if si PIATT53ICT7TH STTTiTT-TTEESXY JOUSSiX if I 1 ; A) V f ? 1 J i p. 'k ALVO DEPARTMENT Harry Welchel went to Lincoln Tuesday. P. J. LInch. Clenn Sliger and Jesse Hardnock autoed to Lincoln Tuesday. Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ed wards July 27, 1920, a daughter. All doing well. Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Wolfe and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Rosenow autoed to Ashland Monday afternoon. Mrs. Clara Prouty and daughter at Crete. Margaret, of University Place, are visiting: relatives here this week. Alva Skinner has rented the Geo. Althouse farm for next year, the 3! Brcra zx:m ib vi.b.::b :;,et; or:, ;.!;:! :.;.3.;r:ri; :: from Tecumseh, where hehas been! wheat belonging- to Ed James that ' intended the construction, seeing 'r 'a visiting- his son, illiam and family, tested 64. This seems to be the best that nothing but the most select ma- visiting until Thursday evening with they have gotten yet. Most, of the terials were used in the structure. Mr. and Mrs. J. P. Rouse, when he wheat has been testing right around One needs to see and examine the went to Lincoln to visit his son, ' sixty. Henry Brockman also has home to fully appreciate the model j? Charles and family. isome wheat that tested In the of convenience and utility the place n "j i-uirujau in u'""" a. i -. utjigii ouniuuu oi bisij-iuur ana a anorus. ar. sample of this wheat showed that it Uncle George Skiles. of Miydock. was the real thing. . . T. . was In town Saturday. .T9m H9rr thP little nr ur Ixenerations Enjoy Visit. Mr. and Mrs. Will Boyles, of Lin- Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Harper arrived! Last Surula' Mr. and Mrs. W. II. q coin, were In town Saturday. I from Chicago last Thursday, making Frost and their daughter. Miss Ra- Miss Lois Keefer left Tuesday forthe trip alone from Chicago to Lin- raona accompanied by Mrs. H. M. a visit at Glenwood. Iowa. ! coin. The little fellow seems to be orie. 01 mcoiu. wi,o is The moth- ' ru-..,, E-,- A Alfred Stroemer and L. Lauritsen very pleased to think that he had fr of Mrs- ro1 and has heeu visit- t OHO ChOVrOlet KoadStcr, gOOd 3S I1CW. autoed to University Place Tuesday made the trip alone and savs he en-:1I1B ai lIie Ilonje 01 uaugnter. an afternoon. loved It. He was met in Lincoln hv drove over to .Syracuse, where they - spent me uay at tne nomo ot .lr.. fj W orley's mother. Mrs. Geo. Y b.,:sjk.:h.b.:b. near Alexandria in Thayer county. Levi Park returned Monday from . .4 - nil. am . ' piace Deing iarmea Dy uiue iion- a week spent at Sterling. Colorado, man this year. Oswald John shipped three cars Little Miss Alice Cook and brother ; of cattle to South Omaha Monday, wesiey pave a party to meir mn.r accompanying the shipment, neighborhood friends last Tuesday! Mrs. A. I. Bird and little daueh all reporting a delightful time. ters. Iva and Eula and son Gayle and Alva Skinner and wife, Mrs. Chas. I Leslie Coon went to Lincoln Monday itosenow ana son en ana irs. w ai-. morning. ter Rathbun autoed to Omaha Tues-i Mr. and Mrs. George Foreman Jr. day, returning home the same even-land children, of Valparaiso, spent 1Ds- j Sunday with Mrs. Foreman's mother, Dinner guests at the A. I. Bird Mrs. Belle Bennett, home Sunday, July 20th, were the1 Mrs. Sam Cashner, Sr., was on the Misses Gertrude Stroemer and Paul- sick list Sunday but is some better ine Snavely and Clifford Stroemer, at this writing. Mrs. Sam Cashner, and Carl Rosenow. The dinner was; Jr., of University Place, spent a few given in honor of Wesley Bird's! days the first of the week with her. eighteenth birthday. John Murtev went to Clay Center A week ago Sunday Chas. Fore- Saturday to attend the funeral of man. his cousin. Harold Baker from his friend. Mr. J. L. Campbell, which Ohio. Miss Dorothy McKinnon. Mrs. was held Sunday. Mr. Campbell was Isola Kennedy and nephew Vernon about sixty years of age and died of Hinebough, composed a party that sunstroke while working in his motored to Valparaiso to spend the garden. Mrs. W. Scott was a Lincoln Tisltor Saturday. Rev. M. A. Keith spent Sunday in University Place. John