The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    MONDAY. AUGUST 0. 1920.
- A
The Bank of Ellurdock
oilers any legitimate inducement which can or 'niay be of
fered by any legitimate bank, to its patrons and customers.
We earnestly solicit your business, and assure you
that we are not only willing, but able to take care of any
reasonable demands for loans which you may request of
i ,
Remember, we are the only bank in Mufdock, in
which the depositors are guaranteed by the Depositors
Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your money
is absolutely safe, and you get this free insurance, at no
cost to you. Do your barking with an old, established,
reliable bank, properly and conservatively managed, and
you will never regret it.
The Bank of Murdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN,' Cashier
Floor wax and dancing wax at
Max Duterhoff's.
Jfw Johansen had a load of water
melons on the market last week.
Walter I$ox did the threshing last
Saturday and Monday for Albert T.
Theile and with very satisfactory
returns to the latter.
James Oilmorr was a visitor at
Omaha and l'lat turnout h for over
Sunday. 'remaining: until Tuesday be
fore returning to his work.
Th glass for the new hank build
ing ha-s arrived and has been set in
place which adds greatly tr the ap
pearance of the building.
Mrs. O. E. McDonald and two
children. Master Kobert and Miss
M.irgarite. are visiting for .mie time
at the bome of Mrs. Mcl) maid's par
ents. Mr. and Mrs. J. II., Kelly of
Albert Itornenieier. who has just
completed his threshing, is feeling
pretty gool as the yield of his oats.
He has a field of twelve acres which
made nearly a thousand bushels,
yielding a little over SO bushels per
acre on the average.
Are Ycur Buildings and
Automobile Insured?
Are your buildings and your auto
mobiles insured? You cannot afford
to b without protection. Our rates
are reasonable. YVo represent four
A-l companies and we know we can
satisfy you.
Let us jnve you pur rates; then
you think it over.
(.'all on or write
126 South 11th Street
Phone 1-4265 LINCOLN. NEB.
,pb?- far, J
Mrs. O. J. Neitzel was a visitor for
a short time last Friday at the home
of a sister in Lincoln.
"Save the surface and you save
all." Paint and varnish. Ask Max
Dusterhoff for estimates. tf.
Gust Schlueter was a visitor at
Prairie Home to which place he took
Art Piornemeier last Friday evening
on his way home.
The Murdock ball team is to play
with the Louisville team at Louis
ville on August IS. during the car
nival which is to be held at that
place on that date.
Harry V. McDonald and family
were enjoyfifg the rest fulness of the
Pawnee Lodge and doing some fish
ing and boating in the Platte river,
spending the past few days there.
Engineer Supp of Lincoln, who has
been looking after the matter of the
grades on the new highway which is
beinc constructed running south of
Murdock. purchased t he wrecked car
of Rev. J. W. Peters.
Art Bornemeier of Lincoln, was in
Murdock and vicinity for most of
the past week, looking alter the
threshing of his wheat and having
concluded, returned to the capital
city last. Friday evening. ,
Rev. J. W. Peters after having had
his car wrecked by a collision with
another car a week ago. hv.s pur
chased through the agency of E. YV.
Thimgan. the. sedan car formerly
owned by Art Bornemeier.
Mrs. H. K. Hansen or Sioux City.
Iowa, who has been visiting in Mur
dock for several days past, the guest
at the home of her daughter. Mrs.
O. J. Pothast. departed last Saturday
for her home afjer having enjoyed
her stay here very much.
The three children of Mr. and Mrs.
J. E. McHugh have, for some time
been troubled with their tonsils, and
about a week ago the children. Mas
ters Jerry Jr.. Edwin and Miss Mary
Katherine. had their torrsils removed
and are getting along nicely.
If. A. Tool and family went to Lin
coln last Friday evening, where Tlie
family remained for a visit with rel
atives and friends for some time. Mr.
Tool returned to look after the busi
nes Saturday and went again Satur
day evening for the week end.
O. J. Pothast, cashier of the Far
mer's and Merchant's hank, accom
panied by Mrs. Pothast. spent Sunday
at the Epworth Assembly at- Univer
sity Place, where they listened to
some excellent riiau'auiua lectures
and returned home Monday morn
ing. Matt Thimgan. the contractor, like
many others, find it difficult to se
cure assistance these time" and
times and last Friday in order tr get
along with the work began shingling
at four o'clock in the morning and
put in nvr fourteen hours on the
roof. Iu it counted, you bet.
