The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 17, 1920, Page PAGE FOUR, Image 4
ONDAY, MAY 17, 1920. PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL PAQE FOim if Cbc plattsmouth journal PUBLISHED SEMI-WEEKLY AT PLATTSMOUTH,' NEBRASKA Entered at Fostofflce, riattsmouth. Neb., &a aecoad-clasa mall matter R. A. BATES, Publishe. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE $2.00 PER YEAR IN ADVANCE It doesn't break a man. taker nine tailors to The new way spelling potatoes, frd$" these days. :o: A girl is not an artist just be cause she paints, but she ought to be one if she does. :o: Strikes have become so common of late that you may count that day lost which has no walkout. It's a very small part of the trou ble in the world that is caused by keeping one's mouth shut. Kven if we can t get sugar it can't prevent us from smiling sweetly on the ladies. Just the same. A law requiring that all shoes be made of leather might help some to relieve the paper shortage. . :o- It is too often the case in modern business methods that the dictates of humanity are "dictated but not read." Down in Mexico it is jwst one pres ident after another, and this time old Vic Carranza is said to be on the hike. :o: Of what use is a key to a city to a party of visitors nowadays? Un less it is accompanied with a cellar map of the same city. :o: : Of course there are others, b,ut one kind of a simp is a girl v.i o car ries a muff in the summer ant' mar ries a mutt in the winter. :o: The result of the California pri mary appears to be another indica tion of how the country wants, a business man for president. :o: The plan, for saving daylight makes but indifferent progress. In its present state of mind the public is disinclined to save anything. :o: The break in silk prices is doubly encouraging as 'showing the decline in living costs has hit the necessi ties first. The luxuries can wait. promisedfor the have been our its immediate consideration to the problem of future taxation. Sim plification of the income and profits taxes has become an immediate ne cessity." Though that necessity is vastly greater now than it was then, no step whatever has been made to meet it. Instead, congress is debat ing new complications in the tax system to raise money for a sol diers' bonus. "The congress might well consid er whether the higher rates of in come and profits taxes can in peace times be effectively productive of revenue, and whether they may not. on the contrary, be destructive of business activity and productive of waste and inefficiency." Events have fully answered that question; but no moderation of war time taxation has been even at tempted, or is now immediate future. "Whatever may views during the period otgrowth'of American business concerning tariff legislation, we must now adjust our own economic life to a changed con dition growing out of the fact that America is the greatest capitalist in the world." Congress has taken and proposed no step which shows its realization of this vital fact. "Other items, such as improve ments in marketing, studies of farm management, better forestry meth ods, federal aid to good roads, the marking of all goods in interstate commerce with the price at which they left the hands of the producer, and laws requiring federal licenses of corproations engaged in interstate commerce so as to prevent uncon scionable profits in the method of marketing, are all unacted upon." Today, six months later, these and many other measures are still un acted upon. The republican con gress, too busy killing the hope of organized world peace and lay ing the foundations for a cam paign to perpetuate its control, has stamped all over its record of fifteen months the word "failure". Duluth Herald. :o: If the man who has bad most a nerience in running could run best. the democrats would have no trou ble in picking their man. Bryan also ran" three times. "Uncle Joe" Cannon's advice to "take life as it is and make the best of it. And work", is an improve ment on the old-time expression: "Take things as the come." Both however, are vastly different