The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 05, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    AQL 1ZZ.T.2
Union Department
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Charles Bowdish of Omaha was
looking after forae business matters
1:1 Union last Thursday.
Miss Ora Clark was a visitor in
Lincoln for over Sunday and the
guest ax the home of her friends of
that city.
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. McCarroll drove
over to Hamburg. Iowa. Friday to at
tend the funeral of John ISruee, a
nephew of Mrs. McCarroll.
We are keeping in line with the
decrease in the prices of lumber.
See V. B. Banning at Union for fig
ures and estimates of costs of buil t-j
ing. Banning & Niekles.
Miss Nettie McCarroll departed a '
few days ago for Ong. where she is
visiting for a few days at the home ,
of Miss Fern Ferree. with whom she
rooms while at summer school at,
Peru. ' '
Mr. and Mrs. A. V. Yowell of
Gordon, were visiting in Union for a
few days last week having drove I
down in their auto to visit at the
home of the parents of Mrs. Yowell.
W. L. Hoback and wife.
The Methodist Sunday srtiool is
planning a picnic for some time soon
afer the assembly, perhaps about t lie
17th of the month. Let every ne
attending this school ke-p the da'e
in mind and make arrangements to be
there and enjoy an outing. ; 1
The Epworth League held a picnic
at the Larsh farm last Monday even
ing. About thirty members were
present. After playing games for a
while a large bon tire was made and
a delicious supper was soon prepared
for the hungry "picnickers".
Two daughters of Mr. Charles Mc
Namee of Brush. Colorado, who have
lipcn visltine in and near Union for
seme time and the guests at the henv
SCme lime ailu l.le jtueMS ai.uif worn'-
r riT-orrm Vnnpv VrVamw anil al.-o
at the home of J. S. Pitman, departed ter some business matters at Nebras
last Tuesdav for their home in the ka City last Monday morning.
' 1 Rnhh who is out on the road
Miss Marie and Herald Frans were
visiting at Lincoln last V. dr.e'siia.
the guests at the heme of Miss KWzr.
beth Rabe and her brother Wm.
Rabe. It will be remembered that
Miss Elizabeth Rabe wa one of the
teachers of the Union public s?hoo1s
last year.
IK-ibert LaRue who is employed i.i
Macedonia, Iowa, in a drug stoit as
salesman, arrived home last Saturdny
evening and spent Sunday with V.
folks returning to his work Sunday
evening. Miss Ina who has bet n
visiting at Omaha, returned home al
so last Saturday. 1
Eva Everett. Franc-? Bauer and
Bessie LaRue and Delores Dysarr re
turned home Friday from IV 111,
where they have been attending sum
mer school. The young ladies are
now looking forward to the begin'- ,
ning of school as they all expect to !
Clyde Porter the energetic young
ster who has a goat with which lie
likes to play, has a knack of turning
his sport to profit in that he has
rigged up a harness and wagon wiih
which he hauls the cream to the sta
tion and uses the rig for many other
purposes. He delivered the cream
fisl Monday and then on hi' return
rip took a load of groceries home.
Mrs. O. W. Finney and children of
Auburn were visiting at the home of
the mother of Mrs. Finney. Mrs. Ves
ta Clark, one day last week. Mrs.
Clark has not been very well , if iate
but is feeling some better, so that
she will be abl3 to go to Auburn for
a few days rest from h?r duties as
manager of th Union Telephone ex
change. While she is away Miss
Frances Bauer will assist at the ex
CJWe have a full line of Ladies,
Children's and Men's white shoes
(Keds) which we are selling very
reasonable. Come in and examine
QWe are selling' nothing but
the very best quality of shoes.
CJ Amonia or "Barnyard Proof"
shoes for men. Try them.
What is nicer and easier kept ilean than a good
We have some ye'low pine flooring that will take
a finish almost equal to oak and the cost to cover a
room will be about the same as an ordinary rug.
Think of the difference in wearing quality.
Your kitchen needs a new floor. Why not give
it a surprise?
Come in and let us make an estimate.
We appreciate your patronage.
Frans Bros.
Union, Nebraska
John Lidgett attended the Masonic
lodge at Nehawka last Weduesday
Dan Lynn and wife were attend
ing the femin ities at Plattsmouth last
Wednesday, having drove up in their
ca r.
W. II. Porter and daughter, Miss
Leatha. who have been visiting at the
home of friends at York for soms
time returned home last week.
George Katon and wife departed
last Saturday for Banilla. Ky.. where
they went to loo kafter some busi
ness and also will viist as well.
