The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 10, 1920, Image 1

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vol. xxxvn.
NO. 91
Ecrn in Hessen-Darmstadt. Germany,
July C. 1S44. and Was Brought
to America in 1850.
From T): v ,-silay's rially
Last evening the death messenger
cat. o suddenly to one of the old and
V i ' h ! y respect-: Ksidents of C'a-.s
county. Adam HiM. who without any
warning of the approaching end.
passed away. Mr. Ilild has been en
joying very good health and was en
gaged yesterday afternoon in work
ing around the home on Locust street
and seemed in the best of spirits as
lie came into the house shortly after
r o'clock and sitting down to rest
in a chair before the supper was
served, passed away as a candle
blown out by the fittering breath
of the wind. Mrs. Ilild was in an
adjoining room preparing the even
ing meal and hearing a sigh from
the husband glanced in and saw him
slipping down in the chair in which
lie was sitting, his death having come
in an instant. His death lias come
as a very great shock to the devoted
wife and the loving children who
have cherished th greatest affection
for the kindly father, as well as to
the host of friends who have known
Mr. Hild intimately and well during
his long residence in this county.
A-Liru Tliltf wa one of tbe jub.-t ."
tial residents of the county and his
loss to the community will be a se
vere one. He came to Cass county
in the early eighties and has had a
great part in the development of th?
county into one of th? leadinir agri
cultural communities in the stale and
and for the past two years has en
joyed a well earned rst at the home
in this city where he and his de
voted helpmate had hoped to spend
their declining years in the enjoy
ment of the fruits of their industry
and labor.
Adam Ilild was born in Ilessen
Darnistadt. Germany. July 0. 1 844.
being a son of George and Margaret
Hild. When a lad of six years of
age the parents with the little fam
ily migrated to the United States,
having sailed from the pore of Havre
and after a long and stormy voyage
in a sailing vessel reached the port of
N'ew Ycjrk and the land that they had
decided to make their future home.
For a little over a year the family
resided at Rochester. New York, and
from there departed for Tazewell
county. Illinois, where they located
near the city of Pekin and where the
father engaged in farming up to the
time of his death in 1SS1.. On Feb
ruary 2.". IS 09. Adam Hild was unit
ed in marriasre to Miss Elizabsth
Katherine Reeir. at the home near
Pekin. 111., and here the family re
sided until early in 1SS3. when they
came west to Nebraska and located
on a farm in Eight Mile Grove pre
cinct, where the family had made
their home through the years prior
to their coming to Plattsmouth to
make their home. When a lad at
1-orne in Illinois Mr. Hild entered in
to the life of the church and was con
firmed in the Lutheran faith at Pe
1; in. remaining a devout member of
that church until his death.
To mourn the death of Mr. Hild.
there remains the wife, five sons and
two daughters. Michael, Tlatts
mouth; Jacob. Mynard; George.
Plattsmouth; Philip A.. Mynard;
Frederick Murray; Mrs. Anna
Piis. Muray: Mrs. Emma Friedrieh.
Cedar Creek. Two brothers. Philip
Hild of Pekin. Illinois and Michael
Hild of Ottumwa. Ia.. are also left to
share the grief that the passing of
this good man has occasioned.
The funeral services will be held
cm Saturday afternoon at 2 o'clock
from the St. Paul's Evangelical
church in this city. Rev. Robert
ilusendorf will have charge of the
If it's in the card line, call at
the Journal office.
The fact that for the past two
weeks not a marriage license has
been issued from the office of County
Judge liteson. led the judge to re
mark the other day that his line of
goods is the only one that has not
been ulTected by the high prices and
that the licenses are issued for the
oid pre-war figure at $2 each.
Whether it is because the judge has
not kept up to date in making the
price of the licenses high enough to
be attractive or the general high cost
of living has struck terror to the
youth of the community is not to be
passed on but certainly it would seem
that there has been a very pro
nounced slump in the marriage mar
A. C. Wunderlich, Traveling Agricul
tural Agent. Will Ee in Cass
County During Coming Week
from Friday's Dally.
