PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOUKNA1 MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1920. . - ; , Makes dollars go farther Brings music more quickly Investigate our Budget Plan rTT .J- STATE GIVES AS SURANCES OF ITS GOOD INTENTION BACKING THEM UP WITH REAL WORK ON HIGHWAY IN VI . CINITY OF BRIDGE LACK OF FUNDS HAMPERING We like to explain our Budget Plan. It proves so helpful to folks who are am bitious to own a Xew Edison. The puts Budget Plan Tie 7W "Tit fk,wtriA u4ti m Stml " into your home at once. Then r applies the cstab IlihrJ principle etbig bu-i- . nesi, systematic spending. It takes the purchase price ov:: cr your income to gradual!) that you don't have to "squeeze" at all. it . vcrne in ana learn about it. a.i WEYRiCH & HADRA8A Chamb:rlain's Colic and Diarrhoea Remedy. Kvcry family should keep this pre paration at hand ready for instant use when needed. Severe attacks of r-lie anil cholera morbus often prove fatal before medicine can lie procured or a physician summoned. Tht uni form success that has attended the use of this remedy and the prompt cuies which it has effected have made it a staple article of trade. Read the Journal. From Saturday's Pally. For some time Dast there have leen more or less rumors afloat that we need not expect a better condi tion of the Washington Highway passing through Sarpy county, ow ing to the fact that-the state and federal road aids would do nothing to a highway leading tip to a toll bridge. This has been the means of casting considerable gloom over the Omaha travel uassine this way. for it is true that the road has been in a verv poor condition this spring with very little care taken in the war maintenance. From out of the darkness now comes a gleam of light, a will he seen by the two following communications received from the I State Engineer's office, one to Mr I'oHock of this city and the other ad- j dressed to the Secretary of the Onia I ha Automobile Club: Omaha. Neb., Ma 29th. 1920. Mr. T. H. Pollock. Plattsmouth. Nebraska. Dear Mr. Pollock: U'j enclose you herewith copy of letter just received from Mr. Geo. E. Johmon. secretary of the Depart P'cii! of Public Works, regarding W j:-:)Migton Highway between Om& Washington Highway between Oma ha and Plattsmouth. Verv trulv vours, OMAHA AUTOMOBILE CLUB J. L. Haskin. Sec'y. Lincoln. Neb.. Mav 25. 1920. Mr. J. L. Haskin. Sec'y.. Omaha Automobile Club, Omaha. Neb. Re: Washington Highwa: Dear Sir: In answer to your letter of the ISfh i list . regarding the above high wya south from Omaha. I have in structed the Division Engineer to take this matter up with the County Highway Commissioner and see that this road is put in proper condition and also properly maintained. The reason that the heavy grad ing crew was taken off the road was due to the fact that we expected to award contract to reduce the grades the entire length of the road in Sarpy county, but owing to the pres ent price and also to the fact that it will be necessary to isue state war rants and register the same. I do not believe we will award the contract on this work this season. However, the same is in line and will lie con tracted along with the first contracts let by this department. In the meantime, will see that the road is properly taken care of. Yours truly, GEO? E. JOHNSON (Signed) , "State Engineer. Lincoln. Neb., June 7, 1920. Mr. T. H. Pollock, Plattsmouth, Neb. Re: Maintenance, Washington, Highway Dear Sir: Your letter of May 31st to Mr. Johnson has been referred to me for answer and in reply will say: That the County Highway Com missioner has been instructed to Dru???st Box ftKgiiMiililalr lD TO-NIGHT- IVI Tomorrow Alright F. G. FRICKE & CO. place the heavy blade grader outfit back on the Washington Highway and fix it up in first Tlass shape, and then put a patrol gang on it to keep it in that condition. Owing to the fact that Sarpy county has but very little money in her Maintenance Fund, difficulties have arisen in the proper mainten ance of roads. However, we think this will not occur again In the fu ture, and that this Washington High way will be in such shape that travel can go over it without much trouble Trusting that it is satisfactory, am Yours verv trulv, P. W. CLANCY, Division Engineer. Th heavy blade grader outfit spoken of in the letter to Mr. Pol lock is now at work on this road. and every assurance Is given that the crew will remain at work until the road is placed in proper condi tion right up to the bridge, which is certainly good news to all. There never was a time when the road leading from Plattsmouth to the Platta river bridge was in such excellent condition as now. County Highway Commissioner Yallery has sure been getting in some excellent work on this side, and we will all hail the day when we can say as much for the Sarpy county commis sioner, which we trust will only be matter of few davs. COURT HOUSE HAPPENINGS ! a straw hat. Here they are i Stacks of yem! - It's time to get under This hot torrid sun is liable to give you Froa; Saturday's Dally A petition has been filed in the county