The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1920, Page PAGE SIX, Image 6

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    IiIOITUAT SLAY 10 1320.
f r
WW c
The Schmoller & Mueller Guaranteed Phonograph
I I u - f
, A
i f 1 I j
-linil!r A
CTMptl Ulll tt-
in quality
in tone
in design
in workmanship
in type of motor
No more dull evenings or joyless
ramy days. Music in the home drives
dull care away. The Schmoller &.
Mueller Phonograph plays all makes
cf records. Our guarantee fully
protects you. Prices lower than any
other, high class phonograph. From
factory to heme, saving the .middle
man's profit.
i n. i i in: rot I'nv
MurtliT I'ialio fi., 4t:ii:t!iti, ltruku.
mi- iiilrt informal uIhii:!
iiirnt plan.
our guaranteed pliono-
If you want a Piano or Player Piano, write us for information
Schmoller & Mueller Piano Co.
Est. 1859 114-16-18 So. 15th St. Omaha.
Music House in the West.
I he Oldest and Largest
The Statements of Plattsmouth Resi
dents Surely Jlore Reliable than
Those of Utter Strangers.
get Doan's Kidney Pills the same
that .Mr. .Martin had. Foster-Milburn
Co.. .Mfrs.. Iluffalo. X. V.
estate of
Home test iinony is real proof.
I'ulilic statements of I'lattsiuoiith
people carry real weight.
Ask your neighbor!
What a friend or neighbor says
Compels respect.
The word of one whose home is
far away invites your doubts.
Here's a Plattsmouth statement.
Ami it's for Plattsmouth people's
Such evidence is convincing.
That's the kind of proof that backs
I loan's Kidney Pills.
Kdward .Martin', machinist, 140!)
Vine street, says: "Whenever my
kidneys get out of lix or act irregu
larly, a box of Doan's Kidney Pills
relieves the trouble. Occasionally my
back starts aching but it requires
onlv a IV w doses of Doan's Kidnev
rill ff relie. In.-."
Price Utir. at all dealers. Don't
simply ask for a kidney reined v
The Stiite nf ,N'elir;i.-ka, 'ass eoun
t V. ss.
In tli'- County Court.
In the matter of tio
t Vail' rv. le. eas l.
To the ere.l itni s of said .-state:
You re h.i el.y notirieil that I will
sit at the County Court room in I'lalts
inoutli. in sai'l eonntv. on tin- lL'tli .lav
of June. A. I . 1 r !. at li u'clui k a. in..
I'li'l "ii the l::tii .lav of Septeni her. A.
I'. I:'-". at Ii '. loi k a. in., to receive
and examine all claims against said
.state, with a view to their adjustment
are! allowanee. The time limited for
the I'leser.t a ! ion of claims airuinst
ill tate is 1 1 lee months from the
l-'th .lav of .June. ,. I . 1l'.i. nn. I the
time limite.i 'for payment of .lehis is
.ne year from sai.l ll'th day of June.
1 ! 1''.
Witness my hand and the sea! of
.-aid 'o:?iitv Court, this tiili .lav of
Mav. 1 :'.
i Sea I i County .Itiui'.'.
Monarch Engineering Co., of Falls
City Awarded Contract for Bridge
Work for the Coming Year
From Thursday's uaily.
The board of county commissioners
at their session yesterday took up a
number of matters of importance and
anions; them the awarding: of the
j bridge contract for the ensuing- year
j The Monarch Engineering Co., of
1 Falls City, being the lowest bidder
was awarded the contract for bridge
work excepting the concrete work
and the bond of the company for the
faithful performance of their part of
the contract was accepted by the
The bids for lumber for the year
were found unsatisfactory and the
commissioners authorized the rejec
tion of the bids as filed.
W. 11. Uetts was appointed road
overseer for Avoea precinct and the
bond of the new overseer received
and accepted by the board.
