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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 6, 1920)
THURSDAY, MAY 6. 1020. PAGE TWO PLATTSMOUTH SEMI-WEEKLY JOURNAL I TIMES jj arir,HE only tires built to an ad- vertised Ideal an Ideal that definitely indicates the policy and aim of the makers of Fisk Tires. I The Fisk Ideal: "To be the best concern in the world to work for, and the squares t concern in f existence to do business with." i. Next time BUY FISK L F, TERRYBERY J LOCAL NEWS I'l'.lii T!. 'J t ,i!:iy".; Dally. L. I!. C;ii!ioy f Murdotk. was in t! .. oi'y ve-terday for a few hours ii:r' aft.-, r some matters of busi- II "-ir . Dr. C. (J. Dumlass of Klmwoot. ar i ivd i ! t i ; I'.iirz to attend the fun :;i! t' "l is brother, the late Judge J. J.'. D,.u-la-s. Mrs. Uaehael I'.-r.l of Cedar Creek, v, .: in the ( iy today for a few hours looking af' r some trading with the ;: : h:"at.--.. I'i'iv.iy ( V.mniis.-iouer William At-!-; ::! of Mihi wo:l. came in this ! iiil::'-r ' l.,k after some matters : l.ibi.i.'.-- :-t iie court bouse with tie numbers cf the beard. Ia c J. ;.;. field, e.'.itor of the Lou : . ;;; i' :'.iri r. and Mrs. Mayfield ov r .-ierday afternoon frotn tii ir 1 1 i r i and spent a- few hours here in the county seat visiting with their friends. Fro-.Ti Friday's Dally. Frank I. Sheldon, of Nthawka, wa-: in-ilie city today for a few hours looking after some matters of business. John A. llennings of near Louis ville, was In the city today for a few hours attending to some matters of business and visiting with his friends and relatives. Kvan Urown and wife of Green wood, were in the city over night as guests at the home of Mr. ami Mrs. Karl A. Stanfield. Mr. Drown return ing this morning to Greenwood. and calling on his friends. Henry Heebner the manager of the Cedar Creek elevator, was in the city this morning for a few hours enroute home after an over Sunday visit at .Murray. Kalph Larson, of the Hank of Com merce of Louisville, was in the city j over Sunday visiting with his par ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. G. Larson, re turning this mowing to Louisville. Pollock I'armile came in this morning from the ranch near Ocon to, Neb., and will visit here for a short time with his father, C. C. Parmele and other relatives and friends. : From Monday's Dally. Attorney C. L. Graves of Cnion, was in the city today for a few hours attending to some business matters i at the court house. Dr. 1?. F. Hrendel of Murray, was in the city today for a few hours at tending to some matters of business r. U . PS fc ( i i- .-1 U f Z V i t' P me Heal Bargains in Farm implements. Fcr ihe next few days or until this ad changes, we will offer the following exceptional bargains in farm ing implements: New Departure cultivators .....$ 24.50 Two-row New Departure cultivators 105.00 Jenny Linde Cultivators . 29.50 New Century cultivators 49.50 Badger cultivators 49.50 All two-wheel riding listers 67.50 Ail four-wheel riding listers 79.50 All. wide tread listers 104.50 High wheel corn planters 77.50 Two-row li3ter cultivators 79.50 Deerin- and McCormick mowing mchs, 5-ft. . 74.50 10? foot hay rakes, 32 teeth 43.50 I. H. C. and Sterling loaders, with fore carriage 105.00 Deerir.-r binders 240.09 U Two 34 Peter Shuttler wagons 160.00 One 34 Newton wagon 150.00 One 7-fcct McCormick binder, 232.50 3 'i WE ARE NOW SELLING DEER ING BINDER TWJNE AT THE LOW PRICE OF, per lb . . . VERY 16c 1 his twine price is going to advance soon vll of ihece goods have advanced from 10 to 20 . Thrce-boUom Titan tractors $1,100.00 . o. b. Factory DCDGE, CLEVELAND AND CHANDLER CARS 0:;c JA liand Dodge touring car, 1918 model. $ 650.00 One 19!8 Ford touring car. . .' . . . 