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About The Plattsmouth journal. (Plattsmouth, Nebraska) 1901-current | View Entire Issue (May 3, 1920)
1 fXAiTssioirrH srivn-wEEin.Y JOURNAL 1TONDAY, MAY 3, 1920. PAGE ZIZ Notice to Ford Owners! f I ft F 6 I How are your lights? Does your motor crank hard? If you have these troubles your magneto is weak. A new magneto would cost you $20.00 installed. We recharge your magneto without taking your motor down for $5.00. plain! TO COMPLETE ORGANIZATION OF AUXILIARY AMERICAN LEGION'S MOTHERS. WIVES AND SISTERS ELIGI BLE TO MEMBERSHIP ARRIVAL OF NEW DAUGHTER Gome In and Lei Os TO HOLD MEETING THURSDAY W.W. WASI..KY, Garage Phone 650 m, Phone 502 FOR SALE Liberty l commit f ee. d&w It. chur h building, fn C. L COOK. C. L. JEAN. K. II. SPAN'OLKit. E. II. PON'TUIS. Kodaks fcr Sale Kiime special high class kodaks at the right price. Wo teach the pur chaser to use them. Phone 645. OIIUIST & CIIUIST. D&w Plattsmouth. Neb. . Ladies Whose Sens, Husbands and j liiotiiers liied ia Service Can I t Also Become Membt-rs. I f I i'iiii Kaluriluv n trolly. . $ : The war women of IMat tsmout h, t ci.nipz i .s i i m the mothers, wives ami sifters of tlie numbers of the Amer ican Legio.i arid the wives, mothers smd r.ister.s of the men who were kill ed or died in the World War, are to have the opportunity t.f joining the great auxiliary order that is being laur.ehed by - the American Legion tl roughout the Tinted States. Tiie required number for a char ter for a post of the Auxiliary in this iciiy was secured j-omu time ago and the charter, together with the cards From Saturday's Dally. Yesterday noon the home of Mr and Mrs. William Hiner at 12th and Walnut streets was gladdened by the arrival of a fine little daughter The little one has been christened Catherine, and with the mother is doing verv nicelv. Mr. and Mrs Iliner are busy receiving the con g rat ulat ions of their many friend on t he happy event. The popular lire of Dennison stick frs and cards at the Journal office. If it's m the stationery iine at the Journal office. 7s sr 0 to LSE OUEYt WBK3 KEEP IT IN YOUR HOUSE (SUPPOSE YOUR HOU5E BURNED) HIDE IT, LEND IT or SPEND IT. THE EASIEST WAY IS TO INVEST IT IN A GET-RICHQUICK It is Safe in Our Bank. IF YOU HAVE NOT YET BEGUN SAVING, START TODAY AND PUT SOME MONEY IN THE BANK EACH WEEK FROM YOUR EARNINGS AND YOU SOON WILL HAVE MONEY. BEWARE OF THE SMOOTH STRANGERS WHO PEDDLE SOUNDING SCHEMES FOR "GET1ING-MCH-QUICK." IT CAN'T BE DONF. PUT YOUR MONEY IN OUR BANK. YOU WILL RECEIVE 2H 7 INTEREST ON SAVINGS ACCOUNTS. Farmers State Sank PI ATTHMOIITM. NFRRASKB For Uncle Father! AND A GOOD suit, well made, at an honest price, in variably proves an economy in the long run. That's one way to stop the H. C. Luxury leaks. KUPPENHEIMER GOOD CLOTHES! THESE CLOTHES ARE AN INVESTMENT not only because they are sincere in quality of mater ials and tailoring and wear long but they are an in vestment in "Good appearance." Style is in sane fashion of good taste. They appeal to men who have seasoned attitude towards living. Every style 100 American. Clothes for the Young Man and his Uncle and Dad. We are showing a wide assortment of suits in all sizes Speak up! CLASSIC NO. 6 a A hint for tlx ninnacer of tJio lienie lautnlry. A teaspoon if vimnar :iIIh1 to tl.e last rinsing will kee. white silk chills aiel nlla:s from turning yellow. V: ' :i t asoonfi'l to sex cral 'quarts of xatcr: ,,, i,i ,,t j. sti,iig enuf to crack 4 lie silk. i of membership and the tmblem but call ' tens have been received here by the Ligion and are to be formally turn ed over to the meeting of the Auxil iary called for next Thursday after noon at 2::!0 at the Modern Wood men hull. The purpose of this order as is that of the American Legion is for the maintainance of American ideals and to prcserv-j the associations of the world war, when the ties of common service bound the womanhood of the nation in a great responsive body of service that in a noble manner back ed up the efforts of their loved onts on the battlefields of a foreign land or upon the hiah seas. At the meeting on Thursday af ternoon a lady representing the or ganization will be present from Oma ha to assist in the meeting and ex plaining a part of the purposes of the order. The Auxiliary has been provided with the emblem pins which in design are somewhat simi lar to those of the Legion with gold centers for those whose relatives have paid the supreme sacrifice and blue for the ordinary service pin. The Auxiliary dues have been fixed at 25c for the year or until the first national convention of the order shall be held, which is expected to be in September at the time of the na tional convention of the American Legion. All ladies whose sons, husbands or brothers j-erved in the army, navy or marine corps and died or were killed in service or those whose relatives are members of the Legion are eligi ble to membership in the Auxiliary and are cordially invited to be pres ent at the meeting on Thursday afternoon. TO ATTEND BANKERS' MEETING IN EAS'i Mayor H. A. Schneider Evparad Thr. Afternoon for Washington With Nebraska Ear.ksrs Ddetion l-'i otn Sal ur hr v s I'nI'v This aftt -moon Mayor II. A. Sdinei (!