The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 20, 1920, Image 1

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    Nrbra State Histerf
. cal Society
NO. 94
imni b
Miss Annis S. Cliaikin of Lincoln,
Secretary of State Alumni Asso
ciation Will Be a Speaker.
From Weinc!a.ivs Pally.
The banquet of the Cass county
alumni a-sociat ion of the Cniversity
or Nebraska which is to be held m
this city on Friday evening promises
to be mil' of tin- lir.tst affairs of
t.iiui given in the city and will bring
into ( lost' touch all the former stu
dents of tht? great Nebraska univer
; ity.
Chanct Ilor Avery of tlif Mate
v-i-it y h.;s agreed t.J attend anl
with Mr. Awry will be pre.-t.-nt iit
the banquet wh ifli is to he held in
the parlors of the Methodist church
at )::: Friday evening. . C. Wes
cott of this city will preside as toast
mater of the occasion.
As one of the speakers of the ban
quet Miss Annis ri. Chaikin of Lin
coln, state secretary of the alumni as
n iat 14 m . will be present and speak
to the lueuib. rs of the party in the
interest of the movement that is now
being carried on throughout the
The association is for all gradu
ates and fori.ier students ot the uni
versity of Nebraska, who ar? resid
ing within the confines of Cass coun
ty and they should be present to take
part in the meeting thai will launch J
the new Cass county association on .
its wav. The officers of - the Cass ;
county association are Dr. R. 1'.
West over, president; Mis Pearl
Ktaats. recretarv and Waldeniar '
Soenniohsen. t reasurer.
The ladies of St. Mary's Guild
were very pleasantly entertained !
yesterday afternoon at the home of
Mrs. 1). O. Dwyer on North Fifth '
street and the ladies enjoyed to the
utmost the gracious hospitality af
forded them on this occasion. The
afternoon was spent in sewing and
in the discu.-s.ion of the plans of
forthcoming church meeting which 1
is to be held in Omaha Friday, Sat -
unlay and Sunday and which will be
participated in by the churches of;
the state. At a suitable hour very I
dainty refreshments were served by !
the hostess which served to complete I
a most pleasant afternoon.
Violation of State Law in Rcgar-.l to
Attendance cf All Children of
School Age Draws Penplty
FroM Wednesday' ta!ly
Yesterday afternoon for the first
tfme in a long period Chif of Police
Manspeaker was called upon to en
'force the law relating to the attt-nd-
ante of children of school age at tl
public schools. The complaint w as 1
made by Superintendent C. 11. Pratt ;
if the city schools and the thief
rounded up the parent of the. young
i rl in the case and brought him in
to the pre nee of Juds;e M. Ar.?hcr.
where the court assessed a tine of
S10 on the father for his failure to
ste that the girl who is of scho .1 agl
was not kept in school instead of be-
ijii; iiuwwc't i ' i it-main inn .iiii j
rage in working. The court or. the
promise of tlu father to see that the
girl attended school suspended the
fine on condition that the provisions
of the law was complied with. j
There has been a number of cases
of this kind reported and the author
ities have no option but to see that ,
the provisions of the school laws are
enforced and as the head of the city i
school system it is up to the super-
intendent to see that the young peo
ple remain in school unless through
sickness or other unavoidable cause
they are unable to do so.
Gift cards at Journal office.
On gazing over the expanse of
water east of the Burlington station
where it was proposed to have the
J. I.. Landes s'aows located for this
week, it stems that the disagreen ent
between the carnival eompary and
the American Lotion under whose
auspices it was to have appeared.
w,.s very beneficial lor the carnival
("mi: any at least. '1 he company i:as
l.t en show ing: at .' nburn the past
w . "k and on the disagreement ovtr
the :--7.e and various attract ions i
ins between the company and ihe
hgi-.n post they transferred theii alt-actions,
for the week to Hamburg.
: a With the :..i.dit ions as r'tev
are it would have been impossible
for the carnival to have shown here
t!:i week and it is fortunate that
they were not stranded for the wt i':.
A. W. Smith of This City Will Look
After Road Work in Platts
rnoath Precinct
Krim WVilnfsilav's Ially.
