The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, August 05, 1920, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
?ol. xxxvn.
NO. 13
CflDOC IIP n P roductions wil1 make very little dif
rUllUtl II L fllli ference in lhe total of lhe entire
Athletics to be Rejuvenated Through
Medium of Football Team
First Since 1907.
From Monday's Pally.
The I'lattsmouth city schools are
being made ready for the opening of
the school year which will occur
early in September and as a part of
the teaching force of the high school,
the board of education has named A.
P. Bell of Filley. Nebraska, us the
head of the manual training depart
ment of the school as well as having
charge of the athletic activities of
the high school. t
The manual training department
is the latest addition to the high
school and completes the curriculum
so that it is on the equality of that
of other modern schools of the state,
and one that will be a credit to the
city and tit the boys and girls for
their higher education with all the
adantages that any school in the
state can give'. With the selection
of Mr. Hell the city teaching force
now 'lumbers ;?C and this gives them
three male teachers, including Supt.
Pratt and H. A. Stromsburg. princi
pal of the high school. "
Mr. Bell will take over the ath
letic work of the school ind with his
extensive experience in. this line will
make a very valuable coach for the
school athletics and the year in this
line promises to be one of the best in
the history of the school as the bas
ket ball team will be the same as
last season when it was one of the
final contestants for the state cham
pionship in their class.
There will be a football team at
the high school this year and for
the first time since 10u7 this city
will have this form of athletics in
the schools and a fine team is look
ed fur from among the husky young
men attending the high school. The
addition'of this form of athletics will,
have a stimulating effect on the work
of the school in the early part of the
term and hold up interest until the
t i of opening the basket ball sea
son shortly after Thanksgiving.
State Board of Taxation Sets Au
gust 6 "as Date for Formal
From Monday's iJally.
The state board of assessment has
completed a tentative equalization of
the ninety-three counties in Nebras
ka. It has used a modified safes val
ue as a basis of the proposed equali
zation. As a result, it has proposed
an increase in the a?stssed valuation
i f thirty-live counties, ranging from
to 4 0 per cent, and a decrease in
thirty-one counties, and no change in
twenty-six counties. Arthur county
i not included, because it has not
yet filed a report of assessed values.
The state board has notified the
proper officers of thirty-five counties
that a certain percentage of increase
in land values has been proposed and
that the increase will be made unless
the county appears before the board
and shows cause. This notice is to
serve as the legal notice under a law
which provides for advance notice of
five days. August 6 is set as the date
for the hearing of counties.
The counties cited to appear are
to be raised as follows on lands and
improvements: Boone. Nance, York
Pierce. Gage. Phelp.s. 5 per cent; Cass
Dixon. Platte Loup, Brown. Furnas
Deuel Wheeler 10 per cent; Saunders
Nuckolls, Hall. Merjick, Keith. 15
per cent; Polk, Saunders, Holt, Gar
field. Buffalo, Dundy. Custer, Grant,
Thomas. Cheyenne. Morrill, Scotts
bluff, 20 per cent; Butler. 25 per
cent; Box Butte, 30 per cent; Chase
40 per cent; Lincoln. 50 per cent.
Lancaster county Is to be reduced
per cent on lands and improve
ments. The total assessed valuation
of all the counties is $790,000,000.
as.compared with $572,000,000 last
year. The proposed increases and.
iiic. ji may resun in lowering me
grand total $2,500,000.
Method of Equalization.
The report of Secretary Philip F.
Bross of the department of. finance
and W. H. Osborne, jr., secretary of
the state board of assessment and
equalization, shows the manner in
which sales values were modified for
application as an equalization basis.
It shows that the assessed value, as
returned by counties, is 68 per cent
of the modified sales values of land.
Counties which fail below this per
centage in assessed value are cited
for an increase. Counties that re
port a much higher percentage are to
be reduced.
Andy Schmarder. Louisville's Fast
Boxing Artist, to Prepare to
Meet Some of Leaders.
