The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, July 05, 1920, Image 1

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    Nebraska State Histori
cal Society
vol. xxx vn.
NO. 3
Former Auto Power Interests Now
in Hands of New Company
On a Business Basis.
From Thursday's Daily.
The Alfa-Maize Milling company,
of this city is now engaged in &
campaign that is to complete their,
mill in this city and place it in op
eration and get the plant here in
running order so that it may work
out of being a great aid
to the farming interests of the com
munity in handling the hay and al
falfa of the farmers in the best and
most up-to-date, way and which will
give them the best possible results.
This company has taken over all
the interests of the Auto Power Co.
that was formed some two years ago
and all the property holdings of that
company have been placed in the
hands of the Alfa-Maize company,
which now has in resources a total
of some $70,000 to $80,000. and
which will be security for the inter
ests of the stockholders. In order
that the plant may be fully develop
ed into a good paying proposition
it is necessary to have the aid of
capital and for this purpose the
company has started a campaign to
raise'some $15,000 or $20,000.
One of the big movements that will
be necessary as a part of the com
pletion of the work here is the erec
tion of the machine shop that will
be used for the manufacture of the
special milling machinery of which
this company has the exclusive pat
ents and this factory will give em
ployment to several hundreds xer
sons. It is the desire of the com
pany to have this factory erected on
the lots north of the L. C. Sharp
factory which property was a part
of that secured from the Auto Power
company. .
During the time that the factory
of Mr. Sharp has been in operation
in this. city it has paid on an aver
age' of $1,000 a week in salaries and
expenses of which practically all has
been spent in this city, . indicating
that Mr. Sharp is a firm believer in
building up the community In which
lie lives. He has employed a number
of high class workmen who have re
ceived the highest salaries and with
the completion of the work of the
mill and in .the erection of the fac
tory here the result to the city will
be of tremendous advantage.
A greater part of the support giv
en the project has been from outside
sources and the machinery turned
out from the plant lias all gone to
points outside of this city, and the
result has been the gaining of a
neat sum each year in the business
of this city.
The project is worthy of support
and has been placed on such a basis
that it certainly should have the co
operation of all citizens who believe
in a better industrial condition in
this community and a plant that can
furnish employment to the highest
class of labor and at the best possi
bie salaries.
From Friday's Daily.
This morning Sheriff C. D. Quin
ton departed- for Lincoln, taking
with him Harry Carnes, the young
lad who was sentenced several days
ago to an indeterminate sentence in
the state penitentiary of from one
to ten years for the stealing of a
horse from the home of L. A. Mei
singer, west of this city. The boy
has received only a series of hard
knocks during his lifetime and the
prison that is awaiting him will be
- the only permanent home he has
ever known In the nineteen years of
his life.
This case has developed much
sympathy for the unfortunate cir
curastances inder which the boy has
been reared and it is to be hoped
that his conduct will be such as to
give him a speedy release from his
punishment and an opportunity to
make something of himself.
From Thursday's Daily.
A message was received yesterday
afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. "V. II.
Freese of this city announcing the
arrival of a fine little daughter at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. Russell
Mullen at Freso, South Dakota. Mrs.
Mullen was formerly Miss Violet
Freese of this city and the news
has brought much pleasure to the
grandparents' and they are very anx
ious to see the little Miss.
R. W. Hyers, Former Sheriff of Cass
County and Father of Gus Hyers,
Has a New Job.
From Friday's Daily.
R. W. Hyers, for a number of
terms sheriff of Cass county, has a
new line of work assigned to him
and that is having charge of a large
gang of convicts at Rulo Avho have
been sent there to attend to road
work for the state.
Under the new law the sstate has
the right to employe the convicts on
road work over the state and which
has proven very beneficial in secur
ing much needed labor on the high
ways of the state. Mr. Hyers was
assigned to the foremanship of a
large gang of negro convicts who
were sent to Rulo and has been
there for the past month. He has
veen very successful in his handling
of the men and secures the best
possible results and his not lost one
of the convicts since going there.