The matter of the recording of the
discharge certificates of the former
soldiers, sailors and marines was tak
en up with the county board who
will investigate their authority in
the matter and await an opinion
from County Attorney A. (3. Cole as
to whether or' not they can order the
free recording of these instruments.
Tha county recorder. Mrs. Edna
Shannon, has been willing to do the
extra work that would be entailed,
but whether or 'not the statutes
would permit the recording free or
for a very low fee a question that
the county attorney will be called
upon to pass.
The application of Matt McQuinn
of Liberty precinct was heard by the
county board, Mr. McQuinn being
represented by jhis attorney C. A.
Ilawls, and the board will in accord
ance with its previous decision, hav?
the bridge installed ns soon as prac
tical although the construction must
await the turn as there are, a large
number of other bridges already or
dered that must first be constructed.
Mr. McQuinn has deposited, a check
for $100 with the commissioners as
a guarantee on his part in paying
the bill for the bridge when completed.
D. StetVens, the Nehawka mer
chant and Henning Johnson, of the
same city, were here yesterday for a
iort time attending to some mat
ters of business.
Journal want ads pay.
Members of T. J. Sokols and Z. C. E.
J. Lodge Give Surprise for Joseph
Cizek. Who Leaves lor Bohemia
Spring Tima is I'nderwear Time!
If you are quite sure Spring is here and you want
to step out of the winter weights into lighter and more
comfortable underwear, you'll find we have been look
ing out for you, when you look over the line.
You'll be
Cool and
The kind
with the
convenient "
One button at
the waist
For the
who prefers
the two- -piece
find just
the weight
you like
best at
Other Athletic Garments (a $1.25; $1.50
We are able to fit you in Union Suits and fit you
properly. A complete assortment of plain white.ecru and
natural colors, of any desirable Spring and Summer weight.
Long sleeves, or short; knee length, three
quarter or ankle, at
$1.'25, $1.35, $1.50. $1.75, $2.00 to $4.00
If you need a gt)od every day kneck
around cap, see what we are offer
ing at $1.00. Broken lots; many of
them $2 and $3 caps.
was g;v-
From Friday's Da 1 1 v.
For some time Joseph Cizek of this
ctiy has been planning a visit h;.c!'
to the old home in Hohemia and mat
ters were arranged for his departure
on Saturday for the land of his
birth, to one mere feast his eyes on
the verdure triad hills and fertile
field of Iiohen.ii, f-oin which coun
try so many of our worthy citr
have come. Yo see that he
ei. a fitting stall on his journey !
evening the members of the T. J
Sokol and Z. C. Ii. J. societies ar
ranged a surprise on Joe and it way
certainly a surprise.
The guest of honor was invited bv
William Holly to go to the hall a:.d
assist in fixing some windows which
Mr. Holly represented were In need
of repair and Mr. Cizek of course
agreed. On the arrival at the T. J.
Sokol hall the building was found
in darkness and the "victim" of the
occasion was wholly unaware of the
pleasant event awaiting him. As he
entered the hall the lights were turn
ed on. the band, stationed on the
stage, struck up one of the popular
folk songs of Bohemia. To say that
Mr. Cizek was surprised Is putting it
mildly and he required several min
utes to recover from the shock as
the laughing voices of- his friends
greeted him. The guest of honor,
however, entered thoroughly into tho
spirit of the occasion and until a
late hour the hall was the scene of
much merriment. A fine banquet
had been prepared by the ladies of
the two societies and which abound
ing with the good things to eat made
the occasion one long to be remem
bered. The remainder of the even
ing was spent in dancing and in the
enjoyment of a fine social time.
At the home going hour the mem
bers of the party joined in wishing
Mr. Cizek a happy and pleasant trip
across the sea to the old home. V1ien
Mr. Cizek came to America his native
land was a state of the Austrian
Hungarian empire and he returns to
a republic of his own people which
has been the result of the war and
for which the Bohemian residents of J
the United States have Jong hoped
and prayed for.
Mrs. G. II. Gilmore and Mrs. Har
rison Gayer of Murray, were In the
city yesterday to attend the meeting
of the Woman's Auxiliary of the
American Legion.