From Monday's Daily. ,
Andy Schmarder. of Louisville,
was in the city yesterday afternoon
in attendance at the ball game and
while here stated that- he is now
taking up his training preparatory
to meeting several of the fast west
ern glove artists and he hopes to be
able to secure a meeting with George
Lamson. the Walthill Indian, who se
cured a decision over Andy at Walt
hill on the 4th of July. "Kid" graves,
one of the best known boxers and
sporting men in the west is to have
charge of the training program of
Andy and will assist him in getting
in condition for the scraps that he
hopes to secure during the coming
There is no question that Andy
Schmarder is one of the best and
cleverest boxers in this part of -the
state and the great need is proper
training, as in his exhibitions here
tofore he has entered them without
any preliminary training and on his
meeting with Lamson he entered the
ring fresh from several weeks hard
'work in the field.
! Alexander, hailed as the champion
of Iowa, is one of the boxers
desire to meet the Louisville lad and
if the preliminaries can be arranged,
they will get together in the near fu
ture. Alexander is at present at
Kansas City, where he is undergoing
training and in his work this season
has been able to put away a number
of good boys.
It is hoped that it will be possible
to secure a meeting between Lamson
and Schmarder on Labor day, Septem
ber 6th. at some point in this county.
either Louisville or I'lattsmouth,
where these two clever Nebraska
boys can give an exhibition of their
skill. The result of this meeting will
be awaited with interest as the
boosters of Andy are confident that
he was not able to show his best
stride against the Indian at Walt-
hill and with the proper training
should prove the winner at their next
From Monday's Dally.
Henry Perry, who was engaged in
plastering at the Herger - bak
ery, suffered a very painful injury to
eye. as a result of which it will be
necessary to keep the member band
aged for some time. While assisting
in the work a small portion of the
lime fell into the eye of Mr. Perry
and caused the most intense pain and
suffering to the young man. He call
ed on a physician to have the eye
looked after and it was found the
lime had burned the ball of the eye
quite seriously and it is impossible
to fully determine as yet the full
extent of the injuries.
Having secured a new truck I will
do all kinds of trucking and will
make a specialty of cattle hauling to
the Omaha market. Call Adam Mel
singer, 1104 Louisville farm line. -
Murdock District Organizes and Wa
bash Residents Petition for Elec
tion for the Consolidation.
From Tuesday's Dally.
The acceptance of the consolidated
school in the country districts soems
to be order of the day and the lat
est district to ask for an election for
this purpose in th-e district tributary
to Wabash as a petition signed by
the authorized number of voters has
been received at the office of County
Superintendent Miss Alpha Petersen
and in accordance with law Miss
Petersen has called the election for
August 21, when the district shall
vote on whether or not they are de
sirous of taking up school consolida
tion. The newly created district at Mur
dock has started on the way to get
ting their school district in opeia
tion and on Saturday evening a very
enthusiastic meeting was held there
by the county superintendent and at
which the voters of the school dis
trict proceeded with their organiza
tion There were a large nfmber in.
attendance and much interest taken
in the meeting. The directors chosen
were Henry Reichman, II. A. Guth
mann. J. J. Gustin, W. T. Weddel, O.
C. Zink and W. H. C. Backmeier.
These gentlemen will proceed with
the work of the district and will en
deavor to make it one of the best
districts in the county. The Mur
dock district is the .fourth consoli
dated district in Cass county. Alvo,
Nehawka and E-gle having been the
first districts to take up consolida
Ladies Auxiliary of St. Paul's Evan
gelical Church of This City
Met at Schutz Home
From Tuesday's Dallv.
The annual picnic of the ladies
auxiliary of St. Paul's church of this
citv was held on Sunday afternoon at
the pleasant farm home of Mr. ami
Mrs. William Schutz. of near Mur
The automobiles began to arrive
hortly after 10 o'clock in the morn
ing and until noon a steady stream
of cars were arriving at the hospit
able home of Mr. and Mrs. Schutz
and at noon the jolly party assem
bled in the cool and inviting grove,
ready for the fullest enjoyment of
the occasion. There had been a
very plentiful supply of the good
things to eat provided and a fine
two course dinner provided that all
did ample justice to when the call
for dinner was given.
The afternoon was spent in play
ing games and visiting which passed
the time delightfully and at 4 o'clock
refreshments of lemonade and. cake
were served to complete the ver,y
pleasant occasion. At a o clock the
cars started for home, the occupants
feeling that to have been at the pic
nic was certainly a rare treat that
they had all appreciated to the ut
most and hoping that they might
hold their next picnic with Mr. and
Mrs. Schutz.
