The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1920, Page PAGE FIVE, Image 5

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MONDAY. MAY 10, 1920.
V"" ?T W TSt! yrts J&l
lU.-y u ti tut nfi ))
M A 6
The Bank of SVlurcSock
Murdock, Nebraska
Willi our facilities for doing a good general bank
ing business we can handle your problems to the best.
We aim to keep a business institution, for the best ser
vice of the community in which we liv.
The Bank of burdock
"The Bank where You Feel at Home"
HENRY A. TOOL. President J. E. GUTHMANN, Yice-Prcs.
le-; S.l:ii. Pram-hie ';is a visitor,
I'i l.iuco.n lor a iniij'.v "i w.i.- in. v
In l it, Vlli
f riends.
.r.. . r. .!
i;, . i ii i n - ! 'i u i:
til' gUCst tf
i ii ;'i and children j
to Lincoln Friday j
i In : J ml t lie week i
with Mrs. Mcllugh'si
u- it in
:ri;;I Yarts.-h :.r talilo tops.
window sil!. doors. Won't
turn wl.ii. under water. At Max
I 'l.-l rhofl
y'v. J. i ! . i ; 1 1 1 wi :i. wir'o of supt.
piirwell of tie .'! ii iv? ck schools, is
r -ported a- bei-ig some -hat improv
id ;;nl it i hoped is tn the way
to niovry.
In order that he May keep in touch
with th'- happenings in Murlock ami
i i i l . i I y . Fred Tarnock has hal ns
place his ii: it.v 0:1 the list of readers
of the Journal.
Henry- A. Guthmann, ca.-hier of
the Lank of Murdock has been prelty
buy during the' past few days, get
ting hi.' home ground in pood condi
tion a d inakin hrden.
K. V.'. Thimgan has boon wiring
the new la:;k building during the
pa.-t wool; in order that it may be
ri itay when tho ( loetric service is
extended f) Murdock. which, evory
euie rop.-s will be in the r.oar future.
Joseph. Frank II.. Jr.. and Mary
.1 : '. i i". chi! ! ;f,! (f Mr. and Mrs.
i'ry A. Outhmann. have hren t ii
joying (?) having the whoopir.p
cou'-'h., l".t are i.-e(tii:si along nicely
and hope soon to be out again.
Th" little lirvu'.it of Mrs. Grace
Kt yiiicr, v !;. is making her hftute at
the 1 ii I at Miir.i'ick. v as over from to visit with her mother and
it, Ma' d:a: ly became an especial fa
vori'o with ;ill arrmnd the hostelry.
The finest varr.ish that money can
buv ;,t V ,:i !)-i.-:erhou's.
:ii.s i:-t l. r is kept pretty
in v. ; re ctb'rs eiuployed at the
trb -plioiif exchant;e. in looking after
th" tnakir..!? of coilections and con
forming t tlie elaborate system of
b".'k k-ejiiiii; required t:y the statt
railway commission following the
reeen: adv.'n?" in r;.'. - allow ed the
local company by that body.
Arthur l?orner.i'ier was a visitor
in Murdock 1r.-t Friday, driving
d.i'vu in his s. dan car to brine; his
mother Mrs. Wiln Itiiinu llornerneier,
down to visit at the homes of her
sous. M:rtin atn
he ;.!
.? Tr.1i ii While I. or'
after some business
matters. Mr. l!i n i':i;oiT i.; ennapo.l
ii; t!'." h . r.'. v. ;i busi:iss at Iiur-
l;:ird. and !:as contend with the
problem of Lrettin, roods in his line,
the same as other :uirt bant; do.
Charles Munato is having a tiew
porch constructed on hij house, the
work beins done by A. I... Depner.
The. ei.uhth prade students had
oxaininat ions during the past week,
both teachers and pupils beins kept
pretty busy.
K. V. Thimsan was a business vis
itor in Omaha on last Tuesday and
Wednesday, where he had some busi
ness matters to look after.
Mottled anil Stippled walls of ex
ceedingly charming colors and truo
artistic value. You will find theni in
Max -ustorhon"s wall paper stock.
Julius Kauke was a visitor in Mur
dock last Friday from his home
neur South Bend, coming over to
look after some business matters
for a short time.