Skinner was in Lincoln Sat urday afternoon. Ed Stroemer and son Clifford were : -. t 1 1 - - k iu ,iui-uiu .uonaay iorenoon. afternoon. Joyed it. -Miss Alta LInch returned home' P. J. Linch has been wirine his hie t'luim) mgui irom a weeirs outing residence for electric lights during her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Henry the past week. Plann. Sr.. and her brother. Mr anil -irs. eert ivitzei left on Tuesday Mr. and Mrs. S. C. Boyles spent Mrs. Henry Clapp, Jr. He will re morning for a visit with her folks Saturday and Sunday with Will main hprp th rpst of the summer Boyles, of Lincoln. . On last Thursday afternoon as Dan ine Jolly Neighbors club met on Fentiman was returning from hi TT--.1-. a - . -1 1 .. . ueuufsuay aucruuou ai me nume 01 rarm soutn or town ne run up Mrs. Aug Johnson. I against the bank at the side of the Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Richardson road near the bridge just two miles and children spent the week-end in south. The result was a busted Omaha with relatives. wheel. Of course Dan figures that Mr. and Mrs. George Curyea and this was better than a broken head r 3 w , . . . . . - -ir. aau -wrs. j. i: uouse motorea to but he Is still wondering now in South Bend Friday. July 23rd. j "blazes" it all happened. Now Dan The Misses Ella Vincent and Flor- is a careful man and we are quite ence Taylor came in Thursday even- sure that he was not speeding. The ing to visit home folks a few days. only way that he can figure it -out Miss Doris Arnold of Excelsion Is that someone threw a banana Springs, Missouri, is visiting Misses peeling in the road and when the Mane Appleman and Clara Dicker- wheels struck it. the car slid to the 19 o Special Bargains in Automobiles! One Ford Touring Car, 1918 model motor. One Chevrolet 490 Touring, 1918 model. One Velie "6" Red Seal Contcntial Motor, 1918 model. day with the former's brothers and families. Friends of Miss Genevieve Lowry, former teacher in the Alvo schools, will be pleased to note that she has returned safely from Hang Chow, China, where she has been doing Y. W. C. A. work, and is visiting her parents. Mr. and Mrs. L. L. Lowry at their home in Omaha. Mrs. George P. Foreman went to Lincoln Saturday morning and from there she went to Valparaiso Sunday, accompanied by Mr. Foreman 'and his cousin. Joe Baker, of Ohio, who y. ill visit the homes of Albert Foreman, Oris Foreman and George Foreman, Jr.. at that place. Mr. and Mrs. Fore man autoed home Sunday evening. T. X. Bobbitt came in Wednesday Mrs. M. C. Keefer and son. Donald, bank with the above result, MANLEY NEWS ITEMS have been visiting her daughter, Mrs. I a,vAA.!W'-V-V.,,v,',a Koy u. coie, or -Mynard, for the ; past week. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Marshall. of(S Glenwood, Iowa, visited friends in.J Alvo and vicinity a couple of -days last week. Mrs. George Xoyes and daughters, Irene and Edith, of Lincoln, spent Saturday and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone. Mrs. Grace Thuresson. of 170 Ban- dini avenue. Riverside. California, is A. H. Humble and wife were visit ing for a short time at their old home in Slater, Mo., recently. Wm. Shehan was threshing his wheat last Friday and placing it in new subscriber to the Plattsmouth ,he Manley elevator to await ship- G!Iow is the Time fto PSowS It's the early plowing that makes the big wheat yield. We have a full line of horse drawn plows; also engine plows. We will be glad to give you a demonstration with the Titan Tractor if you are interested. Coatman Hardware, ALVO, NEBRASKA Semi-Weekly Journal. John Quellhorst and daughter. Miss Bertha, came up from their home in Kansas to visit the former's son Orville and family, this week. Word comes from George L. Stone to his parents. Mr. and Mrs. E. M. Stone, that he is now in Buffalo. Xew York, where he is working at present. ment. C. M. Andres and W. H. Frost were looking after some business matters at Omaha last Wednesday, driving up in the car of Mr. Andres. Ijeslie Gansmer and sister, son and daughter of Herman Gansmer of near Murray, were guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Maceny of Man ley one day last week. Mark Wiles, of Weeping Water. be lank of Saruics" We believe we can render any service to our cus tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We are always ready to make good farm loans for long terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which a farmer must now deal. Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund of the State of Nebraska The Farmers and Merchants Bank, ALVO, NEBRASKA S. C. ItOYI.ES. rrn. IJI.K S. BOVI.KS, Caahirr FLORA R.GANZ, A out. A. I. HOVI.ns, ler-Fm. t'AKI, O.GAXZ, Ylrr-IrM. At the school meetine July 22 it 1 was voted to lew a tax of 50 mills but who has many interests in and for general school purposes. Also to near Manley, was a business visitor begin school on the first Monday in here last Friday, coming over to look September. j after business matters. Mr. and Mrs. Porter Appleman. of Herman Pankonin and Henry Xeu Atlantic, Iowa, and their daughter. ' nian of Louisville, are busy doing Mrs. Williams of Coon Rapids. Iowa, j lhe plumbing on the new home of and Mr. Hammond, of Atlantic, auto- .c- E- Mockenhaupt. and are doing an ed oved Monday visiting Harry Ap- j excellent piece of work. Dleman and family and nthw rei. David O'Brien and wife, and Thos. tives. They were enroute to Kansas to look at land. 4. WEEPING WATER Republican 1 ; i ; i 1 1 1 1 ! I Ml Milt M The Alvo National Farm Loan Association S. C. BOVLKS. rres!lent PALE S. BOYI.ES. Sec'y-Treas IIOW.F.S A. C;Z, Attornr.VM-at-I.atT C. C. Carlson, the plaintiff in the sheriff sale of the old Woodard liv ery barn Monday was the purchaser. George Halmes was here the first of the week spending part of his va-I cation and left Wednesday evening' for Denver. He and his dad did some fishing in the Platte while he was here. Lester Rader and -Miss Gladys La France surprised their friends by go ing to Council Bluffs and getting married. Lester was back behind the counter at the Meier Drug store Fri-: day morning handing out smokes to' the boys. The young couple are not located as yet and Mrs. Rader has been spending most of the week with her parents in Omaha. In a brief interview with Walter As-hmun while he was here for the burial of his father wo learned that he was in the thick of the fighting overseas and was so severely gassed that he is partially invalid and is Keckler and wife were visiting and looking after some business matters in Omaha last Tuesday, they having driven up in their auto. Daniel Bourke and Theodore Harms were visiting at the capitol city last Wednesday, where they were called to look after some busi ness matters. They made the trip in Mr. Harmes' car. Mrs. Charles Murphy and daugh ter. Miss Anna, were spending a short time in Omaha" last week, hav ing visited with friends there Fri day, when they were passengers on the morning train for that place. L. X. Davis, who has a contract with the Capitol Bridge company, of Lincoln, is putting in a number of bridges and culverts in Cass county, and was in Manley last Friday for a short time, enroute from Weeping Water where he had been working, to dedar Creek, where he is to build a new bridge. John Fleishman, the contractor and builder, who has but recently completed the inside work on the new home of C. E. Mockenhaupt, which is an excellent piece of workmanship, is at present engaged in finishing the new home of Rev. John Oeh Jer king between Manley and Murdock. James H. Donnelly, state bank ex aminer, of Omaha, accompanied by F. R. Beebe, president of the State Bank of Springfield, were in Manley NEHAWKA Xews-Ledger Messrs. J. G. Wunderlich and John H Schwartz attended the funeral of J. It. ij Vallery near Eight Mile Grove last -4 Saturday afternoon. Mrs. Alvin McReynolds, who was reported dangerously ill the latter part of the week, requiring time doctors, we are glad to state, is im proving slowly and hopes are now f-n-tertained for her recovery. The annex to the old Xehawka house, the main part of which u One Ford Sedan, good running order. Also new Chevrolet automobiles, all models. You can buy now and pay small payment down, balance monthly payments. 