii Hanpe thirteen line nr,H
phe south half (Si of the northeast
(;unrter (NT"'i of tlie southwest qu-i'r-ttr
(SW'i) vi Section fourteen (14)
lie State of Nebraska, To all person-.
interested hi said estate, credi
tors and h-irs take notice, that Sallie
1 Hard, the owner of the hereinaf
ter tlescrih. d real estate and interested
in such, has filed her petition allcfj
in that Annie f,. I a ley-Ki ken ha ry
dii d intestate ill I'nion,. Cass county,
Nebraska, on or about October, l!)."i.
bein .-, resident and inhabitant of
I'hioii. ('ass- eoiiiuy, Nebraska, and the
owner of following described real
estate, to-wit: Lot six in Itlock
t l.irt -nine (::: ill the City of Univer
sity I'h-iee, Lancaster county, Nebraska,
leaving as lor sole and only heirs at
law the feilowimr named persons, to
wit: Mar , Cannon, her mother, and
Albert I:. Kikcnhary, lit r widower:
that said decedent diet! intestate: that
no application for administration has
been made ;ind the estate of said doc-dent
has not been administered in
Ihe sinte (,f Nebraska, and that the
Court determine who are the heirs of
said ib ee.isetl, their decree of kin
shin and tie ri'lit of descent in the
real properly of which Ihe deceased
lied scj. u, ". whieh has been set for
li'-iirintr on ' the vtli day of September,
A. 1 1. i:ci), at m o'clock a. m.
Hated .n i-lattsmouth. Nebraska,
t! is .lid ,.iy of August. A. I. 1920.
(Seal) a.-,-:;w County Judge.
Not Merely a Newf Name
But a New Cigarette
THERE was room at the top for , a
new and better cigarette. And Spurs
were made to fit in right there ! Spur's
decidedly new blend makes the Orient's
choicest tobaccos and America's finest
tobaccos yield more richness, aroma and
mildness than you thought a cigarette
could have. A new method of rolling
'(crimped, not pasted) makes Spur's good
tobacco taste last longer. Spur is "class" all
' through even to the smart "brown-and
i silver" package, triplcwrapping, that keeps
Spurs fresh and fragrant. If you're fed up
with ordinary cigarettes, Spurs will give
you a tresix start.
",fi554CSrs J ? ' ' V.
four Jr.lrr cannot
"jpplf Tou. tend u
$2.00. an J mc haU be
pleased to lend ou. br
prepaid parcel pott, at
carton of 200 Syur Cigar
ettea (10paclcaK)
ai FiiH At-enue
Nw Voit Cuy
MlTK i; Of MIT TO tl ll'.T TITl.ti
In th.- I i strict Court of Cass coun
ty. Nebraska..
I lill hint ;,-assma!jr claintiff. vs. I.u
eir.da Itritfon et al. lefendants.
To the i.pfendants: Tho unknown
I "irs., h-catees, personal rep
ri'Si nta i ves and nil other persons In
terest etl j,, th- estate of John JlcCunk-
v. deet a e-( ; Kliza McConkey; the
unknown la i'r. tlevisecs, legatees, ier
sonal r.pi ...,ei;'ratives 'and all other
!" ;sr.i,s iiuprPSted in the estate of
WuiTc-i .MeConkov. deceased; Nora Mo
'"iikiy; the unknown Tieirs, devisees,
legatees. p,.rKonal representatives and
all other j.nstois interested' in -the
estiUe of t;eor?e- McConkey,- deceased ;.
,!'- unknown heirs, devisees, legatees,
personal rr.t,rest-ntat ives and all other
hrrsoi,s interested in the estate of Klla
-MeConk.v, deceasetl; Hoy Piggrott;
'-sie liatn fnee I'isrirott): Fred
-!. Haven: Kiccta JelTors: Charles Jef
I'ls; riKpott: IJenjamin PigKOtt;
Mrs. lieniatnin lMfTf-'Ott. real name un
known isssle pigott Doe. real name
unknown: John Loe. real name un
known: Uoso estfa!l: Daniel S. West
fall: Celia l:arip: Charles L.. liapp; Mil
tla r.i.rKer Kansimer; William S. Ran
simei; and iots two (2) and three (3)
In Block three (3) in Ponelan's Addi
tion to the City of riattsmoufh. in
Cass county, Nebraska; and all person?.
cla imine; any Interest of any kind in
sai.l real estate or any part thereof:
You and each o'f you are herehv noti
fied that on the 2L'nd day of July, 1920,
the Plaintiff in the foregoing entitled
cause filed his petition In the District
ourt of Cass county. Nebraska, where
in eaeii ami all ot you are made par
ties defendant, the object, purpose and
prayer of which said petition is to
obtain a decree from said court re
moving clouds from and quieting the
ec.ortl title to the following deseiib
d real estate in the Plaintiff, Hiillard
(irassman, to-wit: Iots two (2) and
three Ci ) in Block three (3) in Dono-
lan's Addition to the City of Platts-
mouth. in Cass county, Nebraska, as
gainst you and each of you antl to
exclude and enjoin you and each and
ill of you from ever asserting or
claiming any estate, right, title or In
terest therein adverse to I'laintilT by
reason of Plaintiff's adverse possession
of said premises by himself and his
grantors for more than ten years prior
to the commencement of said suit, and
for such other and fyrther relief as
mav tie Just antl enuitatue.
You are required to answer said pe
tition on or before the 20th day of
September, 1920, or your default will
be duly entered therein and a decree
entered as prayed for in said petition.
Dated. Jnlv 30th. 1!20.
a2-tw. His Attorney, j
OitDKIt OK IlKAItl.Nt;
nml otlre of Prolinfe of Mill
In the County Court of Cass county,
state of Nebraska, County of Cass,
To all persons interested in the es
tate of Jacob l. Vallery, deceased:
On reading the petition of Grace
Vallery praying that the instrument
filed in this court on the 2nd day of
August, 1920, and purporting to be
the last will and testament of thje said
deceased, may be proved and allowed,
antl recorded as the lat will and tes
tament of Jacob Ii. Vallery, deceased;
that said instrument be admitted to
probate, and the administration of naid
estate be granted to John S. Vallery
and Mary Elizabeth Vallery, as exe
cu t cirs ;
It is hereby ordered that you, and
all persons interested In said matter,
may. and do. appear at the County
Court to be held in and for said coun
ty, on . the 1st. day of September, A.
t, 1920; at ' ten' o'clock a. m... to show
cause, if ariycthere be,', why- the. prayer
of the petitioner should ti'ot bef grant
ed, arid that notice o the pendency of
said petition and the! hearing thereof
be given to all persons interested in
said matter by publishing a copy of
t li is Order In tho Plattsmoutb Journal,
a semi-weekly newspaper printed in
said county, for three consecutive
wefks prior to said day of hearing.
Witness my hand, and seal of said
court, this 2nd day of August, A. D.
(iieaU a3-3w County Judgs.
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