Those who are familiar with the
record of Ruben Hyers as sheriff ot
Cass . county can realize fully the
excellent work that he can perform
in an office of this kind and his long
association with positions of this
kind makes him a vary valuable
man for the state.
FriVm Thuridav'i Daily.
Yesterday afternoon Miss Rita Ann
Libershal, assisted by her mother,
entertained from 2 to 5 o'clock for
her cousiiV. Miss Frances and Mas
ter Joe Vetersnik of Edgemont,
South Dakota,- who with their par
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vetersnik
are nere on a visit and will denat
for their bonis Saturday.
Sunday, July 4th, marks the Zh
lirihday anniversary of Master Joe.
so the table decorations were car
ried out in his favor, red, white
and blue being used, the centerpiece
which was composed of six red, white
and blue candles, hid among a clus
ter of roses and daisies which was
very pretty to look upon. Favors
were red, white amd blue nut bas-'
kets with tiny silk flags.
The afternoon was spent in a gen-
alcr.e know how to have, after which
eral good time such as children
alone know how to have, aftsr which
delicious refreshments were served.
Resides the guests of honor, Miss
Frances and Master Joe Vetersnik
and the little hostess, Rita Ann Lib
ershal, were Helen Libershal, Mar
garet, Eleanor and Lucille Vetersnik,
John Christenson, Teresa and; Fran
cis Libershal and Arthur Kopp.
Mr. and Mrs. J. R. Jennings and
little son, of Springfield, Mass., and
Mrs. Hazel Tuey Cameron of Great
Falls, Montana, who have been vis
iting here with relatives and friends
lor a few days departed yesterday
for Council Bluffs where they will
visit with an aunt in that city and
frenv there the Jennings family will
go to Milwaukee where Mr. Jen
nings is on the program at the con
vention of the Northwest Insurance
company agents. Mrs. Cameron ex
pects to go from Council Bluffs to
her home in the west.
Wa wish to thank the many
friends who did so much in helping
to make it pleasant for us during the
last few weeks. May God deal as
kindly with each of you as you have
with us.
Mrs. Guy McMaken,
Family, brothers and sisters
Fine stationery, Journal office.
John M. Jackman Passes Away on
Last Thursday, Jane 24 In
terment in Indiana.
Another highly respected and pi
oneer citizen of this community pass
ed from the activities of earth, when
John M. Jackman answered the call
on Thursday of last week, June 24,
Mr. Jackman had been a great
sufferer for several months from can
cer and no hopes were entertained
for his .recovery, but he was sur
rounded with every care and com
fort and nothing was left undone
that could add to his pleasure but
he had been failing steadily and
death was a welcome release from
his sufferings. "
He was a native of the state of
Iowa, where he was( born November
12, 1853 and at the .time of his death
he was C3 years, 7 months and 12
days old.
All were here for the funeral
which occurred on Friday at the
Christian church at Greenwood. Af
ter the services the remains were
taken to Crawfordsville, Indiana, for
interment. In the funeral party
were the widow, the son Howard,
wife and son, who accompanied the
body east.
Mr. Jackman was a quiet, home
loving man. unassuming in his ways
and highly respected by all who
knew him. He was upright and
honorable in all his dealings and
greatly loved by a large circle of
friends. He was a member of the
A. O. U. W. and M. V. A. organiza
tions in which he carried insurance
and he endeavored to always live up
to the high requirements of these
fraternal orders.
Mrs. Jackman wished to have him
buried in her family lot in the cem
etery of Crawfordsville, Indiana, as
she expects to make that her home
in the future. The cemetery there
is well kept and she felt that as
only her son is left in Louisville and
he perhaps will not make this a per
manent home, she would not care to j
bury him here where no members ot
the family would be left to cara for
the grave, as the cemetery here is
not kept up only as individuals are
able to do their own work on their
lots. Louisville Courier.
Plattsmouth Members Go Down to
Spend , Evening in Response
to Recent Invitation.
From Friday's Dally.
