The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 17, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6
MONDAY, MAY 17, 1920. . TJLQT. SEX PLATTSMOUTK SEMI-WEEELY JOURNAL B. K. F. Timers for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford car will work wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry, a stock for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studebaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. J. WOLFM, Main St. Garage Telephone 79 Block South of Postomce 1 u a .i PROSPECTS FOR OTH ER MILLS ARE GOOD C. Sharp of the Alfa-Maize Mill ing Co., Finds Much Encour agement in Iowa Fields. The company that has been fann ed for the purpose f trotting mills for th- purpose of manufacturing stock fond through the special pro cess jvi).,i by tin? Alfa-Maize com pany of this city, is meeting with much encouragement in neighboring towns. The proposition has been brought up of establishing a mill at either Glenwol or Pacific Junction, which places have been applicants for the liK-atioit of one of the mills. The com pany has also received much encour agement at Hamburg. Iowa, which enterprising little city will undoubt ly secure one of the plants for the manufacture of the feed that will make such a revolution in th.e stock feeding world. It is hoped that in a short time it will be possible to have the machinery fully installed in the mill here at Plattsmouth and have it operating so that by fall the work of the manufacture of stock fiwd may be under way in good shape. Mr. Sharp Mates that the con densed form in which the special process of his machinery handles the alfalfa, corn and other forage feed, makes it a very easy matter to ship the manufactured feed and that it will be possible to ship twice the amount of stock food of the manu factured sort in the same space that would be required for a much small er amount of the alfalfa, corn or other fool in its original form. ARRIVAL OF NEW SON. The message was received in the city today by the relatives announc ing i he arrival of a fine little son and heir to Mr. and Mrs. Glen Kavls at the Murray hospital at Hillings. Montana. The little son has been christened Carlos E. Rawls and with the mother is reported as doing nice ly. The happy event that has com? to Mr. and Mis. llawls will be pleas ing news to the many friends in thii city and especially to Mr. and Mrs. C A. Hauls, of this city, parents, of the proud father. Treatment of Common Colds "If all who catch cold could be persuaded to remain in bed for the l'rst twenty-four hours of such an attack." says a well known physician, "there would be fewer C'ses drag ging on with distressing symptoms for weeks and often ending in some riore serious disease." To make sure f a prompt recovery you should al -o t ike Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. Whether sick or veil the bowels should move each day. " Mrs. Charles Hiatt, or Glenwood. accompanied by her niece and nephew, Genevive and Charles Good man, departed for Lincoln this morn ing to visit with Robert Goodman at the St. Elizabeth hospital. The injured young man is a nephew of Mrs. Hiatt. Good Home Grown Soudan Grass Seed for sale. Soudan Grass is next to prairie hay in food value. All mail orders filled same day received. Price 15c per pound. W. T. VALLERY, Phone 2321 :!! POPULAR YOUNG PEOPLE MARRIED Albert Kunz and Miss Emma Pieper, cf Elmwood Joined in Wedlock on Wednesday Evening. On Wednesday evening at 0 o'clock occurred the wedding of Miss Emma Pieper to Mr. Albert Kunz at the home of the bride. The ceremony was performed by the bride's father. Rev. 1!. Pieper. The bride is the daughter of Rev. and Mrs. II. Pieper. She is one of Ehnwood's brightest and most ac complished young ladies. She has a fine education, is one of the best nurses in the state and has served in that capacity for several years and during the past few months has been assistant to Dr. J. S. Deering. uhrre she has proven most efficient. The groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Win. Kur.. He is a most pleas ing young man of sterling .worth, has lived mot t cf his life in Elm wood, where, he was born and raised. He served Uncle Sam faithfully dur ing the recent war both in this coun try and in Europe. The happy couple will begin their married life on the Wm. Kunz home farm just west of town. The groom has had the house nicely rc finished and furnished so t hat they will start out in grand good style. Elmwood Leader-Echo. About Digestion It is cl limed that only half a-5 much lood is required when it is thoroughly masticated. Digestion Le tiins in the mouth and a thorough mastication of the food is of the greatest importance. When needed, take Chamberlain's Tablets to streng then the digestion and insure a regu lar movement of the bowels. RESOLUTION Whereas, Almighty God in his in finite love", wisdom and mercy has seen fit to remove from our midst and beckon to his realm above our fellow- citizen and worthy friend, J. E. Douglass; and Whereas. By the death of our es teemed and loyal citizen, friend, and neighbor his wife has lost a de voted husband, his children have been bereft of a kind and loving father and the community is de prived of the association of one of its splendid and noble members; and Whereas. The city of Plattsmouth. Nebraska, has for more than four years past enjoyed the benefits from the careful and painstaking labors of him in