The development of the stale o'
Montana as an agricultural state has
been one of the greatest boosts for
the northwest and a great many of
the residents of the states wiuie the
high price of land has checked
tlu development of the fami ng in
dustry are looking to the nox'.hvcst
as a place of expansion. Car! F.
Schmidtiiiann of this city has for The
past two years been largely inter
ested in the Montana land market
and has a large amount of splendid
land in that state that is wellsui:?'!
to farming and stock raising To
iive a further insight into tha possi
bilities that awaits the iu
Montana. Mr. Schmidtmann nas uees
very fortunate in securing the ser
vices of A. C. Wunderlich, traveling
agricultural agent of the Northern
Pacific rialroad, who is to be in Cass
county the coming week with a dis
play of the products of the Beaver
Valley and lake basin country vi
Montana. This display will give a
clear insight into what the state pro
duces and is well worth the time .m i
cittention of any one seeking a faim
or home in the northwest. The dis
play will be shown through the
county on the following dates: Mon
day. May 10th at the postoffice at
I'nion. Tuesday. May 11th, Hiatt
Tutt store. Murray; Wednesday, May
12th, at Sheldon's store, Nehawka
Thursday, May 1.1th, at Partner's Un
ion Mercantile .Co., Louisville; Fri
day and Saturday. May 14-15. at "he
William Schmidtmann harness shop.
Squad of Soldiers from Fort Omaha
to Try and Erect Wireless Out
fit Here for Test Work.
From Friday's Dally.
A party of soldiers from the avia
tion department of the army, and
who are stationed at Fort Omaha,
have been in the city for the past
two days looking over a suitable lo
cation for the erection of a wireless
outfit for the purpose of making dis
tance tests. The party is in charge
of a captain and has been compelled
to wait for additional equipment be
fore making the tests, as it 'will be
necessary to erect masts on seme of
the buildings here to take and send
the messages.
It is thought that probably the
court house will be used for the
purpose of a station and another
building in that portion of the city
selected as the other station.
This has grown to be one of the
important parts of the operation of
the army, and particularly in the
aviation department of which the
post at Fort Omaha is one of the
most important in the country at
this time.
A seven room house and two lots
on north Sixth street, city water, gas
and electricity. Five room cottage
on north Ninth street, and two va-
j cant lots on North Eighth street
i Acreage to exchange for property
' closer in.
3t-d St-w. R. 11. WINDHAM.
Visitors Put on Ritualistic Work of
the Order in Fine Shape Lunch
eon Enjoyed After Meeting
e'rom Thursday's Dally.
Last evening the members of
Piattsmouth Aerie No. Cfi,", Fraterral
Order of Eagles, enjoyed one of their
finest meetings for a number of
months and as a result of which
they received into the membership
twenty-nine new members who are
now full fledged Eagles. The meet
ing was quite well attended by the
members and the occasion one that
will long be pleasantly remembered
by those who were in attendance.
The South Omaha degree team, the
best drilled and equipped team in
tne state, was present to take charg;
of the initiatory work which was
held at Coates hall owing to the
large class and the large number in
attendance and the visiting team in
their work emphasized the beautiful
ritualistic work of the order in
splendid shape and impressed the les
sons taught by this great fraternity
upon the new members.
State Vice President William Bar
clay of this city, gave a short ad
dress to the membership on the work
of the order and the lessons taught
by the principals upon which the
cwder -'- -foundeO aril his remarks
were very much enjoyed by the mem
At the conclusion of the initia
tory work the member.- enjoyed a
splendid social tinv? for several hours
and during which n most enjoyable
luncheon was serel in the clu
The result of the campaign of the
local aerie of the Eagles has giver
splendid results in the increase f
the membership of this popular or
der and the members are well pleased
with the exceptionally fine young
men that they have gathered into
their order and who will be able to
assist in the plans that the i-;agies
have for future growth.
From Friday's Dally.