(: departed in com ta :i y with til. othvr members of the committee 'p'n, the Nebraska Slate banker's nssoci.i lion, for Washirv.Kin U. ('.. when they go for a mteting with the fed eral reserve hanking baard to di. cips the problem.-; thai have b cm brought up i:i I h i state between tin fiJeral reserve- banks and l!i: stat banks of Nebraska. Among the Nebraska bankers or. the delegation going to Washington is IT. K. Fran', of Kagle. former pres ident of the Nebraska ion The party will spend some time in Washington ai i he. s-c-sioii of th. federal board a ml in taking in the sights of the capital city. RETURN FH0MTR1P TO THE SOUTHWEST FARMERS BRING GRAIN HERE From Saturday's Dally. The difficulty of the farmers and the :! valor companies along the :!in'i of the Missouri Pa 'if;': in se curing cars for the transportation of grain has resulted in a large num ber being compelled to bring their grain into this, city for shipment ov- ; er the Burlington and those famil ; lar with the situation state that as far south as eleven miles the farm ers are coming here to ship their grain to market. CURB AND GUTTER WORK From Saturday's Dally The workmen of Contractor P.ert Coleman are rapidly transforming North Fifth" street from a thorough fare filled with ruts and washed out watercourses into a neat appearing modern street by the placing of the curb and gutter that has been held up by the cold and long winter months. The work. is being rushed and a few more days of good weath- jer will permit the work being fin ished and the long needed improve ment .placed on that street. FOR SALE Duck eggs. Inquire of Andrew Blum, South Bend, Neb., R. F. D. 3w-w. FOR SALE S. C. Rhode Island Red eggs for hatching. C. R. TODD, 2w d & w. Plattsmouth. About Digestion It is claimed that only half as much food is required when it is thoroughly masticated. Digestion be gins in the mouth and a thorough mastication of the food is of the greatest importance. When needed, take Chamberlain's Tablets to streng then the digestion and Insure 'a regu . . . i W. E. Rosencrans and George W. Snyder, After Spending Seme Time in Texas, Return to Their Home From Saturday's Pal! v. Yesterday W. K. Rosencrans, tin real estate dealer and (Jeorge W. Snyder, returned home from a of several days in the south. west at San Antonio, Txas, and other point; on the Lone Star state.- The twe r gentlemen are very enthusiastic ovei the outlook for the year in that state and the conditions prevailing there were never better in the opinion of Mr. Rosencrans who is very well ac quainted with that portion of Texas in which he lias had extensiv? inter ests for the past several years. The city of San Antonio has shown won derful strides in the past year. Mr. KcWencrans states, and over 2,000 n?v homes have bn built there, a number of them costing several hun dred thousand dollars and one homo to cost a millbm is; planned in tlx great resort city. Tracts that wAi of low values a few years ago are now commanding a good" figure for residence purpo-es. lie also found the good roads question one that wa being given clase attention by the people of Texas as $100,000,000. ha? been appropriated by the state and federal government for the good roads of the state in the coming year. The wonderful improvement of San Antonio has also been retlected in Dallas and Fort Worth, where the oil industries have placed them among the leading cities of the state. object to school Residents of Mt. Pleasant Proposed Consolidated School District Will Mak2 Protest to State From Saturday's lal!y. A number of the residents of Mt. Pleasant precinct residing within the proposed consolidated school district have been the only ones to object to the plans which were made in ac cordance with the law passed by the state legislature, so far and it is un derstood that-in accordance with the law the objections will be filed in the office of the state superintendent at Lincoln who has the proposed re districting matter under charge now. The office of the strife superintend ent will take up the matter of t,he adjustment of the boundaries of the district if the objections are found to be sufficient. The operation of the law has made the task of the state and county superintendents very irksome and given them more or le?s criticism for the results secured although they were practically helpless in the mat ter as they made the carrying out of the plans mandatory with the school officials. The law was framed by members of the legislature from the rural districts but in many cases the misinformed have given the state superintendent a great deal of unjust criticism for conditions that he was n,ot responsible or which the re-districting boards of the county could not avoid under the law. oose auviiiiiie? waut aa Trv t Inuriiit I glKvWy--i' --r..... Jr.. ..i .,,.