The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 09, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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Ask to hear-
" Tit l hmirtk with m Sul" -which
backs this thc'uerge reprinted
from an advertisement by the
Edison Laboratories).
'e are informed that the representa
tives of talking-machine manufacturers
have itedL that they are able to di
tinguisli L-n-e-n a singer's voice, or in
rrrurrtcntaliirt's performance, and the New
Editor. RE-CREATION of such voice or
"W e hereby invite responsible representa
tive?, cf any rrputabie talking-machine
manufacturer, to listen to such a compari
son, in the of judges of their own
choosinff. indicating to the judges vrhen
they thir.k they are listening to the artist
uni when to the New Edison.
"The test will be made with an Official
Laboratory Mode!, taken from stock, such
os can be bought in ar.y Edkon dealer s
store." SsneJ THOMAS A. EDISON, tac.
HIS muscle;
Listens la" Daily to Messages from
the Four Corners of the Glebe
Electrician by Trade.
From Friday's loilv.
nartv consisting of Mr-
Mrs. W. V. I Hers and two children,
ilillv and Katlierine, and the edi
tor and wife drove out to the farm
home of Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Gainer
on the old.Hasemeier farm southeast
of Louisville one evening: last week.
Not onlv is it the home of Air. and
Mr?. Harvey Gamer but of Mr. and
Mrs. Wilbur Gamer, who came here
a few months bride and groom.
and of the mother of the two young
iu n, WIrs. Gamer, of Seattle. Wash.,
who is here spending the summer. It
i a hanpv combination, the two
t lie
tt torto and strengthen
Iho orr.cns cf digesiicn ana
cH.-nln.-Jticn, imurcvo sepctiie,
cto -icH hctn-', rehevc bil
iojsness. correct constipation.
Thev set pror,-!pt!v,,
iriltTly, yef tkoroueh'y.
Tomorrow Alright
"25c. Box
Frank Foreman, Proprietor of Peo
ple's Store, Severs Artery in
His Right Arm.
From Sat u' .lay's Dailv. !
Last evening while opening a ja.r I
of fruit, Frank Foreman, proprietor
of the I'eoplVs store on south Sixth j
street; suffered the severing of an ;
artery in his right arm. The wound
bird profusely and Mr. Foreman was
weakened from the h)5S of blood. Dr.
I J. l'lynn was culled and dressed
the deep flesh wound, after which
the injured man was able to rest
j mere easily, umiougn -me wounu
i-till srives him much pain.
rder Your Life-
aver noeies
III t'itt
of Cas,
T.. Wiles
TO Ul'l
unit of
Jam- A.
i i i i.i :.
('mint y
JIai I , r
W. H. Heil Agreeably Surprised b;
Relatives and Friends Ac
tive in Banking Circles
From Friday's Dally.
Mrs. W. H. Heil nave a dinner
week ago Sunday at their home in
honor of the r9th birthday anniver-
brothers working together in
Chamberlain's Colic and Diarrhoea
fields and the wives and mother look-Les Mr- ami u,
ing after tie household duties. land' Mrs. (Main
"his is
. . . .1.1 converted a
unl'Jc.-i:..iiaiM . i.v .i . t nr,i.tive farm
i l ,l.,ito A fovv- ihis. Of If!'" "
.i 0.,ni- nt , Ti .rvev Gamer, the elder ot
sarv of her husband. All the mem
bers of the family were present,- be-
rs. John Group. Mr.
Hide TSrekenfeldt. of
The Canter boys are exercising j Oniahs and Miss Ilernetti uecier
their brains as well as their muscle ( an,i little nephew, Robert Smith, of
in handling the farm work and nave . Chicago
once run down farm m-
an extended visit with Mr. and
country. Heil and their daughters. Mrs. Law
Jr., Plaintiffs, vs. Mrs.
jit a I, I ief cmla n t s.
T. the .lef.-mlants. Airs. Jane A.
jllarver: Joseph Harper; Robert .
