The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 17, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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T-I ON DAY, MAY 17, 1920.
. . . - . , . , "
. .......... . . . .........
t Pumps
Wind Mills
Paints, Oils
Gas Engines
Well Work a Specialty
Mr. and -Mrs. J. A. Shaffer were
:.-.: ins in South Bend Sunday.
Mr. and Air?-. A. B. Stromer and
?v'r. and Mrs. Kd St roomer were in'cdn Saturday afternoon.
Ir. L. Aluir and family autoed to
Mi! ford Sunday morning whore they
M the day with the doctor's fath
er and brother.
Mr. and Mrs. Kn'c-ely and child
ren, of Council lilui'ts. Iowa, spent
S : iday niuht with Dr. and Mrs. L.
Ali:ir and children.
Mr. and Airs. Sam Cashner spent
Su! iiay with Mrs. Cashner's brother,
1 :it ii Snoke and family, near Eagle,
and while there they inspected the
new consolidated school building.
Mrs. Walter Collins entertained
the Woman's reading club on last
Mr. and Mrs. A. B. Stroemer were
j calling on relatives at Wabash Sun
! day afternoon.
I Ralph Uhley came in from St. Joe,
Mo., to visit over Sunday with his
wife and children. -
Mrs. Frances Cash and children,
of Hallam, came in Monday night to
visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. X.
Sunday evening services at the M.
E. church consisted of stereoptican
views and the lecture on "Aiuerica
I nization" was read by Supt, J. W.
! Kingsinger.
! Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lancaster, of
I Havelock, spent Sunday with Mrs.
, Lancaster's parents, Mr. and Mrs.
Fred Prouty.
Rev. E. A. Knight left Sunday
evening for Des Moines, where he
i has been in attendance" at the gen-
eral conference of the M. E. church
i during the past week.
Mother's day was observed in Alvo
by a fitting program rendered at the
; M. E. church in the morning. The
I ladies of the church took charge of
j the services. A splendid paper on
I "Mothers" was given by Mrs. It. F.
' Jonnson. Miss Lois Keefer and Lee
i Prouty each sang a solo and a moth
ers' choir furnished some special
Miss Lois Keefer came home Fri
day evening from Shelby, where she
is teaching to spend the week end
with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. C.
Keefer and had as week-end guests
j the Misses Belle Sutherland and Dor-
othy Koon and Messrs. Robert Mc
; Meckin. Floyd Pcddist and John
i Inks who autoed over from Shelby
i Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Cole,
j of Mynard, were also Sunday guests
at the Keefer home.
Buying Grain and Stock!
Fanning onl' pays when the man who manages
the farm receives at least one half of the net income
from lite farm.
Grain and stock should be bought by individual
buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the
Co-operaiive associations will never be a success
until they sell at least one-half their stock to their
I3ring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six
years', experience on "market conditions' and "grading1
u;d" crrain. Free to our customers. .
iiiri m
Grain and Lumber
Alvo, Nebraska
Tk 1
'c believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We
ere always ready to make good farm loans for long
terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well pre
pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage
ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which
a farmer must now deal.
Pcpodls in Tliis Bank arc Protected by the Guaranty Fund
of the State of Nebraska
, The Farmers 2nd Merchants Bsnk,
N E I. R A S K A
. . HO l.!-'S. !'r -. I !.!: -. IU V !.!:. ililrr null H.ti , nl.
. M. r.l' I 1, . I r-I rn. U I. 1. . ., li r.'rn.
The Aivo National Farm Loan Association
". I:'VI.::s. I -i . ; r; l HM.KS. r.(YLKS.Scc"y-Tri'i
I. I s A '., Mrii-.i-nt-l,Mv
ntemoifGnal and John Beere
Farming Implements. We also have all
kinds of grass and garden seeds, harness
and a General Hardware Stock. We can
make you a good price on Deering stand
ard twine. Yours for service,
For Sale! A complete Huber thrashing outfit. 18 li.
p. engine and 36xG0 separator, in good shape. In
quire of W. W. Coatman or L. M.SnaverJy, Alvo, Neb.
Coalman Hardware
A. E. Ensign visited over Sunday
in Rising City.
Isola Kennedy was in Lincoln Sun
day and Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. Bert Kitzel were
Lincoln visitors Friday.
A. X. Myers was transacting busi
ness in Lincoln Monday.
Mrs. S. C. Boyles was a passenger
for Lincoln Friday morning.