Lester Clarence and wife cf Ilar
tineton were visiting with friends in
ai;d near Vnion during last week
they having drove down in their car.
W. A. Taylor and wife and John Lid-ge-U
and wife, were visiting at the
county seat and taking in the Bar
gains Circus in Plattsmouth last
C. W. Clark and family were vis
iting in Omaha last Sunday, driving
over in their car stopping at Platts
ir.outh fora few moments on their
return trip.
M. Lynde was looking after the
farming to some extent at the farm
of Joe Banning and has began the
breaking of some fifty acres of land
for fall seeding.
Charles Hoback and wife with
their daughter Margery and son Don
ald, drove to Omaha last Sunday,
where they visited at the home of
Wm. Chase for the day.
A. L. Docker and son John,
locking af.fer some business matters
in Omaha' last Monday, they driving
up in their car in the morning and re
turning in the evening.
Daniel Lynn and wife" and W. H.
rui iri iiuu uauuici xtuwu. .. -
vlsit in e with friends nad looking at'
Pnrter and dauehter Leatha. v.Civ corn for an Omaha eomp.viv.
was home for over Sunday aua de
parted early Monday to look afur
business matters out in the stat.
j J. C. Snaveley and sen Carl, dc
pa.ieo last Thursday for the ea-'- and
-luili and will spend two we'l. vis
iflr,:; -wi tli friends and relatives at
the.r old time home in West Virginia,
i Frank Houghton, who has been at
Lincoln for some time in one of the
institutes where he was receiving
treuMiunt. came home one day last
week being accompanied by his rhy
, sit ian. Dr. Swab.
! W. B. Banning who with a crew
of men from Union are doing som
work on the State Fair grounds at
Lincoln were home for over Sunday
and returned to their work last Mon
day morning.
AVayne Propt w ho has been vis.t
inc ir; T'tiion for a short time, return-
ed a few days ago to Grant where he
is engaged in threshing and was ac
companied on his return by his friend
"Curley" Hathaway, who will also
work there for some time.
Nels Martin and Len Austin, with
L. V. Davis, who was in Union for
a few days, made a trip to Elm weed
last Friday evening, the two turmcr
returning home the following morn
ing, whib Mr. Davis who makes h:s
home in Elmwood, remained.
Henry Sturm of near Nehawka and
Robert Willis of the I nion Garage,
departed last Tuesday morning for
Omaha and in the evening returned
with a new six cylinder Ilea which
Mr. Sturm purchased through the
Willis agency of this place. Mr. Wil
li.;, who is an expert automobile man,
knows full well the value of this ex
cellent brand of cars and Mr. Sturm
has made an excellent selection in
his purchase.
Frances Chae of Omaha was a
visitor for a short time in Union and
a guest at the home of Frank Bauer
for a short time. Mr. Chase is
artist, doing some work for the Ep
worth Assembly at University Place.
He will expect to visit here again in
a short time, as he did not get to see
his uncle Joe Bauer, who with W. L.
Crawford are constructing some
buildings on the John McCarty place
near Wyoming.
J. E. Grimes of 'Saint Louis, was a
visiter in Union for the past few days
and was accompanied by Mrs. Grimes,
and sister Miss Hilda Dinzbach, were
the guests of the mother of the for
mer Mrs. Nancy Grimes, and Mes
dames R. D. Stine. L. R. Comer, Mrs.
Tali ha Smith, sisters of Mr. Grimes.
Mr. Grimes has just been to Lincoln
where he had been doing some illus
trating for the Ep worth Assemblv
which is now in session at University
Place. '
Will Attend Epworth. Assembly
Arrangements have been perfected
for the attendance during the entire
time of the following persons at the
Epworth Assembly, they camping on
the grounds and thus being able to
get the benefit of all the services at
the session of the assembly this year.
Those to go from Union being Rev.
and Mrs. L. Morrison, W. H. l'orter
and daughter Miss Leatha. Mrs. L. G.
Todd and daughter Alice and son
Melvin, Misses Minnie Reike. Elsie
Taylor, Jessie Todd and Rachel Tay
lor and Messrs. George Douge and
Luciau Banning.
Child Dies, in Omaha Hospital.
Last Saturday Win. C. Romine. the
two years old son of Mr. and Mrs.