I i.iiiii.'il : Mrs. liol.i i t W. .T)iiiu-II, fu st
ileal name unknown: 'A. M. Saston.
iiirst rr:il name unknown: Mrs. A. M.
s-.M'iii. lirst lf;il naiio' unknown;
I Norlli AL- Scott, a i-o-partiw-rsliip cm-
. .o-.-.i oi Ai.riii, nrsi r. ai naim-
unknown, an. I Scott, first real
name unknown: North, lirst real
a.' name unknown: Mrs. Xorth.
lirst real name unknown: Sirotl,
liisr real name unknown: Mrs.
Scott. tirt real name unknown: Mar
ti. a I.. Harper: Harper, lirst leal
name unknown: K II. Katun, lirst real
n. inn: unknown: .Mis,- K. H. lOaton, lirst
rea! n ime unknown: the unknown
lie'rs. ise.-s. ! ':at.-. s, personal re
lcsen t a t i ves ami a!l o.lier ieisoiis iu
in the estates of Mrs. Jane A.
Harper; Joseph Harper; Uohert V.
I m li: Mrs. Col,.-; i V. Iionm ll. tirst
Tt t
ordinary attat
:ts been u?e1 in
i are
di: rr!'.'"'ii .
ipiieir.i?s of dysentery with per
sTicree It can always bo" depei
up i :o irivp prt.vipt relief in easvs
.f colic and cholen morbus. When
Miss Hecter has been here nm king , . ,.,. .,...- Mr.. .v yx
.M rs. ' Sa t on, lirst real name unknown;
No! th, first real name unknown; Airs.
1 . 1 V.o-it. lirvt t-..;i' nam. 1 1 n k o w n :
the.rence Group. Mrs. Lloyd Group and- ,.0tt.' fiit real name unknown:
rine two brother':, is a son-in-law or,. Mrs. G. r. urown. s. ..n. ti;t ivai name mi'
r'feVt Clerk of the District Court James M. I The dinner ws a snrprise to Mr hnown : Mt';; lrnTlZ
led Ro.Tt'on. He is an electrician n:iien. vv.i tie :iiiciikii ni ' l::,ton. tirst r. ai nim- unknown ami
having heen connected t Me meinners oi ins laniny unu mn -Mrs. i:. n. i:aton. in.-t name un-
l'.jrifio frr twentv ! t it.-o friemls nresent nnd he reeel VOu . k now ri : .Mary Harder ani i.uke wu.s.
with the t'nion
r'd'Ke.i Vjith ,v.-ter and sweetened
it is pleasant lo take. Every family
rhould i: ep remedy at hand.
ninni j"ca spend a
newspaper advertising
cam -
is installed perhaps one of the most
complete wireless stations in the m
1 1 ire conn try.
pa: n will come back to you tripplcd
In a ttv short t'tne.
veirs. In his den or. work room on n1::nv felicitations upon bavin;
Hi" second ni.or of the tarm residence tamed his ;.smi anniversary.
Mr. Heil was born July ISM.
at I'ekin, 111., and came to Nebraska
in his early boyhood. He 'was niar-
few months aero wrirn the great , nee .j years ago. m 10 .ui
a -troiiomers had figured that the . Dora 1'etersen. of Louisville, and they
planet Mars would reach its nearest! went to honsekeeoing on the o'.d
p.-int to the earth, it was planned to -home place east of town, w here all
try pnd communicate with Mars by their married life Was spent until
wireless and it was through this; two years aco wheu they retired
station in the "little room on the! from farm life. They houuht a beau
Gamer farm fliat the cxperimei't washifu!. modern home in Touisville,
ea .
h .le.ease.l; t'.-'
j liv:: n tecs a lei :
' S-ot t . a co-pa run s
1 i N '.. i ol' tl.e no i t !i
north half iN'2i
uai t .-! ( Si-. '4
Tiie experience cf users
prove ihat Dele o-L i g 1. 1
saves at least 8V2 Hours
every week on the average
farm. The electric power
for operating light machine
cry is equal to an extra
hand at chore time. Delco
Lighl soon pays for itself.