Ed Carr shipped two cars of cattle
to South Omaha Wednesday.
Mrs. C. F. Hosenow returned
home from Prairie Home, Friday.
Sliger brothers, P. J. Linch and
Homer Cook were Lincoln visitors
Mrs. Frve. of Clay Center, came
in Tuesday to visit her brother, John
Murtey and wife.
Mrs. E. L. Uptegrove visited her
son, Frank and family in Lincoln
from Sunday till Tuesday.
. Turner McKimon and family and
Mrs. ("has. Strong, were dinner
guests Sunday at the G. P. Forman
Mr. and Mrs. Kay King and their
daughter and Mr. and Mrs. Clark
King, of Lincoln, spent Saturday and
Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert
Mrs. C. M. Jordan attended, as del
egate, the Pythian Sisters Grand
Lodge at Lincoln Tuesday and Wed
nesday. G. I. Foreman has taken his cat
tle to Seward county for the sum
mer season. John Foreman. Charles
Foreman and Vernon Hinebaugh
drove them ov?r.
Members of the Royal Neighbor
camp of Alvo are invited to meet
with Neighbor Mrs. Anna Hardnock
Wednesday afternoon. May 19. Let
all who can attend. Oracle.
Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Appleman
were up from Liberty over Sunday.
Fay Parseil returned on Monday
via the auto route to his home in
Gage county. Mrs. Parseil will re
main for some time with her par
ents. Delbert Skinner arrived Monday
from Winnipeg, Canada, with the
car ;f household goods and farm
implements and horses which was
shipped to Canada several -weks
ago. lie was on the way home two
Mrs. C. F. Rosenow spent Satur
day night and Sunday at home re
turning Sunday to the home of h-c-r
daughter at Prairie Home. C. F.
and son. Verl. also went , up Sunday
evening to see the new grandson.
'harks Raymond Clark, returning
on No. 34.
("has. Avers and Frank Dougherty
wore chosen delegates from the
Knights of Pythias Jodge lu re to at
tend the Grand Lodge meeting h.Hd
in Lincoln Tuesday and Wednesday.
Mr. and Mr. Isaac Loland of Los
Angeles. California, came in Friday
to vi-dt their son, Harley Loland
and family.
Emanuel Thimgan Sick
Edward Thimgan returned a few
days ago from the western part of
tlie state, where he went to visit his
brother. Emanuel, who has been very
sick. He found his brother suffering
greatly, but on his return left him in
somewhat better condition.
Do you remember those old days
when there were fifty oysters in
every 25-cent stew and you could
get 'cm at tlie counter on the half
shell for 1 cent each? '
real optimist is a man who car.
stand our telephone service by re
llecting that in Paris it often takes
thirty minutes to make a telephorc-conr.ection.
.Minim; cmcnt. irciilnl lou. I :.. I to
il uirtvl lv llir .et f (ain
Brc of Auc -I. 1!HJ.
or thi-: pi.atts.mi im'th J rKN.u
Tmj 1 i 1 j I dailv at l'lattsmouth, Ncbr.,
for April 1. l'.ijo.
f Nebraska,
A 1 '.sites, of
A. Kates, Of
('utiiitv of Cass,
SS '.
I'.efore mo. a Notary I'uhlic. in nml
f.r stjtlc am! county aforesaid.
Iers'ma!ly aj leare'l TI. A. nates. T lin,
liavinir ln-en 1iiv sworn aeenrdinK to
iaA'. '.eiioses ntid says tliat he is the
pul.iislu r of tl:e I'la 1 1 sniout li Journal.
;iml that the following is. to the hest
of his li'imvlcile ami belief, a true
statement r the ownership, nmnase
m4'fit (ami if a dally paper, th.e circu
lation. of the aforesaid publica
tion for the dale shown in the above
caption, reijnired by the Act of Anirnst
Jl. 1 :t 1 1. embodied in Section 4 1:'.. J'os.
tal Laws and 1 Irsn la tions. printed on
the revt rse of this form, to-wit:
1 That the names ami addresses of
the publisher. 'editor, inanauin editor
and business managers arc:
Publisher J:. A. Hates, Plattsn-.outh.
TMitor M. A. Hates,
Ma Hairing JMitor T;.
I'ln t tsnioii t h. NV bi iiska.
IPisiness Manager l;.
! 'hi 1 1 s mo lit h. Nebraska.
