The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1920, Page PAGE THREE, Image 3

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    I, :lit 10 1923
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1 1
Clean Up Week
(Jet your rubbish and
cumulations in the alley
will haul it away.
other no
and men
C. R- Jordan was a Lincoln visitor
Miss Coleman, of Lincoln, came In
Friday and will visit a week with
Mrs. Jesse Hardnock. leaving later
lor a trip to New York.
Uenry Koelotsz. of Lincoln, was in
town .Monday. Mr. and Mrs. Koel
ofsz will leave Lincoln this week for
a visit in Ds Moines, Iowa, and at
Kiehmond. Va.
. .-
Wind Mills
Paints, Oils
Gas Engines
Well Work a Specialty
Buying Grain
Farming only pays when the man who manages
the farm receives at- least one half of the net income
from the farm.
Grain and stock should be bought by individual
buyers who take an interest in keeping posted on the
Co-operative associations will never be a success
until they sell at least one-half their stock to their
Bring your Grain and Stock to us. Thirty-six
years' experience on "market conditions' and "grading
up" grain. Free to our customers.
Grain and Lumber
The Bank
We believe we can render any service to our cus
tomers than can be rendered by a country bank. We
are always ready to make good farm loans for long
terms at reasonable rates. Our officers are well' pre
pared to advise on problems of farm finance, manage
ment, accounting and on the legal matters with which
a farmer must now deal.
Deposits in This Bank are Protected by the Guaranty Fund
of the State of Nebraska
The Farmers and Hbrchanls Bank,
A L V () , N K B It A S K A
s.c.iui'ii.i'M'm. i 1.1: s. iioa 1 Hiii r ri.oic n.a, ni,
. M. Iiol l.l . i. .--lr. . ' It I. I. ii .. icr-rni.
The AIvo National Farm Loan Association
'. 1:1 Yl.r..- IT. si. I- nt
llii'i v ;,
International and John Deere
Farming Implements. We 'also have all
kinds of grass and garden seeds, harness .
and a General Hardware Stock. We can
make you a good price on Deerirlg stand
ard twine. Yours for service,
Coat man Hardware
Klmer Rosenow
was in Omaha last
Chas. Avers returned
from Red
Uak Saturday evening-
Miss Golda Bird spent
with Mrs. Kay (.'lark at
The Misses Mary and Florence
Taylor were shopping in Lincoln on
Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Lancaster, of
Havelock, spent Sunday with rela
tives here.
Miss Blanche Moore spent the
week-end with friends in Council
HI uft's, Iowa.
Charley Shelton, of Lincoln, was
in town Sunday afternoon to virfit
his son. lion.
Maurice Kef for, of Lincoln spent
Sunday with his parents, Mr. and
Mrs. M. C. Keefer.
Mr. and Mrs. Hubert Strong were
here from Anoka. Nebraska, last
week to visit relatives.
Denny Finney, of Omaha, came in
Saturday morning. visiting over
Sunday with his mother, Mrs. "Willis
Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Linch. of
Lincoln, were in town Tuesday and
isited with their uncle, J. If. Fore
man and family.
Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnson have
returned home from Kansas City,
where they were called to take care
of- Mrs. Johnson's sister, Miss Anas-
tacia Uarrv, who was ill with the
The sophomores, gave a hard time
party last Friday night for the sen
iors at the home of Miss Alice Groff.
southeast of town. A prize was
awarded to the worst dressed girl
and boy, being won by Miss Jessie
Buckncll ami Ivan Armstrong.
and Stock!
1) tea.
AIvo, Nebraska
I.AI.i: S. I'.OYI.KS. S.-o'v-Ti e;is
Lennox Ensign spent the week
end liere with his brother, A. E. En
sign. Dan Skinner left Tuesday for Big
Springs and will later go to Chappel,
to reside.
Mrs. C. P. Rosenow is in Prairie
Home tli is 'week with her daughter,
Mrs. Kay Clark.
Marie Eiclunan is in school again
after several weeks' absence on ac
count of sickness.
Miss Marie Prouty visited over
Sunday with her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. F. M. Trouty.
W. S. Jordan and C. M. Jordan re
turned home Friday from their busi
ness trip to Canada.
Born. Wednesday, May 5, 1920, to
Mr. and Mrs. Kay Clark, at Prairie
Home, an S-pound son.
K. E. Reitz and family, of Waverly
were calling on friends in AIvo last
Wednesday afternoon.
Boyd Edwards had as week-end
guests Herbert Prouty and Win. An
derson, state university students.
Fred M. Prouty sold at auctioiron
Wednesday afternoon in AIvo, a
ICO acre farm that was purchased
by S. C. I'.oyles.
Archie Ryan, of Dundee, Oregon,
came in Saturday and will spend the
summer here with his uncles, Jesse
and Sam Hardnock, and other rela
tives. Miss Clara Dickerson entertained
Saturday and Sunday the Misses
Dora Arnold and Helen Holtz, who
are also attending the state univer
sity. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Stroemer auto
ed to Lincoln Wednesday afternoon.
