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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (Aug. 5, 1920)
THURSDAY, AUGUST 5, 1020. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE TWO I i i i i i 1 W ' RETURN FROM CAMP ING TRIP IN NORTH County Judge A. J. Beeson and Wife and J. E. Wiles and Wife Return Heme From Minnesota DOINGS IN DISTRICT COURT From Monday's Dally. This morning a short session . of district court was held with Judge Begley presiding and several minor matters dispose d 'of by the court. In LOCAL NEWS mm I A'A Kim . Be Cool in Genuine ; . Palm Beach Suits! ' IF EVER A MAN SHOULD DRESS TO FIT THE vveatlier it is in hot day?. Of course you could ask the doctor; but it is not necessary to go farther than your common sense. ' Here's Palm Beach in shades light and dark, to suit every fancy of complexion. Tailored like your Easter worsted. Cool comfortable -washable. For the next few days, we will offer our entire slock of Palm Beach suits and odd tiousers at From Tuesdn -' .Dally. The auto party composed of Coun ty Judge A. J.-Bee.-:on and wife and Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Wiles, returned this morning from a two weeks vi.-it in the lake country of Minnesota a J if al'f members cf the party bear the rejuvenated appearauce' of the Juds the trip was a splendid success. The members of the party had gone pre- ' pared for a regular outing and each I evening would make. camp along the ! ! roadway or lake and enjoy the d? I ' lights of cooking and camping in the must approved back to nature style, ; All cf 'the party are enthusiastic I over the lake country as a place for a vacation and found that the most lliestful spots in. the ' world were I along the ccol and inviting shade of 1 the trees that tower along the lakes. j ! Plenty of fishing was enjoyed by the I ! members of the party and the catches ! ' from the lakes served ashe basis of I ' many a delicious repast cooked at the j ! camp grounds. The roads were found I ! to "he fine and the trip was not marred I j by rains or storms and made fr fine i i traveling bv day and with cool and From Monday's Iaily. Roy Bennett of Weeping Water wijj in ft li k pitv todriv fur n few Virmr.s the case of James Stander Ber-aitendi to S(,me luatters -at the nice Stander. et al. the petitoin or cQurt plaintiff asking for the quieting of . . , . . . , ,.,.,, i,Q.,,.,i 1'. A. Ilild and family, of Mynard. title to certain real estate was heard - . and the court handed down a Judg- a even.;, ment in favor of the plaintiff. I f ll(r 1S after some In the office of the clerk of the matters or uus.ness. district court an action entitled i Walter Schneider of Cedar Creek, James Lambert vs. Joan Coleman, et ! was in the city yesterday to visit fori al. was tiled asking for the quieting ! the day with friends and while here i of title to real estate. officiated as umpire at the ball game between the Ktd :;.x and Kalston. J I l j LOCAL LUMBER DEALER , HAS THE "SHINGLES" From Tuesday's Ia!ly. . August Cloidt, the lumber dealer, has for several days been suffering from a malady that "is strangely in keeping with his line of business as he has the "shingle V a very annoy ing form. of sunyner rash and which has been bothering him for some time. This is one case where the "shingles" hae reached a low price and August is willing to let anyone have these "shingles" that wants them and no questions asked. comfortable evenings to rest. SUFFERS SERIOUS INJURY IN STEPPING FROM WALK Janies Ui'mour. who has been here visiting'ct the home of his parents,' Mr. and Mrs. W. L. C.ilinour, returned ' this afternoon ta Murdock where ho! is staying at the h.?i:ie of his uncle. John F. Gustin. Hon. K. M. Pollard of Nehawka came up this morning from his home to spend a few hours in the city at tending to some