The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, June 03, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2

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    THURSDAY, JUNE 3, 1920.
Iill'lg fcHjuBaiiiPmiUiiiiiBliiiil
Notice to Ford Owners!
How are your lights? Does your motor
crank hard? If you have these troubles your
magneto is weak. A new magneto would
cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge
your magneto without taking your motor
down for $5.00.
Gome In and Lot Us Explain!
Garage Phone 650 House Phone 502
State School Head, J. L. Matzen, of
Lincoln Takes Lit. Pleasant
Case Under Advisement
rrom Wednesday's Dally.
The hearing that was held yes
terday at the court house in regard
to the changing of the boundary
lines of the proposed Mt. Pleasant
school district has resulted in the
placing of the matter in the hands
of Stale Superintendent J. L. Mat
7en. who now has it under advise
ment. Mr. Matzen left this city to
attend a meet ins; at Albion and the
last of the week will return to Lin
coln and a report of his decision in
the Cass county matter is looked
for within the next week.
The rural districts near Murdock
and Greenwood are awaiting word
from the office of the superintendent
as to his decision and will then call
a special school election for the pur
pose of consolidation of the districts
to give a more compact and higher
graded country school that can offer
all the advantages of the high schools
of the cities.
The three consolidated districts al
ready in force in the county at
Eagle. Nehawka and Alvo have giv
en the greatest of satisfaction and
the advantages 5f this system art
now being appreciated by the resi
dents of these districts.
It is expected that other sections
of the county will probably later
take up the matter of consolidation
as there is a growing demand for it.
It Will Pay You
to investigate our prices on
Especially our Men's Blue Ribbon Work
Shoes and Furnishings.
ach & Liber shal.
East Main St.
Phone No. 236
Coat Peeling Time!
Are you satisfied when you "pull the coat?" Do
you feel.just comfortable and at ease? If you need a
shirt that bats a thousand, come in and look 'era over.
We have a flock of them that lead the league:
Jerseys in colors and plain white to $20.00
Baby Broads and candy stripes . . . $8.50 to 1 2.00
Tubs $8.50, $ 1 0.00 and 1 2.50
Crepe de Chine to '. 1 5.00
. Fibre Silks, best for wear, $5.00, $6.00 and 8.00
A nice collection of shirts with collars attached for
the young men seeking comfort and style priced at
from $2.50 to $900.
May we show you something new and classy in
a Wash Tie at $1.00?
Piiiip Si
Take a squint into our east window
From Wednesday's Datly.
The first game of the Burlington
shop league was staged last evening
at theRed Sox park and with a large
crowd of the base ball lovers of the
city on the job to witness the con
test. The game was one filled with
interest from the time the first ball
was heaved until the close of the
battle when the score disclosed that
the coach shop had won from the
storehouse team, the champions of
1919. by the score of '4 to 1, and a
costly miss by Howe, the crack ball
tosser of the car furnishers, lost him
a shut out in the opening contest.
Howe pitched a very steady game
and retired thirteen of the employes
of Storekeeper Duncan through the
strikeout route, while he was nicked
fpr five hits by the store house ag
gregation. Joe McCarthy was in the
box for the store house and succeed
ed in fooling six of the coach shop
batters on strikes, while he allowed
four hits to his opponents. Two men
drew passes from McCarthy and one
from Howe.
The game was strictly according
to rules and regulations with Umpire
Ed Long handling the indicator in
his usual impartial manner and
Charley Hanson as the big noise as
the base ball cop.
In the opening inning Max Pries
was retired, McCarthy to Whitey;
Mason drew a walk from Mac and
was able to pilfer second and later
scored when Patrick O'Donnell laid
a hot one down the first base line
for two sacks. O'Donnell was caught
trying to steal third and retired.
Shinn closed the half by a strike
out. For the storehouse Martin was
whiffed by Howe while Brewer had
a lease of life on a poor throw to
first base; Schubeck jabbed a safe
one to right while Whitey fanned
and McCarthy closed the inning by
retiring. Mason to Pries.