court by Eugenia Deles Der nier, asking for appointment as the guardian of Owne Ray Deles Dernier, incompetent. Petition was filed today in the es tate of Mary Jane Johnson, deceas ed, by Ruth E. Chapman, a daugh ter, of Willard, Montana, askihg for the allowance of the last will and testament of the deceased. The es tate is estimated at $5,000 real es tate and $18,500 personal property. A petition was also filed by J. J. Johnson and Afge Johnson, execu tors under the will declining and asking for the appointment or Frank II. Johnson as executor. W. A. Rob ertson appears as attorney for the estate. A marriage license was issued last evening in county court to Martin W. Grefe and Miss Ruby Stafford, both of Louisville. In the office of the clerk of the district court a petition was filed entitled Alida and Milan I... lilair vs. Ollive Blair et al, and in which the plaintiffs ask the quieting of title to certain property in Green wood. Sheriff C. D. Quinton departed this afternoon for South Bend, where he was called to look after the serving of several papers. GETS TANGLED WITH LAW From Thursday s Dailj. Yesterday afternoon Ruben Shap iro, claiming Omaha as ais place ot residence, came down to this city and started in to purchase and se cure junk of all descriptions, and forgot incidentally to call on our handsome and accommodating city cl?rk and deposit the sum necessary to secure a license to do business in our peaceful little city. The junk dealer had been junking only a short time when the law. in the person of hief of Police Manspeaker, swooped down on him nnd gathered him in and Ruben was given a heart to heart session with Judg? Archor in police court and compelled to part with $8 of the good hard coin of Tncle Sam to liquadate a fine of $5 and costs which had been assessed against him by the court. LITTLE FOLKS CELEBRATE PRISONER TAKEN AWAY From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday afternoon representa tives of the office of Sheriff Clark, of Douglas county, came down and took away Ernest Vanderhof, who has been held here for the past sev eral days in' the Cass county jail, following the sentencing of his com panion, Lloyd Mashburn, to the penitentiary for his part in the Greenwood robbery. Vanderhof is wanted by the Omaha authorities for other offenses. "From the indi cations the two men have been en gaged in several robberies in addi tion to the Milford and Greenwood jobs as a part of the .loot recovered from them cannot be identified by either the Greenwood or Milford merchants and It is thought that the men were engaged in their work in the western portion of Iowa. a "brain storm" under a fur hat Dress Panamas Dress Braids $2,50 to SIO S3.50 an (I $5 4 Work Panamas 50c and 65c Child's Straws 35c lo SI.50 Dress Yachts S3 and $3.50 Wash Hats 85c to SI.25 C. E. Wescott-s Sons Now Is the Time To Get Rid of Your Rheumatism. If you are troubled with chronic or muscular rheumatism buy a bot tle of Chamberlain's Liniment and' massage the affected parts twice a day with It. You are certain to be very much benefited by it If not actu ally cured. Try it. From Friday's Dallv. Last evening a number of little folks gathered at the Lome of Mr. and Mrs. G. D. Smith to assist in the observance of the eleventh birthday anniversary of little Miss Zelfa Put nam, of St.. Joseph. Mo., who is in the city visiting at the Smith home. The time was spent very pleasantly by the little folks in games and con tests and of course the refreshments without which no well regulatod birthday party is complete. The members of the patty were: Caro line and Bertha Schulhof. Ruth Lusehinsky, Thelma. Hazel and Fine stationery. Journal office. 1HL UNIVERSAL CAM SERVICE DEPT. If your Ford needs attention, bring it to our shop and ask "BAKKE" Our Shop Foreman for the cost of the necessary repairs. He will give you honest, reliable advise and a careful estimate of the expense required. We have trainod and efficient Ford mechanics 100';; men and you will like our work and Ford prices. AUTO PAINTING Bring your car in and ask JIM RISHEL our painter, for prices. He will do you a fine job at th-3 right price. FOR SALE. ' Empty goods boxes for kindling. 15c each. See F. R. Gobelman. tf-d. W. II. Porter, of Union, was in I the city today attending to a few matters of business at the court house .and calling on his friends. Several Rebuilt Fords For Sale! PRICES RIGHT Buick Six, rebuilt and like new $1,000.00 Ford Ton truck, slight-, ly used Bargain Storage Supplies During oil the years the Ford Ivlodel T One Ton Truck has been on the mar-. bet, we have never had one complaint of rear nxle trouble. We have had no complaints of motor trouble. As the motor and the rear ale are the vital funda mentals in a motor truck, we have the right to conclude that the Ford One Ton Truck has not only met the demands of business, but has done so in a satisfactory" end economic way. There is no other evidence so convincing as that which comes from long practical experience. Ford One Ton Trucks axe serving alon ell industrial and corrimercial lines. You