?aue five. MONDAY. AUGUST 2, 1920. t. CK B PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL EM URBO EPMR TMEMT Put Your H Town OH1 The Bank f burdock oilers any legitimate inducement which can or may be of fered by any legitimate bank, toils patrons and customers. We earnestly solicit your business, .and assure you that we are not only willing, but able to take care of any reasonable demands for loans which you may request of us. Remember, we are the only bank in Murdock, in which the depositors are guaranteed by the Depositors' Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska. Your money is absolutely safe, and you get this free insurance, at no cost to you. Do your barking with an old, established, reliable bank, properly and conservatively managed, and you will never regret it. ank of burdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home" HENRY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres. H. A. GUTHMANN, Cashier Floor wax nr.d dancing war. at Max Dusttrlioff's. Mrs. II. K. llaiiM'.r, of Sioux City, i. visiting in Murdo'K the guest at i!..' lioin of her dauu'.iter. Mr?. O. J. ivthar. !.( Uikii v.v.il Louis 1? rnemeicr ;; t hrf-hin at a rapid rate with i;:-ir new thre.-htr run! .ropeiled by .i r.)i '! 'U tract-.r. Al-ili nri' .i i;?1! has sold his t- A'it:i Mcdvod ami will depart i;: a hrt t i ii for hi hom in WIs- . ti -i 1 1 for a vi-ii v:i!i relatives and Fr-.-d '-.V-i i.-i-v1 ;i!'d wife v.-;i! :t;er littl.' dauglm r. Ma'iiH Rose of Oni' l:a. visited for a short time at the : !!! of Mr. a nil Mrs. Louis Schmidt f v.v.xr Murdock. Mr. Schmidt and Mrs. W'oodard are sisters. A. J. Hit chock and fa.r.i:!y of Ha." Itn k. vi::-' d at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I,. Neitzel of Murdock last u:' ;.iy.' driving over from that place in their car. Mrs. Hitchcock is a d a :i gh ter cf Mr. and Mrs. Neitztl. Mi-s Ku'h K-e.-s and Miss Marie Schmidt v. or? isiting in Lincoln last S inir lay. former returning home in the evening while Mi-s M i" re- iii.iiud trr limtrr visit ovtr Sun day. Mi s Ksther S-'ninidt. d op;n-j t .r of the .liiiock telephone co'n- "vy and her si-tor Mi.'". I.-ah j S l.inidt nf Khir.vood. wer-- viti.i with friends and looking aitr Fn.e j business, matters i:i Omaha l ist .Men- day. i T'e i v l..i.ik which has just; moved into, their new building, is i nii'v waitinsr for the arrival of it fixtures and furniture, which will be ; immediately placed in position after which they will arrange for a formal opening of business in the iif,v build in :r whirl; will oe announced at a later date. I n. On account of the business of the farmers, we will keep our store open every night in the week dur ing the harvest season, and until farther notice. Murdock Mercantile Co.3 J. E. McHUGH, Manager MURDOCK 3r W. THBEftG Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOS MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped wilh modern machinery and first-class workmen. We i re ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acctyline welding. " WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES w Esa v3 B Phone 35-B PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. You are absolutely safe in buy ins ready mjxed paints at Max Dus terhoff's. Our experience in paints Itnds an additional value in every can for every purpose. Daniel Rueter has added his name to the list of readers of the Journal, having had the paper seit to his ad dress and the family will keep in touch with the happenings in and near Murdock. Mrs. It. Lawton and grand child ren Jane Fatrica and Harry Rymer of Wabash, spent the week end last week at the Murdock hotel as the Sliest of relatives and friends and enj yed the occasion greatly. Mr. and Mrs. I.. Neitzel entertained two of the members of the Girls Glee Club of the Naperville school, they being Misses Carrie Kuth of South Kend and AlMe Schneider of R!vk Earth, Minn., at their home last week. I M. Sorick of Lincoln was a visitor ! in Murdock durig last week a guest I at the home of Mr. and Mrs. H. H. Lawton. the latter being his daugh I ter, and was working; with Mr. La i ton in the improving of his home here. Dr. S. B. McDurmid of Omaha, was visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. I,. Neitzel of Murdock last Satin day between trains. Mrs. McDurmid with their daughter, Dolly Jane,- is sp?nd irs a month at Lake Wakonia. Min nesota. A. Zipple and son of Los Angrhs California, were the gnosis at the home -of Mr. and Mrs. L. Neitael fr a few days past, they being old time friends, but had not met for the past 2U vtnrs. when the former were mem bers of the church of which "Mr. Neit zel was pastor at Milford. Heel proof, mar proof, water proof, the recosnized "Best in the World at Max DnsterhofTs. Ask for Plait aiiiberts Xo 61. t! mim oarves NEBRASKA Murdock, Neb. IhlmbAN, Save the surface and you save all. Ask Max Dusterhoff for estimates. Gust Huge and wife were visiting with friends' and looking after some business matters in Weeping Water last Friday. Summer