Will and Warren Trunble came in
from Wild Horse. Colorado, Monday
morning, having completed their
spring work for the present. They
say tne great bltzznru piled snow at-
high as telegraph poles in places
but crop prospects are very good.
Mrs. Bertha ShotTer, an early set
tier in this community, died at Lin
coin and is being buried at Eagle
as we go to press. At this late hour
we are nimbi.' to secure any of the
particulars ot her Ht(. "t prom
ised an obituary for next week.
Mrs. Harloy Smith received a lont
looked for Utter from her son, Ever
ett, last Saturday. He is in the
overseas service and this is the first
she has heard from him direct for
more than five months. She was
considerably worried about him. but
the letter, dated the of April,
banished her Tears and she feels
quite relieved.
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Ruhga and
little daughter. Eunice, left Friday
for their new home near North
IMatte. Mrs. Ruhga and Eunice
have been visiting for the past few
weeks with Mrs. Huhge's parents.
Mr. and Mrs. John Adams. The peo
ple of Eagle will miss them, but
wish them happiness and prosperity
in their new home.
Considerable excitement was oc
casioned at Eaiile last Fridav bv the
fact that a couple of girls from Lin
coln had been arrested the eveninsr
previous for having purloined some
millinery- and other ladies wraps
from the dance hall.- They had made
their get-away, as we understand it.
and had got back to Lincoln followed
by Marshal Hartsock and weveral
ithers. They were located and brot
back to sleep the remainder of the
night in the place not built for ladies
of refined tastes. Fridav morninu
they were brought before his honor.
Judge Peterson, and after more or
less delay, were handed a fine of $10
and costs. The young men who were
with them to pay the bill were un
able to get their checks cashed and
were compelled to return to Lincoln
for the cash to set the fair ones at
'-'mm Frfdav'.t Ta!lv.
This morning Con Mahoney, an
old time IMat turnout h man. arrived
in the city for a visit with friends
with whom he was associated in tin--years
long gone. Mr. Mahonoy wa.
a resident here many years ago ai'
is a brother of T. II. Mahoney. one
of ihe old residents of 'the city. Hje
has for the pa-"t winter ben engag
ed in working in the .shipyards at
N'i'W Orleans and expects to rc-niai'.:
for tho summer in the north.
uick, comDlete
The uniform vaporizing and carburet
tin: qualities of Red Grown Gasoline
make perfect carburetor adjustment
possible. It enables you to be sure of
an efficient, economical mixture; quick,
clean combustion and theJimaximum
explosive power.
Standardize onjjclean-burnin Red
Grown Gasoline. It means maximum
mileage, power, motoring satisfaction.
Polarine, the standard high quality
motor oil, furnishes correct lubrication
lor your car winter or summer.
Get them both at the sign of the Red
3 C
a c
a ' r
2 t
i -
Slate ..f
in i iti:ni nuts
N.: l.i aska, Cass
omi ii-
-tnto of l'li-
ty. ss.
I n tli" Con lit v i Ton it.
In tli.- mall.-i- t" tho
zal'i-lli Cany. i.-re:,.--...l.
To t!" i ! ii ii i s of sail .---tat.-:
Voii .11.- i .1.1.;- ttot i that I W
sit at tli.- ('oiinf.' Court room in l'lalt
month, in sai.l .-.ninty. on Cn- ll'th .lav
of .Mine, A. I . I!'.'.', at M oVlork a. in . I
ami on th.- l::ih day of Sept in h.-i'. A.
I . I'.iJi. at 1 ' -oV'unk . in.. i re.-. iv'
ami eair.ini' ail t iaims atrainst sai'l .
. stjil.-1. with a i. w to their adjust- 1
iii.-nt ami a 1 low a me. The time limited
for tlie pteseti i a i in n cf .laims aairst
said estate is three months from the'
l.'th il.iv of Jut;.-. A. I. r.'a. ami the
time limited for .ament of d.hts is
one vear from sai.l IJ ii da of Jam.
