The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 17, 1920, Image 1
Nebraska State Histori cal Society X ommta i0 vol. xxxvn. PLATTSMOUTH, NEBRASKA. MONDAY, MAY 17, 1920. NO. 93 1 to ROOT. GOOD MAN SEVERE LY INJURED MESSAGE FROM HAVELOCK TELLS OF INJURY TO HIM IN BURLINGTON SHOPS FATHER SUMMONED TO SIDE Machine at Which He Was Working Broke and Number of Pieces of Steel Ledge in His Body From Friday's Dally. La.- t evening the message was re Ccived lure by 15. I", (iundiiiuii an nouncing the probable falal injury of S"2i. Robert, which occurred L.te ye.-terday afternoon at t he llave lock shops of tile iingto:i. wher tin- young man i employed. The message stated that Ri 1 ert liatl been injured while working at his machine in the machine shops at 1 la veh.M-k and as a result if the acci dent live ball hear inns from the ma chine had lodged in hi-- body. Im mediately after the accident the oung man was hurried to the St. Elizabeth's hospital where an upr ation was perf.irnied in hopes of giv ing the yiiuns; man relief. It was found in the operation that the hail hearings had been forced into the body of tfu young man and caused The puncture of the intestines in fi'.e places and ll'.e condition of the injured joinii,' man was pronounced as ery serious and with very few c ha nets lor liis r owring from the accident. Tl:e attending; surgeons at once summoned the father ami this morn ing Mr. Goodman departed on the first train for Lincoln to lie with the .'on at the hospital and in hopes that h? might reach his tide before more prions ccmplicat ions follows. Robert Goodman has for some time' been employed at the Havelock where lie is completing hi. trade as maciiini.t a::d liis friends 1; re will iearn with great regret of the accident that has befallen him. The injured yuung man is nineteen years of age and is the oldest sen of Mr. II. F. Goodman of this city. PRINT PAPER MEN IN GIANT COMBINE Canadian Manufacturers Declmed to C '-nt; ci the Print Paper Market. Washington. ?day 12. A combin ation of Canadian .manufacturers practically controls the print paper maiket through the Canadian Ex port I'aper. limited. Ilk' senate com lnittee investigating the paper short age was told today by J. K. Getatli. sales manager of ihe Interstate I'ulp and I'aper company, lie asserted that th.- combination controlled about T." per cent of the dominion output and that the prices it set weire followed by other manufactur ers. Victor F. Lawson, publisher of the Chicago Daily said his txperi t had been that the Canadian ompany prevented competition. The News. Mr. La a son added, was vir . ually compelled to accept the com I any's terms in purchasing paper. Chairman l' cd of the committee said a solution of the paper problem could be reached either through ;: i tenu :.t among publishers to cur paper consumption or through a:i excise tax on print p.ip.-r, recom mended t-y Assistant Attorney Gen eral Ames. The committee would I refer that the "great papers of the otintry solve the problem" them- kIvos. th ' chairman added. M. A. Ilodenhanier, representing the international typographical un inn, denied charges recently made before the commit toe that the un ion, through its shop chapels, exer- i' ed a censorship on labor news. "Neither the international union r.or any of its locals have ever pre sumed to control or dictate the edi torial policy of the newspapers or periodicals with whom we have business associations', he declared. R. H. J lineson. assessor of Weep ing Water precinct, was in the city tf day for a few hours, making his returns to County-Assessor (I. L. r.irlev. PHILPOT GARAGE CHANGES HANDS B. L. Philpot has sold his garage business to a Mr. E. II. Chidderden of Cambridge, Neb., who will take po-iessit.n as soon as an invoice of the stock can be taken which will start this week. In the deal Mr. Philpot takes in an improved half section of land near Cambridge. Mr. Chidderden has a wife aiu two children and will move here as soon as he can secure a house. He is a man of experience in the garage business and conies highly recom mended a-' to character and business ability. His father and Mr. A. S. Hoyle, south of town, were school boys together in Illinois. The Chid derden family have visited the Doyle home here. if As to what Mr. Philpot will do. he has large land interests in the western part of tlu state with many acres in crop this year and with the addition of another half section to look after he will not be idle. He will keep his home here for the pres ent at least which we are glad to note as the many friends of Mr. and Mrs. Philpot and family would hate to see them move. Weeping Water Republican. YOUNG LADIES CELE BRATE BIRTHDAYS Misses Edith and Helen Farley and Mrtvftaiite and Helen Wiles Held Birthday Party. K"rurn Fr'tlay s Pally. La.