MONDAY. JUNE 23, 1929. PLATTSMODTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAtlE FIVE. 'RDOCK DEPMM TMEMT. PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. The Bank of Rfiurdock Murdock, Nebraska The Only Bank in Murdoch Wherein AH Deposits are Protected by the DEPOSITORS. GUARANTY FUND of the State of Nebraska Capital and Sur plus, Fully Paid - $25,000.00 Ve Conduct a General, Commercial Banking Business. Draw up deeds, contract for sale of real estate, :v.t;ri gages, assignments, and all ordinary legal blanks for conveyances, etc., at reasonable charges. Notary Public in bank. We solicit your checking account; also your time -jroosits. We pay 5' interest on time deposits for one year and 4' for six months. Checking accounts ; nd time deposits are all guaranteed by the Guaranty fund of the State or Nebraska without any additional charge to you, being free insurance. We arc at ail times ready, able and willing to take care of any reasonable demand of our customers, in the matter of loans and invite you to consult us on any business matters where you feel that our advice and assistance may be of service to you. The Bank of burdock "The Bank where You Feel at Home KIIIiHY A. TOOL, President J. E. GUTIIMANN, Vice-Prcs. II. A. GUTIIMANN. Cashier You c:m get floor wax at all times of Max DnsterhoiT. tf. Mi.-s S.-haa Hruiiehle was si visitor in Omaha will: frijncls for the day la-t Tuesday. J. A. Baucis ami family were iish at .Mi'ail w last Sunday and with V TV gO(.d MlCCeSS. During the p.ut week Frank JTel vi:i h:is been doing nmie carpenter work at the home of .Mr. Fred Stool:. "aarl Long ami wife, and Kmil Milts and wife, and Mrs. I-. Mil iar, were i.-'ting with friends in Lino In 1 , st Monday. !I nry Weudt wa.s a visiter in Elm wood last Thursday, where he was lokirg after some business matters and vLiting with friends. Mrs. Viola Coppla entertained for Sunday dinner, Kay Coleman and wife oi Lincoln. X.?b.; Glenn Copple and wife of B-'tbuuy and Will Copple anil n ife of Alvo. One of tlu- dearest little ha bits imaginable cams to the home of "Mr. aad Mrs. Will McBride at Wa-ha.-h. lat Thursday and will in the future as veil a- the present, make the home brighter uad moro juyfnl. L. Kin. : tl. y and wife "of Cheyenne Wo., formerly of Murdock, are re joi. iiur over the advont of a little In y. w hich piiimc to make his home uith t lit in hut recently. All con i ri:ed are doing nicely and happiness reign supreme. Did it ever occur to you that th3 one way t ke.-p your home inviting i to ke.'p your walls smiling? This an he done by changing tlfe vali3 with papers harmonious in colors and combinations. Call on us for suitc' ions. Max Dusterhoff. tf. Ralph Heckler was in Murdock last Friday with his two chil(!r.ii. enmins to bring them in for their musical instruction, the lit tle girl taking lessons with Mi-s Catherine Tool, while tin little hoy is receiving instructions on the vio lin, by Jo.fph Wutchiknecht. . George Towle and wife of Lincoln were in M.irdo:k last Monday, com ing down in their car to attend the funeu:l of Mrs. Albert Theil and on their ntur nwas acci.mpanied home hy their daughter. Mrs. J. 50. Melluih and children, th-.-y vhilfng until Wednesday. Mr. Mcllugh going over o'i the train and returning home v ith the family. Mrs. Violo Copple spent the week en flat tha home of her son, Wm Copple at Alvo. Come in and ask for special fig ures on Kex barn paint a strictly linseed oil paint. Max Dusterhoff. Max Dusterhoff and his workmen will b?gin the interior decoration of the home of Georgj 1 Foreman next week, which is just west of Alvo. Dr. and Mrs. McDtrmitt of Omaha. wre visiting; in" Murdock last Sun day for the day, being the quests at the home cf th 3 latter's parents. L. Neitzel and wife. - Joseph lianney and wife and Miss Hive Amgwert of Council Bluffs, were visitors in Murdock last Sun- 1 day, the guests at the home of II?nry and Margaret Amgwert. II. A. Tool and wife, with their daughter. Mary Isabelle, rdove to Omaha Thursday, wlitra they lr.ok m! after "some business and also visited with friends. M. K. Wellman and wife, the lat ter a sister of Mr. Frank Kveland. were visiting at the