" Thai, the owners are Cciive nam?s
.nd addresses of individual owners or,
if a corporation, uive its jiame tind the
nnraos and : dd resscs of st'Kkh.dders
ownins or holding 1 jut cent or more
el the total amount o stocKl:
Sole owner 1 1. A, Bates, l'latts
rnoiith. Nebraskii.
:: That the known bondholder,
mortRiirees, ami other security hold
ers owning .or; 1 per cent or
more of total amount of bonds, mort-
Kares, or other .securities are: (Jf
thro are none, so state)
There are none.
i That the two paragraphs next
above, (riving the names of the ow
ners, st eel; holders, and security hold
ers,' if any. contain not only th list
of m oek hobieis and security holders as
Ihey appear upon the books of the
'company, but plso, in cases where the
. s t oi l; h i, bier or security holder appears
(upon the books of the company as a
t rnstie or in any other fiduciary tc!a
tiou, the name if t J i person or corpo
ration for whom such trustee is act
in;;, is Riven: ai.-o that the said two
paragraphs -'i:it'iin stiU.ments em
I'Tjuinx alfianr's lull knowledge znl
belief as to the circumstances and cn
dit mns tinder w-l.ich stockholders fcnd
scurity iiobb is who n not appear
upon th- "books of the company as
trustees, hold stock and securities in
n capacity oihrr than that of a bona
li b- ov. nei : and that this affiant has
no leason to b.-ib-ve that anv other
person. assoi;i t ion. or corporation- has
any interest direct or indirect in said
Hock, bonds, or other securities than
as st;ited by him.
." That the average number of cop
ies of each issue of this publication
sold or distributed, through the irn.ils
or olhervKc. to paid subscribers ilur
itir the six months preceding- the date
rhown above is (This information
required for dailv- pu hi ica t iois only).
J:. A. HATK.-5.
Are Putting In Coal for Winter
The firm of Tool, Nauman & Mur
tey, looking into the possibilities of
the future, are storing coal with
a number of Murdoek citizens who
want to be assured against the prom
ised shortage that is to develop next
winter. J. A. Bauers is hauling and
delivering the coal.
New Crossing the New Bridge
The Rock Island which has been
devouring its trains via Louisville
since last fall on account of rebuild
ing its bridge over the Platte river
at South Bend, has so far completed
the work on the structure that they
are able to use the bridge again, the
first trains passing over it Friday.
Have Prospered in Omaha
C. P. Travers and wife of Omaha,
were visiting in Murdoek a short
time last Sunday, having driven
down in their car for a visit at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. H. A. Guth
mann of this place.. Mr. Travers.
who was formerly a resident of this
place, together with bis brothers
and sisters are now extensive prop
erty owners in Omaha. Since going
there several years ago and engag
ing in building, they have owned a
number of exneiisive buildings, in
cluding several apartment houses.
They built the "Iraverton' apart
ments, disposing of them and later
building the "Alsatian," which they
likewise disposed of and now have
the "Undie" apartments, which are
very valuable.
Enjoyed the Wrestling Match
Last Thursday evening a number
of Murdoek people went to Lincoln
where they enjoyed the wrestling
contest staged between two noted
athletes. Those to enjoy the trip
vere Stephen Lies and H. II. Law
ion, driving Mr. Lies' car; Louis H.
'jornemeier and Joe Johansen, in
Mr. Borneineier's car and E. W.
Thimgan, John Gakenieier, Lacey Mc
Donald and Gus C.akemeier, going
i a third car.
Gsts Car Load of ''Titans"
Wm. Gehrts, the implement and
farm machinery man, who is doing a
very satisfactory business in that
line, received a car load of the fam
us "Titan" tractors a few days ago,
which, with the assistance of his
expert helper, Charles Schaefer, he
unloaded and placed in the ware
rooms to await being taken out by
prospective customers at an early
Has a New Dodge Car
Hobert Stock has purchased a new
lodge car and in making his selec
tion has exercised very good judg
ment as this is one of the good cars
on the market and is sold by E. W.
Thimgan who is an excellent judge
f automobiles.
Met Old Time Friend
J. E. Mcllugh, A. J. Tool. J. A.
Haner, Lacey McDonald and Bryan
McDonald comprised a party that
went to Meadow on last Sunday to
-pend the day and win favor if pos
sible with the members of the finny
tribe who sport in glee in the waters
of the lakes there. They enjoyed the
day immensely, and all the more so
on account of meeting some old time
friends of Mr. Mcllugh. Mr. C. X.
