The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 03, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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TJITT.33AY. JfSE 3. 1S30.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of the People
ir you
Et ' If t J .7"
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four p,r cent interest on time deposits.
Our deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Bank.
Wei. Homp.ii was looking aftfr1
pome hu.siii"ss iratti-rs In Platts-;
lmmih !??t Monday.
John Durnian ami family spent
1 1st Sunday at tV home of '.Tr?.
IMrman"s parents, James Tilson and!
wife. S
(lus Tlollojiberii was look.nsr after;
po ne l ::-i!i-s5 mat t-rs Xel raska .
City cnc ::y this vot-k. jroin,; inwn ;
n the iiioriiin Mii-Muri Pacific
t ra: n.
Mrs. Y.v: Yonnsr, who lias In en
iakinpr her l'.cmr- at I'nion for pev-
oral vifks. v.-as a vi.-itur in Murray
a few days during the fore part of
th- wtck.
V. J. Philpot fhippf d two cars of
cattle wlifh 1'' has fel in Lis yards
s-vtral miles west of Murray to the
S--nth Omaha market this week. D.
A. t;r'Sory, who lias hem visiting in
Murray. arcon:i,:ri:iod the Mock to
Not ithstaiidir. the scarcity of
aiM omohiles on ti.e market. 1j. H.
I'nls. of the Murray jrarusc, was.
n'.le to rcure 01. e of the popular'
Iln i. n?) : ; ( listers w liieh lie drove
d n from Omaha a few days a.'n.
a ad w;-. io!: !;e now i:3.s in the Fhow
r ii!iis .f his uarasre.
m 1
ii Ilia
Alwnys Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
T?lPTr!OTie 1511 Tklnrriy F.T9 ranj:
Empty Can 12c
Label and Labor 2c
That is what you pay for when you buy a one lb.
c::n of coffee. LISTEN, is there any good reason for
you doing that? Is this your kind of economy? Hayden
Bros., of Omaha, feature BULK coffee, especially a
genuine Santos, at 38 cents per lb. We are not as big
a firm as they are but wrhen it comes to coffee, we are
going to give you the very same Santos at the very
same price.
Coffee, per fb
A Sample if You Want It
Tin 9
of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Reader.
Business men know the ad
vantages of a savings account
with a good reliable institution
like this one.
They know that systematic
saving promotes prosperity. And
they know that money deposited
in this bank has sound protection.
haven t opened an ac
with us yet, do it now,
you forget.
Herman liifhter was a visitor in
Omaha last Friday, where lie was
looking after pome business matters
for a short time.
Mrs. J. A. Baxter departed on last
Wednesday for Eugene, Oregon, at
which place she will make her fu
ture home with her son.
T. J. I'rendel and wife are visiting
with friends in Indiana, having de
parted for there ahout ten days ae;o,
and will spend some time with their
Lee p,rown. living a few miles west
of Murray, shipped two cars of fine
ko:;s to the South Omaha market
last Tuesday, loading the same at
this station.
The horse of Ray Henry which
was kicked some weeks ago by an
other horse and which came almost
"kicking the bucket" as a result, is
now getting along nicely.
Dr. O. Faudin. the veterinarian of
l'lattsmouth. was in Murray for a
short time last Tuesday, called here
on account of one of the horses of
Hoy Howard being sick.
Miss Clara Young will leave for
Vail, South Dakota on Tuesday of
next week, where she will spend a
few months as a guest at the home
t-t her sister, Mrs. E. O. Lyman and
L. H. Puis and wife were visitors
in Omaha last Saturday, going on
the train to that place and return
ing in a new speedster Hudson car,
which Mr. Puis brought down to of
fer to his trade here.
It is with regret that we are com
pelled to state that some of the
teachers of the past school year will
not he with us next year. Work in
the Murray public schools has pro
gressed very smoothly during fhe
year just closed ar.d we hope it will
eer continue to do so.
Buy Your Coffee in Bulk.
. Tutt, .
J. A. Wilson. Sr., has become a
reader of the Journal and in a few
days will begin receiving .the paper
Charles Redd was called to the
county seat last Tuesday afternoon
to look after some business matters
for a short time. I
Mrs. John Vantine, of Wyoming,
was a visitor in Murray during the
past week, being a guest of lier
many friends here. ;
Arthur Hanson took a truck load
of hogs to the Nebraska City market
last Saturday for Font Wilson, which
brought a good price.