-t evening Misses Kdith and 1'elt:, Farley and Margarlfe and Hel Wiles enjoyed a very pleasant ob servance of their fifteenth birthday inniversi rj- w hich they will long re member. The members of the birth day party, some sixteen in number, nut at the Farley home last evening at 7 o'clock and spent a short time in the enjoyment of "In Oid Ken tucky" at th- Moreland theatre and at the conclusion of the show were taken by J. E. Wiles and Howard Wilts i:i automobiles to the beauti ful country home of Mr. and Mrs. Luke L. Wiles, parents of Miss Mar garite. where the remainder of the evening was spent most delightfully. The dining room had been arranged in a color scheme of pink, with roses ami the pleasant foliage adding a pleasing touch to the scene. At the table in the center of the room amid the snowy linen was placed the tra ditional birthdav cake with its fif teen glowing pink candles. l our tables were arranged around the center piece and here the young folks! enjoyed the dainty luncheon served bv Mrs. Luke Wiles assisted by Mrs. G. L. Farley. Mrs. S. A. Wiles and Mrs. J.- E. Wiles. The evening was spent in games and the aeneral enjoyment of a good time until the homegoing hour when the members of the party were re turned to their homes. Those enjoy ing the occasion with the guests of honor were Virginia Beeson. Murna Wolff, Judith Johnson, Berniee Ault. Fthel Warren, Ursula Herold. Marie Hunter. Marvel Whittiker. Mary M. Walling. Grace Livingston. Ethelyn Wiles and Grace Duff. MR. AND MRS. G. L. BERGER OF CALIFORNIA VISITING HERE From Friday's Pallv. On Thursday of last week Mr. and Mrs. G. L. Berger arrived here from Orange, California, where they are now making their home and where they have a fine residence property. They expect to remain here until about the last of the month when they will visit at Iouisville, Platts mouth and other points before re turning home. Both are looking well and enjoy living in California. However on their way here they made a visit at Saliday, Colo., Den ver and at McCook, Indianola and Farnam. They visited with rela tives at all of these places and at the latter place with their son, W. H. Berger and family. They also visited at Lincoln with their daugh ter. Miss Annie and then came on to Klmwood. Mr. Berger says that while in Colorado they experienced the worst snow storm that they had ever seen in their life and they had seen a good many of them especially during the pioneer days of Nebraska. Klmwood Leador-Kcho. RISE OF MIS SOURI BRINGS MORE DANGER THREE FOOT RAISE IS FOLLOW ED BY CARRYING AWAY OF A SECTION OF RIP RAP BURLINGTON AGAIN ON THE JOB Section Men and Material Rushed to Srene in Order to Check the Threatened Danger. From Friday's Daily Yesterday afternoon the Missouri river took a very hostile turn and as a result the Burlington railroad suf fered the loss of a large portion of the rip rap mat on the east side of the river northwest of Pacific Junc tion and which is still threatening much trouble for the railroad. I The sudden raise in the river which brought up the height of the ' water some three feet resulted in the river sweeping down on the Iowa ; shore with increasing fury and near ; the place of the former break, the , river succeeded in wearing away the rip rap and began the work of eating : up the land on the Iowa side of the river. The Burlington officials have pro- , fited by their experiences of the past few weeks however and were on t lie job at once with' forces of men and ' material and the work of fighting the . ! force of the curernt was continued ; all through last night and the pros- ' j pects are that the railroad will soon , : haw the wild and turbulent Mis- ' souri river in check by tonight or : for the pre?ent at least have the danger well in hand. The indica tions point to a still further raise in the river and this brings with it a 'clanger of further trouble as The riv er is making a determined effort to break through the protecting rip rap and destroying the land that lies along the Iowa bottoms. The river has within tho past two months ruade three breaks in the protecting rip rap that has been put in by the railroad and it seems determined to , make a new channel for itself I through the Iowa bottom larrd. NEW NAME FOR TOWN The name "Weeping Water" is such an odd one to those hearing it . for the first time that many laugh . able twists are given it by mistake as people refer to it in conversation or t in correspondence. "Weeping Wil i low" and such names have been j used, but the newest one we have heard of is "Whispering Waters." This was the name erroneously used by a Minneapolis business firm in writing to a local business man recently. Weeping