The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 29, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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Murray Department
I Prepared In the Interest of the People
i f
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Lyle Lawton spent the week end
with his uncle Albert Young.
Ve are keeping In line wKb all
decreases in the prices of lumber,
See George Nickles at Murray, for
figures and estimates of costs.
Jess Hendricks and wife and
daughter Ruth, of Creightqn. and
John Hendricks and wife and son
Verne, motored to Nebraska City
Thursday and had a picnic dinner in
Mortons park.
Rev. Hollowell of the Chrfistlan
church who makes his home at Platts-
mouth but ministers to the church
there and at this place as well, was
a visitor with members cf his churc
in Murray this week.
Misses Wheaten and Hiatt. Messrs.
Sorensen and Palmer all of Lincoln,
were entertained at supper by Mr.
and Mrs. Albert Young last Satur-
day evening, Mr. Sorensen being the
speaker of the evening at that time
A. L. Baker and George liilnklow
were visiting in Omaha last Monday
evening, where they enjoyed the in
itiatory ceremony at the Ak-Sar-Ben
den. remaining to see a large class
of Elks Instructed in the degree of
the order.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Mnrmy Exa tange
No "Circus" Talk Here!
Just plain facts about coffee. Why will you allow
some peddler to hand you a bunch of lingo about coffee,
pay the freight and besides ten cents a pound more
than we ask for a better piece of goods? Let us prove
to you that we can back up this statement.
Moca and Java, the highest grade coffee
grown, per pound 55c
Santos Blend. We say you can't buy as
good anywhere at the price we ask. Lb. . . 38c
Santos Peaberry. Don't pay others 50
and 60 cents a pound. Buy a five pound
lot of us at the special price of $1.98
Fancy Guatemale, extra large bean, fancy
cup quality. The kind others ask 60 cents
for. Our price, per lb 50c
of Murray and Surroundinr Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
Saving is a matter of habit.
And the habit grows, just like
the savings.
To acquire the habit when
young with small sums is to
practice the habit when older
with larger sums.
So encourage the little fel
lows to start a savings account
with us at once, and watch
the habit grow.'
Miss Jessie Todd of Union was a
visitor in Murray last Saturday ,be-
ing attendance at the community
Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Smith enter
tained last Monday evening for sup
per. Rev. J. Buchanan and his moth
er. Mrs. J. W. Buchanan, Mrs. "W. A.
Brown and Miss Mae Loughridge.
Charles C. Carroll has not been
feeling the best for several days past.
the weather being to warm for very
hard work, since he was over-heated
last year,
Jesse Chambers the painter, was a
visitor In Plattsmouth last Monday J
evening. . going to attend the band
concert which was given at the coun
ty seat at that time.
The little son of Otti3 Barnes, liv
ing northwest of Murray is reported
as being very ill at the-4iome of his
parents with some stomach trouble.
but it is hoped that he will soon be
able to be about again
When wanting prices on lumber
and building materials, remember we
are keeping in line with all reduc
tions in materials. Estimates and
prices cheerfully furnished. See
George Nickles at Murray.
Will Hutchison and wife enter-
talned the following guests at dinner
Sunday: W. P. Hutchison and wife,
Will Oliver and wife and baby. John
Hendricks and wife. Marie Hutchi-
son. Verne Hendricks. Claude, Ernest
and Vern Hutchison.
The young people's class at the
Sunday school or tne I'resDyierian
church had a picnic in the Morton
park at Nebraska City last Saturday
and also attended the street carni
val which was In progress at that
place. The party which was chap
eroned by Rev. Buchanan, consisted
of about twenty members of the
& Tutt,
Louis Ilallas was a visitor in
Plattsmouth last Tuesday evening
where he spent a few hours with
Mrs. James Frans and son Ray,
! drove up from Union to attend thf
community meeting last Saturday spiring and climax was reached when
evening. uncle Samuel Latta sang "Annie
W. G. Boedeker and family at- Laurie". Uncle Sam had not ap-
tended a picnic given by friends on peared before the public for some
the Iowa side of the river last Sat- time, but his rendition was excellent
urday evening. and was well appreciated by all. Mr.
