The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 24, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3
mo:tday. :iay ?a. 1920. r-LATTSJIOUTH EVENISG JOURNAL PAGE Zi tt PREPARED EXCLUSIVELY FOR THE JOURNAL. -r . .rT' ,r 1"! " m-f v.ari'.i-h th.' mmiev ca :i I 1 . " " " - ' - - - J'): ' lory n n;ix I:a-a ;aioi. , . j "" ! KEPORT OF THE fOXDITION of Tiir W. O. G;!k-;iicar..-I H. A. Cutluv.nnn jc lumns of this paper calling at fen -jv.tre kmkioa .ttc:' "ir:iK mi.-iue.-- , tion . a twenty per cent reduction n: ttterfc a: '.ai. -i-in k: 'l ! '-'.day at- : i:i the price of nil their merchandise I t.: noon. I with a few exceutiotis in groceries. ' I) A II If AT If IIFinnnlS iVMm- f,o inve tiue ahout this re OM lK UT mUnUUuK ,nn i auction sal ami fu-t the ten em Jus Ycr.'1 tie to the live tt- k if .irkei at ! Oamha "v hi'h l.-rotjeht ; . hh h this --ale offers. of Murdock, Nbr. 71 So ra?' rw jppTf C imf (3) on Time Deposits! rTs n zz r n rs i p r ' ' r ' . .: 1 oil.-:. ...):: - r ! iiiiil i'o ii.n .ir.'i ;'::'! i-; ' ci n M :i ni.-irl: on ti in ; : ! ; i. : .- ) h.-r ioo.l pro-' -. ill. A i:.M!X i'AIXT A s-f fit 1- II ;.ivo " if serviv ; for e-- :;(:; worn. . .'ax . J' ! i t::' tf. Ii. ' v-.t : n . i f", ai.'l on t ii v . heir hom w-.-re ' . If. Ii. ktr.V'.n h; rj5 ' .i o::.i : !' i-r s, -:orr John H and if , ter, .Mi .s .i.aa. u or- fl S.-li'l.-S and ;S-o 1 oki:. f . 1 i . I v i 1 1 . . !'!?;- ' 1 ! Mot iiaj . dr!Vin ap ?2 ii-i r t an: !!.: ii:'tw th- This h the only bank in Mnr).- hzx-lii? the rroloclion of the dposi- t' noath" i:,- - s nur iav' fcro guaranty iuntl of lh State of Nehrsslia. . !;.-.,,u-' 4. ' -.ill ; i.i I ! j.'io f ,i fi.:- a AM deposus in ihr. bank are anc' hivs bt n, sinrc i!:e is clav of J:.:Iy, : l.l '.-'I i! a J It.. :: ; "a ' i a n i d n' i 'a t io d da-:-;'.- li.-r - ! -. :.: a a .-; a f a ai.O'i i i- : ; v i lis" p:;.-t t Mr. T' -'i : v. rv t - ! i a a -ia:-; 'v a - .. v. ,: k: r in t in- ;,' a.-'.n :c i i . ' . i ! ir a --. i ; ;."ni::l a '-:. t 'r th'- lio; k i ' -nd. x'. a - i- in Jv'y in !: " laa'd;- ;-:d i-'riiiay. r.Iurdock School Closes. .-laii.-r No. CTS in t!o Ftate of Ne- Ti r. ....i.,.,o r..r, 1,.1- l.'.t- l i.iM;i .il Hi" . lose or ihik i ne-s iii': . . i i J 1 . v t .i ii '' ' r. mi rvn to a ciw.-e. and wii't til" ndiii'4 i he asocial ion ii-r the p::--i year ha- iio'-a. Jh.'l-.!;' to c-hd:.-ate the Ml M;i' l'.tll, l'.IL'O. i: ks' fi:cr:.s ndin;- of tit y..w of co- jicrativo a at. I of fiioad-hii) with a ("!- ::...'i a a:a' a ph."!:'.' ' arranged h-.- tachr- and scholars-, in i di. . t ts $22-1. "! i,'iit;..!t n a' " .- -.r : ii i:i-Sa-nrdav :, ; a i -: r : : e o r; a vo at a ' .- ii-. r : nrnintr ni i . . laif i : i is. m M 1 1 if- . .i'l'ii: ill -fits. I .. iii'-!u!it.K all Ll'VO'tll'l' III I.ll IM 1 s which all enjov.-d tiie occasi ,11. ' - ii', i.'f, , . , . ... a t iii '-s . ko i a"V. who l- a iji:!i!'.o x t,. !,.-.-s, t.n-s ainl :-;:!!': 1 n; .. n . Yidnn'can-d hi trans'- ii.o.-r.-.-t i-:it.l i-.rt tio chi'di;?! t,, j.ri.i from th Nl,,i:,,!il1 . i! I.! .-Oil'- IHIIIKS . ....... I .-.. 7,0'HI ("I 4. r, i io i.'i 77. Oi : . 