Water Republi can. DEATH OF GLADYS LYNCH THIS P. M. Passes Away at Home North of This City After a Weeks' Hlness Was 17 Years of Age. Miss Gladys Josephine Lynch, who for the past week has been in a very serious condition at theihome north of this city, passed away this after noon at 12:30 as a result of the com plications that followed an attack of the measles. During the year and a half that the family have made their home in this community. Miss Gladys has made many friends among the young people of the city to whom the. an nouncement of, her death conies as a great shock and the loss will be one keenly felt by those who had the pleasure of knowing her. The deceased was born in Howell county, Missouri, in 1902 and has spent the greater part of her life there, coming to this city a year and a half ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. p. Lynch and the fam ily have since resided here. She leaves besides the heartbroken par ents, four sisters and one brother, Mrs:. Carrie Gentry, Misses Cora, El sie and Florence Lynch and Ezra Lynch, the brother. The funeral will be held tomorrow afternoon at 2 o'clock at the home on North Eighth, street. SWITCHMAN INJURED From Friday's Daily. Guy Godsey, switchman yards, on Tuesday night was by a, passing car ;,:;d m) stunned that his condition in the struck badly seemed serious for a time. A train went to PlatC-mouth to pel Dr. Living ston to give him nivdicul attention. The train on its return was balked at the Pony Creek nridge west of town because of the iS-oded track. Dr. Livingston wal.ced the rest of the way to the Godd'y Lome. While no serious injury was sniTered. Guy will need to take an enforced vaca t ion. G len wood Tribu :ie. F. 0. E. ELECTS OF FICERS FOR THE YEAR Meeting: Last Night Well Attended and Much Interest Hope to Get 1921 Ae:ie Here. tf'rom Friday's Dally. , Last evening Plat turnout h Aerie No. :5G.". Fraternal Order -of Eagles, held their annual election of officers at the lodge rooms in the Coates block and the me-;i:ig was very largely attended by t!- membership of this thriving organization to par ticipate in its delibt rat ions. The f., Mowing officers were chosen: James M. Cunningmm. president; William P. O'Donnell, vice-president ; P.oy Mayfkld. chapk.n; l!. G. Wurl. secretary; James ILebal. treasurer; VVilliam Barclay, trustee; Dr. It. P. ; Westcvc-r, physician; Wm. Moore, inside guard; Wm. Merritt, outride guard. ; As delegates to the state aerie. .vhich meets in Falls it y on Jur.e .L'l-22. John P. Sattler and P.. (J. , Wurl were chosen and will take part in the big state meet of the order. A committee was appointed from jthe local lode to. tu- up th. tuat jter of bringing the state aerie to this 'city in 1921, which will have charge of presenting the proposition to the jitate meeting should such action be (determined upon by the local lodge, j Should the state aerie be secured for ;;.his city it will mean a great recog nition of the splendid aerie of this city which has" become one of the leading ones of the state and which has just completed t"k" initiation of large number cf new members and has a groat many more awaiting the s:ttion of the lodge. TIRE THIEF MAKES RAID ON CM. PARKER Ford Belonging t o Mr. Parker is Stripped of Three of Its Tires by Thief cn Thursday Night, From Saturday's Daily. Charles M. Parker, who is the pos sessor of ono of the cars 'made fa mous by Henry Ford of Detroit, is short three tires as the result of a visit made in the still hours of Thursday night by some thief who proceeded to strip the car of three good tires, but thoughtfully left the one that was quite badly worn. Owing to the heavy rain of Tues day a small bridge near the resi dence of Mr. Parker had been wash ed out and this prevented the car ' being driven in th' garage and it was left standing in the roadway i near the residence and during the ! night the tires were removed. There was no trace as to tho party taking the tires and the chances of their . recovery is decidedly slim. A Ford car is reported to have crossed ojer "the Pl.itte river bridge the same night traveling at quite a high rate of speed and it is thought that the party taking the tires was someone traveling through to, the metropolis and who decided to ac- i quire a bunch of tires at a great bargain. Robert Shrader. of near Murray, was in the city today attending to some matters of "business, and depart ed on the afternoon Burlington train for Omaha. Mrs. M. E. Brantner and little grandson, came in this afternoon from Pender, for a visit at the home of Mrs. Brantner's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Cory. If you want good printing let ns . uo your work. Best equipped job I shop in southeastern Nebraska. KNIGHTS TEMPLAR IN STALLATION OCCASION ALSO SIGNALIZED BY C0N1ERRING ORDER OF TEM PLE ON SEVEN CANDIDATES ENJOY h SPLENDID BANQUET William A. Rcber;son Presides Over Feast and Several Other Responds- Made. s'rom Friday's atiy. 