The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY. MAY 24. 1920.
Joe Armstrong was in Lincoln Friday.
I j Ed Casey autced down from Lin- j
coin j- riuay.
I John Parsell came in Thursday
from Denver. Colorado.
Bert Kitzel has sold his Dodge car
F. Ko. fnow a ti l
re- in Lincoln
nepiu w- i
Monday ,
of Fair-
Suiulav ;
.Mr-, c.
i : Mick.
Mr. and Mrs. H. K. Allen
b-iry. jr-nt S.-tiirdav and
it!t Mf. and Mr-:. 1 1. Me.rc.
Mr. and Mrs. W'rn. Tai-r came
it; Sunday from ': M i-il, Kan-as.
: vi-it ii'l;it:v-. ; rdiort time.
Mr. and Mrs. I-aa- Teiland p'turn
i to ila'!i;k Civility evening after
i dling a few elays v.-itli reiativ
i : 1 .
Mr iii (i Mr-. M ' Ke r and -n.
!.. wt.- mit-:; .-'unday of Mr. and
Sam ( 'a. 1. ::.-. at th;-;r home in
I '.iver-t'y Place.
' hi Friday r.iy'it ttie seventh ;,r.d
i---!ith t'.raK-:- save a (arty f, r their
r . !: r. Mi ': Ander.-on at the home
Mr. and Mrs. S.:n Hanlwick.
'. ::):.' were p!r'd and dainty re
1 r--bine-nt-. t re m rvi'tl. All rt juirt
ii ilt liuht fill e-!iiim.
Mr. and Mrs. M. C Kcef'-r cnter-
i :ncd th Alv.t M-lsi'oi facility i-n-.
i-iirn i ' ili' f'l'.win dgT.r K-ad.-
S'ij;. J. V. Kir.-in-:.:. T'rin- V.i-- S-ii-v. Aistar.t 1'iincl-i-al
Mi:- K.x ii.l Stand, r. Mi-?
r-.s. AndT-on. Mis- .Varie '
- t ii i . .Miss F r:i PiTni.itl ar.d
."h--. .!! n ri-r':".;: n ai:d I; r. F. ro
: ti ;;t st;. er ..M-i::day .-v?:ir.
M;i son
Mrs. Elmer i5arre!t of Ilavelo.-k
came down Wednesday to attend
Chicago. May lit. The wave of
price cutting in wearing apparel
and is sporting around in a new
w . 1.. ...
-is,vu.c.roreman spent the week; IIprbt.rt Moore Was in
end with her parents. . 1 Thursday attending the
-Air. anu .wrs. (jeorse r.raun wi'rc,i0jge
Lincoln vi-itors Friday Mrs w yer and ' daughter,
Mr. and Mrs. Win. Timhlin were in at i.., , ; r ii
iiniiii-Mi.iy iiiiernoon. Thursdav
i r.e iiii.iners council met Thurs
day afternoon with Mrs. C. K. Ji.r-
, . , C'-mmeneciiKMit exercises.
....;,. . V- t V," . ' ';"" the hail st..rni edn;-day ov.en- n ntinued today to sweep the- coun
"i.-iu iu -i;ii.iiii n I'll v : iicr- : : ,i : i i.i -i I
- ------ ins inn i w:;-uij: u nil- uaiiidnt ii'
t-i" t, .. , x- . , ! wheat and alf.ilfa s(.uthwi-st of Alvo.
ii- V - .i..i m.-t JoIin ckinntr and ?ister. Mrs. .
t-iiu'.-udj a . i v i noon wun .iri. isam ft
I I T .. 1.
, Sterling. Colorado, to visit their si--
i.iiiie KK-narii a. i fireman is s:if-ttr
i. ini iii me measles at ins iimnt ' jj
in Lincoln. j 'T,
-n. .inn .nib. jre rnreman return-j We
eu uiinay iroin a two weeks visit
" ",u . ers n. Acnes I'eterstm. Mildred Cod
i ne vi omens readme club me ).,.,.