A. 11. Stroemer, Dr. L. Muir,,A. X.
Myers and Ed Stroemer were in Lin
coln Tuesday afternoon.
Mrs. Frank Ingwerson. of Pawnee
City, is visiting her brothers, Jesse
and Sam Hardnock. Mrs. Ingwerson
has been in the hospital at Lincoln
and will recuperate here.
Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Applemn and
little niece, Christine Linch. spent
Saturday night and Sunday with
their nm. Clifford Appleman ami
wile at their home near Liberty,
Austin Ough, ot Geneva. Xebr.,
was in town Weduesday forenoon j
and spent a few hours with his
cousin. Mrs. J. A. Shaffer, and hus
band. Mr. Ough is traveling for an
auto accessory company in Omaha.
Wednesday was observed by the
Seniors and their teacher as sneak ;
day. ami they hied themselves away j
to the woodlands near Ashland, i
where they enjoyed a picnic dinner
and never once thought of school
Mrs. H. L. Hornemeier and Mrs.
A. H. Stroemer attended the. First dis- '
trict convention of the Xebraska
Federation of Women's clubs, which
convened in Lincoln last Tuesday ,
and Wednesday. as delegates from i
this place. They returned home on.
Thursday morning.
The AIvo Pig club held its second
monthly meeting under the leader-,
ship of K. F. Johnson at the home
of .Mr. and Mrs. Will Timblin Mon-'
day evening. May 3rd. All members
were present, and there were some
very interesting discussions on the
subjects of "keeping, of records;" .
"weaning pigs;" "care of sow at !
wt-aning time" and "proper feed." (
Meeting adjourned to meet in June
with Herold McKinnon, after which'
ice cream and cal.e were t-crved.
P"r-.m Salurtlay's lntly.
The Cas County Improved Live
Stock Association held their annual
meeting in Mogen.-en's Hall lurre
Tuesday. Sum.' twenty of the promi
nent breeders of the county were
piesent which included some twelve
of the president of the different or
ganizations or auxiliaries of the as
sociation. In the election of officers for the
.permanent organization all old offi
cers were elected which were: Luke
Wiles president; K. C. Pollard, secre
tary; Searle Davis treasurer. Some
twelve other elections were mads
among the various auxiliaries.
It was decided at this meeting to
hold a live stock exhibit this fall of
the following lines of stock: Horses,
jacks, mules, cattle, hogs, sheep and
poultry, the date of which was to be
announced later.
A board of managers was elected
consisting of Luke Wiles, R. C. Pol
lard, Searle Davis and L. R. Snipes,
who will work out the plans. The
association plans to boost the boys
and girls clubs. Prizes on the whole
will be largely of ribbons and admis
sion free.
When the place for holding the
exhibit was discussed a committee of
Weeping Water business men pre
sented the association with a propo
sition which included the donation
of Dunn's pavilion, lights, water and
free local advertising, lots of good
will and a welcome to our city. This
proposition and the fact of our rail
road facilities and central location
brought forth a motion to hold the
exhibit here which received a unani
mous vote.
Mr. Proffs of the Extension De-
ff Tomorrow Alright
mm immmmMi V? A?-?5
k i f gSTTS TPJ "?7 ym'l jC? hit" fS1 M Sketch from acluitl photograph
r Jpy ; ttf I-stf AS 04 t$ KM W yy s!ioiiir tLc dibtinguislird psy-
tC-y r F 4xJ5. L XjtLs UfJ &f&1ss.Jk tholojfists tryuinc the ltrjsio
tr i m Vjj VrfA' ViaS' htffcH Test in the Edison Shop, New
fif . York.
I man iim tom ia.ina.
I KliAlsidM lib
Youve been hearing about the astonishing
realism of the New Edison.
Now you ask : "Is this realism so true-that
I feel the same emotions in listening to the
New Edison as I feel in listening .to the
living singer?"
Our answer is put the New Edison to
the test!
Mr. Edison devised his unique Realism
Test for this very purpose. Then he invited
distinguished psychologists to try it out.
Each of the three men got sensations that
were startlingly vivid.
"I could have sworn there was a living
singer standing behind me," said Dr. W.
partruent at Lincoln was present and
made a talk to the association in
which he aid there were thirty of
these associations in the state and
in many places they have taken the
place of the county fairs.
This is surely a good move for the
county to take up the work of im
proving the live stock of our sec
tion. Weeping Water Republican.
From Saturday's Daily
Robert Patterson and wife were in
Omaha yesterday consulting the spe
cialist who is treating Mr. Patterson
and he has given Mr. Patterson the
brightest hopes for his recovery of
his eyesight which has been affected
by his accident of a few weeks ago.
This will be pleasing news to the
many friends of this splendid young
man and they are hopeful that the
next few weeks will see him restored
to this most priceless of gifts his
From Saturday's Daily.
Yesterday afternoon the funeral of
Mrs. William Xixou was held from
the home of her daughter, Mrs. Hen
ry Ispecht on North Eighth street
and was attended by the members of
the family and a few close friends.
