THUESEAY, MAY. 20, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH GEMI-WEEKL? JOURNAL PAGE SI1 mm,M, u m ,, .a b m,,.m,i. mmm Mitt I B. K. F. . for FORD CARS I I This Ii'mI arrpsnrv on wonders. Starrs easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Rack Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a stock for immediate delivery. Call and have tine installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We h.ue a fine Sulwgeucy Proposition for YOU. .ShuLhaher Cars Maxwell Cars ami Trucks Repair and ovt ihaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denature d alcohol just arrived. J. K. WOUKK, Main it. Garage Telephone 71) Block South id Postolfice SLLECT C 0 M M I T T L E M E H llit t .. o print ipal puity lointu l Kins .UiiLtV. tin deliiot l .tl s at l;...W..i und tin- 1 1 pn Id it aas al l.i.i i'.!n r.iiirtt..i ll.t : u;.: itntial i oiu liliil'f iol ll.t' I ', ta.Hip.iUli .Uol I v. o of ll.t- ltUtlii.j, la- a of I'-i; o.iiii I ; litif .-t i t '. A fit. .11 the tt . . nd di ll Kt i oi.. pi o n.:', I'.t -. s ami tlli.f t-.uiaie.. IP. i. illi.iin it li.ih ui:. .', t.l I oi rt.i .'..nut. I ll.t ti.iiiii.i' I' 111. all U.I I'lt- dt'ilioel 1', V.'iil'.' ' W nil t 7'. -'V i' - i tu !!:. ; The First Waist s The Second ' Waist 1.25 .75 A few of these Gsorgelfc Oreps and Creps da Chine Waists! All of our intermediate priced waists are offered at this sale at Our high-grade Georgette values The&e represent the best of our Silk Blouses numbers, and are offered at mueh below cost. An opportunity to possess a high-grade blouse for the lowest possible price is here presented to you. Silk Petticoats at $7.50 AH of our Silk Petticoats Satin, Taffeta and Jersey - values up to $15.00 Don't Forget the Dates Friday and Saturday MO APPROVALS! NO EXCHANGES! PHONES 53 and 54 -rnxmrm ta mxm Timers vour r ord car will wo rk ..r II A St hi., itit r of I'lati-moutli mis t iii.M ii b the i e p ii Id ica ns to as i i in l lu' caiiip ii-.u uoik tor the i i i. '.-. fill t lei t it-li. 'I ho tli'iiidi'ials as altirnate i. t ;-itlt nl e'let lor Mi -i Mary I', ft., tir it innah.i. former count v u- j pfi iiti t-n dt i.t of r.i county for four J veal aud V. ho h is loin-, in-, u a leaU- i t r in lie Wt.iuvu' . livht for the bal- h..t. Bl.tuk bocks! Yei yoa can get , '.iiOLt uuv kind at Juurual orfu-e. A Remarkable May Sale omie Attractively priced Saturday, ) ,- I "V ; . v ' rS, x-v I WO are slightly soiled, but at these prices represent remarkable savings! $5.00 Crepe Blouses and Over Blouses up to $21.50 for $10.00 I. THREE BISHOPS OF M, E. CHURCH CHOSEN Plaki, Chicago, Bast Copenhagen ; Bickley, Philadelphia, New Methodist Heads. Pus Moines. Id., May IS. Three nidi sert) elected bishops of ihe Met hodict Episcopal Clilllill on the eleventh general ohfel elice ballot taken at '1 hey are: Anton Hast, Copenhagen; EtUar lllal.e, I'hitago, and linnuu li. lliikley, t'hiladelphia. A total of niiu while now have been elei tcil and j tP.iee more me to be cho-u-n. Kitilit hundred and t w enl y-t w o ballots vVele eu.-t. making a 1 S lie:.- Miry to elect. The yole was an ol- lovs: Anton lt.isl, f.iiTi; i:df,ar tin -ia, l.alin Aimiici, and ."-'.oith Itlake, iieore. II. Itickl.y, .r.7S. J f , j, ;l tle oiit.-le I t-lahli-he.l The three highest eandblalert, in inl- tbroinfli the aih.ption of tlii r dilioii to those eK'clel, aie as f'i'i- , ,(,i's from the 11 inmuiiil ies on f.o I-'. T. Keeney. Svracue, .'.iyn missions, in! i oiluccil by Ti'-is V.. iilti; II. I.. Smith, hetroit, r';'. , j ,. ,,f tiinalii a ml ('. L. Mead, Ueuv'ir, lot Dr. U . C Itiirns of l i u in ;. . .1 ii in elected a bi-hop on the liliP ballot taken l.t-.l ee!iini? lu- re-iu: ' oT which was annooiKcd today. The sixth ballot ii'.