The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 20, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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THUP-SIAY, JIAY 20. 1520.
Murray Department
Prepared in the Interest of tte People of Murray and Surrounding Vicinity Especially for the Journal Readers
J .. ftat bmM& Umm
P-51 I'V '. ''
t.t k: . t V i
f -SmT. 1 .
Great Oaks from Little Acorns Grow
Four per cent interest on time deposits. deposits are protected by the State Guaranty Law.
All business transactions held in strict confidence
Your Personal Back.
Clarence Brown, the painter a n i
decorator, was doing seine work at
tilt- norne (if Searl iJvis for a lew
days, last we-k.
Mrs. Oii.i Law ton and ?on Ly!( .
Murray, spent Sunday on the fau
the gut-st of Mis. Lawinn's parent-.
Mr. and Mrs. D. A. Younii. nori.i
ust of town.
o. II. Hefker was a isitor in
Murray la-t Tu-sday r-rniiiiisr to s.;; -jily
those TH-.-din oil r KasoHne. i."
I)eini in tt.v emuloy of tin Slandoi'l
Oil oniiany and lx tied at I'.'ts
inoiitli. Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy ar.1 having
toine repairs doTio ;i! iheir home this ,
week, which will add to the conven- '
itnee and conifort of the home, and:
will aio make the p'acj more valu
able. V1. W. II. Voting of 1'latt jinou: n.
was in Murray lat Saturday cm.-'
dn tiiitr a ale of Mrs. J. llaxt-r. wiui
wa diposiuu of her 'nous.h.ii-1 '
v-i-t . and al.i h r residence pro
Jt r-e ( 'ham l-rs. the paint r. has
nut lte n fe li:.;; the l.e-t for several
days and was confined to his hed lat :
Tuesday. It is hoped that he will
soon he aide to le out and at his
work airaiu.
I'eiry Cole and T.eo r.ihof of Ne
braska ( it. were in Muiary for a (
short tim nxasiirinn tlie atnoiint nf(
fading which was done by the uan
wlio had charge of mahin tl'.e road,
runnins from the I' te river brid:.'?
to Nebraska 'ity.
l. J. Ilailstrom was a vi.-iiur for
a short tim in Murray lasr Tuesday,
wliile on his way fptmi his tionv at
Avoia. w here lie is 1 lie cashier of ttie
I'armer Slate bank. t 1 'f.i : t "nifiii ' li
v here he was looking aflel w::ih' :
business aiid also isiii:i:j vi!h
f i i-nds.
Just around the corner there is a lot of hot weather
corning and you will need some of those cool, while
slippers and cloth top shoes for the Kiddies.
Misses white, ankle strap slippers, rub
ber sole; Sizes 62 to oy2 $1.10
Same in sizes 11 to 2 $1.25
Boys cloth top rubber sole shoes $1.15
Get them while we have the sizes. These prices
are rirht.
1 1 ' il A ' I !' .o-m-- .
Saving is a matter of habit.
And the habit grows, just like
the savings.
To acquire the habit when
young with small sums is to
practice the habit when older
with larger sums.
So encourage the little fel
ows to start a savings account
with us at once, and watch
the habit crow.
-$ $ c
Sheriff C I. Qaimon was in Mur
ray last Tuesday looking after some
business matters for a short time.
Dr. J. V. Ilrendel and wife, with
their son' Ilichr.rd. wire i-pondins a
short tiu:e in Lincoln last Sunday
with relatives.
Hen Lloyd was a visitor last Sun
day to Havelo. k. accompanying his
.sj:i. Maiiard. to that place where
be will visit at the home of hi
iirandpareiits. Mr. and Mrs. Doun.
Sm it h.
Mrs. Glen ( "ampbol 1 was tak
cn to the Sair.i Joseph hospi
tal at Omaha a week ago. where sue
underwent an operation with the
hopes of bettering her health.
L. F. Ttinije and wife of Omaha.
w-re visiting in Murray last Satur
day and Sunday. Mr. Trimpe having
to tzn i t his work Sunday evening,
while Mrs. Trimpe remained for a
longer viMt and retui-ned linnij on
Tuesday eeniTi.-r. They had a very
pleasant tint-- isitii;i,r w-ith friends.
Kev. Clarke, w lio formerly filled
the pulpit "of the t ion a 1
(dure!! at this place, has Ocdi se
cured for the coming Sabbat h, which
will be jrood news to the many
fri.nds of Kev. Clark, both in and
out of the church, who will be fiiad
of the opportunity to hear their for
mer pastor and friend.
Henry C. Lonir has been exporting
to jjo -ii the western port:o:i of the
state to load and .ship his last years?
wheat crop to market of whi?:i ho
has h':;iiu- live thousand bushels. I;ut
as he has not be n able to secure
cars for shipment, he ha not yet de
parted, and is awaiting oiul' a -durance
of the iec(-ipt of the lK-'-ded
ca rs.
