page rotra PLATTSMOUTII SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, JUNE 14, 1920. Cbe plattsmoutb lournal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA E ate red at rostoffice. Plattsmoutb. Neb., aa aecoad-class mall matter R. A. BATES, Publishe. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE x otic is mini time to commence , . ... ,.! In the. li.trict Court of Cass coun- worrying aiiout your tui mij.imv w ty Nt.iaska. next winter. Once in a while the greatest tru .Ii is tola by the biggest liar. :o: The man who hasn't b en well done by the prolit.-ers ' is rare. : o: Thirty billion dofiars for a place in the tun. only to be laid iu the shade. ' :o: Its about time to call an armistice on that war of words in the navy department. -:o: Xever censure people because l hoy are rich -they may be as respectable as you art. -:o: I would rather be beaten in the rii;ht than Garfield. uccoed in the wrong -:o:- IJurglary is an eay profession, generally speaking, because no Amer ican householder can put up a very courageous fmht when a ft runs light I is turned on him in an old-fashioned Dightsh irt. :o: A New York preacher says we j One can lo .tiger find a.i appe tizer 'fit, consido-ing the pric; u food, it is perhaps just as wjl! :o: I'aderewski has accepted a seat in the Polish parliament swapping pi ano music for chin music, so t'j speak. :o: . One rcasonvhy there are so many divorces in this country is the large number of people who are getting married. Some candidate can win in a walk four years from now if he can adopt as his slogan: "lie kept us out of tli. poor house." i :o: Something tells us that Governor Low uen r-.ay never Ret back part of his campaign fund which was "held in trust"' by some of Mia . onri delegates. Whatever else there may be in the platforms, there will be the usiTal amount of bunk. :o: Still underneath all her paint and powder, the. modern girl is alxuit as pretty as the old-fashioned girl. -:o A waitress in St. Louis married a guest after serving his dinner Her haste was du.? to the fact that she didn't care to wait any longer :b: Another hard decision for the president to make was whether to he rid of congress the rest of the siim- weather. but evidently he has decid ed he would get more satisfaction by choosing the former course. - :o:- DOINGS OF THE HAST DAY AT COURT HOUSE need a .Moses to lead the American people out of the wilderness. Noth ing of the sort. It took Moses forty years to get the children of Isreal out of the wilderness and ho didn't fin ish the job, either. We want a quick action chap for this undertaking. DAINTY DOROTHY AND HER CHUM, FLUFFY RUFFLES are ironing out their summer frills. They are having us at tend to their cleaning and dye ing anU their home made altera tions are making their last sea son frocks bow a new premier. These girls wonder how their town sisters and mothers and are plaiiein;; to cut the high cost of appearing well dressed. They want this skillful, sanitary shop to serve YOls. And Miss and madam, we're mighty willing. Goods Called for and Delivered Vxii.rv opposite vlO -JOURNAL OFFICE PHON I Ibb The unpledged delegates will hold the balance of power in both conven tion. Also it would be well for all candidates to remember that the un pledged voters hold the bakince of j power in the country. j .. :o: ! 5-nator Ne w berry is t hi -ning ! to again run for the senate As he paid the voters of Michigan an aver- 1 age of about $10 each, they ffre no doubt willing to see him run every few (ays. if he so desires. :o: Strikes are becoming so common nowadays that even when a union makes a mistake and goes -out un authorized, it insists on staying out, no mattre if the higher-ups do say that strike is illegal. Sort of force habit. :o: . The t'hicago packers announce that the whoh-sale prices of heel dropped from to 3 cents a poiiaa during the month of May. Thanks for. that information. We lever would have guessed it if the packers hadn't told us about it. o. Who will the I'iiif rats nomin ate at San l"i a ncisfo? Well, that d'i'"ds. I'.ut whoever he is he should have the undivided support of all who call themselves demo crats and thoe who find this impos sible, should step into the rank v, !ior" they belong. :o: Kcmning the ,;.n on danci--;. i ; geing to be hunt tit- evang. li-t-', who devo'o most :.f their erin vi-s on the iilmso of tiie voting for engaging in this "damnable" am i i'.