The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 10, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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THURSDAY, JUNE 10. 19?0.
1, i.
: 1
'I' )
I Murray Department
Trej'ared in the Interest of the People of Murray and Surrounding: Vicinity Especially for the Journal Headers
If ny of the readers of the
Journal kvovr of ny social
event or Item of interest In
this Tictnity. and will mall
itme to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. We
want all news Items Editor
- - -mr
rrfM. u LifcNwflk m
1 - ctfT
ihWh) A Mr
The man with a good savings
account can leave his loved onss
each day with a clear conscience
and a happy disposition. .
He knows that his family will
be protected from immediate want
no matter what befalls him.
If -you haven't given your fam
ily this well-deserved protection,
open an account with us at once
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four per cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Mus ('h,n, Youni; deprutc-tl Lt j
Tusiliiy fr Veil. South 1:Iah:i.
wtit-re '.sill visit for mi:io .vo
wi rks or liioro vit-h her sifter an. I ;
f ;i 1 1 1 i 1
Kr;uik 1 1 i i i t l t . the manage: (f
lh'- llins Oil a iniiaiiy. was a tiusi
iM -- visitor :a MMiray last Tut-sday.
lrit';;in- v. illi hit:! a load 'f a.-oiirK"
Tta-I oil. wiii!1 li'1 ii 'S-.p.i-vd of to hi.
cM-ii.;i'Ts ir. A'ijrray.
'i'l i.;;i -s of the i, '.".vision cliiir'h
m rvc : hr sipp.-r at i in- 11 '"urv
S i . rl i v riir.z and you :JI '. .r.v
iii;.t if you il i not at! -ni y u j
t 1 r. i;-?--TI r
I t ur. ,:tti ;;.' i v .!.!. 1
'I liorv w;. s.'inc ! tit:; iifiic-. ' :!.:
tlo- ! -udif1--' i! i- at ihv h;:i:r if -lr.
am! Mrs. K'l vvurd Sao-rnakcr. all'
ran- -ii ?iy ii:o arrival r! a littif
l.'ti - -y -ii haiiy :r who caaic to
ni.ik" her In riit- vi;h the fond i-r.r-
ii' a h-irt t in" ai;t.
li.n ry ('. Toi.d just pure!; ased fro.n
I . II. 1 lis, t!i ' Lirao taan. i:io of
1. :;,o:!.- I'uit";, trucks. ( f two :inI
a .j-i-rtcr ton i-apa ity. whn 'if. in
fil!JJ'.:ay Wlill I'nilf J. W. i.iil.: U.ils
i-pirt:l for tli" iio-t h wis! wii ;r'- In
i - takini; it o liis n.nch.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates f3r or near.
Telephor.p 1511 Mnmiy Exo zint
The row minister ot" the l'roshyter
ian churcL, tht- Ii--v. IJuchaiian, will
make hi home al the parsonaue.
Dr. 13. II. IJilniore and wifo were
visit ins in Omaha last Tuesday. fi
on the early train suyl v ere vis
itors at a hospital ther; Miiere Or.
(3il!iiore was in consultation with th.'
sjh chtlist.
The .Mi--;!o!i:iiy society of the I're
hyterian ehurcii will meet this week
at the horn of Mrs. Xi'ik Kred-'rieii.
when- they will look after t!ie husi-r,r;-s
of tl:-. society ;r.d such other
! may come helore them.
(J reel! pjjrt.'3t is do!r.K somo : ci l-
ien voik on the roads between thi
I!ace and I'h.t tsmout !i. fixinir th"
had holes, whk-h is makintr U'.e mat
ter of traveling over fiii popular
tl-.r'u-'hfare a very pleasing mat
ter. Lfist .Monday afternoon Harry C3.
Todd and unci.'. J. V. Edmonds, de
parted for the northwest and will
drive a truck to the ranch of Mr.
Todd in the northern portion of the
Mate where they arc doin.: some ex
tensive farming.
County Commissioners J. A. Pit;:
and C. P. Harris, accompanied by
Hiuhway Commissioner Vallery and
County Surveyor Fred Patterson,
passed" throtiRh Murray for Murdo'k
lat Tuesday iuornini;. where they
went to haw some surveying; done
illative to the road work which
tliev were lookinc: after. V. 15. Virgin. Charles
H""d. and Kohert Purr, entertained
the ladies aid society at the home of
the latter, the study be ins Ameri
canism. Th leader was Mrs. Myra
McDonald. There was much interest
manife-tcd. and many weer in at
tendance. Mr. Albert Voting pave
the report of the 17th district meet
ing of the woman's club at Nebraska
City in May.
