The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 12, 1920, Page PAGE NINE, Image 9
t IONDAY. JULY 12. 1920. PIATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAGE JNIJNS udi iVffinti' KHri-1 loifeands of dollars worth of real merchandise offered to you at saving prices. Folks, the reason for this great Circus of Bargains is ittfn for those who are wise enough to understand; broad enough to weigh the facts; firm enough to follow their own judgment. n'j let anything stand in your way. Co:ne! See! And be convinced that you have attended the greatest of all celebrations, coupled Circus! DON'T come here expecting to see a great menagerie of animals. DON'T come expecting to see hundreds of acrobats, to ackard or "what-not," and COME, with the idea that you are going to attend a regular 'old fashioned" good lime. There will be a ted to arly American community. Thousands of dollars of real merchandise is to be sold at a sacrifice. Come, join us in a "LION of a Time, tojTive each and every one of you visitors BARGAINS that will be the talk of the country for months. BARGAINS that will make you READ! ANNOUNCEMENT! THE SIX STORES LISTED BELOW WILL OPEN EVERY MORNING AT NINE CLOSE EVERY EVENING AT NINE Saturdays and Pay Days to 11:30 p. m. Soennichsen's Wescott's Sons Ladies Toggery Dovey's Fetzer Shoe Co. ' E. A. Wurl 2S33 I The N TZER SHOE C EZS&32 ompany?s Entire $30,000 Stock of Fine '3j FE 1T,TT,TT,TT,T? TT'T THf" rT T without any consideration of price or cost. These is a splendid opportunity for the thrifty in this Vyf J? J? JLLiXvJlily 1 J X J LJ BARGAINS CIRCUS, and it must be taken into consideration that conditions which at the present time exist in the merchandising world are responsible for ihis action cn our part, together with the fact that we are going ahead. A modern, up-to- the-minute. proerressive business institution such s the FETZER SHOE COMPANY must be able to project beyond its own doors in order to co-g operate with the public, even when such co-opera lion involves an appreciable financial sacrifice. These are times when prestige must be built at theH expense of profit. BARGAINS CIRCUS aptly typifies this idea. We are going to make you one of us, and if prices will do the work, you are going to be one more of the many BOOSTERS for this store. None but the BEST MAKES of shoes are here from such well known makers as Florsheim, Ralston, Wienbrennon, Beals & Pratt, Marion, Carter, Utz & Dunn, Drew, Dunn McCarthy, Krieders, Kempner and Scott. You know what that means. GET BUSY! 7 imT?T gggragsgaiaasass Popularity Contest! Any young lady and gentleman residing within fifty miles of this city who are voted the niot pop uhir by ballot, will be crowned J with due pomp and ceremony a Queen and Prince of the grand carnival the night of July 1'iuli, and will receive awards according to their position?. STORES GIVING VOTES Any young lady or gentleman may be nominated by letter to the J JSargains Circus office. E. A. Wurl Soemiichson's Wescott's Sons Fetzer Shoe Co. Ladies Toggery Dovey & Son szsz 'GREYS THE REAL THING FOR NOW! we have SHOES! SHOES! SHOES! FOR MEN, WOMEN AND THE KIDDIES ALL AT GREAT SAVINGS IN PRICE TO YOU! FIVE GREAT SPECIALS ARE LISTED BELOW FOR YOUR INSPECTION PRICES ARE ASTONISHINGLY LOW! we nave exnci- one hundred pairs of these exceedingly j popular boots for women in fine grey leather. invisible eyelets and Louis heels. the sensation of the sale; worth to $1 5.00 a pair. they go at $1.98 2.96 l."0 pairs of Women's white can Vi:.' shoes. Hals with med ium, low and high heels. Un derstand people these are ex it i!(:it values at the old price, which include values to $.".00. The Circus price of this lot will surprise you when you theia go for 1 Ml the ow price of S3.S8 SI. 98 This is a wonderful offer. Women's Vici Kid. glazed calf, cloth and leather tops, Patent Leather and in fact a splendid lot of up to the minute foot wear. I. ace and a few tans. Low and me dium heels. Values up to $7. The entire lot is practically given away at H PATHS OF WOMEN'S Oxfords Folks, words and space do i.ot permit ;- description of the ;il tie offered in this lot. 2.88 the minute foot- y the value oliercd m this lot. and button. :lack S It I.