The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 22, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    THURSDAY, JULY 22, 1920
Union Department
Some day your office phone will ring,
or some one will tell you on the street
That will be a poor time to think of
' the valuable papers that you have laid
carelessly about the house.
A SAFE DEPOSIT BOX is the place
for such things as insurance papers,
wills, deeds, etc.
Insure your valuable against fire.
asik of
Kov. Morrison made a business trip
to Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. 1". it. Woods of Iowa, who
has lieMi visiting her sister, Mrs.
Morrison, left Monday for her home
Mr. C. 1,. Strong and family of J
Syracuse spent Sunday at the home
of Mrs. Strong's parent, Ilev. Mor
rison. .. O. Davis was looking after some
business matters in Plattsmo ith last
Monday, driving up in Ins ir from
north of town.
Attomev A. P. Moran of Nebraska
City, was in Union last Sunday, be-(
ing with and interested in the Ne
braska City ball team which played
Grant Clarence and wife of Wash
ington, arrived from that stf.te a few
day.i ago. having made the entire dis
tal'; in thir automobile and are vis
iting friends here.
We ;re keeping in line with the
decrease in the prices of lumber.
S -e W. I. Manning at Union for fig
ures and estimates of costs of buil't
ing. Ra nnirg & Nickles.
Y's'.ey Woodard of the northwest
portion of the state, arrived in Union
a few days ago and is visiting at the
home of his uncle. Wesley Woodard, j
Sr.. and Mrs. Frank Roggs for a short
time. . .
Miss Augic McCarroll, the accom
plished accountant at the bank of
Union, is now taking her vacation,
speuiling much of the time at the
homo of her parents, Mr. and Mis.
J,hn McCarroll.
Homer Anderson and wife of Oma
ha, where Mr. Anderson is engaged
in the baking business, have been
visiting for some time at the home
of th parents 'of Mrs. Anderson in
Union. Mr. and Mrs. Mat McQuinn.
and also at the home of Thomas ami
Orville McQuinn.
Mr. and Mrs. John McCarroll and
wife, with their daughters. Misses
Fannie and Angle, were visitors for
over Srturday and , Sunday at the
homo of M. S. Straight and family
near Hamburg. Iowa. Taey drove
over in their car Saturday and re
mained until Suntlay evening, ai.d
enjoyed the occasion greatly.
CWc have a full line of Ladies.
Children's and Men's white shoes
(Keds) which we are selling very
reasonable. Come in and examine
d Wc are selling nothing but
the very best quality of shoes.
$iAmania or "Barnyard Proof"
shoes for men. Try them.
R.''D.' STINE,
Always Ei&FigTpue
never r&ed Repairs
"Cnn't-Sa-r" Gates of wood arid steel,
bnhed tocclhcr. No nails
to pvll out or work loose-r
nHov.-inji the gate to sag and
rirni;;. Nothincr to net out of
order. Stock can't throw them
) B-fl Jfi, S3) i
Ofs( Less Last Longer Look Better
Thcv arc the most, popular Gates. More than a million in use
in America. Thousands being hung every month. Get yours from
Prepared Exclusively for The Journal.
Rcnjamin Raymond was a visitor
in Omaha last Monday afternoon, .go
in to that place over the Missouri
Aiftert Willis and Sol Tipton, were
assisting in the threshing at the
home of Owen Willis, northeast of
Xehawka last Monday.
G. W. Cheney and Walter Johnson
were among those who were thresh
ing during this week, both having
excellent returns on their crops.
Miss Edith Frans and Miss Verna
Harris, who are employed with the
Sheldon Manufacturing company at
ISenawka, were home for over Sun
day. County Commissioner C. F. Harris,
was a visitor in the county seat last
Monday, driving up in his car to look
after some business matters for the
H. L. Swanson was a visitor with
the family at Eagle last FL'inday, they
all being the guests of the parents
of Mrs. Swanson, Mr. and Mrs.
Charles Ilenner.
John McCarthy of Wyoming, was
looking after some business matters
at Union last Monday, preparing to
build two barns and two cribs on his
place near Wyoming.
