The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 05, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5
THURSDAY. AUGUST 5. 1920. Murray Department Prepared in the Interest of the People v. y ai t AL - f f K'. '. - -ST i-Vi &' -V, J" I II Jr '.111 aim MM W mums WW Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow Four per ceut interest on time deposits. Our 1eK.?it3 are protected by ihe State Guaranty Law. MURRAY STATE BAPJEC All business transactiens held in strict confidence Your Personal Bank. Miss Clara Young arrived from Den h North Dakota, where she spent a I" 'v w i ck-. wit a her brother arid family. Mi-' (Ha lys I. vie was the guest of M;i turret Spannl'i- a!id others last week. 'Pie many friends of Gladys enji.ycd her visit lure. Our Coiin iv A cent U. Snipes of We ping Watt r. and his wife and daughter, were in attendance at the eonitiiunfty meetins Saturday even- 'e ;.re kef-pins In line with ail dcrn .i.-rs in the prices of lumber. S- e C.. .r-.. Nic-kles at Murray, for limine; and estimates of cots. BANNING NICKELS Mrs. Helen ("iiri.-t. formerly MiM lit !i a Marl in t.f Osalalla. hut now of North I'laite. arrived Wednesday fir a vi-it at the home rf Mrs. Jen nie Kliinni. an old friend, for a few days. Win. Sp- rr r family returned hm:e la-t .Monday from Valperaso. wh'Te they went last Sunday (o at tend the funeral if, a hrotiit r of Mr. Sporrer. They had been there and l"ft their ear at another trip, and so wejii via th. train, tr-iing through Lincoln, hut returned with their car. W. R. YOUNG AUCTIONEER Atvtays Ready for Sale Dates far or near. RATES REASONABLE SATISFACTION OR HO PAY! ItEVEliSE ALL. CALLS Telephone 1511 Mnrnv Ext lance CARHARTT that's the kind you like!, They fit, they're made roomy and color fast. We carry them in stock and have your size. Gaiharlt Plain Blue Denim Ovprails Hiatt "& Tutt MURRAY, of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers Ill I , i "Money makes money" is a proverb that is old and true. Big opportunities often come to folks with a little ready cash. By starting a saving, account with us now, you soon will have sufficient savings to enable you to take advantage of some worth while bargain. To wait may be too late. Miss Nora Latta came home Satur day evening from her school in Lin cvdn. - , Dr. Gilmore and family-and Mis.s Mae LouKhridge drove oift west for a ten days vacation. John liobbins and family were the Kuerts of friends in Omaha last Sun day, driving up in their car and all spending some time in Krug's park. Joseph Cook, who is making his home at Ord. was a visit-or at ho rat last Sunday visiting withthe folks and returned to his work last Mon day. Joseph Marasek and J. F. Staska and their families enjoyed an auto ride to Omaha la-t Sunday and pic nicked at Krug's park during the day and had a very enjoyable time-returning home in the evening. .Oscar Shrader and family and Les ter and Fern ill' and a friend or Fern's and Harold Tolen and family picnicked at Krug's park last Sun day, driving up in their cars and en joying very greatly the occasion. Miss Kate McMann of Omaha, is .spneding her vacation at the beauti ful farm home of Mrs. Jennie Klimm. east of Murray. Mi-s McMann is an operator for the Western Union Co.. of Omaha, v.hen she has been for the past IS years. Willie IJintner. Leo IJintner,, Geo. Wagner and "Barney" Smith, all spent a very enjoyable tlay last Sun day in an auto ride to Omaha and the spending of the day at Krugs park. One ff the young men lost his hat. but you will have to ask them which on? it was. . When wanting "prices on lumber and building materials, remember we are keeping in line with all reduc tions in materials. Estimates and prices cheerfully furnished. See l George Nickles at Murrav. I BANNING & NICKELS NEBRASKA ..Threshing' was in progress at the homes of Ora avis and John urbin west of town last Tuesday. Curtis Lams' friends gave hini a complete surprise on his birthday and the ysurely had a good time. Mrs. Fred Kamge was a visifor in Omaha last Tuesday, where she was looking after some business matters. Mrs. A. A. Young was a visitor for a shor.t time in Nehawka last Mon day evening, driving down in their car. George Edson and wife of Lincoln, were visiting friends and relatives in and near Murray for the past few days. James Hatchett was a visitor in the county seat last Monday, where he had some business matters to look after. Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Young enter- tained Mr. and Mrs. Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy and Ralph, at dinnrr Sunday. W. A. Scott was looking after Feme business matters' in I'lattsmouth last Monday, driving up in his car in the iuornin. Miss Nita Clark spent last Sunday, with her friend. Miss Ethel Alex, in Omaha, they enjoying the afternoon at Krug's park. Mrs. Moses Hiatt. who has been very poorly for some time at the home of her son L. I). Hiatt, is re ported as being some better. John F. Gorder ot Plattsmouth was a visitor in Murray last Tuesday af 'li. coining down in his car tt. look ol'er some business matters. Miss Blanche Scotton. who has been assisting in the drug store as saleslady, is visiting this week with her friends, Miss Freda Lyle of Elm wood. Frank Marshall of I'lattsmouth. was in Murray last Tuesday with a truck which he was assisting in the marketing of oats for some of "the farmers. T. S. Barrows who is the manager of the Farmers elevator at Murray, was a visiter in Omaha last Tuesday, where' he was looking after some business. T. J. Brendel was a visitor at Weeping Water last Tuesday, where he was looking after some business matters at that place in the line of auto insurance. Master Gleu Cole of Weeping Wa ter, is visiting in Murray for a few days, being the guest at the home of L. I). Hiatt antl wife being a rela tive of the former. Iiist Tuesday Mrs. L. H. Tuls and family were visitor at the home of her sister. Mrs. Louis Freidrich. where Mrs. ruls was assisting in the '.oeklng for threshers. Mrs. Martha Baumeister of Tlatts mouth. was a visitor in Murray for several days past being the gifest at the home of Mrs. W. E. Dull and re turned home last Tuesday evening. A. L. Baker and Otto Lutz spent their vacation last Sunday at Omaha, where they sat in the shade of the trees in one of the parks a par1 of the time antl went to a picture show. J. W. Edmunds -departed last Tues day morning for Schoolcraft, Mleh.. where 1 expects to spend some three weeks visiting the home of his sis ter and among acquaintance of many years ago. Dr. B. F. Brendel and Will Ho man. accompanied by the latter's daughter. Miss Ruth, were Omaha visitors last Tuesday, where Miss Ruth underwent an operation for the removal of her toncils. which had been giving her much trouble of late. L. H. Puis and E. E. Sowers, the latter district agent for the silent Alamo Electric -farm lighting plants fro m Ashland, throve to Weeping Wa ter, where tliey were looking after some business matters for a few hours in connection with the sale of this popular farm lighting plant. Dr. J. F. Brendel was a visitor in Lincoln last Monday, where he went lo see his father-in-law, Mr. F. L. Jameson, who is sick at his home in that city. Mr. Jameson, while slight ly improved is still very sick and is making the progress towards re covery which is desired. Mrs. Bicn del and Richard who were in Lincoln, returned home with the doctor. Last Monday evening J. D. Wurde man and wife and their son. Sraf ford. of Leigh, arrived in Murray for a few days visit at the home of Wm. Nickel and family, as well as with George Nickel r.f Murray. Mrs. Wurdeman is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. .Wm. Nickel and is en gaged in Leigh in the harness mak ing business. .They drove down in their Hudson six. Dr. G. II. Gilmore and family, con sisting of Mrs. Gilmore and the two children, with their car departed last week for the western portion of the r.tate where- they will remain for a few weeks and while there the Doctor is looking after some land interests which he has in that part of the state. During their absense Dr. R. J. Lar-n of Omaha is looking after the practice of Dr. Gilmore. Our Community Meetings. The community ub met wMh their j usual success Saturday evening and the big crowd tiftit-has usually been! in attendance, was present. Miss! Brinklow opened the entertainment I with a piano solo and Mrs. Kennedy and Mrs. Cathey followed with a vocal duet. Mr. Newton Gaines was at his best and talked for two hours and the audience was willing to lis ten for 2 hours longer. He spoke on ce-operation and made a splendid pointer in what was necessary for community spirit. Next Saturday evening we will have a treat in store for all who will attend. Two weeks from Stturday evening Mr. Clark of the University of Lincoln will talk on consolidation of schools. This meeting will be under the direction of Searl Davis FLATTSMODTH in If any of th readort of th Jouraal knov of any social eot or ltm of i merest in ttati TictBtty. and will ntil me to this office. It will p pear under this heading. Wa w ant all MfilMnt- Editob and at that time Mr. Davis will give us many truths on consolidation. Next" Saturday evening Miss. Helen Pontius will give a vocal solo, Misa Neva Latta will give a vocal solo, Mrs. Roy Cole will give a piano solo. A vocal trio by Miss Latta as leader. Rev. E. H. Pontin of Mynard will talk on community interests and An drew Sturm of Nehawka will talk on community interests. Make arrange ments to attend. Gives Reception in Honor of Mother. Last Monday evening at the par sonage of the Presbyterian church, responding to invitations of their pas tor, a large crcwd of members of the Presbyterian church of Murray, aug mented by a good