THURSDAY, JUNE 10, 1920. FAQC EU PLATTSMOUTH SKiII-WEEKLY JOURNAL 333531 .,: 1 M i IMRS. J. W. JOHNSON GALL ED TO REWARD FOR MANY YEARS A RESIDENT OF THIS CITY AND UNIVERSAL LY LOVED AND RESPECTED KUPPENHEIMER Air-O-Weave! colorings and fabrics ether preferred smart lines needs and its Reautiful summery Beaclies. Mohairs, Silki writriit fabrics. I Iolds pressing. HAVE YOU SEEN 'EM and DON'T YCU NEED 'EM? S our windows. Price? from $20 to $35 Palm I SEVENTY-FOUR YEARS OF AGE Married in This City June 8, 1846. to Joseph W. Johnson Who Preceded Her in Death April 14, 1918. Son! .f the DESCRIPTION Other Tool ' M .1 Is - - Siimle and double breasted models; Wearables lUmbeau !:itt h p-x lets r not : two piece sui's, Athletic I ;r-x -! lined or no; stripes, solid and hair- I'liioni Hixoii lines, in new c.dorings. IMiTerent Soft collars Lenox lapels, collar and cut c.f coat all Silk .Shirts I : : 1 T more wv American stylo ideas. Straw Hats. Compare our $35, $40, $45, $50, $55 suits with the so-called sale suit. You be the judge; it's ten to one you will buy another suit to lay away for the rainy day and you'll buy it HERE. Pliilip cJJtiazc HORSES FOR SALE Three head of horses. .". fi. and 7 years nlil, broke to drive. Can t'ie about head of cattle and lutrses to pasture. Hates, cattle $2 per month, hor.-es per month. Call in M. K. Petersen, one mile wcsf of rulloin on old Black farm. 1 --w PROTECTION GIVEN BEST CARS THROUGH PATENTS The Kssex motor is patented. It is patented because it embodies ; From Wednesday's- Dally. This morning at 9: IS another of the old time residents of this city was called to the last Ions rest which knows no more the troubled care of earth, when Mrs. Mary Jane Johnson, widow of the late Joseph V. Johnson, sank peacefully into un troubled sleep to waken on the brighter shore? where her Christian life will be glorified in the sight of the Master. For several days past the condi tion of Mrs. Johnson has been very serious and the children had been called to the home to be with the mother in the last brief hours of earthly life. On last Wednesday the first signs of a ferious breakdown occurred and Mrs. Johnson bore the ordeal with fortitude, until the last maintainor an attempt to tarry on her usual activities until her fail ing strength made it necessary to have her removed to the home of her sister, Mrs. W. V. Gillespie, where she remained until the arrival of the children who had been hurriedly summoned from their homes in dif ferent portions of the west and in response to the desire of the mother she was taken to the old home where she passed peacefully away this morning. Yesterday was the 5;th wedding anniversary of Mrs. John son and she was permitted to live through the hours that marked the event that had brought to her so much of happiness and joy as well as the sorrows and griefs that come to all in completing the wonderful story of life. Mary Jane Henton was born No vember 22, 184 6, at Logansport, Cass county, Indiana, and there spent her girlhood days, and in 18.r)9 when thirteen years of age with her fam- away and four remain to share the 'JJMJ grief of the mothers death. The' ''''''"vvvv'v,r'','r v X WOOD deceased children are Miss Emma Johnson who died in 1S90 and J. Edgar Johnson who was killed in an accident on the Burlington near Lin coln in 1919. The living children are: J. Jay Johnson, St. Joseph, Mo.; Frank II. Johnson, Weeping Water; Alge Johnson, Lincoln, and Mrs. Ruth Chapman f IVillard. Mon tana. The husband died in this city April .14, 191S. In the death of-Mrs. Johnson the community has lost one whom thev can but poorly spare as in her year of lire the departed has been a most loving friend and neighbor and her death brings to the friends a sense f. BR. II. C. LEOPOLD OSTEOPATHIC PHYSICIAN Coates Blk. Phone 208 -i-ii-!-:!-t-:-:-::-:-!-:-!:-:-::-:-::-. For Sale! P.uick Six. rebuilt and like .new $1,000.00 Ford Ton truck, sliizht- ly used Bargain Several Rebuilt Fords PRICKS RIGHT We Take Liberty Eonds cn These Cars T. 11, Pollock Garage, vital principles that make it better than ordinary motors. Altffough it is one of the small est automobile motors in the world, it delivers '' horse power where or dinary motors of the same size as t'.ie Kssex give a maximum of only ''y came west, traveling through the IS horse power. then comparatively unsettled western Designed by Hudson engineers and country, until the familv oume to built in the Hudson factory, the Es- .... ... . , , , . ... , , .11 , tlifl territory of Nebraska and set- sex has created a new standard of light car performance that cannot : tled the tin' settlement of St. be equalled by others because the Mary's, seven mill's north of Platts- r.ssex motor can le obtained in no-niouth where the two rivers, the other car. :-:: x-v. . T, ' ' MARY JANE JOHNSON of perstnal lo.; that only the sooth ing hand ot tune can ease. Her life, peaceful and calm is a striking monument to her worth in the world that words cannot add to or detract from, and to her family ..he leayes the precious heritage of a well spent life. The funeral services will be held on Friday morning at 11 o'clock from the late home at Seventh and Locust street and the body vill be laid to rest beside that of the hus band who had preceded her in death. 