matters at the court house in regard to the school district of which Nehawka is a part. 20 Off HAS HAND CUT From Monday's Dolly. II... l IT c xf.i!1--a nnr I esieruay imiruins .m. o This morning Tom Short, one oljcott was the victim of a very pain- ithe emploves of the L. C. bharp iac- fuj injury as a result or wtnen sne I j tory, had the misfortune to get his i!5 suffering from a badly sprained 'right hatod quite badly lacerated on all'Kje Mrs. Woscvtt had started from j I a belt that he was working with and tne home on High school hill f,or (as tue resuu oi wiuin n .i.-. sarv to nave seven siucues wKti. iu the hand and it will be. several days They will serve as a night cap for this summer, then wait patiently in camphor for the summer to call it back on the job." I ! ln.foi-a i t n.rni-Mrs thp full Uii' of tTIe 1 1 injured hand. ! bill places Ireland ii under martial law Sunday school and as slie stepped from the sidewalk on Main street, she was unfortunate enough to '.urn her ankle, spraining it in a very painful manner. The injured mem- iwr will be drev-ed and the patient made as comfortable as possible, but it will be some Pttle time before she entirely recovers from the effects of the accident. From Tuesday's Daily. Frank P. Sheldon of Xehawka. was in the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of business at the court house. Mark White motored up ibis morn ing from his home south of the city and spent a few hours looking after some matters of business. Attorney C. E. Tfit, of Weeping Water, was in the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of business at- the court house. Built In Bosch Magneto Insures. Hot Spark . "Z" Engine ignition positive powerful perfect from Bosch high tension oscillating magneto, built into every Z. Engine, insures hot spark that gives utmost power from fuel. Oscillating type means quick start with little cranking. Highest grade magneto on the market every part inter changeable as accurately made as a fine watch. Its action is positive, its spark is fiery intense hot! All contact parts extra strong case hardened wear resist ing. This guarantees lifetime ignition-service for the "Z . Perfect ignition gives the "Z" added power quick starting smooth, steady operation under all loads. Come in today and let us toll you about other exclusive "Z" features. For instance: Runs on kerosene, coal oil, tops, as well as gasoline; more than rated power; every part inter changeable; clean-cut, efficient design; long-hv edendurance. Factory Prices: II. P - 1 $ 75.00 3 H.P 125.00 6 II. P 200.00 FREIGHT EXTRA Bestor & Swatek THE OLD SYSTEM IS DEAD From Wedne.riavs Dally TAKEN TO OMAHA HOSPITAL 4; If iLJ ModerrHome;, -FOR SALEIl RESIDENCE FOR SALE Eight 500m house all modern. Has :tf-ai:i heating plant, one-halt block' of ;:r.-!ii'ii. Nice location. This Is ?: of lc be, built hniucs iu the city, and we consider it a splendid i::-tn,. lit. If d.-.-ir-d, v.e wiil give vo-i the lo!b:.-i:u; a tractive terms: , J 1 ,0'iO.iMt ilown", balance in monthly' payments. Deferred payment to draw ' 6, interest. The commodious brick residence in Mattsmouth known as the Weckbach- Walker home located at 4th and Oak ! streets. This property is he last of the lfcst down town properties that 1 car. be secured at a reasonable price. Only half block from pot otlice, li brary, court house and shopping dis tricts. About, tour fine lots, is high, sunny and sanitary, fine shade and lvn, good well, cistern, city water, has jjuod barn, partly modern, pol- oimr.ic iik iu:iiiNi Military Courts Will Supersede Crown Tribunals and Duties of Coroners. London, Aug.S. Duties of crown tribunals in Ireland will be taken over by courts martial, even to the extent of settling civil disputes, in fliction of lines and the binding of accused persons over "to keep xthe