his capacity as City At torney, and the city has lost an able and efficient official, whose position so faithfully held by him will be dif ficult to fill; Therefore be it Resolved by the Mayor and City Council that we tender our heart felt sympathy and condolence; oe it further Resolved, That a copy of these res olutions be given to the family, and a copy tendered to the Plattsmouth Journal for publication therein, and the same to be spread upon-the min utes of the meeting of the Council at their next regular meeting. I5y order of the Committee, C. A. JOILVSOX, R. F. PATTERSON', L. G. LARSON. (SEAL) at the Journal office. Blank books and office accessories Murray, Neb. LOUISVILLE YOUTH KILLED LAST EVENING JAMES THOMPSON, 18 YEAR OLD EOY GROUND TO DEATH BY ROCK ISLAND FREIGHT ATTEMPTING TO BOARD TRAIN Young Man Was on Way from Work at Lyman-Richey Sand Pit at Time of the Accident. From Saturday's Dallv. Last evening while James Thomp son, an. eighteen year old lad of Louisville was enroute from his work at the Lyman-Richey sand pits north of the Platte river, to his home in Louisville, he was killed by falling beneath a moving freight train of the C. R. I. & P. railroad. The accident occurred shortly be fore six o'clock; as voting Thompson. completing his work, was starting for his home. At this time a west bound freight train of the Rock Is land was moving off of the bridge of the Missouri Pacific and Mr. Thomp son to save a walk to town, attempt ed to board the train. The only eye witness of the tragedy was the fire man of the train and he states that Thompson made three attempts to secure a footing on the train which had by the time he came -up gained quite a little headway. The third attempt was fatal as the boy losing his hold on the side irons was swung beneath the wheels and six cars pass ed over his body before the train could be stopped and the mangled re mains dragged from the track where they lay. The body was completely severed at the waist and one leg was torn off and the remainder of the body and head of the boy frightfully man gled by the whtels and being drag ged over the ties a. id rails. In at tempting to board the train young Thompson had placed his dinner bucket in the bib of his overalls and this with the clothing was entirely destroved in the accident. The unfortunate young man re sided in Louisville with his widowed mother. Mrs. Mary Thompson, of whom he was the support and to whom the loss has come as a terri ble shock. He also leaves one sis ter, Mrs. Louis Mayfield, residing east of Louisville and two brothers. Harry of Papillion and George, re siding at Havelock. The funeral services were held to day at the late home owing to the condition of the body not permit ting delay. The accident has come as a great shock to the community near Louisville and the ' bereaved mother has the deepest sympathy of the manv friends in her loss. ROBERT GOODMAN IN CRITICAL SHAPE Wounds Received in Accident at the Havelock Shops Such as to Af ford No Hope of Recovery Fron Saturday's Dally The condition of Robert Goodman, who was injured on Thursday after noon at the Havelock shops is re ported this morning as being very grave and while all possible has been done for him. his case is very serious and the chances of his re covery are doubtful. The operation at the St. Klizabeth hospital in Lincoln disclosed the fact that the injuries were not caused by the ball bearings from the broken machine as had first been reported, but a small fragment of the casing of the machine with which the young man was working. It ( ms he was using air pressure on the machine for cleaning and the section of the casing broken off was forced into his body, making a wound similar to that caused by shrapnel, and which penetrated the intestines, almost sev ering the large intestine and several of the smaller intestines-and it was impossible to locate the piece of steel although several X-ray exami nations as well as probing were used in the attempt to locate the frag ment causing the wound.. The father. R. F. Goodman, returned home last evening to arrange his affairs' at this place so he could return to the bed side of the son and this morning the aunt of the injured boy, Mrs. Charles Hiatt and his younger broth er and sister, departed for the hos pital to be with Robert. We can furnish you blank books of all kinds. The Journal. ' '! Joe Lloyd, of 'Murray, was in the city yesterday for a few hours at tending to some matters of business. MRS, CORA SCOTT LOST 60 POUNDS Troubles Lisappear After Taking' Tanlac and She is Regaining Her Lost Weight. "Anybody who gets the wonder ful relief I have experienced ought to certainly praise the medicine that did it," said Mrs. Cora Scott, living at 300 2 Lindsey Ave.. Omaha. Neb. . "P.efore I took Tanlac," she con tinued, "I was suffering from a num ber of ailments and was up all hours of the night fteling so nervous and miserable I couldn't, half sleep. "My stomach was all out -of onlci and my appetite was so poor tint 1 could hardly eat a thing and suffer ed more or less all the time from indigestion. I v-as badly constipat ed and had dizzy spells and awful headaches. I also suffered from catarrh of th- head and had rheu matism in both p. is ami the upper part of both arms, which was very painful. I hail been in this cordi- iimi almost a year and during this true I lost sixty pounds. Although I felt tired and worn out at niu'.it, I couldn't got any sound sl.ep itoi would always et up in the morn ing feeling wor-e than when I went to bed. I had too much will power to give up, but it was all I could do to drag around and do my work. "I took so many different kii:ds of l .eilicino without jotting any roo thai I had begun to think nothing eo.ild help ine. P,:it I found I was iirstakon soon after I began taking Tanlac. for I b .