HeeJ proof, mar proof, water
proof, varnish. Ask for Pratt Lam
berts No. 01 . floor varnish. Max
Dusterhoff. tf.
Max Dusterhoff was a visitor at
Weeping Water last Saturday, where
he-Avas looking after some business
matters. ,
Heel proof, mar proof, water proof,
the recognize! "Best in the World
at Max Dusterhoff's. Ask for PlaLt
iam'oerts Ho 61.
Max Dusterhoff ami workmen fin
ished last week the work which they
were doing at the homes of August
Panska. I. Roy Worthy, and George
Yes. ask the boys at the Bank ol
Murdock what time it is, they will
1k glad to tell you. They have the
clock home again after having been
at the jewelry store for several
Charles Wechbaeh, wife and two
children, were "visiting in Murdock
last week and were guests at the
home of 11. A. Guthman. also enjoy
ing an outing at ,1'awnee Lodge on
the river last Thursday.
Art Young and wife of Waterloo,
Iowa, and Miss Mae Tool of Aekjey.
Iowa, were visiting in Murdock last
Week the guests at the home of Henry
A. Tool am! family, being oh their
return home from a stay at Colorado
Springs for a while. ,
The new home of .the Rev. John
Oehlerking. which is being construct
ed east of town haj been plastered
anu is now oemi? nnisneu uy me car
penters, John Fleishman, the con
tractor of Munley. and C F. Hit his
able assistant of Murdock.
TLonfas . Walling of Plattsmouth
the abstractor of titles and E. J. Mc
Hugh of Falls City, where he Js
dispatcher for the Missouri Pacific
were visiting in Murdock for a short
time last week being the guests at
the hi-me of J. R. McHugh and fam
ilv for Fridav and Saturday.
Herman Kupke has
threshing the second time this sea
son. He has completed the work for
which he was expected in his neigh
borhood, and stored his machine for
the winter, where be was prevailed
on to do some more work and has
now finished the second time.
Mrs. C. F. Hite. who has been vis-
itfng at the home of her daughter
Mrs. John Krueger and family at
West Point, for some time past and
on her return stopped at Oakland
for a visit with her son and family
George Hite. returned home a lev
davs ago. having had an excellent
time while she was away.
John Dee. who is a linotype opera
tor" on the Omaha Bee. and who hsa
been taking a short vacation from
his duties on that paper, has been
occupying his time in the harvest
field acquiring some brown r.nd sun
burn in the field of Fred Reuter.
Mr. Dee returned to his home and
work at Omaha last Saturday alter
having thoroughly enjoyed the out
L. Neitzel and son-in-law. I)r
McDermid of Omaha, departed last
Thursday for Waucomis, Minrw
where they are spending a week at
the home of the daughter of Mr. and
Mrs. Neitzel. where they will e.ijoy
the time fishing and other amuse
ments. While they are away -Mr.
and Mrs. I. J. Hitchcock of Have
lock, are staying at the home in Mur
doik and also looking after the busi
ness of Mr. Neitzel while he is away.
She Was Seven Years Old.
Miss Mary Catherine McHugh, en
joyed a celebration with some of bet
friends at her home last irmay ev
ening, it being the passing of tlu
seventh milestone of her young i t'e
Life looks bright to her and we arc that many happy bi.?hvys
mav bo her's and that her life may be
filkd w th a host of good ileo -l foi
the peoples with whom she? may
meet. '
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-ciass workmen. We
;-.rc rendy to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding.
Phone 35-B
I 1I
Murdock, Neb.
Former Murdock Ipdv Dis.
Mrs. Kmil Koelin. formerly Mis-
Flsie Braun. daughter of the pa-'o!
of the Callihan church a few ;. ai .-
ago. who was injured at llastiu.;;
by having her neck torn by a jik.
pole which wa on an f.uto truck
wh'.-'., backed into the car in wU'ch
the ladv with others were riding and
v hose life was d snared of. -pd.-?ed
away last Thursday, the remains be-
in taken to her late home at Nor
folk fur interment. The m:ny
friends of this wrman will remem
ber witu kindness her excellent iuai-
itics of oararter and extend sym;u-
thy to the parents, husband and o'm
er members of the family in tiitii
' Stop the Decay.