-v.n at . With the ban on dancing removed and "old demon rn:.." out of the way, it is easy to se that the tobacco chewers ate going to get the wo--;:; of it now, SWLSX13SS sramsaa. .n inn amr-jua on ran zzs? thsL l .11 rWILlL I 'W WPH - 1 i y h Q S3 B & lira BEST IN THE D .ONB RUN" 9 couinre In order to reduce our large stock of Tires and Tubes, we will sell for CASH ONLY all FORD SIZES of Goodrich 6000 mile first grade f-'abric Tires and Tubes AT 20 DISCOUNT For Cash Only For ten days, from June 7 th to June 17 th it'rRodgcrs Silverware Coupons FREE with all pur chases of Tires and Accessories. From Saturday s I"atl This morning a sui! entitled Henry M. Soennichsen vs. Kiley Huddb'ston and .Ntaggie Huddleston. was !ilcd in the county court and in which tle plaintiff seeks to recover the sum of $201. HO for damages caus ed hy the automobile of the defen dants running into ami injuring ' a horse belonging to the plaintiff. Suit has also been tiled in the country court by Mary A. Taylor against Abraham Cohen, in which the plaintiff ;ib';s judgment in the sum of So. for damage done to the automobile of the plaintiff in n col lision that occurred near I'nion last week. In tiie office of the c!t.rk of the district court, a petition in the mat ter of the application of Gertrude Carper, guardian of Luciau Carp' r et al. has been tiled in which the ap plicant asks permission to sell real estate for the use of the minor heirs. County Attorney A. C Cole was at Greenwood and Louisville this after noon, looking after the burglaries in that locality. Sheriff C 1. Quinton was in Lin coln today taking George Metcalfe to the ttate hospital for care. Mr. Metcalfe .is from near Weeping Water. IvIUENCHAU-BUCKNELL T b u ili From Friday's Daily. Wednesday evening at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. K. liucknell oc curred the marriage of their daugh ter. Jessie, to Dan Muemhau. Rev. K. A. Knight lliciating, the ring cer emony being used. The room was decorated in ferns and snowballs. The bride wore a gown of white satin trimmed with beads and carried a bo;i'j".ct of liliies. The groom wore- a blue serge suit. Tiie bride is a popular young lady of Alvo and is well liked by all who know her. Miss liucknell is a grad uate of th.e Alvo high school. Tht groom is a prosperous young farmer of KagTe and is held in the highest esteem by a large circle of fry-nds. They will be at home to their friends on a farm north of Kagle. Those present were: .Mr. and Mrs. Veryl I, inch of University l'lace. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Muenchau, Sr., and family, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence IJuck nell of Klmwood. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Yaeger and John. Mr. and lrs. Geo. llraun. Ilev. and Mrs. K. A. Knight and Mr. and Mrs. C. C. liucknell and family of Alvo. Klmwood' I.eader-Eeho. lien.ininiit !:. Snodirrass. 1'laintiff. vs. Klleji -M. White; Alattie Williams; Mary K. Keitliley; Aim Miekelwait; Maud Taeetti: the following' named persons and also their unknown heirs, devi sees, legatees, amt personal represen tatives of eaeh of them, to-wit: Abel i.. fiiiNls: Mary Wohott; Maty Z. Wol ( ntt. runt the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees and ijctsonal representatives ..f Whealley .Miekelwait, lllisiailia Mirkclunit and I'red If. Mickelwait; Also that part f tlovoriimeiit Lots one and two in Section 20. in Town ship U, North, Kattije J4. Kast of the tUh 1". M., in t'ass county, Nebraska, ileserilied as follows: Commeneiiiff at the northwest corner of said Section L'O, and running thence east on the north line of said section to the south westerly line of the right-of-way of the llurlinton it Missouri JUver rail re. ait company in Nebraska: thence fol lowing saul line of rifiht-of-way in a. southeasterly ilirection until said line intersects the division line described in a eitain deed made by Wheatley Mickelwiiit and wife to s.jid railroad eonipany. rconnli d in Tiook "11" of deeds, at paire of the. records of said county: t!, following said di yision line in a southeasterly direction to the south line of said tiovernment Lot one; thence smith r:! W., 18 chains and s:: links: tl.cuce west 12 links: th.