1 1 - arun'id-. whh'h ii" did thus ra v of F.i.'a w d a':'aj' :i!nl il.-IliS ) i d'i to thfir :i yy meat . .t-the ,,i .. ' d'll.a-i'i.'ifr Hi'f'Vf. tl'.ev all caiiive't o.n-r. a. v : i: -m-eh. c: v. it h jrames which .t a it aa-i i a . on t y ;'. t ' r a r : 1 v :( fUai'Uali ; W 1911, guaranteed by tbe depositors' gu:anccc fund of th- Stale of Nebraska t, "AV, ,,, r . ,,..,, f' (Guarr.r.t- Certificate' No. 290). ''. a, '; ti' I he present times are strenuous orrs, ard indicxlicns are that we are .::'". l' now to undergo ihe reconstruction peri od folloving ti e great var, and this is ::o, i for :h. k i -,d a !.. r '. 1 i ; !. v 'i-a-! a ' . ' la -t v. eeK. i'.-i..a I a :;"'. a i ' . ' t 1 -t : . i f a i : - . a ' ' a a i i'-i'lh. r an i of hi- d.a, -iiMa. . ;-'. ' i ;a ah I:!.. !;. j J. !h M'.i 1 a, .i;;.--' ,:I Th-. ; a . - -: . -5 1 , ;, . ( i a , -. a a y . as i i-1' i i ' r ;, i. ! M . -,' ca '. a 1 j !.:-' .! aaay ooaaiaa. 'aai.L; ia: t': i .. ;a v ; r.i : a W ' a.i i ;.i"-r ?o !. o : ! i i i' .-ia-.' i.,; ;-- ; t ; ii . v. ! .h-s.j i ; a a ! v tora. ir::? tit'- ..a i r ! ia. i 'v.'iiii 'Aiiih. ai:d th'-n l'tinrifd to .-a i l'it, k.Is and :ai.!.(i7 ?,'.ii '' ::s7.:.o ,:. t.r. "9,0 '.'.t.'.i - t'-i .,'!:.'' hiai.--' for their r'-fro :a"at- which fn-i-a. : al , I" ice rnahi 'i'':.!, c ad : h '-r a'-'i' -aci"-- w hhdi t!:-ey all Maui urn i-:s i ri::ishiny riantir.ij Ccrn. "Wlii! i!i -re al n.aa' wi.o ar- not call a 1 . I.m ',; pa ill in f I'O.ortO lei iiruics I'm.. I .' "" i a j . i i i i i . . ' i . ! .a ' .-- i n a i i. 1 1 : ;. 1 il. .os i I .- I , f !,. f k . . i 1 ! s.220. 1 s aui pla'ii!if,' tlnir fan. mm" 'i'ir-i.- 1 1 ;ti. jit.-s of a in.-i: i ... i 1.'. !''! pro'aidy some v. ii! have An".i!v; th to cmnhne ''.,-: il l's on t .- t :i Jul i n l; a :r pinot iim : i,mi! s-riiiaiMt . wno jtor' v idi hi- a--ist a :.t . Waller liraun.j a.:-. f.f'i -i in 14 acrs and it ; 'r"'r-' '- dl so-Mi- to com in.? Juccly. r the time to confine ycur banking bcsinifs to a reliable, esl?.blished. proven bank K x. fn!' T ' 1 : 43 one that can and is able to take care or needs in narsS times. z$ - ina'y c. aro iaa m The officers, who are also the d ire. tors, and whoe n.)iics appear b?Iow, 'H-!l. , 'Us of ex- ! : mi true i C3 a"- ' : vahaa Von -. i!i V? : .... 1, rt.i.ff,. -.. -.!! t r.avevinvestcd thsir monev in tr.e ank o. i:u:docK, and us vote their entire busi- -A,r ( -d ) . , r . :i . ft 1 a::--, kaf y .M'i) aaha. ncs3 lime to care or ihis one Dank. iris 13 an excsplionaity strong bank, and . j.n t ruha. fm - a no.f -;- r-f r, 'VI'tii oi i-' -if: " ru:f - - - : cIfl !mi--V ,c.c ? frt rl-. ti.- n O - t t- m dro.-' ) Ahl' off?ceis are interested :n no other bank, therrby elirninaling and avoiding the Iniar- Ioclciiic: of funds, which is so common in banks, when the came party or parties f are interested in a number of banks, and v.v'ch usually causes trouble soonar cr later. Cur correspondent DaxiKS are the hirge, siren C; city reserve l rinks, and our business at all times is conducted on a sale, sane and very conservative basis, and whether you dapesit or borrow money, cnJy three persens besides yourself know 3 ' of the transaction, being the officers of thir, bank. The same officers continue to z3 . rd - 1 tin t.i i r s !a 'a:. Cna's Irr.g Vv;.y to CJiurch . 