350.00 One Model E, I. I I. C. truck, complete, grain box and stock rack 2,000.00 Also Attractive Pricey on All Goods Carried by a First Class Implement House. The Implement Man Plattsmouth, Nebr. From Tuesday's Dally. John McKay, assessor of Weeping i Water was in the cit- yesterday at tending to some matters at the court l-.ouse. G. P. Meisinger of Cedar Creek, was in the city today for a few hours visiting with his relatives and look ing after some matters of business. Former County Commissioner Hen ry J. Miller of Alvo, was in the city today visiting with hi.s many friends and attending the session of trie county board. County Commissioner William At chison of Elmwood and C F. Harris of Union, came in this morning to attend the session of the county board at the court house today. Misrf Elizabeth Heil. who has been spending a few days at Louisville at her home has returned to this city to assist in the ?are of the two children of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cloidt. The return of Miss Heil has enabled Mr. Cloidt to resume his duties at the postoflice. From Wednesday's Daily. U . A. Cleghorn of Louisvilie, was in the city today looking after fune matters at the court house. Attorney C. L. Graves of Union, was in the city yesterday for a few hours attending to some matters of business. Robert Shrader of Murray, was in the city yesterday for a few hours attending to some matters of busi ness. H. F. Dill of Murray, was in the city today for a few hours looking after some trading with the mer chants. W. L. Crawford of Union, was in the city yesterday afternoon for a few hours looking after some matters of business at the court house.. Robert McCrcary of Weeping Wa ter, was in the city yc&terday for a few hours attending the meeting of the board of county commissioners. I). J. Pitman and W. 1 I. Puis of Murray, were in the city yesterday for a few hours looking after some matters of business at the court house. K. O. Steihm, called here by the death of his father-in-law. Judge J. E. Douglass, departed last evening on No. '2 for his home at Blooming ton, Indiana. Andrew Anderson, Peter Anderson and wife, and Edward Heneger. from near Weeping Water, were in the city yesterday for a, few hours look ing after some matters with the coun- ty commissioners. While here Mr. An drew Anderson called at the Journal to renew his subscription to the semi-weekly. Attorney Ju-eph A. Capwell of Elmwood, was in the ctyy yesterday afternoon for" a few hours looking after some matters of business in the county court. John Murtey, the Alvo lumber dealer, accompanied by John Skinner of that place was in the city yester day atttending to a few matters at the court house in regard to the con tracts for lumber. D. C. Tucker of Alva, Oklahoma, who has been here in attendance nt the funeral of his sister', Mrs. Nancy Hayless, which was held at the Mt. Pleasant cemetery, was in the city today and called at the Journal of fice for a few minutes. Mt Tucker will leturn home the first of next week. : j r,-i.J ' ! . '- - J.. - mimm -1 COYOTES STILL COME IN From Monday's Dai I v. This morning the coyote market presided over by County Clerk George Sayles, received a large consignment of scalps of the animals that the state is desirous of having cleaned out ai d if all th-; trinities of il.e state prove as industrious as Cass county, there is no doubt that they will be successful. Harley Cecil proved that his training has not been confined to selling clothes as he and John Rutherford, Jr., were fortunate enough yesterday to secure a mother coyote and five young ones while hunting on the Platte bottom. Mrs. J. II. Welch of South Bend was also among those to claim the bounty of $.'! per head for the coyotes as she presented the scalps of nine to the county clerk and was given the reward. YOUNG PEOPLE SECURE DIV0ECE From Mimnay's Iallv. This morning a dcree was entered in the case of Agnes Jorgensen vs. Henry Jorgensen. both parties re siding in the vicinity of Weeping Water. The plaintiff gives her pres ent age as Hi. while the defendant is only 20 years of age. The parties were married at Plattsmouth, Decem ber 7, 1H1S, and separated in May. HUH. The charge preferred by the plaint ill' was desertion. The court, after hearing the evidence in the case, granted the prayer of the plain tiff and entered a decree of divorce. f T T f f T T f t f V : f f r r y t Y Y Y f f y L Reid Murdoch &ca C H I C A G cVy wmn m u urn m r CFF IIP II "OUR HIGHEST QU ALSTY" 3r!b Can 1.65 55c SINGLE POUND! One gallon apricots 90c One gallon peaches 90c No. 2j2 size tomatoes with puree. 20c No. 2 size can tomatoes I 5c Baby lima beans, No. 2 can I 5c Corn, 2 cans for 35c Kraut, No. 2 can I 0c Pumpkin, No. 2 can I Oc No. 2 can plums, heavy syrup 20c Govmt. pork and beans, No. 3 can . 