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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (June 17, 1920)
THURSDAY. JUNE 17. 1020. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL Throttling Governor Gives Steady Speed Every "Z" Engine is equipped with a sensitive throttling governor. Regulates the amount of fuel, and air admitted to cylinder maintains uniform speed summer or winter, regardless of work being done. Throttling governor enables the "Z" to use kerosene as well as gasoline saves you money. Governor is a complete, high grade assembly unit not a makeshift device. Its case-hardened contact-parts resist wear. Has mighty important duties:Helpsmaintainuniform cylinder temperature insures better lubrication gives smooth, steady flow of power that saves wear and tear on driven machinery. Other "Z" features are: Built-in Bosch high tension oscil lating magneto; more than rated power; every part inter changeable; clean-cut, efficient design ; long-lived endurance: Factory 114 II. P.. 3 11. P.. H.P.. 6 FREIGHT BESTOR & zsasaess Furniture and One 9x12 rug; one 8 - Fo; i:r smaller rucrs. 1 1 One Duofold, genuine leather upholstering. Quar ter sowed oak. Nearly new. One davenport; one couch; two leather upholster ed sot lees. 1 Hrec jcod dressers. Two brass beds, springs and mattress. One three-quarter size bed complete. One sanitary cot. 1 wo rockers; six other chairs. I hree library tables. I wo extension tables. One electric vacuum sweeper with all attachments. One China closet and other articles. This is Good Furniture Positively Guaranteed Clean and O. K. PRICED TO SELL! CALL C5HR1ST at PHONE G45 A COMPLETE ELECTRIC PLANt FOR THE FARM USED THROUGHOUT THE WORLD! I B. K. F. Timers I for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford car will work 0 wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts dcd into the motor. Easily installed No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock lor immediate delivery. Call and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. I J. F WOL-FF, I Main St. Garage Telephone 79 j Block South of PostofRce Prices: $ 75.00 125.00 .... 200.00 EXTRA SWATEK' ass Bugs for Sale! 3x10 - 6; one 12x12. PLATTSMOUTH .Do you want things more handy around the house and barn? Put in Delro-Lijiht. It furnishes electric power for operating light machin ery. It furnishes electric lights for the house and barn. It pumps and forces water to wherever you want it, and does other useful wxrk. WIHTF. FOR CATALOG ISY ROSENTHAL, Dealer Phone Walnut 999 OMAHk -:- -:- NEBR. lasts the life of your Ford. CITY COUNCIL MET IN SULTRY HEAT LAST EVE HUMID COUNCIL HOLDS SHORT SESSION FILLED WITH ROU TINE MATTERS AGAINST HIGHER WATER RATE Many Sidewalks Ordered and Grad ing Necessary to Complete Work From Tuesday's .Dally. The session of the. city council last evening was staged in a humid setting that made the members glad to hasten the business of the legis lative body and seek the cooler at mosphere of the outdoors and during the session there were a great many routine matters handled. The opening of the session for the construction of new sidewalks brought on a large number of re quests for sidewalks over the dif ferent parts of the city that will be taken up as soon as the new work is opened up. A communication was received from Fred Patterson objecting to paying the cost of paving on Pearl street between Third and Fourth streets as L,. C. Sharp had desired the work and Mr. Patterson was fernist paying any part that might be as sessed against his -property. P. I. Meisinger presented a peti tion to the council asking permission to have a connection made with sew er on Marble street and on motion this was referred to the streets al leys and bridges committee for ac tion. A communication was also recejved from E. J. Kiehey requesting a grade for sidewalk on North Fifth street near his property which was referred to the? streets, alleys and bridges committee for action as Mayor Schneider stated that the work would require a great deal of filling and would cost a sum that should be looked: into before being allowed. Frank S. Sitzman and a number of residents of the south part of the city presented a communication ask ing that the city place a sidewalk- adjoining the property of William Tuey and charge the same against the property. Mayor Schneider stated for the benefit of the petition ers that this sidewalk was among those that would be put in this season. A request was also made by C. F. Ault and others for a grade, on Gold street that would permit them put ting in permanent walk and on motion this was sent to the streets, alleys" and bridges committee. The council also