MONDAY, MAY 17, 1920. PAGE TWO FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL CLOSING DAYS OF SCHOOL ARE BUSY ONES BACCALAUREATE SERMON, CLASS PLAY AND COMMENCEMENT COME THIS WEEK. v. .. .- M 1 u u at ka cj 3 a 3 3 3 3 3 i DL RED CROWN GASOIINE STAMOAJia OIL COMlV H rt w n n n C 2 C c c c c c c c 1 Jllways ike Same Clean-burning-, hard-hitting, power full Red Crown Gasoline is always the same uniformly good from the first drop to the last. Red Crown vaporizes readily ignites instantly burns up completely. It means quick starts; prompt, smooth acceleration and plenty of power and punch for high speeds and the hills. Standardize on Red Crown Gasoline every gallon mile-packed every gallon the same. Polarine, the correct lubricant for every car, keeps the motor young and powerful. Fill up at the sign of the Red Crown. STANDARD OIL GO. (NEBRASKA) OMAHA ED CROWN GASOLINE LOCAL NEWS Mis. H. J. Ilennigcr was among li" .i in? to Omaha this morning to s-pt .!! J lie day looking after some luatltrs f busings. Robert Patterson and wife depart ed this afternoon for Omaha, where .Mr. Patterson is taking treatment of a .--pet iulist in that city. Pter Mei.-inrrc-r and wife were annu s the visitors in t lie city yes terday for a f' v hours looking after s-- i::-.. matters of business. Mr.:. Fred Rezner came down this morning from Omaha for a visit here the home of her parents. Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Tains and family. Charles Jelinek. wife and two hiidren came down this afternoon m Omaha to enjoy a visit in this city with relatives and friends for a few hours. tMcar Larson was among those going to Omaha this morning to cpend the day and consult the phy sicians at the hospital who have been looking after his case. Mrs. J. II. Pierson and sister, Mrs. C. S. Stone, who are here assisting in the care of their mother, Mrs. M. 1J. Allison. were passengers vthis morning for Omaha to spend the day. W. J. Hessenflow was a visitor in the city over night, returning this morning Jo his home. Mr. Hessen flow reports that the rain in his vi cinity on Tuesday was not near as heavy as in this city. MODERN WOODMEN HOLD FINE MEETINl All the popular copyright books on sale at the Journal office. Gift cards at Journal office. -Dry Cleaning - mm J1 f m that will satisfy you! SERVICE : kind you will appreciate! DETAILS looked after with careful attention! Send your next order to FRED LUGSCH, Phone 1G6 DRY CLEANER AND TAILOR Plattsmouth. Neb. When in need of a fine hand tailored suit call and hok our tailoring department. We can save you money. :TWe Call! We Deliver! Er: ff z i PAINTS AND OILS WATER COLORS in all shades and tints. FLOOR WAX MODERN WALLPAPER in an endless va riety of styles and effects to choose from CV3. DUSTERHQFF,. Painter - Decorator Murdock -:- -:- -:- Nebraska From Thursday's Dally. Last evening the members of Cas Camp No. 332, Modern Woodmen ol America held a very interesting ses sion at their rooms in thev building which the order has established in this city as one of the monuments of the order. Mr. Duffy is one of tin most able speakers in the service ol the M..W. A. and bis address last ev ening was one followed with th greatest of interest by the member ship present. Mr. Duffy pointed out that the statements that you had tc die to secure the benefits of the or der were not true: if a member of the M. V. A. was suffering from tu berculosis it was not necessary foi ' him to die to secure a benefit, as tht order maintained a great sanitarium in Colorado where the neighbor might be treated absolutely free of all cost while at a hospital he would have to pay from $100 to $500 a j week for his care- and treatment. The seventy-year plan whereby the Woodman would withdraw all that he had paid into the beneficiary fund gave the member an opportunity to realize on his policy before death. During all these years the member had protected his family by his in surance and might then realize on it without the necessity of death. Mr. Duffy also touched on the part that this patriotic order had played the war just closed when the head camp had purchased over $4,000,000 worth of liberty bonds and 60,000 members of the Modern Woodmei had served in the army and navy of their beloved country and 2, COO had made the supreme sacrifice. The M. W. A. had made their policies on the lives of the soldiers and sailor: good and had paid out in losses from the membership while in service, $365,000. The speaker also urged the order to oppose the proposed bill that would compel' the fraternal societies to adopt the rates prepared by the fraternal congress and which would raise their rates to that of the old line insurance company and deprive , the poor man of the cheap insurance that be enjoys in the fraternal or der. Mr. Duffy also pointed out that there was no sliding scale in the pay ment of death claims. If you were insured in tjie M". W. A. today and died tomorrow the full value of the policy would be paid, as the rates of the M. W. A. were so adjusted a to provide ample funds to care for