The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4

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    MONDAY, MAY 24, 1920.
Cbe plattemoutb journal
Krtered at i'ostofTlce. 1'lattsmouth. Neb., aa econd-class mall matter
R. A. BATES, Publishe.
SUBSCRIPTION TltlCE $2.00 baps vitality.
When piofitoor full out, salaried
nun get a lauh.
Ntar beer i. a mocker, and t-Uony
drinkers are ragini;.
People who live? in slass houses
tdiould not throw fits.
Whatever food condition;-, are in
i t her parts of Europe. K:ilaiul will
always have her Iri h stew.s.
: o :
No. Maude, the y.uitiK husine::i
,tt vhu.a.dvciti 1" r sealed pro-
l$.;rU doesn't meat the leap year
Senator Hoke Smith, it .ippe-ar.
1ms filt the ur;v to become the Hir
am Johnson f Ihe deinoeiatic eam
liiiKU. And perhaps he may
thrive mi th" Smith vote as Sena
tor John-oii has on the Yonsuii vote.
: o :
' A pair of robin built their n.;t
in a freight ear. and just as the brood
was hatehed the unl. r I'aiin' to semi
the ear into Chicago. The yard
men. after consultation telegraphed
the situation to headquarters, and
th- order ranre instantly back to
.-i.ietrack the car till the babies
were able to leave the mt.
itrVir is more than V,
Nv C5 '
a mere lighting plant. it
cives vou electric power t
too, for operating all org
the light machinery around Hj
the house and barn, usual- fj
ly turned by hand.
It will nump and deliver
water to all parts of the
house or barn.
Write for Catalog
Omaha, Nebraska j
If s the TONE that
attracts you to this
The Sound Box is
cut in trumpet violin
shape, which ampli
fies each sound to
its fullest intensity
and richness.
Crystal clear like
the notes of some
full-throated bird
singing to its mate.
The guarantee
fuHy protects you.
Mr j!;.'J
v I. 1
Kchmoller fc Mueller Piano Co., Omaha, hraka.
UfaM. mail me mmplpte information about joar Kaaranted phono
Sraph bold on easy payment 8, it drired. ' ,
Xaras ..
If you want a Piano or Player Piano, write us for" information
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
Est. 1359 114-16-13 So. 15th St. Omaha
The Oldest and Largest Music House in the West.
The senate continues to maintain
its league of stagnation.
If greed is ever banished from the
earth it will knock the bottom com
pletely nit of politick
: o
Probably the brightest day in a
tired consumer's life is when he sees
a $17 suit marked down from ?G0
to $4). SO.
: o:
The. substitute for antimony is a
lighter compound, lifjy per cent
cheaper and possesses greater ignit
ing qualities.
:o: -. -
Ju.-t whv-there should be a gold
rush to Alaska is not plain, Unless,
indeed, somebody has discovered
something gold will buy.
"Pedestrians to blame for half the
accidents." Certainly. He shouldn't
be a pedestrian. His wife has told
him that a hundred times.
; O
Spendthrift.; are urged l) do their
having ricrht now, a-; there are
strong indicat ions that a number of
articles may be cheaper later on.
If jour bulohcvism doesn't rise at
reading the peremptory terms on
jour state income tax statement,
you're a pretty well anchored Amer
ican. -:o:-
Probably nobody in this country
exercised greater power than the la
bor union ollicial, provided he tell
iiis men to do something that they
already want to i'o.
:o: '
As is well known, our celebrated
Mexican policy does net allow us to
recognize a government bom oi
force. An early interpretation is ex
pected setting forth whether we ever
I recognize one based ,011 default.
' :o:
The reason for the absence of in
dividual money lenders is that the
j business, though porhaps the safest
! in the world, requires the greatest
possible amount of watching. The
collateral must be kept up to the
market every minute, and the ordin
ary investor does not want to take
the trouble involved.
Treatment of Common Colds
"If all who catch cold could be
persuaded to remain in bed for the
first twenty-four hours of such an
attack," says a well I.nown physician,
"there would be fewer cases drag-
i ging on with distressing symptoms
for weeks and often ending in some
more serious disease." To make sure
of a prompt recovery you should also
take Chamberlain's Cough Remedy
Whether sick or well the bowels
should move each day.