To fill the vacancy in the posi
tion of road overseer in Plattsmouth
precinct created by the resignation
of C. K. Vallery, when he accepted
the county highway commissioner
ship, the t-er vices of A. W. Smith of
this city has . ben secured by the
board of county commissioners.
Mr. Smith is a gentleman well
experienced with this line of work as
he was for a number of years en
gaged .s road overseer in Iowa be
fore coming to Cass county to that
this gives the county the advantage
of an experienced man. The posi
tion has been vacant for some time
and has given the commissioners
much worry as to tilling it and they
feel fortunate In securing such a
good man as the new overseer.
Mr. Smith will at once start in on
his work and take up the laYge sized
job of keeping the. roads of the pre
cinct in good traveable condition.
In the account of the re-opening
of the Dovey estate matter appear
ing in the Journal of yesterday af
ternoon as to a re-hearing in the was slightly in error as the
ruling of the supreme court was
merely that the parties interested
might file a brief for the re-hearing
and no ruling was made by the court
on the matter on the re-hearing it-
::rs. wohlfarth improving
Mrs. Paul Wohlfarth is now doing
nicely following her illness and the
birth of the little son on Sunday
Tl, .Qh fnlln-A-m.-r
the birth and the condition of th 2 !
,..ti,,. ,.-n. ,.i. cri...
time, but she is now doing very
nicely and her early recovery is
looked for by the attending physi
Mrs." Mary IJ. Allison of this city
who is just recovering from a very
severe siege of pneumonia and other
complications is continuing to show
much improvement and expects, as
soon as her health permits, to ac
company her daughter. Mrs. John It.
Pierson. to her home at Gering, Neb.,
where she will visit for some time
and recuperate in the western
count rv.
Yesterday afternoon Mr. and Mrs.
Mark White returned home from
i Lincoln, where thev have been for
t . ..." i
several weens lamng treatment at
the sanitarium in that city and
where, Mr. White was operated on
a short time ago. Mr. White Is now
feeling some better but is still far
from well and it will require some
time before he regains his former
good health but is mirch improved as
is Mrs. White by their stay at the
If you want good printing let us
do your work. Best equipped job
shop in southeastern Nebraska.
The most exquisite line of birth-
day and gift cards to be found any-
where! At Journal office.
New Head of Grand ChapUr Was
" Formerly Miss Anna Adams
of This City.
The session of the grand chapter
of the Order of the Eastern Star of
the state of Nebraska, which has
just closed at Lincoln honored two
well known members of the order in
the state and both of whom were for
mer residents of Plattsmouth.
For the position of grand worthy
matron Mrs. Anna J. Davis of Alli
ance, was chosen. Mrs. Davis is
well known in this city where for a
number of years she made her home
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Arch
ie Adams, and has for years been
closely identified with the work of
the Eastern Star in the state as one
of the foremost leaders in the ad
vancement of the great woman's or
ganization of the Masonic frater
nity. Mrs. George Thomas of Nebraska
City has been named by the new
worthy matron as Grand Klectra. one
of the important appointive offices
of the grand chapter of the 'Jt.
Mrs. Thomas has taken a keen inter
est in the welfare of the Eastern Star
and was formerly worthy matron of
the Home chapter of this city and
has since her removal to Nebraska
City some three years ago. continued
her active work In the order.
The many friends in this city of
these two ladies feel well pleased at
their selection for the offices in the
grand chapter and the ladies cf the
Eastern Star will find that they have
selected well qualified representatives
to serve the best interests of the or
der. .
Meeting Held on Monday Evening is
Largely Attended and New Offi
cers for the Y;ar Are Chosen "
The Daughters of Rebekah met at
their lodge rooms in the I. O. O. F. I
building on Monday evening for the
purpose of the election of officers for
the ensuing year and a large number
of members were present to take part
1,1,7 ""&-
h rv - r i - or
The following were
eit7Vlt"u -.o.
Marie Warga; Vice Grand. Mrs. Em-
ma Hallstrom; Recording Secretary,
Miss Marie Kaufmann; Financial
Secretary, Mrs. Nella Hudgins;
Treasurer, Mrs. Michael Hild.
As the representative of the local
lodge at the state grand lodge at
Hastings in October, Mrs. Martha J.