20c Potted tuna fish I 0c Potted sardines I Oc Apple butler, 30-oz. jar 50c 3 E. C. corn Hakes 25c 2 large bars Excello bath soap. . . .25c Ivory starch, per pkg 5c !00 bars Swift's white soap. . . .$6.25 I 00 bars Kings Naptha soap. . . .$7.00 Elbow macaroni, per lb I 5c Bar Lenox soap 5c Bar D. C. soap 5c Pinto beans, 3 lbs. for 25c Navy beans, 2 lbs. for 25c Cracked rice, 2 lbs. for 25c Head rice, 2 lbs. for 35c Marshmallow crcmc, z-h. can. . .25c Hen scratch, per lb 5c Baby chick feed, per lb. 5c WE HAVE FRESH MILK EVERY DAY PHONE 53 Hfl V(J U titan LA 3 !-S .1 IK T. 1' EM l. w vr w u 5 a vlv c j w t. ki u 9 f PQi3E 54 A Y y v t t y y t ? y A V f V t r DEPARTS FOR CALIFORNIA SHIELD-CRAVEN WEDDING from Monday's Dally. The wedding of Miss I.ut-ille Crav en. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John (.'raven and John P. Shields will oc- :ur on Wednesday morning at the St. Cecelia cathedral in Omaha. CASS COUNTY FARM FOR SALE For sale, a farm of 125 acres, well improved, heg tight, 11 acres prair ic, good house, barn, hay shed, ce ment walks, garage, granary, corn crib, wash house, wood house, cob house, chicken house, shop, machine shed. Located 4 miles from Union on state road. J. M. CIIALFANT, jl9-2j; 2d) Union, Neb. FOR SALE Yellow dent seed corn, 1018 crop. FRED SCHN'KISKLOTIU Ft. Crook, Neb. " 1 i MMmm I i &f CfcjrJcri Jot ' ti ' i;:MSmW 1 ECONOMICAL IK OPERATION! Delco-Light costs no more to operate than the old coal-oil lamps. One gallon of coal oil gives you four times as much light when uaed for fuel in Delco-Light j a3 it gives in coal-oil lamps. Write for Catalog 1SY ROSENTHAL, Dealer PHONE WALNUT 999 Omaha, Nebraska WHERE IS TINNER'S; i'Vncl. a miner from Callowav. V. THERE IS HEALTH H'rotn Monday's Dallv. Yesterday morning Mr. and Mrs. J. N. Darger departed fr(m this city for Is Angeles, California, win re they expect to make their home i;i the future. They will go via Kan sas City, traveling over the Santa Ke out of the Missouri city. Mr. and case of constipation, headache, stoni-! Mrs. Parger have ben preparing for at-n-acne. mc. causeu oy ine vuiaieu everal months to move to the Cali- :i 1 1 1 -11 tic li ! ! i 1 1 r I. i' in -v. . U - ('illllt V pi i'r 1 I'ornia city where their son. Karl and I'lC'r daughter Mrs. Hoy Keuland :i.o. family are new making their home. TJ r? friends ar.1 cry loath to set tl:!? estimable family leave the city, but trust that the best of success may be their lot in the new home. JUSTICE COMES CHEAP from Monday's Dally. Ptdice Magistrate M. Archer and hi.s opponent at the primary, V. 13. Itishel, today filed their expense ac counts with the county clerk ami the total sum expended was $T each for the filing fee. Doth gentlemen will contest at the November election. A. A. Wetencamp, the successful re publican candidate for county com missioner also filed his expense ac count and shows that the nomina tion did not cost him the expend! ture of one cent to secure the honor of opposing C. F. Vallery at the No vember election. il I i I .;- 1 In I i-nf l.i- i.' i ' I i ."'Ills i II I I II - 1 ill ! ' s;i j,i ! -Ii. I'iii:;' :. .-i.i.v i." tU i. I I ! ' 't-i X i - in. hi t I ; .1 . mi :i;i I. ;i v.. i,,: j I v !li'v.- ji;l l..-,- M lllt .1 j, j. I ins siogan is correct even ii!iiT ; '"" ' -wi v. we. k.- tlu- worst t ircum-tances. Mr. A. K. ,:,v '" '"''""r- . iiriivs liiy nami, nml i;i , 1 sanI lift, tin's illi !a !' .Ma A. I I't n Va.. wrote us tn January 15. 1H20: j Ai.LKX j. i;i: i:s ., "A to the results of Triner'.s Amor- ' "V;1 1 ;vv '.n;nty .imi.', ican Klixir of Hitter Wine, I recom-j T mend it sincere lv to the miners in iii: tir iii:uim; a..... ....... .... a mr 1 III illrlll if V (. 1 1! I. la III tV-.miy ("unit hi t'a-s.s tiniii- N i lii a -k a. nl N I ra . li.i . "a.s ii'iiil. . ! Ill Till II '! ! k 1 hi!' '..k ii Ill II... blasting, when the miner returns too.tat.- ,,t Wiiiiain 'iaini. ,iii,.tsi,i: t-arlv to hi.s work before the smoke! '' I'-iniinu- ti:v iiitiiinn ir M.ny .1. and dust have been sufficiently re- T,;!y!'"' a! s. 1 1 ' ami , . , . ,.,-'- . a ! luv.a n. nl !n r a. mint a'cd in Ihi- moved. Trmers American l-.lixir ot ,,,., ,,h ,,.,v Mav .,,, 15itter Wine makes me and my broth-; fm- ii r i!isiiiaiKi as a.iministi ati i r ;r more hardened and keeps us in sli,'"': , , , . ... . . , T It is Iiiti-1v uri't ri d that vim ami good health and others to whom I iM1 ,ns j,,,,, ,.st.,i i sai.i mattn- have recommended this remedy re-'iia. ami Nt. apii ar at the fnurnv the f.'ime result." If Triner's ' ""'t ,n heii m and tur .