Hall and Kenneth Tool, with their lady friends were in at tendance at the dance given at Greenwood during last week. Gust Huge and wife, accompanied by Fred and Ferdinand Lau, were visiting in the county seat last Tues day, where they were both visiting with their friends and looking after some business matters. Mrs. Warren Richards and Mrs. Ralph Dorr departed last Saturday afternoon for the west, where they will spend some two weeks at the Yellowstone park and other points of interest in the southwest. W. O. Gillespie departed last week for the west, going" to Denver to look after some business and also was at Bennett, Colorado, where he has some land in wheat and Which he will look after having cut and threshed while he is in the west. While in Lincoln. Earnest and Ella Hornemeier of Elmwood, son and daughter of Charles Bornemeier of that place, driving along the streets of that city, had their car struck by a street car and very badly dam aged. Foreunately the occupants were not Uadly injured. Harry Gillespie and wife, who have for several days past, been visting at the home of friends at Hampton. Fairmont and Tobias, where they had an excellent time, returned home la?t Saturday evening, having found good roads on their trip. They visited at Hampton at the home of the brother of Mrs. 'Gillespie, while' at Hampton at a sister of Mr. Gillespie's mother and at Tobias at the home of Dr. and Mr--. Blattepeiler. I. G. Hornbrck. the genial and ac commodating agpnt of the Rock Is land at Murdock. has added to his holdings a new Ford Sedan car of the latest style, which is a convenience that will be greatly appreciated by this excellent young man. Stev: Lewis, who has had a car for some time. Iw rather had the advantage of Mr. Hornbeck in that he could : any time give the young ladies a ride, but now the Sedan, the luxury car. has been introduced into the gam: and it looks like the competition for (he hand of so:n- of the fair ones f Murdoch, has been mode a lit!!', stronger f r Fncle Stephen. Elected For Coming: Year. Professor J. H. Burwel!. who wa the superintendent of the schools of Murdock last year, was a visitor to; a sho-t ti.-ie in Murdock last week, stopping for a short time to look a: ter tome business matters and v visit with his many friends her I rofe?sor Burwell lias been electee to the same position for the comir:; year and it an advanced salary whic.'" is a testimony to his excellent ser vices during the time which he taught here. i Will Have Charge of Cream Station Mr. Wm. Stachetzkie h:: bee:; ap pointed as manager of the cream sta tion ;:t Murdock by the Lincoln Ture Butter company and has taker charge of the work. Mrs. Stachetz kie is well qualified to look after the interests of the company here and i? well known and will make an excel lent person for the position. Tormer Murdock Girl Injured Mrs. Ernil Kohen of Norfolk, who has been visiting with her parents, the Rev. Braunn. formerly minister at the Callihan church southwest o! Murdock. but now living at Hastings, v as ri ling in a car with rela which had stopped for an instant when a telephone truck, which Va loaded with tools for their work ;-mong which were some pike poi?' for raising the telephone poles. In the backing of the truck, one of th'; snarp spike ends of the poles caught Mrs. Kohen hi the neck, tearing the flesh and bo;e from her neck, break ing the vertebre at the neck and al most severing the windpipe. A let ter from the daughter of Rev. Schwa' to the children of K. W. Thimgar. tells of her critical condition and that it had taken over 7 stitches to close the gapping wound. Iyt little hope is entertained for her recovery. The young woman is a sister of Walter Rraun who recently returned ta hi home in Hastings after having work ed here for some time. Hold Mission Service. The Kvange'ucHl .Association of Murdock last Sunday at their church here held a ppecial Misrion service at which there was given the prin ciple address on the subject of "Where is the Young Man", by the pastor. Rev. Leipply. There were ad dresses also made by Mesers. L. Neit rel. Chnrle Ixmg, CI. Uaur and. Mis"? (Ldna Miller. There were also a num bT of special numbers rendered and ! . . ; ; 1 1 A a very intere-sung m'ssmhh wa n. Mayor Tries Harvest Field. Mayor August Par.ska went out to the farm lest week to s?e just how things would be to work In the field 'again, and stuck with the job for about a half day. after 'which hecon i eluded that the boys cut there were getting along all right and returned to town to assume his duties as the Burgcmas'er of Murdock. Nebraska Pioneer Passes Awa. Last Friday Frank Towle. former ly a resident of Cass county, but for some time making his home at Los Angeles, pa3?ed away at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Lillian Brut at Nebraska' City, where he had gone but a few days since for a visit. Mr. Towle who has two sons. Messrs. Geo. and Earl living at V.'eeping Water, has come back to Neba aska but a short time ago and had ftoppedat the home of his