71 1: SIONARY SOCIETY Holds Very Pleasant Picnu? r.t cf Mrs. R. B. Hayes to Observe Fortieth Anniversatv The greatest advantage which its me gives in the Essex is superior endurance. The Essex is a long lived car. free from most of the re pair expense usual to light cars. Owners, for instance, report having driven their cars up to 35.000 miles without the replacement of a single part. This endurance also was "proven beyond all question of doubt when the Essex set the greatest official endurance record of T!0:i7 miles in fifty hours. This record has never been equalled by any other car re gardless of size. And it also set thv" world's 2 4 hour road record, by covering 10C1 miles over snow covered Iowa roads. These records, however, only go to substantiate what 35,000 owners everywhere are saying about the Es:-ex: That it gives an ideal com bination of luxury, economy and en durance, obtainable in no other car regardless of price. Yours verv truly, L. II. PULS," Dealer. Murray, Nebr. Phone No. 1 to' Plattsmouth 1 W. T. Richardson of Mynard writes insurance for the Farmers Mutual of Lincoln. Phone 2411. Platte and the Missouri joinedt and there she spent her youthful days and lived to see her childhood home swept away by the river and today over the spot where Mrs. Johnson lived .only the silent waters of the river flow. It was while living at St. Mary's that the deceased first met the young man who wa-s later to share with her the joys and sor rows of life and at the cl se of the great civil war -Mr. Johnson came back to Nebraska to claim his bride on June S. 18C5, at Plattsmouth. Mary Jane Henton and Joseph W. Johnson were united in marriage by Rev. George C. IJetts. In the years that have passed the family have made their home in Plattsmouth and vi cinity, as for a number of years Mr. Johnson was engaged in farming near this city and later on being elected to public office came to Platts mouth to reside and here the family was reared to manhood and woman hood. To bless the union of Mr. and Mrs. Johnson, six children were born, two of whom have passed Tfo S I y a n n n season s iog inin will be the tuneful, witching and beautiful musical and comedy success American Legion Cabret-Minstrel Parmele Theatre, Plattsmouth JUI&SE HH7 Clever Comedians, Popular Musical Numbers, Snappy and Guaranteed Laugh Producing Hits! And ONLY $1.00, Plus War Tax From Wednesday s Daily. Once a year the Woman's Home Missionary society of the Methodist church take occasion to lay aride the tasks of the work and gh; th.uisel up to an afternoon of general enjoy ment. So at this time on Juac oVi. they celebrated the fortieth anniver sary of the organization of their na tional work, by a una o'clock picnic luncheon on the lawn of the 11. 11 Hayes home. This year has been a special e.Tot for "more facts, more funds, and more folks", and with the study course of Christian Americanization, several hundred dollars -raised iy the local auxiliary, and a campaign for at , least forty members before The birthday party, the society fcir they could truly celebrate. All too swift ly passed the hours from one to five thirty p. m., in reminiscences of nr;,t missionary meetings. missionary songs sung to popular tunes of to day, and the over interesting mission game "who's who and what's where", which also belied the idea that mis sionary societies are composed of long faced, sad eyed women studying dry. uninteresting subjects and proved that the spirit of youth and fun is ever alive when fitting occasion is given for its expression. ,The only regret to mar the occsaion was the absence of so many of the forty-ono members who suffered a few to over partake of a dinner prepared for si many and denied them the benefit of their wit and laughter so appreciat ed at such a.t'ime. "Rut here's the work of the home missions, and here's to her mr-inhers most loyal: may her interests ever increase and prosper, and her members never shrink from hard toil." t f t f f 4TA r a. I I I 