Dr. J. S. Livingston was a visitor Latta has a wonderful voice. Mr.
in Murray for a short time last Tues- Sorensen of Lincoln spoke on "The
day morning, being called here- on Women as Voters," urging them to
professional business. know politics and also for the ticket
The Presbyterian church purchas- of the party of which he is a member,
ed a piano from Mrs. L. D. HIatt but the independent uring the election
for the present will be used for the of that ticket and especially of the
community meetings. candidate for governor. He said
There will be reguluar services at study your ballot and especially the
the Presbyterian church next Sun- amendments,
day, both morning and evening and
Bible school in the morning. J Vrmrram "Next Saturdav
Dr. G. 11. Gilmore was a visitor' iTOgram Hext Saturday
with the family at Omaha for the" L. R. Snipes of Weeping Watar
day last Tuesday, driving there In the county agent will be in attend
their car and returning home In the ance and take a part in the conimun
evening. ity meeting and has secured the em
A. Gansmer departed last Monday Inent Chautauqua lecturer, Newton
for Central City, where he is looking Gaines, who cost the Murray commit
after his interests, he having a farm tee some time ago. fifty dollars for
there which he Is having cultivated an evening's lecture. Mr. Gaines
this year. will speak on co-operation and says
Robert Good was looking after he has a message for the church, the
some business matters in Plattsmouth farmers and the business man. No
last Tuesday, driving up in his car onue can afford to miss this as the
during the morning and returning lyceum goers remember the excel
for dinner. lence in his address when here. His
Mrs. Peter Brooks of southwest of subject when here was "New Wine in
Murray, who has been visiting with Old Bottles."
friends and relatives at Mandam. S.
D., for the past two weeks, returned
home last Monday.
A letter from Miss Clara Young
who is at present visiting at the
home of her brother Dal Young, at
Beach. N. D.. states that she will re-
turn home about August 7.
We Can Use the Money
..1 , .Zi. i
debted to me for service from my
horse, will please call and make set
tlement, as we are needing the mon
ey. 2t-sw D. C. RHODEN Murray.
Homer Miller and family of Plain-
view, who have been visiting
some time at the home of the father
of Mrs. Miller. J. W. Edmonds and
others of Murray and vicinity, de
parted last Wednesday for their home
in the northwest.
A. L. Baker and W. H. Homan
were visiting at Nebraska City last
Friday, where they attended the car
nival which was being held there.
They both had a sack of peanuts and
enjoyed a ride on the merrv-go-round
and had a great time. '
J. H. Brown was a visitor in Oma-
ha for a short time last Tuesday af-
ternoon and was accompanied by his
daughter. Miss Catherine, who went
as far as Plattsmouth. there taking
the train for Ashland where she vis
ited for a few days at the home of
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ost.
Ladies Aid Will Meet
The ladies air society of the Chris- . ue'n every m ai ms nome m i-m-tlan
church will meet at the home of jcoln- telephone message was re
Grandma Wiley and Mrs. Geo. Parks reived last Monday evening by Di
on Wednesday. August 4th. at which. an Mrs. Brendel notifying them of
time they will look after the business
of the society and spend the after-
noon socially, making plans for the
ork of the church since the arrival
of the new minister. Rev. A. H. Hol
lowell.' who will preach also at Platts
month. All members of the society
. cnurcn are urged to in at"
tendance as there will be a good
time and we need your assistance as
Gave a Five O'clock Tea
Miss Margery Walker gave a de
lightful evening to a number of her
a her home lust at the edee of Mur -
IJ IJ U KL 11 1CUUS IdDL A Li U 1 DUO. V Clllllh
ray Jn honor of her friends Miss Mae
Loughridge, who is visiting here.
MIss Loughridge and Miss Olga Min-
for(j each 8ang some special numbers
which were enjoyed by all who were
pre8ent. here were present on the
occasion. Mesdames W. Gilmore. W.
S. Smith, O. A. Davis. A. A. Young.
J. A. Walker. G. H. Gilmore. W. G.
McCracken. W. G. Boedeker. Misses
Beulah Sans. Olga Minford. Nida
Cook, Catherine and Laura Brown.
Helen Todd. A very pleasant and
profitable afternoon was spent.
Services as follows: Bible school
10 a. m.; Preaching and Communion
at 11 a. m. Subject of sermon.
.Naioma the Leper." A cordial in
vitation is extended to the public to
attend these services. A. Q. Hollo
well, pastor.
Peppered Our Windshield
While at Murray this week, we,
like our custom, allowed our car
"Elizabeth", to stand in the shade of
i friendly tree and while we were
after the elusive item and the dollar
and sixteen and two-thirds cent:;, boy with not as good an aim at
the birds that he thought he had,
peppered the windshield, breaking a
hole therein and indenting the sur
face of the glass in the second place.
Say boys, glass costs money and Is
an inconvenience to be replaced, so
be a little more careful in the future,
where you are shooting. Peoples
windows are in danger as well as
some ones eyes.
Community Meeting a Success
last Saturday evening as has been
the rule, the people met at the lawn
of the Presbyterian church and en
joyed an excellent program and also
a social time which was a very plea
sant affair. The clowds were a little
awe inspiring, but the people braved
the frowns of nature and remained to
listen to the program and chat wl'h
each other on the church lawn. .The
program which was well enjoyed.