representation of the membership of the Christian church and many Murray citizens, called at the parsonage to pay honor to the mother of the pastor. Mrs. Buchanan, mother of the pastor, whose home is in Monmotb. III., has been a visitor with her son in Mur ray for the past month and Just prior tocher departure for her home, with the son the large circle of friends gathered last Monday evening to greet this good woman and wish her God speed on her way home, to which she departed last Wednesday even ing. During the college days and for the two years when he was in the service of his country the mother had been separated from her son and she was enjoying his stciety during the past month and now departs for her home in Illinois. Rev. Buchanan will, in a short time, also depart for the east where he is attending col lege at Princeton. New Jersey. TJie occasion last evening was one particularly enjoyed by Mrs. Bu chanan. Mrs. Harry Todd and Miss Margie Walker, dispensed dainty re freshments from the dining room, while Mrs. Buchanan, who was in her clement, entertained the crowd as the hostess, while the evening was enlivened by the many delightful numbers furnished by a victrola. Meetings of this nature where all meet and mingle good naturedly with each other and the social gatherings liks the community meetings of Sat urday evening, are cultivating a neighborly interest in each other in the hearts of our people. Purchases New Veile Car. Herman Reike of near Union .pur chased last week a new , Veile car from L. H. Puis of Murray and Is well satisfied with the new wagon. The Veile car whieh is handled by Mr. Puis is one of the best cars made, having abundance of power, with very easy rading qualities, and at the same time is one of long life and uses fuel with great economy. These are the qualities which appeal to the purchasers and users of automobiles. Will Live in Otoe County John Durman, Gust and Walter Manier and John T. Porter, all wel known to the people of Murray and vicinity, have arranged to move into Otoe county the coming spring where they will farm. ) This Will Help the Matter Much As the community meet-igs are be ing held at the lawn of the Presbyter ian church and is directly en the main street of the town, the moving of cars on the street near the speak er interferes with the meetings. It is requested that those who come in early, that is before 8:30 p. .m.. can well park their cars near and around the lawn and those com ing later, that is during the pro- Free Specials The only way we can get you to realize what a wonderful difference there is between the "GOLDEN THROATED" Claxtonola and other makes of "talk ing" machines, is for you to come in and Jiear it pla"y. It is in a class by itself, but you will never know its real excellence until you hear it with your own ears. See our Oil Stoves for This Hot Weather Our cream separators are the best, and you will say so your self when you see how much they will save in a year. Come in and see us when you want one. Our line of -shelf and heavy hardware if replete with your every day wants. Thestock contains all that any good hardware store should carry. "Titan" and "Waterloo Boy" Tractors and All Kinds of Gang Plows MURRAY Fo used. A cure BU'anteed In averv case accepted for treatment, and no money to b paid until cured. Write tor I took on Itectal Diseases, with namen and testimonial of more than 1 000 prominent people who have ln permanently cured DR. E. K. TAKKY, SuioUorlnm, Peter. Trnt WM;. (Bee Uldg.). OMAHA, EB. Ur. K. . Johaaton. Medical Director. nnsMACH & Mann, mmw mm w -- m m -p iifli w mm j m v 9km m m m m w m u H The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts ( in cnarge ot au woru. i-aay attendant. rauucKftic x-xs.iv,o. r , Porcelain fill-n just like tooth. Instruments carefully t-terilired j after using. SIM-WEEKLY JOUBHAI gram, can as well turn north and go 1 around the block, which would not in any way interfere with the meet- I ing. Those of you who would, could come from the south and west and it will help in giving all an oppor tunity to hear what is being said. Then after the speaking has been concluded the use of the cars will in I no way cause disturbance. Celebrates Fifth Birthday Richard Brendel who passed the fifth milestone in his life last Friday, July 30th, "celebrated it with some nineteen of the little friends living in Murray. The afternoon was spent in games and a very delightful i time was had by the little ones. A delightful dinner was served by Mrs. : Brendel at about 2:30, which was greatly enjoyed by all the youngsters.