The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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    TAUK five.
THURSDAY. JULY 29. 1920.
MNs Viola Willis was out to the
farm for the greater portion of lat
w k while her sister Laura and Miss
I'nd Dvorak of Sioux City, was a
visitor in I'r.ion the uuest of Mi?
Marv Becker last Sunday and Mon-
(1.1 v.
C. W Chirk of the I'r.ioi' h.xel
was a visitor in the couury tat la.-t
.Mi.nday. where he was looking after
hcriit' liiine.- for a few hours.
Albert Fleishman of Klmwood
w;:s a hrief visiter at I'nion last
:h nday. while he was shipping a car
of raUtle to the South Omaha mar
kets. Charles Hathaway .u gradii.g a
'i.o-f i:i the road near -he lu-me ot
def ine Hatha.' iy and which, wlun
it has Leen completed will grealiy
improve the road.
Thomas Cr.iinwtdl of Grant, w as a
business visit u- in Union last wi
iwdiy and looking after seusc
lai'd lisint. . '.. tiavins some inves'
l n!its near '"aion.
We are keeping in line with the
d-crease in the prices of lumber.
S--e W. P.. Hanniui; at I'nion tor tii
un . and estimates of costs of buil'.i
inc. Pannit Nickles.
Charles i! ..ili of Omaha was x
:-i'.r in i'.uon last Saturday de
purlin? for Omaha, he beir.s accoru ie.l by 1. s '. La Hue. w hore they
. r both lo'ikii 'A after some busi
im s ; matter.-.
Mrs. I). Lynde is visitins at lho
li.. m-- oi her part Mr. and .'rc.
t.uther Hall of Nebraska City an 1
Mr. Lynde was d vvn for over Sut;
(! r turning h'l Monday in tint--to
take his mail route.
J. 11. P. row n was a brief visitor in
P'-.ion last Monday afternoon while
oi bis way to Wyoming, being ac
companied by Mi. and Mr?. John
Vantine who had been spending the
Sunday at tiie home of relatives near
.Murr ay.
I'url Merritt and Wayne Lewis
who have been west looking after
the land which has been advertised,
as beinic i pen for the soldiers, re
turned h une last Wednesday not hav
ing tiled upon the laird which they
o. T. Pavis who has been in the
west for the .:- two wetks. havi:i
l;hi;i' there to '.( ok after some busi
ness matter-'- returned home last Sun
i; v evening. rle says the v.e;t is i
creat pla e. bin that there is no place
1-ke Cass couuir.
Winna Dysart. were visiting at the
lion..' (.f Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Vallery
formerly Miss LoUie Willis. The
irls remained- durinsr the week re
turning home last Monday morning.
Miss Viola was house keerer for hei
brother C!ar n e Willis 'Hud' durin?
the absense of her sister.
Mr. James "oOonalrt. former su
P riutendenr ; theh schcmls of Iln
i n and wii i. it is understood, will
tacb at (I'M'Hck the coming yeai.
was a brief visitor in Union last Sat
urd iy being on his way to the south
wlieio he was looking some
land in which be is interested.
U. K. Poster and family were vis
iting in Plattsmouth and looking af
ter some bu ines matters there as
well. While in the city they were
the cuets at the home of Mrs. Fos
ter's parents. L. C Larson and wife
of that place. Mrs. L. H. Larson,
vho has been visiting at Ur.iin ocrn
pied tlo-ir home.
;. W. O'.- :n w;:s r. vi-it'.r in I'r.
ion both last Sunday evening and
aNo on Monday morning coining to
look alter the repairing of car
which was injured when it vaulted
into a V.ri'ice pest. Mcnc'.ay morning
!iis son Wilnor ()l.-on. who had ben
vviti?ig with friends here returned
e with, hi-; father.
til We have a full line of Ladies.
Children's and Men's white shoes
(Kcds) which v.c are celling very
reasonable. Come in and examine
jV'c are selling nothing but
the vciy best quality of slices.
CiJArr.onia or "Earnyard Proof!
shoes fir men. Try them. .