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
John -Vanentine and wife from
Wyoming-, were visiting in Union
for a short time last Tuesday having
driven up in their car.
T J. Ilrendel was a visitor at
I'lattsmouth last Monday, where lie
was looking after some business mat
ters for the Auto Insurance company
for which he is working.
Searl Davis was a visitor in Lin
coln last Monday and Tuesday, driv
ing up in his car, and attending the
state republican convention, besides
visaing with his mother for a short
V. J. Phi I pot was a visitor in t lie
western portion of the state for a
few days last week, looking after
some of his land interests in both
Custer and Kearney county, return
ing home last Friday.
lialpii Kennely who is consider
able of a cabinet maker as well as
a carpenter, during his spare hours
is making a cupboard for his moth
er, and which is a very convenient
aco.'i-iii'y to the kitchen.
Mr. J. W. Kdmonds. who has been
visiting for the past week with hi
dauhter. Mrs. Homer Miller ami
family at Plainview. returned home
a lew days ago. having enjoyed a
very pleasant time while aay from
Murray .
Mint'ord and Creamer shipped a
car of hogs to the South Omaha mar
ktt last Monday and were also ac
companied by one shipped by l.
Will Troop. Mr. Creamer and Mr.
Charles Troop of I'lattsmouth. .?ii.g
to look after the sale.
C. F. Harris was in Murray last
Tue.sday meeting with foreman Au-f-.ust
Krecklow of the highway main
taint r. which does work from Mur
ray to Murduck, and in conjunction
with Commissioner J. A. Pitts iv;n
looking after the grading of the road
two miles south of Murray, which
was bting done by Walter IJyers
and Fred Vallery.
W. S. Wotenkanip. and W. A. Rob
ertson of I'lattsmouth, were in Mur
ray for a rfhort time last Tuesday
morning enronte for Lincoln to at
tend the republican slate conven
tion which convened .u the capiiel
city on that date. They stopped to
impress Mr. W. (J. lioedeker into go
ing along and seeing the fun. o':t
business of importance at the baii!"
pievtnted accepting the invita
tion. W. K. Jenkins and Green I'ig;ot,
are busy th.'se times clearing some
farm land near Fight Mile Grove
sto're site, where formerly Mr. Jon
kins v. as engaged in b-.isines years
aco. They are both blading and
Hilling stumps, in an end?avor to
rescue the land which the tiees nave
taken, and which is designed to ie
used for the cultivation of crop.-:
t hereon.
Make a Nice Wedding; Preset !
Tiie Doilio- Lumber Company of
Omaha, who lias extensive busiii;'-.-relations
with the- firm of Ranniu.g
Si Nickels of Murray, have demoi.
strated their kindly relations te) the
f.rm by making a present of very
exquisite set of fine dishes to Mr.
and Mrs. Geo. Nickels and which is
very highly appreciated by this
worthy couple.
Lire. J. W. Berber Buys Property
Mrs. J. W. Uerger of Murray, The
landlady of the Murray hotei and
which, by the way, is an excellent
place to stop, has ma n i f e-steel excel
lent judgment in the purchase of the
residence property of Mrs. J. liaxtcr.
which was offered for sale. It has
been difficult to obtain places to live
for those who have been desirou.; of
making their homes in this c'tv. and
the purchase of this property seems
a good investment as residence pro
perty is in good demand.
Mrs. Hendricks Reported Sick
Mrs. Hendricks has been sick at
h;r home in this city for the past
few days, and on that account Mr.
Hendricks, who recently departed
for the north where he was going
to look after some business matters,
was called home on account of his
wife's illness, and could not get the
business looke-d after which called
him away from home.
Bring in the Wreck.
L. II. Puis and Fred llild went
down to Nebraska City last Tuesday
morning and secured the truck of
Robert Good, which was wrecked
when struck by the switch engine of
the Missouri Pacific when Mr. Geiod
was hauling hegs to the Nebraska
City market from near Murray a f?w
weeks ago. The car was greatly in
jured as well as Mr. Good, and at
the time T the accident, or vry
shortly afterward, some one stole on?
of the tires off the wrecked car. and
just recently the tires, inner tube
and rims, on the remaining thre
wheels were also purloined. "With
vandals running loose, it is not safe
to k-ave anything out that can be
carried away. The car will be re
paired at . the Puis garage.
We do all kinds of Job prtntlng.
Always Ready for Sale
Dates far or near.
Telephone 1511 Murray Ex ia.nt
If .ny of the readers of the
Journal kDOT-of any social
event or Item of Imprest In
this vicinity, and win mail
s aie to this office. It will ap
pear under this headinp. We
want all uewsltema Editoo
Missionary Society Meets.