from that other old saying: "Let's take things easy." :o:- Fine stationery, Journal office. .OTICK K UKAKIX; tit Petition for Determliiiitioii i ll-lrhii Estate of Uarbaia J. Wiles, deceas ed, in the County Court Cass coun ty. Nebraska. ' The State of Nebraska, To all per sons interested in said estate, credi tors and heirs take notiee that Cash I. Wiles has tiled his petition alle invr that lUrliara J. Wiles died intes tate in Cass county, Nebraska, on or about April 3, i:n7. being: a resident and inhabitant of Cass county, Ne braska, and the owner of the follow ing described real estate, to-wit: The south hnlf (S!i of southwest quar ter (SWM,1 of Section three ('J). and the northeast quarter NE'i) of the southwest quarter (SV'i of .Section four (4. all in Township twelve tlU). North Kanfie thirteen (i:t), east of the 6th 1 At.. Cass county. Nebraska, now owned bv Canna . Kinch; also the south half SVa of the northeast oeaiter iNI' and north half (N'it of north half N2 of north half t.N'i) of southeast iuarter (Hi:'4 ) of Section four 4 ami the north half (N'M- of the southeast !"aiter (SK'i) and the north half l X ',i i of the northeast quarter NK'4 f the southwest quar ter SV',' of Section fourteen (It), all ia Township twelve (1.'). North UaiiKo thirteen (i:s. east of the Cth P. M.. Cass countv. Nebraska. now owned by Thomas Wiles. Jr.; also the south half (S'a) of the north half (N-i of the north half (N'-) of the southeast quarter (SH'-i of Section four t. and the south half (S'L.) of the southeast quarter tSE) and the .vouth half (S'a) of the northeast quar ter (XK'i) of the southwest quarter (SV'4 of Section fourteen (14), ail in Township twelve 1J. North Kansro thirteen (lo. east of the tit li P. M.. Cass countv, Nebraska, now owned by Cash L. Wiles: also Lot forty-fowr III), in Section .thirteen (13). east of the fitli V. M.. Cass county. Nebraska, now owned by Luke L. Wiles: also the south half (S'fe) or the northwest quarter (XW'J) of Section five ", and the east half (Klj) of the nnrth tast quarter (XK'i) of Section six ( R ) all in Township seven (7), North Latino twenty-nine (L"J), west of the. tit It 1'. M., Frontier county, Nebraska, now owned by .lames lsurnett;- also the northeast quarter (NKli'i of Sec tion twenty-nine, and the east half (i:' of the southwest quarter (SW't ) of Section twenty-nine (I'll) and the southeast quarter (SK'i of Section twenty -', all in Township ciiht (M. North Canire twenty-nine I west t.f the ;t!i P. M.. Frontier countv. Ne-br:vs-;a. now owned by Loren M. Wiles, and leaving as her solo and only heirs at law the following named persons, to-wit: Thomas Wilts. Jr., widower, and Loren M. Wiles and Cash L. Wiles, sons, and Canna I. Finch, daughter: and pray ins? for a decree barring (hums: that said decedent died intes tate: that no application for adminis tration has been made and the estate of said decedent has not been admin istered in the State of Nebraska, and that the lo irs at law of said decedent as herein set forth shall be decreed to be the owners in fen simple of the above described real estate, which has been set for healing on the "f'th dav .1" May. A. I . l'J.'", at ten (10) o'clock a. in. Iated at Plattsmouth, Nebraska, this :Mli dav of April, A. 1 . IHJO. ALLKN J. LLKSoN. Seal) in:!-tw. County Judge. oiidi:h !" II RAISING on Petition for A ppolntmeut of A"!miuitrator The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Cath erina Tains, deceased. On reading and lilinj? the petition of Hans Tarns, praying that adminis tration of said estate may be granted to said Hans Tains, as Administrator: Ordered, that May 20th, A. I). 