-nce north 10 chains; thence west lit chains to the section line; thence north on said se tiotj lin-? '-! chains and' -: links to t! place of beginning (e.veept Lots L'i anil as tudicatetl on the plat books of said county) and known, as sub lot one of iJovernnient I.ots out? and two; ;l-o lots numbered G and -11 In said Section -0. and all persons claiming: anv interest of any kind in said real estat or any part t hei eof. I lefenda lit s. To Kllon M. While, Mary K. Keitliley, Maud Taittti a:id to tl: followincr nataed jiersons and also their unknown heir.-, devisees, legatees Slid personal representatives of each of them, to wit: Abel I.. Child-: Maty Wolcott and Mary K. Woliott; and to the unknown l;eiis. devisee b;itees and personal re:iien ta t i ves of the following named dee, as. d p; rsoris: Wheatley Mickel wait, deceased: lllisian.i Mbkelwait, deceased and Fred 1!. Mickelwait, de ceased: and also to the above describ ed real estate and all persons claim inir any interest of any kind in said estate or any part thereof, De f elida tits : Von and each of vmi are here by-, not i I'.cd that on the L'l:h dav of May, A. 1 . ll' jn, I'.en.iainin I '., s'nodtrt as, plaintiff herein, has tiled ids petition in the District "ourt of "as county, Nebras ka. a;,ai::st said f. mlalits, tlio object and ;!;: er of which are to (juiet the title of the above described real es tate in the plain tin, airanist all claims and oeiiiands. eaet. and nil of said de fendants miiiht have in and to said real -state or nnv part tlcreof, and to ; maiieiit ry e.. nia each and all of said defendants from making any claim ii- cemand in law or in equity against -. i.l real estate. Yoa i-re re'iuii e i to answer said pe tition i'H or before the 12 lb day of Jaiv, lii.'o, or your iN fau t will be en ten d and title ip.ieted i'i plaintiff, as piaed for in tit- petition. Dated this JJnd dav of M;iv, 1020. DFNJAM1N .SN( )1 C1 1 LAS.S. riaintifT. D. O. DWYEU. ni27-lw. Attorney. OIIKKIt OF IIKRIMJ m Petition 'for Appolut mrnt ' A l mi ii Int ra t rl m. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Oliver James (Jilson, deceased. On reading and filinj? the petition of Sarah Kllen tiil.son praying that ad ministration of said estate may be granted to herself as Administratrix: Ordered, that June 24th. A. E. 1920, at 10 o'clock a. m.. is assigned for Hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of the petitioner siiouni not ne granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the beating thereof be given to all persons interested in said matter by publishing a copy of this order in the Plat tsmouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county for three successive weeks, prior to said itay ot hearing. Dated May 27th. 1020. ALLKN J. BKKSON". (Seal) in31-Cw. County Judge. 1 XOTIfK TO V It Kill TO IIS OTMi: tr MIT TO ll IF.T TITI.K F0H SALE OR TRADE Nearly new Minneapolis thresh ing outfit, with tank and belts, 20 h. p. Straight Hue engine and 30x56 separator. .ir. A. SCHWARTZ. Xehawka, Neb. RE0 CAR FOR SALE New 192ti Keo touring car. Never Leon run and will sell at a bargain. J. H. DOMINGO, Weeping Water. HORSES FOR SALE and Three head of horses, ii. years old. broke to drive. Can take about 40 head of cattle and horses to pasture. Rates, cattle $2 per month, horses $:j per month. Call on M. K. Petersen, one mile wes of I'Cllllom on lild l'tbiflf f'jrn, -.