Petersen was named and will rep
resent the interests of Bud of Promise
lodge at this assembly of the state
The Rebekahs are to initiate eight
new members at their next meeting
and a fine time is being anticipated
by the ladies in the conferring of
the work on the members seeking
admission into this great fraternity.
The Rock Island railroad has com
pleted their, bridge over the Platte
river at South Rend and are now run
ning their trains over that structure
of via Louisville as they
have been doing since last December.
Dispatches from South Bend state
that the trains commenced oneratine
' over the new bridce on Fridav and
now the traffic over this road is all
being handled on the South Bend
bridge. The structure is a modern
one in every way and replaces the
old structure which had been in bad
shape for a number of years. Since
the commencement of the work cn
the bridge the traffic over the Rock
, Island has been sent over the Bur-
j lington lines to Louisville ,and from
there over the Missouri Pacific to
Meadow, where they were run over
j the Rock Island tracks into Omaha.
Home of Mrs. E. H. Wescott Scene cf
Pleasant Gathering in Honor of
Mrs. Hazel E. Klossner
lrr.m Tuesday's Pa II v.
Last evening the J;.ine of Mrs. E.
If. Wescott on high' ( hool hill, was
the scene of a most -i. I i -,! t f n 1 iath
eifng when the mrni' rs of Fnuten
elle chapter, Daughters of American
Revolution gathered, to entertain in
honor of Mrs. IIazl II. Klossner of
Omaha, former regtnt of the Fon
tenelle chapter. At 7 o'clock a two
course buffet supper was served to
the members of the chapter and their
husbands. Mrs. Wilbur S. Loete. re
gent of Fontenelle d.apted presided
over the feast as toa.-t mistress and
introduced Mrs. William Laird who
responded with words of apprecia
tion for the work thai Mrs. Klos.-ner
had done for the chapter while a
resident of this city. Miss Peinefc.
Newell on behalf of the menih-. rship
of the chapter then presented Mrs.
Klossner with two beautiful pieces
of cut glacs as a token of the appre
ciation t.f the chapter and as a mark
of the esteem in which the former
regent is held by her former asso
ciates. The remainder of the evening was
spent with musical numbers and in
various stunts given by the members
of the party.
The river patrol boat belonging
to the Woods Brothers of Lincoln,
which . has for the past three days
been tied up near the ferry landing,
has attracted a great deal of atten
tion from the residents of the city
and a number have enjoyed the op
portunity of visiting the steamer and
partaking of the hospitality of Cap
tain Miller, who has charge of the
craft. The boat is used by the firm
of Woods Brothers of Lincoln in
patfoling the river and especially in
the neighborhood of their extensive
land interests near Hamburg. Iowa.
While on the way up the river the
boat was disabled here and compell
ed to put in for repairs to the boiler
and therefore affording the residents
of this city an opportunity of visiting
the river craft. The boat is a neat
and attractive little craft and weil
arranged f.r the comfort of the cap
tain and the crew of seven men. .
Plattsmouth Lodge No. 6 Held Annu
al Election cf Officers Last Even
ing at Their Session.
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening Plattsmouth lodge
No. j;, A. F. & A. M.. met at .the Ma
sonic temple with a large number of
the membership in attendance and
proceeded with the business of the
selecting of officers for the ensuing
year and the following were chosen:
W. M. William F. Evers; S. W.,
James T. Begley; J. W., Leon L. Mc
Carthy; Secretary. Will T. Adams;
Treasurer, Henry A Schneider.
The year just cl.ed has been one
of the best in the history of the Ma
sonic order in the city and the mem
bership has growt. until the lodge
is one of the best and strongest in
the state and with the future plans
of the order for the erection of a
temple devoted exclusively to the dif
ferent branches of the Masonic order
the coming year should even surpass
the one just closed in the accomplish
ment of the order.
.The friends in this city of Rev.
and Mrs. A. L. Zir.k. formerly of the
Christian church of this city, have
received the announcement of the
graduating exercises of the MeCook
high school of which their son, Le
land, is a member of the class now
leaving school. Leland will be re
membered by the young folks of the
city with whom he attended school
here and they will be pleased to learn
of his successful completion of his
school work. Rev. A. L. Zink is now
the county judge of Red Willow coun
ty, having held that position since
last fall, and has given over the min
ister' for the pursuit of the law.