- enough to say that they $2,95 ate real values at ..o0 ami include lioih the medium and the popular low heel, and the t 'in us price will sell every pair of them in a jiffy. They go for A great collection of Wom en's tine Pumps, in patent, kid and dull leathers. Ulack only in this lot. Medium and low heels ami the latest popular shapes and lasts. These would make you happy if you bought I hem at their true value, $7.00 but. listen, the Circus Price of these is a pippin. Think of it, going at $3,86 $2,83 $3.43 Men, TAKE HEED! This is a sood one. 250 pairs of men's button and lace Bluchers, in the latest lasts. A real shoe for either work or dress. Solid throughout real leather. Con sider, fellows, you cannot buy anything worth having in a shoe for less than a five dollar note, so be sure and see these. They are worth $8.00; you get them in all sizes for LADIES WHITE CANVAS Jess Warga Heating, Piumhing, Lighting Honopipe Furnaces PHELPS LIGHTING PLANTS Phono 400 $3.43 just 85 pair of these fine 9" boots of the street. all leather soles, Louis heels. genuine very pair is a 3 I u value. in this Bargains Circus they go at an unheard-of price. 15 OFF ON EVERY PAIR OF MEN'S OXFORDS IN THIS GREAT STOCK OF SHOES NOW IS THE TIME TO BUY! Jtmm . $4,89 - . .. mm 552 9.00 E FREE ORH1NG l this GREAT BARGAINS s after chance to benefit. goffer to -ay you for your booster si :'or this festival. :?rs:gned stores will open h iii i Morning, July 15th III m i4 C w ALL KEN'S REGULAR ?1 :!.," Phues ?,o fur $11.47 ?12.") Shoes po for 10.23 fl 1 .11 it sh.oes for 9-4', SI ".!( Slines ?;o for S.47 ?!'.()0 Shoes ro for 7.67 $'.0i Shoes izo for 6.76 INFANTS' SHOES GO l : 11 BOYS' SHOES SACRIFICED Only 75 pairs of these Boys' real hard ;.:;rs of one-strap Slippers and But ton for the kiddies. Si Th'-v are worth to M'.OO in value and a se-n- j leat nine bargain at the price. The circus price 5 sturdiest shoe ever made. Lace and button, tf this lot ij not ?2 or 51, but 7Sc. j Values are 55.00 and they go for $2.83. ppers ana iiut- fjj uiuy o pairs or tnese isoys real nara ?izes 2 3 -2 to 7. built shoes for play or dress. Calf and dull ilue and a en- j leather; medium heels; double soles. The ALL WOMEN'S REGULAR $15.00 Shoes go for $12.73 $14.00 Shoes go for 11. S7 $13.00 Shoes go for 10.97 $12.00 Shoes go for 10.17 $10.00 Shoes go for 8.47 $9.00 Shoes go for , 7.63 We have taken about 200 pairs of women's brown kia and black kid OXFORDS all the very latest long vamp last and in all sizes; values te 3C 'I', tl i. ): z c T.I: e doors open, in each of dult person who enters a LAR FREE. I v.h:ch will h'j aeeept-rcl.a-e in any of the.-e Circus. In app!ii: th.iii -lo!ute: I'uri'h-.i.-e nui.-t He fcture, for the amount ' 1 i and Get Here First l's S Ladi les i oggery ons D ovey s ti up to $12.00 the pair and placed them in a SPECIAL BARGAIN LOT. These will go fast at the special Circus Price of, S9.8S 9 ES ook Here Folks! THE I3IQ PLANE ASIC ABOUT IT a T1 TP1 he Jb, xcellent Dry Goods Stock of a part of this Great Circus of Bargains! In placing this splendid stock of dry goods, notions, dresses, etc. in this Circus of Bargains nothing has been held back; nothing reserved. Everything is yours for the choosing. We cordially invite you to come and revel in these bargains of gladness and saving. Come to this sale of business and pleasure. A real COMMUNITY BENEFIT we are staging here for you. Think of the savings we offer you on DRY GOODS, LADIES AND CHILDRENS UNDERWEAR, HOSIERY, WAISTS, SKIRTS, DRESSES, Etc. You buy many dollars worth of these very goods con stantly. Spend your dollars wisely! The era of extiavagant buying is over. Come here and judge by comparison. Six big stocks to pick from. 3Z NEED VESTS? 1ADIES 3UMMER Vests EVERY ARTICLE IN OUR HUGE DRY GOODS STOCK OFFERED AT SWEEPING PRICE REDUCTIONS. NOTHING RESERVED. IF WE HAD THIS ENTIRE POSTER WE COULD NOT BEGIN TO ENUMERATE ALL THE BARGAINS. '4 (y ft i i r a real value of fer richt from the . rhoulder. only about 500 cf these and they 'Von't last lony at ibe price. tape neck and cleeves. 19 CENTS 8 N . SUMMER rLAAOINb! The kind worth up to 7T.c. T! cii!ii? in white with neat pi:k. 1.1 uo and blaek figures. All ia.