1 !J(.
Witness my hand and tin- sea! of
sai.l Conitv Cent this ..til day of
Mar, 1 j. i:i:i:sn
I Seal Co, my .1 iid;.;.'.
i the
Krom Saturday's Dally. I
Geo r;? 11. Voo:l.- cashier the;
lie tiie State liank. received a tele-j
gram Monday from Malta. Montana.
informing him that ho had heeti ap- j
pointed hy President Wilson, post- I
ir.aster of t hat city. :
Mr. Wood returned to Loursvrlle j
recently from Montana to accept the;
position of cashier of the Home State I
Dank which was made vacant by j
resignation of his brother, C E. j
who moved to IVetz, Colo-;
rado. to accept a similar position in
j a new bank at that place. He has !
lived in Malta several years and had j
taken tho civil service examination
for postmaster and .sent in his ap--.;
plication before the offer cyme from .
the I.e.; isville bank. The posit io; j
pays $J.700 and Mr. Wood's friends j
feel that it is too good to turn down j
without serious consideration. j
lie has the friendly .hacking of j
n: .";- of t lie prominent business men !
in Malta and his friends there are !
urging his return and he will prob
ably decide in the near future as to
whether or not he will accept the
position. Louisville Courier.
Why not attend the oldest, larg
est and leading business training
school in the west the school en
dorsed by banks, commercial houses
and business firms everywhere? Send
for free catalog. Knter now. We have
no vacation. Address: Grand Island
Business College, Grand Island, Ne
braska the school built up to a
standard, not down to a price.
From Friday's Dally.
The Journal has r3eived a le
from John Reuland, who is now
L.s Angeles, whe'v- he and his wife
expect to jmake thoir future horn?.
They are well pleased with the coun
try and have bought a residence
there and are now getting nicely set
tled in the new home. Mr. Reuland
states that he has had the pleasure
of meeting Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Wes-
cott and enjoyed a call at their home
and found them in the best of health
and enjoying life very much.
Dally Journal loc per week.
Several Good Re-built Fords
Priced Right!
on payment plan cah
balance in 12 equal monthly
T. H. Pollock Garage
Phone No. 1
if ii iff i
Let's quit looking
thru smoked glasses,
! count our blessings,
ami go" ahead with a
smile to tight through
our problems. You'll
I li ml us ready to help
i you solve the clothes
j problem and solve it
I right. Will you con-
sider this an invitation
z to call and see what
! we can do for you?
We still have suits be-
I low the $50 mark and
! in some sizes quite a
bit below. Hy Kail it's
ir.ore than likely we
f will not be able to say
I this.
Looking into the
Clothes Question!
- A
With Overall-Clubs, Old-Clothes-Clubs, No-Clothes-Clubs and
what not, the clothes question is receiving its full share of attention
itist now. After all has been said and done, one sure thing re
mains and that is, we're obliged to wear clothes of some kind.
Adam and Eve "got by" with the fig leaf style, but in this neck of
the woods where Winter lingers in the lap of Spring all Summer, a
man nffAa sompthinor more than a fis leaf, a bathing suit or B. V.
D.'s Wearing overalls over silk shirts will not solve the problem it simply
complicates it by creating a fad at the expense of the man whose occupation
requires overalls. The only sensible thing to do is to keep our head, hold our
tongue and saw more wood. The clothing man does not advise you to buy
clothes you do not need, but unless you are a recluse or a hermit you need at
least one good suit of clothes. If you haven't got them you should buy them
they're not out of reach and you gain nothing by waiting. With the average
man it,doesn't require any more hours of labor now to buy a suit than in the
"good old times" when everybody was hard up and the tramp and the unem
ployed knocked daily at our back door. Then goods were cheap to be suie.
but, the money to buy them was mighty hard to get. More people are wear
ing good shoes and good clothes today than then. More people living com
fortably now than then. There is more money in the hands of the average
man now than then. Stop and think about this and see if its not true.