A. F. Long was a Plattsmouth vis
itor last Monday, beins called there
by some business matters.
Mesdames H. C. Ixjiis and danjili
ter (leorge Nickels were visitors in
the county seat last Saturday.
Pu-iiKrs's called Mr. G. M. Minford
and his ton Will, to the county scat
lust .Saturday, driving up in their
Mrs. V. A. Kennedy and rm
Ralph, and Mrs. Win Puis, w.-re vis
iting in Plattsmouth last Saturday,
driving up with their car.
David K. Kbersole was a visitor
in Murray last Tuesday coming down
from his home in Plattsmouth to
look after some business in the im
plement line.
J. A. Scotten was a visitor in
Phut 'mouth last F riday, driving
there to look after some business
niattii and while there' attended a
show at the Parmtle.
Mr. and Mrs. liild were the guests
!at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe
' P.eirhl. -northwest of Murray for din
ner and a pleasant visit last fciri-iay
driving over in their car.
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Young, and
Mrs. Young's mother Mr.s. L. 11. Old
ham ntd .Mrs. V. K. Dull, were look
ing after some business matters in
Piatt -mouth last Monday afternoon.
Mr. Davis, the weliman, who has
been doing so much work in and near
Murray of late has found the work
profitable and has purchased a new
machine for use in this neignbor
hood. Asbury Jack was a isitor in Mur
ray last Tuesday, having visited
with Iris old time friend. J esse Mc
Yey for a time and returned to his
home in Plattsmouth with F. V. F.l
liott. the oil man.
Attorney D. O. Dwyer and son were
in Murray for a short time last Tues
day morning looking after some busi
ness matters, and after having looked
after them departed in their Ford
Sedan for Union, where they were
also engaged in looking after ;oiue
Mrs. K. M. Kleiner of Lincoln has
with her little daughter, been visit
ing at the home of the parents of
Mrs. Steiner, J. lb-rger and wile
of Murray, for n number of days and
returned to as.-ist in the packing of
their household effects for shipment
to Oklahoma City. Okla.. where they
nill make their home in the future.
Mr. Sttiner has le:?n elected to the
foronianship of the American
Products company of that place.
They will expect to get moved and
located in their new home by the first
of JulyT
before the completion of the edifice
he sickened and diet!. Mr. and Mrs.
Stewart's eldest so has taken up the
ministry and is engaged in work in
that line at the present time.
Kelp Make This the Largest
On Saturday evening. June 1-Oth,
Mrs. L. II. Puis, as chairman, with
the assistance of others, will serve
the last supper of the season at the
library. Let's make this the largest
and one which will be remembered.
Ye can do it ami jtt.'t at this time
everyone should be able to attend
and make the -comiinity spirit the
predominating feature of the occa
sion. . '
Vm. Puis. A large number of the
members of his immediate family
were in attendance at the celebration
of the event which was carried out
most pleasantly and one of the fea
tures of which was the excellent
birthday dinner. Those present to
participate in the celebration of the
event were L. IL Puis and family;
V. II. Puis and family; Alfred Gan
semer and family; Fred Lutz and
family and A. II. Englekemcier and
Injured by Accident
Mrs. J. A. Scotten. while starting
from the house to the yard had the
misfortune to step off the edge of the
porch and turn her ankle in such
manner as to tear the ligaments
loose and cause a very painful in
jury. The member was dressed and
all care is being taken of the injur
ed foot, but Mrs. Scotten is still com
pelled to use a crutch in getting
WilPGive Reception to Namesake
The Murray Community club will
in the near future give a reception
and banquet in honor of Ttev. Geo. H.
Murray, who lias resided in the east
for ii number of years. but who
preached in this community for some
time prior to the appearance of Mur
ray on the map and after whom the
town was named. Uev. Murray was
here when the town was organized
and had a large number of friends in
the community, many of whom are
still living and-"will be pleased to
meet their old friend and pastor of
former years.
A reception and banquet will be
tendered and every one who seeks to
honor Rev. Murray is cordially in
vited to attend.