KevsrHgd Repairs
"O.n't-Sag" Gates are
Ji-L.'ic nf wood arid steel,
br.lud together. No nails
to T-iiM out; crworl: loose '
.-. f';'.','ir :; fhc p,atc to sag and
in-----. Koih'r)2 to cet out cf
ox'icr. Stock can't throw them
ess Lfssi Longer Look Better
l if y iito the moit popular Gates. More than a million in use
;p. An.ciica. Thousands being hung every month. Get yours from
tans Bros. Lumber Compasiy
Union, Nebraska
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Miss Alice Todd was a visitor with
friends at Benson for a few days last
A. L. Hooker shipped Jast Monday
evening a car load of hogs to the
Nebraska C-ity market over the Mis
souri Pacific.
K. K. Moore and family are en
joying a visit from the mother and
brother of Mr. Moore, who have ar
lived from their home at Maryville.
Mo., and are guests at his home in
I'nion for a few days.
Mont ltobb has been shipping
wheat from Platttsmouth where he
had to iuse the old fashioned eleva
tor, the scoop shovel, but it 1s, do
ing business any way and that is
Mr. Robb's long suit.
H. If. Whitefield. better known
as "Poc", a salesman for the Trimble
Krotlkers wholesale grocers of Oma
ha, was in Unitm last Monday mak
ing the town and was accompanied
by Mrs. Whitefield. they traveling in
a universal roadster.
Tomorrow, Friday, of this week
the Union ball team will cross br.ts
wtih the team at Plattsmouth which
is under the direction of Charles
Ault of that place. They will go
up in the evening, the game being
called at H o'clock.
Mrs. Etta Bryan of Omaha, was a
visitor in I'nion for a few days at" the
! heme e.f Mrs. W. M. FSarritt. the la
j dies having been friends ef long
j standing, their friendship having de-
i i : i . . .1 -xr.... i .
; veiopeu w nue hi. aim .wo. diiiuii
I made their home in Omaha.
! Kugene Roddy and Clifton Clark
both of whom are employed in Oma
; ha. were down to I'nion last Sunday,
the former visiting at the home of his
mother. Mrs. J. B. Roddy in I'nion.
while the latter visited at the home
of his parents. Fred Clark and wife.'
north cf Pnion. ;
' J. F. Wi';.in has been assisting at
j the Farmer's elevator for some time
past on account of the slightly in
creased ofterings of the farmers of
their wheat which is being threshed
quite rapidly, and some of whom
nave no storage room on tne tarm
for the grain. itohb and wife were visiting
in Klmwood last Monday, driving
over in their car and being the
guests of Mrs.,lL B. Jones of Billings.
Mont., who has been visiting in Elm
wood. I'nion and Nehawka. the latter
place the guest of A. V. Sturm and
Rev. W. A- Taylor was out to Wa
bash last Sunday for services at the
church where he ministers every two
weeks and reports not so much rain
there as fell at I'nion. Mr. Taylor
lias accepted a position with the Mis
?( uri Pacific railway and is now em
ployed with the company.
H. V. Becker was a visitor in
Dunbar over Sunday, going down to
visit with Mrs. Broker, who is at
the home of her parents durio the
time wlrle Mr. Becker is away from
l-.otiif threshing whi?h is nearly all
the time just now. Mr. Becker wi-h
Henry Vest are threshing at the homo
t f C. -orge II. Shrader this week.
Kdward Lynn and family of Ohiowa
visited for a few days at the home Vf
his brother, Mr. P. Lynn and fam
i!v and also his sister Mrs. Barbara
Taylor. The visitors, accompanied by
Mrs. Barbara Taylor and Mr. and
Mrs. Lynn also visited at the home
of Mrs. John Campbell of Murray
who is alo a sister. There they had
a very delightful visit.
Wayne Prepst arrived home from
the western portion o.f the state
last Sunday and visited for a couple
of days at homo as well as looking
after some business matters. He re
turned to the wesf last Wednesday,
and on Thursday expected to begin
threshing there, the harvest now be
ing about over. Mr. Propst tlls of
a very good yield there and of an
excellent quality of wheat.
Last Tuesday Robert Willis and J.
W. Pitman went to Omaha to bring
home with them a. new six cylinder
Reo oar which Mr. Pitman is pur
chasing from the Willis garage. The
Reo is certainly a very sturdy car
and will give the absolute in service
to Mr. Pitman. In this car he will
have one which he is always certain
will go and one in which u. is indeed
a pleasure to ride.