1 . i ! 1 . '',;''. I ti;-- a tl l - i ; to i' i ehnr'ah wii '!. 1 ver ir :s .-.o he :n sd a.r i a s- aatardav went i'h Jdt!i S. ii'-ii to iJi;. ' aiu ' ii so i I.ui j Selirrid! and wif-.-1. with thoir - to '" ih- in time for t he? early ' li'ti" dauaiitrr, " and .Mis-"? Marie I'vic- ; en iiMla v morr: ;r.-r. ( if i ''; :. d : . aad air. VaH r Jlrattn. vi- ;:.-" ! '.a-'jt . i -a hi- v tv dear' i'ed the dc in' ey. rci- : a' the hi.a j la f ks l.::.-ai.i i:'i7.!7 1 0; : n.'i ninl t u ml ... 'i fj::. i.ti .tt ended th; High School Plav H'alf of N. t.ralai '.I'lIltV of I'ilSS I. !!. A. lutliiiaim. f'ashier of the :i!...V.- -l.iITU.I liitik lo l.flfli.V sw.-ni-thiit ti,.- :il..i.' Hiiii-iiiHiit is a ;,;,.! 11 oj.- of t I report mail.- to I .e.- :-t;ite I cii ean 01 rajii K itir. 1 . : . 1 . . : ; i . 1 : : i . . : i ; : " ; a . !'.:.i: : , : : -, v.-. t a" "vomir a- oi if: : iio -: vi re ra in .. a an: a ,-iiii' aad wiih a'! ''i I ti.--- (.".! -io;i of ;is visit at o.'o a in:a'V'.,-d. Tin pkiv which .. ..... i-f .. il "lll.i V.-.-.i if.imii. ! 1 ! , v.-;:- -a oil ! -an.!' -re a aim 'II v.aTiii aoii!" far to i"", V . a T ra:n tor t tie m ta-ji . CJ : 1 1.'- 'lay tin te vi -itili'l' . . aad It.-.-d?i'K after a m.v V ( haries Sella- f. r " a - : : ;.' I .a.. - s j . 1 1 , ; '. . 1 i 1 1 i ' '!;!.. !'c a 'a-. 1 ! Mm.on. ? hoT' . t r a 1 y. f Jo a ras in t I' treat ,ai ni -eiy I 11. A. : I TI I.M ANN. . C;il,.ei 0 t; IMTIIMANN. I'ireftor. iit;.i:'r a. t u. !ir. i o.r. Vv'.'ii F"rm This Sumner. Ji ili- 'Jos ih ''. V. !o .'ice pted tin U 11- . ! i lie. I SWOIII to liefolf in itii- .ma 11:1 v of .l;i -, 1 !'ii. .) i:i:K V i:. M.-lIl'lIIT. ; ( S. a I 1 Notary t'ulilli". c.iop.. ;i aays ob serve frcm 3'ear to year, so you will find r.o unpleasant cI:-:-.:ig-?3 in cur man ment, but always deal with the came ofnecs and directors. We take pleasure in calling year ait-i'Icn to iha excellent showing of our statement to the Siate Bureau of Banking, published cn this page. r tt P. tt tt & tt tt tt tt r T ? yttC ,Vy .-r .Vr- ,vrJ- .vrv- -" 'V' ,vrv -r- ayrsf rer ."v rv -rs- .-v-v.a .efir- ,-v W JWJW cOJ- wOVC Jiv.- V-V 3 J'-V jsvit-JtV JJwC JW C J-J -V JvC J'wv' .vj-i- vtv Jo- a i! ..I in;' -f tin " in ia -r iio -ord. r. ; n ..i h.a 1 .'li:f there, oe.aa. i:, .- .' r J ... . I a maaa ! ia nt to tin position .! rural j , .i -.- ,.M,miivii .-Apir Mar. 2", 1!2'J i ;,, , . , T?;c EVctllc I.ieiit Qi:c:t'vjiT. jca aier on i ont nino)""- ; wo. ran- i ;:.,. ''.. i It ".: tho-f-'liJ t i ! ... t th... a i a 1 1 r ( . r ; a i t o -,: of rictt-mmit la ha cor:'-! Special Varnish for table tops, ii;.- ;;:,-j':n:'!a, i he c'edrie li,i;t ! a : i ! d i d J r 1 1 ; d . d th :! stT'-h a ofitioi: dne- ! V jndow rails, outside doors. Won't xt . ' u-u 'i'.ii'.ci: ha- !a .a, :-.i:v.d. 1oi i !turn white under water. At Max d. lie reception, with:, h" Wa : iii. Mi Jj - ' ': i : i - a. M ill , !tt a f IV 111.' . 