Those who attended were: Messrs.
and Mesdames William Rummell,
August Nolting, Fred Kehne, Fred
Beuchler, Philip Hirz, Walter Thim-
gan, Ed Todd, T. E. Todd of Ashland,
XV. W. Dixon of Omaha, Henry Born.
Ed Tritsch, Fred Guenther, Fred
Tschirren. Herman Graham, John
Kaffenberger. William Rikli, Emil
Rlkli. John Meisinger, Wm. Schutz
of Floella. Texas and Mr. and Mrs.
Marsh of Ashland; Misses Florence
Rummell. Emma Hirz, Ella and Grace
Nolting, Ella and Elizabeth Tschir
ren, Elizabeth' Nolting, Kathryn
Hirz, Ixmise Rummell, Helen Hild
Kathryn Rikli, Ruth Thimgan, El
vera Born. Adelia Tritsch, Mrs. M.
Wythe and Mr. and Mrs. William
Schutz; Messrs. Ray Tschirren, Wil
liam Nolting, Leonard and Arnold
Born, Gilbert Hirz, Edgar Meisinger,
Victor and Verner Meisinger, Gcrdon
Wilcoxsen, Arnold Beuchler, Fritzie
Tschirren, John Kaffenberger, Joe
Cassel. Robert Rummell, Cary and
Elda Tiehman.
Doan's Regulets are recommended
by many who say they operate easily
without griping and without bad ef
fects. 30c at all drug; stores.
From Tuesday's Iaily.
Last evening the League of Wo
man Voters held a very interesting
meeting at the lrbrary and toftk up
the matter of the proposed constitu
tional amendments and their example
of studying these important ques
tions should be followed the male
voters with much pre fit. The ladies
have recognized the importance of
the constitutional election and will
give their very best ef'oris to qualify
ing as well informed w.urs on the
matters that will cq:i;e up fnr con
sideration at the polls.
The action, is cert-t::ily i me that
indicates that the ladies are taking
up seriously the prnb't ins of the state
and nation and will pive t htm- more
than a passing thought before acting
at the polls.
Kezehkone Campfire Girls Give Party
at Rest Room for the Older
Boy Scout Members, n
f'rnm Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening the members of the
Kezehkone campfire celebrated the
ending of their two weeks of hard
work and activities during the "Bar
gains Circus" by entertaining the
older members of the Boy Scouts at
the rest room at Fourth and Main
The Campfire girls had arranged
this room and conducted it during
the course of the two weeks of the
big sales and it made a very pleas
ant spot for the social gathering of
lat evening.
There were some Thirty-five pres
ent at the gathering and the young
people were chaperoned by Mrs. H.
A. Schneider, Mrn. J F.Gord-r and
Mr. and Mrs. H. W. Smith. Mrs.
Smith being the guardian of the
The evening was spent in the en
joyment of a musical program given
by the members of the party, 'while
dancing was also enjoyed by the
young people for a short time. At a
suitable hour a very dainty threes
course luncheon was served that
made the evening's enjoyment com
plete in every way and one that will
long be very plea:;r.n' iy remembered
by those fortunate enought to take
From Monday's Daily.
Llieutenant A. J. Nrtelson was a
Sunday visitor in this locality, com
ing down in his plane from Council
Bluffs and alighting at the Wiles
farm south of the city from where he
was able to take up a number of
seekers after the unusual sensation
of a trip through the air. Among
those making he trip skyVard was
Harrv H. Harding, the manager of
the Bargains Circus, and wlvile in
the sky Lieut. Nielson gave Mr. Hard
ing sr.rae real sensations with dipo
and spins that furnished plenty of
excitement for the passenger.
Saturday evening. Lieut Nielson
brought, hfs expert air man, John
Achats with him, and Mr. Achatz
furnished a sensation with his para
chute drop of some o.OOO feet. At
this height the parachute was, cut
loose and dropped for 400 feet be
fore opening up to the full extent
and several very uneasy seconds wtre
spent by the auditors as the daring
air man sped to the earth.
From Tuesday's Daily.
This morning J. W. Edmunds of
Murray, departed over the Burling
ton for a visit back to his old home
in Michigan and expects to' enjoy a
stay of several weeks in and near
Kalamazoo, his old boyhood, home.
This is the first time in six years
that he has visited the scenes of his
childhood days and the occasion is
being looked forward to with the
greatest of pleasure by Mr. Edmunds.
