The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1920, Page PAGE TWO, Image 2
FLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL MONDAY, MAY 10. 1020. ASKS REASON WHY; 1 TIMELY QUESTIONS PAGE TWO I! ( 4 H ft Mrs. Annie I. White Says Bolsheviks f 8 Don't Just Exist They Are Mads Here at Home. "i B M S ; ft si N IS u ; ; - ll r : 1 j I ,.i r t 4! . i- 4 1 ;! H ; ii ii Your engine will start easier, de liver more power, run more quietly, develop less carbon, give less en gine trouble of all sorts when you use Polarine. Polarine not only maintains its body at ail engine heats, insuring full compression and power efficiency; it also keeps wear at n minimum. A. protective cushion of Pc 1 arine o n bearings and moving parts means operating economy with least vi bration and strain. Buy ?clar:ne for your motor where you j-.ii up wilii o: ;-ir.i:eae, power- full a Cv;,v i a .oline at first- service stations displaying tins sign. STANDARD OIL COMPANY (NEBRASKA) il u u ! V. -:::-::-::-:-:-i-M:-::x:-?-i n. ibmier, .cr-tury. ,.0.v stand the only pr-.:ii .ILii iL WAILK .U lie teaching tore for Uepubliean : : :i i ; r. '' : i r ir.l. :- :! . . I - Sii:::; and little soli !' tMlL.r.f li .Satin -si vi-lt wit!: Iht par-r.-. .it: I.e. I -::: u o. Mirncd Sunday -:! parr of t lie ;t-at a ci.apK' n ! )(-..rre far:-: Mr.-. rpl.y the v r had . . i ' I -! ; t I'ppe.l 1 i ;'! I th . oil, Frank 0:1 th farm. v a lot of s:iov - : t ay. va-i-tii-.'.: iji the y i ; aft-: th--transacted th" ; --ine (':.'. :-m: . ' h ?r :; t s ;u. 1 J. :.!. T. . trd-u ard J!r. F. To the Journal. Dear Sir: Will you allow me, through your paper, to ask a few questions that many others besides myself, would like to have answered. We have been paying our real estate taxes and listing our personal pro perty, and consequently, feel as if we had been burglarized. 1. Who are the particular Phar aohs who are responsible for this ex cessive taxation and to whom can one apply to for relief or remedy? Can the state, count- or city. through over taxation, deprive peo ple of the means of existence, and is there a fund being raised lor the en largement of poor houses so that the widows, orphans and others o de prived, may find a refuge, as there will certainly be a great exodus to such institutions? Is this taxation anyway, or just plain extortion? I. Of what advantage is it to ex pend money on universities, schools. ml other educational institutions, when such educational factors as books, pictures and engravings be abolished from homes because of taxation? T. Are clothes and shoes necessi ties or luxuries, and are we not taxed enough for them, when bought, with out an auued tax when worn out? G. If we must pay tax on kitchen utensils, would our legislative body kindly .show us an appetizing way to serve our food raw? 7. Is it consistent to evince such h rror of I'zarism in other countries and practice it in our own? S. fan it be possible that we are so busy dusting the door steps of ; other nations and bemoaning the so I called down trodden condition of their people, that we are oblivious to ccumulating mud on our own doorstelts. and bliiiil to tbe verv real perpetrated-on (Irandma K. I. Clark J ... - , ,11 last Thursday. April 2 Dili. It b.-ing ,,,s,,v-s ,,f our mvn down trodden, her birthday her three da ugh ter-in- j tax-ridden people? laws. Mrs. Fred (Mark Mrs. W.J 0. Is not ;:11 this Clark, Mrs. Vesta Clark, and three grandchildren, and her special friend, j Mrs. M. H. Shr.maker. came tin from : T-nif.n nrrnnrpil l wrv.. o i . ,.. r! unit a 1 11 CT COlint IK'S .' ATC We ado" for company for Mrs. j supper and the whole plan was kept bolshevism and Its horrors? Surely iroia i;iaimii:a uiuu sne i ei n rneu ail . t lie levci-iieadetl men nave not OMAHA O Pokirinei MOTOR OILS OSS! t- ; STANDAHO Oil tOMPtTf Ii"', OMAHA C3 Plattsmouth, Xeb. May C, 1920. Editor., of the Evening ' umler rignt d up next year i"; tiie s;:iH-rn:t in!":it. ry Konr.e. who was detained on -his visit lure ;"or several weeks (.!! account f the deaih-of his father. Mr. r're.l Ii, ,;;. kit Friday morning for Weiser. Maho. Emory is an en gineer on the railroad ami felt like lie mmht to ;ft back to work for the company. T 1 is wife remained here and v i'.l stay indefinitely with his mrlher until other arrangements tan - in i re: i i:o:i i hire. A now building is to be built at Syracuse and junior high school and a departmentalized lower grade :-vstc!ii is in prospect. Y. often talk afnnit being surpris- the ed l)-:t Tlie latest real surprise: was extortion, op pression, profiteering, etc., going to re-act most unfavorably on us. as on S:iTit. H. ; from the store and found supper in ii. TibLols ha-" accepted i readiness The real fimnv ii:irt nf ii .