The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 17, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    lilOKDAY. MAY 17 1920.
The finest varnish that money can'...
777 m
buy at Max DusterhotY's.
John Schell was a visitor last Sun
day a tthe county seat, where he va
the guest of some friends for the
dav. i
REX BARN' PAIXT A strictly
linseed oil paint; best materials and
will give the best of service; for ex
terior work. Max Dusierhoff. tf.
E. S. Koenig and wife of Milford.
were visiting with friends in Mur
dock for a few days, being- the guest
at the home of the parents of Mis.
Koenig. Rev. A. Urauchle and wif j.
Chintz paper. Tapestry and plain!
colors for beautiful combinations'
are part of our fine wall paper stocks. 1
lfct US Show von how to male in'
JIM Mr J 11 BJ MJ m n mi tj III r 9
O J. POTHAST, Cashier
Farmers Merchants Bank
The Bank of ilurdock
Murdock, Nebraska
, ; ; 1
$$imk Oil
With our facilities for doing a good general bank
ing business we can handle your problems to the best.
We aim to keep a business institution, for the best ser
vice of the community in which we live.
The Bank of EVlurdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL, President ' ' J. E. GUTHMANN, Vice-Pres.
H. A. GUTHMANN. Cashier
Mr. TJourke was a visitor in IMatts
niouth la.-t Tuesday, w lu re he was
in attendance at the county conven
tion of the democrat ic party, which
nu-t there at that time.
Miss Marie Schmidt was spendin?
the last we-k in Kim wood, where
he was visiting with friends and
also was working pome in one of the
mercantile establishments of that
"Sunbright Cleaner" for cleaning
the inside and outside of the home,
saves hard labor. Sold in bulk,
paste form. Dues not injure the
paint. Max Du.-terhoff . tf.
Mrs. H. L. Svhmidt and daugh
ter. Miss Esther, were visiting with
friends in Lincoln for a short
being passengers to
the Hock Island.
last week,
place via
Herman ' Knehn of flunvniu)
a visitor in Murdock last Wednesday
looking: after some business matters
and also visiting: with his many
friends here.
Herman Kupke. was a visitor in
PJattsmouth last Wednesday, where
he was looking after some Du.sineris
matters for a short time, and also
viisting whh friends.
Henry liackmeyer and wife, and
Otto Miller and wife, were visiting
with friends in Plat tsniout h last
Tuesday and they also attended the
republican convention as well. They
drove over in their car.
Miss Lillian Amgwert of Council
Bluffs, who has been making; h-r
nonie mere tor some time pact.
rived in Murdock last Thursday
ening for a few days visit with
relatives and friends here.
Miss Lois Jackman. the teacher of
the grammar grade in the Murdock
school, was a visitor in Lincoln last
Saturday, where she was the guest of
friends and wa.s aiso looking- after
onie business matters as well.
L. 15. Gorthc-y. who is carry inr
mail on route number two at I'latts
Jiiouth. was a visitor at home last
Sunday and reports having- traded
his horse which, he took over to use
in carrying the mail, for a span of
mules which will subserve his pur
pose to 1 etter effect. Lc-Roy likes his
work very much.
Mrs. Souba. mother of Mrs. Theo
dore Rager. who has been visiting at
the home of her daughter northwest
of town, coming from her Lum at
Verdigree in the northern portion of
the state, was reported as not feel
ing very well and som
felt on that account.
ri-iorted as resting a
recent lv.
anxittv wa
The lady is
little better
The Rev. J. A. Adams of Lincoln,
was a lecturer in Murdock last Wed
nesday evening to a very large and
interested audience.
Mottled and Stipple.d walls of ex
ceedingly charming colors and true
artistic value. You will find them in
Max Du-sterlioff's wall paper stock.
Matthew Thimgan was a business
visitor last TYursday at Council
Muffs, where he was looking- after
some matters pertaining to his line
of work.
Henry Wendt and Nrville Ing.rsoll
were spending lat Sunday in the
county seat, having- drove over in
their car f.r a short visit with
John Sell .-11 and wife accompanied
by their children John Jr.. and Miss
Anna, were visiting in Lincoln, and
locking after' som? business last
Wcine-day, driving up with their
Miss Viola Everett, the head sales
lady of the Haur & Kraft department
store, was a visitor in Omaha for a
short time last week, looking after
the purchasing of goods for the
W. O. Gillespie, tlu genial land
lord of the Murdock hotel, and by
the way a rustling real estate :-ales-mun.
was called to the state capital
la-t Thursday to look after some
business matters, returning home on
thy evening train.