Write fcr Catalog
SUG8 DoJge St., Omaha
Modern Home
' Light room house all.nfod -r:t. Has
:eani boating plant, one-l:r.lf block
e: rround. Nice locution. This
i i- of 'the host built homes in th?
rity, sixd we consider it n splendid
i ive. tjnent. If desired, we will give
to .the f allowing attractive terms:
T 1.000,00 down: balinte in monthly
piyments. Ikferrtd payment to draw
t.'I 1 uteres'..
This is an exceptional opportunity-
Act quick!
made. The creaT universities of the
east sent their most learned men to
the test while the big dailies sent
special reporters to wire the result.
The hour selected was two ielock in
the morning, when there would be
least resistance by telephone and
telegraphic' wires all over the coun
try. "Rut it was not our intention to
tell of the result of -the attempt to
establish communication with Mars."
Suffice to say it was not successful.
Hut this does not detract from the
fact that Cass county can boat of a
genius in wireless telegraphy who is
re'joimized all over the country. Af
ter a hart! day in the field, Mr. Gamer
enjoys going into his, laboratory and
hsteamtr in on the messages being j
nt by wireless from New York.
tn Francisco, K. 'gland, France and
lrom steamers f:ir out at sea. He eets
the correct time e'very morning at
i !) o'clock from the government office
jin New York City.
His knowledge of electricity is
j utilized iilso to advantage all over
I the farm. He has put in an electric
plant from which he generates light
for his house, barns ami all out
buildings and has e'n attempted to
make the hens do double duty by
i putting tlect ric lights in the poultry
house. He says, however, tlrat they
I stolidly refuse to lay more than one
:: a dav. liutit or n liel.t
pi It was the first time the writer
bjhad visited the obi Hr.seniier farm
Rjfor about thirty years. The old house
j.Hl stands in the shade of the main
iinoth cotton woods tdanted more time.
RI f-fty years ago by the grandparents of
D'Mrs. H. G:cn;er, although a new mod
ern ffirrn house now creupies a more
conspicuous -place on the farm. The
place is iiiiivv tied by Mr. and Mrs.
Robertson, having been purchased
fror. Mr:.. Itoberison's brother, 15. S.
Husemeier several years atro. It i.s
a pleasant and hospitp.l.le home and
y-e hop. to have the pleasure of vis
iting there ,-igHin in the near, future.
Louisville Coifrier.
where they are enjoying the fruits
f their years of Industry, surround
ed bv their six children, who live in
u i k no w n s access -;-itrns
of N014!) -p:
the rn.rth half
i.alf iX'.i of ti.'e
of 1 ! le sou I ilea s t
Sect ion four ( t 1.
Towns! !p twelve I I I . .NOIIM KHllUe
thirteen 1 :: 1 : and the north half (N'i
of the southeast m 'iarl-r Si:,l of S
ti.'ti fourteen !. '1'ownsii ip twe!e
ill'). North Kane ;irtfe!i t 1 :; 1 : and
the north half iNV,i of the n-Tthi-ast
-,iui it-'- 1 N I : : 1 t i.f '! southwest inar
t.r SV', "f S.otiori fourteen ill.. twelve il.'i. North Itantv
j thirteen, r.ll in t''-- "onnt of Cuss,
. N-l.riiskn: T!:e so' ti half tS:.,l of the
northeast quarter tNH'i 1 of Sect 'on
tmir Mi. Towns'. in iw.-lvi- 1-. North thirte.11 ii?: and t' e south
ait" iS-. 1 of ic. north half iN'hl of
... . . ., , ,, ! - e ili'lll. K.ltt ...7- - v vie v
this vi.mny and are an pro.-perniK ,..,,, !Si;i.) ,,f Section four tit.
and highly respected. The youngest ; Township twelve ilm. North Hanaro
triiM.r ctlll in cfli,iol i thirteen Ci:!: and the south lialf I.S1--.)