20 per cent discount on all Firestone Come in and look them over. Warn- l er, who is the great grand mother of lj Miss Ramona. They enjoyed the P trip and had an excellt-nt visit with Grandmother Warner while there i m n g,000 mile Tires for 10 days only. W. W. WASLEY Garnge Phone 650 House Phone 502 w" 9 " n: 3J b H In D a n u n s a H rt n M a a it m moved to east Xehawka some weeks since, for a dwelling, is being wreck ed this week for the good lumber that is in it. When it is finally dis posed of. it will remove from Xe hawka its first hotel building and one of the oldest remaining land marks up to the present time. Will Porter and daughter, Letha. of Union, and Mrs. Gertrude Carper and children, Lucian, Hazel 'and De- line of this ploce, who drove to York Saturday morning for a visit with their sister-in-law, Mrs. Wal lace Pittman and husband, returned home Wednesday afternoon. They made the trip in Mr. Porter's car. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Klaurens an'i son Willard, of Washington, arrived here Saturday for a visit with Mr. Klaurens' cousin, X. Klaurens and family. The trip was made in 2?, days by auto, the family taking sev eral sidetrips and spending consider able time visiting at each place of special interest. They departed Sun day . for Bloomfield. Xebraska, and other places where they have rela tives, but expect to return to Xe hawka again later to finish their visit. The addition of one new home for Xehawka was accomplished "almost over night" as the saying goes, when the east quarry boarding house, be longing to Mr. . Xicholas Opp. was placed on its foundation, on lots di rectly south of the Mrs. E. A. Bur dick place in southeast Xehawka last Saturday morning. Mr. W. V,. Stokes, the Xebraska City housemover. is nam the fortunate gentleman, but as we are not authorized to do so will permit those who do not aln-adv was know to guess. The burning of waste paper, etc., !ack of Dr. Longacre's off.ee Tuesday evening throw a scare into the com munity. The fire bell was rung and the department responded promptly. Hose was lad aid the connection made before many of them knew what it was all about. It was good prac tice for the boys, though, and it would be just as well lo have a prac tice run njor. often. A co-operative threshing 6itfit was purchased by several of the progres sive farmers living north and east of town last week. Ed Carr. Dan and Fred Muenchau, Fred Schwegman. Bill Copple, Andr -.v Heudrickson, Al beit and Fred Wulf are members of the company. They worked together last year, but this season's business demanded greater capacity so they traded in the old outfit for a larger Greyhound plant. Minn: i' si rr to urnrr titm:. r ti tii- list!ii.t Cmirt 1 1 f Cass coun ty. Xi-lirasku. Hiiliai-.l ii iissiiiati. I'laintitT. vs. I.u-'in-ln Urittop. t-i a!. I f-n.hints. To the 1 . f-n.lants: The unknown liHrs. i'-vist-i's, l-rate-!, personal rep resentatives atil all "other eisons t-rese(i in the estate of John MctVnk iv. uiciasoJ; Kiiza M'-i'onkey; the uakmnvn heirs. Wevisees, eaie-s, jier soiial l pre-enta I ives nrd all other !" rsi'iis iiit' i -evtf.,1 jn the estate of Wai ien i'('otik""-, (Vcoaseil ; Xora Me- "likey; the unknown heirs, devisees. h'Lrate-s. personal representatives and ail oilier persons interested in the estate of Ueorre Mcl'onkey. deceased: the unknown heirs, devisees, lepatees. personal representatives and all other WANTED I want to trade my 7 room hou-e. equipped with electric lights, gas and water, good cellar, located on west Main street, most desirable lot in city, for work horses, harness and farm machinery, or will sell a! a great sacrifice for quick sale. See F. M. Welshimer at once or phone Xo. 5".r,. a2-Cd.2w. FURNITURE AND RUGS FOR SALE Consisting of 10 rugs, assorted sizes, Wiltons and Axministers. Two oak dining room suits. One duofold; one davenport. Six rockers. Birds eye maple bed room suit. Two brass beds: four other good beds, complete. Two chiffioners; two library tables. Three refrigerators. One electric washer; tub, rack and wringer. Many other articles. Call S. A. GHRIST Fhone 645 Plattsmouth rrnir,, , Mieie.