The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current, May 06, 1920, Image 1

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NO. 90
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Graves of Blue and the Gray; Spanish-American
arid World War
Vets to be Decorated.
From Tuesday's Da it v.
The members of the local post of
the Grand Army of the Republic audi
the Woman's Relief "orps, are pre-1
paring for one of th' most beautiful
and impressive days in the nation's
history that of Memorial day. when
th flowers of remembrance will be
laid upon the last resting places of
those who hae served their nation
on the buttle field and now sleep in
the rest from v. hic-h they know no
ar thf ranks i.i those who
pa ih"r To il.ii
LT;iVc o!' the
hue Tj; fiowers oa the
ill.n crmrad'- ha.;
i'iv!i less a tiie rows of those for
w lnm taps have sounded for the last
time have increased and it is a strik
ing illustration of the fact that the
boys of are li'.st bavins the
scenes of the life of the uutioi they
so nobly fought t preserve.
The memorial sent. on his year
will be at the Presbyterian church,
delivered by Kev. 11. G. McClusky.
to tl.e members of the G. A. 11 . W.
It. ".. Spanish-American veterans
ami the world war veterans of the
A niericait Lt gion.
The forma! observance of decora
tion day will be on Monday, when
the craves of the fallen comrades
will be decorated and an appropriate
program given in the afternoon at
the high school auditorium. The com
mittee in charge has not. as yet. com
pleted the pro-am. but it is hoped
to have District Judge James T. Beg
ky as the orator of the day and a
number of other features of the day
will be presented to make the occa
sion of great patriotic interest.
There are 12; of the old veterans
of the civil war sleeping in Oak
Hi!! cemetery, a fev of whom Serv
ed in the army of the southland, but
whose graves each year are beauti
fied by their comrades who wore the
union blue in th" great conflict. Two
of the soldiers of the world war,
George Kospichka and August Hesse.
a'so are at re.-t in
the cemetery and
their graves will share the attention
of the veterans' organization.
The coming of decoration day on
Sunday is responsible for its being;
carried over till .Monday, the .".1st,
this year.
Message From Falter Farm West of
City Calls Authorities There to
Srcure Frank I'lorris
From Tuesday's Daiiv.
On Sunday afternoon Chief of To-
lice Kli Manspeaker found a stranirer, visited Nebraska since the opening of
who gave his name as Frank Morris, winter last October, nature at last
wandering around on the streets and seems to be throwing aside the man
npparently without a shelter or any tie of the bleak and barren season and
means to secure a square meal and taking on the appearance of life once
the chief accordingly offered him the more. The trees over the city are
shelter of the cozy and homelike city breaking into life while the hardy
jail over night and also provided him dandelion, the life saver of many a
with breakfast Monday morning and thirst y soul, are blooming plentifully
Morris was told to seek other fields over the landscape and inviting the
to operate in and accordingly he de-j hand of the husband to gather them
parted, as the chief supposed to some to save the lawn and also for future
other town. Shortly after noon ye?- use. A journay over the city also
t rday Mr. Manspeaker was called by . discloses the fact that the greater
the parties residing on the Falter j part of the residents have been busi
farm seven miles west of the city, ! ly engaged in the spring clean up and
who stated that a stranger was loaf- ' are now ready for warm weather and
ing around the farm and his action
aroused considerable fear on the part
of the persons nearby. Mr. Man
speaker in company with County At
torney A. G. Cole and L. F. Terry
berry, drove out and rounded up the
man and found that it was Morris.
who had been released from jail on-
ly a short time before. He was
brought bark to this city and placed
in the custody of the county to await (house with the board of commission
an examination as to his condition, ers.
From Tuesday's D.iilT.
Yesterday the court of Justice M.
Archer was the scene of an action
brought by C. Lawrence Stull against
James Bailes. in which the plaintiff
rought to restrain the defendant from
rt moving certain property from his
faun on the Platte bottom until a
mortgage given for thirty bush
els 't corn was settled for. Attor
ney ('. K. Martin appeared for Mr.
fitull and the matter was finally sat-is-factorily
settled by the defendant
paying the amount due for the corn
and the costs in the action.