their losses. If you are not a subscriber, to thi Dally Journal let us enter your name on our subscription list. You will fiir.d a fine line of gift stationery at the Journal office. From Thurpuay's Dally. The closing days of the public schools are always busy ones and ;his year the forthcoming two weeks are laden with many gatherings and exercises incident to the departure f the class of 1920 from the school .vhere they have received their edu cation to newer fields where they vill assume the burdens of life ai d prepare to carve out their future for :hemselves. The class this year num bers twenty-six, twenty-three girJs and three boys. The ending of school days brings Ait li it a sense of regret to the young jeople in that the wonderful spirit )f fellowship and close association .hrough the years of school life will erniinate on the evening of co:.i nencenient, when the members will lepart on their respective ways dine to continue their education tlong the higher lines in college .vhile others will take up their t'u ure work in the great world in vhich each to carve out for h illi cit or herself a future. The first of the closing exercises s the baccalaureate sermon to be ielivered to the class by Rev. H. U. dcClusky at the First Presbyter an church on Sunday evening, May :3rd. Rev. McCIusky. who has per onned this service for a number of he graduating classes of the school vill give the young people a high nspiration t carry with them in heir future years. On Tuesday evening. May 2-"th he class play, "What Happened I .ones," a very clever farce comedy vill be presented by the members of he class at the Parniele theatre and will be one of the school entertain uents to which the members of the dass are looking forward with the reatest of interest. In the cast ar Crnest Janda. Harley Recker, Marion )u.bury, Janet Uajeck, Mable 'openhaver, Claire Creamer, Nellu lay Cowles, Myrtle Petersen, Henri tta Waintroub and Carla Rrandt larley Cecil and Principal II. A Itromsburg are assisting the mem jers of the clu.-s in the play. The commencement to which the oung people have looked forward or the past four years, will occur on "riday evening. May L'Sth when the oard of education of the city will resent them with the diplomas that epresent the attainment and com detion of their education in the 'lattsmouth public schools. For the rator of the occasion, Dr. W. E. J Iratz, of Lincdln, pastor of the St a ill's Methodist church of that city las been selected. Dr. Gratz is one f the polished and forceful orators f the capital city and his visit here .ill leave with the class a recollcc ion of an address that will be worth hile and the future welfare that hey will enjoy in the world if they ollow the advice of Dr. Gratz, will e assured. The commencement will be the inal chapter in the school history f the class of 1920 and from that .ate they will be a part of the world .-hich they have only partially rea ized from the confines of the school ife. UOLSTEIN CATTLE IN GREAT DEMAND NOW 'rom Thursday s Dally. For the 11:1st ten vears ilolstein attle as a-dairy breed have been trowing iti favor with the farmers f Nebraska and in Cass county a, lumber of the most successful dairy nen have adoi.ted this breed for heir use as the best milk producers md for their hardiness and general I'daptness to Nebraska needs in the stock line. A few days since fifteen head of :hese fine cattle were purchased by A.. S. Will. T .T Will. W.'R. Young ind .T. J l.niines. to be nlaccd on their farms for use in the future. rhese gentlemen are all men of ripe !xnfrir nop in i stock breeding line md they have recognizd that the '-Iplstem is the coming stocK ior .nc rlie tendency is to levelop the best possible dairy cattle or use on the farms. If it's ui the stationery line, call '. the Journal office. FOR SALE OR TRADE Nearly new Minneapolis thresh ig outfjt, with tank and belts, 20 P- Straight Hue engine and 36x56 separator. H. A. SCHWARTZ. Nehawka, Neb. LET us show you the Official Laboratory Model of the New Edison. Eet us play it for you. Eet us teU you of the remarkable guarantee which goes with this instrument. A guarantee of realisml Do you know what 'this means? 27k NEWER 'The Phonograph with a Soul SON Kealism Only realism can make the phonograph as wonderful a ource of music as all the artists in the world. Realism ! How can j-ou know the phonograph that achieves Realism? The Official Laboratory Model of the New Edison has proved its Realism by direct comparison with living artists. The singer sings or the instrumentalist plays. Suddenly the artist stops, and the New Edison continues alone. Four million people have wit nessed these remarkable tests. They found that only by watching the artist could they tell when he was singing or playing and when Ihe New Edison was Re-Creating his performance. The instrument we'll show you is an exact duplicate of the instru ments which triumphed in these comparison-tests. It will sustain the same test. We guarantee it in be capable of the -ante bcatififul and astounding liea'i.rn, and