Two Ford touring cars: one Ford
roadster. Price to sell.
Guaranteed Phonograpli
A Phonograph of in
dividuality it
stands ahead of all
others in case de
sign the MOST
of all.
accomplishment of
Expert craftsmen;
will grace any
home however pre
tentious. If you ean't call,
Write us for free
i j i i i j r i
Earl M. Cline of Nebraska City is
Guest of Hugh Kearns xJost
of This City.
The members of the American Le
gion post of this city enjoyed last J
evening the honor m ntertainnig j
their trtate commander, Karl M. Cline
of Nebraska City, who arrived on
the 7: 'JO train from his home and re
mained with the Plattsmouth post
until his return at midnight. The
meeting was held at the K. C. hall
which had been kindly otVeieil for
the occasion by the members of that
order and proved one of the most
pleasant that has-been held in the
This ms the first opportunity
that this post has had of greeting"
Mr. Cline and the occasion was one
thoroughly enjoyed by the legion
naires of the city.. The state com
mander was introduced by Audrey
Duxbury, commander of the Hugh
Kearns rst and Mr. Cline at once
gave the members of the legion an
outline of some of the accomplish
ments of the service men's organiza
tion in their light to secure for tin
men who had fought for their coun
try an adequate recognition. The
.. .. j- - .t:...i.i..i
securing ot reiiei ior ine ui.v.hh-j
or wounded soldier and sailor had
been the first aim of the legion and
after months of effort the Sweet bill
had been passed to raise th - compen
sation of trie incapacitated men to
per month. He told of the un
availing attempts . to secure action
from the war risk insurance bureau
up to the past two months when
the tight of the legion had n suited
in a real effort being made to give
the disabled nu n seme attention. 1 i
al-o tou. hed ou the compensat h:i
measure that is now pending in con
gress anil which the legion commit
tee has been supporting at Washing
ton in the face of the opposition of
all the powerful interests which had
been aligned against it. The oppo
sition that had faced the legion at
its organization was tombed up oy
Mr. Cline who gave a clean cut and
right to the jMint announcement "
the status of the legion as that of a
civilian organization. not oath
bound and w hose members were car
rying out only the principles ot
good citizenship as they saw it in
i heir own iudment. The legion
.-tood as a strictly American organ-
ization dedicated to Cue aid of tli j
service men and their ideals and
wi re not in any way responsible for
the carrying out of any measures or
icts that were the duty of constitut
ed authority. In fact Mr. C line
stated that on several occasions he
had made it plain that tho lcgi.n
was not bound in any way to serve
as a police force, or to enforce peace
in time of strike or other distur
bance that might arise. As the or
ganization was purely civilian the
members stood in the position ot
acting on their individual judgment
ao what they thought best in cases
where as citizens they might be call
ed upon to take any s'tps that they
say fit but they did his in their po
sition as citizens, not as a l?g,ion or
ganization. Following the address of Mr. Cline
the members of the post enjoyed Sv:ik
very dainty refreshments whult hid
been prepared by the "chow" com
mittee and with t. e i !ea?ing music
of the Edison Viiom-gvaph k'.ediy
furnished by the firm of Weyrieh &
Hadraba for the occasion the mem
bers spent the remainder of the ev
ening most pleasant lj
rr., . H,..n...,,rl,l.. n-MiiVlxl
lmiYm "
and Piarks the s-.ic-e.ful eh. Tts ol
.i... ... ,,,l,i,, ori '
iee p-.-i ii.
fhat is nrincmg ini n- : ' 1
1 the orfciin ization tin- scrvie.? w!i
in finish the rcswu, win ano i-:-
nienns of securinr; th'1 t'.iinus that
are roniinff to them nri'l'Vo h 1 .111":
ti render the things which ti'.e
tion can expect from the iueti--tli.lL
i f so"'? citizenship.
One of the newest 'hen
ow'-eis Id
" .
ihe citv is Cecil York, who has j-,i t
. , ,. t
nvrehn: erl tlir
F. M
Welhimcr in So'tth Park
hns l'oi-n r.cctipied hy the York f:'r;i
ily fur the pat tluc? years.
i'.'.T::e is. splendidly located ii
make u mo-t (h-M.htful l-otue ti
as iiiiTi'-' a very pn.iHaMc- invt-tinei.t
for tho ne-.v ov.ner.