Friend, left Thursday ni.sht lor
line Colorado, to visit tiicir si
Mrs. Nettie Park, who is juifo
e from Alvo attending the
pinir Wan r jitnir class play Fri
day ni'Iit were the Misses Carrie Pet
Thursday afternoon
fmi Siroemer.
(J. 1. Forenjiiu and S.
with Mrs. A I
Pianche Moore, and Messrs. liar-
d Iei;ates to t h
.-tate convent i
Mrs. G. P
t Hd McKinnon. Kdcar Kdv.:irds, Floyd
I lMekerson and KlniL-r Kosenow
. i.(.ie-. t Miss Marguerite Riser of Council
Pluff--. In., is visitine Miss Planch
n in i mnna. Mim i - this week, and will attend
l i reman and son : r-nnm. .,,... ,.vr(Mi
Charles and Mis Dorothy McKinnon j .Mr. arul .Mr5 s r jiovl-s enler
autoed to Lincoln Saturday after- tained at dinner Sundav. Miss And.-r-IUHJ?-"
n. Supt. J. W. Kinshmer. Mr. anri
. ,SS,, 1-1:1 nCls Ca,r-I1,n :,nd -d'-" .Mrs. Pale fi. Povhs and Xfr. and
i-.thel Hunter of South F.end. were Mrs. C. D. Can?: and son
uu.-sts of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Schafler j " The ' third' annual onim-nremei.t
.Saturday evening. j e.erci-e- of the Alvo consolidated
C. D. (lanz attended the repuhli- ( se,ool. were held Wednesday even
can state convention at Lincoln injr. May lfj;H 1?-ii (t U-l high
Tiuday. ;is delegate. C. C. Pucknell I ."...i" .',;.nt,!r-;V.',.. "ti'.,. - i
land Ir. L. Muir also attended. !,!,,. i ..i.-. ,,r io- i. r,,'.!.,
i TT..W ! The ' baccalaureate svrmon was ' M Petersen. P.iainhe F. n'onre. Ivan
I'-i'i; 'ii u:i-;::iiiy v a i - pri;ie n eii Minoav cvonins; l)V lit-v.
For Sale!
ri'Kt rri'i
1. ... ... ..... "--If . 1 - . . . . t . . ... . L . I ... . . I . . . . 1 . -I
xo ii. r. ui.iiu .ii:a 'k.-iii n ' eiiun-ii. i io- i-rani is (h-al took Fiov.i ;: iii
mm tor. in nori ;m;i-' ' Ui auuaunK cia , consists oi cisint , rson
i:iri a n u tnree ooys.
Mrs. liohert PitHtnock and li:'l?
s-Ti of Waverly. vi.-ited her lister.
Mrs. A. I. P.ird and family.
day and Thursday, and attendei?
xto -:- -:- iMebr. ov
t x e r c i s es W ed n e -d a v
Grain and Stock!
i: :r-ic
ixivj when tlic man v. ho manages
I 'cd-t one half of the net income
fin m.
Grain and slock shouM be bought by individual
buyers vho tiikc an interest in keeping posted on the
Co-operative associations will never be a success
uniil they tcli at least one-half their stock to their
vac naers.
Brine: your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six
' cxpciiencc on "market conditions" and 'Vradinsr
gram, i rec to our customers.
Crain and Lumber
r 0
r." tr
mm I?
f San?see"
Vv c believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers thriii can be rendered 03- a country bank. We
ire always rracy io make good farm -loans for long
Unns at remonr-blc rates. Our olTicers arc well prc-p.-re-.i
to aavi c on problems of farm finance, manage-i--"t.
rcce:iiitiag and tn the legal matters with which
a hi: ;pcr must now deal.
IV-poiirs i:? Tfiis Tr.n.h w FrotrtUd by the Guaranty Fund
cf th'j State cf Nebraska
i ; ?e
Parsers and Merchants Bank,
A L V t!
N F P. Ii A S !; A
. H0 rhi.r I I. "It It. i V .. x!t.
n-. t; I. I), a .. frr-Prr-..