1920, at nine o'clock a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may ap pear at a County Court to be held in and for said countv. and show cause why the prayer of petitioner should not be granted: and that notice of the pendency of said petition and the hear ing thereof !. given to all persons in terested in said matter by publishing a cony of this order in the Platts moutli Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county, for three successive weeks, prior to said day of hearing. Pated April 24th, 1920. ALLKN J. LEESON. (Seal) County Judge. John m. ley pa, a2C-:iw. Atty. for Petitioner. -:o:- The eastern papers have been re ferring to California as Mr. Hoover's home Mate, a piece of information which evidently hasn't yet reached California. :o: The census shows that Punxsu tawney. Pa., has increased in popu lation 13.8 per cent. Of which it is believed .001 per cent know how to pronounce it. : o: The cash value of a husband's love is fixed at $40,000 by a wife who H sueing for alienation of affection. Is she in love with him, or is it a case of profiteering? :o:- Romething unusual occurred in the bank robbery line in East St. Louis the other day. One bandit was killed, another was captured, and the robbery failed. :o: CONGRESS For SaSeS Several Good Re-built Fords Priced Right! WE SELL FORDS on payment plan casn, balance in 12 equal monthly payments. T.H, Pollock Garage Phone No. 1 II On December 2, 1919, the presi dent of the United States sent a message to the republican congress, which had then been in office nine months without distinguishing it self otherwise than by the fact that it had its eyes glued on the 1920 campaign and couldn't take them off long enough to meet the nation's vital and pressing needs. Among the suggestions made by the president were the following: "I hope that congress will being to a conclusion at this session legis lation looking to the establishment of a budget system." There is yet no budget system. "Another and no less important aspect of the problem is the ascer Jainment of the economy and effii- ' ciency with which moneys appropri- i ated are expended." Money is still appropriated and spent in the same old way, only with a wilder liberality than ever before. "So one is authorized or equipped , to ascertain whether the money has I been spent wisely, economically ana effectively. The auditors should be highly trained officials with perma nent tenure In the treasury depart ment, free of obligations to or mo tives of consideration for this or any subsequent administration." Six months later, with congress looking hopefully toward an early adjournment for a season of political campaigning, this unhappy fact is still true. "I trust that congress will give BETTER LIVING CONDITIONS 4 I.KtW, XOTKK In the District Court of coun tv. Nebraska. Pob.rt Klotz. Plaintiff, vs. West half of Northeast iuirter of Section 17. Township 1:! North, Karige !, in Cass county. Nebraska. , and all persons claiming any interest of any kind in said real estate or any part thereof: Also the following named persons ami i heir unknown heirs, devisees, lega- : ( es and personal representatives of . ach of thorn, to-wit: S. N. Merriam. Selden N. Merriam. Lydia Merriam. A. Corbin. Austin Corhiti. I. "VV. Newsum. J. W. Newsum. Israel "V. Newsum, William Durfee, William DuiTua, Den nis Dean. Samuel llryan and S. O. lirvan. Defendants. The above named defendants and cadi of them are hereby notified that on the Jlth dav- of April. 1DJ0, plaintiff tiled his suit In the District Court of i 'ass county. Nebraska, the object and purpose of which is to confirm plain tiff's title in and to the West half of the Northeast quarter of Section IV, Township l; "orth. Kange .', in Casr county. Nebraska, and to permanently enjoin each and all of said defen dants from having or claiming to have any right, title, lien or interest either legal or equitable in or to said roa I estate or any part thereoT, and to en join said defendants from interfering in any manner with plaint ill's posses sion, enjoyment and titlf of said prem ises and for general equitable relief. This notice is given you pursuant to the order of said Court. You are required to answer said pe tition on or before Monday, the Iltli day of June, 1!)'J. or your default will be -entered therein against -you ai.l each ot you ami decree quieting mie you and each of you entered of plaintiff. LOBL'RT KLOTZ, Plaintiff. By Ii. O. DWYF.n, His Attorney. oui)i:it or m:itix. on Petition for Appointment of (lmiiiilrntrix The State ot Nebraska. Cass coun ty, ss. t In the County Court. In the mait-r of the estate of Fred Conden, deceased. on- reading and tiling the petition of Pauline Young praying that' admin istration of said estate may be grant d to Pauline Young as administratrix; (Jr. bred, that May i'tth. A. I). 