At Eottora of North America
For the first time in the history
of motoring, an automobile has been
driven to the center of the Mesc,uite
Flat Salt Marsh, on the floor of Death
Yailey, the lowest point in the Unit
ed States.
The point reached is 2'o! feet be
In v.- sea levelTind the lowest in th-
'world with the exception of the re
gion about the Pea a M';i i.i ran-s-tine.
To reach its destination the car.
an F.sso:. i!:),i to be driven through
thre miles of s;.It marsh where the
heat of the s-.n. often reaching 1G0C.
bus built up a maze of salt pinnacles
resembling tie- stalagmites of a
'ave. S mi" of those pinnacles stick
up to a heiiiht of three feet, and ail
are as hard as concrete.
To drive the car through these, i!
was necessary to cut a path with
picks and shovels, a task which re
quired eiuht hours for the trip. Simi
larly, as it was necessary for the
liiolorists to camp overnight, the salt
pinnacles had to be cut oil to make
possible the placing of a sleeping
Hare Treat for Show Goers
L. II. Puis, who is ever on the
alert to furnish as much for the
money as possible in the amusement
line, has arranged for a show of six
reels to be given at the Puis-hall
Saturday ecening of this week. There
will be two reels of the tenth epi
sode of the "Midnight Man," and all
know how thrilling this is. Three
other reels of first class pictures will
be given as usual, and then by way
of good measure an extra thousand
feet feature entitled "What a Differ
ence It Makes" will be shown. Thi:
latter is of special interest to all
who live in this day and age and is
alone well worth seeing, as it illus
trates the differences in modern life
as compared with customs prevailing
a few short years a. You can not
afford to miss seeing this bis show,
which will be presented at the usual
price of admission.
Demonstrating; Proper Spirit
The citizens of Murray, who are
always progressive and eager to do
the proper thing at the proper time,
when the graling gang was passing
through the city placing the road
from east, of Murray to south of Mur
doek in condition, got together and
did some extra work on the streets
of Murray, improving t hem. wonder
fully. This is a creditable achieve
ment and marks a progressive step
in advance of many towns of much
larger size.
omplete Line
Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of the
Family will be Found at Our Store
P.oys' work shirts (t -
Men's broad, long work shirts ft-
Roys' union suits
.Men's union suits
Men's Hatch Onc-Ruttnn union suits (i,
ikivs' Hatch One-Button union suits 1
f.ic and up
$1.00 and up
Also Local Agent for ibe Famous Singer
' Sewing Machines.
The Service Store
ALFRED GANSE31ER. Proprietor'
Ladies Aid Society. .
The ladies, aid society of the Chris
tian church-will met at the home of
'Mrs. Robert Rurr on Wednesday.
June 2nd. Mrs. Rurr, Mrs. Virgin
and Mrs. Charles Reed, hostesses.
Three Quarters of a Century
Last Sunday, June Cth. marked
the passing of the 7oth birthday of
If you want to enjoy life more
thoroughly, keep Triner's American
Klixir of Hitter Wine at home! Tak
en before meals, it gives a good ap
petite, aids digestion and helps the
brain act quickly. Taken at bedtime,
it insures a healthy sleep, and you
rise in the- morning fresh and full
of energy. Rut insist upon the gen
uine Triner's American Klixir of Rit
?r Wine which is known through
out the United States as a truly de
pendable remedy and was awarded
highest obtainable prizes, gold med
als and gram! prix. at many Inter
national Expositions: London and
Brussels, 1010; Paris and Rome,
Iftll; San Francisco. 101"; Panama
l!Hi. During the last few months
various new "bitter wines" are mush
rooming in this country, but our
friends cannot be deceived. They
know the value of Triner's American
Klixir and will not accept any imi
tations. Your druggist or dealer in
medicines has all Triner's remedies
in stock. Joseph Triner Company,
1333-45 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago,
Why Pay the
T.Iet "With Plattsmouth Board
The official board of the Christian
church of Murray .composed of R. F
Prend d. O. T. Leyda. A. L. Raker.
C. M. Teed and Lee Kniss, met with
the official board of the christian
church at Plattsmo'ith last Monday
evening, driving up in cars. The joint
meeting considered J he acceptance of
Rev. A. G. IIollowcll as minister to
the two churches.