Periodic Bilious Attacks
l'er::fiihi titihjerf to hilinus ait:i"ky
at regular intervals know ahont when
to expect an attack. They find th it
thry have no t'.esire ftr food when
an attack is dtie but usually eat he
cause it is meal time. Skip one me:;!
and take three, of Chaiiihcrlain'n Tah
lets and you may Ik; ahlc to avoid
the attack. Persons subject to per
iodic bilious attacks should not drink
tea or toffee at any time.
Empty poods boxes for kindling.
15c each. See F. R. Gobelman. tf-d.
on I't-litiuii for Dctcriiiiuntifu
of llt-irnliip
Kstate of Harbara J. Wiles, deceas
ed, in the County Court ot Cass eoun
tv, Nebraska.
"The ttate of . .Nebraska, To all per
sons inteiesti'il in sail estate, credi
tors ami lieiis take notice that Cash
... W'ilf-s has nit'd his petition alli-K-intr
that r.arl.:ia J. Wiles tlied intes
tate in Cass .-oolite, Nebraska, on or
about April ::. l!e7, being resident
ami inhabitant of Cass county. Ne
braska, and tjie owner of the follow
ing described real estate, to-wit: The
south half S',i of southwest quar
ter SW'I "Section three Ci), and
the nortlaast onarter ( N I-' '.-i of the
southwest iniarter iSW'l) of Section
f,inr all in Township twelve ll-i.
North I Inline thirteen il'). east of the
i',th I. SI.. Cass county. Nebraska, now
o :n d bv I'.nnia i. Finch; also the
soutli half is1..) of the northeast
i.i i rtt r Nl i "and north half ( N 1 : t
.if north half iNL.t of north half (N'',-.)
ooitie:i:-l tiliaricr u-i.'u ii .vi u'jii
!'(U!- oil mid 'the north half (Ni) ot"
the southeast quarter (SK'i) anil the
lorth lialf iXUl of the northeast
en. liter NK'j i of the southwest iuar-
I - r . ( i . I et i i on i o a i 1 en oo,.
.. ! I : .. i : .. ..,-... .. 1 i V,.i ll, I
.111 I tl l''ll."-ttlj, 1I, 1.4-7, -..'lit
K.uie thirt.n tl::, east of the tith
I'. St.. Cass count'.. Nebraska. now
owecd by Tl cimas Wiles, Jr.: also the
Moith luiK iSL. i of the north half
iN'ji of the north half (N'i) of the
southeast oi:arter SK'.4 of Section
four ill. Mini the south half S'j of
the soutbea-t .uarter (SIC'4 and the
south bait' (S1.! of the northeast quar
ter iNi;'i i f th" southwest (uarter
iSW'i; I ..!' S. cth'11 fourteen 111), all
in Township twelve ItJ). North Kaie-ce
liiirtcen ll.ii. a-;t of the llth 1'. M.,
O'ass comity. Nebiaska, now owned by
i.-h I.. Vib-s; nisn lvt forty-four
ill), in S'-etioii thirteen llol. east f
the 1. M.. Cass onnty. Nebiaska,
now owned by l.uki- 1.. Wiles: also
ihe souili hai;'" iS'-.) or the northwest
.;iiarter ( N 1 ) of Section live (."il,
and tne east half lK!a of the north
east "inai ter iM:1! i of Section six
(til all in Township seven l. North
Ihitie twenty-nine l-".'), west of the
nils 1". St.. 1'ionticr county, Nebraska,
;.ov owned by .lames I'.urnett: iilso
t!e- noitina l iiiarter (Ni:'4) or Sec
tion twt nt y-niiif, and tin? cast half
ll.'.l of the .-out:. West llaltr (SWI
el S.ctjon t a en: y-nine ir) and t he
southeast quarter S V. ' , ) of Section
twenty c'Oi, all in Township eilit -S),
North l:an.. twenty-nine (J'.'i. west
ot" the Otli 1'. M.. l-'ront ier county. Ne-
j eraska. now owned by I.oren XI. Wiles,
anJ leaviio; i. r soie ami oniy iieu
at law the following named )iersons,
to-wit: Thomas Wiles, Jr., widower,
and J.oren .! Wii. s and Cash K Wiles,, and C.i una C Cinch, .daughter:
.ml piayinu for a decree barring
claims: that aid decedenl died intes
.ate; that no application for aduiinis
tit:ti)n las been made and the estate
d said .1.'. i .l nl has not been admin
. tere.l in t-.e Slate ..f Nebraska, and
that tie ln-ir at law of said decedent
as herein t forth shall be decreed
to be the ownets in fee simple of the
aboe d.s, nl. d -eal estate, which has
1. en set for h. ariae; on the L".ith ii.iv
of .iuy. A. 1. !:-", at ten (.10) o'clock
a. in.