11)0. at ten o'clo. k a. m.. is assigned for hearing said petition, when all per sons interested in said matter may appear at a County Court to be held in and for said county, and show cause why the piaxer of petitioner should not 'be granted: and that notice of the Pendency of said petition, a nd the hear ing thereof be fciven to all persons in- tcrt sted in said matter by publishing copy of this order in the Platts- mouth Journal, a semi-Weekly news- ip r printed in said county, for three successive Weeks, prior to said day oi heal l ng. Dated A pi il l'J-o W L'7. lftl'O. ALLKN J. HKKSN. County Judj OKDI lt T IIIIWf U SH In the District Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the application of Bertha L. Slandlev, (Juardian of Hubert Standlcy. Irene Stainlley, .Manet Marni- y and Verna Standley, all Minors, for license to sell real estate. On reading and tiling the petition, duly verified, of Bertha L. Standley, Cuardian of Hubert Standley, Irene tandlev, Mai el Standley and erna Standley. all Minors, for license to sell the following described real estate, to wit: An undivided eight-twenty-seven-ths (SJ7) of the following described lots: Lots sity-three to! ). . sixt y-six ;:) and sixt -seven (;7), aM in Lenox Subdivision of the northwest quarter (NW'j) of the northwest quarter NWi f Section twenty-nine i-'M. in Township ten 1 0 ) North of Kange seven (7, east of the tUli Principal Meridian. Lancaster county, Nebraska, as shown on the published and record ed plat thereof, for the purpose of raising funds for the education and maintenance i f said minors, and it ap pearing from said petition that said teal estate consists of three lots on which there are two house which are in a poor state of repair, and that there is verv little income from -said property after paying expenses for keeping the houes in repair and the taxes; It is therefore ordered that the next of kin of said minors and all others interested in said estate appear before me at chambers in the court house in the Citv of Plattsmouth. Cass .county, .Nebraska, on the day of June, A. D. lUi'O, at ten o'clock a. in., to show cause, if any there be, why license should not be granted to said Bertha L. Standley. (Juardian, to sell said real estate for the purposes above set forth. And it is further ordered that a copy of this order be published once each week for three successive weeks before said hearing. in the Platts mouth Journal, a legal newspaper cir- culatin bra ska. Dated at county this P.)1'0. in said County of C chambers Uth day in of said May. Ne- Cass A. D. .IAMBS T. BKOLF.Y. Judge of the District Court of mlo-3w Cass county, Nebraska. v The Ntiiiii: State of TO CltBDITOBS Nebraska, Cass cou n- ty. estate of Kli- cstatc In the County Court. In the matter of the -.a be tli Barry, deceased. To the -creditors of said You are hereby notilied that I will sit at the Comity Court room in Plaits mouth, in said county, on the 12th day of June, A. I . mca. at 10 o'clock a. in., and on the 1::th day of September, A. D. B:M. at 10 o'clock a. m., to receive and examine all claims against said estate, with a view to their adjust ment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against j sa bl estate is three months from the mil day or June, A. D. lllJO, and the time limited for payment of debts is one vear from said 12th day of June, 19 jo. Witness my lrand and the seal of said Countv Court this th day of Mav, 1920. " ALLKN J. BKKSON. (Seal) county judge.; against in favor a28-lw. MlTIti: State of TO CHF.IHTOUS Nebraska, Cass coun- estate of Al- Delco-Light is more than a mere lighting plant. It gives you electric power r . 