A. II. Wanl was a business visi
tor in Lincoln last week, having
driven over in his car to look after
rome matters claiming his attention
in the capital city.
I. V. I'ickwell has been supplying
the people about Murdock with plants
of every kind, and the citizens as
well as farmers are taking advantage
of tha fact and putting out much
gardeii st uft this spring.
Henry Tims and Ed wanl Ilau are
both having corn cribs constructed
on their farms for use in housing
the coding season's crop. This is
the sort of foresight th:t pays big
dividends,"" especially in the farming
J. Johansen was called to Lin
coln last Friday to look after some
business matters, driving up in his
truck to look after buying and sell
ing some goods in his line. Mrs. Jo
hansen cared for the market while
he was away.
During the continued illness of
Mrs. Harry Davis, who is confined to
her bed. Mr. Davis has to remain at
her side in order to care for her.
George 1'tt has been running the
dray line during the enforced ab
sence of Mr. Davis. t
('. F. Hite, who has been lathing
the new bank building, has about
completed his job. and the building
will be ready for the plasterers us
soon as the roofing shall arrive and
the work -can be carried out without
fear of a rain Ftorm coming to dam
age it before the roof is on.
Gus Huge is having some new hog
sheds constructed in order that be
may give greater attention to his
young pigs, which are gold nuggets
that one cannot afford to neglect
these tlays. He purchased the lum
ber of the enterprising local firm of
which H. W. Tool is manager.
Pratt fc Lambert's famous brand
of superior floor varnish, known the
world-over as "No. 61" on sale by
Max DusterholY. tf.
Max Dusterhoff was a visitor in
Weeping Water last Friday after
noon, going to look after some busi
ness matters for a shoFl time. He
drove over in his car.
Jesse Landholm, who disposed of
his home a short time ago to Cashier
O. J. Potbast of the Farmers and
Merchants bank. has secured the
home of Grandma Schewe and will
move into that place in a short time.
' Miss Margaret and "Hud" Amg
wert were visiting in Rim wood last
week, where they went to have the
credits they earned while attending
the Elm wood high school, marked up
in their books. They drove over in
their car.
Mrs. O. J. Pot hast w as a passenger
to Lincoln last Friday, going up to
visit with relatives and friends. She
was joined there Saturday evening
by Mr. Pot hast and they returned
home Sunday evening, after having
on joyed a very pleasant time.
Max and Joe, the interior and 'in
terior decorators, are kept busy these
days, and last Friday and Saturday
were doing some artistic paperiu
as well as brightening up the wood
work by a fresh coat of varnish, at
the home of Herman Gakemeier.
The vandals who looted, cars and
other vehicles during the show a
fortnight ago, could not even k-'ep
their hands off some baby clothes
that had been left in a car. We do
not know exactly what use baby gar
ments could be to such sneak thieves
but perhaps they found their way to
some use fulness.
Notwithstanding tho backward
spring we are l aving. George Mills.
one of the progressive farmers hv-
ins lMTiuwesi oi .u a rcocK, is niiii.iiif,
some progress with the planting and
had 2T acres of corn in the ground
last week. The present week will
see much vN.rk along this line and
within a few days it is estimated a
large percentage of the? acreage will
be in.
The firm of Win. Gohrts is pretty
busy just now. Mr. Gehrts is rust
ling about ail the time looking for
goods ami trying to devise ways of
getting farming implements for his
trad.', while Charles Schaefer looks
'after the sales and bookkeeping de
! partments and Orville gives his at
tention to the matter of repairing
! cars and other niachinerv. The. three
make an eci piiovally good team.
Pl;icir. PLc!:C Line i i Condition
Laccy McDonald. Hurry Gille-pie
i and Pud Amgwert are busy plat ing
the delightful evening which was in
linseed oil paint; best materials and
will give the best of service; for ex
terior work. Max Dusterhoff. tf.
Attended Elmwood Meeting
' Many of the people of Murdock,
in the Fpirit of neiphborliness, so
characteristic of theni, attended the
irass meeting held at Elmwood one
evening last week in the interest of
the Inter-Church World Movement.