'One cf the most notable occasions in the history of Mt. Zion Command ery No. 5 Knights Templar, was held last evening at the Masonic temple in this city when the newly elected otlictrs of the commandery were in stalled and the order of the temple conferred upon seven candidates of the great Masonic fraternity. The banquet was htld in the din ing room of the temple where the tables had beon artistically ar ranged with the decorations of th? flowers of the late spring had been assured to beautify the scene. Here members o joyed a rest following a portion of their work and whi;h served as a pleasant period between the work of the order. The banquet was served by Mrs. F. P. Busch, Mrs. II. W. Knorr and Mi-s Killen McCarthy. The menu was one to please ,the most discriminating taste and enioy- eit to the utmost dv tne ineniner- hip. The menu wa.s as follows: Koast pork Apple sauce Brown gravy Mashed Potatoes June peas in Cream Creamed Lettuce Dessert Ice cream and cake Coffee William A. Robertson presided as toastmayer in hi; L usual pjleasing manner and the toasts responded to were "The Recruit". Dr. II. C. Leo pold; "The Active Command", Dr. Frank L. Cummins; "The Oid Guard" by James M. Robertson, one of the officers of the grand commandery of Nebraska. Th- toast list was thor- ougniy enjoyeu anu many worus oi wisdom on tlie worn oi .Masonry and particularly of the temple were given rv tne speakers. The work of the commandery was continued following the feast and the officers installed in'their various sta tions as follows: Frank L. Cum uiins. eminent commander; Luke L. Wiles, generalissimo; Emmons J. Richer, captain general; Fred P. Busch. excellent prelate;. Ralph J Haynie. senior warden; John Bauer junior warden; Philip Thierolf, trea surer; William F. Evers. recorder; John F. Wehrbein, standard bearer; Charles T. Peacock, sword bearer; Fmil J. Weyrich, warder; William Hummel, sentinel. The conferring of the order of the temple was then made upon the sev en candidates who have advancec' along the journey of Masonry to this degree of the order. The mem bers present were unanimous in agreeing that it had been one of the most successful and pleasant gath erings that this order has enjoyed in many a day and will long be re membered by those who were for tunate enough to be present. GERMAN THRONE TO BE SOLD New York, May IT.. The imper ial German throne is to be sold hera at auction. Household effects of for mer Kaiser Wilhelm, the former kaiserin and other members of the imperial German family seized from the imperial palaces of Berlin and Munich for unpaid bills after the emperor abdicated and went to Holland, also will be sold under the hammer here. May 22, one of the city's largest art collectors an nounced. The collection was recent ly brought here by the purchaser. SILVERMINE CORN One of the most popular of all the white corn varieties, is planted and we'll known over the enttire corn belt. The grains are quite deep and has a very small cob, carries a very plumo uniform shape, and extra good yielder, does well in all kinds of seasons and all varieties of soil. Matures 95 to 110 days. Price $4l50 to $4.75 per. bushel, for car&- fully picked, tipped and butted. shelled and graded seed ward Bart ling Seed Co. City, Neb. corn. Ed- Nebraska WERE MARRIED AT LINCOLN WEDNESDAY Pearl Rover and Miss Fern Weichel were married at Lincoln Wednesday of this week. These are two of Elm wood's popular people and their mar riage comes as a surprise to many. These are two of EIniwood's young people and are well known to all. Mr. Rover is a son of Mrs. Amnion Rover and Miss Weichel is a daugh ter of Mr. and Mrs. A. H. Weichel. She is a graduate of the E. 11. S. of the class of 1919. The marriage was performed at the Trinity church at Lincoln at high noon by the Rev. K. N. Tomp kins of that church. The bride and groom were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. P. R. Elliott. They will make their home on the Royer farm near town. Congratu lations from their host of friends are extended to them. Elmwood Leader Echo. AMERICAN LEGION MEMBERSHIP 'PUSH' On May 17th Organization of World War Veterans Will Start Cam paign for Members. The American Legion will hold a campaign for new members all next week May 17-22, inclusive that will be "different." The great American public which has been the "drivee" in so many Intensive efforts of the last several years, has cultivated a fine taste in campaigns. It has come to be able o spot a good drive from one that is poorly handled. It can distin