homo of their brother last week. Mr. and Mrs. Wellman make their home in Geneva. Joseph Rutherford, a friends of Frank Evland, was a visitor ill Mur dock last weak and after looking af ter his business, which i in the line : of calendars, called on Mr. Eveland. Happy Robinson and wife weri visiting in Murdock for a few days during the past week, being the guests ta the home of J. A. Baures and wife, the parents of Mrs. Robin son. Jesse Landholni and wife, who have been visiting at Duncan'for the past week and where they went to take a couple of cars for the brother of Mr. I.andholm, returned home lat Monday. Mrs. Laura Melvin and daughter. Miss Jes.sie, were visiting at the home of Charles Melvin at Pago, over Sun day, enjoying the trip greatly and returning home Monday. The post office was looked after by Frank while the folks were away from home., Silas Rlocomb of Malvern, Iowa, has been in thr city for the past week hauling walnut logs to Murdock for shipment to Des Moines, la., where they are to b-7 used for the manu facturing of furniture. He is em ployed by W. E. Bunker of Malvern, who li doing the shipping. Special Varnish Tor table tops, window sills, outside doors. Won't turn white under water. At M?.x l)usterhoff. The best varnishes that money can purchase at Max Dusterhoff 's. tf. Emil Ku?hn of Lincoln, was a busi ness visitor in Murdock for a fe.w days last week, looking after some business matters. Mi?se? Barbara and Edna Bush nell qf South Lend, Neb., are visiting their grandmother, Mr?. Crawford and Aunt Mrs. Copple for the past wefk. H. A. Tool and wife, accompanied by their daughter, Mary Isabelle, were visitors in' Springfield last Sun day, where th?y were the guests at the horn.? of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Be sack, driving over in their car. It will be of interest to the many freinds of Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Ful ton, to know of the arrival at their home in Lincoln, of a fine young American, who is to be one of the family. The reports ttll of the young man and his rhother doing nicely. The finest varnish that money can buy at Max Dusterhoff's. The families including the gsntle men themselves, of H. A. Guthman and J. E. Mcllugh. enjoyed a days outing at the "shack" over near the river in the vicinity of South Bend, whero they had an excellent time fishing and cooking their meals in the open, which added to -the keeness of their appetites. County agent L. R. Snipes, was ov er from Weeping Water last Thurs day and white here arranged for a meeting which will be found adver tised elsewhere, which is to be held at the home of Mrs. Frank Ruell. which will be a poultry demonstra tion and to which all who are inter ested in the subject should attend. Judge Herman A. Clasf who has been on the sick list lor oome time, was able to get down town for a few momonts during the week, but was feeling very poorly, and not as yet able to do any work. The cream station ifs being conducted by a rep resentative from Lincoln, pending the finding of some one else to look after the matter Mrs. Gertrude Sullivan of Lincoln, was a visitor in Murdock for a short time last week, and a guest at the home of her paronts. Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Lake south of town and white here gathered cherries at the home place, where they have an abundance and those which are extra fine. Mrs. Sullivan returned home last Friday evening on the Rock Island. 11. 1). Tool and wife were visiting in Omaha for a portion of the past week, drivin up last Tuesday" in their car and visitiug with friends and at tending sum.; of the better shows whil: there; as well as looking after some business and returned home last Thursday evening. Herman Sehmidt was in charge of the lumber yard while the folks were away. There is a good d.