If ny of the readers of the
JoarDtl knoT' of o7 social
event or item of interest in
thla Tlclnity. and will mall
tone to this office, it will ap
pear under this beadinc. We
want all newtlteme Editob
consisted of a duet by Misses Mae
Loughridge and Helen Todd, they
also rendering vocal solos as well.
Mesdames Vance Pitman and Camer-
on Cathey also gave solos as well as
a duet. The songs were very in
The following is what the press
has to say regarding this speaker:
I Blair (Neb.) Tribune: "Never
has the editor heard a man who said
so much and who said it so well in
a given time as did Newton W. Gaines
in his address of Memorial day. Mr.
.Gaines is an orator, a thinker, and
'a humorist who carried us back in
meihorv to the days of George li.
Wendling. "America's Platform
Prince", who said things in this same
eloquent way."
Omaha Daily Be?: "No man has
received such a response from an Ak-Sar-Ben
audience in years as did this
Man Gaines."
Omaha Examiner: At the ak-Sar-Ben
den last night Gaines took
the cake and the whole bakery
thrown in. As a cyclone orator he
has Billle Sunday backed clear off
the boards."
Road District Number Ten
All who reside in road district
number ten. will take notice to cut
the weeds and grasses growing along
.your lands before August 15th.
Anyone who fails to do so. the weeds
.will be cut and the expanse thereof
assessed against the property abut-
Road Overseer.
Thomas Jamison is 111
Mr. Thomas Jamison, father of
Mrs. J. V. Brendel. is reported as
jh ness of Mr. Jamison and ask
"f that they should come at once
They immediately departed for th
:caIPal c"y to minister at the bedside
ui uif paueni. 11 is uupt-u mui ne
may soon be beter of his illness and
be able to be around again.
Sells Four Fine Hogs
A. A. Young and wife received a
letter last Monday making the pur
chase of four of their fine thorough
bred hogs, which they shipped to Mr.
Alfred Strong of Bensen, la. The
crop of this years pigs are going very
rapildy and are some of the finest In
i '
Dockage System Protects Farmer
By use of the dockage system in
grading wheat, as advocated by the
United States Department of Agricul
ture the farmer is protected from the
possibility of low prices fixed by the
local buyer in order to insure a safe
purchase on a fiat rate basis, says
United States Department of Agri
culture bulletin 1118. "Dockage un
der the Federal Wheat Grades." Un
der this system the wheat is graded
dockage free or after such foreign
matter as weed seed, other kinds of
grain, etc., have been screened out.
The dockage is first removed from the
sample and the grade determined. If
one per cent of foreign matter is
j found in the wheat, dockage is as
sessed against it, but the dockage
does net affect the grade. i
In order to interest boys and girls
in the dairy business, the Nebraska
State Dairymen's association is offer
ing $50 in cash prizes for the best
boys and girls dairy teams demon
strating at the State Fair. The fol
lowing counties have dairy calf
clubs: Dakota. Douglas, Seward,
Hamilton, Hall and SeottsblutT.
. Wheat Yield '
Sixty-five acres of wheat grown by
P. Marshall of Wabash averaged 37
bushels per acre. Kleven acres at
Gus Jochins averaged 43 bushels per
acre. The yield and quality of the
wheat seems very good this year. j
Harvest Labor !
Twenty-four men have been placed
this week by the Farm Bureau to
help thresh. There are almost as
many calls to help thresh as there
was for shocking. - j
L. R. Snipes,
County Agri. Agent.
A re-opening service will be held
in the Mynard I!. 15. church next
Sunday morning. Sunday school will
meet at the regular hgur, 10::)0, fol
lowed by preaching service at 11:15.
Rev. W. O. Jones, D. 1).. of York,
Supt. of the Conference, will deliver
the sermon. Come and help make
it a good day.
K. H. PONTIUS. Pastor.
Napoleon once said: "It takes sev
en campaigns to make a soldier."
There is great wisdom in these few
words. To do anything well, we
must have experience. Therefore, it
takes vears to prepare a perfect rem
edy. Triner's American Elixir of,
Bitter Wine, which today enjoys thej
renown of being the best remedy
for constipation, poor appetite, head
aches, flatulence and other stomach'
disorders, represents thirty years of
experience. It has stood many tests,
it proved faithful and helped mil
lions of patients. All those who know
it praise it. "Triner's American
Elixir of Bitter Wine is an excellent
remedy," Mr. Tony Prsle writes from
Oak Grove, La., on June 2!. 19;H.