He may also visit for a time at Co
lumbus, Ohio, where his sister is re
siding and whom he has not seen
for some time.
Fine stationery, Journal office.
George M. Hild and H. E. Becker Re
turn From Perkins County Where
They Found Crops the Best.Ever
Nm Monday's Oallv
This morning George M. Hild and
H. K. Becker returned homo from 1 devoted himself to the joys of fishing
Perkins ccunty. where thty have and was able to secure 300 of th'jfin
bten for several dr.ys locking over nv tribe during the two weeks stay,
their farming interests in thaw local-. The weather at Lake Independence,
ity and they find that the conditions hasgrown warmer and the rainy and
there are the best in yeaiM and all J chilly weather of the first of the tea
indications point to a great crop ef ' had completely vanished when
wheat and fcorn. the chief products the Dodge family arrived at the lake
of Nebraska and also a very heav
v .
crop )f alfalfa. The trip to Perkins
county, was made in company with
Frank . Vatlery and Rex Young, but
Mr. Yallerv and Mr. Young remained
to look after the building (f granar
ies on their farm t ;io'd the coining
crop and Mr. Hild and Mr. Becker
returned home by train. The weath
er in Perkins county and all over
the western portion of the state
has been ideal tor crops and the re
sult is that t lie harvest is going t-.i
be immense. On a number of Cie
farms the yield is estimated at from
forty to fifty bushels per acre and
the threshing is just opening up good
in that locality. While in Perkins
county flie members of the party vis
ited at the farms of Frank Steppat,
Ira Iftites and that of Ed .S. Tutt of
Murray, whu is renting his land a:ii
here they found the wheat very h"avy
and of the best uuality. Mr. Hilt
states that while in Grant he met
Wayne Propst who had just returned
from a trip to Cass county and lie
made record time in coming back
home as he left Murray in his truck
at 3 o'clock Wednesday and arrived
in Grant on Thursday afternoon.
Saturday Evening Throng Awaits
Result of Lottery that Gives
Mayor Schneider Piano.
Krom Monday's Ially.
, The player piano that the Ameri
can Legion has been offering for the
past wepk, was given away Saturday
evening at 1 1 o'clock at the dance
platform and before one the largest
crowds that has been in attendance
at any of the dances
The sale of j
tickets had been made to a large
number, including the members of
the Legion and all were hopeful that j urged to place their orders for-coal
thev might be the ' successful one to; to be handled in any class of equip-
. ' . . ', ment available,
win the piano. .u prcsent there ,s a ff00(, Pupplv
In order that the holders of the of open equipment that can be used
numbers might have a clear and tin- for coal loading and movement made
biased chance on the, one before the very heavy rush of win
bowl of numbers was preparea as tor is on t. We hope you can pre-
. ; vail on an concerned to have coal
well as one bowl that contained onlered aml shipped out without fur
blanks and one ticket with the word ther delay to avoid a serious short-
"piano" upon it. Mayor Henry A.
Schneider and George O. Dovey of the
First National bank, were asked to
Set as the, parties making the draw
ing and were blindfolded and the
draw was on. The fourth draw by
Mr. Dovey brought out the piano
ticket and the number drawn from
the corresponding jar was 174, which
was declared the winning number.
After the drawing. Mayor Schneid
er looked over his tickets and found
that he bad the lucky number hav
ing drawn his own number from thej
jar. At the conclusion of the dance
the piano was turned over to 5lr.
Schneider and removed to his home,
where it will serve to enliven the
home in the future.'
From Tuesday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon Harry H.
Harding and wife departed from this
city after a three weeljjs stay here
during the time that Mr. Harding as
the representative of the Kelly Sale?
Co., !of Minneapolis has been in
charge of the special sales given by
six of the stores of the city. Mr.
Harding returns from this city to the
headquarters of the sales company
at Minneapolis and expects to spend
a short time there overseeing the
building of his new residence in that
city. He expects to leav'e next for
Seattle Washington, where the Kelly
company is to stage one of their big
sales programs.
A, household remedy in America
for 25 years Dr. Thomas' Eclectric
Oil. For cuts, sprains, burns, 6calds,
bruises. 30c and 60c. At all drug
From Monday's Dally.