The meeting was one of much inter
est and awakened the people to more
active efforts on behalf of the work.
There were also some from Ithaca in
' attendance at the meeting. Among
.those to go from here were many
' members of the church here, as well
as from the Louisville and Callahan
churches just out of town.
Chintz papers. Tapestry and plain
colors for beautiful combinations
are part of our fine wall paper stocks.
Let us show- you how to make up
such combinations. Max Dusterhoff.
Will Launch the Boat Soon
Forty-three was the exact number
of iish that Lacey McDonald and his
brother. Pryan, who with A. J. Pauer
and Harry Gillespie were fishing at
t lie Platte river one day last week,
had to their credit after an hour or
:o with the rod and line.
Still the Mt. Olympus has not
et len launched and it looks like
high time to get the craft into the
.vater. Probably the owners are
wait inp, for Castor and Pollox to
come into conjunction with Mars or
Jupiter before they perform such a
pr'.miLnent undertaking in the history
of sports in and near the Platte
he was fixing up this place and ex
pected to sell it again. Mr. Fuller
had told some of us when we asked
him what he was going to do with
the place that he was going to get
married. "But we knew that he is a
jolly good fellow and likes a joke as
well as anyone, so we let this go in
one ear and out the other. The lat
ter part of the week, however, he
returned and sure enough he was
married and brought his wife home
with him. They were married in
Omaha on Wednesday of last week,
the home of Mrs. Fuller, who was
formerly Mrs. Catherine Logan. Mr.
Fuller has been in business in Elm
wood now going on his third year,
having purchased the Burke & Bed
son store, and has an excellent busi
ness and now that he has purchased
a home and has fixed it up in tip-top
shape and has gotten married we are
quite sure that he will continue bus
iness in Elmwood for many years to
come. He is a good merchant and an
excellent fellow and all are glad to
see him add to the improvement and
interest of our town.
i. i : . i. i .. .,.i. 'I i .
Ill' iiue ttL ii. e .i ii i . i"i i jeiepii.uiv
coinpany in excellent condition, and
are out at work every day. Soon the
lines will be in about as perfect con
dition as it is possible to get them,
and tho service i-hould bo noticeably
'improved. The boys are a jolly set,
know their business and arc not
Fishing- Trip Successful
J. E. Mcllugh. manager of the
Farmers Mercantile company; Henry
A. Tool, president of the P.ank of
Murdock and Louis Hornbeck, as
sistant agent at the Pock Island sta
tion, harnessed the Overland into
! .service last Friday and having pro
', vided the proper accoutrements fr
I playing with the tinny tribe, depart
ed for Meadow, where they fished
and ate of the provender they were
thoughtful enough 1o take along. As
a financial proposition the trip was
. ot such a great success, but the rose
'.olor added to the cheeks and the
insurance of better health cannot be
'ieaMired in terms of money, so we
are safe in saying the trip was far
from being a failure.
afraid to work.
on Lin-wOlii Cars
Emil Kuehn. of Lincoln. was a
visitor in Murdock the fore part of
last week, bringing down a car to
j have an "all-weather" body placed
on it by the enterprising firm o;
i Win. Gehrts. He left tha car and
.came back the latter part of the
week, when it had been completed,
to drive it home. With the change.
Mr. Kuehn now has a car convenient
, for year around equipment, without
entailing nearly as much as the cost
! of a n'ew car. Mr. Gehrts and his
corps of workmen are able to trans-
iorm a used car into a new one. sii
far as service and looks are concerned.
You can get floor wax at all times
f Max Dusterhoff. tf.
-i. THIf&GAN
Automobiles and Accessories
Our machine shop is especially well equipped
with modern machinery and first-class woikinen. We
are reeidy to do all kinds of repair work, including
acctyline welding.
CM 2? 0
li e a
i none a o-n
Murdock, Neb.