- s!?rir.t..ndfney of the school:-, at : it all was oa account of the threat-! Hvrains' t'.r the coming y. ar at ..0 . (.ni!..v rain. Mrs. Clark advised her. ; r cent im.-r.-as ovi r the salary paid j ra ,, dson thiit h i;aj better get home ; ):- tin,; yr-;.. Mr. Tibhels Las made t wlt h c;.r m-fore more rain should' -''''I ;it Waer and has , f..,nie. but he stiil lingered .How rude' ". nilr -.;: ; part itrula rly strong junior, ol lo t;ik,; ilis -randmother's advice.1 a::.l s. m..r ni-h. school ?yatvi.i. but; j:ut Hn Was well, the young man en- j ;:o' a candi late for r eelection -j0V(,(1 tiu, s,ipior and drove the car : ; in satety. Mrs. Shuniaker re maineii until hattirdav morning. iJ Will)! W I 9 11! til For tKe K::t few ds.ys cr until Urls ad c L.j i haiges, we Ki ,lA..LliiO farm- a : Dcnr.r? urc cultivcttoro Two-row New Departure cultivators . Jenny Cultivators j . . . . New Century cultivators B ich;er cultivators .Ml t'.vo-wlicc! ..rMinrr listers $ 24,50 105.00 29.50 49.50 49.50 67.50 v. licol riaintr liotcrs 7D.50 v.-i'Je tread listers 104.50 wheel corn planters 77.50, niov.':nr' niciis, th. AH i wo- re w liiter cu Dccrirv; and McCormicl 10 loot liay, 32 I. 1 1. C. and Strlin loaders, with Decrir. binders One 7-foot McCormick binder. . I v. o 3 4 i5ctcr Shultier v.-ons. Ore 31 4 Newton wagon lis, 5-ft. ore carriage 79.50 74.50 43.50 105.00 240.00 232.50 160.00 150.00 i I hice-MOitcin !NG BIMDUR TWINE at the VERY LOW PRICE CF, per lo . . . I h:; twine price is oir. lo advance soon All oi these fjooas have advanced from 10 to 20' A 1 (Alr Titan tractors . . . . ; . u. b. Factory . .$1,1C0.C0 DODGE, CLEVELAND AND CHANDLER CARS One 2d band Dodge touring car, 1918 model. $ 650.00 191o Ford touring car 7... . 350.00 biodel E, I. Id. C. truck, complete, grain O; ox and stock rack.. 2,000.00 jlzo Attractive Prices on All Goods Carried by a First Class Implement House. The Ir.rjdomcnt Man "!cr. Pkttcmouth, Nebr. TATE BANKERS ASK FOR INVESTIGATION Of Incgularities Alleged to be Per formed by Federal Keservc Bank Employees. from Thursday's Dally. Aiiarking the administration of :;' federal reserve act, state hankers li't i'i Peven states, included inioiiK whom is If. A. Schneider, of I he r'lattsmouth State Hank and II. K. Kraut?., of Kale. iresident of the state bankers' association, told the home rules and bankini; committees yesterday that federal employes by coercive methods were seeking to foct'e state bankers into the reserve -syrtem. The rules committee was asked to act favorably on the resolution of R-I.resentati ve Kiiif, republican, Il linois, proposing investigation of the administration of the federal reserve act, while the banking committee v;n rcijuested to report sin amend ment of the act authorizing a charge for exchange. II. Flood Mudison, e. state banker of Kastrop, La., te: tilled that it was not. mi 111100111111011 practice for fed eral reyervo banks to accumulate checks r.painst a state bank calling for twice a much as the last ca.-h reserve of the bank under the state biv:-, and then to present the checks for payment at one time. Describing similar practice, Itep res ntati vers King and Iteavis, repub lic; n.s, "a braska, said such actions were "the conduct, of a highway man." . , been killed off in the war! 1 have asked any number of people the ques tion "to whom shall we appeal for relief?" and have had the same reply from all, namely: "What's the use!" Well I know the answer to what's the use? It is Russia as it is at present. ANN IK I. WHITE. TO AUTO OWNERS! Observe These Rulings When You Sell or Trade. A. L. I'.ecf.i r, of I'liioii, v.aa in the city yesterday afternoon for' a few .hours, lnokiiig sitter some matters of busi lie;;.-?. In transferring a registered car, the transferor must endorse the cer tificate to the transferee and the transferor in turn mu.-t present the original certificate within ten days to the county treasurer, who shall Issue him a new certificate with such additional fes as the law requires, and promptly send the original cer tificate attached to the duplicate re ceipts to the Stale Department. In case the transferor does not care to continue his license, then he idiall surrender his certificate prop erty endorsed to the transferee and return his number plate to the coun ty treasurer per section 12. (In this case write on the certificate that the transferor does not want to keep or continue his original license.) Dealers shall forward all transfers on cars which they receive from cus tomers and other dealers to the coun ty treasurer under application for duplicate certificate which