The meeting yesterday aftern on
at the Modern Woodmen hall at the
close of the American Legion Auxil
iary meeting was quite largely at
tended and was addressed at some
length by Miss Margaret Schafner
ef Chicago, who pointed out the veed
for an organization to study the po
litical questions of the day and to
conduct a non-partisan discussion of
the public questions and to instruct
the ladies on the different questions
that would affect them and the home.
The need of uniform state laws was
also pointed out by the speaker. As
the result of the meeting a tempor
ary organization of the Non-Partisan
League of Voters was formed with.
Mrs. E. H. Wescott as chairman, Mrs.
Van Burkel, secretary and Mrs. J. E.
Wiles, treasurer. It is hoped within
the week to get in touch with every
woman of the county and enroll them
in this league.
Meeting at M. W. A. Hall Quite
Largely Attended and Unit Starts
With Favorable Circumstances
From Friday's Dally.
Yesterday afternoon in response
to the invitations issued by the local
post of the American Legion, the la
dies of the city representing the ser
vice women of the community, gath
ered at the Modern Woodmen hall to
organize the local unit of the Wo
man's Auxiliary of the American Le
gion. The meeting was called to order
the Hugh J. K ear us post, of the le
gion and Mrs. II. 'J. Heiieger was
elected temporary chairman of the
gathering the result of the call for
the election of officers was as fol
lows: Mis. H. J. Henegcr. president; Mrs.
M. E. Buttery, vice president; Miss
Helen Lutz, secretary; Mrs. Robert
Ward, treasurer; Mis3 Mathilde Soen
niehseii. Miss Dora ' Fricke, Mrs. M.
B. Allen, Mrs. G. 1L Ciiniuie of Mur
ray, and Mrs. Edward C. Ripple, exe
cutive commit tee.
The attendance v, as quite large de
spite the unfavorable weather condi
tions and the members of th3 unit
enrolled at the commencement of the
organization was thirty-five. Th-?
mothers, wives ami tisttrs of the
members of the American Legion and
of the men who wer Killed or died
in the service of tht:r country are
eligible and a much larger number
is expected to be enrolled in the fu
ture as a nmnber of the ladies were
unable to be in at I e i. dance at the i
opning meeting, ut those present
displayed the greu'esi f interest in
the proceedings ana t:iat the unit
will be a success is without saving.
Privates to Eraw Munificent Su.u of
S56.25 Per Year, Inclusive of
Annual Drill Period.
?rom Friday' Dally,
A machine gun company of
First Nebraska National guard wi
be organized in Omaha in addition
to the four infantry companies and
regimental medical unit, Amos
Thomas, chairman f the guard's
organization committee. has an
nounced. The six units will comprise the
lirt battalion of th; guard and will
rse the Auditorium r.3 its he.ulquar
(.ers. ,
Federal pay annually for t he
guardsmen was announced a few
days ago as follows: First sergeants.
$149.50; sergeants. $101.r0; cor
porals, $7T.7T. ;
chanics, $7r.75;
cooks. ?H1.:0; me
first class privates.
$G7.50; privates.
25; buglers.
All equipment and uniforms will
be furnished free, whbii will include
a complete outfit of machine guns
ami ot'.ur equipment for the mach
ine gun company.
bv Aubrey Duxburr, commander
leading out cf town into the coun
Local Wrestler Victor in 2 Straight ; tr- The own of Giiiete was filled
Falls at Parmele None Wil- Iwith th? homesteaders who were try-
line to Tackle Bear.
From Thursday's Daily.
Last evening the Parmele theatre
was well filled to witness the
ling match staged between Frank j made the first attempt to travel over
Schmarder of this city and Kay Zim- ' the snow bound roads that Miss Good
mer. of Aberdeen. South Dakota, and i ing and a lady school teacher resid-
in which the local wrestler proved
his ability at pinning the Dakota
man for two straight falls.