-t colors and go for CCc. $ J. 00 pure thread tdlk hope, black only, all sizes (seconds) lui of a:i extra fine quality. Worth of anybody's money. They izo ur OS cents. Mf.N'S linSK. In assorted colors. An extra hili rade of seconds. Slicrlitiy imperfect but will wear as trc.od as the other kind. 4 0 tent value for DRESSES GO AT COST 50 Apron Dresses and Kimonas 50 FINE HOUSE APRONS 15c nly three to a r V i :ers:i. POSITIVELY 10 PHONE 'ORDERS WILL BE TAE l.'O Mina Taylor summer d testes in all sizes and a vari ttyof patterns ami colors. The value of these dresses is more than they ever sold for. and they sold up to ?10. The Cir cus i'rice will make them fast. Cheaper than you could make them yourself, and you all know the fitting qualities of Mina Taylors. "ome early, as they won't last long at this price. $4.93 Values in this lot up to $4, and let us s::y ri;ht here, there are some real bargains in this co'ilrct ion. Every one of these garments is worth more than this price wholesale today, and we are going to hand them out at $1 ''7 1 IJQo 100 elegant Mina Taylor Bungalow Aprons in all sizes and a great number of elegant patterns. These garments need no introduction as the well known Mina Taylor label is a guarantee as to their quality. Never before in the history of this store have these garments been sold for anything like the price we are offering them for in this Circus of Bargains. Values up to $6, and they go for BUNGALOW APRONS One lot of extra fine Bunga Bungalow Aprons. Most of them worth at least $1.25. A good assortment of sizes and they all go at 47c. CHILDREN'S ROMPERS An assortment of Children's Kompers in fancy and plain percale. Values up to 75c. Bar gains Circus price, 4Sc. 500 Ladies fine White Hem stitched handkerchiefs in as sorted color embroidery effects. They're yours for : $2.73 8 13c Each i Minima 3S COMBINE BUSINESS WITH PLEASURE. ATTEND PLATTSMOUTH'S BIG BARGAIN CIRCUS. FUN FOR EVERYONE! ABOUT '23 MISSES RI3BED ON KALE HOSE r.i)c values in black only. Sizes 7 to D'.i. While the supply WORK SO ZIliL: ;;k.S Ko.UI'KKS. all colors. " of real niattri;:!. Tiu-y sold for ? lats, they go for 33c the 40c kind. They go at $3.50 LADIES AND MISSES MIDDIES dozen of thcie. Onl and a they'll last for $1.93 Girls' Gingham Dresses Sizes '' to 12 Values in this lot to 55 They're marked to go at 73o RED CROSS APRONS LOOK HERE Values to $2.2." in these handy aprons. They go at the remarkable price of 97c 23c neatly braided and finished 7C 1.50. Circus Price HI 1 DOZEN Women's House Dresses Values to $3.00 .Mixed cotton fabrics in a variety of patterns. Go at LOOK HERE! VOILES! SUMMER VOILES! don't miss this, ladies, whatever youl? do. 500 yards beau tiful summer Voiles, the most popular of hot weather fabrics. 36 to 40 inch, $1 a yard value for 48 CENTS all new patterns and colors. CHILDREN'S MIDDIES Sizes 6, S, 12 Values to $1.50. Dandies. A great big bargain at this unheardof price A REAL SALE WITH A REASON IMS G-i IE PLANE CHILDREN'S BUNGALOW APRONS all colors. DRESSES FOR TIXY TOTS An assortment of all kinds of pat terns and styles. Values to $1.50. They all go at 47c .47 Iowa friends who will vbit this great Bargain Circus, 1 your f-crry fare cn purchases amounting to $10 or over, tI's, Ladief Torjcry, Dovey's. Fetzer's. Soennichson's. RRII1RF RFFIINRFn RFAW To our many friends in SARPY COUNTY who visit this great af- umuut rmu.0 ncruiuLu ncaui fair we pay your bridge fare over e p0n0ck Auto Bridge, if you purchase $5 or more of Wescott's, Wurl's, Ladies Toggery, Dovey's, Fetzer's or Soennichson's. Watch Special! 12 Open Face 20 Year Case With Elcin Movement Price $25.00 Special Price, $17.50 B. A. flcESwasn S" JEWELER "On the Sunnv Side of Street" rf 3; 27 m A . 'A J - iTtS Piatismoulh Journal PRINTERS STATIONERS A Complete Line of 01T;ce Supplies All the Latest Books. f7?.V Ne5 Invites You. to Visit Their Sweet Shop During the Bargains Circus Balcony Garden Now Open i. ' '. ... - Q. FRIGKE Coal and Wood ALSO THRESHING COAL Phone 13S I Bargain Oirciss Special ii Colonial Tumblers. 6 for 35c Lemonade Tumblers 9c Very Special Ladies Union Suits 49c Many Other Specials During Sale Popular Variety Siore Plattsmouth, Ileb. Streighi & SireigEit Plattsmouth Leading FURNITURE DEALERS and UNDERTAKERS -Cook With Gas" I Nebraska 1m mm - lias mil tmmo uo. i I PlqttsTir.iith. lltb. ii Fans, Ranges and Electrical Supplies S of All Kinds. 5 Final Clearance Sale OF THE JORDAN MILLINERY STOCK 50?r DISCCUNT JUST V: PRICE EMIV1A PEASE 41 Vi in : - I:.. 1 iV, t if. -rmthm m (Hi N