The members of the Plattsmouth
chapter of the Ep worth" League were
quests last evening of the Union Ep-
wortn league anu a very pirusaui
iocial evening was enjoyed by the
young people.
The Union chapter sometime ago
extended the invitation and last
evening was the time decided upon
md accordingly the members of the
local chapter loaded into several cars
ind departed for the scene of the
The spin over the fine government
aid road was a rare pleasure to the
members of the party and as they
rolled through the country that is as
fine as any in the state, the view of
the rich farming lands was unfolded
to them.
The social was held at the home
of William II. Porter and the beau
tiful lawn was filled with the mem
bers of the two leagues, the thirty
young people from this city ming
ling with the Union leaguers in a
most delightful manner.
The evening was spent in games
of all kinds that furnished pleasant
amusement and at a suitable hour
dainty refreshments of ice cream and
cake was served that proved a pleas
ing climax to a most pleasant even
From Friday's Dally.
In the county court a cross peti
tion and answer was filed by the
defendant through their atttorney.
Kelso A. Morgan, in the case of Hen
ry M. Soennichsen vs. Riley and
Maggie Ruddleston. This case is a
cult brought by the plaintiff to re
cover damages for a horse injured
by being struck by the automobile
of ;ht defendants in this city on
April 29th.
,'n their petition the defendants
claim that the horse was being l:i
it i he rear of the wagon in a careless
mann'.r and had a large amount of
rope and that as tli. car of the de
fendants drew opposite the team the
hor.-o became frightened and ran in
fi rl cf the car of Hie defendant and
as Hie result of st rik i n tr the horse
tic cor was damaged end tho de
f ntlrr.ts ask damages in the sum of
20 fcr the repairs on fio automo-
Crosses and Re-Crosses the Missouri
River Many Times Daily A
Pleasant Trio to Maks
For the first time last week the
Courier editor had the novel experi
ence of crossing the Missouri river
on the Plattsmouth ferry. Of course
many of our reader are aware that
there Is a ferry crossing and recross
ing the murky old Missouri almost
hourly every day ' for a ferry at
Plattsmouth is no novelty to the peo
ple who live in that neck o' the
woods for we are told that it has
been in operation' for more than
sixty years and wai used by the ear
ly settlers of Nebraska territory who
came to the west banks of the river
to make their hemes on the great
American desert. In the year of T5
and '5G there was a grand-rush of
immigrants into Nebraska and many
wagon trains were conveyed across
the rivet by means pf the Platts
month ferry. j
And then th.?re came times when 1
the ferry stood in good play to the
settlers a3 .mean of escape from
bands of Indians. . In those days In
dfan uprisings were frequent, but
reports of slaughters of settlers more
frequent than actually occurred, and
it was on occasions like this that
tha less fearless settler would pull
up stakes and make for the ferry at
Plattsmouth in rsadiness to seek
safety in the more thickly populat
ed territory of Iowa.
The ferry of those days was at
improvised affair and oft3n when
the river ran extra swift landings
were made wherever luck and the
skill of the pilot willed. One was
apt to kave the Iowa sid at old St.
Mary's and land any place from
Hock Bluffs to Nebraska City. That
was of little consequence, however:
in those days. One place was as
good as another for wasn't it a'fter
all just God's big out doors, where
every man was free to take his pick
of the fertile land studded with mas
sive oaks and all kinds of timber
along the rivers and creeks or to go
farther back and select his home
stead where the native grass was
more than knee hissh and the soil
rich and black.
Today, however, ths ferry across
the Missouri at Plattsmouth at least
has a permanent landing on either
side of the river. It crosses and re
crosses by means of a large cable
and the approach to the ferry is not
far from the same spot where the
parents of the writer first set foot on
Nebraska soil in 1S53. The old road
up over Wintersteen hill and back
along the bluffs is the same and is
still traveled except when the river
is low and then traffic may go east
on Main street, under the Burling
ton tracks and by way of the bottom
or river road reach the ferry landing
which is but a short distance south
of the Burlington bridge.