The second act of the littlo drama
was scoreless as the players retired
in rapid order. Howe was struck
out by Martin; Gradoville was put
out on a grounder, Schubeck to
Whitey; Glaze was hit by one of
the shoots of McCarthy but in trying
to get to second was grabbed off by
Grassman and Schubeck at second.
For the supply department Hud-
gins and Grassman struck out and
Newman was walked, but died on the
base as Brubacker failed to touch
any of the hot ones sent over by
The third gave the coach shop an
additional score. Wooster, the first
up, was out on a grounder to Mc
Carthy; Hunter was given a base on
balls and when Pries rolled out a
grounder. Hunter made second safe
while Max was able to reach the
initial station; Mason struck out and
Hunter came home on a wild pitch
by McCarthy; O'Donnell retired, Mc
Carthy to Whitey.
The storehouse led off with Martin
in the third, he being safe at first
on an error by O'Donnell. He was
followed by Brewer, who hit to cen
ter for two bags; Martin tried for
home when a wild peg by Mason
gave him a fighting chance to get
to the plate, but the fast work of
Gradoville in capturing the elusive
sphere resulted in his being tagged
out. Schubeck struck out and Whitey
was out on an easy grounder to
In the fourth inning Shinn led off
for the coach shop and retired, Mc
Carthy to Whitey; Howe struck out;
Gradoville jabbed a warm one for a
two sacker to center garden and later
scored on a wild heave by McCar
thy; Glaze struck out. McCarthy,
for the storehouse, was struck out;
Hudgins went oat on a grounder to
Howe; Grassman hit safe to right
field but died on the base as New
man failed to connect with the
The fifth was again scoreless as
neither side could get around the
bases. Wooster of the coach whack
ers retired on a roller to McCarthy
and was followed by Hunter, who
whiffed while Pries was pat but, Mc
Carthy to Whitey. Brubacker for the
storehouse secured a clean hit to
left field; Martin retired on a pop
up fly to Mason at second and Brew
er fanned out.
In the sixth inning Mason leading'
for the coach shop put a hot one to
Martin that he fumbled and Mason
was safe at first; O'Donnell was out
on a grounder to Martin, but ad
vanced Mason; Shinn flew out to
Hudgins In center but scored Mason.
Howe then connected with a two
bagger to left and Gradoville hit
safe to right field, but both Howe
and Gradoville failed to score fis
Glaze was out on a fly to Newman In
left field.
In the seventh and last fnning of
the game, the storehouse secured
their tally after two men had re
tired, Hudgins and Grassman both
fanning out and Newman was given
a lease on life by .the error of Howe
and advanced to second and on the
hit of Brubacker scored. Martin clos
ed the game by striking out.
The Box Score
Following is the tabulated score
of the game:
ab ii ro a i;
Martin, ss 4 0 0 t 1
Brewer. Sb 3 1 10 0
Schubeck. 2b : 1 1 1 o
Whitey. lb 3 0 8 0 0
McCarthy, p 3 0 0 7
Hudgins. cf 3 0 10 0
(rrassman. c 3 1 6 1 0
Xewman. If 2 0 1 0 0
Brubacker. rf 3 2 0 0 0
27 5 18 10 1
Coach Shop
AH I t I'tJ J f .
Pities, lb 3 0 3 if 0
Mason. 2b 2 0 2 1 0
O'Donnell. ss 3 1 0 0 1
Shinn, 3b 3 0 0 0 0
Howe, p 3 1 0 2 2
Gradoville. c 3 2 15 1 O
(Haze. If 2 0 0 0 0
Wooster, cr 2 0 1 0 0
Hunter, if 1 0 0 0 0
From Tuesday's Dally.
Peter Meisinger of near Cedar
Creek, was in the city today for a
few hours attending to some matters
of business.
Miss Beulah Sans of Murray, was
a passenger this morning for Oma
ha, where she will visit for a short
time with friends.
Fred Lutz, wife and little son of
near Murray, were in the city yes
terday for the day, visiting with
relatives and friends.