-al of corn mov ing at the pres -nt time. W. II. Rush has been kept busy with shelling and during the past week shelled for Henry Renter, James Ruskirk and Ferdinand Lau. lie had also got t Mi his machine at the home of Harry Iong, when the rain came inter freing with the work which had to be defer.'d until last Saturday. Hen ry Schleut r and George Colbert of east of town and north of Wabash, also shelled. election for the disposing of the mat ter of the consolidated district for the schools in which Murdock is situat ed and in compliance with the pro visions of the new law. Sure an Excellent Farm Home ' One is especially pleased with the magnificent appearance of the new farm home of Andrew Zoz and wife a few miles southwest of Murdock, which has just been refinishd insids and out, and with the green of the large trees for a back ground and the house painted immaculate In white, with a gren trimming, and in the foreground a couple of miniture lakes which with the vibrant leaves of the trees and shimmering of the water, adds much to the attractiveness of thn beautiful home. Max Dusterhoff and his corterie of workmen, did the interior and exterior as well. being united in marriage to Albert Thiel and from which union six chil dren were born, one son dying in in fancy, one son and four daughters surviving. The Thiels have made hteir home in Murdock for number of years and have a host of friends as forty loads of people who accom panied the funeral cortege to Elm wood testify. The sorrowing friends have the sympathy of all the com munity in their hour of bereavement. Enjoyed Excellent Time Sunday The three churches, the Murdock, Louisville, and Callihan churches, had the combined children's day ex er.ists. last Sunday at the Callihiin church southwest of Murdock. wner-2 Viler tnc piL'gram which was an ex cellent one and enjoyed by all of the immense crowd which attended, they had their dinnner under the shady trees near the church. This manner of getting together of all the members of the different churches and joining in their exercises, is one which should be commended, as it is conducive of much good and enables the churches to work in harmony for the common good. Carried Tlie Bees Away. Last Friday evening at the time the west bound passenger train was arriving, I. G. Hornbeck, the affable agent of the Rock Island, was also endeavoring to surround a swarm -of t bees, which were settling in the vi ' cinity of the passenger station, but ( became disturbed and arising settled on the coal of the tank of the en- gine and were hauled away with the train, and just where th.rir destina- tion was no one knows. Another ; wandering swarm thought the chim I ney of the new home of II. A.. Tool would make a good place for their base of operations, and accordingly arranged to locate there, but as the Tools were of a different mind, they closed the" chimney and smoked the bees out. Is Cheerful and Happy That one should be deprived of j their eight is indeed a great incon ; venience and one which places a : handicap on their efforts and curtails ' their enjoyments cannot be gainsaid. Notwithstanding the fact that she j has not been able to see for the past j 17 years, Mrs. Simon Abernalte, liv i ing 3ast of town has, during the time made herself useful and just recently knitted 76 pairs of mittens and two : sweaters of the best quality. She was in Murdock dufing the past week visiting at the home of her brother, Mr. C. L. Miller. Purchase Some Threshers Th3 sons of Mr. Simoen Schlueter and also Henry Timm, purchased and received tl-.ashing outfits during the week, they being sold by Mr. A. H. Ward. Young Men Enjoy Winnie Roast Last Wednesday several of the y.img folks of Murdock, in conjunc tion of many othors from Wabash and Elm wood, met at the hospitable Iiniff of Wm. Uourke near Wabash, where they enjoyed the evening in i n old-fashioned weinnia roast. Be sides the favorite and savory weinnte .nd its accompaniments, there was a general good time had, and enjoyed by all in the ganu's and the social time which prevailed. There were from Murdock on the occasion, which O'-curred last Thursday evening. Con and Walter Raumgartner, Henry rud Margaret Amgw.;rt. Misses Mar tha and Magdaline Gakemeier, Cath erine Tool. Esther Schmidt. Wm. Movers and Kenneth Tool. Will Spend Two Weeks in North Edward Thimgan. H. V. McDonald and son Lacey McDonald, the rural carrier, departed a few days ago for Minnesota, where they will spend some two weeks in fishing and other outing sports. They