While driving through the co.n
try 1 tind many homes and bants
needing painting badly. Ask us for
estimates on, wprk, al.o s-'-e u" for
paint if you deire to do the work.
We will cheerfully furnish estimates,
either way. New" building standing
exposed to weather, unprotf ctod, be decay at once. Protect them
now. "Save the surface and you
Favp all." and variish. This
is a fine time to have your pain'ing
done, weather being all oi,e couid
Will Give Program and Debate
Making the services interesting is
a feature which in a way is solving
the church attendance in Murdock,
during the excessively warm weather.
,The Evangelical Association will
' have at their church on Sunday even
j ing a program which wll be inter
i sperced with musical numbers by the
j ladies quartette, the mixed -quartette
jand the male quartette, as well as
readings and addresses, by the law
members. The most interesting of
the themes will be the discussion, as
to the advisability cf the forward
movement. This will be participat
ed in by three members of the Mur
dock church and three members of
the Louisville church. The allirma-
tive will be supported by Mrs. Carl
Jkhlaphof. Mr. August Oehlerking
and Mr. Gust Huge.- all members of
the Louisville church, while the de
nial of the proposition will be main
tained by Mrs. Otto Miller,1 Herman
Schmidt and Leo Rikli, of the Mur
dock church. H. Bauer will be the
leader and- an excellent time is anti
Make Some Fine Catches,
That it takes a fisherman to r,et
the fish is sure. Lacey McDon?ld
went over to Meadow a short time
ago and landed a four and a half
pound member of the finny tribe and
Captain J. A. Bauer, though he
would not be out done, and so sl
lie3 forth and making a mistake
hooks one that weighed a pound less
instead of getting the larger one.
Then Lacey- went over to show jvst
how it was done and to get 'a larger
one. but when landed only weighed
three pounds. While not entirely
satisfied, they will hav.e to be con
tented until the fish get larger.
Town Board Takes Action.
At the regular meeting of the
town board of Murdock last week,
the matter of the automobile was
jakeh up and handled without
gloves, in a manner which looks like
it was intended hat safety of tUe
neople and especially those who can
not well care for themselves, will be
safeguarded. The laws and ordin
inces as regards to speed of traveling
as well as cut outs are adequate for
the suppression of those who do not
recognize the rights of others. The
members of the town board kindly
hut firmly admonish all to observe
the law and to drive with due regard
to the speed limits, to have all
lights burning as required, to keep to
he proper side of the street and to
urn at the intersections, as required
by the ordinances and regulations.
This action by the board is not for a
show of authority, but that the
-ights of the people may be main
tained and that thoso who would be
breakers of the law may also be
aved trouble and costs, for there is
low evinced a determination that the
'a-vs and ordinances shall be recog
nized and enforced.
Air. and Mrs. II. T. Richard spent
Sunday in Lincoln.
Miss Olive Baker spent Sunday at
the home of her friemi, Miss Ella
Guy Hinds had a serious accident
since the "Baker" returned. He has
got his arm "baked."
Mrs. E. E. Gannaway and daugh
ter. Carrie, ppent one day last week
with friends here.
Mrs. R. H. Lawton and grand
children spent Sunday in Murdock
with her son and family..
Mrs. Theo. Miller was called to
Shelton Monday evening on account
of the illness of her mother.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Bolden and
children spent Sunday at the home
of Mr. and Mrs." Will Wilson.
Mrs. Will Hulfish and daughter,
Grace, spent Friday and Saturday
with friends and relatives here.
Word has been received from Mrs.
F. 11. Burdick and the boys that
they arrived in California safe, and
Mrs. Arnold Muth and children
came one day last week to-visit with
Mrs. Math's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Will Langhorst. , . "
Mrs. W. V. Wood passed away on
Monday, August 2, t the home of
her daughter, Mrs. J. W. Staton. of
Lincoln. She was laid to rest Wed
nesday afternoon, Augut 4, in the
Wabash cemetery.
Miss Peterson, the county super
intendent, accompanied by Mrs.
Kaufman, took supper Saturday at
fhe home of Ir. and Mrs. II. H. Ger
beling. After supper, Mr. and Mrs.