H. L. Clapp, Jr., and wife, of Elm-
wood, were in the county seat today
for a few hours looking after soma
matters of business and visiting with
J. M. Teegarden of Weeping Wa
ter, and J. J. Gustin of Murdock,
were here today to attend the hear
ing on the Mt. Pleasant school dis
trict adjustment.
Alfred Gansemer of Rock Bluffs
and J. G. Meisinger of Eight Mile
Grove, were in the city today filing
their assessment returns with Count r
Assessor George L. Farley.
John Nemetz of Omaha, was a vis
itor in the city over Decoration day,
a guest at the home of his sister,
Mrs. T. M. Scarbrough and family.
John is now in the office of the
county treasurer of Douglas county
and is one of the well known and
popular men in that office.
H. A. Stromsburg, principal of the
high school, departed yesterday
morning for his home at Polk, Neb.,
where he will enjoy a short visit
with his relatives and friends and
from there expects to go to the Yel
lowstone national park to spend the
summer. Mr. Stromsburg is expect
ing to return to this city for the
coming term of school and the mem
bers of the classes of the high school
and his many friends will be pleased
to hear of his return.
From Wednesday's Dally.
Harry Schuldice of Grant, Neb.,
who has been visiting at Omaha,
came down this afternoon for a visit
between trains here with his father,
Albert Schuldice.
John Gradoville and wife depart
ed this morning for Omaha, where
they will spend the day and where
Mrs. Gradoville will have her foot,
which has been giving her a great
deal of trouble, examined and treat
ed. Mr. and Mrs. August Jochim and
daughters Thelma and Elsie, from
near Louisville, were in the city Sat
urday for a few hours looking after
some matters of business.
A car load of live poultry delivered
at poultry car near the Burlington
Freight House, Plattsmouth, Neb.,
on SATURDAY, JUNE 5TH, one day
only, for which we will pay in cash.
Hens, per lb. 30c
Springs, iy2 to 2 lbs., per lb. 45c
Turkey's, per lb. 30c
Ducks, per lb. 24c
Old Roosters, per lb. He
Remember the date. Will be on
hand rain or shine and take all poul
try offered for sale.
Yours truly,
; w: E. KENNEY.
Will Use Five Leased Telegraph
Wires to Fully Report
Republican National Convention
at Chicago, Starting June 8th
The Democratic National Convention
at San Francisco, Starting June 28
THE OMAHA BEE has completed
special arrangements for full reports of
The International News Service
covering both these great conventions; this in addition to the blanket news and
feature service of
The Chicago Tribune
(The World's Greatest Newspaper)
and the full reports of
The Associated Press
In addition to the full news reports of these three great services, The Bee will
receive the reports and comments of
EDWARD RUSSELL, experienced political correspondents.
DOROTHY DIX. the world's highest paid woman writer; FANNIE HURST.
story from the woman's view.
These reports will reach The Bee over five leased telegraph wires. No other
Nebraska newspaper will offer such complete reports of these conventions.
Send in your subscription or order from your local news
dealer today, as The Bee will undoubtedly be sold out during these
great meetings.
In the IMstrict Court of tlie County
of Cass, Nebraska.
T. H. Pollock, Plaintiff, vs. William
S. (Jraff et al. Defendants.
To the defendants. William S. Graff:
Rebecca Graff; W. S. Graff, first real
name unknown: Mrs. W. S. Graff, first
real name unknown; D. Remick: & Co..
a Co-Partnership also known as David
Kemic-k & Co., and composed of Charles I
Hendrie and David Remick; Charles
Hendrie; Josephine Hendrie: David
Remick; Mrs. David Remick. first real
name unknown: llllam c nenorie;
Mrs. William C. Hendrie. first real
name unknown; Thomas Hallowell;
Mrs. Thomas Hallowell. first real name
unknown: W. D. Merriam. first rea
name unknown; Mrs. W. D. Merriam,
first real name unknown; A. K. Alex
ander, first real name unknown;
Alexander, first real name unknown:
the unknown heirs, devisees, legatees
personal prepresentatives and all oth
er persons interested in the estates of
William S. Grafr; Rebecca Grair; w .