guish points of variety in a campaign, .t has become a connoisseur in ap peal. The public, then, will be quick to .ecognize the essential difference of Z'tils. American Legion ' effort. In the first place, it is not a drive nut a "push." Back in the dim days of the early war, publicity experts borrowed the word "drive" from the slang of the day. Everyone who .vent out after something fell into the easy habit of calling his cam paign a "drive." Then, when it lame time for the men who really knew what a war "drive" was to go out after new members for their Legion, they found that the word "drive" was as punchless as a blank cartridge. They had to dig them selves up a new word. So they call d their campaign a "push;" which s a great deal Uke a "drive" except .hat it goe3 farther in implying re entless effort and resistless force. A feature that the great general lublic should be quick to realize is hat they, members of the public. iill not be called on to contribute mything except good will. Positive y no money contributions will be expected or received , from them. They will be expected to exhibit heir friendship, but not their check books. Only some three million men are digible to take active benefit of the Legion campaign. The organization low has enrolled more than a mil ion and a half former service men nd women, leaving some three mil 'federal hesehveT Why Go Without This Protection? $1.00 a year secures the use of a safe deposit box large enough to take care of all ordinary re quirements. In this box you can keep securities, valuable papers, treasured heirlooms and keepsakes and KNOW that they are safe from the common forms of loss. Why go without this sure and certain protec tion when it costs so little? Make reservations now while boxes are available. The First National Bank, Plattsmouth, Nebraska "The Bank Where You Feel at Home" 1 lion v.I.o can belong but who do not. The "push" then, is aimed direct ly at this minority. All of the com bined efforts of the million and a half of their fellows will be devoted to bringing the absent into the fob!. Which means that every legionnaire will have to take on and convince two comrades. Only about one man in twenty is eligible to join the Legion. It is per fectly safe to sav that hundreds of thousands of loyal Americans would give a good deal if they were eli gible, by reason of active army, navy or marine corps service, to come in to the Legion. But they cannot and it is only the three million who are privileged to take advantage of the "push." But the Legion has no intention of passing up the general public, simply because it is not asking any thing from th3 public. The Legion keenly desires to interest every good American in its "push," because it believes it is to every American's in terest to be interested .which is not as ambiguous as it sounds. While only one American in twen ty m.iy be privileged to come into the Legion, every American must support, in his heart, the Legmn s platform. "For God and Country." Leaders in every field of American life have gladly ami spontaneously indorsed the Legion's aspirations. It is widely recognized, although less than fifteen months old. as the great est force for the established rd r in these United Stuns. That the general public feels that this is true is shown by the way prominent citizens have feme for ward to lend their aid. General Per shing has endorsed the campaign and urged eligible army men to join the Legion. Lieut. -Gen. Robert L. Dull ard, commanding the Department of the East, has included the same rec ognition in general orders,. Various welfare and civic organi sations have endorsed the "p-Lsh." and have volunteered to lend speak ers and equipment to help make it a success. i?o tne general pmuie shows that it refuses to stay out. If a citizen cannot come in himself he intends to do his part to set- that the eligible men do come in. DOINGS IN COUNTY COURT The iiiK.1 settlement in the Wil liam Taylor estate was had yester day in the county court as well a the filing of the petition for the de termination of heirship in the es tate of Mrs. Mattie Gray, dec-used. D. O. Dwyer appeared in the Taylor estate as the attorney and J. M. Leyda in the Gray estate matter. Mrs. Gray died in 1905 and the peti tion is to allow the final clearing up of the estate. MORE COYOTES TURNED IN Lee Siratton of near Weeping Wi-.-ter is the latest to claim the ?:5 per head bounty that the state is offer ing for coyotes and he brought in eight today to the office of Co,untv Clerk George R. Sayles to have them accepted. The scalp departmeu oT the clerk's office has been workod over time in caring for the various claims filed and the supply of coy otes in the county seem the largest for a number of years. n