Glen Boedeker, of the Murray
State bank was looking after some
business matters in the county seat
last Tuesday afternoon.
James Earhart and wife were vis
iting last week at the home of Mrs.
Earhart's sister. Mrs. Nellie White,
in Omaha, being called there by the
illness of that lady.
Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Queen were
guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Kennedy last Sunday, and all enjoy
ed a very pleasant visit.
Dr. and Mrs. Ii. F. Erendel. Mrs.
J. F. Brendel and Miss Carlson were
looking after some business in the
county seat last Tuesday.
Fred Lutz and A. Gansemer were
looking after some business at the
county seat last Tuesday morning.
Mr. Lutz was accompanied by his
Wm. Barker, accompanied by a
very dear friend of Avoca. were vis
iting in Murray last Sunday, being
guests at the home of Dr. and Mrs.
B. F. Brendel.
Frank Vallery and daughter. Miss
Violet, of Plattsmouth, were visit
ing for a short time with relatives
and friends in Murray, coming down
in Mr. Vallery's car.
L. H. Young and family and Fred
Hild and family were guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Fried
rich last Sunday. Needless to say.
all enjoyed the visit greatly.
Joseph West and wife who last
spring moved to a farm west of Mur
dock, were visiting in "Murray over
Sunday and Decoration day. being
guests of their many friends here.
Ernest Carrol was transacting
business in Plattsmouth for a short
time last Tuesday afternoon and al
so visiting with friends in Murray,
coming from his home near Union.
Earl Amick was a visitor in Oma
ha last Tuesday evening, where he
was looking after some business mat
ter. En route he also stopped in
Plattsmouth where he transacted a
bit of business.
Fred Gorder and two daughters,
of Weeping Water, and Miss Emma
Wohlfarth, of Plattsmouth. drove
over from Weeping Water to meet
the train here last Tuesday after
noon, that Miss Wohlfarth might re
turn to her home in the county
Dr. G. II. Gilmore and Jack Phil
pot, of west of town, were visiting
in Plattsmouth for a few hours last
Tuesday, where they were interest
ed in the hearing which was being
held regarding the confines of cer
tain proposed school districts near
Murray, Weeping Water and Ne
hawka. Charles Herron and Wm. Patter
son were called to Plattsmouth last
Tuesday, where they attended the
hearing of the location of boundar
ies of the proposed new school dis
tricts. After hearing much testi
mony, decision in the matter was
left to the state superintendent, who
has not yet announced his ruling.
Henry C. Long returned a few
days ago from the west, where he
wpnt to market his wheat crop of
last year. He found the same con
dition there as here, namely, a ser
ious shortage of cars, and was forced
to return home without being able
to sdl the wheat. As soon as the
car situation clears up a bit he will
return and again endeavor to get his
grain on the market.
Chester Shrader who decided last
week it would be well to take a va
cation following his long period of
studious school work, during the ex
cessive hot weather, after giving the
proposition a trial, concluded that he
would as soon be working, and ac
cordingly has accepted a position in
the office of the Nebraska Power and
Light company and likes the new
work very much.
Will Try a Few Lambs
Last Tuesday Nick Friedrich had
Prank Marasek take a truck load of
.Ine hogs to the Omaha market, ac
; ompanying him on the trip. Mr.
Friedrich disposed of his porkers,
when he concluded there might be
'ome money made in feeding a few
iambs, so he had Frank return with
i load of them for short-time feed
ing. Entertained Social Workers
' Mrs. Fred Majors entertained the
! 'Vtcial Workers of Plattsmouth last
i Tuesday and a very enjoyable time
I vas had in addition to the busi
i ness which was transacted by the
irociety. On their departure, the
members voted Mrs. Majors a very
nleasant entertainer and expressed
a hope that they could again come
to her hospitable home for a pleas
ant afternoon.
Suffers Quite a Loss
I Last Monday while Font Wilson
, was coming to town with two cans
J of cream, his horses became fright
ened as he was nassintr the road
grading gang which was at work j
on the road east of town, and start
ed to run away. So busy was Mr. !
Wilson controlling the team that he
was unable to look after anything,
else and one of the cans, containing
over five dollars worth of cream was
overturned and spilled in the bottom;
of the wagon box.