-viUitt in none bei i. : ' elected. The eighth ballot was !ak en this evenini,', and the rosuli v i'l be aiiiioiuu t il tomori tw. les Moines, lit., Slav IS. KnVi tivelie-.s of the legislation pas ed ni the ci'iifi-rence was unon in .t j report of the judicial. v coin mi t It v- o- j day. in which i was the ruling l' ai ' lei'.ivlal i.ill of tile se-ioll is lio ef ' feilive untill adjoin ltmelit. 1 imposititoi it. lvnchiui; ii;i-i . - ' Tl ft w for quick selling! S3 ay at an 75 Beautifully Made, Lace Trimmed and Embroidered Voile Waist - values up to $2.50 at this Sale! s v . v -Is I - .i'X-;-V. y ...... s fi vs v. -1 .' SeEKOGHSEH pi ear-d in the lepoif of the coiiim;'- ee upon Hie Hate of the chilli h, and the r'edeiiil guvtl Iililellt and lilt several Stales Wele 'requested l' tak efleitive ah.l vigorous method hy fcti irt enfiti i enieiit id' more strin gent lav.s wlit i t- in'i't-Ktiury I" btamp out the brutal and vicious jii.u li e of lynching. lu pulls tin-. te en and eifciit of the Epimopal i mi 1 1 ee Were adopt ed. Nuiuht-r live was a reply to me morials askiiip that tlie appoimire power of ilif Id-hops he pla ed iu the hands of a minority of the di liict enpei ii.l. ndciiH. 1 lie commit tee l efomii'i n.i.-tl uoin oiH iirre'i i which was ;nl..iiid. n term oi ,;iw.- for hi -hops v urnnted limit r report nnniher 7, w hit h aim wa dwithoiit i! bale. Central (on it i vio o ill soul li t A Uteliiber "ot ; S t a II tl i 11 ! " ill the M. lliodit l:pi . church i iutain.t w 1 1 1 theiv is 11 1' mul.tted coiiipl.nut or c h.irce. and n minUtcr iias i... ii:ht to withhold , ,.( t j fw;it e of n -mbi i sli ip unKss u li ioiuihi i nt or .''f ha-, be -n lb. I ol- 1 1 f mipisti i has kiiow! di;e lh;t such is lo be ! ' I ett . in the opinion of th.e judiciirv t :tii:iilU-e, the rep . I of W hich VVa-. .itiopl etl. FOR SAl OR TRADE Two ford I. n'ii: c.'.i ; one Tout n.;nt i-'C. I i el!. miis t coici'nu. of aistsl .fa: 01 n'l V iJ "K - a ; 1 ! ONES 53 and 54 flFMnHSTRATIflNS RY DEMOCRATS OF STATE CONVENTION RISES EN MASSE AND CHEERS AT MENTION OF SEN. HITCHCOCK'S NAME D.iinocratri of Nebraska last niht in r ial ( o:ii nl Ion. in which the en tire delegation from Lancas ter I'.unty was .-eatid, unanimously indorsed I'lisident Wilson's advo cai y of the peace treaty and of the 1 .ic.iieVf nations. Thty called upon the sinale lo ratify the treaty with out niillifyinc. treaty reservations ami ( oi.iii nuieil the repubjk'au senators who have opposed such i.ction. They comiio uded Hk' democrat ie senators who have upheld President Wilson in his hard (iht for ratification. lu addition, the ion vent ion adopt ed :i resolution introduced by former to.vtiiior Keith Neville, praisinjr Sciialor Hitchcock for his "able and h al leadership in the i-enate on be half of the cove mint of the league? of nations and support ot our president in his noble efforts to e;tab!;-h per manent peace and mwtl w ill ainoi:," ii a! ioiss." The resolution also calls upon the Nebraska d ion to the national convention I ) f.ive its loyal and un-ii-vi-.le'l .upiKrt. to Senator Hitchcock ir the nomination for president in at co date :daiue with the primary man Thank's by Hitchcock, n itor lliu-hcock. as chairman of lommittce tf resolutions. :iftr iideptioti !' Ui ' platform, ked the democrat of Nebraska i (li the i hai It l their stand, declaring it would be .-pread over the entire nation that I he pai ls of N'tbraskn has "upheld without i;iuilihVatiin the sreut pres ident of the United States." "NVlien the San Francisco ttmven ti.'ii meet- ih. is i-.sne". declared the s.