Zimmer was advertised as the ex
middleweight champion of the world,
but failed to demonstrate champion
ship form against the aggressive
work of Schmarder. The first fall
required forty minutes when Schmar
der with scissors and half nelson
dumped the visiting champion. The
second fall was in fifteen minutes,
with a head scissors and a single
Avrist lock that forced Zimmer to the
The big bear, John Brown, which
was brought here by his owner. Bud
White, entertained the crowd during
the evening with a lively bout with
his trainer, a husky Italian wrestler,
who has accompanied White and the
bear on .their tour of the country.
The antics of the bear in the wrest
ling game, proved a pleasing diver
sion of the evening. . No one appear
ed to claim the $10 that had been
offered for anyone to stay ten min
utes with the bear as the size of the
animal scared away the prospective
Lee J. Mayfield and wife or the
Courier, drove down yesterday after
noon from Louisville and spent a
few hours attending to some matters
of business.
Bead the Journal.
In Kentucky, Receiving 22 Instruct
ed Eelegates cf State's 26
Hocver is Satisfied.
Fr'ir. Thursday'. Iai;y.
On returns from two-thirds of
the prt cincts i;i the state. It is esti
mated that Johnson's majority over
Hoover in California will be about
Indications from nearly two-thirds
of Indiana show a final plurality for
Wood over Johnson of from 8.000 to
10.000. Lowden ran a poor third in
the Indiana race, and Harding came
in for fourth place.
Twenty of Kentucky's 2C dele
gates in the democratic national con
vention go instructed to vote for
Governor Cox of Ohio, "so long as
his name shall remain before the
convention. These include the four
delegates at large (consisting of eight
( delegates, each with a half vote)
, and sixteen district delegates, in
structed by their respective districts.
I Herbert Hoover has issued a state
ment following the determination of
jthe result in California, in which lie
expresses surprise that "under the
I circumstances so large a vote should
, have been east in California for the
! delegates favoring my nomination."
. 1 lie nidi, l.ilvl v limn iuwh . 1
'the p.irtr protected againsv Senator
j Johnson's stand on the treaty by vet- j
, ing for him seems highly pleasing to'
Mr. Hoover, and must serve to miti
, ate somewhat the sting of defeat
at least that's the impression given
bv the ex-food administrator.
From Fridays Daily j
Miss Stella Gooding of this city.
I who recently returned to the west
; where she will spend the summer on
her homestead near Gillette. Wyom
I ing. had a very trying experience in
I reaching the homestead. At the
"me sne reacneu uineiee. mere nau
heen vt"ry heav-v sno's and which ,
. had completely blocked up tne roaas
in to reach tneir cla,ms aml " was
i , , : , ..... .
ove-r a weeje oeiore jiim uuuuiiir u
able to get started for her home
which is situated some forty miles
from Gillette. It was only through
kindness of a mail carrier who
ing near the homestead of Miss Good
ing, were able to reach their destin
ation and the drive was one they will
not long forget.
Passes Away at Home of Daughter,
Mrs. Hetiry Specht After Illness
of Several Months.
From Thursdays Dailj
Last evening Mrs. William Nixon
j passed away at the hom of her
daughter Mrs. Henry Specht on rorth
Eighth street following an illness of
several months duration and during
which time she has been a sufferer
from cancer of the stomach. Mrs.
Nixon at the time of her deata
was aged 53 years, 11 months and
twentysix days and has for different
periods made this city her home for
a number of years, but for the last
few years Mrs. Nixon has resided
with her daughter at her home. Dur
ing her illness she has been tended
with loving care but the nature of
her sickness gave but little hope of
her recovery and she has gradually
grown worse until death came to her
The funeral services will be held
on Friday afternoon at 2 o'clock from
the home and the interment had at
the Oak Hill cemetery.
In their loss the family will re
ceive the tleepest sympathy of the
community and the friends who were
privileged to know this estimable
lady in her life time.
Ida Mills was born in Marshall
town. Iowa. May 11th. 1S0C. and
j spent her early girlhood in that stat?.