The ferry is owned by John Rich
ardson and his son,, Claude, who live
in a neat bungalow nestling In the
hills on the Nebraska side. The
boat is a large one and is capable of
carrying five automobiles or a doz
en Fords at one time. Mr. Kich-
arddson telle us that the, largest
single day's business was conveying
145 automobiles across the river
Prices for a car and passengers are
75 cents for one way or $1.00 for
round trip within three days. Mr,
Richardson has had charge of the
ferry for the past nine years. He
is a very pleasant gentleman and if
you have never crossed the river on
this ferry it will be 'worth your
while to make this trip in your car
some time just for the novelty of
crossing the river in this way, and
then the roads in Iowa are excellent
and there are many pretty drives
that would be enjoyed by Nebras
kans. Louisville Courier.
Picnic Dinner Under Auspices of the
Presbyterian Sunday School, Only
Features in Plattsmouth
The anniversary of the Independ
ence day of the United States will
have bten observed over the nation
before another issue of this paper
appears and while there is no for
mal celebration of the day scheduled
for this city the individual citizens
will enjoy the event in our neighbor
ing towns that are staging celebra
tions. The business houses of the city
will generally observe the day by r?
maining closed for the entire day
and all the county and city offices
will observe the occasion. The Ev
ening Journal with other business
interest will observe the day and not
be issued on Monday.
Our neighboring city of Glenwood
has prepared a very extensive cele
bration that willl cover the entire
day and includes an address by Ed
Mitchell, the eloquent Council
Bluffs attorney. The , special fiims
showing the history of the 108th in
fantry in the world war will also be
shown, having been loaned for the
day by the Iowa state historical so
ciety and w- imilekaas fity U7s
ciety and will make a' stirring re
minder to the boys of this organiza
tion and the citizens of the exper
iences through which they passed.
The observance of Independence
day is one that should be treated
with deep patriotic feeling by the
itizens of the nation and especially
in these days when the tendency is
to drift away from the teachings of
the forefathers of the republic and
the signers of the great state paper.
The increasing tendency to take
away the privileges of the individual
one hand and the planting of false
idelas as to other teachings that;
liuve a tendency to undermine the
iri!e American. sm are thoughts for
Directors at Their Luncheon Yester
day Listen to' Address by Di
rector Harry H. Harding.
The directors of the Plattsmouth
Commercial club met yesterday noon
at the Hotel Wagner for their regu
lar luncheon and which proved one
of the most enthusiastic meetings
that has been held by the directors
in many months. The meeting was
addressed by Harry II. Harding, di
rector and manager of the Bargains
Circus that is being planned for this
city from July 15th to July 31st,
inclusive, and which will be one of
the best events of its kind held in
the city in recent years.
It is planned to make the occasion
a great community gathering and
all the organizations of the city and
fraternal societies will be given
parts in the program of events and
the Boy Scouts and Camp Fire Girls
will be of great assistance to the
management in arranging for the
big event.
The directors of the Commercial
club at their meeting prepared the
following resolution whilh was
unanimously adopted, recommending
the forthcoming Bargains Circus to
the people of the community:
Plattsmouth. Neb.,
July 2, 1920.
To the People of Plattsmouth:
At the regular meeting of the
Board of Directors of the City of
Plattsmouth Commercial Club, held
at the Wagner hotel today, it was
unanimously voted to extend the ap
proval and hearty endorsement of
this Board upon the two weeks Civic
Celebration known as the "BAR
GAINS CIRCUS," which will be held
in Plattsmouth for fifteen days, from
Thursday, July 15th, to Saturday
night, July 31st.
The Board feels that this splen
did effort of the merchants of Platts
mouth to advance the interests of
this community should be met with
enthusiasm, and considers the pro
ject to be one combining both busi
ness and pleasure to the mutual ad
vantage of every business man and
his entire family and for each and
every member of this city and sec
tion. This body wishes to go on record
as endorsers of this movement as
one worthy of your sincere support
and the co-operation of the com
munity at large.
Plattsmouth Commercial Club.