-ie,, ill Hie eiaie I I j I 1 a t""'"" irinuaiurn iit'ie icr Md'onkcv, deceased- Kov moving buildings. He has moved several here in town the past two months and the one above mentioned is a fitting climax to the competency and ability of Mr. Stokes to move anything in the shape of a building. Those who are acquainted with the size of the above building, its loca tion and the road over which it I'iireotl : .itssie 3l. Unpen (nee J'ippottt: Fred M. Hapen; KKda JetTer: Charles Jef lVrs: John fiupott: Ilenjamln I'ippott; Mrs. J'.en.iamin I'ippott. real name un known; llessie J'ippott hop, real name unknown: John 1 Joe, real name un known: TLose West fall: I)aniel S. West fall: cViia Kapp: I"!. aide I.. Jiai.p: Mil da Iier r Ki; nsimcr; William S. l;un sim r: a-id Lets two ( L' t and three ( ;; in JUocU tj.iv- ( ." t in 1 onelan's Addi- 1. J 1.- i:"i! i ii-r- :i Hi I liLll'-IIIMUKI, HI n-u up uf inueu. marvel at me sue- cuntv. Xehraska; and ail persons .e;.-iuj opeimjuii vi getting 11 to its tiaimmp any interest ot any kind in new site. hat was once a useless, deserted piece of property, owing to its location, will, with reasonable ex pense for moving and repairing be come a modern and beautiful home. expense to lit himself for a life work last Fridy looking after some busi- that the condition of his health will permit his engaging in wtih the signal corps at Chateau Thierry and the Argonne. ness matters, having driven over : ' from Springfield, and were in con- cunauuu w 1 1 ii .hi . 111. J . xWall Ul the Bank of Manley for a short time. Miss Cathryn Thomas.' who has ! ft" which they returnel to Spring- been doing office work at the Coun-I ., ty Agent's office, left Monday morn-1 Edward tKfy s a visitor at the inir for hpr homo nt nrhnrn in I county seat last Thursday, where he " . . trti- tn Krt r it ln11 Minnesota, to consult the Mayo Bros " T Of mt i. .t. , ing the crowning as aueen of the Bar- regarding the goiter on her neck. 1 fKa" .rcus of Ilss ern !eland kuuu leiiov.s popular mouth. Mr. Miss Thomas has made many friends e L( in Weeping Water during her stay of Thomas Walling both tm i, k young people of Plattsmou it to Rochester. Mrs. Snipes Zl JLt S T J i ? eX d to take up the office work , ""t"1 le U"nglhIsfiv1I!lt- Buying Grain and Stock! Farming only pays when the man who manages the farm receives at least one half of the net income from the farm. Grain and stock should be bought by individual buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the market. Co-operative associations will never be a success until they sell at least one-half their stock to their managers. . Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six years' experience on "market conditions" and "grading up grain. Free to our customers. fjunev Grain and Lumber Alvo, Nebraska hope of her vis was forced again at. the offtce when her sister left. W. B. Race and his attorney, Geo. L,jons, of Marshalltown, Iowa, were here the first of the week looking Mrs. Claude Breckenfield. who has been staying for some time at the home of her parents. John Group ,1 l m - mi. . iiuu wue, oi ixjuisvine, arrived in Manley a few days ago to visit at t EAGLE Beacon 4 Little Lucile Frantz ;s quite" ill with typhoid fever. A trained nurse has been secured in order that she might have the best of expert care. We are informed Charlie lienner is not recovering from his recent oper ation as rapidly as hoped for. Miss Laura Vickers hi accepted a place with the Farmers Sta'e bank and is filling the position of assis tant cashier. A pre-nuptial shower was given Miss Xellie Trumble Wednesday af ternoon at the home of Mrs. Ernest Trumble. We presume we would he violating no confidences were we to i i real (state or any part thereof: ion urid each or von are herehv nti : d t! at on the Ulnd day of July. IVL'0, the liaintift" in the foreeuirm entitled cause tiled ids petition in the District ''"'.'it if 'as county. Nebraska, whvre m acli at-.d all of you ;. re irtade par it s defendant, the oh.ie t. purpose and raver of which said petition is to t.tain a decree from said court re lioviny: clouds from and ijuietini? the