Mrs. Alva Long, with the assist
ance of Mesdames Scot ton ancj Ken
nedy, entertained the missionary so
ciety of the Presbyterian church, at
the home of Mrs. Long last Tues
day, at which time the ladies en
joyed th;? occasion very much. The
iegular work of the society was first
performed after which a season was
spent hi sociability, and was con
cluded with a very deiightful lunch
eon, all present declaring the hos
tesses the most perfect entertainer:-.
The subject for the afternoon's study
was Christian America
meeting was add res
Gapen, who made a ve
and instructive talk oi
iis-m. and the
d by Mrs.
tin' lines of
the subject,
lor the n xt
The subject, selected
meeting of the societv
being Child Labor. The report of
the convention of v. onian's clubs
which was recently held ;it Nebraska
City, was given by Miss Margey
Walker, who covered the convenfion
in her report in a wa liiat mad.- it
most interesting to tl. -e who were
in attendance.
Home Again After Accident
Robert Good, who v as injured in
the collision with the switch engin-'
of the Missouri Pacific several weeks
ago. and who was in the hospital at
Nebraska City for some time, has so
far improved as to be abl to return
to his home lat week, and is making
seme progress towards recovery
though he is a long way from being
himself again, ami cat! not use the
leg which was broken u hen struck by
the engine.
Theio Will Be Preaching.
Arrangeemnts have been mad- for
church services both at tiie Pre-by-terian
and Christian church the
coming Sunday. There will al-u be
Hible school, and the churches re
both extending an invitation to all
to attend. They are urging the
membership of each church to be i;
j their place on Sunday as there w;!I
j be services worth while. Come t
i the services and assist in the work.
for it depends upon you as well as
the other fellow.
May is the sweetest month. Nature
is in her loveliest mood, the lilacs
and jasmines fill t lie air with their
fragrance, the birds sing rapturous
ly, and everybody enjoys the balmy
breezes. Only those who suffer from
stomach troubles do not feel like life
is sweet. The delights of life are
lost, if hT-adaches. sleeplessness and
poor appetite begin to torment you.
Put why do you suffer? Triner's
American Elixir of P.itter Wine is
sold at every drug store. It cleans
the intestines, keeps the bowels open,
helps digestion. ami you need not
stand in fear of indigestion, constipa
tion and various troubles connected
with stomach disorders. Keep also
other TriruT's remedies at home, be
cause they always give quick relief.
Triner's Liniment is excellent for
neuralgia, sprains, swellings, tired
muscles or feet. Triner's Ceugh Seda
tive is the best remedy for colds and
coughs. Joseph Triner Company.
1:1j3-43 S. Ashland Ave., Chicago.
Horses for Sale.
I have from c;iie to five horses for
sale, weighing from 1200 to ltlon
pounds, all good work horses, and
i iound. Three mares, you can have'
j your choice. Murrav phone 2:i0"
M 1.1 4w A. D. RIIODFN.
Osaga Posts For Sale
I have over two thousand osar.o
posts for sale in wagon leiad or car
load lots. Call phone 151:1. Wm
Sporrer. Murray. Neb. 4w s-v .
Fine stationery. Journal office.
Noted French Draft Stallion
Registered No. 21312
Will make the seaso
:i of 1920 at D.
Murray, Nebr.,
O. Khoden's barn at
every day in the w
is an excellent brow
stallion and lias I
examined by the
P.oarel and found to
eek. Frederick
n French Draft!
een thoroughly j
State Sanitary
be sound in ev
feialed June 24.
& Robinson, of
ska, and has an
as a foal getter.
ery way. He -was
190S. bred by North
Grand Island, Nebra
excellent reputation
TrnilO $15.00 to insure colt to
iLnulo stand and suck. If mare
is disposed of or removed from the
community, service fee becomes due
and payable immediately. All care
will be taken to prevent accidents
but owner of horse will not be held
responsible should anv occur.
D. C. RHODEN, Owner.
Observe These Rulings When You
Sell or Trade. i
In transferring a registered car,
the transferor must endorse the cer
tificate to the transferee and the
transferor in turn must present the
original certificate within ten days
to the county treasurer, who shall
issue him a new certificate with such
additional fees as the law requires,
and promptly send the original cer
tificate attached to the duplicate re
ceipts to the State Department.
In case the transferor does not
care to continue his license, then he
shall surrender his certificate prop
erly endorsed to the transferee ami
return his number plate to the coun
ty treasurer per section 12. (In thi.?
case write on the certificate that
the transferor does not want to keep
or continue his original licens.e.)
Dealers shall forward all transfer.;
on cars which they receive from cus
tomers and other elealers to t lie court
ly treasurer under applioat ien for
duplicate certificate which will be
issued to them per serf ion Kf. with
out charge, for their use wlon they
resell such cars.
ml-linw County Treasurer.