If any of tbe readers of the
Journal knor- of &y social
CTentoritem of Interest in
this vicinity, and will mll
game to this office, it will ap
pear under this heading. W
want all newsltema Editob
One Change Makes Another
The McDaniel flats are now occu
pied, they having been vacant since
the departure of Frank Good for the
west last winter. Jesse Chambers
has rented the place and given it a
thorough renovation and will make
use of it for a paint shop and a
place to store his tools. This move
on his part was made necessary by
reason of the room he had been us
ing being needed by Mr. Bartlett to
store part of li is goods, as he could
not get them all in the rooms at the
telephone exchange.
Murray Schools Close
Last Thursday evening, under the
direction of the popular teacher. Miss
Mae Barker, Murray people witness
ed the first eighth grade graduation
exercises which proved exceptionally
good and were appreciated by all.
The class was composed of five of
the young ladies of Murray, Misses
Mabel Howard. Blanche Scot ton.
Marie Puis. Gladys Lyle and Ethel
Davis. Each member of the class
assisted in the rendition of the pop
ular program. the Misses Mabel
Howard and Gladys Lee giving ex
cellent piano solos. while Misses
Ma.) and Glenna Barker gave a
piano duet. One of the most pleas
ing parts of the evening was the
winding of a May pole, in the na
tional colors, red, white and blue.
Miss Barker presented the stu
dents with their diplomas of gradua
tion, thus concluding the first grad
uation exercises of the Murray pub
lic schools.
On Friday afternoon Miss Barker
and Miss Sans gave the children a
picnic at the park in Murray, there
being everything good to eat on hand
but. only for a short time as it soon
disappeared. The past year has been
a most successful one in the Mur
ray schools.
The most valuable "system" is a
good nervous system. Every suc
cessful business man will tell you
that there is no success without
good nerves. Even if you have got
in the front rank, you must not rest,
you must make still greater efforts
in order to stay there. Triner's
American Elixir of Bitter Wine is a
great help for everybody in the strug
gle for success. It gives healthy ap-I
petite, aids digestion and invigorates
the nerves. It removes constipation,'
headaches, nervousness, insomnia,
lassitude, depression, and there is no
other remedy which. wiH .give the re
sults that Triner's American Elixir
of Bitter Wine has been giving for
the past SO years. It was brought
to the market in 1890 and leads al
ways, no other "bitter wine" being i
superior to Triner's American Elixir.
Try also Triner's Angelica Bitter
Tonic, your druggist or dealer in
medicines has both these remedies
in stock. Joseph Triner Company.
i:3a-1343 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago,
Ladies Aid Society.
The ladies aid society of the Chris
tian church will met at the home of
Mrs. Robert Burr on Wednesday,
June 2nd. Mrs. Burr, Mrs. Virgin
and Mrs. Charles Reed, hostesses.
Horses for Sale.
I have from one to five horses for
sale, weighing from 1200 to 1600
pounds, all good work horses, and
sound. Three mares, you can have
vour choice. Murrav phone 2305
M 13 4w. A. D. RHODEN.
The name Doan's inspires con
fjdence Doan's Kidney Pills for
kidney ills. Doan's Ointment for
skin itching. Doan's Regulets for
a mild laxative. Sold at all drug
All the popular copyright books
on sale at the Journal office.
Noted French Draft Stallion
.'.'.i'.;:..;..--!-i . . -
Registered No. 21312
Will make the season of 1920 at D.
C. Rhoden's barn at Murray, Nebr.,
every day in the week. Frederick
is an excellent brown French Draft
stallion and has been thoroughly
examined by the State Sanitary
Board and found to be sound in ev
ery way. He was foaled June 24,
1908, bred by North & Robinson, of
Grand Island, Nebraska, and has an
excellent reputation as a foal getter.
TCRMO 115.00 to insure colt to
iLlililO stand and suck. If mare!
is disposed of or removed from the
community, service fee becomes due
and payable immediately. All care
will be taken to prevent accidents
but owner of horse will not be held
responsible should any occur.
D. C. RHODEN, Owner.
Resolution Will Be Sent to House To-
i dav and Leaders There PLiti to
Have It Adopted Thursday.
Washington. June 1. President
Wilson's plea for an American inun
date over Armenia was rejected in
the senate today by a vote of more
than 2 to 1.
Thirteen democrats cast their votes
with the united republican member
ship on the final roll call and the
resolution "respectfully declining ' to
grant congressional authority for th?
mandate was adopted 52 to 23 in the
form drafted by the republican lead
ers. The resolution will be sent to the
house tomorrow and the leaders there
plan to adopt it without change on
Thursday. They say they hope for
as decisive a majority as the measure
was given in the senate.