Rev. IIollowcll. who was formerly
pastor of the church at Plattsmouth.
is a man well qualified to deliver
the message and a very sincere man
in all his ways. He should with I loco-operation
of the members make a
success of the ministry at both
when the chance it. yours to make the saving we offer
en Fancy Santos Peaberry Coffee? No fi eight to pay
cr waiting for the cat in life bag.
Fancy Santos Peaberry; lots
of 5 lbs $1.98
Fancy Santos Peaberry; lots
of 10 lbs '. $3.90
Single pound yj
Hiatt . Tail,
MURRAY, : : :
Visited Here Last Sunday.
Aunt Kate Corbet t, Mrs. Clizbe
and two daughters and Miss Janet
Young, all of Weeping Water, were
visitors in .Murray last Sunday, be
ing guests at the home of Dr. and
' Mrs. J. F. Rrendel.
Is Improving His Earn
Otto Puis, residing northwest of
Murray, is making some extensive
1 IT Tiro vem rti ! to liic hnrn u n r n.lnn
(Completed will add -much to the ca-
! t. .i.T ..-f-...4 ....l ... : . r
' I'avii,!, v.ui.utii i (11111 UOII leill t5 Oi
.the ttructure. .The work is being
.done by J. A. Scot ton. the contractor.
, assisted by Ralph Kennedy and W.
! A. I Ionian.
Electrify Your Farm Now!.
Install the Silent Alamo
THINK of the advantages of electric light and power.
Why wait? Why measure the small cost with the
tremendous advantages of electricity produced by
the Silent Alamo Farm Lighting Plant.
Picture your home brilliantly lighted in every room
and what comfort to read or work by such light. How
easy to keep the boys at home. How much more sociable
the gatherings. To say nothing, of the labor and muss
that is saved when you discard the old and always dan
gerous coal-oil lamps.
Then picture the advantages of electric power the
labor saving in your home. See the running water in the
kitchen. See the churn the separator the sewing
machine the washing machine the iron the vacuum
cleaner operated by electricity produced .by the ever
ready and never failing
j Returned fiom S3-110J
j . James 11. Drown, of the Presbyter
ion church of. Murray attended the
meeting of the Synod of the Pres
byterian church in session at Srerl
ing. Kansas, last week, as a delegate'
from the local church. While there,'
he met Mrs. S. S. Stewart, former,
wife of Rev. Stewart at one time pas
tor of the church at this place. Old
er residents of Murray and commun
ity, and especially members of the
church here will recall when Rev. !
Stewart wa pastor and how- he was
instrumental in securing the erection '
of the present church building, but lYIurTOy,
Are these things worth while? Is it worth while to
have running water for your stock? brilliant, safe light
in the barns power to operate your small machinery?
See a Demonstration Today
See the Silent Alamo the plant that 19 free from ruinous vibration.
The plant from which the awful jarring and jolting which quickly ruina
machinery, has 4een eliminated.
Not only laymen but engineers have declared this little machine to
i be a marvel of engineering. It marks the absolute pinnacle in lighting
i plant efficiency and durWiy. Come in today. See a demonstration.
We Are
losing Out
our Lamps and Lamp Chimneys
and have an assortment of chimneys that should fit any
lamp from Aladdin's down to the latest model.
They nil go lantern and lamp flues alike, regard
leys of sic, shape or model at the special close out
price of 10c each. A few fancy and. plain lamps at
less than half price.
V care making a special price on VENUS Talcum
Powder. 20c per can. Tax paid.
Murray DrugOo
G. W. McCracken, Prop.
Hardware and Implements!
Wc are carrying a full line of the John Dccrc
farm machinery and implements a-nd our slock is most
complete just now for your selection. It consists of
plows, harrows, disks, listers, planters and every known
implement required in the corn farming line.
In addition wc also carry a complete line of heavy
and shelf hardware; electric washers and general hard
ware. Our aim is to serve you always.
R L.3
There will be presented the tenth epi
sode of the serial now running at the Puis
hall, on next Saturday evening, and in addi
tion three other reels of fine and interesting
The t-how will begin promptly at 8:30
and the charges will be the same popular
prices 15 and 25 cents. '
Remember Saturday evening, June 12,
tenth cpioode-of serial and three other reels.
Puis & Company
ood Home Grown
Soudan Grasa Seed for sale. Soudan Grass is next to
prairie hay in food value. All mailorders filled same
day received. Price 15c per pound.
Phone 2321 ' Murray, Neb.
" 1