will find them everywhere. If these :ments were not facts, the demand for the Ford One Ton Truck would not as large as it is, because p-jople arc not buying trucks which do not give service. Coupled with the dependability of the Ford One Ton I ruck m all classes of usage, comes the economy ia operation and maintenance. On the farm, in. factory delivery, for the merchant, manufacturer, and contractor, in these days of modern business ir.cthod, ti.b worm-driven One Ton Ford Truck has become cn actud i.cccss:y. Co:-- zsA. tells it over. T. I Tel. I.P0LL0GK GARAGE Opsn Day and Might! No. 1. Plattsmouth. Neb. pl.r-r;: If "- ' i THE UNIVERSAL CAR i i : i f !; i i 1 REGENTS GET NEW PROFESSOR From CaturJay'p Dally. George B. Noble has been ap pointed by the board of regents at the state university to the position of assistant professor of political sci ence and has accepted the position. Prof. Noble's record is an interest ing one: University of Washington, 1910-13. majoring in political sci ence; university of Oxford, England. 1913-1 C, having a Rhodes scholarship for the state of. Washington. At the end of second year he took a second in the honor school of juris prudence. During the third year he worked in history and political sci ence. He was reappointed in 117, but went to the training camp dur ing the summer of 1917, at Fort Sheridan where he was nade a first lieutenant and sent join the forty-second division. He wa-j wounded July 2.S. 118. and awarded distinguished service medal. He was in the hospital until December, 19 IS. at which time he was attached to the American pence commission at Paris, and was put in charge of the section of French political intelli gence, making a daily summary and estimate of the French press for the American commissioners. He con tinued in that capacity until July, 1919. when he returned to the Unit ed States. This past year he has been taking work at Columbia in in ternational law and diplomacy lead ing to the degree of Ph. D. He recommended bv Dr., Charles E. Beard. Prof. F. A. Ogg and Prof John B. Moore. it Mamie Mendenhall. Georgia, jcrie and Viola Deusen. Fern War then, Anna Newman. Charles Oliver and Juledale Smith, and the guest of honor. Mar-I body a delay of the funeral was im- GASTER FUNERAL LAST NIGHT. possible and that it would be neces sary to hove the burial at once. A number of friends were called uid tlie services held at 9:30 and the body taken direct to the cemetery fjr interment. Fmrr Tuesday's Dally. The funeral of Albert Caster, who was found dead at his home Sunday aiternoou 'was held last night at !i:".'J from the home on Chicago ave nue and the body laid to rest in Oak Hill cemetery. The family had ex pected to hold the funeral services this morning in order to give' the nother and brother time to reach here for the services, but last even ing were informed by. the undertak- Office accessories of all kinds at er that ow ing to the condition of th e ' ie" Journal office. Why That Headache ? When yon know the cause of a di sease a cure may often be effected. This is particularly true of headache. Headache often results from consti pation on a disordered condition of the stomach which may be cdrrected by taking a dose or two of Chamber lain's Tablets. Try it. These tab lets are easy to take and mild and gentle in effect. Good Auto Roads -TO- IV VIA T. II. POLLOCK AUTO BRIDGE Although Journal want-ads cost But little the results they bring ar wonderful. Try them. f y y f y y y y y y t y y y t . y y y y y t f y y y y y y f y y y y WOOD BROS. NO wasted grain from bad weather. NO waste from rushing the job through. NO big crews just you and a few of your neighbors. NO two or three weeks time spent help ing everybody in the neighborhood thresh. Speedy - Simple Economical 100 Of Your Grain Threshed! Here is an ideal separator for use with your tractor. It is light, easy run ning, simple to operate and does perfect work. Its 12-bar cylinder, 23f4 inches in diameter, set with heavy spikes makes it sturdy enough for the toughest work. The cylinder is exceptionally heavy and its weight assures steady motion and ease of operation. The INDIVIDUAL is identically the same as the famous Wood Bros. "Mumming Bird" thresher which is known by every farmer, except that it is smaller in dimensions and lower in price. Just what you want, isn't it? Price-Wood Bros, thresher, delivered at Plattsmouth: $1,225 Fordson Tractor, equipped with governor and belt pulley 998 Oliver 2-bottom plow, 2 bbls. oil, 1 00 ft. 4-ply belt 296 ' $2,519 Call'and let us take your order for the above outfit complete, or if you have a tractor, give us your order for the thresher. . x There will be a big wheat crop this season and not enough threshers to supply the demand, so order now. y y t y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y y t y y y y y y T y y y T y y y y y T. H. Pollock Auto Co., . y y 7 T. H, PollocfrGarage Phone No. 1 ' Plattsmouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! PHONE NO. 1 PLATTSMOUTH EVERYBODY'S STORE' If it's in the' book line, call at the Journal office.