In the debate today, the democrat
ic leaders counselled delay and tried
in vain to put the decision over until
the next session of congress'. Scarce
ly a voice was raised in out-and-out
advocacy of accepting the mandate
and on motion to amend the resolu
tion so that the requested authority
be given, only thirteen senators, all
democrats, voted in the affirmative.
Recorded against the motion were
twenty-three democrats and thirty
nine republicans.
In their effort to ward off action,
which they argued was advisable be
cause of the peace treaty deadlock,
the minority leaders had better re
sults. The resolution to send the
resolution back to committee with
instructions that it be "reported af
ter the ratification of a peace treaty
with the central powers", mustered
almost solid democratic support, but
was lost, 43 to 34.
Hitchcock Offers Amendment
Senator Hitchcock presentee an
amendment, which he said would
make the resolution acceptable to
him, providing for a joint commis
sion of Americans and Armenians to
lehabilitate the new republic econ
omically. It was rejected, 43 to 34,
with only two republicans, Senator
Kenyon of Iowa, and Townsend of
Michigan, supporting it.
Senator Walsh of Montana and
several other democrats declared the
foreign relations committee had
drafted the resolution hastily. In
reply, Senator Lodge, Massachusetts,
the republican leader, pointed out
that the sub-committee had made an
exhaustive investigation of the Ar
menian situation before the pres
ident's request was received.
"I do not desire", said Senator
Lodge", to have this country giv? to
the world the impression that it doe?
not sympathize with the Armenian
people. They are a gallant people.
I think they deserve aid. But there
are many ways to give them aid
without involving the Unit?d States."
Beaver City, June 1. Roy Thomas
a "farmer, twenty-eight years old,
was found early this morning out
side his garage with the top of his
head blown off. Beside his body lay
an automatic shotgun which he hail
taken from the building.
The tragedy was discovered by
Mrs. .Thomas, who looked for her
husband when he did not show up
for breakfast. The county attorney
is of the opinion that the discharge
of the gun was accidental.
Sioux City, la.. May 2S. Two al
leged moonshiners caught here were
netting nearly $6,000 a day profit.
according to government agents.
Mrs. Anna faster and son, Charles
Wittstruck departed this afternoon
for Tacoma Tark, South Dakota, in
response to a message announcing
the injury of their son and brother,
Fred Wittstruck in an automobile
accident at that place.
Mrs. W. T. Smith was a passenger
this afternoon for Council Bluffs to
visit with relatives and friends for
a short time.
Mrs. J. H. Donnelly came down
from Omaha yesterday afternoon to
attend the meeting of the St. Mary's
guild, of which she has long been a
member, and to spend a few .hours
with the old friends, who are de
lighted to have her with them.
Of Summer Apparel for Every Member of the
Family will be Found at Our Store
Boys work shirts frf
Men's broad, long work shirts
Boys' union suits
Men's union suits
Men's Hatch One-Button union
Bovs' Hatch One-Button union
Also Local Agent
The Service Store
urray Drug Company
will offer at special sale some lines,
consisting of
Paints and Painter's Supplies,
Lamps and Chimneys,
Talcum Powder, Etc. Etc.
Watch this space for further announcement
next week.
iiurray Dirygo.
G. W. McCracken, Prop.
Hardware and Implements!
We are carrying a full line of the John-Deere
farm machinery and implements and our stock is most
complete just now for your selection. It consists of
plows, harrows, disks, listers, planters and every known
implement required in the corn farming line.
In addition we also carry a complete line of heavy
and shelf hardware; electric washers and general hard
ware. Our aim is to serve you always.
Wn 00-
There will be presented the ninth epi
sode of the serial now running at the Puis
hall, on next Saturday evening, and in addi
tion three other reels of fine and interesting
The show will begin promptly at 8:30
and the. charges will be the same popular
prices 15 and 25 cents.
Remember Saturday evening, June 5,
ninth episode of serial and three other reels.
Puis & Company
Good Home Grown
Soudan Grass Seed for sale. Soudan Grass is net to
prairie hay in food value. All mail orders filled same
day received. Price 15c per pound.
Phone 2321
ete Line
suits a
suits (if
50c and up
fl.00 and up
for the Famous Singer
Murray, Neb.