AIo Nj.lifji'.ri Farm Loan
m t.i :
i i.t: v i.t:;-.
i 4
and lowers!
i'j--: -j ihc tirre to fet those needed repair:
v,hi!c liic clctk is complete.
( Yours for Service,
Pitck Tie! I.
tsoii. f lorcnct' A. raI(;r. Mvrtle i.
j lltirlhnt. K. Wesley Mir.i. Mary Mii
, (lrel Knisht. 1 1 azt !'. IVhs Perni'f.
j Mr. and Mrs. (!er:e W. Curyea
return. (1 hon e Tliursday eveninir
i'n.'in California .hcre tliey spent the
. past six months. They drove nut
.' spend in sj two weeks on the way and
n account "I rams tliey re tliree
we'ks and one day on the road home.
While in (';'. rnia they an toed up
to Coaliimo. where they vNiicI a
nejihew of Mr. Cnrvea and aNo vis
ited Mrs. I. .1. Jamison and sons,
formerly of Alvo at Porterville. al-o
H. S. )ii!rh and s-n. Mihi S. Ouj:h.
father and lroilicr of Mrs. J. A.
Shaffer and several fornu r Alvoites
in L'.s Angeles.
The Orpheiirn entertainment Sat
urday ninht at the !ii".h school r.udi
toriiini hy the Alpha Chi Sorority ot
the State Pniversity was jrien for
the hetietit of the French Orphan
fund. Th.- Misses Clara Wi!-on. in-stru'-or.
Clara I'irkrcon, Marie
Prouty. Poris Arnold. Genevieve Hail
and Lois Melton, student, took pari
in the entertainment. Miss Wil "
and Miss Melton were truest of Mi-s
Clara Piekerson wliile here and Mis-;
Hall and Miss Arnold were enter
tained ly Mr. pale o. Boyles Sat
urday niuht.' Miss, 5:all spent o in
day with her uncle G'-orpe Ha1!, am
Miss Arnold was dinner puest Sun-lay
at the L. Iauritsen home.
try. nierchnnts in inuny cities and
towns announcin:; reductions in
men's and women's clothinp. shoes
hats and other artieles. While some
nuTflii'.ms said Jlie redu-tions could
not he maintained after present
Ltecks were exha-i-ted. otliera de
clared the price cuts were the lopi
cat outcome of breaks in the east
ern market, a backward season and
larpe stocks on hand.
. owners oi ciepan nient stores m
scores of cities today announced i
price reduction in men's and worn
en's apparel, ranpin from 20 to 5
per cent, while in snme places shoes
i:il other articles w.rc sold at re
"need prices.
While the moven.' nt. viiich as
-iinied nat io:i-wide proportions yes
terday, continued to spread, banking
interests in New York today extend
er! th;ir campaipn of deflation of
redi's and hich C'linmodity prices
-arryinr; out their pled-c.; to the fed-
fral reserve hoard.
Will Help Credit
Credit will he h. lpd throuph the
eluction of iiulebtedness. resulting
from the rii.-posal of mereh)nlisc in
price-cutting rales, a financial auth-
riry sai'! tonipht.
"Accordins to reports from many
art1- of the country, merchants are
li'erinp inducements to buyer;-, iu
iicatinp that they are tryinp t r re
luce inventories find indebt edness.
Kiiey firohatily reached the conclu
ion that the time iiad come to re
luce stocks. Whether all the mr-
hants are making the reductions
hey advertise cannot he told."
American Refining' Company Boosts
Price Another Cent a Found.
Effective Immediately.
More Power to your Tractor
Perfection Kerosene Oil is all fuel every
drop packed with live, energetic pover. Its
even vaporization and clean, complete com
bustion assure maximum power to your tractor.
There is no sediment in Perfection Kerosene
Oil to clog the carburetor and interfere v. ith
efficient engine operation. It helps to keep your
tractor smooth-running and full-powered right
through from spring plowing to harvest
when delays prove mighty expensive.
Perfection Kerosene Oil is clejji, uniform and de
pendable the same high quality product you havs
always used for household piirposes.