Ltn J. Austin who has been work
ing with L. V. Pavis of Klmwood at
or near Dunbar, accompanied by Mr.
Pavis. were in Pnion for a short time
last Monday looking after some busi
ness matters and departed on the af-tt-ne.on
train for Avoca. where they
expect to do some well work. Mr.
Austin will move his family from
near Nehawka to Weeping Water,
where they will reside for the pres
ent while he is engaged in the well
business with Mr. Pavis.
off hinges. Swing freely.
Joe Banning and family were vis
iting and looking after some business
matters in Omaha last Thursday.
Miss Verna Harris was a visitor at
the home of her parents for over Sun
day, returning to her wtrk at Ne
hawka last Monday morning.
Arthur Anderson who has been
staying at McLean in the northern
portion of the state, was a visitor
with his mother. Mrs. A. J. Ander
son for a short time last week.
Mrs. Lynn McClurg of Denver, who
has been visiting in Pnion for some
time, the guest of her hiece Mrs. W.
A. Taylor, is now visiting with
friends in Chicago.
Bcggonned Dogs Are Dead
Someone who is a pretty fair
li; rksman. has been using til .-tray
dogs for a'target during the past few
weeks and the dogs are now all gone.
While this is severe on the dogs and
their owners, still there are a num
ber of people in I'nion who have
passed a vote of thanks to the un
known parties who were good marks
men and people did not know it be
fore. 'Young American" Just Arrived
There is joy in the household ot
Mr. and Mrs. Harry McCarroll. north
west of Pnion on account of the re-:
eenr arrival of their son and whr.
came accompanietl by the stork a few
days ago. Harry and wife are great
ly pleased over the gracious even:
and the son and heir is giving the
parents much entertainment which
is delighting their hearts.
Forty Years in Nebrarska
Last Sunday the 25th of July. John
M-Carroll celebrated nis CT birthday
and also the fortieth year in whic'n
he had lived in Nebraska. Mr. Mc
Carroll was horn in Ohio some sixty
five years ago and came to Nehraks
settling "near Pnion and making thi'
his heme since, lie enjoys good will
and esteem of a host of true friends
here, where he has made his home
for four decades.
Nearly Made Their Car
Whether the car is good or bad
it is very acceptable and this was
clearly evidenced last Monday when
the Missouri Pacific set a car at the
elevator of McCarthy & Sturm which
would hardly hold shucks let alone
wheat. Mr. McCarthy was game and
with the assistance of Mont Robb and
a large and generous roll of paper
they converted the running gears of
the car into something which they
could ship wheat in and got by with
it too.
Had Splendid Meeting
The Womar.s Home Missionary so
ciety of the Methodist church, held
their regular meeting last week a
the home of Mrs. Barbara Taylot
and her daughter Miss Kllie Taylor,
at which time there was a goodly
crowd in attendance all of whom en
joyed the meeting greatly. The sub
ject of the lesson study was Indian
Missions and the study was led by
Mrs. Nettte Stanton, who proved a
very able leader, adding much to the
interest of the meeting. Following
the meeting the two genial hostesses
served a very delightful luncheon
which added to t he pleasure of the
Visited in Omaha
Mrs. Barbara Taylor and two
daughters. Mrs. K. W. Keedy and
Mi?s Klsie Taylor, were visiting in
Omaha for a number of days last
week, being the guests at the home
of Attorney C. II. Taylor and family.
While there Mrs. Keedy had her ton
sils which have been giving hr some
trouble, removed.
Has Agency in Union .
Will A. Wetencamp and by the
way a fine scout, was in Pnion last
Monday looking-after some business
matters. Mr. Wetencamp is the
county dealer for the Hart Parr
tractor and came down to Union
tog interest some one in sellin
the tractor. He secured Will Bur
boo, who is a very able man and who
will act as salesman for this portion
of the county.
Have Departed for the South
Uncle George Eaton and wife de
parted a few days ago for Hrilla.