The many friends in this city of
former mayor, C. Dahlruau of
Omaha, will be pleased to learn that
Mr. Dahiiiiu'.i has been sworn in by
Judge T. C. Murder t.f the Knifed
States district court at Lincoln as
ttmporary I'nited States Marshal to
fill the vacancy eieut-d by the death
of Thomas J. Flynn. The session of
the district court made necessary the
appointment cf a marshal as that of
ficial must hi.ndle the payment of all
lees and salaiie.-, and as Mr. Dahl
man has ben the most fjvorably
mentioned candidate for the position
Judge MiiTiger has placed him in of
fice so that, the work can go on until
the appointmt nt is made by the pres
ident. Mr. Dahlman has the sup
port of Senator Hitchcock and will
without doubt receive the appoint
ment to the position.
Flood Stage Seems to Have Been Past
at This Point as Stream Fell
Five Inches Last Night.'
The Missouri river after several
days of very high water has begun
to recede as the river at this point
last night fell five inches and the
worst of the high water seems to
have passed. The flood water has
now spread over a wide area and a
tract over seven miles wide on the
lowlands of Nebraska and Iowa are
covered by the water, stretching
from the Burlington tracks in this
city clear to Pacific Junction.
The situation at this point has not
caused any real serious damage as
the residents of the houses on the
lowlands have with the exception of
Ivowe family residing in the A. G.
Bach property, moved up to the city
prcper at the tne of the approach
of the high water. The water reach
ed the level of the floor of the house
of Mr. Bach, but with it now reced
ing it seems as though the place
will be safe to reside in without dan
ger of being flooded out.
Gathering cf Young Folks of Episco
pal Church at Omaha Saturday
Largely Attended.
The meeting Saturday at the All
Saint's church in Omaha of the
church school service league was
one of the most successful church
meetings held by the Episcopal
church in the state and largely at
tended. The young people from this
city accompanied by their instruc
tors departed on the early Burling
ton train for Omaha and on
reaching the metropolis were met at
the station by autos and taken direct
to the All Saint's church at 25th and
Dewey avenue, where a breakfast
was-served in honor of the Platts
mouth delegation. At 10:30 "the
Holy Eucharist was celebrated by
the Rt. Rev. Ernest V. Shayler. bish
op of Nebraska, and followed by
the sermon by the bishop.' The reg
ular business ssesion of the service
league was followed by two short
plays for the benefit of the visitors.
R?v. W. S. Leete of this city, at
the opening session tpld of the work
of the young people in their mission
boxes which were sent to the St.
Andrew's school for boys and the St.
Mary's school for girls at Sawanee,
Tennessee, which school are main
tained by the Brotherhood of St. An
drew and the St. Mary sisterhood.
Plattsmouth won distinction at the
meeting by having the largest num
ber from any one parish in attend
ance and also in the amount of mis
sion work displayed at the exhibit
at the All Saint's parish house.
Thera were thirty-five young people
from this city in attendance, more
than from any parish in Omaha or
the out state towns.
County Judge Allen J. Beeson this
morning appointed Earl R. Travis
administrator with will annexed of
the estate of Mrs. Hanna Gough, de
ceased, of Schuykill, Pennsylvania.
The estate consists of certain real
estate interests in Louisville and vi-
j cinity in which, the deceased has
j possessed an interest.
Frank E. Schlater of This City to Ee
Head of Louisville Eanking
Institution in the Future
From Monday's Dally.
The deal was closed this morning
whereby Frank E. Schlater of this
city, secured the control of the stock
cf the Bank of Commerce of Louis
ville and will at once assume the
management of the bank and its af
fairs. The matter has been pend
ing for several days and Mr. Schlater
and those associated with him have
been busy dosing the details which
were finally settled this morning and
will result in the change in the man
agement of the bank as Mr. T. E.
Parmele. the former owner, retires
to take up other business interests.
The purchase of the Louisville
bank will create a vacancy at the
First National bank in this city as
Mr. Schlater will make the new
bank his permanent place of busi
ness and retire from the position of
cashier of the First National. The
Bank of Commerce is the oldest fin
ancial institution in Louisville and
has been one of the most successful
hanks in the county and under the
management of Mr. Schlater, who is
cue of the most efficient and pleas
ing gentlemen in the county, will
continue to prosper and progress.
from Monday's Pally.
