The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 12, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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From Monday Dally.
L. It. Sniper, county agent, 4as in
the city today from Weeping Water,
looking after some matters of busi
ness. Judge J. V. lirohst, of Louisville,
was in the city today for a few
hours, attending to some matters in
the district court.
The Wonderful Overland Automobile ;
The New Overland 4
Made in the Touring Car, Roadster, Coupe and
the Beautiful Sedan.
The Wonderful Car With a Wonderful Endurance for the Long Runs
With the Least Expense.
'"THE New Overland 4
startles you with its wonderful riding
qualities on rough roads. The discomfort
to passengers and the injury to car, due to
side-swaying, twisting and bouncing is
greatly reduced.
The diagonal attachment of the exclu
sive Three-Point Cantilever Springs at the
ends of a 130-inch Springbase gives to the
Overland 4 with 100-inch wheelbase the
road steadiness of the car of long wheel-b.ise.
These Springs protect the mechanism
of the car, making a great saving in up
keep expense. Light weight means less
gasoline and oil consumption and longer
tire mileage.
Overland 4's equipment, of highest
quality, is complete from Auto-Lite Starting
and Lighting to Tillotson Carburetor.
You must ride in Overland 4 to ap
preciate its comfort. Ask for booklet.
Frank II. Johnson of Weeping: Wa- j
tei-i was in- the city today looking
after some matters in the oilice of
County Judge A. J. IJee?on.
A. H. Mutz and wifeof , Auburn
and Otto Mutz of near Lincoln, were
in the city Saturday enjoying a short
visit here at th eiiome of Mr. and
Mrs. A. C. Mutz. Mr. A. Ii. Mutz
being a brother of A. and Otto
Mutz a Jiephew. Mr. Ot:o Mutz will
enjoy a visit at Murray for a short
time before returning to his home.
Frm Tuesday's raily.
John Amick or Weeping Wter,
was in the city today looking after
some matters at the court house.
P. A. llild of near Mynaru.- vas
in the city fur a few hours today at
tending to some matters of busine-4.
Searl Davis ami wife, of near Mur
ray were in the city today for a few
hours visiting for a short time wit;i
From Wednesday's Pally
Mrs. .Jennie Kliinia of near Mur
ray, was in the city today for a few
hours lookin alter s:me trading
with the merchants.
Attorney J. A. Capwell, of Klm
wood. was in the city today for a
few hours, attending to some matters
of business.
Fred Clark 'of Union motored up
this morning from his borne north of
that city and departed on the after
noon train for Omaha w here he w 1
t-pend a few- hi,-.irs.
Frank F. Schlater of the IJank vt
Commerce of Louisville, came down
this morning fur a visit here with
his family and locking after some
matters of business.
John Cotner returned last evening
from Uladen, Neb., where he has been
for the past few week? assisting his
brothers in tlu:r harvest. He re
ports that tf.e crops in that portion
of the state are o.' the test and show
ing heavy yield.
Miss Etta Nickels of Murray was
a visitor in the city last evening for
a few hours enrotit? home from
Omaha, where .she has been visiting
with her sister. Mrs. J. I). Woitman
of Leigh. Nth., who are returning
home after a short stay at Murrav.
v C. G. IJailey ( f Klmwood, was in
the city yesterday afternoon for
few hours looking after some busi
n ess matters, being enroute home
H I from Omaha. Mr. IJailey and family
j.nave been at Muiawa lor a short
li time and the family remained there
ri for n .wlinr- tim..
From artual photograph taken in ths Edison
Shop, Fifth Avenue Xmo York City
u can make this sururisim
u experiment in our store
i of the IwoVioIins
Violins differ subtly in tone! Test the
New Edison Uealism by that fact.
We h:ivo an "Ave Maria" Uk-Crkatiok
j. laved In- Allert Spalding with his
(itiarncrius. Tliis famous violin has a
hrilliant, s:np;inf; tone. We have a!
sm-omcI "Ave Maria" IIk-Crkatiok
played by Carl 1'lesch -with his genuine realism for you.