P. C. IaRue and family were vis
iting with his son Herbert LaRuo,
and other relatives at Macedonia, go
in gi their car last Saturday and re
turning home Sunday night.
Attorney C. L. Graves was a visitor
in Plattsmouth last Monday, where
he had some business matters to
look after at the court house, and
also some matters in town as well.
H. H. Becker was threshing at the
home of Earl Wclfe last Monday and
is kept pretty busy and with' the
completion of harvest will expect to
be busy until the harvest, which is
abundant, is all threshed.
Mrs. Harry Graves of Centrar City,
arrived in Union last Saturday and
is visiting at the home of her par
ents, W. II. Marks and wife, and is
feeling greatly improved from what
she has for some time past.
Frank Irwin and wife and Everett
Irwin of Nebraska City, spent Sun
day at' the home of Pelbert Irwin,
the manager of the Standard Oil Sta
tion at Union and had an excellent
time, returning home Monday morn
ing. Wm. Highfield and family, Mrs.
Frank Dunbar, his sister, and Claude
Shumaker, all of riattsmouth. who
have been visiting at the home of
relatives at Maryville, Kansas,
stopped in .Union on their way home
for a short time.
C. W. Clark and family were vis
iting last Sunday at the home of Mr.
and Mrs. Mark White, driving over
in their car and remaining during
the day for a visit with their friends.
They enjoyed the day highly and re
turned home in the evening.
Miss Mary Becker was a visitor for
a few days in Omaha, where she
underwent an operation for the re
moval of her tonsils, which had been
giving her much trouble for some
time. Since the operation Miss Beck
er has been improving and is at her
duties again at the store although
she has a very sore throat yet.
off hinges, - Swing freely.1
are ' rrfljv j h-smw LssrtoBTl
roe. Lumber Company
Miss Alice Todd and Letha Torter
were spending some time trading at
Nebraska City last Saturday. '
Ray Frans and mother, Mrs. James
Frans, were visiting for a short time
at Plattsmouth last Saturday even
ing. Ivan Ralfour of near Xehawka,
was in the city for a short time vis-
iting and looking after some business
matters preparatory to threshing.
Miss Mary Foster of Omaha, was a
visitor at the home of her parents
over Sunday and returned to her
work in the metropolis Monday morn
Glen Kline, one of the ball team
was prevented from, taking part in
the game Sunday on account of a
very sore foot, which presisted in
keeping him company.
Wm. Ost of Xehawka, was a visitor
in Union for a short time last Mon
day and while here had the reore-
jsentative of the Journal place his
' name on the list of readers.
Attorney C. H. Taylor and family
of Omaha, were visiting in Union for
over Sunday and were guests at the
home of Mrs. Barbara Taylor and
daughter Elsie, and at the home of
Earl Keedy. '
D. A. Eaton and L. R. Upton drove
to Plattsmouth last Monday in Mr.
Upton's car, going to secure a car in
which to ship wheat, in order that
the threshing, could be done some
time this week.
Mrs. W. B. Banning and Mrs. W.
E. Tracey, the latter being a visitor
with, friends in Union for a short
time, were visiting at Omaha last
Monday, they going over on the
morning train to that city.
Misses Deloris Dysart, Frances
Rauer and Bessie La Rue, who are at
tending summer school at Peru, were
all home for a Sunday visit with
their folks and returned to their
studies last Sunday evening.
Mr. Osborne who has" been work
ing at the Missouri Pacific station at
Union, departed last Monday after
noon for PlaMsmouth, where he will
relieve Mr. Wilson, the extra agent.
who has to go to Louisville where he
will do some special work.
Mrs. Lynn liamerstron and foni
Robert of Omaha, were visiting in
Union the guests at the home of Dr.
W. M. Barritt for a few days last
week and being joined last Sunday
by Mr. liamerstron, they all return
ing home Sunday evening.
While it is -difficult to secure thei
needed help for harvest, Joe Banning
is not sleeping at the switch by any
means, but is out in tne neia siacning
his wheat and has W. II. Marks in
the store for the present. Mr. Pan
ning could use a good man for his
farm. .