11. C. Romine of near Nehawka. died
at a hospital in Omaha, where he was
receiving treatment. The little child
v-as born at Avoea, November 4,
1917. The funeral services were hold
at the home cf Edward Chappel!
northwes.t of Nehawka last Sunday
afternoon and was conducted by the
Rev. W. A. Taylor of Union, while
the interment, was made at Mt. Plea
sant cemetery a few miles north or
Big Meeting Sunday Evening
There was a large crowd at the
Sciota school to listen to the excel
lent sermon delivered by W. A. Tay
lor at that place, there being no
services at that place in the morning
as at that hour Mr. Taylor had to go
to Nehawka for a funeral. There
was a large and interesting attend
ance at the Bible school in the morn
ing. Have Services at Baptist Church.
There was services both morning
and evening at the Baptist church
being conducted by the Rev. W. M.
Akers of Central City. Iowa. The reg
ular Bible school was also had and
an interesting service at both morn
ing and evening enjoyed.
No Preaching at Methodist Church
There will be no preaching ser
vice's at the Methodist church next
Sundav as Rev. and Mrs. Morrison.
with a number of others will attend
: he Epworth Assembly during its ses
. sion. However, there will bi Sun
; day school in the morning and the
i Young Peoples meeting during the
1 afu-rnoon and evening.
! He Knows His Business.
I From absolute knowledge we can
! testify to the ability of Joseph Lidgett
: as a gardner for we were the recipi
; ent of a box of tomatoes and cabbage
i grown at his home under his careful
j cultivation, on what is known as the
Lynn Arbor just north of Union. Mr.
j Lidgett has an abundance 06 garden
(truck of all kinds which are of the
I finest grown. One of the tomatoes
which he presented to the writer
weighed cue pound and nine ounc
es', whi'e others were just as good.
Any one d'.sniug the best in any line
of vegetables grown will do well to
get in touch with Mr. Joseph Lidgett
for he sure knows how to grow the
Looks Like He Has Done His Part .
For a long time the public was
compelled travLling south of Union
to use the right of way of the Mis
souri Pacific, but in order that the
public might have a road of their
own V,'. L. Stine set his fences in
and gave he public a strip of ur.nir.d
wide enough for a road of their own.
It looks no-v iike after Mr. S.iae l.i.s
given without the asking even ol tins
.'of his lands lor a road, thi county
should tak- hold of the matter and
give the required amount of 'vo-k to
make and :ia ntain a good pas: able
road at ina: place.
Were Guests in Union.
Mrs. Al Wright end children from
Anthony. Kansas. Mrs. A. K. Worley
and children of St. Joseph, Mo., and
Mrs. G. S. Sherman and children of
King City, Mo., who have been visit
ing at the home of Mrs. Clara Davis
and W. A. Carriher for the past
week, were joined by Mr. Worley
last Sunday morning, who visited on
ly for the day and they all departed
for their homes in .the south, being
taken to Nebraska City at which
place they took trains for their
Vinmps Air. Carriher drove them to
I Nebraska Ciy in his car to catch their
Have An Eye to Business.
The members of the Blue Birds,
which is a Juvenile Campfire girls or
ganization, gave a delightful ice
cream supper on the grassy spot be
tween the Willis garage and Nels
Martin's and R. D. Stino's stores.
The shade of the garage in the late
evening. Friday, afforded a good
place for the evening repast and the
girls netted about twenty dollars
for their order. The girls,
under the direction of their guardian.
Miss Mary Becker, also gave an ice
cream supper at the same place Sat
urday evening which netted their or
ganization just a little in excess of
the amount the Blue Birds made.
Almost the Kiss of Death.
' Last Thursday after Mrs. Olney
Easter, who lives west and south o?
Union, had finished hei trading with
the Union merchants', she- assayed to
depart for her home and getting into
her car. drove down the street anil
was just on the point of crossing the
Missouri Pacific tracks when she ob
served the approach of the Flyer go
ing south a'nd endeavored to stop her
car, the breaks not working to their
capacity, but was able to check the
peed some and trying hard to turn
the car out of the way of the on
coming train, the engine passing, but
the front wheel of the auto WA3
caught by the truck of the baggage
car and the auto thrown around and
away from the track in such a way
4 that it was cleared from the train.
The wheel of the auto and the front
portion of the frame and radiator
were somewhat delapidated, but Mrs.
Easter came through without any
harm other tbis.11 tne intense shock
which th2 crucical position gave bar.
Iler's was a just cause for rejoicing
on account of the escape from what
seemed sura death to those who
watched the accident from a distance.
Still Near Victory.
The Union base ball team last Sun
day at the Dunbar park, came very
near winning a game, a thing which
has not happened for many a moon.