Graff, first real name unknown: Mi
W. S. Graff, first real name unknown;
Charles Hendrie; Josephine Hendrie;
David Remick: Mrs. David Remick,
first real name unknown: William C.
Hendrie: Mrs. William C. Hendrie. first
real name unknown: Thomas Hallo
well; Mrs. Thomas Hallowell. first real
name unknown: W. D. Merriam, first
real name unknown: Mrs. . D. Mer
riam. first real name unknown: A. E.
Alexander, first real name unknown;
Alexander, first real name un
known, each deceased; the unknown
successors, erantees and assigns of D.
Remick & Co.. a Co-Partnership also
known as David Remick & Co., and
composed of Charles Hendrie and Dav
id Remick: Lot four I4 in biock ior
tv-three 43), in the City of Platts
mouth. Cass county, Nebraska; and
all persons havinp or claiming any in
terest of any kind in said real estate
or anv part thereof:
You and each of you are hereby no
tified that on the 26th day of May.
1920. plaintiff filed his suit in the Dis
trict court of Cass county. Nebraska,
to quiet his title to the following de
scribed lot. to-wit: L.ot iour mi in
Block forty-three (43), in the City of
Plat turnout h. Cass county, rseoraska.
because of his adverse possession of
said lot by himseir and his ffrantors
for more than ten years prior to the
commencement of said suit, and to en
join each and all of you from havinc
or clalminsr any right, title. Hen or
interest either lecal or equitaDie, in
or to said lot or any part thereof. To
require vou to set forth your rignt,
title, claim, lien or interest therein,
if anv, either lesal or equitalle, and
to have the same adjudged inferior to
the title of plaintiff and for general
equitable relief. This notice is made
pursuant to the order of the court.
You are required to answer said peti
tion on or before Monday, the 19th
day of July. 1920, or your default will
be duly entered therein.
m31-4w Attorney for riaintiff.
Observe These Rulings When Yon
Sell or Trade.
Nearly new Minneapolis thresh
ing outfit, with tank and belts, 20
h. p. Straight flue engine and 36x56
Nehawka, Neb.
New 1920 Reo touring car. Never
been run and will sell at a bargain.
Weeping Water.
In transferring a registered car,
the transferor must endorse the cer
tificate to the transferee and the
transferor in turn must present the
original certificate within ten days
to the county treasurer, who shall
issue him a new certificate with such
additional fees as the law requires,
and promptly send the original cer
tificate attached to the duplicate re
ceipts to the State Department.
In - case the transferor does not
care to continue his license, then he
shall surrender his certificate prop
erly endorsed to the transferee and
return his number plate to the coun
ty treasurer per section 12. (In this
case write on the certificate that
the transferor does not want to keep
or continue his original license.)
Dealers shall forward all transfers
on cars which they receive from cus
tomers and other dealers to the coun
ty treasurer under application for
duplicate certificate which will be
issued to them per section 13, with
out charge, for their use when they
resell such cars.
ml-lniw County Treasurer.
E. R. Chapman of near Union, was
in the city today attending to .some
matters at the court house with the
board of county commissioners.
-h Lawyer. !
J. Cost ot Riley Hots'.
Coates Elock. J
J Second Floor.
Brunt; if drieiii;
WATER COLORS in all shades .
and tints.
MODERN WALLPAPER in an endless va
riety of styles and effects to choose from
Painter - Decorator
Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
"That Printer of Uaeirs." one or
Harold Bell Wright's good storle
on Bale at the Journal office.
Banking, Shorthand, Typewriting.
Telegraphy, Civil Service, Book
keeping. Demand for graduates
urgent. Positions secured. Students
niav work for board. Address now
for Catalog A. Boyles College,
Omaha, Nebraska. m20-8w.
-Dry Cleaning-
that will satisfy you!
the kind you will appreciate!
looked after with careful attention!
Send your next order to
Phone 166
Plattsmouth, Neb.
When in need of a fine hand tailored suit call and
look our tailoring department. We can save you money..
3-We'Call! We Deliver!: