The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 05, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
?AGL S3 PIATTSXOUTH SEMI-WIXEXT JOlTEliAX TITUT.3EAY. AUOUST 3. 1920. M tx :ra : nrs :: :s -a s : s ; sts :s.",c: a :.;.s -.2 rx'rc :.r.n rersrEia rernsag I Special Bargains in Automobiles! Ono Ford Touring Car, 1918 model motor. One Chevrolet 430 Touring, 1918 model. One Velie "6" Red Seal Contcntial Motor, 1918 model. One Chevrolet Roadster, good as new. One Ford Sedan, ood running order. Also new Chevrolet automobiles, all models. You can buy now and. pay small payment down, balance monthly payments. 20 per cent discbunt on all Firestone 6,000 mile Tires for 10 days only. Come in and look them over. n a H H H W. W. WASLEY, Garage Phone 650 sauces e a a a c 2.' E1 na...r.: House Phone 502 TO START MOVEMENT Jhf floats will be undertaken in all ihf --it ies of the state. Viij i iti i ii . ri i : 1 r-1 ll 1 1 ill I h i.4 ritv FAR Pil RRIM Fl (1ST 1 ui u,e " auer .Mr. k. , the .-tate committee and it was de- fcid.-d that the subscriptions to be lacked from the citizens would not be more than $1 in order to make it a 'popular movement anl representative j i i" the general citizenship of the (great, state of Nebraska. As the float ' its equipment will cost the sum !f $7'.'i it will l.e necessary for TOO 'of the $1 subscriptions to be offered j in the cau.-e umf as soon as possible Members of Commercial Club arid Citizens to Be Asked to Co-Operite in 1'loat to RetitesJiit This Citv. Fn-m's I ;t II y. The matter of the part id pat i' ui if this city in th-- sTat-- v. id- t elebrat ion of the ;: t li an::i ver.-ary t.f iln-J;,;; ! ing of tiit- Pilgrim's at I'lynit.-.i! ii lck. was di.-i'tinl estert!av at (he TRACTOR PER FECTED BY HAR RY D. CLARKE NEW DESIGN THAT IS TO REVO LUTIONIZE MANUFACTURE OF PRESENT MODELS PLANS MADE IN THIS CITY Wliile Mr. Clark was With the O-K Oarage Here Working Model Given Severe Tests. From We dnesday's r)lly. Following a complete rerirganiza- tion and the incorporating of the Ohio Tractor Co. to take over the business of the Columbus Tractor Co., the new company is going into the production of a four-wheel farm tractor to be known as the "Ohio tractor." The business of the new concern will be carried out at the new and modern plant of the former Colum bus Tractor Co. on west Goodale street, which property has been pur chased by the Ohio Tractor Co. The Ohio tractor is the design of H. 1). Clarke, who began work on a machine of entirely new design short ly after the old coniDanv discontin ued the manufacture of three-Vheel TO ENJOY AUTO TRIP From 'Wednesday's Pally This morning Mr. and Mrs. Frank I-orenz, of Des Moines, Iowa, who have been visiting here for a few days with relatives and friends, de parted on a short auto trip through the southern portion of the state and were accompanied by Mrs. Emil A. Lorenz and children. Tha members of the party will visit at Lincoln, Odell and Tobias, with relatives and friends, and from there expect to re turn to Des Moines, where Mrs. ,K. A. Lorenz and children will visit for a few weeks and enjoy Ihe sights t the Iowa citv. ONE OF OLD RESI DENTS OF COUNTY Stephen Jochim. of Louisville, Cele brating His Seventy-First Birthday Today. RAIL RATES TO ADVANCE AUGUST 26 DATE SET BY INTERSTATE COM MISSION -WILL PROBABLY BE SAME IN STATE. TMtf ff t I"- raiiTiTranfcnfr- BETTER SPEED UP YOUR TRIP Unless You are Among the Plaits- mouth People who are Favor ed with Pass Privileges. I Fine Silk Stripe Wash Ties iiiteting Hi" th- director f tut tin raising of Undertaken. funds will be un- ih and a general i;o e-at :it Iilercial ( ! to .-ecu:-' The a;:.our,t in-Cf.s.iry f r the full part ion i f this city i:i the l.-ig statfwide iiaryk- to lif hrid iii i On. alia fhi fail wi!! be at once taken j11 Up. It is :he hope and desire of the state committee of on.- bund red. Leaded by J. !m Li e Webster. : l-:l Ii if the Nei-ra-ka bar. t Make the paiadf oil. repn-sn'Btive el' the entire ei' if'i-hip if t'ae state a ad lor this if.a.-i,!! a popular part i. ip.ition :u the pricui ittg of the funds to t-i,i:in IHL UNIVERSAL CAM SERVICE DEPT. If ycur Ford needs attention, brin it to our ;-hop and ask "BAKKE" Our Shop Foreman for the cost of the necessary repairs. He will give you honest, reliable advise and a cartful estimate of the expense required. We have trained and efficient Ford mechanics 100'.". men and you will like our work and Ford prices. This event is to be one of the big-L;e-t of i;s kind. held in Omaha and a :ri::t parade is to be staged that will re;if eni different portions of the of the rilgrims from their de- ! part ure trom the oid home at isos ' ti :i. I igland,. to their great part in 'lhf hi-tory of mir ov.ti country and the i'o::'s will bo very beautiful rep l -.ltati -is if the life of the first . pioneer-; ii; tiio i:e.v world. All c.v r th- nation the event i-, to : tie l). f vtd :i 1 it has been thought proper that this city should take ad ! ..