After one trial you will agree to
this statement. But don't accept any
other "bitter wine" from your drug
gist or dealer in medicines, fusist up
on the genuine and always reliable
remedy, "Triner's American Elixir of
Bitter Wine." Joseph Triner Com
pany, 1333-45 S. Ashland Ave., Chi
cago, Ilf.
Impurities, either chemical sub
stances or solid matter of any kind,
will interfere with the proper chemi
cal action between the plates and
the battery solution. It is for this
reason that you should never use
anything but pure distilled water,
which can be obtained at the Willard
Service Station. Id; lw.
The importance of regular atten
tion to a storage battery cannot be
too strongly emphasized. Frequent
calls to the Willard Service Station
to have them test, till your battery
with distilled water and see that
your electrical equipment is work
ing right, will keep repair bills away.
This service given free at the Platts
mouth Storage Battery Co. Id; lw
Mr. and Mrs. W. L. St i ne enter
tained at dinner Sunday. Mr. and
Mrs. Grant Clarence of Golden Dale,
Wash.; Mr. and Mrs. John Clarence.
Mr. and Mrs. K. A. Fletcher. Westley
Clarence, Wymore Fletcher, Loora
Fetcher, Mamie Clarence and Jose
phine Clarence of Nebraska City. In
the middle of the afternoon ice cream
and angel food cake were served, all
having a general good time and visit
with Mr. Stine and family.
To Clean Up Cemetery
Wanted: A man to clean up the
cemetery at the Lewiston church,
southeast of Murray. Will pay good
wages. Call phone No. 1811, Mur
ray, Nebr. Miss Etta Nickels.
omplete Line
Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of the
Family will be Found at Our Store
Boys' work shirts ?
.Men's broad, long work ishirts
Boys' union suits
Men's union suits
Men's Hatch One-Button union
Bovs' Hatch One-Button union
Also Local Agent for the Famous Singer
Sewing Machines.
The Service Store
K. H. Larson of Omaha was in the
city today for a few hours visiting
with relatives and friends for a few
Mrs. Lillian Freeman and sister,
Mrs. Clare Bookmeyer. departed this
morning for Omaha, where they will
vjist for the day attending to some
matters of business.
Isn't It Provoking?
rjln these days of high prices, to pay out your
good money for an article and then find it of
inferior quality, when the price you paid should
have bought the best?
flfln all lines the public is imposed upon by the
-"unscrupulous and this is especially true in re
gard to drugs. Therefore, is it not better to deal
with your home store, because you know if an
article is unsatisfactory you can have it made
right? That is our method of doing business.
G. W. McCracken, Prop.
Free Specials This Week!
The only way we can get you to realize what a
wonderful difference there is between the "GOLDEN
THROATED" Claxtonola and other makes of "talk
ing" machines, is for you to come in and hear it play.
It is in a class by itself, but you will never know its real
excellence until you hear it with your own ears.
See our Oil Stoves for This Hot Weather
Our cream separators are the best, and you will say so your
self when you see how much they will save in a year. Come in
and see us when you want one.
Our line of shelf and heavy hardware if replete with your
every day wants. The stock contains all that any good hardware
store should carry.
"Titan" and "Waterloo Boy" Tractors and
AH Kinds of Gang Plows
Keeping in Line in Prices!
To all who are interested in building we would have you know
are keeDinc in line with the market reductions on lumber.
Come to us for estimates and figures. We will furnish you the
best of goods and at the lowest possible prices. Here you will al
ways get the benefit of reductions as they occur.
See II. B. Banning at Union or George Nickels, at Murray.
Banning & Nickels,
Lumber Dealers - - Murray, Nebr.
Ul 1 I T A mild
11 V- Fistula
aj m .i..
Chloroform. Ether or other Reneral anaeathetlo
A cure puarnnteed In every case accepted for treatment and no nonerwb.
'-e than l.:000 prominent people whn
Mu, Jt. lAUUi, namiionnm, rwr
lr Jt. ?V ilUIinMOIl,
Drs. E3ach & IVJachThe Dentists
Gl .
suits ft'
suits fif''
50c and up
fl.00 and up
Bert Coleman and James W. Bur
nie motored to Omaha this morning,
where they will spend a few hours,
ant were accompanied by Mrs. John
Cory and daughter. Miss Garnet, who
will spend the time In looking after
some business matters while Mr.
Coleman looks after his contracting
Fistula-Pay When Cured
Byrtem of treatment that curt P11.
and other Rectal Idaeaaea In a abort
i,,..,. . vro vuriclcal ODeratlon. No
ha ;e .een If"' gSgu JfEB.
Vi- i V .
The largest and best equipped dental orhces in umana.
Experts in charge of all work. Lady attendant Mod
erate Prices. Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instru
ments carefully sterilized after using.