Humphrey and wife and little daugh
ter who were likewise spending the
day in recreation. The Humphreys
formerly lived in Plattsmouth, but
now reside in Omaha, where Mr.
Humphrey has a position with the
Standard Oil company.
Closes School with Picnic
Miss Rose Scheel. who has suc
cessfully taught the College Hill
scdiool during the past year, closed
her work last Tuesday with a picnic
for the scholars that was enjoyed by
all the .people of the countryside.
Married in Omaha
Miss Catherine Goehry, a Murdoek
maiden, was united in marriage to
Mr. Robert E. Eldridge. of Omaha,
last Wednesday. Misa Goehry was
born and resided in Murdoek all her
life until a few months ago when
she went to Omaha to accept a po
sition in the advertising department
of Thompson-Behlen's store. The
groom is a young man of exceptional
ability and is a son of the senior Mr.
Eldridge. member of the firm of Eld-ridge-Reynolds,
of the , metropolis.
The bride has a host of friends in
and near Murdoek who unite with
this paper in extending best wishes
for happiness and prosperity to the
young couple. Mr. and Mrs. Eldridge
will make their home in Omaha.
Will Depart for France
Mrs. Barbara (Iriez, living east of
Murdoek, and" a sister of Mr. Jacob
Goehry, will depart in a few days for
the east, stopping at Washington, I).
C. where she will join her brother
and wife on a trip which will in
clude several months abroad, sailing
from New York for France. Among
other pleasures of the trip they plan
a visit with the oid friends in Alsace
Iorraine whom they have not seen
in many years.
You can get floor wax at all times
of Max Dusterhoff. tf.
Popular copyrighted fiction at the
Journal office.
Sworn to and subscribed before me
this .id dnv of Mav, 19.'.
(Seal) Notary Public.
My commission expires March 21, 1925.
mi Ox
I For Economical I
j I Tractor Operation I
I Perfection Kerosene Oil keeps tractors working I
I at hirhest efficiency. It provides the engine I
I with dependable power that is maintained all I
I day long without let-up. You may get more I
I work done more acres plowed, harrowed or I
I harvested, at least cost when you use Per- I
I 1 fecticn Kerosene Oil. I f
1 I . . "' Perfection Kerosene Cil mixes evenly and burns up M I
I completely. Every drop is converted into power m I
I and without choking up the engine with carbon, xlirt M
For best results, standardize on clean, dependable m m
. Perfection Kerosene Oil. M m
Telephone cur nearest agent end he will arrange M m
for iimnediatc delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil in f K
k For gasoline-burning engines use Red Crown Gasoline. J
S. (Nebraska)
from Friday's Dally.
Miss Effa Patterson returned this
afternoon from Beatrice, where the
has been attending the declamatory
contest, held in that city.
Mr. and Mrs. Emory Skinner were
passengers this morning for Omaha,
where they were called by the illness
of the father of Mr. Skinner.
J. E. Adams was a visitor in Ne
braska City last evening being a
guest there at a dance given by the
young people of the Otoe county city.
Jack Fullwood departed this af
ternoon for Bartlesville, Oklahoma,
in response to a message announc
ing the death of his sister in that
Mrs. John F. Wehrbein, who has
been at Lincoln for the past few
days in attendance at the grand
chapter of the Eastern Star, return
ed home last evening.
James Stander, of Louisville, was
in the city today for a few hours at
tending to some matters of business
it the court house and calling on
his many friends in the county seat.
The Expression of Many a Kidney
Sufferer in Plattsmouth
A stubborn backache is cause to
suspect kidney trouble. When the
kidneys are inflamed and swollen,
stooping brings a sharp twinge in
the small of the back that almost
takes the breath away. Doan's Kid
ney Pills revive sluggish kidneys
relieve aching backs. Ask your
neikhbor. Here's Plattsmouth proof:
Mrs. C. C. Burbridge, Vine street,
says: "Some years ago my back caus
ed me a great deal ' of misery. It
ached most all the time. After I
had taken Doan's Kidney Pills for a
while my back felt as strong as ever.
Since then. I have always considered
Doan's fine for backache and kid-!
ney trouble and have recommended j
them to my neighbors when I have
heard them complaining."
Price 60e at all dealers. Don't j
simply ask for a kidney remedy ;
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that Mrs. Burbridge had. Foster
Milburn Co., Mfrs., Buffalo, N. Y.