Ladies Are Entertained at Home of
Mrs. Earl Stanfield and Annual
Election of Officers Takes Place
From Tuesday's Dally.
Last evening the members of the
Fontenc He Chapter of the Daughters
of the American Revolution met at
the home of Mrs. Karl A. Stanfield in
the Coronado apartment house in
their annual business session that
I wa.5 to elect the officers for the ensu
j ing year. There were a large cum
ber of the members m attendance
and the following were chosen as the
otficers for tl.e ensuing year:
Mrs. Wilbur Scranton Leete. re-
!gt:it; Mrs. George Dodge, vice-regent;
Mrs. Karl A. Stanfield. secre
tary; Mrs. H. R. Cole, treasurer; Mrs.
William Raird. registrar; Mrs. W. L.
Street, historian; Miss Bernese Ne
well, chaplain.
At the conclusion of the business
! session of the organization the ladies
enjoyed a short social meeting after
which very dainty and tempting
refreshments were served by the hos
tess that served to complete the very
. pleasant evening.
New Parsonage and Other Improve
ments at Property of Methodist
Church Nearing Completion
Fr"m Tuesday's Dally,
i The new parsonage that the con
' gregation of the Methodist church
are having built on their lot at Sev
enth and Main street, in the rear of
the church edifice is now fast near
mg completion and begins to take on
the aspects of a real home. The con
crete work has been largely complet
ed and the timbers for the support of
the main building are being erected
now. The church building has also
b(en improVed by the placing of a
stairway in the rear of the church
leading from the main auditorium to
the parlors, furnace room and rest
room in the basement and which
will do away with the narrow stair-
and which was wholly inadequate
for the purpose of the church. A
large concrete wall has also been
placed around the east side of the
church lot and does away with the
, constant crumbling away of the dirt
j embankment.
Frrm Tuesday's Daily.
I Despite me monins ana monins
of cold and wintry weather that has
the sooner the better to complete the
resurrection of the vegetation of the
earth. Truly it has been a long and
hard winter and gentle spring, long
overdue, is doubly welcome.
J K. B. Chapman, one of the leading
i residents of Liberty precinct, was in
the city today for a few hours look
ing after some matters at the court
Timely Discovery by Section Men
Near Osceola, la.. Saves No. 6 Irum
Derailment Saturday Forenoon
"rom Monday's Datly.
Cut for the timely discovery by
section men of the fact of a broken
wheel on one of the cars on No. 0,
the fast east bound Burlington train
leaving this city at 7:45 Saturday
morning, the whole train would have
been hurled down a steep embank
ment, with a large loss of life.
At the time the train was running
at sixty miles an hour and had been
traveling for more than a mile with
one wheel gone from a mail car and
with the boxing and castings break
ing and flying in all directions, one
piece of the broken castings striking
Ralph Gracey. a bridge man at work
near Osceola, and knocking him into
a creek and badly injurying him.
The section men who saw the con
dition of the car as the train sped by
them, gave the signal to stop. The
train was brought to a step on a
bridge and then it was discovered
that while running on a high em
bankment for a long distance the
train was in momentary danger of
being wrecked. The ties and rails
were badly shattered. The train
was delayed for five hours until the
lamage could be repaired.
Eight Teams Canvass City Yesterday
Reaching Those Whose Names Do
Not Appear on Any Church Roll
Fro.n Monday's" Dally.
Yesterday at 2 o'clock the mem
bers of the campaign committee of
th- in.erchurch movement met at the
M::l'cdist church to start out in what
was to be one of the greatest move
ments of the national campaign and
at 2:;'.0 the committee composed cf
eight teams of two members each
3tarted out to canvass the city and
vnch those w'.ir c names are not ap
pearing on the church rolls of the
Plattsmouth churches.
The members of teams were K. H.
Wescott. Dr. H. C. Leopold. C. A.
Rawls. L. K. Pickett. G. L. Farley.
J. P. Perry, J. K. Pollock. C. C. Wes
cott. D. C. Morgan. C. K. Whittiker.
W. F. Evers, O. C. Hudson. John F.
Gorder, L. L. Wiles. A. G. Cole. Don
York. The responses made by ihe
people were most generous and at,
each home visited the pledge cards
were left as well as the invitation to
participate in the fellowship of some
one of the churches of the city.