-..!i;.iff of the ncv-...-ion to be repre ."II ed' with the otlier progressive j fommunit ies in the great move 'tntnt t honor tlie memory of the Pilgrim fathers and their part in the historv of the nation. From Wednesday's Dally. This morning Stephen Joc him, one of the old time residents of the vi cinity of Louisville, was in the city visiting with a few of his old time friends and also receiving medical treatment. .Mr. Jochim has. for the past few years been troubled quite a good deal with stomach trouble and has been taking treatment for some time. He is observing his sev- enty-hrs birthday today and aside tractors in October. 19 IS. Clarke contributed to the design froni uu sfntl,.lf.,, ,rnuMo fui, , tic Yim orvohiir ci i rtioc fill flmitil a - V It u 1 J OUVVt AUK UUUI1V reduction gear system., on which a broad patent has already been al lowed. He also showed his skill as a practical tractor engineer of ability oy incorporating advanced ideas in power takeoff and transmission bv very little the burden of the years. Mr. Jochim came in with Mr. and Mrs. August Stohlman and family, Mrs. Stohlman being a daughter of Mr. Jochim and the family spent working out a typ of front axl of.several hours very pleasantly trad BOOSTERS HERE SUNDAY The "lioosters." one of the lead ing teams of Council Kluffs. Iowa, is srhedul'-d to l. the opponents of the Red Sox at the b:l! park on next Sunday afternoon. The team conies i well n eommended as one of the fast onei of the Iowa city and our boys -hould make things interesting for the visitors from over the river. Stop at our Fiiling Station PER GALLON LUBRICATING OIL 25c QUART Cash Only! L H. Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 Plattsroouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! For Sale: New Hutterfly separ ator and two S-gallon cream cam. Call Mrs. Isaac E. Uoyer, phone 230. lmo d&w FURNITURE AND RUGS FOR SALE Consisting of 10 rugs, assorted sizes, 'Wiltons and Axministers. Two oak dining room suits. One duofold; one davenport. Six rockers. Birds eye maple bed room suit. Two brass beds; four other good beds, complete. Two chiffioners; two library tables. Three refrigerators. One electric washer; tub, rack and r. Many other articles. Call S. A. GHRIST Phone 645 Plattsmouth ''TTyy tm. ? :.,m'?m.m j n .i-fc,. .i "T 4 .1 tv-xJx: Iw'lwVi TV. .. ill i w " a i i j on . i - -e v.ti.-.:-. , . exceptional utility With the work of getting produc tion under way, Clarke goes back home where he will build up a sales organization for the new tractor in Nebraska and Kansas. Added to Mr. Clarke's engineering skill, his sales manship ability and pleasing per sonality, his friends predict a very successfuV organization. "The Ohio tractor has been under rigid test since November. 1919, and has stood up under the most exact ing service without perceptible wear of parts." said Garrett. "Under dy namometer test at Ohio State Uni versity early this spring, it pulled three 14-inch plows in seven-year-old alfalfa sod to a depth of 14 inches with plenty of power to spare. The machine is equipped with a heavy Wisconsin motor and- with more standard parts than are assembled on any other tractor. A distinct feature of the Ohio tractor is that in plow ing the power from the motor is de livered directly to the patented double-reduction rear system with out turning a wheel in the trans mission. Its final drive is through double reduction of worm and couple gears, all inclosed in a dust-proof housing and running in a bath of lubricant. The power connection is an undershot worm, with oiling ar rangements which insure a film of oil on all working parts at all times without pump or pressure. The ma chine throughout is built of the' very highest grade of material and under conditions of the most skilled and careful workmanship." Ohio State Journal. ing with our merchants. Mr. Stohl man states that the crops in his lo cality are fine this year, the yield of wheat being of the best and the prospects for corn the best in recent years. The members of the party motored down from their homes and return ed shortly after noon, Mr. Jochim go ing to the house of Mr. and Mrs. George Vogle, where he has been making his home for several ye.irs since the breaking up of his own home. Mrs. Vogle is a daughter of our old friend and was the last of the daughters to leave the parental roof and since her marriage and the death of the wife and mother, the father has made, his home there for the greater portion of the time. From WeAnemlay'H lJ.