Telephone our nearest agent and he w!!l arrant fcr
immediate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Ci! in any
For gasoline-burning engines use Red Crown Gav-imc.
Fine line of statijnery and cor- 'v,e merchant who doesn't aflvcr-
respondence paper at the Journal ,,se only when business is good will
'ElCe. ; jyeMuallv quit It entirely.
Read the Journal.
Gift cards at Journal office.
Subscribe for the Journal today.
G. II. Wood. Cashier ef Home State
I Eank. Louisville, Decides ITot
! to Eetura to Jlontana.
j Cteoree Wood, cashier of the Home
, Stale hank of Louisville, has decided
.to refuse th post mast ership of the
town of Malta. Montana, which va?
recently tendered him by President
Wilson and will remain in hi- home
j Mr. Wool lias lived in Montana
several rears, v. hre he formed a
rcat many fast friendship.; and had
jasfed th" eivil service examination
for postmaster of tiiai place before
he was oHercd the position of cash
ier of the Home State bank to fill
the vaeaney caused by The resigna
tion of his brother. ''. I". Wood, who
ino,-d o I'eetz. Colorado, to fill p
ct T'i it r r o--ition.
Won.-: rsm.'i! f
few wei ks a
;,r,,l eypem.c
!) if K !
ri'Ie :
trouble ::! eypemr arid had rold
u::; of h's iiorr ebold :;ds t ut there
. i:d alrerdy purchase, 1 nw furnit ur'
here, s . de pite the fact that the
jM-' tpei. tership pai l a - :l;;ry of
make am-ib-n
t v.ani to
fi,tt i
: ...t:....l..
! Ill .1 Id I e 1 V 1 ;j - v a V
Oil'T W)! ! a
ra'se of and he
returned his c-n. mission
Mr'. ::r. d Mr. Wo-id'.
v.:!! he pRaccd to know that they
.re to rtj-iair. ir town and no doub
New York. May 20. An increase
f one cut a pound in the price of
i!-:ir. making the new basic price
11 1 cents per pound, today was an
nounced by the American Sup;ar Re
inintr company. The increase be--ame
effective today. The national
.re-erver and fruit products asso
iatioTi announce'd here today that
's members will stay out of the
'-i!":ir market until the price of sup
ar come down from its present high
'evel. The association claims to rep
resent S3 per cent of the manufac
turers -of the country who make
jams, jellies and preserves.
"The so-called shortage of sufrar
does not exist." read a statement by
Marcus ISIakemore president of the
as'-or iation. who has investigated the
available supplies with the help of
the department of justice and repre
sentatives of the refining industry.
"Present prices represent pure infla
tion, cr used thru hoarding by sugar
He said that with the sugar that
has already been received in this
country and the amounts contracted
fe)r and available en the Cuban mar
ket an excess of more than r.OO.OOO
tons over last y ars total consump
tion is in foght. It is the hope of the
i iociation. Mr. lUakemore said to
.tart a nation-wide movement auiruig
:;:a nu fact urerr. w ing sugar and also
atiiong the housewives f the coun
try aimed at the present hit;h prices.
"If the housewives want tej he?p.
they should begin by using up the
.-inaii supplies of 2T to 100 pounds.
hich mod of tiie-m have storeel
lie said. "As soon as the
i ' 1 I - O V. 1 I i 11 1 "o; ins, 1 ( r.-y V TTA -K. 1
imny friends j nrice'-. will tumbl-' and th enormous
j.-fock" now stort'd in the warehouses
' irr freight cars will become avail-
? I.ooiv
ir, he v.a ; r'luct, nt to
h.:n- The bank did
-- hint and made him
: u b: ta nt ia I
j w I
5 r. Wco'i v I'.l ptirt has.e a home
F.fif i'i the ne;r future. At present.
ih-y are living in the C. E. Wood
hem. e on Cherry hill.
Louisville J state?
able it rea.;on?b!e figure?;."