.1IUU. IMIIUI) ll .-llll III ' III. oi, 1 .(
.. . . . , . ... .. !..f the southeast .iwiirtcr I-. 1 1 of
Air. lieu is vice president 01 tpe (., ,;,,-fo ,., ,.f.n , t 1 Townsh 1 p t w el v
Home State Hank of Lcmisville, hav-;iij. North Ha 11.- ti irteen i::: and
It'll- south half iSUI of the nortlieast
ni.irfei- iMi',1 of the southwest nuar-
j uu:uuci .sw.i of ."-v.. lion fourteen ill)
of years and being competent to ( Township twei-- 1 1 2 : Nt.rtii it a run
ImiL- it"ti.r tlin husinnssi ! e vol vin jr nn-''.i-n 1 1 -'. I . ii'! i-t of the litli 1'. Al.
. . '' , , , in tie Countv of '"ass. Nehraska: ami
on turn iy virtue 01 uie on ice ne ., IlH.,ms havi.llf 01- claiminjr any
holds. i ii,i..vt of any k ml in snhl real s-
His manv Cass countv friends join! '- -'"'v patts thereof:
us in extending tonarratulations ard v" :,r..i each . f you ar- h. r. i.v noti-
, . , , , . 1 i e 1 1 that Cash 1.. ! ami I ooms
best v.ishes for many happy returns. NVjl..s. .. lti;-;s n;,.,, n ,.n,ion
His children are Mrs. Lawrence ; and commence.) an action in the ins
Group. Mrs TJnvil flrfiiin Mrs C. T itri.-t Court ol a-s countv. Ne in a k a .
Hrown. Rudolph. Paul and Arthur.- 'x UV 7h. or .lu.
Louisville ( ourier. . 1 pose ami pravcr i.f which is to ohtain
1 llecl. e n court. 1 1 ' 1 11-1 I : VI lllje 10 nn
ing held tliis responsible position in
local banking circles for 41 number
From Thursday's Iaily.
The honie of Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Kaifenberger near Cedar Creek has
been brichtened by Uie advent of a
fine little daughter that has come
noi-ii. half ('.- of tin- norm list 1 1
i.i;i of the north ha if tN1-.. of tl
soufhenst o-.iartei- 1SIC1I of Seeti.
four Ml. Towns!. i: twelve North
P.n-.a-e thirteen 1 1 :: 1 : ami the north
half 1 X'., 1 of the southeast iuarter
jiSK', of Section lonrteen (1l. Town
shin twelve tl.-i. Vorth Ha litre thirteen
I I 1 :'. : 'and tln-'noMh lalf iN'-L-l "f 1h
I northeast luiarter iXli'i I of the sonth-
towest .piarter iSW, 1 of Section four
it.en Mil. Towiishm twelve (!.'). North
make her home with them in the ' i;anire thirteen tl;i. all in the t'onntv
..r 1 to V..I.i-iwL- 1 uiillfli ::l f
future. The mother and little one
re doiiiK nicely and Fred is corre
spoKdinly proud of the little daush
1 er.
Ji:i' son an:l heir was born to
and Mrs. Louis Hasack Sunday
with I he mother i.s progressing
the obpect of a
Vf-ry nicely ami i;
great deal of pride
to the happy p;;r-
J. P, Falter & Son
Real Estate PHONE 9.3 Insurance
Coates BIk. Phone 208
The commodious brick res'.cenee in
I'lattsnioulh known as the Weckbach
V.'alker borne located at 4th and Oak
streets. ' This property is the last of
the host down town properties that
etn be secure! at ri reasonable price.
G:.!y Lalf block from pest office li
brcry. court house and shopping dis
trict;?. About four fine lots, is higli,
:-unny and sanitary, fine shade and
tav.-n: 3od well, ri-tern, city water,
has good b?rn. partly modern, pol
ished oak floor in living room. The
place needs some repair; v. -ill make
s4leridTd home for retiring farmer or
any tdie desiring a substantial in
vestment or high class residence prop
erty. .Out-of-town owners of this
property have requested me to dis
pose of it at once! I will therefore
offer it for about" one-fourth of its
actual replacement value.
M-F Plattsmouth.Neb.
. Coetes Elock..