J. F. WARGA, Secretary;
In the office of the clerk of the
district court yesterday a petition
was filed by Sarah E. Underwood
asking for a decree of divorce from
Thomas E. Underwood. The plain
tiff in her petition states that they
were married at Vancouver, Wash
ington, June 27, 1913, and have for
the greater part of the time been
residents of Cass county and that
the plaintiff Is still a resident of this
The defendant is at present in the
naval service of the United States
and has been for the past two years.
The plaintiff asks the custody of the
minor child, Virginia S. Underwood
and also for alimony in the sum of
$15 per month as per the allotment
from the pay of the husband. At
torney Matthew Gering appears for
the plaintiff in the action.
Aged Lady Expires After Short Ill
ness Following: a Fall Aunt
. of Mrs. Q. K. Parmele.
A message was received here this
morning announcing the death of
Mrs. Louisa Hollenbeck at her home
in Eimwood at the advanced age of
90 years and after a short illness
following a very severe fall. Mrs.
Hollenbeck was one of the best
known Residents of Eimwood and has
resided in that locality for the past
sixty years. The deceased was a
member of the Tyson family and an
auit ofL. A. Tyson of Eimwood and
Mrs. Q. K. Parmele of this city.
She leaves three children to mourn
her death: Charles M. of Minne
apolis; John, residing in California,
and Mrs. A. W. Niehart of Eimwood.
Mrs. Hollenbeck has been very
bright and active in her life time
and had Uie pleasure at the recent
primary election to cast her first
Mrs. Parmele will leave this af
ternoon forf Eimwood to attend the
funeral that will be held there to
morrow afternoon.
I have a quantity of standard hog
regulator that I am closing out at
$10.00 per cwt. This is $4.00 under
present market.
tf-sw Mynard, Nebr.
Do You
Briefly, it is an opportunity to earn
interest on sums of money which may
be idle for six months or longer.
If you have money which you may
need within a year's time but which
you do not wish to lie idle, it will earn
4ro as a Certificate of Deposit.
Come in and let us tell you more
about it.
The First :n!tional bank
Full of. Pep and Pleasure the Event
is Being Awaited With Interest
by Residents of This Locality
From Thursday's Dally.
What promises to be the big
event in the history of the city of
Plattsmouth is scheduled to be here
from July 13th to July 21st and it
is the great Bargains Circus, some
thing new and original that will
hold the residents of this city and
vicinity in the grasp of fun and glad
ness for fifteen days.
An advance plane will arrive in
the city tomorrow afternoon and
will make its landing at the fi-ld to
be selected today by the advance di
rector and manager, Mr. Harry H.
Harding of Minneapolis. The plane
will bring good news of the big event
that has been awaiting the people
of Plattsmouth and Cass county and
will be something that all should
participate in.
Mr. Harding states and promises
that the Bargains Circus will be
something that will be most elabor
ate and spectacular in every way
and which brings to the good people
of the community a message of cheer
andhappiness. Ten big shows will
be consolidated Into one that will
make a record in the history of the
city and the surrounding territory.
Mr. Harding, by the way, during
the service in France, after the ar
mistice was director of the dramatic
and show activities of the A. K. F..
and from the G. II. Q. at ("haiunnur.t
presented the great success of the
soldiers plays, "O-We" and also di
rected some four others of the big
successes that marked the stay of
the army abroad after the close of
the war. During the war Mr. Hard
ing was occupied with the work of
handling the transportation of
troops from the coast to the battle
front and remained in that servire
until the close of hostilities.
Remember folks, that this will be
one of the biggest events of the
year in the city and be ready to fully
enjoy the big event when it conies
Dr. T. P. Livingston has been
forced to spend a few days at the
Immanuel hospital In Omaha, where
he has been taking treatment for a
small Infection of the skin and which
made necessary his taking an en
forced rest from his practice." but he
hopes to be able to return home the
first of the week.
Additional Murray News will be
found on the Union page
Know What It Is
There are a lot of people who do not
understand exactly what a Certificate
of Deposit is.