peace under the terms of the new Irish bill, which was made public this morning. Military courts also will take over the duties of coroners and will have the power to decide cases without jury. In trials for crimes punish able by death, however, one person who need not be an officer, s-hall sit as tne of the judg.s. He must be approved by the lord chancellor o: Ireland or the lord chief justice of England. Persons convicted by them may :c ishfcd o:.k floor in living room. The place needs home repair; will make i imprisoned in any part of Great lirrt splenduj homo for retiring farmer orjtaljip ,)in n);lke. pi.ovi -loll :oV (.x a::v one desiring a substantial in- ,.tu.nnir rioter frmi the working of TL: . , nvoninnn rrrr v est men t or h i gh clas:; residence prop- t he law by stipulating that it sh-II 77iis is an exceptional eppor- 0ut.of;town owners of this he eftVctive ,n th. whoic or any part ttmttv. Act CUlCkl " , . , i of Ireland. s j;."jjeiy nte ujijucMi'ii mi ut: pfse ( l it at once I will then tore offer it for about one-fourth of its actual replacement value. L. C. SHARP MFfc. CO., Real Ei-ate PHONE 28 Insurance M r Plattsmouth, Neb. ami olir- cf Prlilo f MU In t!.- "omit v Court of Cass cjlint , Ncl.niska. , ,. State of Nt-1 : ,i.-ka. County of C a.s. ss i To all pernio. interr-stMl in tin es tate -r .Taeoti 1:. Vallery. (lwi-asiil: fn rt-adinar df petition o (lrao Vi-llerv fuivinj; 'tliut tbv instrument fil.-.l in this eoiiit on the .'ikI oay r uKist, 19-'0. atnl jurtnu-tii to tli ia.-t will ai..t t.stameiit of the saul defease.!, mav -e proved add aH'-weo. and ie.oide.1 :4- the laft will and tes tamept of .la I' It. Vallery. defeased; -.i.l Inwtrionent In- admitted to -roiiate. mid ti:- administration ot said e-tate .e maiiw-d to .tolin S. Nailery and Mary Kl izabetli Vallery, as exc eptors: , hereby ordered that you. aim in i i este.l in sai.l niaiiei. tnav. am! no, :i I ' I ,i ' ai . C, it to he h. W. in and for said coun n on tie Isi .lav of s?ept em her. A. it in -a. at ten o floeU a. m.. to show ranse, if any there he, why the prayer of the prtitioiei- snoiii(i inn i ihhu hI, and that notice of the pendency of .;lj.l p.lition ami the hearing' t hereof l.e srivcii to persons nueiesieu hi sail matter by p u hi isli in i a copy ot thi.s Oiili-r in the riattsmoiHli .louinai. a smii.Vf.-kl v new-paper t!inted oi said eoiuitv, for three eonsecutive weeks prior to said day of hearing. Witness mv hand, and seal of said court, this '-ml .lay of August. A. 1 . l'.tJO. w.i.nx J. him:sn. rail a".-"w County Judge. rwenty years ago many prepa- 1 X.. IMlKllfl rntinns were Oliereu lO ynuiiK. Dr. H. F. Brenuel. of Murray, was with tne nKJSt alluring labels. Rich in the ctv vesterdav afternfion for flavors, help for any possible (lis- few hours attending to some matters eases, etc., paraaea in u e au I Th nrpsti?p and uood name of business at the court house. -. , was at ui mtruivwi.'c ciiivA a..-.- L. J. MayfiuM and wife motored stake. But fortunately the old sys- 1 . i i Ti...J .. ..11 rit-nupf : l O down veterday afternoon from Eouls- tern uieu. nm w ...... ... I manufacturers oi remeaies eumpi o ville to spend a tew hours visiting at J wlth tne highest stand- the Journal office and with other , f an(i DUblic confidence. friends over the city. Triner's American Elixir of Hitter i ,,.r,. S,l, ca,e in fhU n WI, Si trom near t. euar t..reeK, Miere ne rePommend to his customers with tne employed and departed on the early conviction that it would do what the Burlington train for Omaha to visit label promised to do. I nner s .mer- . . , . , f I ican Elixir ot Hitter wine is oi nai with tnends for the day. ,'..., r. mp1, it I value in iue i .Hiuiiiuiif " .. is indicated, that is in constipation, dents of Union, was in the city today poor appetite, flatulence, neauacnes, .. .t , nervousness and other stomach dis- attending to some matters at the , ' ,., rfM1,edif court house betore the board of equa- (Triners i,jnjment, Triner's Cough lization. He was accompanied by his Sedative, Triner's Antiputrin, Trin- From Tuesday s Daily. This afternoon Jame:; (Jallaghcr, one of the aged residents at the Ne braska Masonic hem;- was taken to Omaha, where he will receive treat ment and' will probably be comp-dled to undergo an operation. Mr. (lallai; her is well advanced in years and ha been in very poor health for some time ana it was thought lt to have him treated ; the hospital in t'.o- hope of giving him renet trom ni- illness. H is all pels.) n.- daughter, Mrs. Kittie Stanton. C. W. Weckbach, wife anl family, of Crete. Nebraska, wlio have been visiting at Lake Okoboji, Iowa, for a few weeks, motored-to this city today on their way home and will enjoy a visit here with relatives and friends. Mrs. Wckbach will be re tnenibered here as Miss Ella Clark daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Asher Clark, old residents of this city. !-! !-!! ! J-...'v. OSTEOPATHIC i PHYSICIAN DR. II. C. LEOPOLD er's Anirelica Bitter Tonic, etc.) are; equally reliable. Joseph Triner to., Coates 131k. 1:533-45 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, j J Phone 20S t in. J.P.iaSler & Son oil h'fJ ii . and. YOUR- Judge James T. B.-gley departed this afternoon for Omaha, where ne will join 'MrV Begley and remain over for the marriage of -Miss orev , Stu n i: ok ii i: i i n ti I'rlilluii f"f I et eriiiliiulloii f lleirlill. T-state No of Annie I..aley- l-likenl.arv. deceased, in the County of ';aH 'y'Jif ....... U cousin of Mrs. Begley, who is to be The State of .Xettrasku, in d.i I" i i . , : ..n.s ii.teieste.l in said estate, fj-e.ii-j married this evening at the lrinitv Kms and lu-irs take notice, that Mil"" . . l.onaid. the owner of the lierciiaf- I cat neural t-r .1, , i il,. .1 ,-eat estate and interested in 'ui Ii. has tiled her petition allfK-i in'i that Annie I.. 1 )a 1.- y-l'".iken ha ry died intestate in t'nion. Cass county. on or ahout Octoher. 1SH being st resi.ient and inlwthitant of t'nion. Ca.i county. Nebraska, and the ....viier of the following described real estate, to-wit: f.ot six (G in. Kloek Ihiity-nine in the City of t'tiiver- sitv Place, Lancaster county. Nebraska, leaving as her sole and only law- the followins named persons, to wn: Marv I. ( annon, lier mother, jitt.t 3S2SJ YJE SI4. ALL NOT ONLY GIVE YOU SAFETY AND SERVICE WHEN YOU MAKE OUR BANK YOUR BANK, BUT. WHEN YOU COME IN WE SHALL GIVE YOU A HEARTY WELCOME AND MAKE YOU FEEL AT HOME. IT WILL BE A PLEASURE TO US TO ADVISE WITH YOU ON ANY FINANCIAL MATTER YOU MAY BE CONSIDEFING. WHETHER OP. NOT YOU ARE DOING YOUR BANKING BUSINESS WITH US. COME IN! " ' WE STILL HAVE A FEW SAFETY DEPOSIT BOXES TO RENT AT $1.00 PER YEAR. ! Hill. ers State Sank arirve: mimmm lb-it It. Kikenhary. ber widower: :hat said .leeedeht died intestate; that t . applica ti'in for administration has jj n made and tlie estate of said tie- cedent has not been administered in the State of 'Nebraska, anil that the Court determine -who are the heirs of srtbl ilr'-eased, their .leiiree of . kin shin and the" rhrlit of descent in the refci pioperty of whi-h the deceased died seized, which has been set for hearinf; "n the sth .lav of September, A. l. l'.tO, at 10 o'clock u. in. Iute.l . at I'lat tsmoutti, Nebraska, this :;i.l .lav of Auuust. A. I. I'.fJO. Ahl.KN J. HKKSO.V (Seal! uJ-3w -County JudK--. FURNITURE FOR SALE CHEAP. One davenport; three rockers; a waxed oak dining set; one Vernis Martin bed and springs '(bronze fin ish); one prut coil springs sanitary couch; dre?ser and chiffonier; Vic toria sewing machine; a . Majestic range-; laundry stove; three burner kerosene stove and" one