Eagle's new consolidated public
school building is prectically com
pleted and the citizens are mighty
proud of it. Last week the Beacon
devoted nearly its entire front page
to a picture of the building and his
tory of the events that led up to its
erection. The people of that sec
tion of the county have gone in for
consolidation .whole-heartedly and
their plan includes the transporta
tion of rural pupils to and from their
school work.
The new building presents a most
impressive appearance and the citi
zens of our neighboring village to
the west have just cause to feel
mighty proud of their achievement,
especially in this time of high costs
of building. It has taken a neat sum
of money to erect it, but we opine
those on whom the burden falls the
heaviest will find it money well
This morning Hon. R. B. Wind
ham, delegate from McConihie post
G. A. R. of this city, Asbury Jacks,
post commander, William Gilmour
and Thomas W. Glenn departed for
Fremont where they will attend the
encampment of the department of
Nebraska of the Grand Army of the
Republic, which is meeting in that
city this week. The boys who
served in the great civil conflict are
anticipating a great meeting at the
state encampment this year.
Mrs. George Thomas came up last
evening form her home at Nebraska
City to enjoy a short visit in this
city with her relatives and friends.
The First National Bank
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
"The Bank Where You Feel at Home1
.Last Friday evening at Kenosha
school district No. S occurred a cr.''
btf.'.ion of the closing of a sueee-v fi.l
ycar'n work by the teacher, Miss E-.-tber
Godwin. A picnic suppc w is
gUe.i at the school of which ali bad
a in prep.'u'ng. Just V-'ore
the supper races were run and prizes
awarded to the best runners. They
also on joyed a peanut hunt. Alter
he supper a program by tho si .'tool
of which various p!.iys acd readin;
were given. It was a lat? Lour wuen
all left for horn, wishing t.'ieir
t?icher. Miss Goo .!:. nl luck for
he- future work.
Mandate From Supreme Court in
Case of Emma Kaufmann Palmer
vs. T. E. Parmele Closes Case
from Mnn1a.'n Dally.
One of the longest contested cases
that has been before the district
court of Cass county, has been
brought to a close when the state su
preme court at Lincoln denied a new
trial in the ca-e of Emma Kaufmann
Palmer vs. Thomas E. Parmele and
issued a mandate for the settlement
of the case and the payment of the
judgment and costs of the case which
will run from $7,000 to fS.000.
This case followed the ttap.ic
death of William Volk in May 1 HI L
when he was drowned while swim
ming with a party of frinds. In
the early part of 1 1 1 ;i the plaint iff.
then Emma Kaufmann. filed an ac
tion in the district court in which
she claimed that Mr. Volk had iven
her as a gift bonds in the sum of
$la.000 which had ben deposited
for safe keeping in the Bank of Com
merce at Louisville. The defendant)
contended that the amount of the
bojids. had. been more than exceedet'
in borrowed money which was se
cured by Mr. Volk from the bank.
The case has been in court continu
ously since that time and lxith par
ties have secured verdicts until on
the final trial in the district court
here a judgment was given for the
plaintiff for $7,000 which has b en
sustained by the supreme court. The
litigation covers a period of eight
From Monday's Dally.
Mrs. J. Edgar Johnson, of Lincoln,
has announced the forthcoming mar
riage of her daughter. Miss Lorine,
to Mr. Michael W. Cody, the wed
ding to take place the early part of
June. The bride to be is a grand
daughter of Mrs. J. W. Johnson "of
this city and is well known in Un
social circles of the city.
Carl Graves, who was operat? ! on
in Omaha last week has returned
to his home in the south portion or
the city and is reported as r?ellng
much better although stil lquite
weak and sore from the effects of
the operation. His many friend are
hopeful that he may soon be able; to
be up and around as usual.
Time Tested
49 years of steady, healthy growth
have proved the soundness of the poli
cies governing the management of this
Through prosperous years and lean,
we have demonstrated our ability to
meet conditions and to help our
patrons meet them.
Our future can be safely judged by
our past.