1 . r--. h. ii ih ' ; ) N 1 fr or r o; I ne isaoiic or morciocic C J i . r. a. t w vi a rs -J i in 1 i i " a d - v. ii :cii -1 f ' !'! i laaa ae-1 . : r d i I i 43 :: sf.e u'ca at th:- t i Mi-s M, dde M.oii... .' !i a to. m'.'k ;i vi 4J a a v !. for . a i : i ; a ; i i fie Eank where Yen Feel at Heme ' r.-t a : i i t i if P: !' ia ' .' urce .ct. 'I'M I i ? . 1 : i - : 1 ' !' e ". - ! avina i-.i I ti.-- a-. ;., r ;.' I IFNRV ,. 'I'OOL I en comiTi.: ;roa: a in t .n- . t t. .M is . M.oin. a !. :d iai.':d -a I . I. E. GUT! I.V1 ANN I !. A. CUT! -I MANN" nUk'um'a.iV'for Mn. ;..:;. iiS I ' I .'i'ii ,: . :;.,.:! ,0 vi h.mnenis. il i has sor. coia p i ica i i ,a: - yet. !hii j i e tn-r i n d ill a s 1 c-.-t. t iiii". Tina J ccanaiav !'..- takea .1 -shorter route . '' ! ; . a.a.lh l- mi aad th:i- :-.f Maia'. h ', . el" !.!" . tai'es far: ;,( ,- :. :ly. ''n y j -. c I j.. -.v.- !; a v .' to ; ac ! i a'. ; i ; 1 in i : a m a4 aii. and v. ill have a :.e-r .a :',' ou. ::na corp. i'ai 1 a -'l a ' ' Miai'ocl. "s - an:! as p .- idie. . I-Iost B?-itifal Wltuloiv PispT-iy mi' a; nation was challenged t; " a dhpk y. a r. d cxa li-it" t.ote a': - d in t'l" dro--'T!Lr of th" a.' os ;it th" .Miini'ick, Mer-a!!t ile : 1 a a '- -1 a -. N"i t . on- i; a - t lie i r i!i;v ti dr-'s- a vindow ii-oaian':- tan , a iotto'I 011 1'ae ' Dusti rliotT's. i tin- )i ; y f a 01 1 ' y i : ; i' - 1 i.a i-i a : !' n v ! ii ii -i;e v. a- : -i !" i .1 ; . M '. j . a ' prop t -sl-ap.-. Their !:ie! l.o'Is :i Mrs. F'.oy I ! ':. 1 i:e i a 1 1 -i. i a -z to t !n; riaiit tl'inft at tin- " r. canoe after Ma a Maelnen in tiaht rinoa is r.!h"td ia th' raah ear and she enjoy.-..) t " vi-:i afn : I :.-nt. tm-ini sa which t h is tdar-a i a, aunt 'in' at. in of h r j lose Early! Beginning with June 1st, we will close our places of business on Tuesday and Thurs day evenings at 6:30 in deference to the cus tom followed by other towns in this vicinity. This practice will be continued until si:ch time as notice shall be given of its ter mination. Cn other evenings our places of business will remain open later. MURDOCK MERCANTILE CO. JOSEPH JOHANSEN. .AAA. A - A ' S S- f- '-t ' : ' vv:X' :0v K V 4 i i .... t S. ?i J rnn rg cc- ,tt?:k -trx PI Oii Lj lIrd T fo 1 . 1 - -. 7 j ,4 A : b K1 'a-.1 vd V?-" 4 e t,,-i ?nid L- - - - v mmzK wfW ' "-p. 'na 'J f-3 y 1 1 JTt r.-l i f." '! ,l-l I y v b&s iki' tf s; g& 1 y w w O a 0 s 1 a & Overalls and Underwearl .- Hosiery for Ladies and Ohlldrenl J " aa'i.l rrrr:. irp races' 0 mi & m 1 K " mm m i.v rn V3 rrr- 'a, 'V ' aW X J:8.5Ct Brassieres! a n lis si 01 iiii v me rdm 18 n f rti 4n m r c a rJ R frl ci n t M K.1 ! IF '-s s 4V- Oisr Line o'? Ladies' and Children's Oxfords and Pumps in black and white is the most complete we have ever in ad! I-i"' "This i ; your opportunity to cash in on this discount sclc. Terms of sale at discount prices arc CASH cr PRODUCE! Nr a.J XV . -V-M. aa---.N. PY -o-at -.vV: r LfS P R xsJII XCN Ssr- SJS3 r fv3 .-tsv. .tfTSv rl it t JERRY E. McHUGH, Manager m 1 ifMpm t y V t T Y ? Y Y Y Y v f Y Y Y 1 t Y t Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y f Y Y Y Y NEBRASKA a ' ffl-URDO'CK,