received a com munication from G. (J. Hoffman in regard to the Tuey hogs and .the lefuse that had accumulated in the heg yards and which the petitioner claimed was very annoying but no definite action was taken as the ciy physician is absent at the present time but on his return the mayor stated a "smelling" committee would be on the job. Chief of Police Manspcaltcr re ported that during the month of May five arrests had be?n made and the culprits turned oyer to the nili.5 of justice. City Clerk McElwain had Veil enjoying a very profitable month for May and turned ever to ths city treasurer $1,501.72 as the result of taxes pajd. Mayor Schneider stated 1 hat it was hoped to have the occu ration taxes well collected by tne next meeting so that the name of those refusing to pay might be la', i betore the council. City Treasurer Soennichsen report ed to the council the financial sta tus of the city and showed a balance of 896.21 in the treasury with registered warrants of $109,100 'U outstanding. Chairman Mason of the judiciary committee reported that the law in regard to the salary of police magis trate had been looked over and a this city was not in the class of 5,000 people or over it was not possible to to raise the salary. The fire and water committee through Chairman McCarthy brought in a report on the extension of the water mains on Lincoln avenue not recommending that the work be done as the water company had refused to do any more extension if an increase in rates was not granted. This re port led to some discussion as to the needs and advisability of the exten sion. Councilman Mason thought that the resident"? of that portion ot the city should be given adequate protection if possible and did not favor the acceptance of the repbrt but rather that the matter be laid over temporary. 1 Councilman Mauer and Council man Brittain were of the same opin ion as Mr. Mason as to the need of some protection for the residents in the extreme southern portion of the city as was also Councilman Vro man. On the vote to accept the re port of the committee Councilmcn Mason, Brittain, Mauer and Vroman voted no with the six other council men supporting and -the report was adopted. The fire and water committee also reported that they had investigated the request for a raise in rates by the water company and recommended that the same be not allowed and this report was accepted by the unani mous vote of the council. The lighting committee through Chairman Iverson reported that the lights were all out over the city on Sunday evening, June 5th and also that in a large number of places the electric wiring had been placed with out any insolation and on motion the lighting conimitte was granted power to investigate the matter of the insolation not being on the wires as required. The ordinance asking for a raise in gas rates was taken up and read for the second time and laid over for the third and final reading at the next meeting of the council. The final report of the engineer ing firm on the curb and gutter work in the city whoch cost a total of $17, SSI. 99, was received and showed that the city had paid a partial pay ment of $7,000 and which left a bal ance of $10,573.72 due the contrac tor, Bert Coleman and on motion Mr. Coleman was allowed the sum of $10,000 the city rretaining $573 until the final inspection is made. The council on motion then decid ed to sit as a board of equalization on the curb and gutter work on Mon day evening, July 12th. The council then received the bids for sidewalk construction for the year 1920 and on motion the bid of Bert Coleman was accepted for the sum of lS1 cents per foot. Councilman Ptacek called the at tention of the council to a number of trees hear the residence of J. M. Leyda that interfered with the con struction of the sidewalk and on motion the said trees were ordered cut down. Councilman Mauer urgee that some steps be taken to get a side walk near the fifth ward school as the children are compelled to walk eight or ten blocks in the mud to reach the school and on motion the matter was referred to the streets, allys and bridges committee. Councilman Brittain called the at tention of the council to the need for some work on the interior of the city jail in the way of cleaning and on motion this was referred to the rarks and improvement committee and also brought up the matter of the dumping of refuse and dead ani mals at the dump east of the city. , Councilman John Mauer stated that it had been reported that a number of wild women and wild men bad been reported as being in the city at different times and causing more or less trouble and thought some action should be taken but the natter was