Ky.. where they will remain for ?
short time looking after some mining
interests which Mr. Katon has in the
Working at State Fair Grounds
W. R. Panning, the contractor and
general rusler. with a gang of men
departed last. Monday morning for
Lincoln, whore he is doing some
work for the state fair association,
placing it in condition for the fair
which is soon to be held. Mr, Ban
ning who is a member of the Key
stone Pipe Company of Nebraska City
is placing some tiling in at the fair
grounds which will greatly benefit
the association. Those who are en
gaged in the work and accompanied
Mr. Banning from here are Clarence
Armstrong, Clarence Dukes, Ellis Le
Rue, James and Kemp Frans.
The Cap Sheat
That putting land to alfalfa for
renewing and reviving it has been
advised for a long time and in many
cases it has proved beyond deiubt to
be a proper thing. Ross Xiday plant
ed to wheat last fall a five acre tract
which he had had in alfalfa for a
few years and was rewarded this
summer by a 5'ield of 320 bushels
frcm the tract, or just 64 bushels per
lacre. This is the cap sheat for this
; summer so far. Let the other fellow
j trot his returns along. But remem
ber the fact that alfalfa is a good
thing to renew your land with.
Wilbur Olson and Party of Friends
Have Serious Mishap Late
Saturday Night.
While returning from Nebraska
City late Saturday evening, Wilbur
Olson, driving a Ford touring car,
had a very serious auto accident two
miles north of Union, as a result of
which the car was damaged and sev
eral of the party scratched and bruis
ed up to a greater or less extent.
Olson had been engaged by a party
af young men composed of Ernest
Newman. Clyde Brittain, Mart Shel
don and Fred Newton, to take them
to Nebraska City to enjoy a few hours
:t the Firemen's carnival and the
trip to the Otoe county metropolis
was made with speed and safety, but
on the return the members of the
party met with a serious accident
that will place the car of Olson "on
the "blink" for some time and also
came near being the means of ser
ious injury to the occupants of the
On the return trip the lights on
he Ford became ineifective and the
ourney was made with only the
mall lights burning and these did
not shed enough light to fully cover
he path ef the car along the road.
Two miles north of Union the car
was going along at a good rate of
-peed when it was found they were
ar out on the right hand side of
he road and the first intimation of
langer was when the car crashed
nto a post set along the roadside,
he impact throwing the members of
he party right and left over the
oadway and doubling up the Ford.
All of the party were fortunately
hrown clear of the car and Newman
md Brittain were the only ones to
"ip anyways seriously injured, New
man having his clothing badly torn
nd several bad bruises on his shoul
lers as well as a few cuts on the
;ead while Brittain was also badly
)ruised and had his right leg sprain
ed slightly.
The members of the party had to
await the passing of a car to secure
elief and the machine of Glen York
oming by headed for Plattsmouth.
he boys were brought on into this
ity and had their injuries patched
ip. From the general appearance
f the wrecked Ford they all escap
ed very fortunately.
Church Services Next Sunday
At the Methodist church next Sun
lay there will be services during the
?ntire day, beginning with the Bible
-chcol in the morning, followed by
?hurch services and during the af
ternoon and evening the young peo
ples meetings of which there are
three and in the evening the senior
Epworth league and evening preach
ing. All are cordially invited. At
the Baptist church there will be
Bible school in the morning at 10
o'clock and to this service all are in
vited. The members of the Baptist
church and Bible school should at
tend very regularly during the time
when there is no minister as the
keeping alive of the organization de
pends upon the members.
Visited With Friends Here
Will Nickles and wife of Dunne
gan. Mo., were visiting in the neigh
borhood of Union for a few days last
week being the guests at the home
of their children, Carl Nickles and
family. Marion Worthen, Ottis
Barnes and their families, and Glen
Rhoden and family near Murray.
Throttling Governor Gives
Steady Speed
Every "Z" Engine is equipped with a sensitive throttling
governor. Regulates the amount of fuel and air admitted to
cylinder maintains uniform speed summer or winter,
regardless of work being done.
Throttling governor enables the "Z" to use kerosene a3
well as gasoline- saves you money.
Governor is a complete, high grade assembly unit not a
makeshift device. Its case-hardened contact-parts resist wear.
Has mighty important duties: Hefpsmaintain uniform cylinder
temperature insures better lubrication gives smooth, steady
flow of power that saves wear and tear on driven machinery.