will drive a car going and coming and expect to have an excellent time while away. Ken neth Tool will look after the deliver ing of the mail to the patrons of the rural routs while the folks are away. Warm Weather Eats! Fresh Cookies and Cakes on Hand at All Times Our large refrigerator enables us to keep perish able provisions on hand and in perfect shape always. Apricots, peaches, tomatoes, plums, cantalopes, for that supper on a hot evening. The finest cheese obtainable always fresh and cool; not smeary and uneatable. Let us help you. Fresh Tip Top Bread Every Night Murdock Mercantile Go., JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager MURDOCK " -:- -:- NEBRASKA 'We close at 6:30 Tuesdays and Thursdays Poultry Ivleeting. Wednesday, June UO. at 2:30 o'clock, a poultry meeting will be held at Mrs. Frank Ruell near Mur dock. Mr. Wells, the extension poultry man. will demonstrate spraing for mites; also caponizing young cock rels. Everyone is urged to attend. Cass Count v Farm Bureau, L. II. SXIl'ES, Agent. Card of Thanks. W3 wish to extend to the many fri-nds and relatives the most sin cere thanks for the kindnesses ex pressed by the acts, the flowers and the singing, at the tim-3 of the death and funeral of our bsloved father, Wm. llemke. Edward llemke and wife, Emil La uand wife, 'August llemke. Girls Enjoy Merry Time A number of the more mature youn ladies of Wabash, enjoyed the celebration of one of the member-?. Mrs. Cynthia Wilson of Wabash, last Wednesday, it being the 22 anniver sary of her birth. A cake was baked by some of the friends indicating the runib.T of milestones which this young lady has passed, and they all. with two autoes, making eight with the drivers, departed for Weeping Water, where they picnicked in the park at that place, eating their din ner in the shade of the trees and each sharing in the birthday cake which was one of the best. The la dies then went to Elmwood where the jolly crowd had a photo taken by the artist, Mr. N'eihart. after which they returned to their heme in Wabash. Those of the party were Mrs. Cyn thia Wilson, the guest of honor, Mes riamos Marcia Wood, Sophia Allis, Ira Rosworth. It. H. Lawson. Otis Wil son, while the drivers were Messrs. M. Wood and W. Murfin. Attended Ball Game at Ashland Last Wednesday Charles Long. La cey McDonald, James Mills. John Amgwert and Rryan McDonald and accompanied by Harry McDonald and wife, and Miss Irene McDonald, went to Ashland, where they attended the ball game between the team of that enterprising city and what is known as the team of All Nations, they being all brunettes of a pronounced order. Tho Ashland team defeated the dusky sins of the south. Miss Irene Mc Donald remained for a visit with her friend. Miss Iluth Jones, who former lv made her home in Murdock. RETURNS FROM HARVARD . TO SPEND VACATION HERE TJndcivent Operation for Tonsils Chester Backmeir and wife, with their little daughter. Margaret, of Waco, were visiting in Murdock last week at the home of Mrs. Rack mcitr's parents. August Pnnska and wife and were at Elmwood, where Mrs. Rnckm'ner underwent an oper ation for the removal of her tonsils i Rackmeitr returned to his home at ! Waco, w hil? Mrs. Rackmeier and daughter remained for a visit at tho home of Fred Rackmeier and other relatives at Elmwood. Mr. August I'anska and wife also visited for the day last Thursday at Elmwood. Death Claims a Noble Woman After having suffered for many years of ill health, during which time Mrs. Albert Thiel had the best of care, she was taken a short time ago to a hospital in Lincoln, where last Saturday she passed away. The fyneral services were conducted from the Catholic church at Elmwood, the Rev. Corcoran of that place saying the funeral mass. Mrs. Thiel, who was Miss Anna Marie Stansliski, was born in the old country and came to America in 1S8S, the same year Krom Friday's Dally. Matthew llerold, who is a student in the law school of Harvard col lege at Cambridge, Mass., came in yesterday afternoon to enjoy the cummer 'vacation here with his par ents, Mr. and .Mrs. Henry llerold, and his friends. Matt is now com peting his law course which was in terrupted by his enlisfment