4 -SvoD'i FJi or
4. Eat ot Rliey Hot a!
From Friday's1 Daily.
The committee in .charge of ar
ranging for the rpec-ial train to Oma
ha for next Monday evening are bus
ily engaged in securing the names
of those who desire to attend the
I'lattsmouth night at t he
den and hope to have the required
number to tgfTarantee the train from
this city. It requires $200 to secure
the train and the fare has been
placed at ?l.u0 for the round trip
which is cheaper than the new ra'e
to Omaha will be. If your name has
not been secured by the committee
in charge of t lie train, look up Jes.
Warga or F. M. Rest or and sign up
for the flip as it will be an evening
of the rarest enjoyment. '
the mutheast oiiarter I.Nh'il ol
Section 'four Mi Township twelvt
i1'i. North Harij.. thirteen (1": ami
the south half tSir.i of the north half
(N:,i of the north half iX'j) r'f un
southeast .iiarter (SK'm 'f Section
four Ml, Township twelve Cl-. North
'.Viiil.p thirt.oii il.",l: and the south
M ..If (SU, I of tin- so'ltliciist .inaiic!
! ,...i v .7- .:. .. 1. .... 1li Town
ll,'4 OI ,fl Hi ll lo.lll.'.i -
shin twelve M.'i. North Ha litre thir
1 Hi: ami the south half iS'.j) of
the northeast quarter (Ni:'4 of the
southwest ouatl.r iSV'4 of Section
fourteen Ml). Township twelve (12).
North l::ui:e thiM.-.n (HU.'all east of
the t'.th P. M., ill the County of Cass
Nebraska, as anainsl ymi and each of
on ami for such other relief as may
he iust ami e.(uitable.
on ami j a h of y ou are further
iiotifieil that you an- reoniied to an
s er sai.l petition on or h fore .M"ii
hiv the 7th .la- of Sept cm her T.Ji.
or the allegations therein contame.l
will he taken as l Hie and ii ilecree
will ho rendered in favor of the plain
tiffs ami Hirairt vou and each of you,
accn'iliiiK to the prayer of said peti-
Cured of Stomach Trouble anil Constipation
Rachel Crihley of Beaver liam,
Ohio, was sick for two years with
stomach trouble and constipation,
taking one medicine after another,
with only temporary relief. "My
neighbor spoke so enthusiast icallv of
Chamberlain's Tablets," she says,
"that I procured a bottle of them at
cur drug store to try. A few dfcvs'
treatment convinced rue that they
were just what I needed. I con
tinued their use for several weeks and
they cured me.
Furnace Now!
There if every indication of a great shortage in de
sirable furnaces this fall. Materials are scarce and hard
to obtain. Factories are sold to capacity.
We have just received a car-load of Ideal Wrot
Iron Fipe and Pipeless Furnaces. The order for these
was placed last January when furnaces were a great
deal cheaper than they are now.
On account of buying these furnaces early and in
carload lot we are able to give you a great deal better
furnace for the price charged than you can obtain else
where, but at the rate they are going we will not be
able to supply the demand when the rush season comes.
See us now and place your order for installation
at the time desired. This will protect your interests
and insure a Happy, Healthy Heated Home next win
ter, with a saying of a third to half your fuel bill.
These furnaces are guaranteed to give absolute
freedom from gas, soot or smoke. It adds moisture to
the air and gives you Health Heat, protecting you
against the pitfalls of antiquated furnace design that
. often lead to Pulmonary diseases.
Telephone No. S8
Plattsmouth, Nebr.
era' American Legion posts of Otoe
county will hold their, tirst annual
reunion in this city at Brown's park,
September 2, according to plans
adopted last night at an executive
committee meeting.
The amusement park has been
leased for the afternoon and evening
and a program of sports will be ar
ranged by thp committee. It will be
the first time the American Legion
membership of the county has got
toget her.
e"rorr Thursday's laily
Mike Mauzy and wife, long time
re:-i dents of this city, have just com
pleted the task of shipping their
household roods from this city to
their new home at Los Angeles and
in a few days will follow to' the
; western coast where they are to re
side. It is the intention of Mr. and
Mrs. Mauzy to leave I'lattsmouth on
; next Wednesday for the west, and it
I is with regret that the old friends
ipart with them but in their new
home thev carrv the best and most
sincere wishes for their future wel
'f.:re and happiness.