Hays Kas., May 1.".. More strict
marriage laws we-re urged in the re
port of the- le-gislation department
of the Kansas Federation of Wo
men's Clubs, submitted to the an
nual meeting of the federation tiii-.
week. The re-port inc'uded a num
ber of proposed laws: which had beer
submitted by member:-.. It is the an
nounced plan eif the federation to
sift these down to possibly thre'- or
feur and place them before the nest
se -ion of the legislature.
One- of the recommendation;? in
cluded in the- report was the s'di"
law providing for the "sterilization
of epileptics when necessary"' by en
forced, and to bring about tiie re
sult, state officials, to whom the duty
of its enforcement is delegated by
the law. be made subject to a pen
alty in ca?e they fail to carry out
the letter of the law. This would
reejuire an amendment to the law,
which now carries no penalty, it was
pointed out.
The law provides, it was stated,
that heads of certain charitable ami
penal institutions ': of the state are;
empowered to enforce this law em
subjects of epilepsy whose conduct
has indicated that there is danger
of bringing defective children into
the world. The Question of requir
ing physical standards for those
about to enter matrimony also was
subject for discussion.
The Ottf-rbein Guild of the Liberty
I". 15. chinch will hob! a market sale
in the Pastor : Sw.itek hardware'
store next Saturday afternoon. May
22nd. You will be able to find seune
of the good things you will want for
Sunday dinner. Come and see.
Why not attend the oldect, larg
est and leading business training
school in the west the scheol en
dorsed by banks, commercial houses
and business firms everywhere? Send
for free catalog. Filter now. We have
ne vacation. Address: Grand Island
Business Cedlege. Grand Island. Ne
braska the school built up to a
standard, not down to a p,riee.
All alumni and former students of
the University of Nebraska, who re
side in Cass county will meet at
Piattsmouth Friday evening. May 21.
Chancellor Avery and the alumni
secretary. Miss Annis S. Chaikin will
be nresent.
A most unitjue invitation was ex
tended to everyone te help celebrate
the thirty-first anniversary of. the
Epworth League. The invitation
was as follows:
"This birthday party is given to
you. 'tis something noval, 'tis some
thing new. We give to you this lit
tle invite, please send or bring it
Thursday night, with as many cents
as you are olel; We promise the num
ber will never be told. If any (de
ject their ages to tell, pleate put in
one hundred, 'twill do just as well.
The League will give you some .good
things to eat, with fun and games
and a musical treat. The Epworth
League with greetings most hearty,
feels sure you will come to your own
birthday party." t
It was decided to hold a "weiner
roast" out in the country there being t
cars at the M. E. church at C:30 j
Thursday evening, which will be
provided by the young men to give
everyone a pleasant ride.
Nearly new Minneapolis thresh-,
ing outfit, with tank and belts. 20 !
h. p. Straight flue engine and 3Gx56
separator. i
Nehawka, Neb. ',
-You can get floor wax at all times
of Max Dusterhoff. tf. ,
We are closing out our line of House Paints. P.arn Paint, Var
nishes, etc., and as we do not intend resteicking will give our cus
tomers the advantage of the price.
We handle the Paintall Products, manufactured at Lincoln
and especially adapted to this climate.
House paint, gallons $4.25
12 Gal ...$2.15 Quarts $1.15
Small quantity red barn paint, gal.. . .$2.25
If we haven't enough of colors you select on haiiel to com
plete your job. will order it for you at same price. It will pay
you to tee lis before buying your paint.
Murray Oryg
G. W. McCraclcen, Prop.
Hardware and Implements!
We are carrying a full line of the John Deere
farm machinery and implements and our stock is most
complete just now for your selection. It consists of
plows, harrows, disks, listers, planters and every known
implement required in the corn farming line.
In addition we also carry a complete line of heavy
and shelf hardware; electric washers and general hard
ware. Our aim is to serve you always.
There will be presented the seventh epi
sode of the serial now running at the Puis
hall, on next Saturday evening, and in addi
tion three other reels of fine and interesting
The; show will begin promptly at 8:30
and the charges will be the same popular
prices 15 and 25 cents. '
Remember Saturday evening, May 22,
seventh episode of serial and three other reels.
Puis & Company
Good Home Grown
Soudan Grass Seed for sale. Soudan Grass is next to
prairie hay in food value. All mailorders filled same
day received. Price 15c per pound.
Phone 2321
Why Pay Prevailing Prices
for Your
We always carry a very complete line of
shoes and have invested lots of money be
fore the present high prices and are willing
to give you the benefit of our buying fore
sight. Come in and be convinced we have
the right price on all kind of shoes you may
need either work or dress.
The Service Store
Murray, Neb.