Seth Grover and wife of Omaha.
were guests at the home of Dr. and
Mrs. W. M. Barritt for over Sunday
and Monday. Mr. Grover and Doc
tor Barritt were friends while Dr.
Barritt was practicing at omana
years ago. Mr. Grover had not been
in Union for some ten years.
The meeting of the W. C. T. U. last
week was held at the home of Mrs.
J. D, Cross, the occasion being fliotn-
ers day, and Mrs. Cross was the lead
er in the lesson, which was very in
teresting and enjoyed by all. Mrs.
Cross served luncheon to the large
number of ladies in attendance who
enjoyed the occasion greatly.
Mr. Earl Keedy ana wne accom
panied by Mrs. Barbara Taylor, were
visitors at Plattsmouth last Thurs
day evening, going to have Miss Elsie
Tavlor return home with them, as
she had gone to Omaha witn ner
friends- Miss Mary Becker, the latter
having), her, tonsils removed and Miss
ElsieV Had come to Omaha on the ev
ening train from that place.
Wayne Lewis and wife came down
from Plattsmouth last Sunday zn
visited at the home of Mr. Lewis'
parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Lewis
northeast oftown, where Mrs. Lewis
is visiting for the week while Mr.
Wayne Lewis and Mr. Earl Merritt
went to Alliance where they both
are thinking of filing on a claim un
der the soldiers law. they both serv
ing a long time in France.
, Next Sunday's Game.
The game for next Sunday at Un
ion, will be at the Union grounds and
will be between the home team and
the Storage Battery team of Omaha.
You may look for a good game.
Injures Hand Severely
While endeavoring to secure a gate
which he had just closed and which
was fastened with a loop of barbed
wire, J. A. Everett had the misror
tune to have the wire come loose
with a jirk, catching his left thumb
with one of the sharp barbs, piercing
the member through the nail and
lascerating the thumb badly. The
services oi a physician were required
to dress the injury and while it is
making some progress it has caused
him much suffering and loss of valu
able time from his work on the farm
which is pressing greatly at this
time. The injury is at this tim
showing fair progress but is still very
Speaking of Base Ball Fans
Yes Union has some and also some
of the most pronounced order. They
can enjoy a game better than eating,
as W, H. Marks said last Monday
that he was getting along in yeara
and believed he was getting worse
every day as to his liking for base
ball. He said he would rather see
a base ball game than to eat. Well,
we had often wondered why he was
no fatter. Some of the ladies are
also enthusiasts and their encourage
ment in the way of showing their ap
preciation of good plays, gives pep
to the playing. ,
Was Unfortunate in the Game
David Eaton, who was playing first
base last Sunday had the misfortune
to receive an. injury while playing
a runn&r of the visiting team strik
ing him on the ankle with a spike
in his shoe, which cut a gash of con
siderable length in his ankle and
which required isome five stitches
from Dr. W. M. Barritt to close. The
wound is getting along very well but
will keep David from work for some
Here From Colorado.
D. A. Eaton and family arrived
from Arriba, Colorado, where they
have been making their home for the
past four months and is looking af
ter the harvesting of a crop 6f wheat
which he has here. He tells of the
country looking fine out there, but
the harvest is somewhat later and
still is making good progress, the
wheat and rye heading out nicely
He with C. F. Morton, will have
their wheat trucked to Plattsmouth
where they will ship it to market
from there.
Entertained Friends for Supper
Miss Edith Frans, who is employ
ed in Xehawka, was the hostess at a
party at the home of her parents, at
which she had a. number of her
friends. The evening was very
pleasantly spent and all enjoyed the
occasion and convinced that Miss
Edith , was an excellent entertainer.
Those who were present to enjoy the
occasion were Miss Verna Howell,
Xuton Hansen, Hall Pollard, and a
number of friends from Xehawka.
Gave Picnic Last Week
The ladies of Union all of whom
are friends of Mrs. W. R. Bucey, who
is spending some time in Union, en
tertained her as the guest of honor at
a picnic held at the home of John
Larsh, some miles northeast of Un
ion. They Think It Great
The Junior and intermediate as
well as the primary league of the
Methodist church, were given a treat
fo the meeting of their societies out
in the open last Sunday evening, on
account of the warm weather and It
pleased them so well that they con
cluded to hold their meeting in the
open for the coming Sunday. Xow
little folks, will not all of you who
can, come ana join this meeting or
the great big out doors.