Gerbeling took them to Murdock,
where Miss Peterson held a meeting.
While here Miss Peterson put up
notices for a meeting to be held on
Augtist 21st. on matters connected
with school consolidation.
Did Not Observe Red Flag.
The grading of the road south of
Murdock. which is making an ex
cellent roadway, is also causing some
rouble for those who travel while
Hie work is beiug done. The other
veiling while endeavoring to get oft"
r portion of the road which had been
vorked. a family living southeast of
town were violently thrown against
he top of their car. the little girl
"eceij'ing some bad uts, while the
nother was quite badly shakea up
'? well. The representative of this
taper saw the red flag, but thought
his Ford could go anywhere, but;
vhon he had gotten the front wheels j
;n the ditch at the side, it would not i
mount into the roadway, until a :
"umber of his friends who were pass- j
'ng put their shoulders to the rear !
"nd and pushed, then "Elizaheht"
rawled up the bank. Thanks beys,
ve appreciate the timely assistance. :
When you tnmk cf printing, you
an't help bnt think of ns. j
Wabash Takes a Game
The Wabash ball team met and
defeated the Hopkins team in a fast
game of ball Sunday afternoon. The
battehies were: Wabash Keckler
and Hinds; Hopkins Guy fTopkins,
Kleptser and Steinkanip.
A large crowd attended the game. everyone was loud in praise of
the fast work and nanly conduct of
the players on both teams. This is
the third game between these two
team?. Hopkins winning the former
Church and
where the finest and most highly idealized type
of Interior Decorating is involved, as in some of
the finest churches and residences we have finish
ed in the state.
The preference for DUSTERHOFF INTER
IORS in such cases is due to the steadilv growing
conviction that DUSTERHOFF INTERIORS rep
resent the highest standards of interior decorating.
It is due also in grer.t measure to the feel
ing of security inspired by our policy
to do interior decorating of the fhust qual
ity only and of such de?ign and performance as
to provide an exceptionr.1 value in DESIGN and
DURABILITY beyond the most extreme require
Max Dusterhoff,
Interior Decorating
Practical Painting
Wood Finishing
Wall Hanging
- The firm of J. H. McMaken & Son
has just purchased a White truck of
large size and capacity that will be
used in the work of transporting
grain and also handling stock &r the
farmers in this portion of the coun
ty. The McMakens are representa
tives of the White truck ' in this
county and have found that this well
known make of truck is one that is
especially suited to the requirements
of heavy hauling and has proven
yiry satisfactory wherever tried and
in fact when all others fail the
White truck has been found to fill
6 fci
all requirements.
Tlie new truck win be u.-e-l in fu;--thering
tlie grain ino cni. t; is ?f tlir
farmerti anf also in hauling s'oek
and those who have nevd of t'.i
line of work can be :-d
by calling on the MeMak. : l-rni.
A i' .:!!.'', r of m:
(".iin:i boars. T'lep'.;
Adam Sii-ehr.
Read the Journal.
The most c::quiiite lir.c cf birth
day rii;t cards to b fu;:d any
where! At Jeurn-i! oflice.
- i
Let the children
Of course they can make a picture of grand-,
ma the kind of a picture that you'll be glad
to treasure. They can make pictures -of their
playground pals, as well, and their pets. There
is nothing confusing about a Kodak and a
YK rnUTI if IC citnnlor
" w " villi Ollll a
: If you like pictures, you -will Jind a visit
to our photographic department interest
ing. Ve have some splendid enlargements
from Kodak negatives to show you.
Kodaks $9.49 up "Brownies $2.86 up
Murdock Mercantile Co.
for AH Purposes!
x Painter - Decorator
Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
The Best Harvesting and Haying Machine
The Internationa! Line Qoinpleie!
The International llr.rvchtins machinvry i. the i.r. i L'an.lar.l
of excellence the world or.
, We are now carrying I'.in'I'r , H'-Hierv. II ;tr -trttr-l ':.:- I.': ,
Reapers, Shockers and 'i hrt . hin Outfit.
For haying wo ran fill yonr r.e' ds v :h Mow rs, !uti. 3l;.l e. .
Tedders, Hay Loadcr, Swicnes, Stack', rt, Tit.-t.. at.d