brother, George Towle, Sr.. of Lincoln and after hav-. ing visiled there had come to Weep ing Water where he had visited at the home of his two sons and then went to Nebraska City for a stay at the home of his daughter. While there he was stricken and after a short illness passed away." He was nearly eighty years of age and was born in Ohio. He has been resiling i at Longbeach for the past thirteen years. The funeral was held at the ' home of his son Earl Towle near Weeping Water last Sunday after-! noon and the interment was made there also. George Towle was down from Lincoln to attend the funeral of his brother and visited Saturday ev ening and Sunday at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. E. McIIugh, in Murdock. This Looks Good for Murdock Last Saturday there was ten cars set in at the Rock Island station for the loading of grain for the two ele vators at Murdock, five for each ele vnlnr nml von mav pruess t.hev will be busv now for a few days. There ! has been a scarcity of ears and with the threshing on in full blast and not the abundance of storage, the deliv eries will surely be greatly augment ed. This will make busy people for one of the best sections in the fann ing districts of Nebraska. School Election Last Saturday, Last Friday evening Professor Woiley of Lincoln was a visitor in Murdock coming over after a mee.t- l ing at Alvo for a talk on the subject of consolidation of the schools. The matter had been settled at the elec tion last month. Saturday evening there was an election held for a board of directors for the new dis trict which includes much more ter ritory than had been embraced here tofore. Hone From the West. Miss Selma Brauchle, who has been visiting at the home of her sis ter. Mrs. Thimgan at Ordway, Colo rado, for the past two weeks returned home last week and is again working at the business hou?e of the Mur dock Mercantile company. Miss Brauchle enjoyed the trip to the southwest greatly and returned rest ed and refreshed and ready to rare for the trade at the store in her for mer capable and pleasing manner. Enjoys Two Weeks in South. Max Dusterhoff and mother. Mrs. Fred Ohm and husband, and Joseph Wutchinek and little daughter, who have been taking an outing at ,the home of Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Rikli. at Orlando, Oklahoma, for the past two weeks, returned heme last Wed nesday having traveled nearly a thousand miles in the trip both ways. They found some very good roads and also some which did not appeal to them. They also found some excel lent country with good crops, but not equal those of Cass county a" other portions of Nebraska and es pecially in the vicinity of Murdock. Many of the towns in Kansas which they passed through, were models of neatness and with people snappy and up to date in their business methods, which give them added zest in mak ing Murdock the besf town in which to live and also the best place to en gage in business in the country. True there are many places larger than this town, but the opportunities are here for making this ihe absolute most attractive town in this portion of the country in which it is located. Progressive business men and you have them here all working to make their home town the best to bring their dreams true. Work together gentlemen for the best town on the map. Miss Mary Peters Injured Last Friday evening as the child ren of the Rev. J. W. Peters were going home from town and it being just after nightfall, they were over taken by a car traveling rather rapid ly which went around them and was followed by another, one driven by John Schell, Jr., with Fred Lau. they lso going at a rapid rate. The Pet ers children had drawn slightly at the side of the road, as the passage of the first car had created a great cloud of dust which obscured the road for a short time. During this .time the oar of Mr. Schell, a large Buick six roadster, struck the car of Mr. Peters carrying it some distance and completely de molishing the wagon and spiling the occupants five in number, in the roadway. They were all more or less injured being bruised and shaken up. The one to receive the worst cuts and bruises was Miss Mary Peters, who received five different cuts over her head and body. The wounds were dressed by Dr. Hornbeck and the young lady confined to her bed where it is hoped she will not have to re main long. Fortunate indeed, was it for those in the car that they were not seriously injured or even killed. Mr. Schell, like the excellent young man. went to Rev. Peters and made amends as far as he was able for the untoward accident. The dust prevented the seeing of the tail light on the car of Rev. Pet ers and until just on the other car Mr. Schell did not know the car was ahead of him. Due exercise to the speed at which cars travel should be observed and especially when there is dust to obscure the vision. Drowns in Water Tank. Little Evaline. the two-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Rau. who live northwest of Murdock. was drowned last