At the age of nineteen she was unit
ed in marriage to William Nixon at
Oallatin. Mo. To this union three
children were born: Anna May Tin
ker of Avoca, Mary Allen, dying in
infancy and Ella Frances Specht of
this city. She leaves also the hus
band and five grand children to
mourn her death, all of whom were
I present when she passed away. Mrs.
Nixon united with the Baptist church
I at the age of twelve years and re
J mained a member ever after and her
Christian life and training leaves a
splendid heritage to the family who
are to mourn her death.
Social Gathering of the Ladies Quite
Largely Attended and a Delight
ful Time Enjoyed by Everyone
From Friday's Dally.
Last evening the ladies of the De
gree of Honor held their regular
combined business and social meeting
and one which was quite largely at
tended by the members of the order.
The business of the society occu
pied the opening portion of the ses
sion and at its conclusion the mem
bers proceeded to enjoy the evening
in a very pleasant informal manner
with conversation and visiting as
well as participating In a very dainty
luncheon which the ladies had pre
pared for the occasion and which
served to complete a most tlelightful
From Thursday's Vlf.
The many friends of Wayne Mur
phy, former Plattsmouth boy, and
who for the past two years has been
with the Burlington offices in Oma
ha, will be surprised to learn that he
has severed his connection with the
railroad company and has accepted i
a position in St. Louis with one of
the large corporations of that city,
j During his time with the Bur
lington, Mr. Murphy was employed
as a traveling accountant and was
one of the expert accountants of the
company. The old friends here will
wish him the greatest of success in
his new location and trust that he
may have only the best of luck in
the new home.
From Thursday's Dally.
' Clerk of the District Court James
M. Robertson has received notice
from, the state board of control that
the new reformatory for delinquent
women at York has been opened and
jQm ' " ' t
. Wisdom! Caution! Protection!
Wisdom recommends caution. Caution necessi
tates protection and protection for your valuable
papers, deeds, wills, contracts, maps, policies, etc.
suggests a safe deposit box at this bank.
The cost is small the protection sure. Easily
accessible and particularly convenient at the First
National Bank.
The First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
"The Bank Where You Feel at Home"
From Richardson County to Omaha
Sentiment is in Favor of Making
Request for State Aid Bridge
From Frioay's Dally.
Just what the people of the east
ern counties of the state think in
g..."1 to the i : .-position of a me
(;;':; over th Platte river at t.i.s
point is showi by the number of a. .
orable requests that have been pre
sented to the board of county com
missioners in regard to the proposi
tion. In Cass county over 4 00 people
have signified their desire for the
free bridge and 14 Z froi Nemaha
county and 0" from Falls City have
lined up for the bridge proposition.
At Nebraska City a petition for Otoe
county has a large number of M'gna
tures that will probably exceed t hi t
of Cass county before it is presented
to the county commissioners for con
sideration. Against the suggestion of a fr.-e
bridge only a petition of eighty-six
names from the extreme western por
tion of the county has been present
ed and in many cases these were not
against a free bridge but rather fav
ored the securing of both the Platts
mouth and Louisville bridges.
The fact that the people of this
?ectiou of the state have been contri
buting to the funds that have placed
free bridges over the streams in other
parts of the state and have derived
no benefit themselves, owing to their
not taking advantage of the oppor
tunity, has led many to believe that
this condition should change anil
that the state be requested to assist
in getting a free bridge over the
Platte here on the main traveled
north and south route from Kansas
City to Omaha and which would be a
boon to the residents of not only
Cass county, but Otoe, Nemaha,
Richardson and Johnson and Pawnee
as well.
The citizens who have been agitat
ing the matter feel much encouraged
over the showing made and hope
that success will soon crown their
is now ready for occupancy for cases
that demand the care 6f the state.
The home is provided for by house
roll No. 407 and females of fifteen
years of age or upward are to be
sent there for" misdemeanors which
they may be convicted of. The state
board has requested that application
be made in advance before persons
are sentenced to that institution as
the capacity of the Institution la