John Albert Hauers, last week be
gan the occupation of hauling goods
for the merchants and will in the
future conduct a dray line as well
as hauling and general team work
for those who are in n?ed of the
Fred Tonack and wife were visit
ing with friends and looking after
some bu-incss matters in Omaha last
Wednesday and Thursday. where
they were? locking after some busi
ness matters as well and returned
homo Thursday evening, via theKk
Mi.-s Selma Schleifert was a vis
itor at the home of lur friend Miss
Grace Iiackmeyer. living northwest
of Murdock. a week Sunday, the visit
being returned 1 y Miss Grace last
Sunday. The young ladies enjoyed
the visits and friendship greatly.
I. G. Hornbeck, the accommodat
ing and efficient station agent for
the. Rock Island railroad, lias been
feeling very badly for several days
past and was compelled to remain
home sick abed part of last week,
but is hopeful of being able to con
tinue Lis work and not forced
to take a lay-off just now.
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class workmen. We
are ready to do all kinds of repair work, including
acetyline welding- .
M 31
Phone 35-B
fi tt U
Murdock, Neb.
Reinforced Hosiery
MOST women are particular as to the
quality of the hosiery they buy. They
are exacting as to style they insist upon
quality and they must be sure .that value and
service are always exactly as represented.
In Black Cat Hosiery, with its reinforced
toes, soles, heels, kneer. and garter hems, we
offer a variety of styles that can be absolutely
depended upon.
A full rancc cf rryles to 'elect from. All si-'es
for men. women and ch: iron await you, at pi ices
no higher tiisa you voiM pay for ordinary f raJej
r7,i..Tin;iiimiHmiuiiH"-'wi'jtj-r: k
i , Tv-. vr
J ... " 1 ''ft-.':
iiliii i?';:fPi' CURTIS
CA Six-tRoom Hclw wouIc! yo? PS10".8
j, 1 , i tj home pictured here? Certainly
KjOlOTLlCLL llOUSC you could be proud of it, for where will
; you find a prettier, cozier home than
this six-room Colonial house?' And it is inexpensive to build, too.
Downstairs are three large rooms living room, dining roon and kitchen.
There is also a small reception hall connecting the living room and dining room.
Upstairs there are three bedrooms, and a bathroom, tach of the bedrooms has
a roomy closet adjoining. The combination bookcases and window seat, as
shown here, give ycu an idea of the usefulness and practicability of Curtis
built-in woodwork.
And this home is but one of more than two hundred with Curtis
Woodwork that were designed by Trowbridge & Ackerman, noted architects of
New York. Other equally pretty, correctly designed homes, ranging in size
from three to eight rooms are shown in portfolios. We will be glad to obtain a
"Better Built Homes" portfolio for you, free of charge, upon request.
Come in and talk over your home-building plans with us, iJ that you can
begin now to start -action on realizing a home of your own.
Murdock, Nebraska
Will Close Early!
Beginning with June 1st, we will close
our places of business on Tuesday and Thurs
day evenings at 6:30 in deference to the cus
tom followed by other towns in this vicinity.
This practice will be continued until
such time as notice shall be given of its ter
mination. On other evenings our places of
business will remain open later.
such combinations. Max Dusterlioff.
Henry ('. Uackmeyer, living a few
miles northwest of town, lias been
hj-uling his lat years wheat crop to
Murdock to market during the past
few weeks and is finding good priced
for t lie same.
John C. Stroy who, with his fam
ily, lias been making their home in
Lincoln for several months, was a
visitor in' Murdock last week, on
Thursday, coining to look after some
business matters for a hort time.
County Commissioner Y. A. Atch
ison of near Klmwood, was a busi
ness visitor in Murdock last Tuesday
com i tier to k over some road and
bridge work with the road overs:er.
Joseph Johanson. There is con
siderable work that needs doing and
it is tli? intention of the commis
sioners to" have the same done as
soon as possible.
Albert Schroeder, who lives a few
miles from Murdock. lias been haul
ing his corn to this place, and be
ing a man who makes his work
count and on account of scarcity of
labor, used two teams, driving one
and leading the other. He would
bring fwo loads of corn for the ele
vator here, and on his return, take
two loads of sand home, thus making
his efforts count. He was hauling
the sand for th-2 foundation of a crib,
which is being built by Kdwmd Kuii,
on his farm.