Other "Z" features are: Built-in Bosch high tension oscil
lating magneto; more than rated power; every part inter
changeable; clean-cut, efficient design; long-lived endurance;
vz h. p :
3 H. P
6 H. P.
Other Games in Near Future
The Union team will play with the
Dunbar team at Dunbar next Sunday
and on the following Sunday with
the Murdock team at Union, on Au
gust 8. while on the following Sun
day. .August 15, they will play at
Stella. Then the following week
they will have two games at the
home grounds on the two days of the
Old Settlers picnic, which is to be ,
held in Union August 20th and 21st.
Visiting in West
Mrs. J. D. Cross departed a few
days ago for the west where she will
vitsit at the homes of her two sons,
Ray and Carl and their families who
are making their homes near Arriba.
Colorado, and where they are at this
time in the midst of their wheat har
vest, is coming some later than in
this portion of the country. Mrs.
Cross will spend some time with her
children in the west.
From Monday's Dally.
Last Saturday evening the mem
bers of the K. S. society enjoyed a
splendid social time at their hall on
west Locust street. .The affair was
in the nature of an entertainment
for the older members of the society
arid their friends and foe the occa-
'sion the old time dance music that
had been the joy of their youth in
the pleasant old homes in Bohemia
was given by "The Ragopators."
consisting of Frank Marshall. Robert
Kroehler, Harold Smith and Tom
Gradevllle, and these clever young
musicians made one big hit with
the delighted dancers and it wag
with regret that they saw the com
ing of the midnight hour when they
departed homeward.
I One of the Leading Teams of County
; to Contest With Team of the
Burlington Shops.
Arrangements have been made for
j the appearance here on Friday after-
noon cf the Union base ball team who
will play the team representing the
Burlington shops and which will be
under the pilotage of Charles Ault.
the manager of the Freight Car shop
team and this team will form tiie
backbone of the aggregation that
will go against the Unionites.
The Union team has some very
fast players in their line up and hope
to have some success in the game
but the leaguers are confident that
they will be able to hold the lads
from the south end of the county
to the small end of the score.
The game will be set for 5 o'clock
to permit the shop men attending
and the fray will be one well worth
Warsaw, July 27. The Lithuanian
government has delivered an ultima
tum to the soviet government de
manding the immediate evacuation
of Lithuanian territory bv red troops.
A Russian wireless message quotes
the official Moscow newspaper, Is
vestia, as saying:
"Soviet Russian will know how to
secure for itself a peace which will
make such a rapacious invasion as
Poland's forever impossible."
$ 75.00
. 125.00
& Swatck
Some day your office phone will ring,
or some one vill tell you on the street
That will be a poor time to think of
the valuable papers that you have laid
carelessly about the house.
A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX is the place
for such things as insurance papers,
wills, deeds, etc.
Insure your valuable against fire.
Raise Better
- Early and deep plowing will produce better wheal
yields. But even increased yields won't pay for billing
your horses with summer plowing. Buy a Titan trac
tor and a P. & O. gang plow they vill do the business.
Tractor farming is increasing in favor daily. Come
in and see me for particulars and prices.
Below Wholesale Prices!
We have decided to seli our entire slock of goods
at and even below wholesale prices. As other business
is calling for our attention and demanding our lime, we
will close out our entire slock of goods at a sacrifice.
The early purchaser will have the best of the se
lection, and at a price which is surely worth while.
Remember, the entire stock goes! Nothing will be
reserved or held back! This includes clothing, hard
ware and groceries. Now is your time to save some
money and get some genuine bargains.
A. L,
30,000 Acres
Wc arc making trips to Colorado cveiy week.
Come and make a trip lo sec the country. Special
prices on farms to March I, 1920. Prices $17.30 to
$50 per acre, according to location and improvements.
One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land already
sown in wheat. Have 60 acres three miles cast of Union
for quick sale at $135.00 per acre. Good terms. Phone
L. R. Upton, phone No. 39.
Box No. 11
That Baby
We have accepted the agency in 1'iiion ;iih vicinity itr the
"Baby Overland." which you must s"; ;uil rid" in to mpr-cialc.
We also carry Oldsomotile Cars and Trucks and K" Car:; and
Trucks. We have a number of Rood mechanics ready for any wmk
that may be offered in the repair line. Wc also tarry a lull f ti )v
of tires and accesories for all makes of crz. Sue us for car3 u
repair work.
UNION -:- -:-
Union, Ncbr.