-U- 0 1 ' ... . v.' v ' - - -r 1 ,sj,. I - Dependable Power at Low Cost 1 i I Perfection Kerosene Oil provides clean, de- I d! I pend able power for tractors and all kerosene- 1 tjjj I . t burning engines. You'll get spring plowing, S 'jf- I harrowing tractor work of all kinds done I I on time and at low cost with Perfection I I Kerosene Oil. I I Perfection Kerosene Oil is clean in the I I tank and in the burning. Contains no sedi- I I ment or impurities to clog the carburetor and fl 1 ' interfere with efficient engine operation. S f 1 You can't afford to take chances on tractor fuels. m 1 Standardize on Perfection Kerosene Oil and you will B 'vn;?' j 1 prevent avoidable delays end expensive overhauling. M ?jf '- M j Telephone our nearest agent and he will arrange for M B j immediate delivery of Perfection Kerosene Oil in any g For gasoline-burning engines use Red Crown Gasoline m STANDARD OIL COMPANY (Nebraska) . N Omaha 00 MEMBERSHIP DRIVE I COMING ALONG FINE! P'.,rts. thus adding to the i t iucmbership in the order. benefits CHILD GETS INTO LYE ocal Locle Receiving; Large Num ber of Applications for the Li'ext Birr Clacs rom fSnturday's raily. The Klks drive for new members - progressing most satisfactorily, a rg- r'.ttr.ber of applications liav :;g already been received. Ther i o(m in t!ie bxjgo for good men, be hey professional, trades or laboring ..11. Since the money one has ir o essential qualification to their mr::l standard, men from every walk f life tire v.h kotned intii ihe ordt 1 f K'.'ris if tliey but i.v.'asare up to he standard of what a man ought o be. First of nil, the Kiks is n atriotic order, bting wliolly Ameri- a:i and comooceu ol 1m',; Anuri- ljis. Second, it fosters a spirit of "lnradship "l'.ig IJrother" spirit. f you please that makes for the et torment of every one of its mem er;. Third, its social features are ttractive to many, be they travelers ver this vast domain ot I nele Sam, r stay-at-homes, who find pleasure n the reading room, the pool room. r the dance which are but a few of he forms of entertainment afforded y Plattsmouth Lode No. I'MK Later, when finances wi'll permit, t is contemplated to iit up the ba-o-nent of the. club home. installing ;trhaps a bowling alley, a plunge, bower baths and other recreational i'rom Saturday's Daily. Joyce, the little two-year-old (iaughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sat ller, was quite severely burned this morning as the result of getting a j mall quantity of concentrated lye .11 her mouth, but fortunately the 'i.-.oue.t was so small that there was ;o soriou ; injury sustained by the iitle one. Joyce had followed her grand Mothcr. Mrs. W. A. Fight, into the .sundry room at the heme near My 1 rd and w hile ! lie attention of ?drs. :"i-'it was detracted the little one ;:; estigated the contents of a can ot ve. putting her fingers in the lye then placing them in her mouth. .ith the result that the lips .t.'.I iongue ware burned slightly. It was feared that perhaps she had swallowed some of the lye and the little one was rushed to the of fice of the family physician in this fity, where1 she was given lnodical treatment and is now resting easier, although still affected somewhat by the effects of the lye. GRADUATION BOOKS AT JOURNAL OFFICE You will find no gift more appro priate than a handsome School Day book, or Graduation book for that young friend or relative who will graduate from the city schools this spring. A fine new line has just ar rived at the Journal office. Call and see them early before the line ; is broken. We also have a beautiful line of gift cards for this occasion. i i I Road the Journal want-ads. Fof ilo Periodic Bilious Attacks Persons subject to bilious attacks at regular intervals know about when to expect an attack. They find that they have no desire for food when an attack is due but usually eat be cause it is meal time. Skip one meal and take three of Chamberlain's Tab lets and you may be able to avoid the attack. Persons subject to per iodic bilious attacks should not drink tea or coffee at any time. 320 Acre Improved Cass Co. Farm The Jacob Vallery, Jr. farm fo$ $250.00 per acre. Terms to suit purchaser. The unimproved 120 acres of the Stephen Wiles estate sold a few days ago for $295.00 per acre and is just one mile east of the improved :120 acres I am offering for $250.00 per acre. T. H. POLLOCK Phone No. 1 Cheer Up! Dress Up! AND SMILE SMILE-SMILE! Stylpius ?:::&& The sun is going to shine some day and shine good and hard. You II be glad to lay aside those winter duds and don the new Spring attire. Consider good clothes an investment rather than an expense. They will pay you big dividends in slf respect and suc cess. Not necessary to be extravagant if you buy now. Men's suits $35 to $65. The prospect for next Fall's prices is $50 to $100 EVERYBODY'S STORE" '4 j jar movement ui me uuweia. .