11 f too, tor operating au or ti Th ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the belt Vatlery, deceased. To the creditors of said estate; You are hereby notified that I will sit at the County Court room in Platts mouth. in said countv, on the ll'th day of, June, A. D. l'.tjo. at 1 o'c lock a. m", and on the P'.th day of September, A. D. Pejt). at la o'clock a. m., to receive and examine all claims against said fstate, with a view to their adjustment and allowance. The time limited for the presentation of claims against, said est'ite is three months from the 12th day of June, A. D. 1H20. and the time limited for payment of debts is c ne vear from said 12th day of June, 1320. Witness my hand and the seal of said County Court, this 6th day of Mav. 1920. ALLKN J. BKKSON, (Seal) County Judge. the light machinery arouna H'- ""J'1' i n n the house and barn, usual ly turned by hand. It will pump and deliver water to all parts of the house or barn. Write for Catalog ISY ROSENTHAL, Dealer PHONE WALNUT 999 Omaha, Nebraska Hi-' mtiiKit of m:itir; tin' Petition for A ppointmeiit if (liiiinitrlrl.v. The State of Nebraska, Cass coun ty, ss. In the County Court. In the matter of the estate of Jo- Xitka, deceased. reading and filing the petition of Citka praying that Hdministrsi- ion of said estate may le granted to en 7itW us V it m i i i s t rt4 t ri v b-j wjiiereii, inai aune i.iu, . . i . i-,,. .at in o ciock a. m., is assigned ior Si hearing said petition, whn all per- i-.j i sons 1 in I'd in ?h hi mailer may ci& K ! pear at a County Court to lie held in RJ and for said countv. and show, cause rs ' .1. . , r . .. i . i . .. . . i I V 1 1 l i:r )lrti- o L oeiiLloiiei ' C II, 111 III . not be granted: and that notice of 'the pendency of said petition and the hear ling thereof be given to all persons i interested in said matter bv publish Mug a copy of this order in the Platts mouth Journal, a semi-weekly news paper printed in said county tor turee successive weeks, prior to said ujy or , h earing. Dated May 13th. 1H20. 1 ALLEN J. BEESON. ! (Seat) -m.17-3 County Judge, i I j ' Mow'd yam jude ml ? j These arc the things that determine the true cosf of a motor oil: the protection it gives the motor against wear, economy in fuel consumption, the size of repair bills for operation and upkeep. Polarine stands high when judged by these standards. It cush ions all engaging parts with a wear-preventing film that kccjs moving parts snug-fittittg, working easily with little vibration, or noise. . , Polarine has unusual stability under high engine heat. It assures a fuel-tight and gas-tiglU oil seal in the cylinders maintains full compression and delivers maximum power. Use Polarine and reduce motoring costs. It is sold where you buy big-mileage Red Crown Gasoline at first class garages and ' service stations where this sign is displayed. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) OMAHA m mm xiir- it- - i-r svslk UK a u u a 'A a ovs v Sir.KDNTXO O'.V COCKSY 9 ""SfA n rs B Druggist 'f.-X PTKStO - NIGHT-! F- ) frTk Tomorrow Alright l MITlCi: P IIKAHIVf. In the County Court of Cass coun ty, Nebraska. In the matter of the estate of Mat tie (;r;iy, deceased. To all persons interested in said es tate, creditois and heirs-at-law: You are herebv notified that on the 1.1th day of Mav. lii-'ii, Mattic Kgenberger tiled her petition in this court, alleg ing that Mattie ",ray, late of Platts mouth, Cass county, Nebraska, died in testate on the L'lth day of December, t!ui.". while a resident of said County of Cass, and left surviving her, as lier sole and onlv heirs at law, her hus band, Joseph' II. (Iray and Nellie S. Avers, a daughter: Mary 10. Hooper, a daughter: Matsie Kgenberger, a daugh ter: William Carmack. a son: Bertha I ,. Long, a daughter; John K. Carmack, a son and Edith M. Gregg, a daughter, all of legal age. and that said decedent was .seized of the fee simple title to the following described real property to-wit: The north half of Lots one (1) and two J'.lock seventeen (17) in Plattsmouth. Cass county, Nebraska, which was tin homestead of said de ceased, and that on the death of the said decedent the said title to said real monertv descended according to the decedent laws of the State braska. to tin- said children