in the army during the world war and on his return from France last summer he at once took up the work he had laid aside at the call of his country. The visit back home is a very pleas ant occasion to the family and many friends of Mr. llerold who are de lighted to have him with them even for so short a time as the vacation covers. ENJOYS PLEASANT PARTY From Friday's Dally. Last evening Miss Kdyth Wallen gren entertained the young ladies employed at the telephone office and a few friends at her pleasant home on Wintersteen 'hill and the happy The "Ole Swimmin' '! Hole With the view of being public spir ited and at the same time adding to the bettering of his farm home, W. , C. Schewe has, during the past week. i excavated the small lake which cov ers about a half acre at his home, so that it will afford an excrdlnt piece for bathing. Last summer the place was a resort fcr many in this neigh borhood, who went there dailv in the evening to bathe. The public is wel- ! come to tha us of the lake a? p ' bathing resort, but Mr. Schewe and with good reason also, desires it un- ' derstood that he does not . want any bovs who cannot swim to come unless ' accompanied by parents or guardian. Last year a youth came near drown , ing and but for thP ready assistance ' which was rendered, would have not . been able to have gotten out alive. Will Held Special Election There will he noticed posters, dur ing this week for the calling of an ED. W. TH0rJ3GAW Automobiles and Accessories AGENCY FOR MITCHELL AND DODGE CARS CUSHMAN MOTORS Our machine shop is especially well equipped with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including acctyline welding. WE CARRY A LARGE LINE OF ALL KINDS OF TIRES W. TMGM Phone 35-B Murdock, Neb. Farmers and Merchants Bank Practical business men of vision control and man age these banks men who know the banking require ments of modern business, and who daily are applying that knowledge constructively in rendering the best of banking service. Co-operation with their customers is regarded as a paramount duty by the officers. We pay 5' interest on time deposits. Farmers s Merchants Bank All ways at Your Service. MURDOCK -:- -:- NEBRASKA event was attended by some fourteen of the friends. The evening was spent in games and dancing and it was in the wee sma hours that the members of the party departed for their homes, all feeling that the oc casion had been a most pleasant one for all of them. Miss Wallengren proved a most charming hostess and all of the members of the party were enthusiastic over the pleasant occa sion afforded them. The members of the party were treated to most de licious refreshments at a suitable hour which proved a delightful fea ture of the event. George M. Mark of Weeping Water was in the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of business in the county scat. Read tho Journal wanl-ads. Yes, Cars Are Scarce! EV3r. Farmer: Do you know that harvest is just about here and then will follow the threshing. My, such busy limes ! Really, now, doesnt it look like it would be a wise thing to have some ccorage room available when the time comes that, peradventure, you cannot ship your grain just when you desire? We have lumber for that very purpose and its priced reasonable. See us for figures and specifications. Tool, Neuman & Murtey, KURB0CX NEBRASKA Ready Filixed Paints! Of the fiighest quality; also the best grade of var nishes under formulas which time has proven give the best results. AUTOMOBILE FINISHES for the body, the chassis and the top. DECORATIVE WALL PAPER exquisite in style and endless in the. variety of pat ters. The kind you need in your home. Elfl. DUSTERHOFF, Painter - Decorator Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska The Best Harvesting and Haying Machines v.( The International Line Complete! The International Harvesting machinery io the first standard of excellence the world over. We are now carrying Binders, Headers, Harvester-Threshers, Reapers, Shockers and Threshing Outfits. For haying we can fill your needs with Mowers. Dump Rakes. Tedders, Hay Loaders, Swcepes, Stackers, Baling Presses and Bunchers. s WM. GEHRTS, Murdock Nebraska I