will be issued to them per section 13, with out charge, for their use when they rcrell tucli cars. MIKE TKITSCII, a30-Gd. County Treasurer. Mr. and Mrs Oris Sehliofert and 'on. n.rman and Mr. and Mrs. Ar nold Srhli?frt, all of Manley. were in tiie city yesterday afternoon, look-j ing after some matters of business. SEARCHES TOR TRUFFLES Postmaster I). -'. Morgan, who is a great lover of the toothsome truf fle yesterday secured the assistance of W. J. Streight and the (wo gen tlemen spent several hours along the sandbars northeast of the city search ing for their favorite food and reports-have it. that their largest fine was a large quantity of dark rich gumbo which they found to be over their shoe tops. Their enthusiasm however, was not diminished and they will continue their efforts until tiny land a fine batch of the truffles. fci Mfi--itvr 4ri4-'tv'i yp-Vi" - ' H THERE HE STANDS! GRAND old "Bull" Durham. Ho belongs in tills country's Hall of Fame. Can you think of a mora familiar figure ? For over half a century Uull lias been part of the'landscape; tha tobacco ho represents has made millions and millions of friendo. You can roll fifty-thrifty cigarettes from one bag. GENU INE yi-eJ gas we? S sia iota td Jj Wl!$$W itl Wh&K With EMI, paper you " I pawl - OF HEHAWKA Jewels Belonging: to ITe-hawka K. of P. Lodge Are Unearthed Behind Donat Building If it's in the book line, call at the Journal office. From Thursday's Pally. Yesterday afternoon I). StcIYcns, keeper of records and seals of the Xehawka Knights of Pythias lodge, was in the city in company with Ilenning Johnson of that place-and the two gentlemen recovered the le- mainder of the lodge jewels which had been missing since the robbery of the desk of the keeper of records in the lodge room on April 20th. The young man who had a hand in the affair in pulling off the rob bery had come to this city shortly after the robbery and while here vis ited the soft drink parlor of Kd Do not and engaged William Weber, who was in charge at the time in conversation and offered to sell him si number of stamps which would to tal near ninety cents for si half dollar. He also offered Mr. Weber a number of K. of P. jewels "which he wanted to sell and his jnissession of these led Mr. Weber to suspect that all was not sis it should be and he refused the offer. The man then left the place and nothing more was heard of the matter until the return of the young man to Xehawka when he was questioned and a part at least of the facts in the case unearthed by the lodge officers. It seems that the young man- had also offered for "sale to one of the Xehawka members of the order who happened to be in. this city the jewels, and on his reutrn home the robbery w;u discovered and th-? pirty pulling it off was .giv en the once over. Tie was finally in duced to tell what he had done with t!n missing jewels and he stated lie had left them hidden behind a pile of emptv cases near the building occu pied by Mr. Donat. A search yes terday disclosed the jewels reposing back of the near beer cases on the east side of the building of Mr. Do nat. where the youthful robber had hidden them. Mr. Stcffens departed for home vi!h the jewels and the lodge is saved the expenditure of the amount that the new set would cost them. Owing to t lie youth of the man and the fact that the only loss lias been ninety-four cents in stamps there will bo no prosecution against him by the lodge oflicers and in this he can feel very grateful as it has saved him a trip to the state reformatory. Attorney C. K. Tefft of Weeping Ws'.ter, was in the city for a few hours yesterday afternoon hooking after some matters of business in the county court. W. II. Shoemaker, wife and Mbi Edith Tiieile motored up this morn ing from Xehawka ami while Mr. Shoemaker spent the day here vis iting with iiis friends and looking sit ter business matters, Mrs. Shoe maker and Miss Thiele spent a lev hours in Omaha. B F , Timers for FORD CARS This little accesory on your Ford car will woik wonders. Starts easily in zero weather, puts pep into the motor. Easily installed lasts the life of your Ford. No oiling required. No rollers to wear out and short your motor. Money Back Guarantee With Every B. K. F. Timer Sold We have the agency for Cass county and carry a slock for immediate delivery. Call and have one installed. GARAGE AND REPAIR MEN We have a fine Sub-Agency Proposition for YOU. Studcbaker Cars Maxwell Cars and Trucks Repair and overhaul your car now Our shop is at your command. Shipment of denatured alcohol just arrived. n R 1 K l U t- tl i : fc & t k r t ' K u J. WOLRF, Main St. Garage Telephone 79 Block South of Postofhce T t J