Union Nearly Won Game
For Ave consecutive times Union
has been unfortunate in that one run
has stood between them and victory.
Sunday the game between Union
and Xebraska City had to have the
tenth inning in order to get a de
cision and then to have lost it by
one run was too baa. ine boys are
putting up a strong game, but still
they are losing. The line up for
yesterday's game which gave Union
o and Xebraska City 6, was as fol
Xebraska City P. Wilcox 2b, Mc
Kay ,3b, Beason If. Thomas lb, P.
Faunce cf, W. Wilcox c, Van Winkle
ss. Eacret p, O. Faunce rf.
Union Bob Eaton 2b. Earl Wolfe
3b, Ralph Davis and H. Griffin rf,
Dave Eaton lb, Bruce Wolfe ss, John
Hoback If, John Pearsley cf, Ralph
Hathaway c, Fred Kline p.
, Carpenters Pretty Busy Just Now
The carpenters are very busy in
and about Union at this time and
are endeavoring to get the work done
and well done at that. L. W. Craw
ford and Joseph Bauers have now un
der contract four buildings to com
plete as soon as they can, .they being
two barns and two cribs for John
McCarthy of Otoe county and living
near Wyoming. In this bit of work
there will be about 108,000 shingles
alone to lay.
Something Secured for Old Settlers
The commutes in the field for se
curing amusements for the old set
tlers day which is soon to be had
at Union, are making good progress
and have secured a number of attrac
tions and are certain to have a long
er list soon. The 20th Infantry band
has been secured for the second day
while during the first day there will
be the Union band to provide the
music. The Union band is making
exceptionally good progress, and are
in a position to furnish excellent
music for the day. There will be two
ball games, one of which will be Un
ion vs. Dunbar, and the other is not
yet decided. The committee which
was in the field for'the purpose of se
curing an airplane have assurance
that they will have one in Union for
the two days, but have not closed the
contract at this writing.
Attended the Bargains Circus
The campfire girls of Union, chap
rroned by Miss Marie Frans, who is
acting as assistant guardian on ac
count of the fact that Miss Mary
I Becker, who is the guardian, having
had her tonsils removed and had not
sufficiently recovered as to guaran
tee her going to the exertion which
is required to look after the group
of young ladies. Misses Mary Beck
er and Miss Marie Frans took the
girls up to Plattsmouth last Monday
morning. Miss Mary Becker return
ingv home while Miss Marie Frans
remained during the day. The girls
from Union participated in the par
ade and won one of the prizes of
fered. Miss Becker returned in the
evening to assist and bring the girls
home in her car. Those who attend
ed were Misses Mary Becker, guar
dian; Miss Marie Frans. assistant
guardian, also having charge of the
camp, and Misses Mildred Clark
Ina LaRue, Ethel Becker. Rachel
Pell Beulah Pell, Amy Austin. Alma
Frans, Virginia Harris. Vera Upton,
Lavaugh Frans, Ruby Mead and Alice
Makes Purchase of New Car .
Luther Mead is sporting a fine new
car and when selecting one for his
own driving he was somewhat care
ful and alighted upon a Cadilac. The
car is a beauty and besides has the
pep for speed, the endurance for ser
vice and the easy riding qualities for
comfort. The car should make
good one for his use and that of the
lUunioa at Alvo
Mrs. Ova Cleates and daughter of
Hooper, were visiting In Alvo for a
feW days, and was accompanied by
Walter Skinner and wife of Fremont. I
they all visiting at the home of Mary
Skinner and Mr. Levi Parks and wife.
Though formerly living in and near
Alvo, they have been away for the
past twelve years. They with Sher
man Wolfe, E. D. . Friend and John
Skinner and families had a reunion
and a general good visit last Sun
day. W. B. Banning and son Mollis, and
several others from Union, left Mon
day morning for Lincoln where Mr.
Banning will superintend the con-1
struction or a drainage system or the
state fair grounds for the Keystone
Pipe company..