Stradivarius. Tliis violin has a rich,
mellow tone.
Come in and compare theso two Rf.-Chf.a-tioxs
tone for tone. If the New lison
makes cloar the distinction Ix-tween the
singing Guarnerius and the mellow
Stradivarius, you know it has perfect
'The Phonograph with a Soul'
Alhort Spildinjr himself recently
took part in a test of the New Ldi
Sori's Realism, at New York City. He
j'laycd in direct ccmrxirison vrithtbo
Ke-C.Hf:ArioN of his porforruancc by
theScw Ixlisoi). Mr. Henry Hadlr-y,
cue of the jury of the three distin
guished musicians who listened from
behind a screen, said: "The.ItE
Chf.atioj matched Mr. Spalding's
performance tone for tone."
The New Kdison is the only phono
graph which lias given this con
clusive proof of its pt-rfpct rc:ilisni.
It has triumphed in 4,000 such comparison-tests.
Weyrich & Hadraba
Sinre 1!1. the total price-inrreas-
in ttic New Ktiikon
lias hrvn cs than 15. Mr.
h'Jison han. ix-roiial!r. nt
sorljed irmre Umn one half
of the inrreawd costof m'ln
ufarturr. He may not tie
able tr do this nmch longer.
Uujr now if yon want to
day's prir-. Our Budget
l'lan will hrip you. It di
tnhutps the (ayment oer
the month 10 come.
7fU Z U iit - rHr-.Sr
IOO inch Wheelbase
mm ii urn,. !jmr!B'!! JmiT-
More cf the Troubles of the Estate
cf John Weber, Deceased of Elra
wood to Be Brought to Court.
1-rom VoIn sd.ij-rf r'ally.
This nuM-nim in the county cmirt
a jK-tiMnn was filed t:y Jnhn W. Kunz
thn.ih his attorneys. J. A.
:ii I. O. Dwyer, askir.i; for his ap
l ointment as special aimir.:s: ru tor
f flic njt'it a ..r 1.1... x-..t 1 , i . .
v.catC kjl -um, ncuci, ue- , was wnien to jtell IJowdish. the ladv
ceatea. to prepare the business of the ! who cared for Mr. Weber in his
estate so that it may be turned over j illness.
.... wnii.u iu ijc uji- i e 1 1 1 ion ior the probate of the
pointed later. This is another chap- j estate of William Heil, deceased was
ter of the estate of Mr. Weber, who j also filed in the eourt In- the heirs i,f
died Sunday at Klmwood and .who ' the estate
had deeded his farm to the nurse who
cared fcr him. The value of the es
tate, as Riven in the petition of Mr.
Kunz is $."5,000 in real estate and
$..o,000 in personal property. No
will has yet been filed in the estate
but it is understood that such an in
strument was made by the deceased
in which all the personal property
31M U IL
for Alt Purposes!
Painter - Decorator
By Stock and Poultry Expert
A new book entitled "Cure and
Treatment of Stock and Poultry"
has just been published by Dr. L,. D.
Let! ear, notable Veterinary Surgeon
who graduated from the Toronto
Ontario, Veterinary College 27 years
aijo. and has since devo'tcd his entire
life to Veterinary Science and Poul
try Husbandry. This book contains
128 pages of up-to-the-minute data
on the care, symptoms and treatment
of stock and poultry. It is divided
into departments horses, cattle
..fs.-. n.t-n nun poultry being taken
up. It is very complete vith charts
and illustrations, and is a book that
should be in the home of every live
stock and poultry raiser in the coun
try The price is only 10 cents. Get
ft from your dealer or send a dime
to Dr. L. d. LeGear, 1700 North
Broadway, St. Louis. Mo., ' stating
that you are a subscriber to this pa
per, and he will send VOU a rnnv rli
rect. J "
I he "Uoost ers," one of the fast
organizations of Council liluffs. will
be here Sundav to engage the Ked
Sox in the weekly base ball exhibi
tion. The Council r.IulTs team come
well recommended as one of the fast
ones if that citv and will give the
fans a run for their money.
onnors, the star heaver of the
Sox, is to assist in t lie base ball tour
nament at Malvern. Iowa, this week
appearing with the Kssex team at
the opening game tomorrow and the
Kssex boys can re.-,t assured that they
have the services of one of the best
and headiest bull nlavers in this
part of Nebraska or Iowa.