Wherever the committee called they
were received most cordially and
were delighted .with the manner in
which this appeal was greeted by the
itsiuents of th community and the
result of the canvass was to identify
with the church a large number who
have not in recent years been active
in the workings of the church. The
pledge cards distributed left the
amount to be given to the discretion
of the party making the contribution
and which is made payable any time
up to May 15. 1921. Those who de
sired were also given the privilege
of designating what national church
organization they desired the money
to be turned over to. The funds
raised in this manner will be made
payable to Frank A. Cloidt, local
treasurer and by him sent to George
M. Fowles, the treasurer of the In
terchurch Movement of North Amer
ica. Not a cent of the funds are re
tained here for local work, but all
goes to the national organization.
We heard a man recently a stay-at-home
say he didn't see why the
ex-soldiers and sailors thought they
ought to receive a bonus, when even
tually it would have to come out of
the pockets of the people. Now his
argument is no i good unless it will
stand inspection. Let's see: Why did
the government pay millionaire man
ufacturers a greater amount than
the sum total of the several bonus
proposals, with which to "readjust"
their plants to peace-time needs?
And why did the government guar
antee the railroads another sum al-
niost equally as great in revenues
I 'during the early months of their re
turn to private ownership? And why
did congress vote to pay its soldier-
congressmen their salary during t lie
months a few o ftheni served with
the fighting forces ,:' the nation?
Doesn't this all. eveut i:a lly, come out
of the people's pocket .' Then whv
not be consistent in this matter of a!
bonus- or rather adjusted eoinpen-jAn Increase of Mere than 118 Per
ration for our boys v. ho risked their
lives, while our factories risked only
their wealth and then cleared fabu
lous :;ums on the dea". '.'
Petition Filed With County Commis
sioners Seek to Have Fr&sent Road
Changed and New One Opened Up-
From Monday's Dai;. v.
A large number of the residents of
east Rock Bluff precinct have fiitd
with the county coiumi-sioners a pe
tition asking that a road in sec. ion
19. township 11. be losed and that
a new road be opened up a few miles
south that will give the in a be'.'er
outlet to the main north and s-uth
road. The sentiment in regr.rd to
the road seems very ranch in its fav
or although a mnimr of the resi
dents are epposed a:.d it is probable
will prepare a prott t against the
change as proposed in the petition?
The matter will be taken up by the
board at their session tomorrow and
the parties interesteil v. ill. it is ex
pected, be present to lay the matter
before the commissioners.
From Tues'tay's Datlv.
An action has been Tied in the dis
trict court by the Hank of Union
against Carry L St o' tier ar.d T. II.
L'roniwell, in which the banking in
stitution seeks to recover the sum of
f :.0."9.4S. which the plaint:!!' claims
is due as the. resu?' of a noteexe
cuted by the defendants to the plain
tiff bank on November 20. 19H and
which the defendant T. 11. Cromwell
endorsed to the bank on the san.c
date. Attorney A. L. Tidd of this
place and C. L. Graves of Union ap
pear for the plaintiff in the action.
Former Resident of Plattsmouth
Kept Diary Styled "The Pre-
gress of the Seasons.
From Monday's I"ally.
One of the largely useful men in
the early history of the territory
and state of Nebraska was Dr. A. L.
Child of this city.
Beginning with the year 1 and
for twenty-three years. Dr. Child
kept a daily record which, he styled
"Progress of the Seasons," showing
first frost in the fall and first
killing frost in the fall last frost in
the spring and last killing frost in
the spring; showing green in wil
lows, gooseberries, prairie grass and
date when prairie grasfc would sup
port livestock; when in bloom, apples
peach, wild strawberries, lilacs, wild
plum and wild cherry; when ripe
in the fall. wild plum and wild
cherry; the first appearance in the
suring of robin, house wren, bobo
link, swallow, cat bird, blue bird,
sparrow, summer and yellow brid.
Also tables showing, by months,
for the year 1SG1. and for the per
iod 1866-1879, both inclusive, the
maximum, minimum and mean tem
perature and the total rainfall by
months and years in Cass county,
Nebraska. It is not possible to es
timate the value of such information
voluntarily noted and made of rec
ord d,iy after day for the period of
1S57-1S79, in the development of
agriculture in what is now the state
of Nebraska a distinct and valuable
achievement on the part of Dr. A.