- iv 4 - " - - ' . ' tm-i lui 111. M . - 311 All the popular copyright books on sale at the Journal office. la tiie District Court Of the County of Cass, Nebraska T. H. l'oilock, I laintif:. vs. William Craft' t al. Defendants. To the defendants. Wiiliam S. Gnfff: rl.e-ca Craft"; V. S. draff, first real name unknown; Mrs. W. S. draff, first rial name unknow i; D. Demick & Co., a do-l'artiiership a so known as David i: miek Co., and eimiosed of Charles llepmie and David J:eniick: Charles Mend rle; Josephine ilendrie; Iavid Kemick: Mrs. Iiavid Uemick. lirst real name unknown: wunam Jieiioiio. Mrs. William C. Ilendrie. first real name unknown: Thomas JIallowell; Mrs. Thomas Mallowell. tirst real name unknown: W. D. Merriam. nrst real nam.- iitikfiown; Mis. W. J . .Merriam, first rit I name unknown; A. K. Alex- i:o)er. first real name unknown: Alexander, fust real name unknown: the itiknown heirs, devisees, legatees, personal prepreseti t a t i v l s and all .oth er in rsons lnieresieu in ine -siaies William S. draff; Kebecea draft; . S. raff, lirst real name inknown: .Mrs. W. S. draff, fust real rnnw utiKnon, I'li-irb-.s ilendrie; .lusephine ilendrie; i.ii.l Kemiik: Mrs. David KeniicK, lir.-t real name unknown: William C. lb ridri. : Mrs. William C Ilendrie. first re.. I name unknown: Thomas Hallo- (!:; ;.lrs. l nomas itnuowen, iu i.n name unknown: W. D. Merriam, first lea! name unknown: Mrs. W . I . .Mer riam. lirst real nana- unknown; A. V.. Alexander, first real rattle unknown; Alexander, lirst real name un known, each deceased; the unknown successors, granices ami iini-m 01 . Uemick vr Co.. a d-Partnership also known as David Ib-nikk A: Co.. and composed of Charles Ilendrie and Dav id Ucmick: Lot four (4l in Dloek for-tv-thiee (i-'-K in the '""tv of IMatts mouth. Cass -ount', Nebraska: and all poisons having or claiming any in terest of any kind in said real estate or anv part thereof: You' and each of ou are hereby no tified that on the .'Kill day r May. 1 !.'). plaintiff tiled his suit in the Dis trict court "of Cass ccunty, Nebraska, to .inlet hi till- to the following de seiibed lot. to-wit: Lot four Ml in i:!o. U -fortv-three ( l !, in the City of l-h.tlsmouth, Cass county, Nebraska, because of his advise possession of said lot bv himself and his grantors for more than ten ve.-irs prior to the commencement ' said suit, and to en ioin ear h and all of on from having or claiming any ri--ht. title. lim or interest, either legal or dilutable, in or to said lot or any part thereof. To rr-.piire vou to set forth your right, title, claim, lien or interest therein if anv. either legal er equitable, and to have the same a .Ijudged inferior to the title of plaintiff and for general e.iuitable relief. This not ice is niade pursuant to the ot-.l.-r of the court. Vou are requited to : tiswer said peti tion on or before Monday, the DUti dav of Julv. 1'IL'O, or your default will be" duly enti l ed therein. T. II. ro LLOCK, Plaintiff. W. A. : 'BRKTSU N, m::i-lw Attorney for I lamtiu. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty. ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Fred i linden. Deceased. To the creditors of said estate: " You are hereby notified, that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county, on the 22nd day of June, IMjd, and the ""Ini'l day of Sep tember, lDi'O. at 9 o'clock a. m. of each day. to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against said estate is three months from the "."Jnd rlav of June, A D. ISC'O. andthe time limited for pay m nt of debts is one year from said iL'nd day of June, iy".'0. Witness my hand and the seal of said t'ma.ty Court, this ;5th day of Mav, DtJf. ALLEN J. BKESON. (Seal) in 27 -? County Judge .OTICi: OI- SI" IT TO ftl'lET TITLE. MITK i: 'TO ('HKDlTltllS m km The State of XcU'aska, Cass coun tv. ss. "in the County Court. n,,m in the matter of the estate of Hum id, rev Lee Oldham, deceased. To" the creditors of said estate: .You are hereby entitled that f will sit at the County Court room -J month, in said county, on the J2nd da of June and the -nil i:y F1' In r, 1P20. at 9 o'clock a. m. of each ' day. ... ....... i,-e unA evamine nil claims against sajd estate. with a view to their adjustment and a of lime limited for t l";'"!1 three claims against f1 f ,a f lnne V months front the -ml day of June A. D. P.eJU. and the tinm limited foi P tu.nt of debts is Vne year from said 22nd day of June, i:2". . - Witness my hand nnd lie seal of sai.l County Court this 2oth day ot May. U'-'U. j BIO 10 SDN, (Seal) m2T-? ' County. J udge. Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth S- W. A. ROBERTSON, v Lawyer. J Est ot Riley ITt: 4 J Coatea ElocK. 4. Second Floor. SUMMER SCHOOL . lianklnff. Shorthand, Typewriting. Telegraphy. Civil Service. Cook-keeping.- Demand for graduates ursnt. Positions secured Students mav work for board. Address now tor' Catalog A. Boyles -College. Omaha, Nebraska. m-0-hw. In the District Court of Cass coun ty. Nebraska. Clark S. Newlon and Mary C. Ncw- lon. 1 Ma in tiffs, vs. Culver L. Kobinson Mrs. Culver L. IJotdnson. first real name unknown; the unknown heirs. uc isccs. legatei-s. personal represen tatives and all other persons Interest ed 111 the estates of said Culver I llobinson and Mrs. Culver L. Robinson, tir.-t real name unknown, both deceas ed; the west half of the northwest ouarter of Section r, 4; the southeast iiuarter of the northeast quarter of Section all in Township 11, Kang 12. Cass county, Nebraska; and all other persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any pari thereof. Defendants. The above named defendants will take notice that the plaintiffs have tiled their petition in said court, the object and prayer of which are to quiet establish and confirm their title, to the above described premises, because of their adverse possession with their grantors for more than ten years prior to the commencement of this ac tion: to enjoin each of you from claiming any right, title, estate, or lien in, to, or upon the. premises; to remove clouds cast upon the titles of the plaintiffs by reason of your pre tended claims and for general cqui table relief. You are required to answer Said pe tit ion 011 or before the 19th day of July, 1U20. CLAKK S. NEWLOX andMAUY C. NEWLON. Dlaintiffs. C. E. TEFFT, m"l-bv.- Attorney. 1.1 1. sotick In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. William Niekles. 1'laintiff. vs. I?er hii 11I l. Wiley; Albert It. Eikenbary; the Southwest quarter of Sec. 'in, Twp. 11. N. Kgc. I-,;. 10., in Cass county, Ne braska, and all persons claiming any interest of any kind In said real es tate or any part thereof; the follow ing named jiersons and also their un known heirs, devisees and personal rem csetitat ives of each of "them, to wit: Claibourne F. Davis: Claybourne V. Davis: Clarbonrne F. Davis; Frank .st Cidgeway, Defendants. The above named defend:-! tits and each of them are hereby notified that on the 1st day of June. 1920, plaintiff tiled his suit in the District Court of Cass county, Nebraska, the object and purpose of which are to quiet and con firm plaintiffs title in and to the Southwest quarter of Section ::?, Town ship ll.-Kange 13, east of the 6th 1. M., in Cass county, Nebraska, and to enjoin each and alt of said defendants from having or claiming to have any right, title, lien or interest, either le gal or equitable in or to said real es tate or any part thereof and to en join said defendants and In any rrian ner iron interfering with plaintiff's possession and enjoyment of the said premises and for general equitable re lief. This notice is given you pur suant to the order of said Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday the 19th dav of July, 1920, or your default will be" entered therein and judgment entered as praved for in the petition. WILLIAM NICKLES. 1'laintiff. 