The commodious brick residence in
Plattsmouth known as the Weckbach-
Walker home located at 4th and Oak
streets. This nroneriv is the last of
the best '.own town properties that
can lie secured at a reasonable price
Only half block from post office, li-
orary, court house and shopping dis
tricts. About four fine lots, is high,
sunny and sanitarv, fine shade and
lawn, good well, cistern, city water.
has goo-l barn, partly modern, pol
ished oak floor jn livins room. The
place needs some renair: will make
splendid home for retiring farmer or
any one desiring a substantial in
vestment or high, class, residence prop
erty. Out-of-town owners of this
property have requested me to dis
pose of it at onrc I will therefore
offer it for about ' one-fourth of its
actual replacement value.
M-"1 Plattsmouth, Neb.
n t 7 V, - "ei . Tae-V set lazy amte often your
blood mre wfth ui? I . s thLn ron fl P'ink all over. ,
ters Fat Bimniv tv noiiiter s Rocky Mountain Tea fill?
keen clean anT?nod hfn "ercise. them with new life and energy. Tea
Keep ciean and good health is prettylor tablets lc v r VrcVc C- Com-
Truants From Kansas City Are Sent
Home by Cass County Authorities
After Making; Short Tour.
From WeifufFiiava Dally
This morning County Attorney A.
(. Cole sent back to Kansas City, a
small colored lad, aged 11 years, one
of a trio of runaways from that city
who were picked up at Union a few
days ago. The boys had beaten
their way as far as Union where they
were apprehended and turned over
to the custody of Sheriff Quinton who
brought them to this city and lodged
them in the county jail. The two
white boys, aged 11 and nine, gave
the names of their parents who were
notified and the nine year old boy
received transportation back to his
1 ome from the parents but the two
remaining boys .were left here and
the colored lad finally shipped out
by the county. The remaining boy
is still here as no word was receivei?
from his parents and his disposition
win te ueoiueil on later. lie ss a
hov of goo dsize and should have lit
tie difficulty in securing some kind
of work that will enable him to
rakc his way.
On Sunday evening, August loth.
I will make a special rate for any
and all who wish to go to Chase
county' with me. I vill nave a Tull
man car out of Omaha. This car
will remain at Imperial and will be
our home until we return Wednesday
night. This will be an opportunity
for you to see the greatest wheat
fields in Nebraska. Threshing will
be on iji full blast and you had bet
ter take advantage of this trip.
5.00 will pay railroad fare both
ways, Pullman car service for three
days and three nights, all meals and
150 mile trip by auto over Chase
county. If you will say upon your
return that you have not had your
money's worth I will return your
$25.00 as freely as I receive it.
tf i'lattsmoutn, rseo.
TK. X. 5v
tj (ifr.
Siv Stir viV
Church and
Hives, eczema, itch or salt rheum
set you crazy. Can t bear the touch
of your clc'ning. Doan's Ointment
is fine for skin itching. All druggists
sell it, COc a box.
where the finest and most highly idealized typo
of Interior Decorating; is involved, as in some of
the finest churches and residences we have finish
ed in the state.
The preference for DUSTERH0FF INTER
IORS in such cases is due to the steadily growing
conviction that DUSTERH0FF INTERIORS rep
resent the highest standards of interior decorating;.
It is due also in great measure to the feel
ing of security inspired by our policy
to do interior decorating of the finest qual
ity only and of such design and performance as
to provide an exceptional value in DESIGN and
DURABILITY beyond the most extreme requirement.
Max Dusterhoff,
Interior Decoratings
Practical Fainting
Wood Knibhinqr
Wall Hanging
' i
Hl !