Monday when she became overbalanced when playing about the watering tank and fell face downward. Her little brother and sister. Norman, aged nve. and Irene, aged seven. w-Rnessed the ac cident and pulled the little one from the tank but li'e was extinct. The Work for your own town. Beautify it. Improve it. Make it attrac tive. The World War and the Treaty of Peace and the Protective Tariff and all such things are important subjects; but what's the good of cleaning up the world unless you sweep your own doorstep? The city whose 4 main street is dirty, sordid-looking, cluttered, uninvit ing, suffers much. Such a city wants to be cleaner, recreated, made a thing of beauty, so that people will come miles to see it. The best advertisement of your business is the town you live in. Towns get reputations, as well as men. Make your town talked of all over the State. It will thus draw people. And where the people come, there is prosperity. It does not take money. It takes something that is scarcer. It takes Co-operation. Get together. Organize for civic improvement. Develop the civic nerve. Rid your town of one eyesore after another. Clean up the vacant lots and plant them in gardens. Make a cluttsred yard a disgrace. Make public opin ion too hot for those who will not help. It pays. It will promote law and order. It will help in the education of your children. It will draw factories and other business enterprises to your lo cality. Shiftlessness, untidiness, dirt and selfishness, as shown in your streets and buildings, react upon your people. Such things make your boys and girls grow up hating their home town. Make your home town a children's paradise, something their memory will lovinghy turn back to. Look after your churches, schools, modem conveniences, street lights, modern home lights and all your other means of communal enjoyment. Make your home town happy. It pa3's. Come, let us co-operate and mskc Murdock 'thc very best town.' Murdock Mercantile Co. Murdock, Nebraska BE parents have the sympathy of many i friends in their bereavement. Burial i was made in the churchyard ceme tery north of Murdock last Wednes- , day, where the funeral services were ! conducted by Rev. J. W. Feters. j Card of Thanks. We desire to express our thanks , for the kindness and the many words j of comfort in the time of our bereave- , ment at the death of our little daugh- ; ter and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Ed , Rau and Children. j Honors Even in Ball Games A week ago last Monday the team from Wabash came to Murdock for a game, and with some pretty good playing trimmed the Murdock boys to the tune of 10 to 5. They return ed home feeling pretty good so an other game was arranged for last Saturday afternoon. When the big game came off the gallant swains of Murdock had something up their sleeves for the warriors from Wa bash and the result was that the home team cleaned up the Wabash boys to the tune of eight to four. This makes the honors even and will require a third game to decide the championship. The line up of last Saturday's game was: Wabash Hinee, If; Towle, p; Art Sylvester, c; Jap Golden, lb; Judd Warner, 2b; F. Marshall, ss; Henry Sylvester, 3b; Walter Ross, rf and Albert Sylvester, cf. With Park T. Otte as captain, Mur dock was lined up as follows: Long, lb; Schneider, 2b; McDonald, ss; Jack Shields, 3b; Kenneth Tool, c; Pickwell. cf; Ingwerson. If; Reeves, rf and McCrorey in the box. NEW METHOD OF DRAINING LAGOONS PROVES SUCCESSFUL W. J. Partridge, of Weeping Water, who is known far and wide as an ex pert dynamiter of stumps in land clearing work, has just returned from the western part of the state, where he has been working for the county commissioners of Chase county blast ing holes in the bottom of lagoons for the purpose of draining them. Mr. Partridge has found that the idea which was of his own invention, proves a success and while there he drained some thirty-five lagoons. He has been requested to return in the 6pring and continue his work, but as he has an abundance of work here, he purposes to look after the wants of his customers at home before go ing back to Chase county. Since re turning home he has been enjoying little rest while waiting for cooler weather before taking up his work here. FOR SALE A number of pure bred Poland China boars. Telephone No. 3S0 5. Adam Stoehr. St-Sw. the ' -Map! on "Your Home Town First t A BOOSTER for A5I Murdock The Best Harvesting la i-rUrr S-w! V-. - ----cHfP'! r $H f "' he InfomatiQnai Line Complete! The International Harvesting machinery i3 the first standard of excel lenco the world over. We are now carrying Hinders. Headers, Ilarvester-Thrcs hero. Reapers, Shockers and Threshing Outfits. For haying we can fill your needs with Mowers, Dump Rakes. Tedder?, Hay Loaders, Sweepes, Stackers, Daling Presses and LSuuchers. WM. GEHRTS Murdock JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager FOR OUR TOWN Purposes! ? a aper USTEfOFF, Painter - Decorator -:- -:- -:- Nebraska and Haying Machines Nebraska Li