L. Child, a resident of Plattsmouth..
Tables of the above mentioned
records may be found in the 1S79
year book of the state board of agri
culture, pages 94-99.
The demand for desirable rental
homes continues unabated in this
city and nearly every day you can
hear some one inquiring where they
may rent a modern or semi-modern
house. The way to keep Plattsmouth
in the "under 5.000" class is to turn
a deaf ear to these demands. Let's
not do it.
Cent in Ten Years Numer
ous Eeascns for It.
From Monday's Xall.
Another Nebraska town. North
Platte, shows a phenomenal growth
in the census returns. The returns
for that city made public at Wash
ington Saturday morning show a
total population of lo.-lOi;. or a
growth in ten years of lis. 4 per
North Platte owes its great
growth to a large number of things.
The country around it has develop
ed wonderfully as an agricultural
producing area. The stock business,
years at'o its biggest astei aside
from the hailroad, lias also grown,
although the industry now requires
less acreage. The Union Pacific rail
road has increased its shop and di
vision Terminal plant there i.nd the
number of employes has increased
greatly in the past decade.
Scot tsbluff. of course, showed a
much greater growth during the
ten year period, but it was in its
initial stage of development when
the census period began.
Junior Organization of St. Luks's
Church Entertained at Home of
Mrs. Charles S. Dovey Saturday
fiom Monday's Dally.
On Saturday afternoon the home
of Mrs. Charles S. Dovey on North
Fourth, street was the scene of a most
deliglitful 'gathering"" when the Jun
ior Service League of St. Luke's
church were entertained at a May
The anniversary of May day was
observed in a very appropriate man
ner by the young people and during
the afternoon games in keeping with
the spirit of the day were enjoyed
and the dainty luncheon carried out
in the May day spirit.
Games were played during the af
ternoon consisting of a guessing con
test in which cut out advertisements
were presented to the young folks
and all requested to guess as to the
firm represented and another pleas
ing game was that of matching pic
tures that had been cut up and for
their skill in these contests very
handsome prizes were awarded. The
young folks also enjoyed a short time
in singing their songs and a general
good time until the lateness of the
afternoon warned of the home-going
During the afternoon very dainty
and delicious refreshments were
served in the handsome dining room,
the tables being very prettily arrang
ed with favors of the tiny May bas
kets at each place.
It was with regret that the young
folks departed homeward hoping for
mother opportunity soon of meeting
at this most hospitable home.
The Junior Service League are
busy preparing for a May day party
that is to be given on next Monday
afternoon at the public library in
honor of the mothers of the members
of the league.
I From Tuesday's Datly.
Yesterday afternoon James M. Tee
garden, of Weeping Water, one of
the prominent citizens of that city,
and a leader in the republican party
'of the county was in the county seat
for a few hours and while here call
ed at the office of the county clerk
and declined the position of repub
lican committeeman for the second
ward of Weeping Water to which he
was selected by the voters at the
primary election. Mr. Teegarden
states that as lie is not a resident
of that ward he does not feel justi
fied in accepting the honor that the
voters have bestowed upon him and
steps aside for some other worthy
follower of the G. O. P. to assume
the office.
Matt McQuinn, of near Union, was
here today attending to some mat
ters before the board of county com
missioners, in regard to a bridge
near his property southeast of that
From Tuesday's Ia11y.
This morning Chief of Police Man
speaker was sent to the residence of
.Mrs. William Cow Its to place a quar
antine for smallpox, Mrs. William
Propst. a daughter of Mrs. Cowles
being affected with a light case of
the malady. This is the first case
reported for some time and the com
munity has been very fortunate in
escaping a serious visitation of the
disease this season.
Passes Away Tuesday Afternoon at
His Home at Coleridge, Neb.. After
a Few Days Illness
From Wednesday's Dally.