Ii.ited at I-hitt.-mouth, Nebraska,
this -Mil das" of April, A. I 1te-i.
Al.l.KN .t. ni:i:snN.
iS. ali ii i :'. - I .v. County Jude.
i i:cvi, MiTit i:
In the i'ii,t Court of coun
Nebraska. i; .).. it Kb-!., I la i ii tiff, vs, West half
f Noi l in as: t:arter of Section 17,
' o-. u- hil' 1J North, Kan. ire '. in Cass
comity. Nebraska. and all persons
. '.a i :uin-r any interest of any kind in
said jcal or any jiart thereof;
vis,, the'iu' naiiii .1 jiersons iili.l
their unknown, heirs, devisees, lcga
' ees and personal representatives of
. a '! of them, to-wit: S. N. Merriam.
Scbb n N. .Mei riatn. l.ydia Merriam. ..
Coi-bin. Ausli i Curbiii. t. W. Newsum.
.1. W. Newsuii. Israel W. Newsum,
William lurl.:e, VVilliani lurfua, Den
nis li.-an. S.-iuiuel it. I'.ryaii and S. C.
I :r an, I lefcti hiiits.
The above . naiio d defendants and
each of them are hereby notified that
on the Jlth iliiv of April. 1 !-), plaintiff
tiled his suit in the District Court of
Cass comity, Nebraska, the object and
purpose of which is to confirm plain
t ill's title in and to the West half of
the Northeast quarter of Section 17.
Toviishin r.'oitii, Kange 0, in Ca
cotmtv, Nihiaska, and to permanently
. :iioiii eai h and all of said defen
dants from i avinir or claimintr to have
anv rirCht, ti!'e. lien or interest either
-. ::al or quitiibb- in or to said real
.statu or anv part thereof, and to en
j c.n said d fondants from interfering
in anv manner with plaintiff's posses
sion, enjoyment and titlf of said prem-
:.-.. and for LfMCl'Ill COVlitablc fC'lilf.
This notice is iven you pursuant to
t order of sa id Court.
Vou are l. quired to answer said pe
tition o'l or before Monday, the llth
day of June. T.ii'. or your deraull Vvin
i..." ..i.. i'...i,iii aiiaiiist vou ar.d
i ach of vou and decree quieting title
gainst you and each of you entered
in favor of plaintiff.
15 v D. O. 1WYKK.
a 'f.-lw. His Attorney.
State of Nebraska, Cass coini-
III HI s - w
In' the matter of the estate of Al
bert Yallcrv, deceased.
To the creditors of said estate:
You are her. be notified that I will
: it at the Countv Court room in Platts
mouth, in said county, on the 1 -1 1 1 day
of June, A 1 . PC. at 10 o'clock a. in.,
and on the l ltli day of September, A.
I) pen. :it In ..-clock a. m.. to receive
and examine ail claims against said
.state with a i" w to t he! r a .1 just men t
and allowance. The time limited lor
i .r eiriiuis airamst
, . . i . . . i ... , ,o t-r
l n e I - I ....ii. i i I ii ' . ,
!".'.., r' I. HI'll .-.lid thei
montns ironi me
a i ,i It:. 1 vninu of debts is
, ' ' " " ! said ll'th day of June.
! iVjo." .1
, , t, seal ofitie C.rav. deceased
aid i'mimu
" Court, this tith day of
j M-'V. 1 '-
County Judije.
MsTicr. c;ti:inTits
The State of Nebraska. Cass conn-
In the matter of the eMail- of 1.11-
al.eth Cat rv, deceased.