-itly. If you are planning a this summer arid want to oi the advance m ahead little trip et in ; pas;-;enger j had better show i;ui an- freilit and H lade effective ' Pj, INSPECTION OF PLATTS MOUTH POSTOFFICE TODAY iwes, you speed. Washington dispatches today nouncp that the new passenger lares win be m on August 2Cth, instead of Septe.n b"r 1st for passenger fares and August 2o for freight tariffs. At the same time, it is announced American railroads will ask the Ca nadian railroad commissioners for i permission to make the new rates ef-, fective on transportation from the United States to the dominion. j Decision to postpone the putting j into effect of the advance in the' charges authorized last Saturday by the interstate commerce commission from the dates announced yesterday. came after tariff experts had inform ed A. 1 Thorn, general counsel for the association of railway executive; that it would be impossible to have the schedules ready before August 21. Under orders of the interstate commerce commission. the new schedules must be filed five davs be fore becoming effective. Without doubt the Nebraska state commission will pass upon the ap plication' of the carriers for intra- i EM) These are tubular made and easily laundered. C. E. Wescott's Sons 'EVERYBODY'S STORE national .democratic headquarters in New York. Mr. Kooseveli will speak daily ex cept Sundays. He will be accom panied by two speakers of national reputation, one a "distinguished and forceful woman speaker t.f the west" who has not been named. The appearance of Mr. Roosevelt in Omaha at this early date, will af i ford everyone an opportunity of go , ing to hear the candidate outline the more important issues of the cam paign on which both he and Mr. Cox, the preseident ial nominee, are fully ! agreed. COLE AflO GRAMMER SURE TO BE REPRIEVED AGAIN From Wednesday's Iaily. Cole and Grammar are scheduled to die Friday, but no preparation tate advances in sufficient time for for their execution is being made by these to lie put into effect along with J Warden Teuton of the Nebraska pen- The above interesting account of tractor development, concerns the activities of Uarry D. Clarke, one time foreman at the O-K garage in this city and a man well knoVn to automobile owners in this vicinity, as well as in other communities. At the time of the completion of the new garage, Mr. Clarke was as sociated with J. H. McMaken & Sons, and although the war was in its midst he foresaw that with its ending, days of production would come, and with them greater need for improved farming devices. Here, in a little-inner room at the O-K garage, Mr. Clarke worked away incessantly while others were asleep, perfecting the machine which is now so highly spoken of. As noted above the new machine is called the "Ohio tractor" and is a wonder in execu tion. To Mr. Clarke is Justly due the credit of this new machine. Quietly he labored with it thru long, ,weary days and nights, and here in Platts mouth finally completed the designs which will mark its improvement in the tractor field. After having corn pleted the models, he went east and in November of last year completed a full size machine which has been given the most severe tests and has shown more merit than anyone ex cept the inventor himself, could be lieve -possible. Mr. Clarke is the owner of a large I portion of the stock of the company. the balance of which is in the hands of strong financiers who will push its manufacture. He is at present orea- From Wednesday's Daisy. W. M. Coble, of Omaha, Inspector of postoffices, was in the city today looking'over the local postoffice and checking up the accounts of Post master D. C. Morgan. While here, Mr. Coble will make an inspection of R. V. D. No. 2 on which an ex tension was ordered several months ago. There has been more or less disagreement over this extension, owing to the condition of the road and the inability of a carrier to get over it, but recently work has been done on the road making it practical for travel and its condition will be looked over by the inspector. ARRIVAL OF NEW- SON From Wednesday's Dally. This morning B. J. Reynolds de parted for Omaha, where he goes to visit with Mrs. Reynolds, who for several weeks has been at the Uni versity hospital and also with the fine little son that arrived yesterday at the hospital and who will make his home in the future with the Reynolds family. Mrs. Reynolds and the little one are doing nicely while the father is feeling very proud over the new arrival. the interstate ones. jitentiary, who stated yesterday that The passenger advance amounts to inasmuch as Grammar's case is still 20 per cent and will increase the pending in the United States district Plattsmout h-Omaha fare some thir-'court at St. Paul, the governor will teen cents. Pullman fares are given i be forced to grant another reprieve, a .r0 per cent advance, following aj Grammar's case in the U. S. dis rerent one of 2" per cent, and the trict court, according to the warden, new lower berth rate from here to j is not likely to be settled until in Chicago will be approximately $f.;o, j September. When the governor as compared with $2."0 a few years j grants the reprieve it will be the ago. eleventh reprieve for Grammar and An advance of per cent in the freight rates is also included. This should not materially increase the price of any commodity to the con sumer, save coal, which by Virtue of GETS CAUGHT IN RAID ! rom Wednesdays Daily. The Omaha police yesterday dis played much activity in a portion of the well but not favorably known third ward of that city and some twenty places on Capital avenue from 11th to 9th street were raided by the police and the victims of the dragnet hauled to the station to answer to various charges. Among those taken in the raid the Omaha Bee gives the name of ('has. Patterson, of Plattsmouth, but in this case our fair city seems to have been taken advantage of by some of the parties "pinched," as no one of that name resides here and it is more than probable the address was given in an effort to hide the real resi dence of the gentleman, as well as the name which was undoubtedly an assumed one. Certainly we give our citizens visiting Omaha better judg ment than to be caught, at least. OHICHESTER S FILLS Wr THE IlIAlkuND BRAKn X f.adlra! Aok jf lrm vi-tt for ; nd mmlA tncuUlcN with Blue P.UJjoo. TiLii n t oth.p. ltuT mr V on f lrcet- Askfo'lfI- IfKH-TtfHS UIAMO.ND JIIIAM 1'ILI.H, t years known 05 Best, Safest. Always Kcliali c ,i n ov riTDVvjU! DC j .: ' JCiSA. l-llla in Krd it ho thirteenth for Cob I! SUITS ARE DISMISSED its weight will conn in to pay con siderable more freight. The cost of transportation has always been a large, factor in the price of coal and now premises to be even more so. The passenger fare advance will not be of as much concern to Platts mouth people as many others, for a large part of the population is em ployed in the local railroad shops and able to do their necessary trav eling on passes. ' , ROOSEVELT TO BE IN OMAHA From Wednesday's Dally. Franklin D. Roosevelt, vice presi dential candidate, will be in Omaha Saturday, August 2S, according to an announcement of the itinerary of his western speaking tour, issued at From Wednesday's Dally. The actions in the district court in which Henrietta Morris was the ilaintiff and George C. Sheldon, Pet ?f M. Beck and Mrs. Bertha Klaurens lie separate defendants, has been dismissed by the district court. In this action the plaintiff had 'laimed damages amounting to a! total of $25,000. but on motion of. lefendants through their attorney to have the plaintiff guarantee the costs? ( the plaintiff failed to ertmply with, the order of the court and the case; was stricken from the docket. "i ne action was not considered serious from the start by the resi- dents of Nehawka where it originat- I ed and the dismissal of the case was' not unexpected. i Read the Journal want-ads. 6 Preferred O Shares in Tteme ftuilder Tax-Free In Nebraska Exempt from normal Fed eral income taxes. Dividends paid January I st and July 1st with unfail ing regularity. American Secuaity Go. FISCAL AGENTS Dotljre. at 18th Oinama, Neb. For full information see E. P. LUTZ, Local Agfent " ib- 'it WANTED - I want to trade niy 7 room house, equipped with electric lights, gas and water, good cellar, located on west Main, street, most desirable lot in cityc for work horses, harness and farm machinery, or will sell at a great sacrifice for quick sale. See F. M. Welshimer at once or phone No. 575. a2-Cd,2w. TOR SALE Three and a half acres of ground, three blocks from the Columbian school. 5-room house, cement base ment, electric lights and city water. For Darticulars mil Dhone G38-W or nizing a sales force for the marketing address P O nnTn. 4-3d: 3w oi me product of the Ohio, factory at Columbus. The Journal is glad to note that this unassuming young man who re sided in our midst has been success ful in his work and we shall not be surprised if early sales demonstrate For Sale: Two five room cottages, on easy terms. Also an acreage tract. R.B.Windham. 31-6d. 2w The money you spend Tn a consistent- newspaper advertising cam' I the need of Just such a machine as paign will come back to you trlppled his genius has brought forth. i In a very short time. X X X X f r r r y f y y y y y y y y y H art rr Tiractoirs! 19 Years Tractor-Building Experience! The Tractor With the Most Power for the Longest Time at the Lowest Cost Th o Weighs 158 Pounds and Has Abundant Power for Three Plows! Watch for Demonstration Dates to Be Announced Soon VI Phone 2304 Plattsmouth Dealer "Call at the Mason Garage and see them In Plattsmouth y y y y y y t y y y y y y y y y' y y y y y t y y y y