deceased. in common and share and share alike, vidual one-s. v'enth, but right of bomestead of I and. Joseph petitioner is decedent and enth interest iiig for a the l-ath ot F. G. FRICKE & CO. I ELM WOOD 1 Leader-Echo ' of Ke nt said undivided. to each indi subject to the the said hus- II. ilrav. therein; that om of the heirs of said i he owner of a one-sev-i;i said estate, and pray- detei mination of the time -or tlie said MatC.e (iray. ana of her heirs at law, the degree or Kin ship, and the right of descent of the real property belonging to said de cedent in. the State of Nebraska, and for an Order barring claim.' against said estate, nr. 1 for "'h other orders necessary for a correct determination of sa id rmatter. , " -Said matter' has-been set for hearing at the Countv Court room in Platts mouth. Cass county. Nebraska, on the 1Mb dav of June, ln'O, at 9 o'clock a. m.. at which time and place all per sons interested may appear and con test said petition. Dated -May )Mh. 1920. - ALLEN J BEESON. ml7-3w. . County . Judge. A fine little daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Otto Fleischman Mon day of this week. Both mother and babe are doinj? nicely. The happy parents have the hearty congratu lations of their many friends. Rev. Scott is assisting with the work at the L. F. Langhorst depart ment store. He is a good man at this business and has had consider able experience along the mercantile line. Wm. Sack and a cousin who is vis iting him from Illinois were in Elm wood last Saturday. Mr. Sack was advertising his Avery tractor demon stration for Wednesday and Thurs day of this week. Mrs. J. H. Slothower of Lincoln who recently underwent an operation is reported to be slowly improving which is good news to her friends here. She is now at St. Elizabeth hospital. The son of Rev. Scott, Who is an expert automobile repair man and who has been employed at a large garage at Plattsmouth has accepted a position at the Williams garage. He is a fine workman and Mr. Williams is fortunate in securing mm. Friends in this city have received announcements of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Os born of Hemingford, JCeb., on May 5. 1920. The little lady has been given the name of Manda Marie and weighed 8 1-2 pounds. Mrs. Os born was formerly Miss Lydia Kear and Mr. Osborn is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. A. Osborn formerly of this place. Congratulations are extend ed to the happy parents. Last Saturday afternoon some ex citement was manifest when the fire gong was sounded and it was re ported that Chas. Peck's residence was on fire. The boys soon had the hose carts on the scene but failed to discover the fire- 11 was learned that" the fire was on the roof of the Peck propertv that is occupied by the Rov Cole" family and had been extinguished. The fire boys had a good run and showed what quick work they could do in case of necessity. Subscribe for The Journal It Will Pay You to investigate our prices on -FLOUR, FEED AND SHOES! Especially our Men's Blue Ribbon Work Shoes and Furnishings. Bach & Libershal, East Main St. Phone No. 236 Read the Journal want-ads. Periodic Bilious Attacks Persons subject to bilious attacks at regular intervals know about when to expectan attack. They find that they have no desire for food when an attack is due but usually eat be cause it is meal time. Skip one meal and take three of Chamberlain's Tab lets and you may be able to avoid Hie attack. Persons subject to per iodic bilious attacks should not drink tea or coffee at any time. Look Heire! Home Grown Early Ohio Potatoes, per bu $5.00 Red River Minnesota's, per bu 5.50 Minnesota Burbanks, per bu 5.50 We are offering Pears in gallon cans, at 95c Peaches, gallon cans, at 90c Apricots, gallon cans, at 90c Plums, No. 2, in syrup 20c Pork and Beans, No 3 20c Lenox Soap, per. bar 5c Swift's White Laundry, 4 bars for 25c Gold Medal"Flour, 48-lbs . .$4.25 Puritan, 48-lbs ... 4.25 Omar, 48-lbs.... 4.25 Heisel's, 48-lbs . 4.00 Golden West, 48-lbs 4.00 Every sack warranted with money back guarantee! Phones 53 and 54 J 1 I: I i I f "0 7T