Robert Mauzy, the son, has located
i at Los Angeles and the parents de
)pire to unite the home circle and
i will make their home there where
in the mild and beneficial climate of
1 California they will spend their de-
eliding years.
Mr. and Mrs. Mauzy with Mr. and
: Mrs. Morgan Waybright, of Los
j Angeles are to be guests of honor at
!a reception at the homo of County
Judge and Mrs. A. .1. Ih'csoti tom.u
i row evening.
Child Cured of Bowtl Trouble
1 A child of Floyd Osborn, Notary
I Public of Dungannon. Va.. was tak
' en with bowel trouble. Mr. Osborn
j pave it Chamberlain's Colic and
i Diarrhoea Remedy and it quickly re-
covered. In speaking of this rerhedy
i he says, "It is the best I ever used."
i For Sale: Two live room cottage:-,
:oii easy terms. Also an acreage tract.
! R. Ii. Windham. Sl-'bl, 2w
Elank books. Journal office.
. ;n r u'i 1 ii
t ion.
1 iatcd
a" - I w.
lav of
w. a. i:
Auuust, 1!i-'n.
I 'la in tift's.
Attv. for iMtfs.
of ci-lMlllt.
Court t" "a
tin;U setllo-
lis an'ittint
7th day ot
For Sale: Nw IitlerSy sepr
ator and two 8-gallon cream can-,.
Call "Mrs. Isaac E. Boyer, phone 2Sft.
' lmo diw
)itiHit ok tll:ltli
mill Notler on l-lilln fr
1 lenient
In the County
t-. Nehraska.
State of Nehraska. Cass county, ss.
To all persons j enst eil in the es
tate if Charles c. llenninars. ih-ceise1 :
in l eu.liiii.- t t. el i t ion of Charles
!j..J. H'Mii!iiw prayttot
menl nnd 1 hi lvn tii-e of
rile.l in t lit-- Court on tin
Aiiarnst, 1!)J0;
ll Is hei-el.v that yon and all
persons interested in sai.l matter may,
nnd ho. appear at thf County Court to
he held in and for said county, oil
the Ifith lav of August. A. I If ID. at
It) o'clock a. tn.. to show cause, it anv
there he. whv the prayer of the. peti
tioner should not he granted. an1 that
notice of the pn.lencv of tai petition
ami the hearinfr thereof he given to all
persons interested in said matter py
publishing- a covv of this order In the
I'lattsmouth Jnnriml, a semi-weekly
newspaper printed in sai.l county, lor
one week prior to said day Of hearinpr
In witness whereof. I have hereunto
set my hand and the seal or satct
Court this 7th dav of August. A. I'-
(Seal) County Ju.i?e.
Under Auspices American Legion, Post No. 56, Plattsmouth, Nsb , at
-... - ftmamfr
' - - 7 ' ' .
,..,,.,,,JNHr;;.'. . "n
X : " ' .-rr r x ' '-
- -'VUs j --:i -siiftW.
ygysli 18th
Preliminaries Start at 7:00 p. m. Sharp
Under canvas - rain or shine, introduc
ing two American Legion members.
of Lowisville of Iowa
A Light-Heavyweight 6-round semi-final
and-3-round Bantam preliminary.
JACK FITZGERALD, of Omaha, Referee
Louisville vs. Springfield, at 3:00 p. m.
Given by Louisville Gun Club at 9:00 A. M. $75.00 Added Money. Big Prize
List, Divided Jack Rabbit System.
Big American Legion Dance at Opera House Following the Boxing Exhibition!
Reserved feats on sale at Ed. Egenberger's. Ask Henie Schoeman about them
'- '--3 t JIU. J
Nebraska City, Aug. 5. The sev
t 4"i"H"t"S"i'