To th- ,,,, linos of said estate:
You are her. I'V notilied that I will
it at the Countv Court room in I'hitts-
inouth. in said county, on the aa
. .. i.. 'ii i.i in o clock a. ni..
-,o .11:11. .. ,. fc '
,..,,.1 ,, .1... n,.. ,ji- of Sei.teniher, ..
',. ... .. .i.w'i.- a m to receive
' .-.'.,' .. , , ri'i.,,'. H-ainst said
! '.. .I t ..' i i-T to H eir a"
c.-tnte. wiCi a vi-'.v to their a.ij-.s,-
ru nt and allowance. The time,
l.r the presentation of chums aura test e.-tate i tl.rce uiont,s from toe
, 01, of 1 A. I. i:tjf), and tlie
; tfU! limit, d f,,r t.ayment ot ib-bts is
; on yiar frot,, .uC 1-ih day ot June.
"vit.e,s mv hand and the seal of
s-.i.i Coi.tit.- Com t this Ctii uay of
:,,:,:V m.m:x J- HKKSOX
(.,.;,! i.'ounty Judpe.
oiciici: ! m:
011 Petition f"r Appointment
of ,i:niniNtr:itrix.
The State of Nebraska, Cass coun
In the County '- ourt.
In the tn-.tter ot the
L-s tate of J-
.-.nil Zitka, deceased. .
on inolii,;' and filing the petition of
Anna Z.tka piwin:-- adminis ia-l-oii
of said estate. may 1 uranted to
Anna Zitka as . din i 11 ist rat t") x : .
ordered. That June.a..tlb A. L. 1J-.
:.t in o,b.k a. 1ss,sn',,,;it;
l.earltifj; said petition, when all pfT
sons int. rest.-d in said matter V
near at a Comity Court to be held in
and for said county, and show cause
.. . . . .-," v.uiir.nni' FllOUltl
not be iii-anted: and that notice of the
tiendenev of said petition and tne
nc thereof be f-'iven to all 'r
. - . l 4 Vv Till 11 1 C 11
uSTioSy 'of Vis i"Ser in' Vhe hatts-
a l; is a a u
mouth Journal, a scini-weekl v news-
iianer lirinlnl in said countv for three
successive weeks, prior to said day of
Ilea ri UK.
Dated Jlav IStli. 1!-'0.
tSeal) inl7-J County Judge. to snow cim:
In the District Court of Cass coun
ty. Neluaska.
In the matter of the application of
P.ertha I.. Standley, 4uardian of Hubert
Standley, Irene Standley, Mabel Stand
ley and Vcinii Standley. all Minors, for
license to sell real estate.
l n readinp: and filing; the petition,
duly Verified, of Pertha L.. Standley,
C.uardian of Hubert Standley, Irene
Standley, Mabel Standley and Vcrna
Standley, all minors, for license to sell
the following described real estate, to
wit: An undivided eitrht-twenty-seven-ths
(j:!7) of the following described
lots: Lots sixty-three (tf:S). sixty-six
I ! ) anil sixty-seven 67), all in Lenox
Subdivision of the northwest quarter
tXW'i) of the northwest quarter
(NWU) f Section twenty-nine (2!t),
in Township ten 10) North of HanKu
seven (7), east of the th Principal
Meridian. Lancaster county, Nebraska,
as shown on the published and record
ed plat thereof. for the purpose of
raisins; funds for the education and
maintenance of said minors, ami it ap
pearinir from said petition that said
real estate consists of three lots on
which there are two houses which are
in a poor state of repair, and that
there is very little income from said
property after paying expenses for
keeping the houses in repair ana tne
It is therefore ordered that the next
of kin of said minors anil all others
interested in said estate appear before
me at chambers in the court house in
the Citv Of PlHttsmo'uth. Cass county,
Nebraska, on the l'.th day of June, A.
D. 19J0, at ten o'clock a. in., to show
cause, if any there be, why license
should not be granted to said Bertha
j,. Standley. C.uardian, to sell said real
estate for the purposes above set forth.
And it is further ordered that a
copy of this order be published once
each week for three successive weeks
before said hearing. in the I'latts
mouth Journal, a legal newspaper cir
culating in said County of Cass, Ne
braska. Dated at chambers in said Cass
county this ll'tli day of May, A. D.