that is guaranteeing everything your heart desi res. ( Come in and hear it. Our Budget Plan solve the money problem in Imying your Xeic Edison. Let us tell you about it. w eyrich XL ol tlaaraba BATHING PLACE FOR SUMMER ASSURED MRS. COVERT IMPROVING John Richardson, the Ferryman, to Prepare Place for Those Who Like Aquatic Sports. John Richardson, the ferryman, is preparing plans to have a regular bathing beach prepared at the ferry landing or nearby during the com ing summer season for the benefit of those who have evinced an interest in the water sports. Last season Mr. Richardson did not get the bathing beach arranged until late in the sea son, and then it was merely a tem porary affair, 'hastily erected to fill the wants of the residents of the community for a spot where they might enjoy river bathing with per fect safety. This season Mr. Richardson ex pects to have- more accommodations at the bathing beach, with better fa cilities for dressing rooms and wili take care in the best possible wayj of the needs of the bathers. Mr. Richardson is very familiar with the river and will personally look after the safety of thoe who patronize the beach and see that nil poible rae.w ures are taken to prevent accidents and to sec that beginners are look ed after and not allowed to talc risks that might result seriously to them. The interest this year in the mat ter of a good, safe bathing spot has been shown early in the season and (he lovers of this sport will be pleas ed to learn that Mr. Richardson will be on the job again this season. cover over the f!cor of a number of the cars. Late reports from the Xjeliolas It has been ' suggested that the Senn hospital in Omaha .states that police notify the auto owners in Mrs. Ilettie Covert is showing some time of rain to get the cars off the improvement over the past few days , street, but this hr..- the drawback and the attending physicians are. that the policeman would have to be niroe hopeful of her recovery ami ! :i walking automobile directory a:i should the present rate of improve- j that is something that could bard ment be continued she will :;oca be ; ty bo expected. However, if the par 011 the highway to .recovery. 1 tica Iiappemd to be at mine public : ; gathering it would be easy to have the fact announced that there need to pull the tars out of the danger of overflowing water and t li if. would save loss to both the car owners and the city. The experience of Tuesday even ing should be? one that would cauve automobile owners to be on the yh when it starts to rain very much and get their machines to a point of t ite- The storm of Tuesday evening jty as an auto 011 Main stree t during demonstrated one thing to a certain- the overflow that monies with a ver STORM POINTS NEED OF FREE WATERWAY Cars Parked on Main Street During Heavy Rain Cause Water to Overflow Sidewalks. NOW SHOWING IMPROVEMENT The reports from the Immanuel hospital in Omaha state that Mrs. Roy Mayfield who is in that institu tion recovering from the effects of a very severe operation for gall stones, is now showing marked im provement and her family and friends are feeling well pleased with the prospects for her early recovery. It is hoped that Mrs. Mayfield may be so far recovered by Sunday as to be able to return home to this city, although it will be some weeks be- fore she fully regains her strength. ty and that was that at the time of a heavy rain all automobiles parked on Main street should be gotten off the street. Just where to have them parked is a problem that is giving the city authorities not a little thought. The unfortunate fact that it has been necessary to have the Main street made a natural water course also makes it necessary to see that this watercourse is kept open in time of heavy rains when the great volume of water from the hills sweeps down the street to the river. The auto owners themselves should realize the importance of getting the cars off Main street at the time of a real heavy rain as Tuesday a great ileal of damage was done to cars by the water which was . so high as to severe rain is certainly out of luck DEPART FOR BEET FIELDS OF WESTERN NEBRASKA This morning a p;rty of nine riattsinouth people departed for the western part of the slat whereat hey expect to spend the su nnier month.:; in the sugar beet field -i of flirt por tion of the state. Those in th.1 p;:rty were Harrison Sheldon and wife, Redford IJennett, Klijah Rennett. K. R. Oalligan, Joe liine.; and wife and L. O. Rennctt and wife. The uk-iu-bcrs of Ihe party expect to locate near Rayard, Nebraska, a nil will re main there for the summer at least. Their friends regret very much to see them leave but trust that they mav find success in their new home. IfWK.ff tan 'Journal want ads pay. Wagner Hotel Block With One Sweep of ihe Brush you can do a lot with ofr paints. They flow so freely and go so' much farther. Paint evenly, too. No need to go over the surface to cover bad spots. They are the best paints to use every time. Rear them in mind. FRANK GOBELMAH, Wall Paper and Paint Store