The services were in charge of Hev.
A. V. Hunter of the First Methodist
church who spoke briefly of the life
of the departed lady and gave words
of hope to the sorrowing children
and grandchildren. At the conclu
sion of the service the body was
borne to Oak Hill cemetery where it
was laid to rest.
County Commissioners C. P. Harris
of Union and William Atchison of
t Elmwood, returned this afternoon to
their homes going via the Missouri
We give it in our store. You can hear it exactly as did tie noted
psychologists tcho visited the Edison Shop on Fifth Avenue, Xt xv York.
Ask about our Budget Plan. It shorts you
how to buy your New Edison through Thrift.
rich He Hadraba
! Weeping Water Lad's Ford Plunges!
Off Bridge Lands Safely m
Deep Ditch Eelow.
From Friday's Dally.
Elmer Kintner. one of our junior
high school boys from the country,
will no doubt long remember his ex
perience Monday evening while driv
ing a Ford car south over, the west
bridge. For some reason the car
plunged through the railing on the
bridge and landed right side up some
vwenty feet or more in the creek be
low with the driver still clinging to
(he steering wheel when the car
The great speculation and wonder
from the large crowd that gathered
it the scene was how the boy could
make the leap in the car so great a
listance. and come out with only a
few minor scratches of so little con
sequence that he assisted in remov
ing the car from the creek and at
tended school next day.
In some way the car turned com
pletely around and was headed back
toward the bridge from whence it
leaped. Some said the car turned
over twice and a half while others
said twice. The driver thought it
turned three times during the de
scent. At any rate it was a miracle
that the boy escaped serious injury
or death.
As to what threw the car through
the railing is not known, whether a
broken radius' or whether the rut
in the bridge between the plank.
The only eye witness. Louie Paulson,
could not determine. Weeping Wat
er Republican.
For Sale:
quire of W. K.
10,000 bricks.
V. Bingham, Director of the Department
of Applied Psychology, Carnegie Institute
of Technology.
"I felt the presence of a living singer.
The accompaniment seemed by a separate
instrument," reported Prof. C. H. Farns
worth, Director of the Department of Music,
Teachers' College, Columbia University.
"The music filled my mind with thoughts
of jeace and beauty," said Wilson Follett,
Esq., noted music critic.
We'd like to have you come into our store
and try this same test. See what sensations
you get. The Realism Test is the conclusive
wayforjudgingtherealismof theNewEdison.
K. X. Wilson of Gr?at Divide, Col.,
Tells of Conditions in Northwest
ern Portion of That State
From Thursday's Daily.
A very interesting letter on con
ditions prevailing in northwestern
Colorado, has been received here by
Mrs. J. A. Wilson from her son, II.
K. Wilson, who has for several yeais
past been located in that state:
Great Divide. Colo.
April 23, 1920.
Dear Mother:
I've worked hard today, and am
awful tired tonight, but I want to
have a little "chat" with you befcre
I go to bed.
Have put a concrete . platform
around my pump today. Getting
ready to supply summer water for
the stock.
Have I told you that' I bought
some catttle? I've got eight high
grade Guernsey cows and a pure bred
bull. Will try the dairy business
for a while. Iiutter fat 'is 73 cents
per pound, so expect a neat income
this summer.
We've had a long winter, but are
ready for farming now and I never
saw the soil in better condition.
We've had about 3G inches of snow
and its all gone into the ground.
You know just what that means for
Have just finished the house and
will put down a silo this summer.
But I think the land is well worth
the improvement.
I can't keep from thinking of the
change in the country since I came
here. It was October, 1916. The
population of Moffat, Colorado, at
that time was 2.S00. Now it's 9.000.
We had two neighbors, one C miles,
the other 12 miles. Think of us
now with three neighbors in less
than U mile, (and one of them is
a first class doctor and surgeon).
Land is raising in price too.
Three years ago $S or $10 per acre
was considered a good price. A
place not far from here sold last
week for $11,000, and another for
$7,000, and this land will producp
just as much" wheat, oats, or any
pmall grain, as th3 higher priced
northern land will.
But a few places were filed on for
speculation. These can be had rea
sonable or cheap. Do you know of
anyone interested in this country?
If so, give them my name and ad
dress and I will be glad to answer
any questions, concerning the land,
location, etc.
Uncle Sam surely picked an ideal
home making country when he threw
northwestern Colorado open for
homesteaders. And his land is get
ting scarce, too.
Well mother its almost bed time,
so I will quit for this time. Write
me when you can. I'm expecting
to see you and the boys out her this
summer. Your son,
II. K. Wilson.
From Friday's Dally.
This afternoon Glenn Perry return
ed home from the St. Joseph hospital
in Omaha, where he has been for the
past two weeks recovering from tlu
effects of a very serious injury re
ceived as the result of being kicked
by a young colt at his farm home
south of this city. Mr. Perry ha
been in serious condition and li is
friends will be pleased to know that
he is now so much better that he is
able to return home, but It will b.
some time before he is entirely re
covered from the effects of the accident.