'Mrs. W. B. Banning spent Monday
in Omaha, the guest of her friend,
Mrs. W. F. Tracy, who has been vis
iting at the Banning home, and other
places here and in Nebraska City and
after a day in Omaha, Mrs. Tracy
went to Wall Lake, Iowa, to spend
the remainder of the summer with
relatives, while Mrs. Banning return
ed home on the afternoon train.
Prohib Delegates Slow in Arriving for
Convention Many Expected to
Arrive Here Tuesday Evening
Close friends of W. J. Bryan say
that Mr. Bryan will not accept the
prohibition nomination for president,
though he may be drafted for the
place by the national prohibition con
vention which meets in Lincoln
Wednesday morning. The commoner
has indicated that he will support on
ly dry candidates for congress, those
favoring the strict enforcement or
the eighteenth amendment known as
the Volstead law.
As has been already indicated, del
egates to the convention have s!iovn
a unanimous preference for V.'. J.
Bryan as the prohibition standard
bearer and some at least entertain
the idea that if he Is drafted he will
accept the nomination. The friends
of Mr. Bryan have hastened therefore
to trhow cold water on the fore
casted action of the convention by
pointing out that under no circum
stances will he accept and makt; the
race as the leader of a new army.
Meantime the preparations for the
hirteenth national convention of the
prohibitionists are being pushed
with considerable energy. Monday
evening twenty-five delegates had ar
rived in the city and it was annonnc
ed that headquarters would be op
ened at room 105 at the Lindell hotel
Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock. The
bulk of the delegates will reach Lin
coln during Tuesday. Tuesday morn-
ng twenty-five delegates from Cali
fornia are scheduled to reara the
city. . New York has indicated that
will send fifty delegates. The
thirty delegates from Ohio will be
under the leadership of Mrs. Violi
Romans, prohibition candidate for
United States senator, to fill the place
which is now left vacant by the nom-
nation of "Warren G. Harding as the
republican candidate for president.
With the Pennsylvania delegation
will be Mrs. Flora Diefenderber, can
didate for congressman-at-large.
Mrs. Mamie Colvin, a member of the
New York delegation, ran for lieu
tenant governor two years ago.
The prohibitionists are divided as
are the republicans and democrats on
the league of nations treaty. A
plank in the platform will favor the
treaty with reservations. A plank to
punish lynching will be inserted.
At the conference of the members
of the national executive committee
to be held Tuesday morning the mat
ter of availability of candidates for
president and vice president will be
considered. If there is no hope that
Bryan and Sunday may be made the
standard bearers then the convention
will have to turn to other prospects.
A delegate said that Mr. Bryan will
prove to be far . and away the best
vote getter of any man who could be
nominated by the prohibitionists for
president.. He pointed out that even
with only a portion of the feminine
vote being available approximately
17,000.000 women will be able to cast
their ballots at the November elec
tion. The delegate is sure that Bry
an would, get tne most of these wo
man votes.
Delegates Arrive Slowly
Delegates to the national prohibi
tion convention are coming in slow
ly, less than a hundred and fifty le
ing estimated to have arrived in Lin
coln. Tuesday morning. .A number
of delegates are expected to reach
the city Tuesday., Twenty-five, dele
gates registered Monday at th Lin
dell hotel. -Convention leaders est!
mate that the total attendance, dele
gates and visitors will number one
H. S. Bonsib of Indianapolis ar
rived in the city Monday evening, for
the national prohibition convention.
Mr. Bonsib stated that the Indiana
delegation was expected to reach Lin
coln sometime Tuesday evening. Mr,
Bonsib spoke at' Humboldt, Neb.,
Sunday night. He has been actively
engaged !n prohibition work for
many years. Mr. Bonsib is a special
field agent of the prohibition nation
al committee. '
Below Wholesale Prices!
We have decided to sell our entire stock of goods
? at and even below wholesale prices. As other business
is calling for our attention and demanding our time, we
will close out our entire stock of goods at a sacrifice.
The early purchaser will have the best of the se
lection, and at price which is surely worth while.