Interest in Interchurch Work
There is being manifested a givat
Ccgree of interest in the work of 'he
ir tor-Church V." rid Movement, and
list Sunday b;th in the morning a a 1
evening there was a well attended
nie.'iiii. at the Callihan church.
vhero thrie vire many proni'r.'-r.t
speakers made addresses. The mem
bers and otheis so m to be verv
prea,:V ii.tiesicd in the work.
Special Varnish for table tops,
window sills, outside doors. Won t
turn white under water. At Max
1 )iist rhoi'f's.
Attended. County Convention
H. V. Tool. August Panska. Fred
Paull and Win. Weddell, of Murdock.
were in attendance at the county
convention of the republican party
held at the county seat last Tuesday.
They drove over in the morning in
Mr. Tool's car and enjoyed the trip
very much as the weather was pleas
and and the roads east from Mur
dock to Murray and thence to the
county seat all that could be desired.
Mr. H. W. Tool was selected as dele
gate to the state convention which
convenes in Lincoln tomorrow and
which he will attend.
Transact General Banking
We Pay 5 Interest on Time Deposits
All ways at Your Service.
0 lyJ) 0 O 0
Banner Lay for Murdock
Wednesday of last week was a
banner day for the shipping of live
stock from this place. J. J. Gustin
shipned three cars of the finest fin
ished cattle that have entered the
stock markets of South Omaha for
some time and which brought him
a good figure. The same day Fred
Stock shipped a car of fine hogs and
Wm. Dourke. the stock man, had a
car of fine porkers on the market,
making a total of five care from
Murdock in one dav.
DRESSING the walls is one of the
arts of today. More money is being
put into it by the average family
than, say for pictures or other wall deco
ration. From the mere covering of an
unsightly wall surface, it has grown to
the dignity of a decorative art.
Can there be any surprise, therefore,
in the fact that the public is evincing a
greater interest in better wall decoration?
And having helped to lift wall deco
ration to its proper place in home beau
tification, we feel this concerns the in
terest of every home owner who feels
justly satisfied with only the best in home
Painting - Decorating
Wood Finishing
Are Selling Large Machine
Art Itornemeier and brother. John
r.ornemeier. with Charles and Frank
Iluell. who have owned the large
threshing outfit. operating ii this
neck of tiie woods, have taken it to
Lincoln where they disposed of it.
purchasing a smaller one with trac
tor power. They will use this new
machine in the future, expecting to
do primarily their own threshing and
that perhaps of a few others.
Is Finishing Outside Work
Max Dusterlioff and his accom
plished assistant, Joseph, are finish
ing the outside of the residence of
Peter Kveland. which the arrival of
cold weather last fall halted. The
inside of the house was completed
after cold weather set in. but the ex
terior had to wait until this spring
to get its retouching.
s J)j? tf&
ax Dusterhoff,
Will Beg-in Plastering at Once
The Farmers and Merchnats bank
is now readv for the nlaster ami that
I'Ull V.'A IIIV H R U 111 1 7 T Jill-
mediately, as Contractor Mat Thim
gan has arranged with Henry Cook,
of Ashland, .to begin work on the
iob as quickly as possible.
Threshers ' Tractors Power Machines
Met With Mrs. McDonald
The Royal Neighbor Kensington
club met last Thursday at the home
of Mrs. Lacey McDonald, where they
enjoyed a most pleasant afternoon.
The ladies occupied the time with
needle work and social conversation
which proved most profitable as well
as pleasing and as the meeting per
iod drew near a close, a delicious
1 lunch was served by the hostess.
School Closes This Week
The Murdock public schools are
.scheduled to close the year's work
this week. The present year has
been a most successful one educa
tionally in Murdock in spite of the
need of better equipment and addi
tional room to house the scholars.
And now, with the last examina
tion soon over, the pupils will be
going fishing or into the fields to
work and the teachers will return
to their homes, with the exception
of Supt. Burwell, who will go to
Oklahoma to join Mrs. Burwell who
is recuperating from an extended
siege of pneumonia and complica
tions, j
fit H; rfTi ''i' ' i i-ir-Ur5
"' '
- m ii m 1
The International Line Complete!
Fower plenty of power and efficiency at all times, reliable
and dependable is what all want. We have it iu the International
We carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Engines, Gaso
line Engines, Kerosene Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separators,
Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks. Manure Spreaders,
Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and WJinding Twine.
Read the Daily Journal
(Continued from page 5.)