In the. Wake of ls Show
Not attributing any Maine to the
management of the- aggregation that
showed in Murdock a fortnight ago.
we may say that many things hap
pened which were not on the pro
gram and which were not intended
I to be allowed. During the time when
; interest in the performance was at
j greatest height, and while the peo
ple were busily engaged in looking
'at tho "animals," some one turne-d
a team loose that had boon driven
by a couple from Alvo. leaving the
young folks to get home as best
they could. Either the same party,
or others appropriated three over
coats and an auto robe that had
been thoughtlessly left unprotected
in the cars. A few special pedieo at
a time like this would not come in
Gave Easter Program
On account of the bad weather of
Easter day, the program that had
been prepared by the "Mission band''
and little folks of the Sunday school,
lor rendition that day, was postpon
ed until last week when it was given
and listened to by a large and en
thusiastic crowd of people. The pro
gram was very pleasing, telling in
play the story of the need of work
by the missionary band and enthus
ing people to do their best for the
cause for which the little folks are
banded together.
Lea (1 c r- Ec h o
. A'V "oW o
Mr. ami Mrs. A. A. Wallinger are
now residents ef Elmwood and are
occupying the Al Weichel house. We
will have to see that Al is kept busy
now and were wondering just what
he would branch eiut in.
We are sorry to report that Adolph
itoesenkeietter has been on the sick
list again. Adolph has been having
;uiU; a time and quite enough of it
for one man.
On Monday the fine ten horse
power Fairbanks-Morse eil engine ar
rived for the new city well. The pump
jack and equipment is alf here and
it will he installed just as soon as
the new addition is built to the
pumping plant.
Last week Homer Metzeloff captur
ed five young coyotes. The little fel
lows were found in a hole under the
reots of a large tree. The nest was
discovered by seeing the two old
wolves going back and forth to
their yening. The young wolves were
about two weeks old.
Mrs. Pert McNamee. ef Omaha,
made a flying trip to Elmwood. visit
ing over Saturday evening, returning
to Wenping Water Sunday morning
to get her little daughter. Dailene,
who has been visiting her grandpar
ents, Mr. and Mrs. Win. Deles Der
nier fer the past two weeks.
A short time age) we mentioned
the fact that Spence Beigenrief made
a large shipment ef Carneaux pigeons
and last week he made another ship
ment eif these piaeons amounting to
about $3S. This makes about $76
worth in one month.. These squabs
are mighty fine eating and are serv
el in the big restaurants at fancy
j prices. ispence is increasing ins
stticK ngni aiong anu nas a iniucn
ef pigeons he can be prouel of.
Several elays last week we missed
tiur genial merchant and fellow citi
zen. I. J. Fuller. Of course we began
to wonder right away what had be
come eif him. We were curious for
we knew he had bought a home and
had been taking considerable pains
in fixing it up. Many thought that
Ernest Pautsch is having his cel
lar excavateel and made larger to
make room for a furnace which he
will i nt all this summer. Mr. Pautsch
has ejne of the finest homes in town
in the north part ef town, and with
a furnace the family will surely en
joy much comfort next winter when
the thermometer is blow zero.
Henry Wegener and sisters. Misses
Minnie anel Edith, drove te Chalce,
Sunday, to visit their brother-in-law
and sister, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wen
dell and to see the little new niece
who arrived at the Wendell home on
Tuesday. April 27th, 1020. The
friends in this vicinity extend con
gratulations to Mr. and Mrs. Wen
dell. F. W. Schliefert dug out a half
dozen young coyotes fremi a hole in
the ground enit Vm Lawrence Twiss'
place Sunday. The little fellows did
iu)t have their eyes ejpen but Fred
realizeel that they would soon greiw
into first-class chicken thieves and
he exterminated them. He will take
their pelts to the cemnty seat and
claim a bounty on theni. The moth
er wolf escaped.
Hubert Fosbrrg, the eldest son of
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fosberg. living
till the Palmer farm south ef town,
had the misfortune to fall off a disc
last Saturday and sprain his ankle,
which has laid him up t)r a few elays.
He is experienced in handling luuses
and in all farm work but accidents
will happen, and he was lucky to es
cape; with no more serienis injuries
and he will soon be all right again.
The hospitable home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frederick Stohlman was again
the scene of a happy gathering em
Wednesday evening of last week.
April 2Sth, when a large number of
friends and relatives gathered to
give Mr. Stohlman a surprise party
in hemor of his 54th birthday anni
versary. The guests arrived early in
the evening laden with baskets of
lunch and Mr. Stohlman soon rallied
from the surprise te welcome his
friends and a merry evening was
spent in music and games, while the
supper which was served at a late
hemr did honor to the ladies who
prepared it.