Remember, the entire stock goes! Nothing will be
reserved or held back! This includes clothing, hard
ware and groceries. Now is your time to save some
money and get some genuine bargains.
lAu L,
Wednesday morning at 10 o'clock
preliminary organization will take
place and will be followed by the
speech of Dr. Aaron S. Watkins, whp
will deliver the keynote address.
Following this Clinton N. Howard
will speak on "can, any good thing
come out of Chicago or San Fran
cisco." The meeting will then be
adjourned pending the report of the
committee oh permanent organiza
tion. At 8 p. m. Wednesday there
will be a conventional mass meeting
at the auditorium in the form of a
"jubilee victory" over John Barley
corn. Mr. Howard will speak again.
The meniDers of the national exe
cutive committee will meet at the
Lindell hotel at 9 o'clock Tuesday
morning. The members are Virgil
G. Hinshaw, chairman, Chicago; W.
G. Calderwood, Minneapolis, vicj
chairman; Mrs. Frances E. Beau-
champ, Lexington, Ky. ; H. p. Far-
is, Clinton, Mo., treasurer; E. L.
Hohenthal, Manchester, Monn.; Ro
bert Patton, Springfield, 111.; Finley
C. Hendrickson, Cumberland, Md.;
Daniel A. Poling, New York. At 2
oclock Tuesday the whole commit
tee of ninety-six members will meet
for a conference. State Journal.
Marion, O., July 19. Senator
Harding, republican presidential
nominee, today discussed an inter
view with Colonel House in London,
Wc 'are making trips to Colorado every week.
Come and make a trip to sec the country. Special
prices' on farms to March 1, 1920. Prices $17.50 to
$50 per acre, according to location and improvements.
One wheat crop will pay for the land. Land already
sown in wheat. Have 60 acres three miles east .of Union
for quick sale at $135.00 per. acre. Good terms. Phone
L. R. Upton, phone No. 39.
Box No. 11 - - - Union, Nebr.
"That Baby
We have accepted the agency in Union and vicinity for the
"Baby Overland," which you must see and ride in to appreciate.
We also carry Oldsomobile Cars and Trucks and Reo Cars and
Trucks. We have a number of good mechanics ready for any work
that may be offered in the repair line. We also carry a full stock
of tires and accesorie3 for. all makes of cars. ' See us for cars or
repair work.
A rure guaranteed In erery caae
DAia until cureu. nic iui "
of more than 1.001 promlm-nt people
DR. 13. R. TAKKV.
lr. R. S. Johnston, Medical Director.
DRS r.lACH & F.I AC!!,
The largest and best equipped dental offices in Omaha. Experts
in charre of all wcrt:. Lcdy attendant. MODERATE PRICES.
Porcelain fillings just like tooth. Instruments carefully sterilized
after usins.
PAGE Timrs
published in the Philadelphia Public
Ledger. '
Colonel House was quoted e.s say
ing that a preliminary treaty con
cerning army, navy, reparations and
delineations of boundaries "could
have been made by Christmas of
1918, and would have been not only
the usual but the obvious thing to
Senator Harding said:
"We are beginning to understand
the mistakenly plighted relationship
of the United States to Europe, Just
in time to proceed to a referendum
"This one representative of this,
who best knew the whole situation
at Paris, was Colonel House. He
tells us now, in a cabled statement
from London, that the suggestion ot
a preliminary peace treaty was made
very soon after the armistice, and
that such a treaty could have been
made before Christmas of 1918.
"All along this has been the re
publican conception of what ought to
have been- done, but this Is the first
official knowledge that Europe wish
ed such a procedure and was de
terred by us in expediting peace."
J. R. Stine and wife, departed this
morning for Omaha, where they will
attend the wedding of the cousin of
Mrs. Stine, Miss Florence McIIale,
which will take place this evening
at the Dietz Methodist church.
Read the Journal.
Fistula-Pay When Cured
A mild ytem of treatment that core TUm.
Fistula and other Rectal Dieeaaee la a
time, without a aeTere mirgieal operation.
Chloroform. Ether or other a-enerai anaaatnatta
accepted for treatment, ana '""'7'
- - . - . . . .,
hoMave, wn m""7"' Wf iff wilt
t. Snnittorlnm, reiers ini , .