The game was finished with the runs
being eight for the team of Dunbar
and seven for that of Union. Th!s
is just as near as they have won,
with the single exception of the game
played at Plattsmouth. where the tal
lies were five each and on account
of the lateness of the hour, the game
could not be continued longer. Just
as the car carrying the mascot of
the Union team was entering the
suburbs of Durbar, it was noticed
the smoke settled to the ground 14 cm
a nearby dwelln and with a slight
breeze from the ea&t and a black cat
crossed the road in front of the auto,
it was evident that the team could
not overcome thehandicap. However,
they will play with the team from
Murdock next Monday and they will
meet a fine set of young ni-n with a
determination to play ball, but a jol
lv set though. Now go 10 it boys
and win the game, if you don't the
other boys will.
FroM Wednesday's Dally.
Marvin Allen of this city has re
ceived word from a sister residing at
Nashville, Tennessee, announcing
that the daughter of Mr. Allen. Miss
Annabell, had been the victim of an
auto accident and had been injured
so severely that it had confined her
to' her room.
The message did not give any of
the particulars of the accident aside
from the fact that the young lady
had fallen from a car and did not
give the extent of her injuries. The
message has caused a great deal of
worry to the father and further par
ticulars of the accident are looked
for in a few days. Qliss Allen has
been making her home with her aunt
for a number of years and complet
ing her school work in the southern
On Sunday evening. August 15th.
I will make a special rate for any
and all who wish to go to Chase
county with me. I will have a Pull
man car out of Omaha. This ar
will remain at Imperial and will be
our home until we return Wednesday
night. This will be an opportunity
for you to see the greatest wheat
felds in Nebraska. Threshing will
be on in full blast and yen had bet
ter take advantage of this trip.
525.00 will pay railroad fare bott
ways. Pullman car service for three
days and three nights, all meals and
a 150 mile trip by auto over Chase
county. If you will say upon your
return that you have not had your
money's worth I will return your
$25.00 as freely as I receive it.
tf. Plattsmouth, Neb.
E. J. Richey and wife departed
this afternoon for the western part
of the state where they expect to
enjoy a few days' visit and will re
main over Sunday there with friends.
Mrs. John Brady came in this af
ternoon from Casper. Wyoming, and
will visit here with her son. II. E.
Brady and family for a few days, ex
pecting to return Saturday to her
home in the west.
Gash Garry Grocer
Specials for the Week
I Offer
1 qt. Kerrs self-sealing fruit
Jars, per doz $1.00
1 pt. Kerrs self-sealing fruit
jars, per doz .90
25 oz. K. C. Baking Powder,
per can .25
16 oz. Calumet Baking Powder
per can .30
10 Bars Electric Spark soap
10 Bars Borax Naptha soap
Eagle Lye. per can
Large Bottle Bluing .10
Large Bottle Amonia .10
5 lbs. Gloss Starch .55
Do away with insects by using
Hofstra. (Ask about it.)
Lemons, per doz .35
Can Fruit in No. 2 M cans:
Apricots, Peaches, Pears..
Cherries, per can .45
Gallon Apples, per can .75
10 lb. can J. M. Syrup, per can 1.00
10 lb. can Wedding Breakfast
Syrup, per can 1.25
Try a pound of my special
blend Coffee. It's fine at .50
I just received good quality Cof
fee, formerly sold at 40 cents per
pound. My special price to Intro
fiuce it for one week is 3 pounds for
Although Opposed by Labor Looks
Like Senatoi Gore of Okla
homa, is Defeated.
St. Louis, Aug. 3. -Unofficial in
complete returns from today's state
wide primary indicated John Atkin
son had defeated Frank H. Farris and
Charles H. Mayer for the democrat
ic nomination for governor. Arthur
M. Hyde and E. K. E. McJimsey, con
testing for the republican nomina
tion, were running neck and neck,
the former polling a large vote in the
rural sections of the state, and the
latter running strong in many of the
larger cities.
Senator Sheldon P. Spencer ap
n:)rfTiilv won iivpr Dwislit V. Davie
and James L. Minnis for the republi
can nomination for United States sen
ator. Breckinridge Long was run
ning strong for the democratic nomi
nation and it anneared he would de
feat his five opponents Charles M.
Hay. George M. scruton, Artnur
Lindsey, Henry S. Priest and John C.