5 Y X SID DUAL NO wasted grain from bad weather. NO waste from rushing the job through. NO big crews just you and a few of your neighbors. NO two or three weeks time spent help ing everybody in the neighborhood thresh. Speedy Simple Economical 100 Of Your Grain Threshed! Here is an ideal separator for us 3 with your tractor. It is light, easy run ning, simple to operate and does perfec'. work. Its 12-bar cylinder, 23?4 inches in diameter, set with heavy spikes makes it sturdy enough for the toughest work. The cylinder is exceptionally heavy and its weight assures steady motion and ease of operation. The INDIVIDUAL is identically the same as the famous Wood Bros. "Humming find" thresher which is known by every farmer, except that it is smaller in dimensions and lower in price. Just what you want, isn't it? Price Wood Bros, thresher, delivered at Plattsmouth $1,225 Fordson Tractor, equipped with governor and belt pulley 998 Oliver 2-bottom plow, 2 bbls. oil, 1 00 ft. 4-ply belt 296 $2,519 Call and let us take your order for the above outfit complete, or if you have a tractor, give us your order for ths thresher. There will be a big wheat crop this season and not enough threshers to supply the demand, so order now. T. H. Pollock Auto Co., T T T t T T T T T f f Y T T V t T f t T T r t -t r r v T T r t x PHONE NO. 1 PLATTSMOUTH -w SAS READ JOURNAL AL MOST HALF A CENTURY NOTICE OF MEETING OF BOARD OF EQUALIZATION FURNITURE FOR SALE Nice mahogany dresser; two good oak dressers; brass bed complete; bed davenport and pad in first class condition; mahogany duofold and pad, good as new; oak china closet; one 12x12 rug; 9xC rug; S-3xl0-G rug. all in good condition; three oak library tables; large fumed oak din ing table and six slip seat chairs, with host chair, genuine leather; electric vacuum sweeper; electric library lamp; kitchen table; rockers and other articles too numerous to mention. All in good condition and priced to sell. PHONE NO. 645, After C o'clock p. m. Plattsmouth For regular action of the bowels; i easy, natural movements, reiiei m 'constipation, try Hoan's ' Regulets. 30c at all stores. Theodore Ikim, of Louisville, who ; just approaching his ninetictli irthday, and will arrive a't that Milestone on December 1 lit h this year, is enjoying reisonaldy good Halth and activity, and has been a cad or of the Journal he says since eming to Nebraska in 1ST:'. This makes a long time and a most faithful friend of the paper. We are extending congratulations and good wishes to this aged Nebraskan and June, 1020 Plattsmouth. Neb.. June 1. 1920 The County Board of Equalization will meet for the purpose of equal- I izing the assessment of Cass county for the year 1920, at the office of 'the County Commissioners at Platts- ' mouth. Nebr.. beginning on Tuesday, jjune 13. li20, at 9 o'clock a. m.. jand continue in session from day to 'day until noon on Saturday, the l!)th day of June, 1920. I All claims for equalization must i be tiled with the Board on or before noon on l riday, Hie iMii uay or hope that he may happy years to enjoy th of his many friends in this county j Hv order of the County Board of see many more friendship commissioners. Attest FOR SALE GEO. R. SAYLES. i daw County Clerk. Blank books, Journal office. .Second hand binder, in good run ning order. Priced righf. Inquire of Howard Graves, one mile south of Plattsmouth. jlO-tisw Good Auto Roads -TO- No mud! No water! Roads in good condition VIA T. II. POLLOCK AUTO BRIDGE lanu'nixami CHICHESTER S FILLS l l - in- V"0 3 ye-n r ? T.adlr.t AnLjroul llr(H'tbri M-oLr-ter s Diamond l(lanilA I'llla in Itrd n.l t.;j mrtallicV !m.m. tciieJ ith Hlue K'Ukmu Tikii ti oth'r. Hut of ronr iit or ronr llHJ IlKAJH f 11.1. "t. I .T knon05 Best, Sa ie,t. Alwa"s Kcli.ilM A 0 BY DRtfiQ-oTS r.VKran?F in i mm m -w f 1 1 1 J v TARES THE UNIVERSAL CAB SERVICE DEPT. If your Ford needs atten tion, bring it to our shop and ask "BAtfKE" Our Shop Foreman for the cost of the necessary repairs. He" will give you honest, reliable advise and a careful estimate of the expense re quired. We have trained and effi cient Ford mechanics 100 men and you will like our work and Ford prices. Storage Supplies T. H, Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 Plattsmouth OPEN DAY AND NIGHT! BEST IN THE LONG RUN" Q Discount In order to reduce our large stock of Tires and Tubes, we will sell for CASH ONLY all FORD SIZES of Goodrich 6000 mile first grade Fabric Tires and Tubes. AT 20 DISCOUNT For Cash Only For ten days, from km n k km 0 lih itrRodgers Silverware Coupons FREE with all pur chases of Tires and Accessories. T, Phone No. 1 QimgQ Plattsmouth