The manv friends of Mrs. Walter
Plake will be pleased to learn that
she is gaining daily and that she
will be able to return home from the
Clarkson hospital in Omaha the last
of this week. Mrs. Blake recently
underwent a serious operation for
appendicitis, anel other troubles and
has made splendiel progress and her
family and frienels are assureel that
she will undoubtedly enjoy better
health than she has for years. Mrs.
Margaret Ossenkop and her daugh
ter. Miss Mabel, and Miss Vivian
Blake, visited in Omaha over Sunday
with Mrs. Blake at the Clarkson
heispital. Mr. Blake makes frequent
trips to Omaha to see his wife anel
was. up last Friday and again last
Monday so that there is not a day
that Mrs. Blake has not seen some
one from home. She reports that
Miss Mattie Keiser, twin sister of
Miss Nellie Keiser, daughters of
Jacob Keiser, of Iuisville, is in the
hospital, where she has been study
ing to be a nurse, but she has found
the work too strenuous and will not
finish her course. She will remain
at the hospital and have charge of
the children's ward, but not in the
capacity of trained nurse.
The cards announcing the opening
cf effices in the city of Los Angejess,
California, by Major Albert A. Fricke,
have been received in this city. D
Fricke was, prior to his entry inio
the army, one of the best known phy
sicians of Omaha anel since his dis
charge has removed to the Pacific
coast, where he will engage in t':e
practice of his professiem and with,
his ability and skill will make on;
of the leading specialist in the coast
O. J. POTHAST, Cashier
Farmers Merchants Bank
Transact General Banking
Wc Pay 5 Interest on Time Deposits
All ways at Your Service.
If vou are not a stiTirtcrJber to the ' Senator Dunlan variety. $1.25 per
Daily Journal let us enter your name j hundred post paid. S. O. Cole, My-
in our subscription list. i nard. Neb. lw-w.
"fc t ' - b t :. ''
Satisf action" .4
DRESSING the walls is one o f tl
arts of today. More money is being
put into it by the average family
than, say for pictures or other v.all deco
lr.tion. From the mere covering of an
I -nightly wall surface, it has grown to
the dignity of a decorative art.
Can there be any surprise, therefore,
in the fact that the public is evincing a
greater interest in better wall decoration?
And having helped to lift wall deco
ration to its prcper place in home beau
tiflcation, wc feel this concerns the in
terest of every home owner who feels
justly satisfied with only the best in home
Painting - Decorating
Wood Finishing
Max Dusterhoff,
:V ll
; Welcomed the 2ew Neighbors
Tho people resiili't g in the vicin
ity northeast of Murdock. as well as
from other sections, assembled erne
evening last week to extend a v.el
eome to their now neighbors. Mr.
and Mrs. Fred Tonaok, who rucently
meved to this vicinity, after having
purchased the J. C. Stroy place. Tho
e vening was spent in social conver
sation and games "by the younger
part of tho crowd, interspersed with
music and song, and at, a late hour,
by a most delightful lunche-on. which
added to the enjoyment of tho occa
sion. The good time was interfered
with to some extent by tho threat
ening weather, which terminated in
a rain, causing those in attendance
to hasten home and thus cut shart
Overland Parts for Sale!
On account of an accident which put my car out
of commission, I have many parts on hand, 'as good as
new and which I will sell cheap. Included in them are
an excellent magneto generator, gears for 69 model
Overland, a good radiator, in perfect condition. Also
have a 7 h. p., one cylinder Cadillac engine for sale
cheap. Sec any of these at the Henry Oehlerking home.
Threshers Tractors Power Machines
The International Line Complete!
power plenty of power and efficiency at i-.ll times, reliable
and dependable is "what all want. We have it in the International
We carry a full and complete line of Kerosene Lnginos, Oa-o-line
Lngines, Kore:seiie Tractors, Motor Trucks, Cream Separator.;.
Farm Wagons, Farm Trucks, Grain Tanks, Manure Spreader,
Stalk Cutters, Mills, Girnders and Binding Twine.