record title to the following desctih d real estate in the JMaintiff. Ililliard 'liassma n, to-wit: Lots two (J) and three :! t in j:Unk three ( :; ) in rone lan's .ddition to the City- of Platts mouth. In Cass county, Nebraska, as aiiainst you Mid eacli of you and to xcltide and en.iiiin you and ea h and ill of you from ever asserting or 'aimimr an estate, riirht. title or in rest therein adverse to Plaintiff by reascn of i'laintiff's iolxcrse possession of said premises hy himself and his grantors lor more than ten years prior to the ciiiiiiiicm enient (,f said suit, and for such other and further relief as may I.e just and equitable. Von are lOquired to answer said pe tition on or before the i'Oth ilav of September. I5i, or your default' will be dulv entered therein and a decree entered as prayed for in said petition. Dat.il, J'.ilv ::oth. irt.'fi ii i T.lia i;d ( ; i ; a ssm a n. I'laintlST. l.y JOHN :,r. LKYIU, a--4w. His Attorney. , . , , t i , 4 DR. II. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Coates Blk. Phone 203 Modern Home FOR SALE!- Eight room house all modern. Has steam heating plant, one-half block it ground. Nice location. This is one of the best built homes ii the city, and we consider it a splendid investment. If desired, we will give you the following attractive terms: $1,000.00 down, balance In monthly payments. Deferred payment to draw interest. This is an exceptional oppor tunity. Act quick! J. P. Falter & Son lieal Estate PHONE 28 Insurance after matters regarding the settling hmeT ia5ernnV wd S1St,T' of the H. G. Race estate. Attorney Ra",u5nlh,i8ba?d- , Mr Lyons was very much pleased with me ueauuiui scenery around our urecKenneia, wno is empiovea in Omaha, .was down for the week-end. city and said when he and his wife ll fam,ly as wel1 take their antr, trln hP ia as the u if e and little son. this way in order to let Mrs. Lyons see the beautiful scenery from ceme tery hill. Mr. Lyons said he didn't think the people of Weenins- Water realized the beauty of the place or Much progress is being made by those who are stringing the high tension electric lines to Weeping Water from Louisville. The poles have been distributed from Weeping they would make it a summer resort Water to Ju eas.1 f Manley and the '".greater portion of them placed in the IBflflliti ' ground- The matter of getting the C ' service extended to .Manley is still . Leader-Echo t ;, ;;,.;.;,;, ....j. .;, ;. .j.-. ELMWOOD Leader-Echo being looked after and it is hoDed that the desire of the citizens to be brought from darkness unto light may be fully realized in the near future. 1 2 t t y Y V f f f f T i Tractoirs! 19 Years Tractor Building Experience! V The Tractor With the Most Power for the Longest Time at the Lowest Cost 2) Weighs 5158 Pounds and Has Abundant Power for Three Plows! y V t V Y Watch for Demonstration Dates to Be Announced Soon Dr. J. S. Deerine- 1p for Rochester. Minn., where he -win Is Makingr An Excellent Home take a post-graduate course at the' Tne new home which is just being Mayo Brothers Institute at that completed by C. E. Mockenhaupt is place. Dr. J. R. Harger of Chicago au excellent piece of home building will look after his practice durine and WU make Mr. and Mrs. Mocken- his absence. haupt an elegant place of abode. A1-'J On last Thursday morning the though not of large proportions, the ' t stork made his arrival at the home house is of anmle size to euro fnr .V i of Mr. and Mrs. Ed Rosenow and left .their wants and is so designed as a fine baby boy. Both mother and to render the most ease and comfort baby are doing nicely and Ed. of in the work of the home The t.0h course he is flying pretty high be- house is modern in all its appoint- ic"s,f lMthe happy eve-t. Iments. notwithstanding the fact that' u- ,iiwuo mm ana elevator n is in a small town. The plan" have been taking in a lot of -wheat were furnished bv W. II . Prnst the v and on Friday they took in some lumber man, who personally super- 3M3M$MMfr sis Plattsmouth Dealer Phone 2304 4 l'Call at the Mason Garage and see them in Plattsmouth Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y ,'