Last evening1 George Dodge and
wife returned home after a two weeks
outing in Minnesota, where they have
been enjoying a vacation at Lake In
dependence. Both Mr. and Mrs.
Dodge enjoyed to the utmost the stay
in the very beautiful lakeside resort
and feel much refreshed, by their out
ing, wnue at tne lanes .Mr. uoage
and they were able to enjoy every
moment of the stay.
Large Yields May be Tied Up on Ac-
count of Shortage Railroad
Company's Statement.
H' Tuesday's Daiiy
The railroads of the country are
now confronted with mow or less
difficulty in getting the cars neces
sary for the transportation of the
coal so Jiadly needed in all sections
as well as the grain and other crops
that are starting to move and every
effort will be made to realize the best
returns from every piece of rolling
W. F. Thiehoff. assistant general
manager of the Burlington, has is
sued a statement on the car situation
that makes the position of the rail
roads clear. ' In. speaking of the car
shortage the statement says:
"The urgent necessity for move
ment of the grain crop and other
food products-will require. the use. of
almost the entire available supply of
box cars. We can not hope to secure
any considerable increase in box car
supply, unless we curtail the use of
this class of equipment for coal load
ing and other commodities of this
character, and make necessary the
movement of a considerable part of
the coal to be supplied from lignite
territory, in open cars.
"A large number of orders -have
been placed for delivery during the
months of August and September
with the understanding or belief that
shipment would be made' in box or
stock cars. The movement of stock
from range territory for the next
ninety davs will require all available
stock cars, and the situfltion should
be discussed with coal dealers, nusi
ness men and others, so they'can be
informed as to the conditions and
age during the winter months."
The board of county commissioners
met this morning at the court house
in the regular monthly session and
at once entered on the work of look
ing over and auditjng the various
claims against the county that have
accumulated since the last session of
the board.
back of it! - .
Back of this bank, in addition to its of
ficers and directdrs, stands the strongest
financial institution in existence today
the great Federal Reserve System of the
United States.
We are naturally proud of this fact, not
alone because of our personal satisfaction,
' but because it enables us to extend to you
a security and range of service which
would otherwise be impossible.
The "First National Bank
As Visitors Were Unable to Hit Con
nors Effectively and He Was
Given Fine Support.
P"rorn Monday's Dally.
The Ralston base ball team yester
day afternoon furnished one of the
best games of the season at the local
lot and which resulted in a victory
for the Ked Sox by the score of lliree
to one.
The work oT Connors in the box
for the Ked Sox was of the very bet
and at all stages of the game he had
the visitors on the hip and in a
close pinch in the eighth the visiters
were able to score their lonely tally,
but with the sacks loaded were pre
vented from threatening the lead of
the Sox. The ieadvork of Connors
during the game kept the Kalstou
players guessing and when on bases
they were very leary of the south
paw artist of the locals. The Sox mm
a whole played a good game and
Williamllarvey Mason in the left
garden demonstrated his reputation
as the best ever when he robbed the
visitors of several hits. Grassman in
center 'was the cause of one of the
visitors outs while Neluon in right
was not given any jchances, but was
there and over in the batting sec
tion of the game.
The gamp was 'scoreless until the
fifth when O'Donnell was able to
beat out an infield hit and rented
pafe at the first sack and lat'-r pil
fered second. Nelson spilled the
beans for the visitors with a sif one
in short center that brought in
In the sixtti outlier tally was
registered for the Sox when Eddie
Gradoville was hit by Smith ar.d
pilfered second and on the hit of
Herold to left field Eddie scored.
The eighth was filled with much
excitement as the visitors threaten
ed to grow dangerous, having the
sacks full. The first man up wan
safe on a bobble by the infi-ld and
this runner later scored on u short
hit over second but the Sox wore
steady and retired Louie Smith for
the third out as Mason grabbed his
fly to left field. ,
Connors was hit in the eUlith in
ning by one of the shoots of Fred
Smith, the Ralston heaver and O'Don
nell put on to run for hiui and when
Gradoville hit safe O'Donnell tallied
with the third run of the game.
For dyspepsia, our national ail
ment, use Burdock Blood Bitters.
Recommended for strengthening di
gestion, purifying the blood. At all
drug stores. $1.25 a Lottie.
' t
Journal want aaa pay.
The Backing Behind the Bank
To place confidence in a bank, one
must know several important things about
it, but most important of all who is