-aid ci'im- iir of the mine or by the powder- j smoke and carbon gasses alter ' port remedy helps under stances, it n'ui t be good, and its re sults in normal conditions must be peerless. Ask your drugsrist or deal er in medicines also tor inner s Liniment whkh is oxerl'rnt for rheumatism", neuralgia, sprains, swel lings, etc. Jn-.orh Trner Company. l::;:;-4.'5 S. Ashland Ave.. Chicago, Illinois. . t JOHNSON IS CALLED 'SMALL AMERICAN' Des Moines. Ia., May 4. In urg ing adoption of a resolution instruct ing officials of the Methodist general conference in session here today, to declare for a league of nations, Dr Frank Larkin. delegate from Califor nia, undertook to knock lliram John son out of a big lot of votes in Cali fornia primary to be held Tuesday. lie said Johnson was a "small Amer ican" and if the conference would come out in a declaration for the league of nations, it would have its effect on Tuesday's primaries in his home state. The resolution was referred to the committee on state of the church. NEMAHA VALLEY WHITE.' A pure type of corn. From a field of ten acres we did not find an ear of red cob. A large corn, ears in a good crop will run 12 inches in length, rows 20. some 22 and 24. Matures in 110 days. This corn nleases us so well that the name originates with us and is called Nem aha Valley White. We recommend this corn to every grower because the results given the past seasons have been more than satisfactory. Price $4.50 per bushel, shelled and graded; seamless bags 70c each ex tra. Kdward Bart ling Seed Co., Ne braska City, Nebraska. The merchant who Goesn't afirer tise only when business is good wiP eventually quit it entirely. enni:u or ii i:mt; lind Xeliee of I'roliiur- of AVill In tin- Count v Court of Cass county, N'el.raska. State of Nebraska, County of Cass, To tin- heirs and all persons interest ed in the estate of Humphrey loo Old ham,'il: n readinq: tiie petition of Sara!) M. oldham praying: that the instrument tiled in this court on the lth day of April, l'li'o. and purporting to be the last will and testament of the said de ceased, may be proved, and allowed, and recorded as the last will and tes tament of llumplirey Oldham, de ceased; that said instrument be ad mitted to probate, and the adminis tration of said estate be granted to Sarah M. Oldham as executrix; It is hereby ordered that you nnd all persons interested in said matter may. and do. appear at the County Court to be held in and for said oounlv, on the '."itli day of Stay, A. 1 ., lOi'O, at ten o'clock a. in., -to show cause, if any there be. why the prayer of the peti tioner should not be granted nnd that notice of the pendency of said petition clock a. 111., to show cause. i !' any tin -why tl,e prayer of tiie petitioner -diould not be granted, ami tiiai notice ok the pendency of said pitition ami the healing thereof be sivi;i to all persons interested in .-aid matlir by publishing a copy of this order in the I'la 1 1 snnni t h a y.ieklc newspaper printed in said county, lor one Week prior to said day of hea i ini. In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand ami t hr si ill of said Court, this 1th dav of Mav. A. 1". 1 !''. AU.KN .?. IlKKSoX. (Seal) County Jmlm . DOUGLASS PROPERTY FOR SALE One nine-room modern residence, alst) one seven room house, both near the high school. Former homo or Judge J. K. Douglass. Will be sac rificed for a quick sale. Call phono 259 or at residence. tf-d. For baby's croup, Willie's daily cuts and bruises, mother's sore and grandma's lameness Tr. Thom as' Kclectric Oil the household rem edy. 30c and tSO. t If it's in the book line, call at the Journal oflice. 3zaxmniBr!B:u:s:i:;!a;!:::ia:i 1 msttiiaaiiBMaaiqiOT Notice to Ford Owners! y How arc your lights? Docs your motor f; crank hard? If you have these troubles your A 4- a m m I & m m 4- m t I 1 L . cost you $20.00 installed. Wc recharge your magneto vithout taking your motor y down for $5.00. Gome In and Let Os Exitiain! W.W.WASLEY, Gnrogs Phone 650 Mouse Phone 502 0 (i ii ii w it fin iw uraiania ri