not definitely acted on as the mayor was undecided whether the matter should go to the parks r.nd improvement or fire committee r to the city clerk so the status quo v.'ill remain. V The finance committee of the council reported the following claims which were ordered paid: Mike Lutz, street commis sioner $102.00 1). B. Ebersole. repairs 2.00 John Cechal. street work 74.60 l.uke Renner. street work man and team 128.70 John Maurer, street work 72.00 James Wynn, street work 76.50 William Hassler, repairs 12.75 Kroehler Bros., mdse. 17.05 Lincoln Tele. & Tele. Co. rent 6.40 Wash A. Young, repairs to grader 5.00 A. Nitka .street sprinkling 142.00 John Zitka, street cleaning' 72.45 Jacob Meisinger, work at cemetery 4.50 Mike Staska, work at ecme- tery 27.00 Edward Svohoda, work at cemetery 38.25 Kroehler Bros., five guards for grader 2.19 Frank Svoboda, work at cem etery 36.00 Charles Tulene, work at cem etery 16.00 Joe Price, same 38.25 George Decker, same 4.50 Louis Hoesak, same 4.50 A. C. Tulene, same 13.50 Frank Pochanec, same 40.50 E. J. Itichey, cement and lumber 4.70 Henry Gouchenour, street work ( 140.40 Claus Boetel, burying three dogs 1 . J o Neb. Gas & Electric" Co. street lighting 219.72 Weyrich & Hadraba, mdse. to city .60 E. Manspeaker, salary 100.00 C. E. McBride. salary 100.00 M. Archer, salary 30.00 DANCE' SATURDAY NIGHT At the Coates .hall, Plattsmouth, given by Cosmopolitan club. Ad mission, gents 50c, 'ad'es free, spec tators 25c. The public is cordially invited. for Highest SIX HONEST SERVING MEN The famous poet Itudyard Kipling wrote the following verses: "I have six honest serving men (They taught me all 1 knew); Their names are What and Why and When.nd How and Where and Who." The same six honet sserving men can teach you, too, all that you should know! What? Triner's American Elixir of Bitter Wine. Why? Because it's the best remedy for all stomach trou bles. When? Before meals and at bed time. How? According to the directions on the bottle. Where? At your druggist or dealer in medicines. Who? Joseph Triner Company, 1333 45 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago, 111., guarantees the purity, invariable uni formity and superlative quality of this remedy as well as of all other excellent Triner's preparations, in- cludine Triner's Angelica Bitter Ton ic which restores the exhausted energy and braces up the nerves; Triner's Liniment for rheumatism neuraleria. lumbago, etc.; Triner's Antiputrin, a highly efficient gargle. mouth wash and cleanser or wounas etc. CLOSING SERVICES AT LIBERTY ' Closing services will be held at the Liberty church next Sunday morn ing. Everybody invited. dAlw FOR SALE 10-20 Titan tractor run onoonwm. First class condition. Call 2S2J. lw d&w. Itch! Itch! Itch! Scratch. Scratch. Scratch! The moro you scratch,-the worse the Itch. Try Doan's Ointment. For eczema, unj skin itching, ,60c a box. John Fight and wife departed this morning for Omaha, where they g to attend the graduation exercises of the Sacred Heart school, their granddaugnter, iirace moih, - member cf the graduation class. "That Printer of UCell's." on of Harold Bell Wright's good etorlea, on sale at the Journal"offlce. JimM ftf 1 1 mff Possible Quality at Lowest Possible Price 'Cigdrem v. is the topmost rignrcttr the highest point of smoking en joyment and satisfaction the spur cigarette. Studied "from the ground up" in seed, soil, plant and culture. Studied in blending, studied in making, studied in packing. Spurs are blended in a new way from American and Oriental tobaccos, bringing out to the full that good old-time tobacco taste. The satiny im ported paper is crimped, not pasted, making an easier-drawing, slower-burning cigarette. You'll approve of the smart brown and silver packet, three fold, that preserves Spur's taste and fragrance. Liggett & I Special Bargains in Automobiles! i " i One Ford Touring Car, 191S model motor. I One Chevrolet 490 Touring, 1918 model. One Velie "6" Red Seal Contontial Motor, 1918 model. One Chevrolet Roadster, good as new. One Ford Sedan, good runnidg order. Also new Chevrolet automobiles, all models. You can buy now and pay small payment down, balance monthly payments. 20 per cent discount on all Firestone 6,000 mile Tires for 10 days only. Come in and look them over. W. W. WASLEY, Garage Phone 650 ;:B;.i!B:!i:;n:,irBKii:i'ni,i:.wn fcvT? I II IV U . PAINTS AND OILS -WATER COLORS in all shades and tints. FLOOR WAX MODERN WALLPAPER in an endless va riety of styles and effects to choose from M. DUSTERHOFF, Painter - kMurdock ""ICS Myers Tobacco Co. House Phone 502 wmfsxw'mwm:: mm: mmw um :i:m 11 IllWllWWSi Cfy'S 9 Decorator Nebraska n B M a n K m H 0 H H n H fil n Y