Senator Gore Defeated
Oklahoma City. Aug. 3. A tabu
lation by the Daily Oklahoman at
midnight of returns from 810 pre
cincts from fifty-five of the seventy-
seven counties in the state give
Scott Ferris 61.200 votes for the
democratic nomination for U. S sen
ator and Senator Thomas P. Gore
5S..572 in today's statewide primary.
Early returns, coming in rapidly
from towns and cities, but slowly
from the rural districts at midnight
gave Scott Ferris the lead over Sen
ator Gore. Returns on the repub
lican contest for the senatorial nom
ination' were meagre.
The Gore strength, it was said at
political headquarters here, would
not appear until late as it lies in he
rural precincts.
Kansas Incumbents Win
Topeka, Kan., Aug. 3. Early re
turns from today's statewide primary
election indicate Senator Chas. Cur
tis, Governor Henry J. Allen and all
present congressmen are leading their
respective opponents.
The returns from the city indicate
labor voted against Allen, putting
him behind Senator Curtis. In the
rural districts, however, the vote for
the governor apparently was large.
The democratic returns up to a
late hour were, not sufficient to form
any estimate of the strength of the
four candidates for the nomination
for governor. Jonathan Davis, W. S.
Hvatt, Dempster Potts and O. T.
George H. Hodges, democrat, was
nominated for the United States sen
ate without opposition.
The following named were nomi
nated for representatives in congress
on the republican ticket without op
position: Homer Hoch, Hays B.
White and J. N. Tincher.
These democratic- candidates for
representatives in congress were un
opposed: J. D. Tarkington, Thomas
F. Johnson, J. R. Beeching and W.
A. Avers.
From "Wednesday's Dally.
The tragic death of Lieut. Lock
lear and his assistant, recounted in
today's press dispatches will come as
a surprise to those who saw the fear
less aviator perform at the state fair
last fall. And, although wonderful
strides have been made in flying, it
cannot be decreed as absolutely safe,
.iny more than automobiling, or any
of the various "improved" modes of
travel that have come in vogue dur
ing the past decade. Locklear and
his assistants flaw over Plattsmouth
in two planes last fall while enroute
to Lincoln and were seen by large
numbers of Plattsmouth people who
were attracted by the rumbling of
their motors as they swooped down
over the buildings apparently in an
effort to gain their proper bearings,
for soin they rose to a high altitude
and continued on their way.
Frank Wooster was among those
going to Omaha this afternoon to
visit for a few hours while attend
ing to some matters of business in
that city.
John McLean and wife and Rich
ard Avard wife and little son will
depart this afternoon on their way
to New York and Quebec, prior to
sailing for Europe.
Misses Hilda Brinkmau and Jo
sephine R3rs returned today from
their vacation in the north, having
spent the past few weeks at Loretta,
Minnesota, where they enjoyed' the
delights of Lake Independence.
Attorney D. O. Dwyer was a pas
senger this afternoon for Omaha to
look after some legal matters for a
few Lours.
Some day your office phone will ring,
or some one will tell you on the street
That will be a poor time to think of
the valuable papers that you have laid
carelessly about the house.
A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX is the place
for such things as insurance papers,
wills, deeds, etc.
Insure your valuable against fire.
anh of UEmootm
Raise Better Wheat!
Early and deep plowing will produce better wheat
yields. But even increased yields won't pay for killing
your horses with summer plowing. Buy a Titan trac
tor and a P. & O. gang plow they will do the business..
Tractor farming is increasing in favor daily. Come
in and see me for particulars and prices.
Below Wholesale Prices!
We have decided to sell our entire stock of goods
at and even below wholesale prices. As other business
is calling for our attention and demanding our time, we
will close out our entire stock of goods at a sacrifice.
The early purchaser will have the best of the se
lection, and at a price which is surely worth while.
Remember, the entire stock goes ! Nothing will be
reserved or held back! -This includes clothing, hard
ware and groceries. Now is your time to save some
money and get some genuine bargains." -
A. L. I
30,000 Acres
We are making trips to Colorado every week.
Come and make a trip to see the country. Special
prices on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50 to
$50 per acre, according to location and improvements.
One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land already
sown in wheat. Have 60 acres three miles east of Union
for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good terms. Phone
L. R. Upton, phone No. 39.
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
"That Baby Overland"
We have accepted the agency In Union and vicinity for the
"Baby Overland," which you must see and ride In to appreciate.
We also carry Oldsomobile Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and
Trucks. We have a number of good mechanic ready for any work
that may be offered In the repair line. We also carry a full stock
of tires and accesories for all makes of cars. See us for cars or
repair work.