-nator. "I have iu douht th.e action then will he no more equiveeal than voui's has been now." The appearance of Senator llit.-h-eook before the convention vestcrcav .:t all sessions brought detnor.stra tit.ns in his b.unor. 'h'': he walk i. d i his place in the lVala cvuii ty delegation the convention ap plauded. When (.'haivuia'i Shalleti o Tuer ineut ioJied hi:u as a leader in the seriate and expressed the hope he "would he Humiliated for president at San Kranciseo. the delegates rose, cheering for several minutes. This was repeated with even more enthu r iasm as he nave the report of the t t'Ml ut ions committee. and later when the Neville resolution of iti-doiem-nt was presented, the de!e a'.es a:;ai' vtio.l shouts of acel.:m. Hitchcock Indorsed. !'' llov.r!ior Keith Neville's reso lution oi!' -red from the floor, indors ing Seti. i tor 1 1 i'C'K'ock, was as fol lows : "Uesolved. by the democracy of Nebraska in stare convention as sembled, that we heartily indorse the splendid record of our senator. Cil'oert M. Hitchcock, as a democrat, a statesman and a patriot durin.n the iteriotl he has represented our state in the national congress, and par ticularly do we commend and thank him f:' his able and loyal leadership in the senate in behalf of the cov enant of the league of nations and support of our president in his noble effort lo establish permanent peace and ooil will among nations. Uo it i urt her "Ue-ulvod. that the vote of the democrats of Nebraska in the pri maries on April -L in support of Gilbert M. Hitchcock for the demo cratic nomination for president tneeis our unqualified approval and that it is the sense of this conven tion that Nebraska's delegation to the national convention give iis loy al and undivided support to Senator Hitchcock for the nomination, in ac cordance with the primary mandate." Profiteering- Condemned. The platform adopted, aside from features bearing on national ques tions, condemns profiteering, de clares for the S-hour day for labor and collective bargaining; expresses the hope women -sown may have the full right to vote in the United States; favors child labor laws, oo opiralion lor production between producer and consumer; condemns the mutilation of (he state primary law by the last legislature and ad vocating repeal of the offending amendments; opposes abuse of the parole law of the state, and indorses the candidacy of John H. Morehead for governor. A resolution passed offered by Frank Warner of Norfolk, calls at tention to the services of the sol and asks the national convention to take up the matter of giving them necessary relief by the enactment of suitable laws. The convention yesterday seated the Bryan delegation of Lancaster and the regular delegation of. Doug las eliminating C. J. Campbell, of the , diers of the nation in the recent war ( regulars, secretary of the state cen- II ! Friday I -IN- Women's Pumps and Oxfords! These shoes were bought early, for early delivery, and having just arrived, we are enabled to offer them to you at a price based on a very early market quotation. :',(', pair Yemen's black kid, six eyelet oxfords; leather l-ouis hi el. tJootlyear w elt. Friday's cash price I- ' These Prices are .Come in and I i i I i . it ma Fetzer Shoe Company -a tral committee from the Lancaster delegation, and the Bryan delegated headed bv Lysle Abbott and Eluier Thomas from the Douglas delegation This was accomplished after a lon.s contest Uetore tae credentials com mittee, duriag which the convention marked time and listened to politi cal speeches. The resolutions committee com prised Senator Hitchcock, C V. Bryan. Dan V. Stephens of Dodge. Charles (J. Ryan of Hall, former Gov ernor Neville of Lincoln. John Kine ef Douglas and Con .McCarthy ot York. Appeal for Funds. While the convention was waiting for the committee report, W. H. Thompson of Grand Island was in troduced to make an appeal for campaign funds. His call for pledges brought cash or subscrip tions totalling $;;.12i;, with $100 sub scriptions from the following: Sen ator Hitchcock, Harry V. Hayward, Henry Gering, Dan V. Stephens. A. V. Sprague, W. H. Thompson. A. C. Shallenberger. (. 13. Liver. Charles Smrha, A. H. Hungerford, J. J, Har rington, Douglas Cone, Keith Ne ville, C. Vincent, Buffalo county del egation. Polk county delegation. Arthur Mullen subscribed $200. A recess was taken at tl o'clock j until S p. in. ; At S:40 Chairman Shallenberger j appointed the following committee j to select nominees for electors: j Judge W. P. Cowan, Stanton; Matt ! Miller. Hutler, Marvin Soinnierville, ' Ued Willow; Henry Gering. Doug las, and J. A. Donohoe, Holt. Arthur Mullen favored naming ; four women electors and the commit- j rt'i! was so instructed. The committee recommended the : following presidential electors and alternates he nmninated. which was j agreed to by the convention: j V. Moran. Nebraska City: James J. Harrington. O'Neill; George Jackson. Nelson; Joseph Oberfelder, Sidney; Mrs. Frances Holin, Omaha; Mrs. Keith Neville, North Platte; JOHN Farm We carry a full and complete line of the reliable John Deere farm machinery, and are ready to fill your order for anything in our line. Plows and corn farming implements of all kind, as well as haying and harvest ing machinery. Also threshers necessities. WARE. ROOMS ON SOUTH SIXTH STREET D. PL ATTSMO UTH -Unusual Values 20 pair woman's black cabar--rta pacips; 1-ather Louis heel, (bjdyar welt. Friday's cash price $6.95 Sizes 3 to S ; Widths A to D for Friday Only! let us fit you. Mrs. Frank Bahcock, Hastings, and Alternates C. J. Campbell. Lin coln; Paul Jones. Benkleman: J. W. Welch. Omaha: Patrick Dorsey. Pender; Miss Hulda Woeppell. Stan ton; Miss Mary Foster, Omaha; Mrs. Gertrude Thomas. Seward, and Marion Preece, Battle Creek. State central committeemen were reported as follows: 1 Ben T. Skeen. Richardson. 2 William B. Banning, Union. :i E. E. Placek. Wahoo. 4 E. J. McArdle. Omaha. John A. Kine, Omaha. George Parks. Omaha. Mrs. Harvey Newbraneh. Om aha. Arthur Mullen. Omaha, a John D. Eakin. Arlington. G John Hurley, Ponca. 7 Douglas Cones, Pierce. 5 P. F. O'Gara. Hartington, 9 James T. Brady, Albion. 10 C. J. Hulac. Norfolk. 11 John C. Byrnes, Columbus. 12 W. H. McGaftin. Polk. 13 E. F. Suavely. Lincoln. O. W. Meier. Lincoln. 14 Eugene P. Mumford. Beatrice. l.r Luther Bonham. Fair bury. ltf -W. S. Collet, rre-ie. 17 A. M. Glover. Aurora. 15 John E. Cavanaugh. Spalding. 19 L. A. Kinney. Hastings. 20 A. C. Ferguson, Franklin. 21 E. J. Lamhe, Beaver City. 22 C. E. Milhouse, Miller. 23 J. C. Roberts, Dunning. 24 J. F. O'Dounell, O'Neill. 25 Thomas F. Healey. North Platte. 2; Fred H. Crone, Haigler. 27 Joseph Oberfelder. Sidney. 2S W. L. O'Keefe, Alliance. Will name women's committee. DRAWN ON FEDERAL JURY In the names of adidtional jurors drawn for service on the federal jury at Lincoln during the coming session of the United States district court appears the name of J. A. Hennings. one of the edd and well known citi zens of Eight Mile Grove precinct. Most disfiguring skin eruptions, scrofula, pimples, rashes, etc.. are due to impure blood. Burdock Blood Bit ters as a cleansing blood tonic, i well recommended. $1.25 at all stores. DE cRE Machinery! EBERSOLE, NEBRASKA