15v D. O. DWVER, j::-lw. His Attorney. OltUKIt OF IIEIU; mnl" Notlcr oil l'rtltlon for Set tlement of .tminnt " In the County Court of Cass coun tv. Nebraska. " State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. To nil persons interested in the es tate of Herman Kupke. deceased: m reading the petition of Ceorge J. 10. Kupke praying a final settlement .i..l qllnirnni'ii d t bis account filed In this court on the 12th day of June, 192i. ami tor ins oiscnarge; It is hereby ordered that you and all persons interested in said matter mav, and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said coun tv, on the 22nd day of June, A. D. 1920. at ten o'clock a. in., to show cause, if anv there be. why the prayer of the petitioner should not be granted and that notice or the pendency of said petition and the bearing thereof be liven to all jiersons interested in said matted bv publishing a copy of this order in the riatts-mouth Journal, a semi-weekly newspaper printed in said county, for one week prior to said dav of hearing. -In witness whereof, I have hereunto et' mv hand and the seal of said "court, this 12th day of June, A. D. 1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. (Seal) jlt-lw. County Judge. MVTICE TO CKIOIMTOKS The State of Nebraska, Cass county, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of tiie estate of Eulalie Long, deceased. To the creditors of said estate: You are hereby notified. That I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth in said county, on the 12th day of Julv. 1920, and on the 13th day of October, 1920. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day to receive and examine all claims against said estate. with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited , for.'.the presentation of "sid estate".' is three rnontjfs from the 12th ' day ' of July. A. D. 1920. and the time limited for pavment of debts is one year from said 12th day of July, 1920. Witness mv hand and the seal of said-Countv Court, this 12th day of June. -1920. ALLEN J. BEESON. (SeaD - County Judge. To Keep American Ships on the Seas For the first time since the Civil War we have a real merchant marine. It cost us $3,CK)0,trCKJ10i KJ to get it. The farmer, manufacturer, laborer every American is interested in holding our position on the seas. As a first step In this direction it is necessary to modify those articles of existin; commercial treaties which have operated to thwart the upbuilding of our merchant marine Ily giving the notice of termination for which the several treaties provide. This action is directed in the constructire Shipping Bill now before Congress ; Which declares it to be the policy of the United States "to do whatever may be necessary to develop and en courage" a merchant marine. This policy deserves the support of every American. J-ncking this support the present effort to maintain our merchant marine may suffer the fate of many ineffective attempts of the past. Send for a copy of "For an American Merchant Marine." Committee of American Shipbuilders 30 CHURCH STREET, NEW YORK CITY 1 ARRIVAL OF LITTLE DAUGHTER From Friday's Dally. The home of Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Shaffer on South lOtli street was gladdened this morning by the ar rival of a fine little daughter who is in fine shape and th eobject of much admiration from the happy relatives. I). A. Young and wife came up this morning from I heir home near Murray to spend the day visiting with relatives and friends. S?rV S?rV SsrV j A A iO WE ARE BUSY! But now, with a larger force of workmen, we are in a position to reach your work soon. Also, wc arc in position to make contracts for new work. Better have us figure on your needs at this time, while we can assure j'ou a date, as work is crowding rapidly these days. Decorating and practical painting. Painting - Decorating Wood Finishing Max Dusterhoff, MURDOCK, NEliR. i"V Gift cards at Journal office. JOHN DEERE Farm Machinery! We carry a full and complete line of the reliable John Deere farm machinery, and are ready to filT your order for anything in our line. Plows and corn farming implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest" ing machinery. Also threshers' necessities. . WARE ROOMS ON SOUTH ; K; V SIXTH STREET D. B. PLATTSMOUTH NEBRASKA ..1 a. j uiiijju. !je?B":