burner oven; Honest Abe washing machine; baby's hili chair and various other House hold articles. At University Fruit Farm, one half mile, east and one and three fourths miles south of Cnion. N'fbr. . ltw. Mrs. Howard Ralya was among those going to Omaha this afternoon to visit for o few hours attending to some matters of business. Charles E. Stanton and wife de parted this afternoon tor Oaaaha. where they will spend a few hour6 looking after" some matters of business. OPERATES LIGHT FARM MACHINERY Delco-Light is more than a mere lighting plant. With the electric light you also get electric power for your pumping- water, running the fanning mill, grind stone, feedcutter and for operating the cream separ ator, churn and 'washing machine. Write for Catalog ISY ROSENTHAL, Dealer PHONE WALNUT 999 50G8 Dodge St., Omaha DRAWS THE DOLL ,fu&. s' -A i aiJ sy v From Tuesday's Daily. The Popular Variety Store has been ottennir a tine large sized non as a sneeial nrize to their customers in the past two weeks and on each pur chase a chance was given on the doll and the lucky number in the draw ins proved to be 13S which was held by Mrs. F. K. McCarthy, of this city and the handsome doll was turned over to the winner. .NOTH i: TO UI.IMTOHS of Nebraska, Cass coun- Saves Time and Labor The State tv, ss. in the Countv Court. in the matter of the estate of Ka. liel A. Kirker. deceased. To the creditors of sai.l estate: Yon are herebv notified that I will sit at the Count v Court room in Vlatts- month in said county, on the 10th day of Auutist. 19-'". and on the 11th day of Iec. niher. lfl-.'O. at 10 o'clock a. m., I l-rr-J on each of said days to receive an1Jj) examine ail claims nsamsi sai.i e taie with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is four months from the 10th dav of Autrust, A. I. 1920. and the time limited for payment of debts is one vear from said 10th day or Aug ust. 1!)20. Witness my hand and the seal of Kni.l Countv "Court this 10th day of .Julv, A. 1)." 1920. ALLKX J. BEF.SOX. (eal) il2-tw County Judge. MtTICi: TO CUKOITOKS The State of Nebraska, Cass coun tv. ss. In the Countv Court. In the matter of the estate of Mary J. Johnson, deceased. To the creditors of said estate! You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county on August 9 th is "O. and November 9th, 1920, at nV-lock a. m. each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate with a viow to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the 1 presentation of claims against said I estate is lour monins irom me 0111 dav of July, A. 1). 1920. and the time limited for payment of debts is one eeMf from said 6th day or July, ltrju. Vitness uiy hand and tlie seal of said County " Court, this 6th day of Julv, 1920. ALLKX J. BEESOX. (Seal) County Judge. f Office accessories of all kinds at the Journal office. DUSTERI10IF INTERIORS are frequently SELECTED FOR Church and Residence where the finest and most highly idealized type of Interior Decorating- is involved, as in some of the finest churches and residences we have finish ed in the state. The preference for DUSTERH0FF INTER IORS in such cases is due to the steadily growing conviction that DUSTERH0FF. INTERIORS rep resent the highest standards of interior decorating-. It is due also in great measure to the feel ing of security inspired by our policy - to do interior decorating of the finest qual ity only and of such design and performance as to provide an exceptional value in DESIGN and DURABILITY beyond the most extreme requirement. v yjc' Max Dusterhoff, Interior Decorating1 Practical Fainting MURDOCK, NEBR. W. A. ROBERTSON, LaTeyer. 4 Coatea Elock., fa Second Floor. C8t ot Riley HoteL J. 4 O O (TJI ) Wood Finishing Wall Hanging V-ij vl'- .fW-" S lly-W) (' C X iW S?l' I 'I"I"I-I-I"I"M 'M-I"I"i-H-!-I' PLATTSMOUTH. NEBRASKA