--iran to fe-M h.Mer with my first few doses. My apn-'iile is fine now and my condi'io.i ha.; improved so I can cat any'liing I v.a:it without suffering a bt fro:;-, indigestion. The catarrh has tei't me entirely and the rheumatism .seldom 1. -triers me at all. I am rg'.i'iiin--my lost weight at:d am so inuch slronger that I can work from i h ing toiight and llun go to bed and sleep like a child." T:n!ac is soli in Plat t smoi ' !i I'. (!. Kricke and Company i,:d leading drufsgi.-t in every to v. r. : v :)o URGENT NEED OF RE PAIR TO COURT HOUSE Delegates to County Convention at Plattsmouth Expressed Approv al of Early Action by Board From Saturday-!. 1 tail. The republican county convention convened in the Distirct court room Tuesday and this afforded County Commissioner Harris an opportunity to present to a representative num ber of tax payers over the county tho necessity of making some very needed repairs to the court house. In one corner of the court room the plastering had fallen off and accord ing to the statt merit made by Com missioner Harris there is danger of the filing with which the ceiling is lined, falling upon 1 ho heads of the occupants of tin- building. He stated that the board of commissioners had decided to make the necessary re pairs to the building and after his description he asked for a vote of approval, which was. almost unani mous. Cass county's court house is a mag nificent st no t ure, but for some rea son unknown to tho wriler it has been shamefully negltcted. The building has settled until the slate roof has cracked and pulled away from the building in places, allowing the water to soak the wall- which in turn has lotted away the ends of the stringers allo.vir.g the ceiling to sag and tli? plastering to crack and fall olT. Tho ceiling and walls of this particular ri.ein have evidently at one time in the hazy past been painted and dec rated, but today they are smoked and begrimed with du?H and look more like the inter ior of a Missouri Pacific round house than a court room. Commissioner Harris is right. It needs fixing. The only complaint the Courier has i- the fact that the commissioners have been so neglect ful of their duty ir. permitting this magnificent building to get into such a dilapidated and disgraceful con dition. The commissioners should not stop at repairing this room but the e'ntlre building needs going over and such .repairs as are found neces sary should be made at once. This thing of "passing the buck" and expecting the succeeding hoard to take the initiative has been prac ticed too long. It is poor economy to postpone making needed repairs until damage has been wrought to such an extent that repairs are but temporary at best. Louisville Cour ier. Henry Iloebner, of Cedar Creek. was in the citv today- enroute to, Murray for a week-end visit Jioine folks. ' WEEPING WATER t Republican i ' Harold Wiles returned Monday 'evening from Omaha, where he had underwent an opertaion. He is get ting along tine and was lucky euough to get back in time to graduate with his class. iUrs. Helen Wallick. accompanied by the Misses Lettie Foster and Ju dith Johnson were over from Platts mouth Friday to attend the class play in which Miss Thelma Wallick had a prominent part. Mr. and Mrs. P.. F. Ruby spent Sunday down at Mrs. Ruby's laim and enjoyed a fine dinner with Mr. anil Mrs. Jack Sheard and family who are now living on the farm. John Sheard came up and took them down in the car. Mr. and Mrs. Rubv are well pleased with the way Jack and his son John are cleaning up and taking care of the farm. C. K. Butler reports an interesting visit in the east while back there last week attending a bank hearing ;'t Washington. One of the most novel experiences was getting to se? practically the entire Atlantic Heef. at anchor in the Hudson river. It was in for a week's "clean-up" and was the lirt time it had been s.en in (lie vicinity ot New ork lor over a year. Another experience w;rs getting aboard the famous converted German shop Valerland. or "Levia than" as it is now named. It is the largest vessel in the world and (lur ing the war hauled as many as 20.000 American troops a trip, besides it? crew. It is laid up at dock now while its motive power system is be ing changed from the s'eam cngii.e to the oil engine type. It is said that the present price of coal made its operation under that type of power almost prohibitive as it burn ed 1.000 tons of coal a day. While in New York City h visited the stock exchange and the curb, marl-set. In talking wti'n bankers in the city :;bout present day conditions lie gathered from them that their belief is tlie tight money condition will not get fully readjusted for a year. There - were representatives from State Rankers Associations of twenty-six states present at. this same conference in Washington and Mr. Uutler brings back the report that definite things were accomplished toward checking the Federal Reserve Ranking system in its inroads upon the rights of state bank-;. LOUISVILLE Courier Miss Josephine Rys, of Platts mouth. came up Saturday to visit over night with. her friend, Mrs. G.f P. P.rown. She returned home Sun day, accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. Brown, who drove down. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lau. Jr.. and family and Mr. and Mrs.-William Wiles and family, of Murray, visited their parents. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lau and family last Sunday. Ojher guests at this hospitable home were Rev. and Mrs. Theodore Hartman. Mr. and Mrs. William Stohlman had the pleasure of entertaining their daughters and families. Mr. and Mrs. Fred P.runkow, of Murdoch and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Gaebel and Mrs. Charles J. Gaebel and daughter, Mi-s Henrietta, at dinner last Sun day. Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Berger. who are again in Flmwood after an ex tended stay in Orange, California, where they have a comfortabl2 home, had the pleasure of a visit with their daughter and son-in-law. Mr. and Mrs. William Slander, last Sunday. Mr. Rerger and wife are expected in Louisville for a visit with their old time friends in the near future. Ernest and August Pautsch drove out to tho home of their brother-in-law, William Sehltifert. west of Mauley last Sunday morning, where they found Mrs. Schliefert and her daughter. Miss Krna. sick in bed with an ailment which was very much like the influenza. Their many friends hope for their speedy re coverv. Frank Schlater of Plattsmouth. has been suffering greatly from the ipular ailment which strikes a great many men at this time of the year, and which resembles spring fever. Tho only remedy seems to bo to go fi-hing and Mr. Schlater came up to take the cure at- the home of his brother-in-law. William l J.'.-t II IVO j 1,1.1 .HUIIHU; ...... .-f..- - rociilta :irol be OvriOCtS to leneat t h f- d'jse frequently during the sprin da vs. '1 Pcrchorn Black Stallion Weight 1950 17 Hands High Will make the season at my ' farm. TERMS! $15.00 to insure colt to stand i auu outii. JOHN URiSH OF r m 235 59C u i Men s t: V-V.'j nili,! a time these days - it's a thrift purchase. You can make your clothes go farther with extra trousers than any other way. We still have a good many sizes left at old prices, and all sizes at prices betaw the market. Don't overlook this. Prices $2.75 to $15. C. E. Wescott's Sons EVERYBODY'S STORE" u niiW r hi muTi1. i riff mm EAGLE Ueacoii P A r. i k Will and Warren Trumble return ed to Wild Horse. Colo., Monday, after a visit with relatives and friends at Eagle. Mr. and Mrs. G. Ilockenbach ex pect to leave this week for Holyoke, Colo., where Mr. Rockenbach will combine pleasure with profit and do some construction work for which he has a contract. Will Hudson. Geo. Oberle, Fred Schwegman and the editor of The Beacon attended the republican county convention at Plattsmouth last Tuesday. The editor was chos en as a delegate to the state con vention at Lincoln next Tuesday. The convention was a real interest ing one, considering the lack of busi ness to be transacted, and was full of pep. All but two precincts in the county were represented. The dem ocratic convention was held the same day. but none from this precinct were present, and the attendance was not nearly so large. This community was shocked Tuesday evening by the death of another old and highly respected cit izen James Dysart. He had been ill for some time, and since his re turn from the Springs, but little hope had been entertained for his recovery, yet his death was a shock to all. Mr. Dysart was born near Mendota, HI.. Dec. 23. 1853, and was C6 years of age. He came to this Here's efpynstei3 THAT'S the name of the. finest line of storm coats that ever was or will be. Made by the United States Rubber Company for men, for women, for boys and ffirls, in a staggering variety of styles and fabrics and prices. We urge you to stop in and try on your Raynster we've got it here for you. Used 365 Days in Nebraska! ODD Trousers! A man asked us the other day when we were going to hold our annual pant sale. Every day is sale day on pants in here. The high prices found us with an extra big stock of trousers on hand. These pants at old prices are big ger bargains than any discount prices ever made. It is nothing for us to sell a man 2 or 3 pairs of trousers at community in 1S81, and was mar ried to Viola Porter in 1S88. Two i girls, Laberta and Bessie, and three boys. Porter, Thomas and Floyd, all living, were the fruit of this mar riage. The deepest sympathy of the community goes out to them and their "mother in their affliction. As we go to press the funeral is being con ducted by Rev. Davis. BAGS NINE COYOTES This morning Grant Hackenberg came in with nine coyote scalps which he had secured at his farm home and for which he received a bounty of $3 each. This makes 141 coyote scalps for the season that has been brought in for registration and to receive the bounty and County Clerk George It. Sayles has been kept busy issuing the warrants for the amounts. The bounty law seems to be doing its purpose of riding the country of coyotes. The Facts About Rheumatism More than nine out of ten cases of rheumatism are either chronic or muscular rheumatism, neither of which require any internal treat ment. All that is required is to massage the affected parts freely with Chamberlain's Liniment. You will be surprised at the relief which it affords.