"Corcien countries which never'
before shippe-d sugar to the United!
arc now invading the Ameri-!
can market. c,n!ent te deprive thetn-j
r.eive.s e)i ir'ir iiormai supply 1:1 or
!ler to profit hy the high prices, this
t . ,i ,1 .... . . , ' v is willing to pav."
li i.n tnat e;:nv hall a;, .
much food reo-.iired when it is! V.'ashingte.n, May 20. -Inability of
ihoiou't !y li'retir.ted.' In'e -tion be-; Attorney Gererrl Palmer to attend
,in . in ene i;iouu aiel a thorough'.. r,.,. .,),! a
Damming (nor damning) the River!
If you. wanted to stop the Missouri river, it would be useless to try
damming it, either at Omaha or Plattsmouth. The only way you could stop it
would be to head it off at its source and all its tributaries likewise.
It's just about as useless to attempt to dam the river of hir',h
prices at this end. The only place to stop high prices is at the source
where they originate. If you dam the Missouri at Plattsmouth, it simp
ly piles the water up and makes that much more trouble. hold back the current of high prices at this end simply docs
trie-same thing. Just stop a minute and think how unreasonable it is. Would you
expect the groceryman to sell all the sugar he had in stock at 30'. off? That
would benefit the few people who bought this sugar, but how would it cure the
evil when that same groceryman must go right into the maiket and pay more at
wholesale than he just sold it for at retail? Can he afford to sell this new sugar
same as he did the other? If not, then he hasn't stopped the high prices.
It's exactly the same proposition with clothing. A so-called
30' reduction on retail stocks won't stem the tide so long as the manu
facturers and wholesalers are still raising their prices. To make their
abortive measures look reasonable, these sale pirates claim they can re
place their stocks for less. This is- absolutely not so, at the present
writing, in regard to cotton or woolen fabrics. It is true in regard to
silks and silks only, but silks are a small part of a clothing stock.
There have been no signs or e cr. hints of ary reduction in cotton or
woolen goods. Just as soon r.s there is avy break in the cotton or woolen whole
sale market and wc can replace cur stoc :s ior less, wc shnll ceri.3)n?y bo glad to
give you the benefit and oiler our goods ai ?, emcpending reduction. But. uu
1;1 that time it is suicidal and preposterous io advertise r-oinclliing wc cnntiol do.
If wc could resort to city methods, or if our goods were marked high enough, wc
might offer 30' reduction now, but wc arc :.ot doing business that way. Re
member as has been said, that "30' i off means that much put on somcwheic"
under present market conditions.
About Digestion'if at iem e.f the food is of the
Mien 1 ne uice.stion ait'l
lar movement ef the bowel;
between representatives e.f sugar iiu-
take ch-mherlai:!-;-. Tablets t i streng- porters and the Department f i'13-
aregu-'tice. caused a postponement until
I tomorrow. Officials refused to dis-
, . ! c!osf the ob'ect of
1 iaiiK jF"iie-i w;i.; a passenger tins
morning feir Omaha to spend the day
with Mrs. Metier at the Immanuel
hospital, where she is now recover
ing from her recent operation.
etfeept to say it
the sugar men
the cemfcrenrc.
We are just as anx'nt!? as anybody ihit pri'.cj should come
dovn to a reasonable basis. Tl'cy arc too high they arc co high that
they increase our difficulties cir;cl decrease our profits. AVc arc hopirjg
they do come down and just as soon as they do come down at the
source we shall reduce them here.
mean3 a:; much to
s to the gevern-
Daily Journal. 15c a week.
I If yoi xrant good printing let us!
j do your work. Best equipped job'
shop in southeastern Nebraska.
There are always some things in ever' stock that by reason of change
of style, or broken lots, or discontinued lines, or early purchase, can be sold at
discount prices, and these specials wc shall continue to feat n re as in the pa. t, but
to offer a flat cut of 30 rc from our present prices on our entire stock, would
4 simply put us out of business, or any otlicr merchant who sells goods as uniform
ly close a3 wc are doing.
Think tli!3 over caicfully and if you see rtny other way out of
it, wc would be glad to have you come and point it out to us.
C. E
w escoo
m 3