- The birthday cake was a fine one and contained five candles, which represented the number of years which Richard has passed. This is Not the Geyser. Some one named the geyser in the west which kept spouting water all the time "Old Faithful", and it has has been known as that ever since. Now for the proper performance of his duties, the geyser cannot get any thing on Daniel Click for faithful ness, for he is on the Job all the time, carrying the mail and looking afte rthe dray and express business of Murray. He is just as faithful as the ever-working geyser of the west. SPECIAL TRAIN PLANNED; ARRANGE NOW TO ATTEND From Tuesday's Dally. Monday night is scheduled for Plattsmouth. night at the Ak-Sar-Ben den in Omaha and it is hoped to se cure a special train for that event, that will leave this city shortly after the supper hour and return at the conclusion of the show at the den. Those who desire to take advantage of the special train are requested to get in touch with Jess Warga or Frank M. Bestor and see that they secure reservations. A PRIZE BABY Fro.-n Morday's Dally. In the list of prize winning babies in the Bargains Circus baby show, appearing in the Journal Saturday the name of Mary Margaret Kline, the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Earl Kline was omitted from the list through overslte. This fine little lady was given the third prize in class B and one of the finest children in the contest. To Clean Up Cemetery Wanted: A man to clean up the cemetery at the Lewiston church, southeast of Murrav. Will pay good wages. Call phone No. 1811, Mur ray, Nebr. Miss Etta Nickels. Road District Number Ten All who reside in road district number ten, will take notice to cut the weeds and grasses growing along your lands before August 15th. Anyone who fails to do so, the weeds will be cut and the expense thereof assessed against the property abut ting. HENRY CREAMER. Road Overseer. Fred Lutz. wife and children and Otto E. LutK and Miss Laura Puis, of near Murray motored up Saturday evening to visit for a few hours at tending to some matters of business and calling on friends. This Ueeltl NEBRASKA Pay When Cured A mild system of treatment that cures ra Flstuls, and other Rectal Itaas in a time, without a sexere eurjical operation. ISO f'hfnfnrm Vth At nthff T1 .r&.l thfitlO thf nFrmsTSeM if 3TIIJnD FLOOR, PAXTOrl 8L0CX, OMAHA A G omolete Lin Of Summer Apparel Family will be Hoys' work shirts & , Men's broad, lotfg work shirts Boys' union suits Men's union suits Men's Hatch One-Button union Uovs' Hatch One-Button union Also Local Agent Sewing The Service Store ALFRED GANSEMER, Proprietor Keeping in Line in Prices! To all who are interested in building wo would have you know we are keeping in line with the market reductions mi luuii.-i. Come to us for estimates and figures. We will furnish you tin best of goods and at the lowest possible prices. Here you will al ways get the benefit of reductions as they occur. See H. 1. Banning at Union or George Nickels, at Murray. Banning & Nickels, Lumber Dealers - - Murray, Nc-br. EZZ-S 3S33S32E S ",-- ii f?. 4 3rvrS . -- -.-' - t- j ii I i t i - T "S i Electricity on the Farm! The United States government is advocating tin use of electricity more extensively on the fa: ms. It is pointed out that where electricity is usel laborious farm work is reduced and belter results are obtained. Many things can be done on a farm with electricity, Mich as churning, grinding grain for live stock, food for poultry, washing dishes, lighting the buildings and other neces sary tasks that now require brawn and sap vitality. Farm life should be made as pleasant and easy as possible, to increase its popularity. The work of the women iolk on the farm would-be much less arduous with the installation of electrical appliances, say t lie government investigators for on their .shoulders falls much of the most trying work on the farm. The aver age farm woman works a few minutes more than' thir teen out of twenty-four hours during summer, and her daily average for the year is eleven hours and eighteen minutes. Half of the women on farms, say tlx gov ernment reports, are at work at 5 a. in. and get prac tically no rest until they retire at night. Of every 100 women on farms thirty-six of them help with'the milk ing, while seventy-nine of 'them trim and fill lamp,, and all but four do the family washing. As a labor-saver electricity, says the government, has no equal, while the saving of vitality to both man and woman is astonishing where it has been tried out. Many farmers of Nebraska and Iowa have installed electricity and few of them would do without it now. FARM ELECTRICS POWER AMD LIGHT PLANT There are many good makesof farm licfht plants on the market now that will speed up machinery and illuminate the buildings by the simple touch of a button. E. E. SOWERS State Agent ASHLAND, NEBRASKA L. H. PULS. .... Local AEcnt MURRAY, NEBRASKA PAGE FIVE. for Every Member of the Found at Our Store ((p ' " - suits ( suits 01 1 . 1 .. 1 . 'J .",ic and up 1.mi and up J J. n it l..;. for the Famous Singer Machines. ' . J t I'll i 9 ". .: - J-.! ' xrj f! i i a ! i X ) E i s u