JAM KS T. lSKtil.KV,
Judge of the District Court of
ini:!-:;w Cass county, Nebraska.
MI'lll'K 111.' I I I. A K I Mi
In ,. ,.;,ty Court of Cuss- conn
ty. Nebraska.
In the matter of the estate of Mat
1-0 nil iinrnns interested ill said es
tate, creditors and heirs-at-la w : 011
are lierebv notified that on the J.-th
day of Mav. 19 JO. Mattie KsenberKer
tiled her petition in this court, allcs
i;i that Mattie Cray, late of l'latts
111. oil Ii. Cass county, Nebraska, died in
testate on the J4lh day of December,
I'll).-., while ii resident of said County
of c'ass. and left surviving her, as her
role and only heirs at law, her hus
band, Joseph II. (iray and Nellie
ver u daughter: Mary Hooper, a
daughter: Mattie CHrenberRer, a dauKh
tei William Cattnack. a son: Mertha
1. l'.oir,' a lauhter; John E. Carmack,
a'on and Edith M. ilvesii, a daughter,
il' of lesjnl m:i', and that said decedent
was seized of tho fee simple ti.tle to
the following described real property
... 'Pi.o north half of Lots one (1)
and two (-, Ilock seventeen (17) in
l-lattmouth. Cass county, ieoi
which was the homestead of said de
ceased, and that on the death of the
va id decedent the said tine id saiu i i
nrot.ertv descended aceorcunK i. ne
decedent laws of the fctate or .-
binska to the said children 01 saio
.'ecea"ed in common and undivided,
'o,re and share alike, to each indi
vidual one-seventh, but subject to the
ri"ht of homestead ot tne sai'i ini--l.rnd.
Joseph 1 1. Cray, therein; that
. 1. ,i.m ,f the heira of said
decedent and the owner of a one-sev
enth interest in said estate, ana pra-in-'
for a determination of the time of
the death of the said Mattie Gray, and
of her heirs at law. the decree of kin
vhip and the 1 isht of descent of the
real property belonninn to said de
cedent in the State of Nebraska, and
tor an Order - barrintr rlairns against
-aid -estate, a fid : f or 'such other orders
necessary for a -correct ' determination
of said "matter.
iid matter has been set for hearing
it' the Countv Court room in I'latts
mouth. Cass county. Nebraska on the
18th dav of June. 1920. at 0 o clock a.
m at which time and place-all per
sons interested may appear and con
test said petition.
Pated May l- BEESOX.
county juage.
s 1
Evesry Drop
Red Crown Gasoline is (ill gasoline
every drop clean motor fuel packed
with pure, live, hard-hitting power.
Its uniformly even vaporization, low
ignition point and quick, complete
combustion mean a steady, unbroken
How of power, the elimination of ex
cessive carbon deposits on cylinders
and pistons, and maximum mileage
per gallon of fuel.
Red Grown Gasoline is a straight nil
refinery gasoline, thoroughly depend
able and always uniform whether
you get it here or a hundred miles
from here.
For correct lubrication use Polarinc.
Keeps motors quiet, smooth-running
and powerful.
Get them both at the sign of the
Red Crown.
B. K. F.
This little acccsory on your Ford car will work
wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into
thf mntnr. Fasilv installed lasts the life of vour Ford.
1 No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short
J your motor.
1 Money Back Guarantee With Every
I B. K. F. Timer Sold
We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock
I for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed.
1 We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU.
1 9f nrJokaL-or- far Mavwpll (Tars and Trucks
Repair and overhaul your car
V.UilllliailU. kwO IJllllXI. KJ X UW1IUI.U1V.U uv.v..w. j " - " - - -
Main St. Garage Telephone 79
Block South of Postoffice
Farm Machinery!
Wc carry a full and complete line of the reli-ible
John Deere farm machine', and are ready to fill your
order for anything in our line. Plows and corn farming
implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest
ing machinery. Also threshers' necessities.
WATER COLORS in all shades
and tints.
MODERN WALLPAPER in an endless
riety of styles and effects to choose from ,
Painter - Decorator
Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska
now Our shop is at your g
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