Charter Mo. 1914
Reserve Dist. No. 10-J
At riiittsmoiitli, in Hi" State f Nebraska, at the t'ln.-v .f
lliisiness on May 1, l'.t.'n.
l.ouiis and ilisroimts. j iirluilinfr rcriiseourit
!eiiuct liote.s ami liills red isconriteil with Fed. lies.
0 erd rafts, ffcurcl, none: uns-eeured, $2,1-12.71....'
. iiHvrrumoit -'nrlli- llnuril:
.IITs.l I7.i;:
;. I Minds jiar valnei...
tlK'r deposits or hilly
:: l.iiiiii. in)
I epos!tel to seen It- circulation ((.".
l'ledsred as collateral for State :md
pay a He
Owned arid unpledsre.l
Other HoikIm. Semriticw, ete.:
ecuritieti other than C S. honds (not irieludinn stocks) owned ami
Stock of Federal Keseive (."'., of sn l.siritx inn I " '. ' '
Value of hanking house, owned and uiiincumlicrcd
Furniture and fixtures
Kal estate owned, other than hiinkiim house....!!!'.!.!!!'".
Lawful reserve with Federal Keserve Hank !
Cash m vault and net amounts due from national
t'hecks on other hanks in the same city or town
Cheeks on hanks located outside of city or town
and other cash items...., "
Redemption fund with I. S. Treasurer and due from I. S. Treasurer
Interest earned hut not collected apptoximate on Notes and liills
Keceivahle not past due
! ! I.'i I 7 !
2.1 42.71
S I, '.inn. in)
ha n ks
as reporting
of re porting
hau k
1 l.
2. '-'"li en
1 l.lliill AMI
:..:si .-..n 2
7. 42. i. u
2 t.2i
2, iUO. Mi)
.$ ti74.101.2s
taxes paid
ledited iti advance
7.:7.! :
mat ii ri t y
Capital stock paid in
Surplus fund
I'ndivided profits
I .ess current expenses, interest and
Interest and discount collected r
anil not earned (approximate).
Circulating notes ou tsl rid ins
Net amounts due to hanks, hankers
irniMiil DeiUKitM (other thiin linuk droii) Miilijeet to Itrorrtr:
IndivHlual deposits suhject to check $2.'.2,4yj.77
Certificates of deposit due in less than ) das (other
than for money horrowed l ."2.H2.VH')
'I'litif ItepoKitM Miilijeet llrorrvr:
Certificates of deposit (other than for money liorniwed I
Uills payahle with Federal Keserve ISarik.. !..
and trust companies.
ino on
.22.2. 1 :
. 1 (HI. on
,111111 III!
1U7. V.
(Mill. mi
Liahrlitics for rediscounts with Federal Keserve Hunk.
7 4 . 1 . 1 2
.... $ 1 3.riMi.(in
Total cnnliiiffcnt liahilities $ 1 ::..'.()(). (ii
Of the total leans am iliscmints shown a hove, the amount on which inter
est and discount was charged at rates in excess or those permitted hv law (See.
Sli'7, Kcw Stat.) (exclusive of notes upon which total charge not to exceed o'
eents was made) was none; the nuuioer of such loans was none.
State of. Nebraska , t SZ
County of Cass J
I. Hen. ( ). luvey. Cashier of the above-named hunk, do soleinnl v sw-ar
that the above statement is true to the best of my knowledge ami l.elief.
;i;o. O. LioVKY.
Correct -A I test : Cashier.
II. N. Mmey; .V. O. Cole, F. K. Schlater, Idrcctors.
Subscribed and swoill to before me this Mb dav of M:.v. 1M2H.
Seal) Notary I'uhlie.
(My commission expires March 24, FJ22)
E8t or Riley Hotal. .J
Coatea Eloek. 4.
"Second Floor.
320 Acre Improved
Cass Co. Farm
The Jacob Vallery, Jr. farm
for $250.00 per acre. Terms
to suit purchaser.
The unimproved 120 acres of the,
. V. 1 ; i . . 1 .1 n -I ..
oirpucu niaic hum a lew j i n j
ago for $295.00 per acre and is justj
one mue east or tne improved zu
acres I am offering for 1250.00 per
Phone No. 1
There will be a combination old-fashioned and
up-to-date dance given at the MURRAY HALL
Wednesday Night, May 19th
This will be a good, sociable affair, with dances for
all members of the family on the program. The fox-trot,
one-step, waltz and quadrille interposed with the kind
of dances you like. The prices will be most reasonable.
Come and bring the family.
The Murray Dancing Glub