The message was received last ev
ening at Murray announcing the
death at his home in Coleridge, Neb.,
of J. II.. or "Ham" Norris. as be was
better known to the large number of
friends in this portion of Cass coun
ty. Mr. Norris suffered a paralytic
stroke on the last of the week and
after a few clays illness gradually
became worse until death came to
end his sufferings. For many vears
Mr. Norris made his home on the
farm four and a half miles west of
Murray in the Maple Grove neighbor
hood, wi.'eie he was known anu 15; li
ly respected by a large circle of
friends who will sincerely tno trn 'r's
dec ih. Tome ten years ago the ain-
!y removed to the north . , portion
i ?-i :,:e locating ntur Coleridge,
where they have since made their
home. He was seventy years of age
at the time of his death and leaves
to mourn his loss the wife and three
children. Earl Norris, Mrs. Jesse
Loughridge and Mrs.William Kloep
ping. all residing near Coleridge.
No information was given as to
the funeral but it is thought the
body will be brought to Murray for
burial in the family lot in the Eight
Mile Grove cemetery where an in
fant son is buried.
To the sorrowing family the deep
est sympathy of the host of old
friends will be extended in the be
reavemeint that has come to them.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The funeral of the one day old
son of Mr. and Mrs. II. A. Lamphear,
610 Douglas, was held from the home
Sunday afternoon. Dr. F. .V. Stevens
in charge. With the house in quar
antine the chief service was held at
the grave. Music was furnished by
a trio consisting of Misses Katherine
and Helen Smith and Vivian Garber.
-Yankton (S. D. ) News.
Heavy, impure blood makes a
muddy, pimply complexion, head
aches, nausea, indigestion. Thin
bloo l make you weak, pale and sick
ly. For pure blood, sound digestion,
use Burdock Blood vjiitt ers. $1.25 at
all stores.
Barred Rock eggs for Bale from
best strains, $1.50'per 15; $7.00 per
100. Phone 3421. C. L. Wiles.
1 'membem'
Wo Have Copt (be Faith!
When this bank was established in 1871. it
was with the one idea of offering to the business
men, farmers and professional men of Plattsmouth
and Cass county a service which would help them
to make money as well as to conserve what they
Today 49 years later this idea is still pre
dominant. Scores of people are now enjoying the
advantages of this servfee and the ever increasing
number of our patrons indicates clearly that "we
have kept the faith."
May we serve you also?
The First National Bank,
Plattsmouth, Nebraska
"The Bank Where You Feel at Home"
Sheriff PiitUcn Investigates T.iU.tei.
But No Trace of Responsible
Parties Found.
Ktorn Wednesday's Da'ly.
This morning was discovered what
may be a part of a systematic rob
bery of freight enroute over the Uur
lington. when John Hut lit rford. who
resides on a farm on the Platte I ot
tom unearthed a large amount of
property that, had evidently been
purloined from the Purlingfon.
The goods were found by Mr.
Rutherford lying near the railroad
track along the right of way just
north of Swallow Hill and where
they had evidently been thrown
some passing freight train. Mr.
Rutherford at once called Sheriff C.
I). Quinton. who. with County ,x
torney A. G. Cole hastened to tl'e
scene of action. It was found hat
two large boxes containing dry g''
as well as rive of coflee and tvn
smaller boxes whose content.- win
not investigated had been left al tig
side the track, evidently to aw; it
the coming of the party who :h 10
receive the stolen property.
The goods were loaded onto a
switch engine and brought on i,:io
this city and turned over to the Dar
lington representatives to await the
coming of the special agent of th-
company who will look into the mat
ter and investigate it thoroughly.
A thorough search of the h'culitv
where tne property was found wis
made but no trace of the party wli
might be responsible for them wrs
discovered and it is thought thal
this is one of the many cases that
have occurred where the railroad
company has sutfered losses by this
system of robbing the freight raii r.
The estimate made on the value of
the property found places it in the
neighborhood of $"00.
From Wednesday's Dally.
The Farmer's Elevator company at
Cedar Creek are installing a larger
scale than the one which has been
used, on account of the fact that
many people are now hauling corn
and other grains with trucks, and it
is found necessary to provide for
heavier service. The company is of
fering the scale which is now in use,
for sale and is a 4-ton Fairbanks
scale and is in good condition. The
sale will occur at 12:30 Friday. May
7th. If you are needing a scale, bet
ter look after this opportunity.
Read the JournaL